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      1 # TensorFlow iOS Examples
      3 This folder contains examples of how to build applications for iOS devices using TensorFlow.
      5 ## Running the Samples using CocoaPod
      6  - You'll need Xcode 7.3 or later.
      8  - There are currently three examples: simple, benchmark, and camera. For now,
      9    you can download the sample code by cloning the main tensorflow repository
     10    (we are planning to make the samples available as a separate repository
     11    later).
     13  - From the root of the tensorflow folder, download
     14    [Inception v1](https://storage.googleapis.com/download.tensorflow.org/models/inception5h.zip),
     15    and extract the label and graph files into the data folders inside both the
     16    simple and camera examples:
     18 ```bash
     19 mkdir -p ~/graphs
     20 curl -o ~/graphs/inception5h.zip \
     21  https://storage.googleapis.com/download.tensorflow.org/models/inception5h.zip \
     22  && unzip ~/graphs/inception5h.zip -d ~/graphs/inception5h
     23 cp ~/graphs/inception5h/* tensorflow/examples/ios/benchmark/data/
     24 cp ~/graphs/inception5h/* tensorflow/examples/ios/camera/data/
     25 cp ~/graphs/inception5h/* tensorflow/examples/ios/simple/data/
     26 ```
     28  - Change directory to one of the samples, download the TensorFlow-experimental
     29    pod, and open the Xcode workspace. Observe: installing the pod can take a
     30    long time since it is big (~450MB). For example, if you want to run the
     31    simple example, then:
     32 ```bash
     33 cd tensorflow/examples/ios/simple
     34 pod install
     35 open tf_simple_example.xcworkspace # obs, not the .xcodeproj directory
     36 ```
     38  - Run the simple app in the simulator. You should see a single-screen app with
     39    a "Run Model" button. Tap that, and you should see some debug output appear
     40    below indicating that the example Grace Hopper image in directory data has
     41    been analyzed, with a military uniform recognized.
     43  - Run the other samples using the same process. The camera example requires a
     44    real device connected. Once you build and run that, you should get a live
     45    camera view that you can point at objects to get real-time recognition
     46    results.
     48 ### Troubleshooting
     50  - Make sure you use the TensorFlow-experimental pod (and not TensorFlow).
     52  - The TensorFlow-experimental pod is current about ~450MB. The reason it is
     53    so big is because we are bundling multiple platforms, and the pod includes
     54    all TensorFlow functionality (e.g. operations). The final app size after
     55    build is substantially smaller though (~25MB). Working with the complete
     56    pod is convenient during development, but see below section on how you can
     57    build your own custom TensorFlow library to reduce the size.
     59 ### Creating Your own App
     61  - Create your own app using Xcode then add a file named Podfile at the project
     62    root directory with the following content:
     63 ```bash
     64 target 'YourProjectName'
     65        pod 'TensorFlow-experimental'
     66 ```
     68  - Then you run ```pod install``` to download and install the
     69  TensorFlow-experimental pod, and finally perform
     70  ```open YourProjectName.xcworkspace``` and add your code.
     72  - In your apps "Build Settings", make sure to add $(inherited) to sections
     73    "Other Linker Flags", and "Header Search Paths".
     75  - That's it. If you want to create your custom TensorFlow iOS library, for
     76    example to reduce binary footprint, see below section.
     78 ## Building the TensorFlow iOS libraries from source
     80  - You'll need Xcode 7.3 or later, with the command-line tools installed.
     82  - Follow the instructions at
     83    [tensorflow/contrib/makefile](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/contrib/makefile)
     84    under "iOS" to compile a static library containing the core TensorFlow code.
     86  - You should see a single-screen app with a "Run Model" button. Tap that, and
     87    you should see some debug output appear below indicating that the example
     88    Grace Hopper image has been analyzed, with a military uniform recognized.
     90  - Once you have success there, make sure you have a real device connected and
     91    open up the Xcode project in the `camera` subfolder. Once you build and run
     92    that, you should get a live camera view that you can point at objects to get
     93    real-time recognition results.
     95 ### Troubleshooting
     97 If you're hitting problems, here's a checklist of common things to investigate:
     99  - Make sure that you've run the `build_all_ios.sh` script.
    100    This will run `download_dependencies.sh`,`compile_ios_protobuf.sh` and `compile_ios_tensorflow.sh`.
    101    (check each one if they have run successful.)
