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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 #
      3 # Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
      4 #
      5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 #
      9 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 #
     11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 # limitations under the License.
     17 """Common credentials classes and constructors."""
     18 from __future__ import print_function
     20 import datetime
     21 import json
     22 import os
     23 import threading
     24 import warnings
     26 import httplib2
     27 import oauth2client
     28 import oauth2client.client
     29 from oauth2client import service_account
     30 from oauth2client import tools  # for gflags declarations
     31 from six.moves import http_client
     32 from six.moves import urllib
     34 from apitools.base.py import exceptions
     35 from apitools.base.py import util
     37 # Note: we try the oauth2client imports two ways, to accomodate layout
     38 # changes in oauth2client 2.0+. We can remove these once we no longer
     39 # support oauth2client < 2.0.
     40 #
     41 # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order,ungrouped-imports
     42 try:
     43     from oauth2client.contrib import gce
     44 except ImportError:
     45     from oauth2client import gce
     47 try:
     48     from oauth2client.contrib import locked_file
     49 except ImportError:
     50     from oauth2client import locked_file
     52 try:
     53     from oauth2client.contrib import multistore_file
     54 except ImportError:
     55     from oauth2client import multistore_file
     57 try:
     58     import gflags
     59     FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS
     60 except ImportError:
     61     FLAGS = None
     64 __all__ = [
     65     'CredentialsFromFile',
     66     'GaeAssertionCredentials',
     67     'GceAssertionCredentials',
     68     'GetCredentials',
     69     'GetUserinfo',
     70     'ServiceAccountCredentialsFromFile',
     71 ]
     74 # Lock when accessing the cache file to avoid resource contention.
     75 cache_file_lock = threading.Lock()
     78 def SetCredentialsCacheFileLock(lock):
     79     global cache_file_lock  # pylint: disable=global-statement
     80     cache_file_lock = lock
     83 # List of additional methods we use when attempting to construct
     84 # credentials. Users can register their own methods here, which we try
     85 # before the defaults.
     89 def _RegisterCredentialsMethod(method, position=None):
     90     """Register a new method for fetching credentials.
     92     This new method should be a function with signature:
     93       client_info, **kwds -> Credentials or None
     94     This method can be used as a decorator, unless position needs to
     95     be supplied.
     97     Note that method must *always* accept arbitrary keyword arguments.
     99     Args:
    100       method: New credential-fetching method.
    101       position: (default: None) Where in the list of methods to
    102         add this; if None, we append. In all but rare cases,
    103         this should be either 0 or None.
    104     Returns:
    105       method, for use as a decorator.
    107     """
    108     if position is None:
    109         position = len(_CREDENTIALS_METHODS)
    110     else:
    111         position = min(position, len(_CREDENTIALS_METHODS))
    112     _CREDENTIALS_METHODS.insert(position, method)
    113     return method
    116 def GetCredentials(package_name, scopes, client_id, client_secret, user_agent,
    117                    credentials_filename=None,
    118                    api_key=None,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    119                    client=None,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    120                    oauth2client_args=None,
    121                    **kwds):
    122     """Attempt to get credentials, using an oauth dance as the last resort."""
    123     scopes = util.NormalizeScopes(scopes)
    124     client_info = {
    125         'client_id': client_id,
    126         'client_secret': client_secret,
    127         'scope': ' '.join(sorted(scopes)),
    128         'user_agent': user_agent or '%s-generated/0.1' % package_name,
    129     }
    130     for method in _CREDENTIALS_METHODS:
    131         credentials = method(client_info, **kwds)
    132         if credentials is not None:
    133             return credentials
    134     credentials_filename = credentials_filename or os.path.expanduser(
    135         '~/.apitools.token')
    136     credentials = CredentialsFromFile(credentials_filename, client_info,
    137                                       oauth2client_args=oauth2client_args)
    138     if credentials is not None:
    139         return credentials
    140     raise exceptions.CredentialsError('Could not create valid credentials')
    143 def ServiceAccountCredentialsFromFile(filename, scopes, user_agent=None):
    144     """Use the credentials in filename to create a token for scopes."""
