1 # honggfuzz - Makefile 2 # ----------------------------------------- 3 # 4 # Author: Robert Swiecki <swiecki (at] google.com> 5 # 6 # Copyright 2010-2015 by Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. 7 # 8 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 9 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 10 # You may obtain a copy of the License at 11 # 12 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 13 # 14 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 15 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 16 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 17 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 18 # limitations under the License. 19 # 20 # NOTE: xcrun is within xcode...xcode is required on OSX. 21 # 22 23 # Common for all architectures 24 CC ?= gcc 25 LD = $(CC) 26 BIN := honggfuzz 27 HFUZZ_CC_BIN := hfuzz_cc/hfuzz-cc 28 HFUZZ_CC_SRCS := hfuzz_cc/hfuzz-cc.c 29 COMMON_CFLAGS := -D_GNU_SOURCE -Wall -Werror -Wno-format-truncation -I. 30 COMMON_LDFLAGS := -lm libhfcommon/libhfcommon.a 31 COMMON_SRCS := $(sort $(wildcard *.c)) 32 CFLAGS ?= -O3 -mtune=native 33 LDFLAGS ?= 34 LIBS_CFLAGS ?= -fPIC -fno-stack-protector 35 GREP_COLOR ?= 36 37 OS ?= $(shell uname -s) 38 MARCH ?= $(shell uname -m) 39 KERNEL ?= $(shell uname -r) 40 41 ifeq ($(OS)$(findstring Microsoft,$(KERNEL)),Linux) # matches Linux but excludes WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) 42 ARCH := LINUX 43 44 ARCH_CFLAGS := -std=c11 -I/usr/local/include \ 45 -Wextra -Wno-override-init \ 46 -funroll-loops \ 47 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 48 ARCH_LDFLAGS := -L/usr/local/include \ 49 -pthread -lunwind-ptrace -lunwind-generic -lbfd -lopcodes -lrt -ldl 50 ARCH_SRCS := $(sort $(wildcard linux/*.c)) 51 LIBS_CFLAGS += -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0 52 53 ifeq ("$(wildcard /usr/include/bfd.h)","") 54 WARN_LIBRARY += binutils-devel 55 endif 56 ifeq ("$(wildcard /usr/include/libunwind-ptrace.h)","") 57 WARN_LIBRARY += libunwind-devel/libunwind8-devel 58 endif 59 ifeq ("$(wildcard /usr/local/include/intel-pt.h)","/usr/local/include/intel-pt.h") 60 ARCH_CFLAGS += -D_HF_LINUX_INTEL_PT_LIB 61 ARCH_CFLAGS += -I/usr/local/include 62 ARCH_LDFLAGS += -L/usr/local/lib -lipt -Wl,--rpath=/usr/local/lib 63 endif 64 ifeq ("$(wildcard /usr/include/intel-pt.h)","/usr/include/intel-pt.h") 65 ARCH_CFLAGS += -D_HF_LINUX_INTEL_PT_LIB 66 ARCH_LDFLAGS += -lipt 67 endif 68 ifdef WARN_LIBRARY 69 $(info --------------------------------------------------------) 70 $(info Libraries which are most likely missing on your OS. ) 71 $(info This can result in linking/compilation errors. ) 72 $(info > $(WARN_LIBRARY)) 73 $(info --------------------------------------------------------) 74 endif 75 # OS Linux 76 else ifeq ($(OS),Darwin) 77 ARCH := DARWIN 78 79 # MacOS-X grep seem to use colors unconditionally 80 GREP_COLOR = --color=never 81 82 # Figure out which crash reporter to use. 83 CRASHWRANGLER := third_party/mac 84 OS_VERSION := $(shell sw_vers -productVersion) 85 ifneq (,$(findstring 10.14,$(OS_VERSION))) 86 CRASH_REPORT := $(CRASHWRANGLER)/CrashReport_Sierra.o 87 else ifneq (,$(findstring 10.13,$(OS_VERSION))) 88 CRASH_REPORT := $(CRASHWRANGLER)/CrashReport_Sierra.o 89 else ifneq (,$(findstring 10.12,$(OS_VERSION))) 90 CRASH_REPORT := $(CRASHWRANGLER)/CrashReport_Sierra.o 91 else ifneq (,$(findstring 10.11,$(OS_VERSION))) 92 # El Capitan didn't break compatibility 93 CRASH_REPORT := $(CRASHWRANGLER)/CrashReport_Yosemite.o 94 else ifneq (,$(findstring 10.10,$(OS_VERSION))) 95 CRASH_REPORT := $(CRASHWRANGLER)/CrashReport_Yosemite.o 96 else ifneq (,$(findstring 10.9,$(OS_VERSION))) 97 CRASH_REPORT := $(CRASHWRANGLER)/CrashReport_Mavericks.o 98 else ifneq (,$(findstring 10.8,$(OS_VERSION))) 99 CRASH_REPORT := $(CRASHWRANGLER)/CrashReport_Mountain_Lion.o 100 else 101 $(error Unsupported MAC OS X version) 102 endif 103 104 # Figure out which XCode SDK to use. 105 OSX_SDK_VERSION := $(shell xcrun --show-sdk-version) 106 SDK_NAME_V := macosx$(OSX_SDK_VERSION) 107 SDK_V := $(shell xcrun --sdk $(SDK_NAME) --show-sdk-path 2>/dev/null) 108 SDK_NAME := macosx 109 SDK := $(shell xcrun --sdk $(SDK_NAME) --show-sdk-path 2>/dev/null) 110 111 CC := $(shell xcrun --sdk $(SDK_NAME) --find cc) 112 LD := $(shell xcrun --sdk $(SDK_NAME) --find cc) 113 ARCH_CFLAGS := -arch x86_64 -std=c99 -isysroot $(SDK) \ 114 -x objective-c -pedantic -fblocks \ 115 -Wimplicit -Wunused -Wcomment -Wchar-subscripts -Wuninitialized \ 116 -Wreturn-type -Wpointer-arith -Wno-gnu-case-range -Wno-gnu-designator \ 117 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-attributes \ 118 -Wno-embedded-directive 119 ARCH_LDFLAGS := -F/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks -framework CoreSymbolication -framework IOKit \ 120 -F$(SDK_V)/System/Library/Frameworks -F$(SDK_V)/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks \ 121 -F$(SDK)/System/Library/Frameworks \ 122 -framework Foundation -framework ApplicationServices -framework Symbolication \ 123 -framework CoreServices -framework CrashReporterSupport -framework CoreFoundation \ 124 -framework CommerceKit $(CRASH_REPORT) 125 126 XCODE_VER := $(shell xcodebuild -version | grep $(GREP_COLOR) "^Xcode" | cut -d " " -f2) 127 ifeq "8.3" "$(word 1, $(sort 8.3 $(XCODE_VER)))" 128 ARCH_LDFLAGS += -F/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks \ 129 -framework CoreSymbolicationDT \ 130 -Wl,-rpath,/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks 131 endif 132 133 MIG_RET := $(shell mig -header mac/mach_exc.h -user mac/mach_excUser.c -sheader mac/mach_excServer.h \ 134 -server mac/mach_excServer.c $(SDK)/usr/include/mach/mach_exc.defs &>/dev/null; echo $$?) 135 ifeq ($(MIG_RET),1) 136 $(error mig failed to generate RPC code) 137 endif 138 ARCH_SRCS := $(sort $(wildcard mac/*.c)) 139 # OS Darwin 140 else ifeq ($(OS),NetBSD) 141 ARCH := NETBSD 142 143 ARCH_SRCS := $(sort $(wildcard netbsd/*.c)) 144 ARCH_CFLAGS := -std=c11 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/pkg/include \ 145 -Wextra -Wno-override-init \ 146 -funroll-loops -D_KERNTYPES 147 ARCH_LDFLAGS := -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/pkg/lib \ 148 -pthread -lcapstone -lrt \ 149 -Wl,--rpath=/usr/pkg/lib 150 151 # OS NetBSD 152 else 153 ARCH := POSIX 154 155 ARCH_SRCS := $(sort $(wildcard posix/*.c)) 156 ARCH_CFLAGS := -std=c11 -I/usr/local/include \ 157 -Wextra -Wno-initializer-overrides -Wno-override-init \ 158 -Wno-unknown-warning-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas \ 159 -funroll-loops 160 ARCH_LDFLAGS := -pthread -L/usr/local/lib 161 # OS Posix 162 endif 163 164 CFLAGS_BLOCKS = 165 COMPILER = $(shell $(CC) -v 2>&1 | \ 166 grep $(GREP_COLOR) -oE '((gcc|clang) version|LLVM version.*clang)' | \ 167 grep $(GREP_COLOR) -oE '(clang|gcc)' | head -n1) 168 ifeq ($(COMPILER),clang) 169 ARCH_CFLAGS += -Wno-initializer-overrides -Wno-unknown-warning-option 170 ARCH_CFLAGS += -Wno-gnu-empty-initializer -Wno-format-pedantic 171 ARCH_CFLAGS += -Wno-gnu-statement-expression 172 CFLAGS_BLOCKS = -fblocks 173 174 ifneq ($(OS),Darwin) 175 ARCH_LDFLAGS += -lBlocksRuntime 176 endif 177 endif 178 179 SRCS := $(COMMON_SRCS) $(ARCH_SRCS) 180 OBJS := $(SRCS:.c=.o) 181 182 LHFUZZ_SRCS := $(sort $(wildcard libhfuzz/*.c)) 183 LHFUZZ_OBJS := $(LHFUZZ_SRCS:.c=.o) 184 LHFUZZ_ARCH := libhfuzz/libhfuzz.a 185 HFUZZ_INC ?