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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "PsParser.h"
     19 #include "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/os/ps.pb.h"
     21 #include <android-base/file.h>
     22 #include <android-base/test_utils.h>
     23 #include <gmock/gmock.h>
     24 #include <google/protobuf/message_lite.h>
     25 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
     26 #include <string.h>
     27 #include <fcntl.h>
     29 using namespace android::base;
     30 using namespace android::os;
     31 using namespace std;
     32 using ::testing::StrEq;
     33 using ::testing::Test;
     34 using ::testing::internal::CaptureStderr;
     35 using ::testing::internal::CaptureStdout;
     36 using ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStderr;
     37 using ::testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout;
     39 class PsParserTest : public Test {
     40 public:
     41     virtual void SetUp() override {
     42         ASSERT_TRUE(tf.fd != -1);
     43     }
     45 protected:
     46     TemporaryFile tf;
     48     const string kTestPath = GetExecutableDirectory();
     49     const string kTestDataPath = kTestPath + "/testdata/";
     50 };
     52 TEST_F(PsParserTest, Normal) {
     53     const string testFile = kTestDataPath + "ps.txt";
     54     PsParser parser;
     55     PsProto expected;
     56     PsProto got;
     58     PsProto::Process* record1 = expected.add_processes();
     59     record1->set_label("u:r:init:s0");
     60     record1->set_user("root");
     61     record1->set_pid(1);
     62     record1->set_tid(1);
     63     record1->set_ppid(0);
     64     record1->set_vsz(15816);
     65     record1->set_rss(2636);
     66     record1->set_wchan("SyS_epoll_wait");
     67     record1->set_addr("0");
     68     record1->set_s(PsProto_Process_ProcessStateCode_STATE_S);
     69     record1->set_pri(19);
     70     record1->set_ni(0);
     71     record1->set_rtprio("-");
     72     record1->set_sch(PsProto_Process_SchedulingPolicy_SCH_NORMAL);
     73     record1->set_pcy(PsProto::Process::POLICY_FG);
     74     record1->set_time("00:00:01");
     75     record1->set_cmd("init");
     77     PsProto::Process* record2 = expected.add_processes();
     78     record2->set_label("u:r:kernel:s0");
     79     record2->set_user("root");
     80     record2->set_pid(2);
     81     record2->set_tid(2);
     82     record2->set_ppid(0);
     83     record2->set_vsz(0);
     84     record2->set_rss(0);
     85     record2->set_wchan("kthreadd");
     86     record2->set_addr("0");
     87     record2->set_s(PsProto_Process_ProcessStateCode_STATE_S);
     88     record2->set_pri(19);
     89     record2->set_ni(0);
     90     record2->set_rtprio("-");
     91     record2->set_sch(PsProto_Process_SchedulingPolicy_SCH_NORMAL);
     92     record2->set_pcy(PsProto::Process::POLICY_FG);
     93     record2->set_time("00:00:00");
     94     record2->set_cmd("kthreadd");
     96     PsProto::Process* record3 = expected.add_processes();
     97     record3->set_label("u:r:surfaceflinger:s0");
     98     record3->set_user("system");
     99     record3->set_pid(499);
    100     record3->set_tid(534);
    101     record3->set_ppid(1);
    102     record3->set_vsz(73940);
    103     record3->set_rss(22024);
    104     record3->set_wchan("futex_wait_queue_me");
    105     record3->set_addr("0");
    106     record3->set_s(PsProto_Process_ProcessStateCode_STATE_S);
    107     record3->set_pri(42);
    108     record3->set_ni(-9);
    109     record3->set_rtprio("2");
    110     record3->set_sch(PsProto_Process_SchedulingPolicy_SCH_FIFO);
    111     record3->set_pcy(PsProto::Process::POLICY_FG);
    112     record3->set_time("00:00:00");
