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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include <memory>
      6 #include <string>
      8 #include "base/files/file_util.h"
      9 #include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
     10 #include "base/json/json_file_value_serializer.h"
     11 #include "base/json/json_reader.h"
     12 #include "base/json/json_string_value_serializer.h"
     13 #include "base/json/json_writer.h"
     14 #include "base/path_service.h"
     15 #include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
     16 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
     17 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
     18 #include "base/values.h"
     19 #include "build/build_config.h"
     20 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
     22 namespace base {
     24 namespace {
     26 // Some proper JSON to test with:
     27 const char kProperJSON[] =
     28     "{\n"
     29     "   \"compound\": {\n"
     30     "      \"a\": 1,\n"
     31     "      \"b\": 2\n"
     32     "   },\n"
     33     "   \"some_String\": \"1337\",\n"
     34     "   \"some_int\": 42,\n"
     35     "   \"the_list\": [ \"val1\", \"val2\" ]\n"
     36     "}\n";
     38 // Some proper JSON with trailing commas:
     39 const char kProperJSONWithCommas[] =
     40     "{\n"
     41     "\t\"some_int\": 42,\n"
     42     "\t\"some_String\": \"1337\",\n"
     43     "\t\"the_list\": [\"val1\", \"val2\", ],\n"
     44     "\t\"compound\": { \"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, },\n"
     45     "}\n";
     47 // kProperJSON with a few misc characters at the begin and end.
     48 const char kProperJSONPadded[] =
     49     ")]}'\n"
     50     "{\n"
     51     "   \"compound\": {\n"
     52     "      \"a\": 1,\n"
     53     "      \"b\": 2\n"
     54     "   },\n"
     55     "   \"some_String\": \"1337\",\n"
     56     "   \"some_int\": 42,\n"
     57     "   \"the_list\": [ \"val1\", \"val2\" ]\n"
     58     "}\n"
     59     "?!ab\n";
     61 const char kWinLineEnds[] = "\r\n";
     62 const char kLinuxLineEnds[] = "\n";
     64 // Verifies the generated JSON against the expected output.
     65 void CheckJSONIsStillTheSame(const Value& value) {
     66   // Serialize back the output.
     67   std::string serialized_json;
     68   JSONStringValueSerializer str_serializer(&serialized_json);
     69   str_serializer.set_pretty_print(true);
     70   ASSERT_TRUE(str_serializer.Serialize(value));
     71   // Unify line endings between platforms.
     72   ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&serialized_json, 0,
     73                                kWinLineEnds, kLinuxLineEnds);
     74   // Now compare the input with the output.
     75   ASSERT_EQ(kProperJSON, serialized_json);
     76 }
     78 void ValidateJsonList(const std::string& json) {
     79   std::unique_ptr<ListValue> list = ListValue::From(JSONReader::Read(json));
     80   ASSERT_TRUE(list);
     81   ASSERT_EQ(1U, list->GetSize());
     82   Value* elt = nullptr;
     83   ASSERT_TRUE(list->Get(0, &elt));
     84   int value = 0;
     85   ASSERT_TRUE(elt && elt->GetAsInteger(&value));
     86   ASSERT_EQ(1, value);
     87 }
     89 // Test proper JSON deserialization from string is working.
     90 TEST(JSONValueDeserializerTest, ReadProperJSONFromString) {
     91   // Try to deserialize it through the serializer.
     92   JSONStringValueDeserializer str_deserializer(kProperJSON);
     94   int error_code = 0;
     95   std::string error_message;
     96   std::unique_ptr<Value> value =
     97       str_deserializer.Deserialize(&error_code, &error_message);
     98   ASSERT_TRUE(value);
     99   ASSERT_EQ(0, error_code);
    100   ASSERT_TRUE(error_message.empty());
    101   // Verify if the same JSON is still there.
    102   CheckJSONIsStillTheSame(*value);
    103 }
    105 // Test proper JSON deserialization from a StringPiece substring.
    106 TEST(JSONValueDeserializerTest, ReadProperJSONFromStringPiece) {
    107   // Create a StringPiece for the substring of kProperJSONPadded that matches
    108   // kProperJSON.
