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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 package org.webrtc.voiceengine;
     13 import android.annotation.TargetApi;
     14 import android.content.Context;
     15 import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
     16 import android.media.AudioFormat;
     17 import android.media.AudioManager;
     18 import android.media.AudioRecord;
     19 import android.media.AudioTrack;
     20 import android.os.Build;
     22 import org.webrtc.Logging;
     24 import java.lang.Math;
     26 // WebRtcAudioManager handles tasks that uses android.media.AudioManager.
     27 // At construction, storeAudioParameters() is called and it retrieves
     28 // fundamental audio parameters like native sample rate and number of channels.
     29 // The result is then provided to the caller by nativeCacheAudioParameters().
     30 // It is also possible to call init() to set up the audio environment for best
     31 // possible "VoIP performance". All settings done in init() are reverted by
     32 // dispose(). This class can also be used without calling init() if the user
     33 // prefers to set up the audio environment separately. However, it is
     34 // recommended to always use AudioManager.MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION.
     35 // This class also adds support for output volume control of the
     36 // STREAM_VOICE_CALL-type stream.
     37 public class WebRtcAudioManager {
     38   private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
     40   private static final String TAG = "WebRtcAudioManager";
     42   private static boolean blacklistDeviceForOpenSLESUsage = false;
     43   private static boolean blacklistDeviceForOpenSLESUsageIsOverridden = false;
     45   // Call this method to override the deault list of blacklisted devices
     46   // specified in WebRtcAudioUtils.BLACKLISTED_OPEN_SL_ES_MODELS.
     47   // Allows an app to take control over which devices to exlude from using
     48   // the OpenSL ES audio output path
     49   public static synchronized void setBlacklistDeviceForOpenSLESUsage(
     50       boolean enable) {
     51     blacklistDeviceForOpenSLESUsageIsOverridden = true;
     52     blacklistDeviceForOpenSLESUsage = enable;
     53   }
     55   // Default audio data format is PCM 16 bit per sample.
     56   // Guaranteed to be supported by all devices.
     57   private static final int BITS_PER_SAMPLE = 16;
     59   private static final int DEFAULT_FRAME_PER_BUFFER = 256;
     61   // TODO(henrika): add stereo support for playout.
     62   private static final int CHANNELS = 1;
     64   // List of possible audio modes.
     65   private static final String[] AUDIO_MODES = new String[] {
     66       "MODE_NORMAL",
     67       "MODE_RINGTONE",
     68       "MODE_IN_CALL",
     69       "MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION",
     70   };
     72   private final long nativeAudioManager;
     73   private final Context context;
     74   private final AudioManager audioManager;
     76   private boolean initialized = false;
     77   private int nativeSampleRate;
     78   private int nativeChannels;
     80   private boolean hardwareAEC;
     81   private boolean hardwareAGC;
     82   private boolean hardwareNS;
     83   private boolean lowLatencyOutput;
     84   private int sampleRate;
     85   private int channels;
     86   private int outputBufferSize;
     87   private int inputBufferSize;
     89   WebRtcAudioManager(Context context, long nativeAudioManager) {
     90     Logging.d(TAG, "ctor" + WebRtcAudioUtils.getThreadInfo());
     91     this.context = context;
     92     this.nativeAudioManager = nativeAudioManager;
     93     audioManager = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(
     94         Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
     95     if (DEBUG) {
     96       WebRtcAudioUtils.logDeviceInfo(TAG);
     97     }
     98     storeAudioParameters();
     99     nativeCacheAudioParameters(
    100         sampleRate, channels, hardwareAEC, hardwareAGC, hardwareNS,
    101         lowLatencyOutput, outputBufferSize, inputBufferSize,
    102         nativeAudioManager);
    103   }
    105   private boolean init() {
    106     Logging.d(TAG, "init" + WebRtcAudioUtils.getThreadInfo());
    107     if (initialized) {
    108       return true;
    109     }
    110     Logging.d(TAG, "audio mode is: " + AUDIO_MODES[audioManager.getMode()]);
    111     initialized = true;
    112     return true;
    113   }
    115   private void dispose() {
    116     Logging.d(TAG, "dispose" + WebRtcAudioUtils.getThreadInfo());
    117     if (!initialized) {
    118       return;
    119     }
    120   }
    122   private boolean isCommunicationModeEnabled() {
    123     return (audioManager.getMode() == AudioManager.MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION);
    124   }
    126   private boolean isDeviceBlacklistedForOpenSLESUsage() {
    127     boolean blacklisted = blacklistDeviceForOpenSLESUsageIsOverridden ?