= $(shell pwd) 186 187 LCOMMON_SRCS := $(sort $(wildcard libhfcommon/*.c)) 188 LCOMMON_OBJS := $(LCOMMON_SRCS:.c=.o) 189 LCOMMON_ARCH := libhfcommon/libhfcommon.a 190 191 LNETDRIVER_SRCS := $(sort $(wildcard libhfnetdriver/*.c)) 192 LNETDRIVER_OBJS := $(LNETDRIVER_SRCS:.c=.o) 193 LNETDRIVER_ARCH := libhfnetdriver/libhfnetdriver.a 194 195 # Respect external user defines 196 CFLAGS += $(COMMON_CFLAGS) $(ARCH_CFLAGS) -D_HF_ARCH_${ARCH} 197 LDFLAGS += $(COMMON_LDFLAGS) $(ARCH_LDFLAGS) 198 199 ifeq ($(DEBUG),true) 200 CFLAGS += -g -ggdb 201 LDFLAGS += -g -ggdb 202 endif 203 204 # Control Android builds 205 ANDROID_API ?= android-26 206 ANDROID_DEBUG_ENABLED ?= false 207 ANDROID_CLANG ?= true 208 ANDROID_APP_ABI ?= armeabi-v7a 209 ANDROID_SKIP_CLEAN ?= false 210 NDK_BUILD_ARGS := 211 212 ifeq ($(ANDROID_DEBUG_ENABLED),true) 213 NDK_BUILD_ARGS += V=1 NDK_DEBUG=1 APP_OPTIM=debug 214 endif 215 216 # By default ndk-build cleans all project files to ensure that no semi-completed 217 # builds reach the app package. The following flag disables this check. It's mainly 218 # purposed to be used with android-all rule where we want recursive invocations 219 # to keep previous targets' binaries. 220 ifeq ($(ANDROID_SKIP_CLEAN),true) 221 NDK_BUILD_ARGS += NDK_APP.local.cleaned_binaries=true 222 endif 223 224 ifeq ($(ANDROID_CLANG),true) 225 ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VER := clang 226 # clang works only against APIs >= 23 227 ifeq ($(ANDROID_APP_ABI),$(filter $(ANDROID_APP_ABI),armeabi armeabi-v7a)) 228 ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN ?= arm-linux-androideabi-clang 229 ANDROID_ARCH_CPU := arm 230 else ifeq ($(ANDROID_APP_ABI),$(filter $(ANDROID_APP_ABI),x86)) 231 ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN ?= x86-clang 232 ANDROID_ARCH_CPU := x86 233 else ifeq ($(ANDROID_APP_ABI),$(filter $(ANDROID_APP_ABI),arm64-v8a)) 234 ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN ?= aarch64-linux-android-clang 235 ANDROID_ARCH_CPU := arm64 236 else ifeq ($(ANDROID_APP_ABI),$(filter $(ANDROID_APP_ABI),x86_64)) 237 ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN ?= x86_64-clang 238 ANDROID_ARCH_CPU := x86_64 239 else 240 $(error Unsuported / Unknown APP_API '$(ANDROID_APP_ABI)') 241 endif 242 else 243 ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VER := 4.9 244 ifeq ($(ANDROID_APP_ABI),$(filter $(ANDROID_APP_ABI),armeabi armeabi-v7a)) 245 ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN ?= arm-linux-androideabi-4.9 246 ANDROID_ARCH_CPU := arm 247 else ifeq ($(ANDROID_APP_ABI),$(filter $(ANDROID_APP_ABI),x86)) 248 ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN ?= x86-4.9 249 ANDROID_ARCH_CPU := x86 250 else ifeq ($(ANDROID_APP_ABI),$(filter $(ANDROID_APP_ABI),arm64-v8a)) 251 ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN ?= aarch64-linux-android-4.9 252 ANDROID_ARCH_CPU := arm64 253 else ifeq ($(ANDROID_APP_ABI),$(filter $(ANDROID_APP_ABI),x86_64)) 254 ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN ?= x86_64-4.9 255 ANDROID_ARCH_CPU := x86_64 256 else 257 $(error Unsuported / Unknown APP_API '$(ANDROID_APP_ABI)') 258 endif 259 endif 260 261 SUBDIR_ROOTS := linux mac netbsd posix libhfuzz libhfcommon libhfnetdriver 262 DIRS := . $(shell find $(SUBDIR_ROOTS) -type d) 263 CLEAN_PATTERNS := *.o *~ core *.a *.dSYM *.la *.so *.dylib 264 SUBDIR_GARBAGE := $(foreach DIR,$(DIRS),$(addprefix $(DIR)/,$(CLEAN_PATTERNS))) 265 MAC_GARGBAGE := $(wildcard mac/mach_exc*) 266 ANDROID_GARBAGE := obj libs 267 268 CLEAN_TARGETS := core Makefile.bak \ 269 $(OBJS) $(BIN) $(HFUZZ_CC_BIN) \ 270 $(LHFUZZ_ARCH) $(LHFUZZ_OBJS) \ 271 $(LCOMMON_ARCH) $(LCOMMON_OBJS) \ 272 $(LNETDRIVER_ARCH) $(LNETDRIVER_OBJS) \ 273 $(MAC_GARGBAGE) $(ANDROID_GARBAGE) $(SUBDIR_GARBAGE) 