    109   StringPiece proper_json(kProperJSONPadded);
    110   proper_json = proper_json.substr(5, proper_json.length() - 10);
    111   JSONStringValueDeserializer str_deserializer(proper_json);
    113   int error_code = 0;
    114   std::string error_message;
    115   std::unique_ptr<Value> value =
    116       str_deserializer.Deserialize(&error_code, &error_message);
    117   ASSERT_TRUE(value);
    118   ASSERT_EQ(0, error_code);
    119   ASSERT_TRUE(error_message.empty());
    120   // Verify if the same JSON is still there.
    121   CheckJSONIsStillTheSame(*value);
    122 }
    124 // Test that trialing commas are only properly deserialized from string when
    125 // the proper flag for that is set.
    126 TEST(JSONValueDeserializerTest, ReadJSONWithTrailingCommasFromString) {
    127   // Try to deserialize it through the serializer.
    128   JSONStringValueDeserializer str_deserializer(kProperJSONWithCommas);
    130   int error_code = 0;
    131   std::string error_message;
    132   std::unique_ptr<Value> value =
    133       str_deserializer.Deserialize(&error_code, &error_message);
    134   ASSERT_FALSE(value);
    135   ASSERT_NE(0, error_code);
    136   ASSERT_FALSE(error_message.empty());
    137   // Repeat with commas allowed.
    138   JSONStringValueDeserializer str_deserializer2(kProperJSONWithCommas,
    139                                                 JSON_ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMAS);
    140   value = str_deserializer2.Deserialize(&error_code, &error_message);
    141   ASSERT_TRUE(value);
    142   ASSERT_EQ(JSONReader::JSON_TRAILING_COMMA, error_code);
    143   // Verify if the same JSON is still there.
    144   CheckJSONIsStillTheSame(*value);
    145 }
    147 // Test proper JSON deserialization from file is working.
    148 TEST(JSONValueDeserializerTest, ReadProperJSONFromFile) {
    149   ScopedTempDir tempdir;
    150   ASSERT_TRUE(tempdir.CreateUniqueTempDir());
    151   // Write it down in the file.
    152   FilePath temp_file(tempdir.GetPath().AppendASCII("test.json"));
    153   ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<int>(strlen(kProperJSON)),
    154             WriteFile(temp_file, kProperJSON, strlen(kProperJSON)));
    156   // Try to deserialize it through the serializer.
    157   JSONFileValueDeserializer file_deserializer(temp_file);
    159   int error_code = 0;
    160   std::string error_message;
    161   std::unique_ptr<Value> value =
    162       file_deserializer.Deserialize(&error_code, &error_message);
    163   ASSERT_TRUE(value);
    164   ASSERT_EQ(0, error_code);
    165   ASSERT_TRUE(error_message.empty());
    166   // Verify if the same JSON is still there.
    167   CheckJSONIsStillTheSame(*value);
    168 }
    170 // Test that trialing commas are only properly deserialized from file when
    171 // the proper flag for that is set.
    172 TEST(JSONValueDeserializerTest, ReadJSONWithCommasFromFile) {
    173   ScopedTempDir tempdir;
    174   ASSERT_TRUE(tempdir.CreateUniqueTempDir());
    175   // Write it down in the file.
    176   FilePath temp_file(tempdir.GetPath().AppendASCII("test.json"));
    177   ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<int>(strlen(kProperJSONWithCommas)),
    178             WriteFile(temp_file, kProperJSONWithCommas,
    179                       strlen(kProperJSONWithCommas)));
    181   // Try to deserialize it through the serializer.
    182   JSONFileValueDeserializer file_deserializer(temp_file);
    183   // This must fail without the proper flag.
    184   int error_code = 0;
    185   std::string error_message;
    186   std::unique_ptr<Value> value =
    187       file_deserializer.Deserialize(&error_code, &error_message);
    188   ASSERT_FALSE(value);
    189   ASSERT_NE(0, error_code);
    190   ASSERT_FALSE(error_message.empty());
    191   // Repeat with commas allowed.