    128         blacklistDeviceForOpenSLESUsage :
    129         WebRtcAudioUtils.deviceIsBlacklistedForOpenSLESUsage();
    130     if (blacklisted) {
    131       Logging.e(TAG, Build.MODEL + " is blacklisted for OpenSL ES usage!");
    132     }
    133     return blacklisted;
    134   }
    136   private void storeAudioParameters() {
    137     // Only mono is supported currently (in both directions).
    138     // TODO(henrika): add support for stereo playout.
    139     channels = CHANNELS;
    140     sampleRate = getNativeOutputSampleRate();
    141     hardwareAEC = isAcousticEchoCancelerSupported();
    142     hardwareAGC = isAutomaticGainControlSupported();
    143     hardwareNS = isNoiseSuppressorSupported();
    144     lowLatencyOutput = isLowLatencyOutputSupported();
    145     outputBufferSize = lowLatencyOutput ?
    146         getLowLatencyOutputFramesPerBuffer() :
    147         getMinOutputFrameSize(sampleRate, channels);
    148     // TODO(henrika): add support for low-latency input.
    149     inputBufferSize = getMinInputFrameSize(sampleRate, channels);
    150   }
    152   // Gets the current earpiece state.
    153   private boolean hasEarpiece() {
    154     return context.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(
    155         PackageManager.FEATURE_TELEPHONY);
    156   }
    158   // Returns true if low-latency audio output is supported.
    159   private boolean isLowLatencyOutputSupported() {
    160     return isOpenSLESSupported() &&
    161         context.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(
    162             PackageManager.FEATURE_AUDIO_LOW_LATENCY);
    163   }
    165   // Returns true if low-latency audio input is supported.
    166   public boolean isLowLatencyInputSupported() {
    167     // TODO(henrika): investigate if some sort of device list is needed here
    168     // as well. The NDK doc states that: "As of API level 21, lower latency
    169     // audio input is supported on select devices. To take advantage of this
    170     // feature, first confirm that lower latency output is available".
    171     return WebRtcAudioUtils.runningOnLollipopOrHigher() &&
    172         isLowLatencyOutputSupported();
    173   }
    175   // Returns the native output sample rate for this device's output stream.
    176   private int getNativeOutputSampleRate() {
    177     // Override this if we're running on an old emulator image which only
    178     // supports 8 kHz and doesn't support PROPERTY_OUTPUT_SAMPLE_RATE.
    179     if (WebRtcAudioUtils.runningOnEmulator()) {
    180       Logging.d(TAG, "Running emulator, overriding sample rate to 8 kHz.");
    181       return 8000;
    182     }
    183     // Default can be overriden by WebRtcAudioUtils.setDefaultSampleRateHz().
    184     // If so, use that value and return here.
    185     if (WebRtcAudioUtils.isDefaultSampleRateOverridden()) {
    186       Logging.d(TAG, "Default sample rate is overriden to " +
    187           WebRtcAudioUtils.getDefaultSampleRateHz() + " Hz");
    188       return WebRtcAudioUtils.getDefaultSampleRateHz();
    189     }
    190     // No overrides available. Deliver best possible estimate based on default
    191     // Android AudioManager APIs.
    192     final int sampleRateHz;
    193     if (WebRtcAudioUtils.runningOnJellyBeanMR1OrHigher()) {
    194       sampleRateHz = getSampleRateOnJellyBeanMR10OrHigher();
    195     } else {
    196       sampleRateHz = WebRtcAudioUtils.getDefaultSampleRateHz();
    197     }
    198     Logging.d(TAG, "Sample rate is set to " + sampleRateHz + " Hz");
    199     return sampleRateHz;
    200   }
    202   @TargetApi(17)
    203   private int getSampleRateOnJellyBeanMR10OrHigher() {
    204     String sampleRateString = audioManager.getProperty(
    205         AudioManager.PROPERTY_OUTPUT_SAMPLE_RATE);
    206     return (sampleRateString == null)
    207         ? WebRtcAudioUtils.getDefaultSampleRateHz()
    208         : Integer.parseInt(sampleRateString);
    209   }
    211   // Returns the native output buffer size for low-latency output streams.
