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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     20 #include <utility>
     22 #include <stdatomic.h>
     23 #include <utils/RefBase.h>
     24 #include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
     25 #include <utils/Vector.h>
     26 #include <utils/threads.h>
     27 #include "SoundTriggerHalInterface.h"
     28 #include <android/hardware/soundtrigger/2.0/types.h>
     29 #include <android/hardware/soundtrigger/2.1/ISoundTriggerHw.h>
     30 #include <android/hardware/soundtrigger/2.2/ISoundTriggerHw.h>
     31 #include <android/hardware/soundtrigger/2.0/ISoundTriggerHwCallback.h>
     32 #include <android/hardware/soundtrigger/2.1/ISoundTriggerHwCallback.h>
     34 namespace android {
     36 using ::android::hardware::audio::common::V2_0::Uuid;
     37 using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec;
     38 using ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_0::ConfidenceLevel;
     39 using ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_0::PhraseRecognitionExtra;
     40 using ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_0::SoundModelType;
     41 using ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_0::SoundModelHandle;
     42 using ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_0::ISoundTriggerHw;
     43 using V2_0_ISoundTriggerHwCallback =
     44         ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_0::ISoundTriggerHwCallback;
     45 using V2_1_ISoundTriggerHw =
     46         ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_1::ISoundTriggerHw;
     47 using V2_1_ISoundTriggerHwCallback =
     48         ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_1::ISoundTriggerHwCallback;
     49 using ::android::hidl::memory::V1_0::IMemory;
     50 using V2_2_ISoundTriggerHw =
     51         ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_2::ISoundTriggerHw;
     53 class SoundTriggerHalHidl : public SoundTriggerHalInterface,
     54                             public virtual V2_1_ISoundTriggerHwCallback
     56 {
     57 public:
     58         virtual int getProperties(struct sound_trigger_properties *properties);
     60         /*
     61          * Load a sound model. Once loaded, recognition of this model can be started and stopped.
     62          * Only one active recognition per model at a time. The SoundTrigger service will handle
     63          * concurrent recognition requests by different users/applications on the same model.
     64          * The implementation returns a unique handle used by other functions (unload_sound_model(),
     65          * start_recognition(), etc...
     66          */
     67         virtual int loadSoundModel(struct sound_trigger_sound_model *sound_model,
     68                                 sound_model_callback_t callback,
     69                                 void *cookie,
     70                                 sound_model_handle_t *handle);
     72         /*
     73          * Unload a sound model. A sound model can be unloaded to make room for a new one to overcome
     74          * implementation limitations.
     75          */
     76         virtual int unloadSoundModel(sound_model_handle_t handle);
     78         /* Start recognition on a given model. Only one recognition active at a time per model.
     79          * Once recognition succeeds of fails, the callback is called.
     80          * TODO: group recognition configuration parameters into one struct and add key phrase options.
     81          */
     82         virtual int startRecognition(sound_model_handle_t handle,
     83                                  const struct sound_trigger_recognition_config *config,
     84                                  recognition_callback_t callback,
     85                                  void *cookie);
     87         /* Stop recognition on a given model.
     88          * The implementation does not have to call the callback when stopped via this method.
     89          */
     90         virtual int stopRecognition(sound_model_handle_t handle);
     92         /* Stop recognition on all models.
     93          * Only supported for device api versions SOUND_TRIGGER_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_1 or above.
     94          * If no implementation is provided, stop_recognition will be called for each running model.
     95          */
     96         virtual int stopAllRecognitions();
     98         /* Get the current state of a given model.
     99          * Returns 0 or an error code. If successful the state will be returned asynchronously
    100          * via a recognition event in the callback method that was registered in the
    101          * startRecognition() method.
    102          * Only supported for device api versions SOUND_TRIGGER_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_2 or above.
