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      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 set -eux
      3 # By default, run tests with pytest-forked plugin,
      4 # disable in terminal for debugging, you may add --forked
      5 flag_forked="--forked"
      6 if [[ -z "${CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION-}" ]] && [[ -t 1 ]] ; then
      7 	flag_forked=""
      8 fi
      9 test_flags=(
     10 	$@
     11 	$flag_forked
     12 	tests/
     13 )
     15 main() {
     16 	cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/.."
     17 	if [[ -n "${CONTINUOUS_INTEGRATION-}" ]] ; then
     18 		case "${test_group-}" in
     19 		pep8)
     20 			if [[ "${TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION}" = "2.7" ]] ; then
     21 				flake8 python2/
     22 			else
     23 				flake8 python3/ tests/
     24 			fi
     25 			;;
     26 		package)
     27 			# TODO: sdist bdist_wheel
     28 			# but wheels don't roll well with our 2/3 split code base
     29 			python setup.py sdist
     30 			install_check_version "pip"
     31 			;;
     32 		*)
     33 			pip install -e .
     34 			httplib2_test_still_run_skipped=1 pytest --fulltrace -k test_303 $@ tests/ || true
     35 			httplib2_test_still_run_skipped=1 pytest --fulltrace -k test_head_301 $@ tests/ || true
     36 			pytest --fulltrace ${test_flags[@]}
     37 			;;
     38 		esac
     39 	else
     40 		if [[ ! -d ./venv-27 ]] ; then
     41 			virtualenv --python=python2.7 ./venv-27
     42 		fi
     43 		if [[ ! -d ./venv-36 ]] ; then
     44 			virtualenv --python=python3.6 ./venv-36
     45 		fi
     47 		./venv-27/bin/pip install -e . -r requirements-test.txt
     48 		./venv-27/bin/pytest ${test_flags[@]}
     49 		./venv-36/bin/pip install -e . -r requirements-test.txt
     50 		./venv-36/bin/pytest ${test_flags[@]}
     52 		# FIXME: too many errors
     53 		# ./venv-27/bin/flake8 python2/
     54 		# ./venv-36/bin/flake8 python3/ tests/
     56 		# TODO: sdist bdist_wheel
     57 		# but wheels don't roll well with our 2/3 split code base
     58 		./venv-36/bin/python setup.py sdist
     59 		install_check_version "./venv-27/bin/pip"
     60 		install_check_version "./venv-36/bin/pip"
     61 	fi
     62 	rm -rf ./_httplib2_test_cache
     63 }
     65 install_check_version() {
     66 	local pip="$1"
     67 	$pip install dist/httplib2*
     68 	version_source=$(cd python3 ; python3 -Es -c 'import httplib2;print(httplib2.__version__)')
     69 	version_installed=$($pip show httplib2 |fgrep Version |cut -d' ' -f2)
     70 	if [[ "$version_source" != "$version_installed" ]] ; then
     71 		echo "error: installed package version=$version_installed does not match source=$version_source" >&2
     72 		exit 1
     73 	fi
     74 }
     76 main "$@"