    212   @TargetApi(17)
    213   private int getLowLatencyOutputFramesPerBuffer() {
    214     assertTrue(isLowLatencyOutputSupported());
    215     if (!WebRtcAudioUtils.runningOnJellyBeanMR1OrHigher()) {
    216       return DEFAULT_FRAME_PER_BUFFER;
    217     }
    218     String framesPerBuffer = audioManager.getProperty(
    219         AudioManager.PROPERTY_OUTPUT_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER);
    220     return framesPerBuffer == null ?
    221         DEFAULT_FRAME_PER_BUFFER : Integer.parseInt(framesPerBuffer);
    222   }
    224   // Returns true if the device supports an audio effect (AEC, AGC or NS).
    225   // Four conditions must be fulfilled if functions are to return true:
    226   // 1) the platform must support the built-in (HW) effect,
    227   // 2) explicit use (override) of a WebRTC based version must not be set,
    228   // 3) the device must not be blacklisted for use of the effect, and
    229   // 4) the UUID of the effect must be approved (some UUIDs can be excluded).
    230   private static boolean isAcousticEchoCancelerSupported() {
    231     return WebRtcAudioEffects.canUseAcousticEchoCanceler();
    232   }
    233   private static boolean isAutomaticGainControlSupported() {
    234     return WebRtcAudioEffects.canUseAutomaticGainControl();
    235   }
    236   private static boolean isNoiseSuppressorSupported() {
    237     return WebRtcAudioEffects.canUseNoiseSuppressor();
    238   }
    240   // Returns the minimum output buffer size for Java based audio (AudioTrack).
    241   // This size can also be used for OpenSL ES implementations on devices that
    242   // lacks support of low-latency output.
    243   private static int getMinOutputFrameSize(int sampleRateInHz, int numChannels) {
    244     final int bytesPerFrame = numChannels * (BITS_PER_SAMPLE / 8);
    245     final int channelConfig;
    246     if (numChannels == 1) {
    247       channelConfig = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_MONO;
    248     } else if (numChannels == 2) {
    249       channelConfig = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO;
    250     } else {
    251       return -1;
    252     }
    253     return AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize(
    254         sampleRateInHz, channelConfig, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT) /
    255         bytesPerFrame;
    256   }
    258   // Returns the native input buffer size for input streams.
    259   private int getLowLatencyInputFramesPerBuffer() {
    260     assertTrue(isLowLatencyInputSupported());
    261     return getLowLatencyOutputFramesPerBuffer();
    262   }
    264   // Returns the minimum input buffer size for Java based audio (AudioRecord).
    265   // This size can calso be used for OpenSL ES implementations on devices that
    266   // lacks support of low-latency input.
    267   private static int getMinInputFrameSize(int sampleRateInHz, int numChannels) {
    268     final int bytesPerFrame = numChannels * (BITS_PER_SAMPLE / 8);
    269     assertTrue(numChannels == CHANNELS);
    270     return AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(sampleRateInHz,
    271         AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT) /
    272         bytesPerFrame;
    273   }
    275   // Returns true if OpenSL ES audio is supported.
    276   private static boolean isOpenSLESSupported() {
    277     // Check for API level 9 or higher, to confirm use of OpenSL ES.
    278     return WebRtcAudioUtils.runningOnGingerBreadOrHigher();
    279   }
    281   // Helper method which throws an exception  when an assertion has failed.
    282   private static void assertTrue(boolean condition) {
    283     if (!condition) {
    284       throw new AssertionError("Expected condition to be true");
    285     }
    286   }
    288   private native void nativeCacheAudioParameters(
    289     int sampleRate, int channels, boolean hardwareAEC, boolean hardwareAGC,
    290     boolean hardwareNS, boolean lowLatencyOutput, int outputBufferSize,
    291     int inputBufferSize, long nativeAudioManager);
    292 }