    192   JSONFileValueDeserializer file_deserializer2(temp_file,
    193                                                JSON_ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMAS);
    194   value = file_deserializer2.Deserialize(&error_code, &error_message);
    195   ASSERT_TRUE(value);
    196   ASSERT_EQ(JSONReader::JSON_TRAILING_COMMA, error_code);
    197   // Verify if the same JSON is still there.
    198   CheckJSONIsStillTheSame(*value);
    199 }
    201 TEST(JSONValueDeserializerTest, AllowTrailingComma) {
    202   static const char kTestWithCommas[] = "{\"key\": [true,],}";
    203   static const char kTestNoCommas[] = "{\"key\": [true]}";
    205   JSONStringValueDeserializer deserializer(kTestWithCommas,
    206                                            JSON_ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMAS);
    207   JSONStringValueDeserializer deserializer_expected(kTestNoCommas);
    208   std::unique_ptr<Value> root = deserializer.Deserialize(nullptr, nullptr);
    209   ASSERT_TRUE(root);
    210   std::unique_ptr<Value> root_expected;
    211   root_expected = deserializer_expected.Deserialize(nullptr, nullptr);
    212   ASSERT_TRUE(root_expected);
    213   ASSERT_TRUE(root->Equals(root_expected.get()));
    214 }
    216 TEST(JSONValueSerializerTest, Roundtrip) {
    217   static const char kOriginalSerialization[] =
    218     "{\"bool\":true,\"double\":3.14,\"int\":42,\"list\":[1,2],\"null\":null}";
    219   JSONStringValueDeserializer deserializer(kOriginalSerialization);
    220   std::unique_ptr<DictionaryValue> root_dict =
    221       DictionaryValue::From(deserializer.Deserialize(nullptr, nullptr));
    222   ASSERT_TRUE(root_dict);
    224   Value* null_value = nullptr;
    225   ASSERT_TRUE(root_dict->Get("null", &null_value));
    226   ASSERT_TRUE(null_value);
    227   ASSERT_TRUE(null_value->is_none());
    229   bool bool_value = false;
    230   ASSERT_TRUE(root_dict->GetBoolean("bool", &bool_value));
    231   ASSERT_TRUE(bool_value);
    233   int int_value = 0;
    234   ASSERT_TRUE(root_dict->GetInteger("int", &int_value));
    235   ASSERT_EQ(42, int_value);
    237   double double_value = 0.0;
    238   ASSERT_TRUE(root_dict->GetDouble("double", &double_value));
    239   ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(3.14, double_value);
    241   std::string test_serialization;
    242   JSONStringValueSerializer mutable_serializer(&test_serialization);
    243   ASSERT_TRUE(mutable_serializer.Serialize(*root_dict));
    244   ASSERT_EQ(kOriginalSerialization, test_serialization);
    246   mutable_serializer.set_pretty_print(true);
    247   ASSERT_TRUE(mutable_serializer.Serialize(*root_dict));
    248   // JSON output uses a different newline style on Windows than on other
    249   // platforms.