274 275 all: $(BIN) $(HFUZZ_CC_BIN) $(LHFUZZ_ARCH) $(LCOMMON_ARCH) $(LNETDRIVER_ARCH) 276 277 %.o: %.c 278 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_BLOCKS) -o $@ $< 279 280 %.so: %.c 281 $(CC) -fPIC -shared $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< 282 283 %.dylib: %.c 284 $(CC) -fPIC -shared $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< 285 286 $(BIN): $(OBJS) $(LCOMMON_ARCH) 287 $(LD) -o $(BIN) $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) 288 289 $(HFUZZ_CC_BIN): $(LCOMMON_ARCH) $(LHFUZZ_ARCH) $(LNETDRIVER_ARCH) $(HFUZZ_CC_SRCS) 290 $(LD) -o $@ $(HFUZZ_CC_SRCS) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_BLOCKS) -D_HFUZZ_INC_PATH=$(HFUZZ_INC) 291 292 $(LCOMMON_OBJS): $(LCOMMON_SRCS) 293 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS_CFLAGS) -o $@ $(@:.o=.c) 294 295 $(LCOMMON_ARCH): $(LCOMMON_OBJS) 296 $(AR) rcs $(LCOMMON_ARCH) $(LCOMMON_OBJS) 297 298 $(LHFUZZ_OBJS): $(LHFUZZ_SRCS) 299 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS_CFLAGS) -o $@ $(@:.o=.c) 300 301 $(LHFUZZ_ARCH): $(LHFUZZ_OBJS) $(LCOMMON_OBJS) 302 $(AR) rcs $(LHFUZZ_ARCH) $(LHFUZZ_OBJS) $(LCOMMON_OBJS) 303 304 $(LNETDRIVER_OBJS): $(LNETDRIVER_SRCS) 305 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS_CFLAGS) -o $@ $(@:.o=.c) 306 307 $(LNETDRIVER_ARCH): $(LNETDRIVER_OBJS) $(LCOMMON_OBJS) 308 $(AR) rcs $(LNETDRIVER_ARCH) $(LNETDRIVER_OBJS) $(LCOMMON_OBJS) 309 310 .PHONY: clean 311 clean: 312 $(RM) -r $(CLEAN_TARGETS) 313 314 .PHONY: indent 315 indent: 316 clang-format -style="{BasedOnStyle: Google, IndentWidth: 4, ColumnLimit: 100, AlignAfterOpenBracket: DontAlign, AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: false, AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false}" -i -sort-includes *.c *.h */*.c */*.h 317 318 .PHONY: depend 319 depend: all 320 makedepend -Y. -Y* -- *.c */*.c 321 322 .PHONY: android 323 android: 324 $(info ***************************************************************) 325 $(info * Use Android NDK 15 or newer *) 326 $(info ***************************************************************) 327 @ANDROID_API=$(ANDROID_API) third_party/android/scripts/compile-libunwind.sh \ 328 third_party/android/libunwind $(ANDROID_ARCH_CPU) 329 330 @ANDROID_API=$(ANDROID_API) third_party/android/scripts/compile-capstone.sh \ 331 third_party/android/capstone $(ANDROID_ARCH_CPU) 332 333 ifeq ($(ANDROID_CLANG),true) 334 @ANDROID_API=$(ANDROID_API) third_party/android/scripts/compile-libBlocksRuntime.sh \ 335 third_party/android/libBlocksRuntime $(ANDROID_ARCH_CPU) 336 endif 337 338 ndk-build NDK_PROJECT_PATH=. APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=./android/Android.mk \ 339 APP_PLATFORM=$(ANDROID_API) APP_ABI=$(ANDROID_APP_ABI) \ 340 NDK_TOOLCHAIN=$(ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN) NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=$(ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VER) \ 341 $(NDK_BUILD_ARGS) APP_MODULES='honggfuzz hfuzz' 342 343 # Loop all ABIs and pass-through flags since visibility is lost due to sub-process 344 .PHONY: android-all 345 android-all: 346 @echo "Cleaning workspace:" 347 $(MAKE) clean 348 @echo "" 349 350 @for abi in armeabi armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a x86 x86_64; do \ 351 ANDROID_APP_ABI=$$abi ANDROID_SKIP_CLEAN=true ANDROID_CLANG=$(ANDROID_CLANG) \ 352 ANDROID_API=$(ANDROID_API) ANDROID_DEBUG_ENABLED=$(ANDROID_DEBUG_ENABLED) \ 353 $(MAKE) android || { \ 354 echo "Recursive make failed"; exit 1; }; \ 355 echo ""; \ 356 done 357 358 .PHONY: android-clean-deps 359 android-clean-deps: 360 @for cpu in arm arm64 x86 x86_64; do \ 361 make -C "third_party/android/capstone" clean; \ 362 rm -rf "third_party/android/capstone/$$cpu"; \ 363 make -C "third_party/android/libunwind" clean; \ 364 rm -rf "third_party/android/libunwind/$$cpu"; \ 365 ndk-build -C "third_party/android/libBlocksRuntime" \ 366 NDK_PROJECT_PATH=. APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=Android.mk clean; \ 367 rm -rf "third_party/android/libBlocksRuntime/$$cpu"; \ 368 done 369 370 PREFIX ?