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      1 # Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      2 #
      3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 #
      7 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 #
      9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 # limitations under the License.
     14 # ==============================================================================
     16 """Classes and methods related to model_fn (deprecated).
     18 This module and all its submodules are deprecated. See
     19 [contrib/learn/README.md](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/contrib/learn/README.md)
     20 for migration instructions.
     21 """
     23 from __future__ import absolute_import
     24 from __future__ import division
     25 from __future__ import print_function
     27 import collections
     29 import six
     31 from tensorflow.contrib.framework import get_graph_from_inputs
     32 from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.estimators import constants
     33 from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.estimators import metric_key
     34 from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.estimators import prediction_key
     35 from tensorflow.python.estimator import model_fn as core_model_fn_lib
     36 from tensorflow.python.estimator.export import export_output as core_export_lib
     37 from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
     38 from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
     39 from tensorflow.python.framework import sparse_tensor
     40 from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape
     41 from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
     42 from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging
     43 from tensorflow.python.saved_model import signature_constants
     44 from tensorflow.python.training import session_run_hook
     45 from tensorflow.python.util.deprecation import deprecated
     48 class ModeKeys(object):
     49   """Standard names for model modes (deprecated).
     53   The following standard keys are defined:
     55   * `TRAIN`: training mode.
     56   * `EVAL`: evaluation mode.
     57   * `INFER`: inference mode.
     58   """
     60   TRAIN = 'train'
     61   EVAL = 'eval'
     62   INFER = 'infer'
     64   @classmethod
     65   def validate(cls, key):
     66     if key not in (cls.TRAIN, cls.EVAL, cls.INFER):
     67       raise ValueError('Invalid mode %s.' % key)
     70 class ModelFnOps(
     71     collections.namedtuple('ModelFnOps', [
     72         'predictions', 'loss', 'train_op', 'eval_metric_ops',
     73         'output_alternatives', 'training_chief_hooks', 'training_hooks',
     74         'scaffold', 'mode'
     75     ])):
     76   """Ops returned from a model_fn.
     79   [contrib/learn/README.md](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/contrib/learn/README.md)
     80   for general migration instructions.
     81   """
     83   @deprecated(None, 'When switching to tf.estimator.Estimator, use '
     84               'tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec. You can use the `estimator_spec`'
     85               ' method to create an equivalent one.')
     86   def __new__(cls,
     87               mode,
     88               predictions=None,
     89               loss=None,
     90               train_op=None,
     91               eval_metric_ops=None,
     92               output_alternatives=None,
     93               training_chief_hooks=None,
     94               training_hooks=None,
     95               scaffold=None):
     96     """Creates a validated `ModelFnOps` instance.
     98     For a multi-headed model, the predictions dict here will contain the outputs
     99     of all of the heads.  However: at serving time, requests will be made
    100     specifically for one or more heads, and the RPCs used for these requests may
    101     differ by problem type (i.e., regression, classification, other).  The
    102     purpose of the output_alternatives dict is to aid in exporting a SavedModel
    103     from which such head-specific queries can be served.  These
    104     output_alternatives will be combined with input_alternatives (see
    105     `saved_model_export_utils`) to produce a set of `SignatureDef`s specifying
    106     the valid requests that can be served from this model.
    108     For a single-headed model, it is still adviseable to provide
    109     output_alternatives with a single entry, because this is how the problem
    110     type is communicated for export and serving.  If output_alternatives is not
    111     given, the resulting SavedModel will support only one head of unspecified
    112     type.
    114     Args:
    115       mode: One of `ModeKeys`. Specifies if this training, evaluation or
    116         prediction.
    117       predictions: Predictions `Tensor` or dict of `Tensor`.
    118       loss: Training loss `Tensor`.
    119       train_op: Op for the training step.
    120       eval_metric_ops: Dict of metric results keyed by name. The values of the
    121         dict are the results of calling a metric function, such as `Tensor`.
    122       output_alternatives: a dict of
    123         `{submodel_name: (problem_type, {tensor_name: Tensor})}`, where
    124         `submodel_name` is a submodel identifier that should be consistent
    125         across the pipeline (here likely taken from the name of each `Head`,
    126         for models that use them), `problem_type` is a `ProblemType`,
    127         `tensor_name` is a symbolic name for an output Tensor possibly but not
    128         necessarily taken from `PredictionKey`, and `Tensor` is the
    129         corresponding output Tensor itself.
    130       training_chief_hooks: A list of `SessionRunHook` objects that will be
    131         run on the chief worker during training.
    132       training_hooks: A list of `SessionRunHook` objects that will be run on
    133         all workers during training.
    134       scaffold: A `tf.train.Scaffold` object that can be used to set
    135         initialization, saver, and more to be used in training.
    137     Returns:
    138       A validated `ModelFnOps` object.
    140     Raises:
    141       ValueError: If validation fails.
    142     """
    143     ModeKeys.validate(mode)
    145     # Assert all ops are from the same graph.
    146     get_graph_from_inputs((predictions, loss, train_op))
    148     # Validate train_op.
    149     if train_op is None:
    150       if mode == ModeKeys.TRAIN:
    151         raise ValueError('Missing train_op.')
    152     elif not isinstance(train_op, ops.Operation):
    153       # TODO(ptucker): Should this be allowed? Consider raising error.
    154       train_op = ops.convert_to_tensor(train_op).op
    156     # Validate loss.
    157     if loss is None:
    158       if mode in (ModeKeys.TRAIN, ModeKeys.EVAL):
    159         raise ValueError('Missing loss.')
    160     else:
    161       loss = ops.convert_to_tensor(loss)
    162       loss_shape = loss.get_shape()
    163       if loss_shape.num_elements() not in (None, 1):
    164         raise ValueError('Loss must be scalar: %s.' % loss)
    165       if not loss_shape.is_compatible_with(tensor_shape.scalar()):
    166         loss = array_ops.reshape(loss, [])
    168     # Validate predictions.
