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     41 /*
     42 //
     43 //  Purpose:
     44 //     Cryptography Primitive.
     45 //     Security Hash Standard
     46 //     Internal Definitions and Internal Functions Prototypes
     47 //
     48 //
     49 */
     51 #if !defined(_PCP_HASH_H)
     52 #define _PCP_HASH_H
     55 /* messge block size */
     56 #define MBS_SHA1     (64)           /* SHA1 message block size (bytes) */
     57 #define MBS_SHA256   (64)           /* SHA256 and SHA224               */
     58 #define MBS_SHA224   (64)           /* SHA224                          */
     59 #define MBS_SHA512   (128)          /* SHA512 and SHA384               */
     60 #define MBS_SHA384   (128)          /* SHA384                          */
     61 #define MBS_MD5      (64)           /* MD5                             */
     62 #define MBS_SM3      (64)           /* SM3                             */
     63 #define MBS_HASH_MAX (MBS_SHA512)   /* max message block size (bytes)  */
     65 #define MAX_HASH_SIZE (IPP_SHA512_DIGEST_BITSIZE/8)   /* hash of the max len (bytes) */
     67 /* size of processed message length representation (bytes) */
     68 #define MLR_SHA1     (sizeof(Ipp64u))
     69 #define MLR_SHA256   (sizeof(Ipp64u))
     70 #define MLR_SHA224   (sizeof(Ipp64u))
     71 #define MLR_SHA512   (sizeof(Ipp64u)*2)
     72 #define MLR_SHA384   (sizeof(Ipp64u)*2)
     73 #define MLR_MD5      (sizeof(Ipp64u))
     74 #define MLR_SM3      (sizeof(Ipp64u))
     76 /* hold some old definition for a purpose */
     77 typedef Ipp32u DigestSHA1[5];   /* SHA1 digest   */
     78 typedef Ipp32u DigestSHA224[7]; /* SHA224 digest */
     79 typedef Ipp32u DigestSHA256[8]; /* SHA256 digest */
     80 typedef Ipp64u DigestSHA384[6]; /* SHA384 digest */
     81 typedef Ipp64u DigestSHA512[8]; /* SHA512 digest */
     82 typedef Ipp32u DigestMD5[4];    /* MD5 digest */
     83 typedef Ipp32u DigestSM3[8];    /* SM3 digest */
     85 #define HASH_ALIGNMENT     ((int)(sizeof(void*)))
     91 #define    MD5_ALIGNMENT   HASH_ALIGNMENT
     92 #define    SM3_ALIGNMENT   HASH_ALIGNMENT
     95 struct _cpSHA1 {
     96    IppCtxId    idCtx;      /* SHA1 identifier         */
     97    int         msgBuffIdx; /* buffer entry            */
     98    Ipp64u      msgLenLo;   /* message length (bytes)  */
     99    Ipp8u       msgBuffer[MBS_SHA1]; /* buffer         */
    100    DigestSHA1  msgHash;    /* intermediate hash       */
    101 };
    103 struct _cpSHA256 {
    104    IppCtxId     idCtx;        /* SHA224 identifier    */
    105    int          msgBuffIdx;   /* buffer entry         */
    106    Ipp64u       msgLenLo;     /* message length       */
    107    Ipp8u        msgBuffer[MBS_SHA256]; /* buffer      */
    108    DigestSHA256 msgHash;      /* intermediate hash    */
    109 };
    111 struct _cpSHA512 {
    112    IppCtxId     idCtx;        /* SHA384 identifier    */
    113    int          msgBuffIdx;   /* buffer entry         */
    114    Ipp64u       msgLenLo;     /* message length       */
    115    Ipp64u       msgLenHi;     /* message length       */
    116    Ipp8u        msgBuffer[MBS_SHA512]; /* buffer      */
    117    DigestSHA512 msgHash;      /* intermediate hash    */
    118 };
    120 struct _cpMD5 {
    121    IppCtxId     idCtx;        /* MD5 identifier       */
    122    int          msgBuffIdx;   /* buffer entry         */
    123    Ipp64u       msgLenLo;     /* message length       */
    124    Ipp8u        msgBuffer[MBS_MD5]; /* buffer         */
    125    DigestMD5    msgHash;      /* intermediate hash    */
    126 };
    128 struct _cpSM3 {
    129    IppCtxId     idCtx;        /* SM3    identifier    */
    130    int          msgBuffIdx;   /* buffer entry         */
    131    Ipp64u       msgLenLo;     /* message length       */
    132    Ipp8u        msgBuffer[MBS_SM3]; /* buffer         */
    133    DigestSM3    msgHash;      /* intermediate hash    */
    134 };
    137 /* hash alg attributes */
    138 typedef struct _cpHashAttr {
    139    int         ivSize;        /* attr: length (bytes) of initial value cpHashIV */
    140    int         hashSize;      /* attr: length (bytes) of hash */
    141    int         msgBlkSize;    /* attr: length (bytes) of message block */
    142    int         msgLenRepSize; /* attr: length (bytes) in representation of processed message length */
    143    Ipp64u      msgLenMax[2];  /* attr: max message length (bytes) (low high) */
    144 } cpHashAttr;
    146 /* hash value */
    147 typedef Ipp64u cpHash[IPP_SHA512_DIGEST_BITSIZE/BITSIZE(Ipp64u)]; /* hash value */
    149 /* hash update function */