    250 #if defined(OS_WIN)
    251 #define JSON_NEWLINE "\r\n"
    252 #else
    253 #define JSON_NEWLINE "\n"
    254 #endif
    255   const std::string pretty_serialization =
    256     "{" JSON_NEWLINE
    257     "   \"bool\": true," JSON_NEWLINE
    258     "   \"double\": 3.14," JSON_NEWLINE
    259     "   \"int\": 42," JSON_NEWLINE
    260     "   \"list\": [ 1, 2 ]," JSON_NEWLINE
    261     "   \"null\": null" JSON_NEWLINE
    262     "}" JSON_NEWLINE;
    263 #undef JSON_NEWLINE
    264   ASSERT_EQ(pretty_serialization, test_serialization);
    265 }
    267 TEST(JSONValueSerializerTest, StringEscape) {
    268   string16 all_chars;
    269   for (int i = 1; i < 256; ++i) {
    270     all_chars += static_cast<char16>(i);
    271   }
    272   // Generated in in Firefox using the following js (with an extra backslash for
    273   // double quote):
    274   // var s = '';
    275   // for (var i = 1; i < 256; ++i) { s += String.fromCharCode(i); }
    276   // uneval(s).replace(/\\/g, "\\\\");
    277   std::string all_chars_expected =
    278       "\\u0001\\u0002\\u0003\\u0004\\u0005\\u0006\\u0007\\b\\t\\n\\u000B\\f\\r"
    279       "\\u000E\\u000F\\u0010\\u0011\\u0012\\u0013\\u0014\\u0015\\u0016\\u0017"
    280       "\\u0018\\u0019\\u001A\\u001B\\u001C\\u001D\\u001E\\u001F !\\\"#$%&'()*+,"
    281       "-./0123456789:;\\u003C=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\\\]^_`abcde"
    282       "fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7F\xC2\x80\xC2\x81\xC2\x82\xC2\x83\xC2\x84"
    283       "\xC2\x85\xC2\x86\xC2\x87\xC2\x88\xC2\x89\xC2\x8A\xC2\x8B\xC2\x8C\xC2\x8D"
    284       "\xC2\x8E\xC2\x8F\xC2\x90\xC2\x91\xC2\x92\xC2\x93\xC2\x94\xC2\x95\xC2\x96"
    285       "\xC2\x97\xC2\x98\xC2\x99\xC2\x9A\xC2\x9B\xC2\x9C\xC2\x9D\xC2\x9E\xC2\x9F"
    286       "\xC2\xA0\xC2\xA1\xC2\xA2\xC2\xA3\xC2\xA4\xC2\xA5\xC2\xA6\xC2\xA7\xC2\xA8"
    287       "\xC2\xA9\xC2\xAA\xC2\xAB\xC2\xAC\xC2\xAD\xC2\xAE\xC2\xAF\xC2\xB0\xC2\xB1"
    288       "\xC2\xB2\xC2\xB3\xC2\xB4\xC2\xB5\xC2\xB6\xC2\xB7\xC2\xB8\xC2\xB9\xC2\xBA"
    289       "\xC2\xBB\xC2\xBC\xC2\xBD\xC2\xBE\xC2\xBF\xC3\x80\xC3\x81\xC3\x82\xC3\x83"
    290       "\xC3\x84\xC3\x85\xC3\x86\xC3\x87\xC3\x88\xC3\x89\xC3\x8A\xC3\x8B\xC3\x8C"
    291       "\xC3\x8D\xC3\x8E\xC3\x8F\xC3\x90\xC3\x91\xC3\x92\xC3\x93\xC3\x94\xC3\x95"
    292       "\xC3\x96\xC3\x97\xC3\x98\xC3\x99\xC3\x9A\xC3\x9B\xC3\x9C\xC3\x9D\xC3\x9E"
    293       "\xC3\x9F\xC3\xA0\xC3\xA1\xC3\xA2\xC3\xA3\xC3\xA4\xC3\xA5\xC3\xA6\xC3\xA7"
    294       "\xC3\xA8\xC3\xA9\xC3\xAA\xC3\xAB\xC3\xAC\xC3\xAD\xC3\xAE\xC3\xAF\xC3\xB0"
    295       "\xC3\xB1\xC3\xB2\xC3\xB3\xC3\xB4\xC3\xB5\xC3\xB6\xC3\xB7\xC3\xB8\xC3\xB9"
    296       "\xC3\xBA\xC3\xBB\xC3\xBC\xC3\xBD\xC3\xBE\xC3\xBF";
    298   std::string expected_output = "{\"all_chars\":\"" + all_chars_expected +
    299                                  "\"}";
    300   // Test JSONWriter interface
    301   std::string output_js;
    302   DictionaryValue valueRoot;
    303   valueRoot.SetString("all_chars", all_chars);
    304   JSONWriter::Write(valueRoot, &output_js);
    305   ASSERT_EQ(expected_output, output_js);
    307   // Test JSONValueSerializer interface (uses JSONWriter).