    145     filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
    146     # We have two options, based on our version of oauth2client.
    147     if oauth2client.__version__ > '1.5.2':
    148         # oauth2client >= 2.0.0
    149         credentials = (
    150             service_account.ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(
    151                 filename, scopes=scopes))
    152         if credentials is not None:
    153             if user_agent is not None:
    154                 credentials.user_agent = user_agent
    155         return credentials
    156     else:
    157         # oauth2client < 2.0.0
    158         with open(filename) as keyfile:
    159             service_account_info = json.load(keyfile)
    160         account_type = service_account_info.get('type')
    161         if account_type != oauth2client.client.SERVICE_ACCOUNT:
    162             raise exceptions.CredentialsError(
    163                 'Invalid service account credentials: %s' % (filename,))
    164         # pylint: disable=protected-access
    165         credentials = service_account._ServiceAccountCredentials(
    166             service_account_id=service_account_info['client_id'],
    167             service_account_email=service_account_info['client_email'],
    168             private_key_id=service_account_info['private_key_id'],
    169             private_key_pkcs8_text=service_account_info['private_key'],
    170             scopes=scopes, user_agent=user_agent)
    171         # pylint: enable=protected-access
    172         return credentials
    175 def ServiceAccountCredentialsFromP12File(
    176         service_account_name, private_key_filename, scopes, user_agent):
    177     """Create a new credential from the named .p12 keyfile."""
    178     private_key_filename = os.path.expanduser(private_key_filename)
    179     scopes = util.NormalizeScopes(scopes)
    180     if oauth2client.__version__ > '1.5.2':
    181         # oauth2client >= 2.0.0
    182         credentials = (
    183             service_account.ServiceAccountCredentials.from_p12_keyfile(
    184                 service_account_name, private_key_filename, scopes=scopes))
    185         if credentials is not None:
    186             credentials.user_agent = user_agent
    187         return credentials
    188     else:
    189         # oauth2client < 2.0.0
    190         with open(private_key_filename) as key_file:
    191             return oauth2client.client.SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(
    192                 service_account_name, key_file.read(), scopes,
    193                 user_agent=user_agent)
    196 def _EnsureFileExists(filename):
    197     """Touches a file; returns False on error, True on success."""
    198     if not os.path.exists(filename):
    199         old_umask = os.umask(0o177)
    200         try:
    201             open(filename, 'a+b').close()
    202         except OSError:
    203             return False
    204         finally:
    205             os.umask(old_umask)
    206     return True
    209 def _GceMetadataRequest(relative_url, use_metadata_ip=False):
    210     """Request the given url from the GCE metadata service."""
    211     if use_metadata_ip:
    212         base_url = os.environ.get('GCE_METADATA_IP', '')
    213     else:
    214         base_url = os.environ.get(
    215             'GCE_METADATA_ROOT', 'metadata.google.internal')
    216     url = 'http://' + base_url + '/computeMetadata/v1/' + relative_url
    217     # Extra header requirement can be found here:
    218     # https://developers.google.com/compute/docs/metadata
    219     headers = {'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'}
    220     request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers)
    221     opener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.ProxyHandler({}))
    222     try:
    223         response = opener.open(request)
    224     except urllib.error.URLError as e:
    225         raise exceptions.CommunicationError(
    226             'Could not reach metadata service: %s' % e.reason)
    227     return response
    230 class GceAssertionCredentials(gce.AppAssertionCredentials):
    232     """Assertion credentials for GCE instances."""
    234     def __init__(self, scopes=None, service_account_name='default', **kwds):
    235         """Initializes the credentials instance.
    237         Args:
    238           scopes: The scopes to get. If None, whatever scopes that are
    239               available to the instance are used.
    240           service_account_name: The service account to retrieve the scopes
    241               from.
    242           **kwds: Additional keyword args.
    244         """
    245         # If there is a connectivity issue with the metadata server,
    246         # detection calls may fail even if we've already successfully
    247         # identified these scopes in the same execution. However, the
    248         # available scopes don't change once an instance is created,
    249         # so there is no reason to perform more than one query.