= /usr/local 371 BIN_PATH =$(PREFIX)/bin 372 373 install: all 374 mkdir -p -m 755 $${DESTDIR}$(BIN_PATH) 375 install -m 755 honggfuzz $${DESTDIR}$(BIN_PATH) 376 install -m 755 hfuzz_cc/hfuzz-cc $${DESTDIR}$(BIN_PATH) 377 install -m 755 hfuzz_cc/hfuzz-clang $${DESTDIR}$(BIN_PATH) 378 install -m 755 hfuzz_cc/hfuzz-clang++ $${DESTDIR}$(BIN_PATH) 379 install -m 755 hfuzz_cc/hfuzz-gcc $${DESTDIR}$(BIN_PATH) 380 install -m 755 hfuzz_cc/hfuzz-g++ $${DESTDIR}$(BIN_PATH) 381 382 # DO NOT DELETE 383 384 cmdline.o: cmdline.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h libhfcommon/common.h 385 cmdline.o: display.h libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h 386 cmdline.o: libhfcommon/log.h 387 display.o: display.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h libhfcommon/common.h 388 display.o: libhfcommon/log.h 389 fuzz.o: fuzz.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h arch.h input.h 390 fuzz.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h 391 fuzz.o: libhfcommon/log.h mangle.h report.h sanitizers.h socketfuzzer.h 392 fuzz.o: subproc.h 393 honggfuzz.o: cmdline.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h libhfcommon/common.h 394 honggfuzz.o: display.h fuzz.h input.h libhfcommon/files.h 395 honggfuzz.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/log.h socketfuzzer.h subproc.h 396 input.o: input.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h libhfcommon/common.h 397 input.o: libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h mangle.h subproc.h 398 input.o: libhfcommon/log.h 399 mangle.o: mangle.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h input.h 400 mangle.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/log.h 401 report.o: report.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h libhfcommon/common.h 402 report.o: libhfcommon/log.h 403 sanitizers.o: sanitizers.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h cmdline.h 404 sanitizers.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h 405 sanitizers.o: libhfcommon/log.h 406 socketfuzzer.o: honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h libhfcommon/common.h 407 socketfuzzer.o: libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/log.h 408 socketfuzzer.o: libhfcommon/ns.h socketfuzzer.h 409 subproc.o: subproc.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h arch.h fuzz.h 410 subproc.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h 411 subproc.o: libhfcommon/log.h 412 hfuzz_cc/hfuzz-cc.o: honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h libhfcommon/common.h 413 hfuzz_cc/hfuzz-cc.o: libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h 414 hfuzz_cc/hfuzz-cc.o: libhfcommon/log.h 415 libhfcommon/files.o: libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h 416 libhfcommon/files.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/log.h 417 libhfcommon/files.o: libhfcommon/util.h 418 libhfcommon/log.o: libhfcommon/log.h libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/util.h 419 libhfcommon/ns.o: libhfcommon/ns.h libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/files.h 420 libhfcommon/ns.