Fetch the representation of an existing Project.
Fetch the representation of an existing Project. Args: project: string, Identifies the project addressed by this request. (required) Returns: An object of the form: { # A project resource. The project is a top level container for resources including Cloud DNS ManagedZones. Projects can be created only in the APIs console. "quota": { # Limits associated with a Project. # Quotas assigned to this project (output only). "kind": "dns#quota", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dns#quota". "rrsetAdditionsPerChange": 42, # Maximum allowed number of ResourceRecordSets to add per ChangesCreateRequest. "totalRrdataSizePerChange": 42, # Maximum allowed size for total rrdata in one ChangesCreateRequest in bytes. "resourceRecordsPerRrset": 42, # Maximum allowed number of ResourceRecords per ResourceRecordSet. "rrsetsPerManagedZone": 42, # Maximum allowed number of ResourceRecordSets per zone in the project. "rrsetDeletionsPerChange": 42, # Maximum allowed number of ResourceRecordSets to delete per ChangesCreateRequest. "managedZones": 42, # Maximum allowed number of managed zones in the project. }, "kind": "dns#project", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dns#project". "id": "A String", # User assigned unique identifier for the resource (output only). "number": "A String", # Unique numeric identifier for the resource; defined by the server (output only). }