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      1 # Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      2 #
      3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 #
      7 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 #
      9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 # limitations under the License.
     14 # ==============================================================================
     15 """A `traverse` visitor for processing documentation."""
     17 from __future__ import absolute_import
     18 from __future__ import division
     19 from __future__ import print_function
     21 import six
     23 from tensorflow.python.util import tf_export
     24 from tensorflow.python.util import tf_inspect
     27 class DocGeneratorVisitor(object):
     28   """A visitor that generates docs for a python object when __call__ed."""
     30   def __init__(self, root_name=''):
     31     """Make a visitor.
     33     As this visitor is starting its traversal at a module or class, it will not
     34     be told the name of that object during traversal. `root_name` is the name it
     35     should use for that object, effectively prefixing all names with
     36     "root_name.".
     38     Args:
     39       root_name: The name of the root module/class.
     40     """
     41     self.set_root_name(root_name)
     42     self._index = {}
     43     self._tree = {}
     44     self._reverse_index = None
     45     self._duplicates = None
     46     self._duplicate_of = None
     48   def set_root_name(self, root_name):
     49     """Sets the root name for subsequent __call__s."""
     50     self._root_name = root_name or ''
     51     self._prefix = (root_name + '.') if root_name else ''
     53   @property
     54   def index(self):
     55     """A map from fully qualified names to objects to be documented.
     57     The index is filled when the visitor is passed to `traverse`.
     59     Returns:
     60       The index filled by traversal.
     61     """
     62     return self._index
     64   @property
     65   def tree(self):
     66     """A map from fully qualified names to all its child names for traversal.
     68     The full name to member names map is filled when the visitor is passed to
     69     `traverse`.
     71     Returns:
     72       The full name to member name map filled by traversal.
     73     """
     74     return self._tree
     76   @property
     77   def reverse_index(self):
     78     """A map from `id(object)` to the preferred fully qualified name.
     80     This map only contains non-primitive objects (no numbers or strings) present
     81     in `index` (for primitive objects, `id()` doesn't quite do the right thing).
     83     It is computed when it, `duplicate_of`, or `duplicates` are first accessed.
     85     Returns:
     86       The `id(object)` to full name map.
     87     """
     88     self._maybe_find_duplicates()
     89     return self._reverse_index
     91   @property
     92   def duplicate_of(self):
     93     """A map from duplicate full names to a preferred fully qualified name.
     95     This map only contains names that are not themself a preferred name.
     97     It is computed when it, `reverse_index`, or `duplicates` are first accessed.
     99     Returns:
    100       The map from duplicate name to preferred name.
    101     """
    102     self._maybe_find_duplicates()
    103     return self._duplicate_of
    105   @property
    106   def duplicates(self):
    107     """A map from preferred full names to a list of all names for this symbol.
    109     This function returns a map from preferred (master) name for a symbol to a
    110     lexicographically sorted list of all aliases for that name (incl. the master
    111     name). Symbols without duplicate names do not appear in this map.
    113     It is computed when it, `reverse_index`, or `duplicate_of` are first
    114     accessed.
    116     Returns:
    117       The map from master name to list of all duplicate names.
    118     """
    119     self._maybe_find_duplicates()
    120     return self._duplicates
    122   def _add_prefix(self, name):
    123     """Adds the root name to a name."""
    124     return self._prefix + name if name else self._root_name
    126   def __call__(self, parent_name, parent, children):
    127     """Visitor interface, see `tensorflow/tools/common:traverse` for details.
    129     This method is called for each symbol found in a traversal using
    130     `tensorflow/tools/common:traverse`. It should not be called directly in
    131     user code.
    133     Args:
    134       parent_name: The fully qualified name of a symbol found during traversal.
    135       parent: The Python object referenced by `parent_name`.
    136       children: A list of `(name, py_object)` pairs enumerating, in alphabetical
    137         order, the children (as determined by `tf_inspect.getmembers`) of
    138           `parent`. `name` is the local name of `py_object` in `parent`.
    140     Raises:
    141       RuntimeError: If this visitor is called with a `parent` that is not a
    142         class or module.
    143     """
    144     parent_name = self._add_prefix(parent_name)
    145     self._index[parent_name] = parent
    146     self._tree[parent_name] = []
    148     if not (tf_inspect.ismodule(parent) or tf_inspect.isclass(parent)):
    149       raise RuntimeError('Unexpected type in visitor -- %s: %r' % (parent_name,
    150                                                                    parent))
    152     for i, (name, child) in enumerate(list(children)):
    153       # Don't document __metaclass__
    154       if name in ['__metaclass__']:
    155         del children[i]
    156         continue
    158       full_name = '.'.join([parent_name, name]) if parent_name else name
    159       self._index[full_name] = child
    160       self._tree[parent_name].append(name)
    162   def _score_name(self, name):
    163     """Return a tuple of scores indicating how to sort for the best name.