    103  - Check that you have version 7.3 of Xcode.
    105  - If there's a complaint about no Sessions registered, that means that the C++
    106    global constructors that TensorFlow relies on for registration haven't been
    107    linked in properly. You'll have to make sure your project uses force_load, as
    108    described below.
    110 ### Creating your Own App from your source libraries
    112 You'll need to update various settings in your app to link against
    113 TensorFlow. You can view them in the example projects, but here's a full
    114 rundown:
    116  - The `compile_ios_tensorflow.sh` script builds a universal static library in
    117    `tensorflow/contrib/makefile/gen/lib/libtensorflow-core.a`. You'll need to add
    118    this to your linking build stage, and in Search Paths add
    119    `tensorflow/contrib/makefile/gen/lib` to the Library Search Paths setting.
    121  - You'll also need to add `libprotobuf.a` and `libprotobuf-lite.a` from
    122    `tensorflow/contrib/makefile/gen/protobuf_ios/lib` to your _Build Stages_ and
    123    _Library Search Paths_.
    125  - The _Header Search_ paths needs to contain:
    126    - the root folder of tensorflow,
    127    - `tensorflow/contrib/makefile/downloads/protobuf/src`
    128    - `tensorflow/contrib/makefile/downloads`,
    129    - `tensorflow/contrib/makefile/downloads/eigen`, and
    130    - `tensorflow/contrib/makefile/gen/proto`.
    132  - In the Linking section, you need to add `-force_load` followed by the path to
    133    the TensorFlow static library in the _Other Linker_ Flags section. This ensures
    134    that the global C++ objects that are used to register important classes
    135    inside the library are not stripped out. To the linker, they can appear
    136    unused because no other code references the variables, but in fact their
    137    constructors have the important side effect of registering the class.
    139  - You'll need to include the Accelerate framework in the "Link Binary with
    140    Libraries" build phase of your project.
    142  - C++11 support (or later) should be enabled by setting `C++ Language Dialect` to
    143    `GNU++11` (or `GNU++14`), and `C++ Standard Library` to `libc++`.
    145  - The library doesn't currently support bitcode, so you'll need to disable that
    146    in your project settings.
    148  - Remove any use of the `-all_load` flag in your project. The protocol buffers
    149    libraries (full and lite versions) contain duplicate symbols, and the
    150    `-all_load` flag will cause these duplicates to become link errors. If you
    151    were using `-all_load` to avoid issues with Objective-C categories in static
    152    libraries, you may be able to replace it with the `-ObjC` flag.
    154 ### Reducing the binary size
    156 TensorFlow is a comparatively large library for a mobile device, so it will
    157 increase the size of your app. Currently on iOS we see around a 11 MB binary
    158 footprint per CPU architecture, though we're actively working on reducing that.
    159 It can be tricky to set up the right configuration in your own app to keep the
    160 size minimized, so if you do run into this issue we recommend you start by
    161 looking at the simple example to examine its size. Here's how you do that:
    163  - Open the Xcode project in tensorflow/examples/ios/simple.
    165  - Make sure you've followed the steps above to get the data files.
    167  - Choose "Generic iOS Device" as the build configuration.
    169  - Select Product->Build.
    171  - Once the build's complete, open the Report Navigator and select the logs.
    173  - Near the bottom, you'll see a line saying "Touch tf_simple_example.app".
    175  - Expand that line using the icon on the right, and copy the first argument to
    176    the Touch command.
    178  - Go to the terminal, type `ls -lah ` and then paste the path you copied.
    180  - For example it might look like `ls -lah /Users/petewarden/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/tf_simple_example-etdbksqytcnzeyfgdwiihzkqpxwr/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/tf_simple_example.app`
    182  - Running this command will show the size of the executable as the
    183    `tf_simple_example` line.
    185 Right now you'll see a size of around 25 MB, since it's including two
    186 architectures (armv7 and arm64). As a first step, you should make sure the size
    187 increase you see in your own app is similar, and if it's larger, look at the
    188 "Other Linker Flags" used in the Simple Xcode project settings to strip the
    189 executable.
    191 After that, you can manually look at modifying the list of kernels
    192 included in tensorflow/contrib/makefile/tf_op_files.txt to reduce the number of
    193 implementations to the ones you're actually using in your own model. We're
    194 hoping to automate this step in the future, but for now manually removing them
    195 is the best approach.