    250         self.__service_account_name = service_account_name
    251         cached_scopes = None
    252         cache_filename = kwds.get('cache_filename')
    253         if cache_filename:
    254             cached_scopes = self._CheckCacheFileForMatch(
    255                 cache_filename, scopes)
    257         scopes = cached_scopes or self._ScopesFromMetadataServer(scopes)
    259         if cache_filename and not cached_scopes:
    260             self._WriteCacheFile(cache_filename, scopes)
    262         # We check the scopes above, but don't need them again after
    263         # this point. Newer versions of oauth2client let us drop them
    264         # here, but since we support older versions as well, we just
    265         # catch and squelch the warning.
    266         with warnings.catch_warnings():
    267             warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
    268             super(GceAssertionCredentials, self).__init__(scopes, **kwds)
    270     @classmethod
    271     def Get(cls, *args, **kwds):
    272         try:
    273             return cls(*args, **kwds)
    274         except exceptions.Error:
    275             return None
    277     def _CheckCacheFileForMatch(self, cache_filename, scopes):
    278         """Checks the cache file to see if it matches the given credentials.
    280         Args:
    281           cache_filename: Cache filename to check.
    282           scopes: Scopes for the desired credentials.
    284         Returns:
    285           List of scopes (if cache matches) or None.
    286         """
    287         creds = {  # Credentials metadata dict.
    288             'scopes': sorted(list(scopes)) if scopes else None,
    289             'svc_acct_name': self.__service_account_name,
    290         }
    291         with cache_file_lock:
    292             if _EnsureFileExists(cache_filename):
    293                 cache_file = locked_file.LockedFile(
    294                     cache_filename, 'r+b', 'rb')
    295                 try:
    296                     cache_file.open_and_lock()
    297                     cached_creds_str = cache_file.file_handle().read()
    298                     if cached_creds_str:
    299                         # Cached credentials metadata dict.
    300                         cached_creds = json.loads(cached_creds_str)
    301                         if (creds['svc_acct_name'] ==
    302                                 cached_creds['svc_acct_name']):
    303                             if (creds['scopes'] in
    304                                     (None, cached_creds['scopes'])):
    305                                 scopes = cached_creds['scopes']
    306                 except KeyboardInterrupt:
    307                     raise
    308                 except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
    309                     # Treat exceptions as a cache miss.
    310                     pass
    311                 finally:
    312                     cache_file.unlock_and_close()
    313         return scopes
    315     def _WriteCacheFile(self, cache_filename, scopes):
    316         """Writes the credential metadata to the cache file.
    318         This does not save the credentials themselves (CredentialStore class
    319         optionally handles that after this class is initialized).
    321         Args:
    322           cache_filename: Cache filename to check.
    323           scopes: Scopes for the desired credentials.
    324         """
    325         with cache_file_lock:
    326             if _EnsureFileExists(cache_filename):
    327                 cache_file = locked_file.LockedFile(
    328                     cache_filename, 'r+b', 'rb')
    329                 try:
    330                     cache_file.open_and_lock()
    331                     if cache_file.is_locked():
    332                         creds = {  # Credentials metadata dict.
    333                             'scopes': sorted(list(scopes)),
    334                             'svc_acct_name': self.__service_account_name}
    335                         cache_file.file_handle().write(
    336                             json.dumps(creds, encoding='ascii'))
    337                         # If it's not locked, the locking process will
    338                         # write the same data to the file, so just
    339                         # continue.
    340                 except KeyboardInterrupt:
    341                     raise
    342                 except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
    343                     # Treat exceptions as a cache miss.
    344                     pass
    345                 finally:
    346                     cache_file.unlock_and_close()
    348     def _ScopesFromMetadataServer(self, scopes):
    349         """Returns instance scopes based on GCE metadata server."""