    308   JSONStringValueSerializer serializer(&output_js);
    309   ASSERT_TRUE(serializer.Serialize(valueRoot));
    310   ASSERT_EQ(expected_output, output_js);
    311 }
    313 TEST(JSONValueSerializerTest, UnicodeStrings) {
    314   // unicode string json -> escaped ascii text
    315   DictionaryValue root;
    316   string16 test(WideToUTF16(L"\x7F51\x9875"));
    317   root.SetString("web", test);
    319   static const char kExpected[] = "{\"web\":\"\xE7\xBD\x91\xE9\xA1\xB5\"}";
    321   std::string actual;
    322   JSONStringValueSerializer serializer(&actual);
    323   ASSERT_TRUE(serializer.Serialize(root));
    324   ASSERT_EQ(kExpected, actual);
    326   // escaped ascii text -> json
    327   JSONStringValueDeserializer deserializer(kExpected);
    328   std::unique_ptr<Value> deserial_root =
    329       deserializer.Deserialize(nullptr, nullptr);
    330   ASSERT_TRUE(deserial_root);
    331   DictionaryValue* dict_root =
    332       static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(deserial_root.get());
    333   string16 web_value;
    334   ASSERT_TRUE(dict_root->GetString("web", &web_value));
    335   ASSERT_EQ(test, web_value);
    336 }
    338 TEST(JSONValueSerializerTest, HexStrings) {
    339   // hex string json -> escaped ascii text
    340   DictionaryValue root;
    341   string16 test(WideToUTF16(L"\x01\x02"));
    342   root.SetString("test", test);
    344   static const char kExpected[] = "{\"test\":\"\\u0001\\u0002\"}";
    346   std::string actual;
    347   JSONStringValueSerializer serializer(&actual);
    348   ASSERT_TRUE(serializer.Serialize(root));
    349   ASSERT_EQ(kExpected, actual);
    351   // escaped ascii text -> json
    352   JSONStringValueDeserializer deserializer(kExpected);
    353   std::unique_ptr<Value> deserial_root =
    354       deserializer.Deserialize(nullptr, nullptr);
    355   ASSERT_TRUE(deserial_root);
    356   DictionaryValue* dict_root =
    357       static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(deserial_root.get());
    358   string16 test_value;
    359   ASSERT_TRUE(dict_root->GetString("test", &test_value));
    360   ASSERT_EQ(test, test_value);
    362   // Test converting escaped regular chars
    363   static const char kEscapedChars[] = "{\"test\":\"\\u0067\\u006f\"}";
    364   JSONStringValueDeserializer deserializer2(kEscapedChars);
    365   deserial_root = deserializer2.Deserialize(nullptr, nullptr);
    366   ASSERT_TRUE(deserial_root);
    367   dict_root = static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(deserial_root.get());
    368   ASSERT_TRUE(dict_root->GetString("test", &test_value));
    369   ASSERT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("go"), test_value);
    370 }
    372 TEST(JSONValueSerializerTest, JSONReaderComments) {
    373   ValidateJsonList("[ // 2, 3, ignore me ] \n1 ]");
    374   ValidateJsonList("[ /* 2, \n3, ignore me ]*/ \n1 ]");
    375   ValidateJsonList("//header\n[ // 2, \n// 3, \n1 ]// footer");
    376   ValidateJsonList("/*\n[ // 2, \n// 3, \n1 ]*/[1]");
    377   ValidateJsonList("[ 1 /* one */ ] /* end */");
    378   ValidateJsonList("[ 1 //// ,2\r\n ]");
    380   // It's ok to have a comment in a string.
    381   std::unique_ptr<ListValue> list =
    382       ListValue::From(JSONReader::Read("[\"// ok\\n /* foo */ \"]"));
    383   ASSERT_TRUE(list);
    384   ASSERT_EQ(1U, list->GetSize());
    385   Value* elt = nullptr;
    386   ASSERT_TRUE(list->Get(0, &elt));
    387   std::string value;
    388   ASSERT_TRUE(elt && elt->GetAsString(&value));
    389   ASSERT_EQ("// ok\n /* foo */ ", value);
    391   // You can't nest comments.
    392   ASSERT_FALSE(JSONReader::Read("/* /* inner */ outer */ [ 1 ]"));
    394   // Not a open comment token.