    169     if predictions is None:
    170       if mode == ModeKeys.INFER or mode == ModeKeys.EVAL:
    171         raise ValueError('Missing predictions.')
    172     else:
    173       if isinstance(predictions, dict):
    174         predictions = {
    175             k: sparse_tensor.convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor(v)
    176             for k, v in six.iteritems(predictions)
    177         }
    178       else:
    179         predictions = sparse_tensor.convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor(
    180             predictions)
    182     # Validate eval_metric_ops
    183     if eval_metric_ops is None:
    184       eval_metric_ops = {}
    185     else:
    186       if not isinstance(eval_metric_ops, dict):
    187         raise ValueError('eval_metric_ops must be a dict.')
    189     # Validate hooks
    190     if training_chief_hooks is None:
    191       training_chief_hooks = []
    192     if training_hooks is None:
    193       training_hooks = []
    194     for hook in training_hooks + training_chief_hooks:
    195       if not isinstance(hook, session_run_hook.SessionRunHook):
    196         raise TypeError('All hooks returned from model_fn must be '
    197                         'SessionRunHook instances, got instance of %s: %s' %
    198                         (type(hook), hook))
    200     return super(ModelFnOps, cls).__new__(
    201         cls,
    202         predictions=predictions,
    203         loss=loss,
    204         train_op=train_op,
    205         eval_metric_ops=eval_metric_ops,
    206         output_alternatives=output_alternatives,
    207         training_chief_hooks=training_chief_hooks,
    208         training_hooks=training_hooks,
    209         scaffold=scaffold,
    210         mode=mode)
    212   def estimator_spec(self, default_serving_output_alternative_key=None):
    213     """Creates an equivalent `EstimatorSpec`.
    215     Args:
    216       default_serving_output_alternative_key: Required for multiple heads. If
    217         you have multiple entries in `output_alternatives` dict (comparable to
    218         multiple heads), `EstimatorSpec` requires a default head that will be
    219         used if a Servo request does not explicitly mention which head to infer
    220         on. Pass the key of the output alternative here that you want to
    221         designate as default. A separate ExportOutpout for this default head
    222         will be added to the export_outputs dict with the special key
    223         signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY, unless there is
    224         already an enry in output_alternatives with this special key.
    226     Returns:
    227       Instance of `EstimatorSpec` that is equivalent to this `ModelFnOps`
    229     Raises:
    230       ValueError: If problem type is unknown.
    231     """
    232     def _scores(output_tensors):
    233       scores = output_tensors.get(prediction_key.PredictionKey.SCORES)
    234       if scores is None:
    235         scores = output_tensors.get(prediction_key.PredictionKey.PROBABILITIES)
    236       return scores
    238     def _classes(output_tensors):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
    239       classes = output_tensors.get(prediction_key.PredictionKey.CLASSES)
    240       if classes is None:
    241         logging.warning(
    242             'classes is None, Servo inference will not have class ids.')
    243         return None
    244       elif classes.dtype != dtypes.string:
    245         # Servo classification can only serve string classes
    246         logging.warning(
    247             'classes is not string, Servo inference will not have class ids.')
    248         return None
    250       return classes
    252     def _export_output(problem_type, predictions):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
    253       if problem_type == constants.ProblemType.LINEAR_REGRESSION:
    254         return core_export_lib.RegressionOutput(_scores(predictions))
    256       if (problem_type == constants.ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION or
    257           problem_type == constants.ProblemType.LOGISTIC_REGRESSION):
    258         return core_export_lib.ClassificationOutput(
    259             scores=_scores(predictions), classes=_classes(predictions))
    261       if problem_type == constants.ProblemType.UNSPECIFIED:
    262         return core_export_lib.PredictOutput(predictions)
    264       raise ValueError('Unknown problem_type=%s' % problem_type)
    266     # Converts output_alternatives
    267     export_outputs_dict = None
    268     if self.output_alternatives:
    269       output_alternatives = self.output_alternatives
    270       # Adds default output_alternative if needed.
    271       if (len(output_alternatives) > 1 and
    272           signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY not in
    273           output_alternatives):
    274         output_alternatives = output_alternatives.copy()
    275         output_alternatives[
    276             signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY] = (
    277                 output_alternatives[default_serving_output_alternative_key])
    278       export_outputs_dict = {key: _export_output(*val) for key, val in
    279                              output_alternatives.items()}
    281     def _get_eval_metric_ops():
    282       """Returns self.eval_metric_ops without loss metric."""
    283       result = {}
    284       for key, value in six.iteritems(self.eval_metric_ops):
    285         if key != metric_key.MetricKey.LOSS:
    286           result[key] = value
    287       return result
    289     # Convert the contrib mode enum to the core mode enum.
    290     # Note: mode already validated in __new__().
    291     if self.mode == ModeKeys.TRAIN:
    292       core_mode = core_model_fn_lib.ModeKeys.TRAIN
    293     elif self.mode == ModeKeys.EVAL:
    294       core_mode = core_model_fn_lib.ModeKeys.EVAL
    295     elif self.mode == ModeKeys.INFER:
    296       core_mode = core_model_fn_lib.ModeKeys.PREDICT
    298     return core_model_fn_lib.EstimatorSpec(
    299         mode=core_mode,
    300         predictions=self.predictions,
    301         loss=self.loss,
    302         train_op=self.train_op,
    303         eval_metric_ops=_get_eval_metric_ops(),
    304         export_outputs=export_outputs_dict,
    305         training_chief_hooks=self.training_chief_hooks,
    306         training_hooks=self.training_hooks,
    307         scaffold=self.scaffold)