    350         if not util.DetectGce():
    351             raise exceptions.ResourceUnavailableError(
    352                 'GCE credentials requested outside a GCE instance')
    353         if not self.GetServiceAccount(self.__service_account_name):
    354             raise exceptions.ResourceUnavailableError(
    355                 'GCE credentials requested but service account '
    356                 '%s does not exist.' % self.__service_account_name)
    357         if scopes:
    358             scope_ls = util.NormalizeScopes(scopes)
    359             instance_scopes = self.GetInstanceScopes()
    360             if scope_ls > instance_scopes:
    361                 raise exceptions.CredentialsError(
    362                     'Instance did not have access to scopes %s' % (
    363                         sorted(list(scope_ls - instance_scopes)),))
    364         else:
    365             scopes = self.GetInstanceScopes()
    366         return scopes
    368     def GetServiceAccount(self, account):
    369         relative_url = 'instance/service-accounts'
    370         response = _GceMetadataRequest(relative_url)
    371         response_lines = [line.rstrip('/\n\r')
    372                           for line in response.readlines()]
    373         return account in response_lines
    375     def GetInstanceScopes(self):
    376         relative_url = 'instance/service-accounts/{0}/scopes'.format(
    377             self.__service_account_name)
    378         response = _GceMetadataRequest(relative_url)
    379         return util.NormalizeScopes(scope.strip()
    380                                     for scope in response.readlines())
    382     # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
    383     def _refresh(self, do_request):
    384         """Refresh self.access_token.
    386         This function replaces AppAssertionCredentials._refresh, which
    387         does not use the credential store and is therefore poorly
    388         suited for multi-threaded scenarios.
    390         Args:
    391           do_request: A function matching httplib2.Http.request's signature.
    393         """
    394         # pylint: disable=protected-access
    395         oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials._refresh(self, do_request)
    396         # pylint: enable=protected-access
    398     def _do_refresh_request(self, unused_http_request):
    399         """Refresh self.access_token by querying the metadata server.
    401         If self.store is initialized, store acquired credentials there.
    402         """
    403         relative_url = 'instance/service-accounts/{0}/token'.format(
    404             self.__service_account_name)
    405         try:
    406             response = _GceMetadataRequest(relative_url)
    407         except exceptions.CommunicationError:
    408             self.invalid = True
    409             if self.store:
    410                 self.store.locked_put(self)
    411             raise
    412         content = response.read()
    413         try:
    414             credential_info = json.loads(content)
    415         except ValueError:
    416             raise exceptions.CredentialsError(
    417                 'Could not parse response as JSON: %s' % content)
    419         self.access_token = credential_info['access_token']
    420         if 'expires_in' in credential_info:
    421             expires_in = int(credential_info['expires_in'])
    422             self.token_expiry = (
    423                 datetime.timedelta(seconds=expires_in) +
    424                 datetime.datetime.utcnow())
    425         else:
    426             self.token_expiry = None
    427         self.invalid = False
    428         if self.store:
    429             self.store.locked_put(self)
    431     @classmethod
    432     def from_json(cls, json_data):
    433         data = json.loads(json_data)
    434         kwargs = {}
    435         if 'cache_filename' in data.get('kwargs', []):
    436             kwargs['cache_filename'] = data['kwargs']['cache_filename']
    437         credentials = GceAssertionCredentials(scopes=[data['scope']],
    438                                               **kwargs)
    439         if 'access_token' in data:
    440             credentials.access_token = data['access_token']
    441         if 'token_expiry' in data:
    442             credentials.token_expiry = datetime.datetime.strptime(
    443                 data['token_expiry'], oauth2client.client.EXPIRY_FORMAT)
    444         if 'invalid' in data:
    445             credentials.invalid = data['invalid']
    446         return credentials
    448     @property
    449     def serialization_data(self):
    450         raise NotImplementedError(
    451             'Cannot serialize credentials for GCE service accounts.')
    454 # TODO(craigcitro): Currently, we can't even *load*
    455 # `oauth2client.appengine` without being on appengine, because of how
    456 # it handles imports. Fix that by splitting that module into
    457 # GAE-specific and GAE-independent bits, and guarding imports.
    458 class GaeAssertionCredentials(oauth2client.client.AssertionCredentials):
    460     """Assertion credentials for Google App Engine apps."""