    150 typedef void (*cpHashProc)(void* pHash, const Ipp8u* pMsg, int msgLen, const void* pParam);
    152 /* generalized hash context */
    153 struct _cpHashCtx {
    154    IppCtxId    idCtx;                     /* hash identifier   */
    155    IppHashAlgId   algID;                  /* hash algorithm ID */
    156    Ipp64u      msgLenLo;                  /* processed message:*/
    157    Ipp64u      msgLenHi;                  /*           length  */
    158    cpHashProc  hashProc;                  /* hash update func  */
    159    const void* pParam;                    /* hashProc's params */
    160    cpHash      msgHash;                   /* intermadiate hash */
    161    int         msgBuffIdx;                /* buffer entry      */
    162    Ipp8u       msgBuffer[MBS_HASH_MAX];   /* buffer            */
    163 };
    165 /* accessors */
    166 #define HASH_CTX_ID(stt)   ((stt)->idCtx)
    167 #define HASH_ALG_ID(stt)   ((stt)->algID)
    168 #define HASH_LENLO(stt)    ((stt)->msgLenLo)
    169 #define HASH_LENHI(stt)    ((stt)->msgLenHi)
    170 #define HASH_FUNC(stt)     ((stt)->hashProc)
    171 #define HASH_FUNC_PAR(stt) ((stt)->pParam)
    172 #define HASH_VALUE(stt)    ((stt)->msgHash)
    173 #define HAHS_BUFFIDX(stt)  ((stt)->msgBuffIdx)
    174 #define HASH_BUFF(stt)     ((stt)->msgBuffer)
    175 #define HASH_VALID_ID(pCtx)   (HASH_CTX_ID((pCtx))==idCtxHash)
    178 /* initial hash values */
    179 extern const Ipp32u SHA1_IV[];
    180 extern const Ipp32u SHA256_IV[];
    181 extern const Ipp32u SHA224_IV[];
    182 extern const Ipp64u SHA512_IV[];
    183 extern const Ipp64u SHA384_IV[];
    184 extern const Ipp32u MD5_IV[];
    185 extern const Ipp32u SM3_IV[];
    186 extern const Ipp64u SHA512_224_IV[];
    187 extern const Ipp64u SHA512_256_IV[];
    189 /* hash alg additive constants */
    190 extern __ALIGN16 const Ipp32u SHA1_cnt[];
    191 extern __ALIGN16 const Ipp32u SHA256_cnt[];
    192 extern __ALIGN16 const Ipp64u SHA512_cnt[];
    193 extern __ALIGN16 const Ipp32u MD5_cnt[];
    194 extern __ALIGN16 const Ipp32u SM3_cnt[];
    196 /*  hash alg opt argument */
    197 extern const void* cpHashProcFuncOpt[];
    199 /* enabled hash alg */
    200 extern const IppHashAlgId cpEnabledHashAlgID[];
    202 /* hash alg IV (init value) */
    203 extern const Ipp8u* cpHashIV[];
    205 /* hash alg attribute DB */
    206 extern const cpHashAttr cpHashAlgAttr[];
    208 /* IV size helper */
    209 __INLINE int cpHashIvSize(IppHashAlgId algID)
    210 { return cpHashAlgAttr[algID].ivSize; }
    212 /* hash size helper */
    213 __INLINE int cpHashSize(IppHashAlgId algID)
    214 { return cpHashAlgAttr[algID].hashSize; }
    216 /* message block size helper */
    217 __INLINE int cpHashMBS(IppHashAlgId algID)
    218 { return cpHashAlgAttr[algID].msgBlkSize; }
    220 /* maps algID into enabled IppHashAlgId value */
    221 __INLINE IppHashAlgId cpValidHashAlg(IppHashAlgId algID)
    222 {
    223    /* maps algID into the valid range */
    224    algID = (((int)ippHashAlg_Unknown < (int)algID) && ((int)algID < (int)ippHashAlg_MaxNo))? algID : ippHashAlg_Unknown;
    225    return cpEnabledHashAlgID[algID];
    226 }
    228 /* common functions */
    229 #define cpComputeDigest OWNAPI(cpComputeDigest)
    230 void cpComputeDigest(Ipp8u* pHashTag, int hashTagLen, const IppsHashState* pCtx);
    232 /* processing functions */
    233 #define UpdateSHA1 OWNAPI(UpdateSHA1)
    234 void UpdateSHA1  (void* pHash, const Ipp8u* mblk, int mlen, const void* pParam);
    235 #define UpdateSHA256 OWNAPI(UpdateSHA256)
    236 void UpdateSHA256(void* pHash, const Ipp8u* mblk, int mlen, const void* pParam);
    237 #define UpdateSHA512 OWNAPI(UpdateSHA512)
    238 void UpdateSHA512(void* pHash, const Ipp8u* mblk, int mlen, const void* pParam);
    239 #define UpdateMD5 OWNAPI(UpdateMD5)
    240 void UpdateMD5   (void* pHash, const Ipp8u* mblk, int mlen, const void* pParam);
    241 #define UpdateSM3 OWNAPI(UpdateSM3)
    242 void UpdateSM3   (void* pHash, const Ipp8u* mblk, int mlen, const void* pParam);
    245 #define UpdateSHA1ni OWNAPI(UpdateSHA1ni)
    246 void UpdateSHA1ni  (void* pHash, const Ipp8u* mblk, int mlen, const void* pParam);
    247 #define UpdateSHA256ni OWNAPI(UpdateSHA256ni)
    248 void UpdateSHA256ni(void* pHash, const Ipp8u* mblk, int mlen, const void* pParam);
    249 #endif
    251 /* general methods */
    252 #define cpInitHash OWNAPI(cpInitHash)
    253 int cpInitHash(IppsHashState* pCtx, IppHashAlgId algID);
    254 #define cpReInitHash OWNAPI(cpReInitHash)
    255 int cpReInitHash(IppsHashState* pCtx, IppHashAlgId algID);
    257 #endif /* _PCP_HASH_H */