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/log.h 421 libhfcommon/util.o: libhfcommon/util.h libhfcommon/common.h 422 libhfcommon/util.o: libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h 423 libhfcommon/util.o: libhfcommon/log.h 424 libhfnetdriver/netdriver.o: libhfnetdriver/netdriver.h honggfuzz.h 425 libhfnetdriver/netdriver.o: libhfcommon/util.h libhfcommon/common.h 426 libhfnetdriver/netdriver.o: libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h 427 libhfnetdriver/netdriver.o: libhfcommon/log.h libhfcommon/ns.h 428 libhfuzz/fetch.o: libhfuzz/fetch.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h 429 libhfuzz/fetch.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/files.h 430 libhfuzz/fetch.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/log.h 431 libhfuzz/instrument.o: libhfuzz/instrument.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h 432 libhfuzz/instrument.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/log.h 433 libhfuzz/linux.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/files.h 434 libhfuzz/linux.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/log.h libhfcommon/ns.h 435 libhfuzz/linux.o: libhfuzz/libhfuzz.h 436 libhfuzz/memorycmp.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfuzz/instrument.h 437 libhfuzz/persistent.o: libhfuzz/libhfuzz.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h 438 libhfuzz/persistent.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/files.h 439 libhfuzz/persistent.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/log.h 440 libhfuzz/persistent.o: libhfuzz/fetch.h libhfuzz/instrument.h 441 linux/arch.o: arch.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h fuzz.h 442 linux/arch.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h 443 linux/arch.o: libhfcommon/log.h libhfcommon/ns.h linux/perf.h linux/trace.h 444 linux/arch.o: sanitizers.h subproc.h 445 linux/bfd.o: linux/bfd.h linux/unwind.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h 446 linux/bfd.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h 447 linux/bfd.o: libhfcommon/log.h 448 linux/perf.o: linux/perf.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h 449 linux/perf.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h 450 linux/perf.o: libhfcommon/log.h linux/pt.h 451 linux/pt.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/log.h libhfcommon/util.h 452 linux/pt.o: linux/pt.h honggfuzz.h 453 linux/trace.o: linux/trace.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h 454 linux/trace.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h 455 linux/trace.o: libhfcommon/log.h linux/bfd.h linux/unwind.h sanitizers.h 456 linux/trace.o: socketfuzzer.h subproc.h 457 linux/unwind.o: linux/unwind.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h 458 linux/unwind.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/log.h 459 mac/arch.o: arch.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h fuzz.h libhfcommon/common.h 460 mac/arch.o: libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/log.h 461 mac/arch.o: subproc.h 462 netbsd/arch.o: arch.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h fuzz.h 463 netbsd/arch.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h 464 netbsd/arch.o: libhfcommon/log.h libhfcommon/ns.h netbsd/trace.h subproc.h 465 netbsd/trace.o: netbsd/trace.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h 466 netbsd/trace.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h 467 netbsd/trace.o: libhfcommon/log.h netbsd/unwind.h socketfuzzer.h subproc.h 468 netbsd/unwind.o: netbsd/unwind.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h 469 netbsd/unwind.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/log.h 470 posix/arch.o: arch.h honggfuzz.h libhfcommon/util.h fuzz.h 471 posix/arch.o: libhfcommon/common.h libhfcommon/files.h libhfcommon/common.h 472 posix/arch.o: libhfcommon/log.h subproc.h 473