    462     def __init__(self, scopes, **kwds):
    463         if not util.DetectGae():
    464             raise exceptions.ResourceUnavailableError(
    465                 'GCE credentials requested outside a GCE instance')
    466         self._scopes = list(util.NormalizeScopes(scopes))
    467         super(GaeAssertionCredentials, self).__init__(None, **kwds)
    469     @classmethod
    470     def Get(cls, *args, **kwds):
    471         try:
    472             return cls(*args, **kwds)
    473         except exceptions.Error:
    474             return None
    476     @classmethod
    477     def from_json(cls, json_data):
    478         data = json.loads(json_data)
    479         return GaeAssertionCredentials(data['_scopes'])
    481     def _refresh(self, _):
    482         """Refresh self.access_token.
    484         Args:
    485           _: (ignored) A function matching httplib2.Http.request's signature.
    486         """
    487         # pylint: disable=import-error
    488         from google.appengine.api import app_identity
    489         try:
    490             token, _ = app_identity.get_access_token(self._scopes)
    491         except app_identity.Error as e:
    492             raise exceptions.CredentialsError(str(e))
    493         self.access_token = token
    495     def sign_blob(self, blob):
    496         """Cryptographically sign a blob (of bytes).
    498         This method is provided to support a common interface, but
    499         the actual key used for a Google Compute Engine service account
    500         is not available, so it can't be used to sign content.
    502         Args:
    503             blob: bytes, Message to be signed.
    505         Raises:
    506             NotImplementedError, always.
    507         """
    508         raise NotImplementedError(
    509             'Compute Engine service accounts cannot sign blobs')
    512 def _GetRunFlowFlags(args=None):
    513     """Retrieves command line flags based on gflags module."""
    514     # There's one rare situation where gsutil will not have argparse
    515     # available, but doesn't need anything depending on argparse anyway,
    516     # since they're bringing their own credentials. So we just allow this
    517     # to fail with an ImportError in those cases.
    518     #
    519     # TODO(craigcitro): Move this import back to the top when we drop
    520     # python 2.6 support (eg when gsutil does).
    521     import argparse
    523     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[tools.argparser])
    524     # Get command line argparse flags.
    525     flags, _ = parser.parse_known_args(args=args)
    527     # Allow `gflags` and `argparse` to be used side-by-side.
    528     if hasattr(FLAGS, 'auth_host_name'):
    529         flags.auth_host_name = FLAGS.auth_host_name
    530     if hasattr(FLAGS, 'auth_host_port'):
    531         flags.auth_host_port = FLAGS.auth_host_port
    532     if hasattr(FLAGS, 'auth_local_webserver'):
    533         flags.noauth_local_webserver = (not FLAGS.auth_local_webserver)
    534     return flags
    537 # TODO(craigcitro): Switch this from taking a path to taking a stream.
    538 def CredentialsFromFile(path, client_info, oauth2client_args=None):
    539     """Read credentials from a file."""
    540     credential_store = multistore_file.get_credential_storage(
    541         path,
    542         client_info['client_id'],
    543         client_info['user_agent'],
    544         client_info['scope'])
    545     if hasattr(FLAGS, 'auth_local_webserver'):
    546         FLAGS.auth_local_webserver = False
    547     credentials = credential_store.get()
    548     if credentials is None or credentials.invalid:
    549         print('Generating new OAuth credentials ...')
    550         for _ in range(20):
    551             # If authorization fails, we want to retry, rather than let this
    552             # cascade up and get caught elsewhere. If users want out of the
    553             # retry loop, they can ^C.
    554             try:
    555                 flow = oauth2client.client.OAuth2WebServerFlow(**client_info)
    556                 flags = _GetRunFlowFlags(args=oauth2client_args)
    557                 credentials = tools.run_flow(flow, credential_store, flags)
    558                 break
    559             except (oauth2client.client.FlowExchangeError, SystemExit) as e:
    560                 # Here SystemExit is "no credential at all", and the
    561                 # FlowExchangeError is "invalid" -- usually because
    562                 # you reused a token.
