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      1 // Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      2 //
      3 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      4 // that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      5 // tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      6 // in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      7 // be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      8 //
      9 // Provides a Test class that exposes api to the tests.
     10 // Read test.prototype to see what methods are exposed.
     11 var fs = require('fs');
     12 var request = require('request');
     13 var BotManager = require('./botmanager.js');
     15 function Test() {
     16   this.timeout_ = setTimeout(
     17       this.fail.bind(this, "Test timeout!"),
     18       100000);
     19 }
     21 Test.prototype = {
     22   log: function () {
     23     console.log.apply(console.log, arguments);
     24   },
     26   abort: function (error) {
     27     var error = new Error(error || "Test aborted");
     28     console.log(error.stack);
     29     process.exit(1);
     30   },
     32   assert: function (value, message) {
     33     if (value !== true) {
     34       this.abort(message || "Assert failed.");
     35     }
     36   },
     38   fail: function () {
     39     this.assert(false, "Test failed.");
     40   },
     42   done: function () {
     43     clearTimeout(this.timeout_);
     44     console.log("Test succeeded");
     45     process.exit(0);
     46   },
     48   // Utility method to wait for multiple callbacks to be executed.
     49   //  functions - array of functions to call with a callback.
     50   //  doneCallback - called when all callbacks on the array have completed.
     51   wait: function (functions, doneCallback) {
     52     var result = new Array(functions.length);
     53     var missingResult = functions.length;
     54     for (var i = 0; i != functions.length; ++i)
     55       functions[i](complete.bind(this, i));
     57     function complete(index, value) {
     58       missingResult--;
     59       result[index] = value;
     60       if (missingResult == 0)
     61         doneCallback.apply(null, result);
     62     }
     63   },
     65   spawnBot: function (name, botType, doneCallback) {
     66     // Lazy initialization of botmanager.
     67     if (!this.botManager_)
     68       this.botManager_ = new BotManager();
     69     this.botManager_.spawnNewBot(name, botType, doneCallback);
     70   },
     72   createStatisticsReport: function (outputFileName) {
     73     return new StatisticsReport(outputFileName);
     74   },
     76   // Ask computeengineondemand to give us TURN server credentials and URIs.
     77   createTurnConfig: function (onSuccess, onError) {
     78     request('https://computeengineondemand.appspot.com/turn?username=1234&key=5678',
     79         function (error, response, body) {
     80           if (error || response.statusCode != 200) {
     81             onError('TURN request failed');
     82             return;
     83           }
     85           var response = JSON.parse(body);
     86           var iceServer = {
     87             'username': response.username,
     88             'credential': response.password,
     89             'urls': response.uris
     90           };
     91           onSuccess({ 'iceServers': [ iceServer ] });
     92         }
     93       );
     94   },
     95 }
     97 StatisticsReport = function (outputFileName) {
     98   this.output_ = [];
     99   this.output_.push("Version: 1");
    100   this.outputFileName_ = outputFileName;
    101 }
    103 StatisticsReport.prototype = {
    104   collectStatsFromPeerConnection: function (prefix, pc) {
    105     setInterval(this.addPeerConnectionStats.bind(this, prefix, pc), 100);
    106   },
    108   addPeerConnectionStats: function (prefix, pc) {
    109     pc.getStats(onStatsReady.bind(this));
    111     function onStatsReady(reports) {
    112       for (index in reports) {
    113         var stats = {};
    114         stats[reports[index].id] = collectStats(reports[index].stats);
    116         var data = {};
    117         data[prefix] = stats;
    119         this.output_.push({
    120             type: "UpdateCounters",
    121             startTime: (new Date()).getTime(),
    122             data: data,
    123           });
    124       }
    125     };
    127     function collectStats(stats) {
    128       var outputStats = {};
    129       for (index in stats) {
    130         var statValue = parseFloat(stats[index].stat);
    131         outputStats[stats[index].name] = isNaN(statValue)?
    132             stats[index].stat : statValue;
    133       }
    134       return outputStats;
    135     };
    136   },
    138   finish: function (doneCallback) {
    139     fs.exists("test/reports/", function (exists) {
    140       if(exists) {
    141         writeFile.bind(this)();
    142       } else {
    143         fs.mkdir("test/reports/", 0777, writeFile.bind(this));
    144       }
    145     }.bind(this));
    147     function writeFile () {
    148       fs.writeFile("test/reports/" + this.outputFileName_ + "_" +
    149         (new Date()).getTime() +".json", JSON.stringify(this.output_),
    150         doneCallback);
    151     }
    152   },
    153 };
    155 module.exports = Test;