    395   ASSERT_FALSE(JSONReader::Read("/ * * / [1]"));
    396 }
    398 class JSONFileValueSerializerTest : public testing::Test {
    399  protected:
    400   void SetUp() override { ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir()); }
    402   ScopedTempDir temp_dir_;
    403 };
    405 TEST_F(JSONFileValueSerializerTest, DISABLED_Roundtrip) {
    406   FilePath original_file_path;
    407   ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Get(DIR_TEST_DATA, &original_file_path));
    408   original_file_path = original_file_path.AppendASCII("serializer_test.json");
    410   ASSERT_TRUE(PathExists(original_file_path));
    412   JSONFileValueDeserializer deserializer(original_file_path);
    413   std::unique_ptr<DictionaryValue> root_dict =
    414       DictionaryValue::From(deserializer.Deserialize(nullptr, nullptr));
    415   ASSERT_TRUE(root_dict);
    417   Value* null_value = nullptr;
    418   ASSERT_TRUE(root_dict->Get("null", &null_value));
    419   ASSERT_TRUE(null_value);
    420   ASSERT_TRUE(null_value->is_none());
    422   bool bool_value = false;
    423   ASSERT_TRUE(root_dict->GetBoolean("bool", &bool_value));
    424   ASSERT_TRUE(bool_value);
    426   int int_value = 0;
    427   ASSERT_TRUE(root_dict->GetInteger("int", &int_value));
    428   ASSERT_EQ(42, int_value);
    430   std::string string_value;
    431   ASSERT_TRUE(root_dict->GetString("string", &string_value));
    432   ASSERT_EQ("hello", string_value);
    434   // Now try writing.
    435   const FilePath written_file_path =
    436       temp_dir_.GetPath().AppendASCII("test_output.js");
    438   ASSERT_FALSE(PathExists(written_file_path));
    439   JSONFileValueSerializer serializer(written_file_path);
    440   ASSERT_TRUE(serializer.Serialize(*root_dict));
    441   ASSERT_TRUE(PathExists(written_file_path));
    443   // Now compare file contents.
    444   EXPECT_TRUE(TextContentsEqual(original_file_path, written_file_path));
    445   EXPECT_TRUE(DeleteFile(written_file_path, false));
    446 }
    448 TEST_F(JSONFileValueSerializerTest, DISABLED_RoundtripNested) {
    449   FilePath original_file_path;
    450   ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Get(DIR_TEST_DATA, &original_file_path));
    451   original_file_path =
    452       original_file_path.AppendASCII("serializer_nested_test.json");
    454   ASSERT_TRUE(PathExists(original_file_path));
    456   JSONFileValueDeserializer deserializer(original_file_path);
    457   std::unique_ptr<Value> root = deserializer.Deserialize(nullptr, nullptr);
    458   ASSERT_TRUE(root);
    460   // Now try writing.
    461   FilePath written_file_path =
    462       temp_dir_.GetPath().AppendASCII("test_output.json");
    464   ASSERT_FALSE(PathExists(written_file_path));
    465   JSONFileValueSerializer serializer(written_file_path);
    466   ASSERT_TRUE(serializer.Serialize(*root));
    467   ASSERT_TRUE(PathExists(written_file_path));
    469   // Now compare file contents.
    470   EXPECT_TRUE(TextContentsEqual(original_file_path, written_file_path));
    471   EXPECT_TRUE(DeleteFile(written_file_path, false));
    472 }
    474 TEST_F(JSONFileValueSerializerTest, DISABLED_NoWhitespace) {
    475   FilePath source_file_path;
    476   ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Get(DIR_TEST_DATA, &source_file_path));
    477   source_file_path =
    478       source_file_path.AppendASCII("serializer_test_nowhitespace.json");
    479   ASSERT_TRUE(PathExists(source_file_path));
    480   JSONFileValueDeserializer deserializer(source_file_path);
    481   std::unique_ptr<Value> root = deserializer.Deserialize(nullptr, nullptr);
    482   ASSERT_TRUE(root);
    483 }
    485 }  // namespace
    487 }  // namespace base