    563                 print('Invalid authorization: %s' % (e,))
    564             except httplib2.HttpLib2Error as e:
    565                 print('Communication error: %s' % (e,))
    566                 raise exceptions.CredentialsError(
    567                     'Communication error creating credentials: %s' % e)
    568     return credentials
    571 # TODO(craigcitro): Push this into oauth2client.
    572 def GetUserinfo(credentials, http=None):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    573     """Get the userinfo associated with the given credentials.
    575     This is dependent on the token having either the userinfo.email or
    576     userinfo.profile scope for the given token.
    578     Args:
    579       credentials: (oauth2client.client.Credentials) incoming credentials
    580       http: (httplib2.Http, optional) http instance to use
    582     Returns:
    583       The email address for this token, or None if the required scopes
    584       aren't available.
    585     """
    586     http = http or httplib2.Http()
    587     url = _GetUserinfoUrl(credentials)
    588     # We ignore communication woes here (i.e. SSL errors, socket
    589     # timeout), as handling these should be done in a common location.
    590     response, content = http.request(url)
    591     if response.status == http_client.BAD_REQUEST:
    592         credentials.refresh(http)
    593         url = _GetUserinfoUrl(credentials)
    594         response, content = http.request(url)
    595     return json.loads(content or '{}')  # Save ourselves from an empty reply.
    598 def _GetUserinfoUrl(credentials):
    599     url_root = 'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v2/tokeninfo'
    600     query_args = {'access_token': credentials.access_token}
    601     return '?'.join((url_root, urllib.parse.urlencode(query_args)))
    604 @_RegisterCredentialsMethod
    605 def _GetServiceAccountCredentials(
    606         client_info, service_account_name=None, service_account_keyfile=None,
    607         service_account_json_keyfile=None, **unused_kwds):
    608     """Returns ServiceAccountCredentials from give file."""
    609     if ((service_account_name and not service_account_keyfile) or
    610             (service_account_keyfile and not service_account_name)):
    611         raise exceptions.CredentialsError(
    612             'Service account name or keyfile provided without the other')
    613     scopes = client_info['scope'].split()
    614     user_agent = client_info['user_agent']
    615     # Use the .json credentials, if provided.
    616     if service_account_json_keyfile:
    617         return ServiceAccountCredentialsFromFile(
    618             service_account_json_keyfile, scopes, user_agent=user_agent)
    619     # Fall back to .p12 if there's no .json credentials.
    620     if service_account_name is not None:
    621         return ServiceAccountCredentialsFromP12File(
    622             service_account_name, service_account_keyfile, scopes, user_agent)
    625 @_RegisterCredentialsMethod
    626 def _GetGaeServiceAccount(client_info, **unused_kwds):
    627     scopes = client_info['scope'].split(' ')
    628     return GaeAssertionCredentials.Get(scopes=scopes)
    631 @_RegisterCredentialsMethod
    632 def _GetGceServiceAccount(client_info, **unused_kwds):
    633     scopes = client_info['scope'].split(' ')
    634     return GceAssertionCredentials.Get(scopes=scopes)
    637 @_RegisterCredentialsMethod
    638 def _GetApplicationDefaultCredentials(
    639         client_info, skip_application_default_credentials=False,
    640         **unused_kwds):
    641     """Returns ADC with right scopes."""
    642     scopes = client_info['scope'].split()
    643     if skip_application_default_credentials:
    644         return None
    645     gc = oauth2client.client.GoogleCredentials
    646     with cache_file_lock:
    647         try:
    648             # pylint: disable=protected-access
    649             # We've already done our own check for GAE/GCE
    650             # credentials, we don't want to pay for checking again.
    651             credentials = gc._implicit_credentials_from_files()
    652         except oauth2client.client.ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError:
    653             return None
    654     # If we got back a non-service account credential, we need to use
    655     # a heuristic to decide whether or not the application default
    656     # credential will work for us. We assume that if we're requesting
    657     # cloud-platform, our scopes are a subset of cloud scopes, and the
    658     # ADC will work.
    659     cp = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform'
    660     if credentials is None:
    661         return None
    662     if not isinstance(credentials, gc) or cp in scopes:
    663         return credentials.create_scoped(scopes)
    664     return None