    165     This function is meant to be used as the `key` to the `sorted` function.
    167     This sorting in order:
    168       Prefers names refering to the defining class, over a subclass.
    169       Prefers names that are not in "contrib".
    170       prefers submodules to the root namespace.
    171       Prefers short names `tf.thing` over `tf.a.b.c.thing`
    172       Sorts lexicographically on name parts.
    174     Args:
    175       name: the full name to score, for example `tf.estimator.Estimator`
    177     Returns:
    178       A tuple of scores. When sorted the preferred name will have the lowest
    179       value.
    180     """
    181     parts = name.split('.')
    182     short_name = parts[-1]
    184     container = self._index['.'.join(parts[:-1])]
    186     defining_class_score = 1
    187     if tf_inspect.isclass(container):
    188       if short_name in container.__dict__:
    189         # prefer the defining class
    190         defining_class_score = -1
    192     contrib_score = -1
    193     if 'contrib' in parts:
    194       contrib_score = 1
    196     while parts:
    197       container = self._index['.'.join(parts)]
    198       if tf_inspect.ismodule(container):
    199         break
    200       parts.pop()
    202     module_length = len(parts)
    203     if len(parts) == 2:
    204       # `tf.submodule.thing` is better than `tf.thing`
    205       module_length_score = -1
    206     else:
    207       # shorter is better
    208       module_length_score = module_length
    210     return (defining_class_score, contrib_score, module_length_score, name)
    212   def _maybe_find_duplicates(self):
    213     """Compute data structures containing information about duplicates.
    215     Find duplicates in `index` and decide on one to be the "master" name.
    217     Computes a reverse_index mapping each object id to its master name.
    219     Also computes a map `duplicate_of` from aliases to their master name (the
    220     master name itself has no entry in this map), and a map `duplicates` from
    221     master names to a lexicographically sorted list of all aliases for that name
    222     (incl. the master name).
    224     All these are computed and set as fields if they haven't already.
    225     """
    226     if self._reverse_index is not None:
    227       return
    229     # Maps the id of a symbol to its fully qualified name. For symbols that have
    230     # several aliases, this map contains the first one found.
    231     # We use id(py_object) to get a hashable value for py_object. Note all
    232     # objects in _index are in memory at the same time so this is safe.
    233     reverse_index = {}
    235     # Make a preliminary duplicates map. For all sets of duplicate names, it
    236     # maps the first name found to a list of all duplicate names.
    237     raw_duplicates = {}
    238     for full_name, py_object in six.iteritems(self._index):
    239       # We cannot use the duplicate mechanism for some constants, since e.g.,
    240       # id(c1) == id(c2) with c1=1, c2=1. This is unproblematic since constants
    241       # have no usable docstring and won't be documented automatically.
    242       if (py_object is not None and
    243           not isinstance(py_object, six.integer_types + six.string_types +
    244                          (six.binary_type, six.text_type, float, complex, bool))
    245           and py_object is not ()):  # pylint: disable=literal-comparison
    246         object_id = id(py_object)
    247         if object_id in reverse_index:
    248           master_name = reverse_index[object_id]
    249           if master_name in raw_duplicates:
    250             raw_duplicates[master_name].append(full_name)
    251           else:
    252             raw_duplicates[master_name] = [master_name, full_name]
    253         else:
    254           reverse_index[object_id] = full_name
    255     # Decide on master names, rewire duplicates and make a duplicate_of map
    256     # mapping all non-master duplicates to the master name. The master symbol
    257     # does not have an entry in this map.
    258     duplicate_of = {}
    259     # Duplicates maps the main symbols to the set of all duplicates of that
    260     # symbol (incl. itself).
    261     duplicates = {}
    262     for names in raw_duplicates.values():
    263       names = sorted(names)
    264       master_name = (
    265           tf_export.get_canonical_name_for_symbol(self._index[names[0]])
    266           if names else None)
    267       if master_name:
    268         master_name = 'tf.%s' % master_name
    269       else:
    270         # Choose the master name with a lexical sort on the tuples returned by
    271         # by _score_name.
    272         master_name = min(names, key=self._score_name)
    274       duplicates[master_name] = names
    275       for name in names:
    276         if name != master_name:
    277           duplicate_of[name] = master_name
    279       # Set the reverse index to the canonical name.
    280       reverse_index[id(self._index[master_name])] = master_name
    282     self._duplicate_of = duplicate_of
    283     self._duplicates = duplicates
    284     self._reverse_index = reverse_index