    103          */
    104         virtual int getModelState(sound_model_handle_t handle);
    106         // ISoundTriggerHwCallback
    107         virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> recognitionCallback(
    108                 const V2_0_ISoundTriggerHwCallback::RecognitionEvent& event, CallbackCookie cookie);
    109         virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> phraseRecognitionCallback(
    110                 const V2_0_ISoundTriggerHwCallback::PhraseRecognitionEvent& event, int32_t cookie);
    111         virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> soundModelCallback(
    112                 const V2_0_ISoundTriggerHwCallback::ModelEvent& event, CallbackCookie cookie);
    113         virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> recognitionCallback_2_1(
    114                 const RecognitionEvent& event, CallbackCookie cookie);
    115         virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> phraseRecognitionCallback_2_1(
    116                 const PhraseRecognitionEvent& event, int32_t cookie);
    117         virtual ::android::hardware::Return<void> soundModelCallback_2_1(
    118                 const ModelEvent& event, CallbackCookie cookie);
    119 private:
    120         class SoundModel : public RefBase {
    121         public:
    122             SoundModel(sound_model_handle_t handle, sound_model_callback_t callback,
    123                        void *cookie, android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_0::SoundModelHandle halHandle)
    124                  : mHandle(handle), mHalHandle(halHandle),
    125                    mSoundModelCallback(callback), mSoundModelCookie(cookie),
    126                    mRecognitionCallback(NULL), mRecognitionCookie(NULL) {}
    127             ~SoundModel() {}
    129             sound_model_handle_t   mHandle;
    130             android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_0::SoundModelHandle mHalHandle;
    131             sound_model_callback_t mSoundModelCallback;
    132             void *                 mSoundModelCookie;
    133             recognition_callback_t mRecognitionCallback;
    134             void *                 mRecognitionCookie;
    135         };
    137         friend class SoundTriggerHalInterface;
    139         explicit SoundTriggerHalHidl(const char *moduleName = NULL);
    140         virtual  ~SoundTriggerHalHidl();
    142         void convertUuidToHal(Uuid *halUuid,
    143                               const sound_trigger_uuid_t *uuid);
    144         void convertUuidFromHal(sound_trigger_uuid_t *uuid,
    145                                 const Uuid *halUuid);
    147         void convertPropertiesFromHal(
    148                 struct sound_trigger_properties *properties,
    149                 const ISoundTriggerHw::Properties *halProperties);
    151         void convertTriggerPhraseToHal(
    152                 ISoundTriggerHw::Phrase *halTriggerPhrase,
    153                 const struct sound_trigger_phrase *triggerPhrase);
    154         void convertTriggerPhrasesToHal(
    155                 hidl_vec<ISoundTriggerHw::Phrase> *halTriggerPhrases,
    156                 struct sound_trigger_phrase_sound_model *keyPhraseModel);
    157         void convertSoundModelToHal(ISoundTriggerHw::SoundModel *halModel,
    158                 const struct sound_trigger_sound_model *soundModel);
    159         std::pair<bool, sp<IMemory>> convertSoundModelToHal(
    160                 V2_1_ISoundTriggerHw::SoundModel *halModel,
    161                 const struct sound_trigger_sound_model *soundModel)
    162                 __attribute__((warn_unused_result));
    163         void convertPhraseSoundModelToHal(ISoundTriggerHw::PhraseSoundModel *halKeyPhraseModel,
    164                 const struct sound_trigger_sound_model *soundModel);
    165         std::pair<bool, sp<IMemory>> convertPhraseSoundModelToHal(
    166                 V2_1_ISoundTriggerHw::PhraseSoundModel *halKeyPhraseModel,
    167                 const struct sound_trigger_sound_model *soundModel)
    168                 __attribute__((warn_unused_result));
    170         void convertPhraseRecognitionExtraToHal(
    171                 PhraseRecognitionExtra *halExtra,
    172                 const struct sound_trigger_phrase_recognition_extra *extra);
    173         void convertRecognitionConfigToHal(ISoundTriggerHw::RecognitionConfig *halConfig,
    174                 const struct sound_trigger_recognition_config *config);
    175         std::pair<bool, sp<IMemory>> convertRecognitionConfigToHal(
    176                 V2_1_ISoundTriggerHw::RecognitionConfig *halConfig,
    177                 const struct sound_trigger_recognition_config *config)
    178                 __attribute__((warn_unused_result));
    180         struct sound_trigger_model_event *convertSoundModelEventFromHal(
    181                                               const V2_0_ISoundTriggerHwCallback::ModelEvent *halEvent);
    182         void convertPhraseRecognitionExtraFromHal(
    183                 struct sound_trigger_phrase_recognition_extra *extra,
    184                 const PhraseRecognitionExtra *halExtra);
    185         struct sound_trigger_phrase_recognition_event* convertPhraseRecognitionEventFromHal(
    186                 const V2_0_ISoundTriggerHwCallback::PhraseRecognitionEvent *halPhraseEvent);
    187         struct sound_trigger_recognition_event *convertRecognitionEventFromHal(
    188                 const V2_0_ISoundTriggerHwCallback::RecognitionEvent *halEvent);
    189         void fillRecognitionEventFromHal(
    190                 struct sound_trigger_recognition_event *event,
    191                 const V2_0_ISoundTriggerHwCallback::RecognitionEvent *halEvent);
    193         uint32_t nextUniqueId();
    194         sp<ISoundTriggerHw> getService();
    195         sp<V2_1_ISoundTriggerHw> toService2_1(const sp<ISoundTriggerHw>& s);
    196         sp<V2_2_ISoundTriggerHw> toService2_2(const sp<ISoundTriggerHw>& s);
    197         sp<SoundModel> getModel(sound_model_handle_t handle);
    198         sp<SoundModel> removeModel(sound_model_handle_t handle);
    200         static pthread_once_t sOnceControl;
    201         static void sOnceInit();
    203         Mutex mLock;
    204         Mutex mHalLock;
    205         const char *mModuleName;
    206         volatile atomic_uint_fast32_t  mNextUniqueId;
    207         // Effect chains without a valid thread
    208         DefaultKeyedVector< sound_model_handle_t , sp<SoundModel> > mSoundModels;
    209         sp<::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_0::ISoundTriggerHw> mISoundTrigger;
    210 };
    212 } // namespace android