    113     record3->set_cmd("EventThread");
    115     PsProto::Process* record4 = expected.add_processes();
    116     record4->set_label("u:r:hal_gnss_default:s0");
    117     record4->set_user("gps");
    118     record4->set_pid(670);
    119     record4->set_tid(2004);
    120     record4->set_ppid(1);
    121     record4->set_vsz(43064);
    122     record4->set_rss(7272);
    123     record4->set_wchan("poll_schedule_timeout");
    124     record4->set_addr("0");
    125     record4->set_s(PsProto_Process_ProcessStateCode_STATE_S);
    126     record4->set_pri(19);
    127     record4->set_ni(0);
    128     record4->set_rtprio("-");
    129     record4->set_sch(PsProto_Process_SchedulingPolicy_SCH_NORMAL);
    130     record4->set_pcy(PsProto::Process::POLICY_FG);
    131     record4->set_time("00:00:00");
    132     record4->set_cmd("Loc_hal_worker");
    134     PsProto::Process* record5 = expected.add_processes();
    135     record5->set_label("u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768");
    136     record5->set_user("u0_a48");
    137     record5->set_pid(1660);
    138     record5->set_tid(1976);
    139     record5->set_ppid(806);
    140     record5->set_vsz(4468612);
    141     record5->set_rss(138328);
    142     record5->set_wchan("binder_thread_read");
    143     record5->set_addr("0");
    144     record5->set_s(PsProto_Process_ProcessStateCode_STATE_S);
    145     record5->set_pri(35);
    146     record5->set_ni(-16);
    147     record5->set_rtprio("-");
    148     record5->set_sch(PsProto_Process_SchedulingPolicy_SCH_NORMAL);
    149     record5->set_pcy(PsProto::Process::POLICY_TA);
    150     record5->set_time("00:00:00");
    151     record5->set_cmd("HwBinder:1660_1");
    153     PsProto::Process* record6 = expected.add_processes();
    154     record6->set_label("u:r:perfd:s0");
    155     record6->set_user("root");
    156     record6->set_pid(1939);
    157     record6->set_tid(1946);
    158     record6->set_ppid(1);
    159     record6->set_vsz(18132);
    160     record6->set_rss(2088);
    161     record6->set_wchan("__skb_recv_datagram");
    162     record6->set_addr("7b9782fd14");
    163     record6->set_s(PsProto_Process_ProcessStateCode_STATE_S);
    164     record6->set_pri(19);
    165     record6->set_ni(0);
    166     record6->set_rtprio("-");
    167     record6->set_sch(PsProto_Process_SchedulingPolicy_SCH_NORMAL);
    168     record6->set_pcy(PsProto::Process::POLICY_UNKNOWN);
    169     record6->set_time("00:00:00");
    170     record6->set_cmd("perfd");
    172     PsProto::Process* record7 = expected.add_processes();
    173     record7->set_label("u:r:perfd:s0");
    174     record7->set_user("root");
    175     record7->set_pid(1939);
    176     record7->set_tid(1955);
    177     record7->set_ppid(1);
    178     record7->set_vsz(18132);
    179     record7->set_rss(2088);
    180     record7->set_wchan("do_sigtimedwait");
    181     record7->set_addr("7b9782ff6c");
    182     record7->set_s(PsProto_Process_ProcessStateCode_STATE_S);
    183     record7->set_pri(19);
    184     record7->set_ni(0);
    185     record7->set_rtprio("-");
    186     record7->set_sch(PsProto_Process_SchedulingPolicy_SCH_NORMAL);
    187     record7->set_pcy(PsProto::Process::POLICY_UNKNOWN);
    188     record7->set_time("00:00:00");
    189     record7->set_cmd("POSIX timer 0");
    191     PsProto::Process* record8 = expected.add_processes();
    192     record8->set_label("u:r:shell:s0");
    193     record8->set_user("shell");
    194     record8->set_pid(2645);
    195     record8->set_tid(2645);
    196     record8->set_ppid(802);
    197     record8->set_vsz(11664);
    198     record8->set_rss(2972);
    199     record8->set_wchan("0");
    200     record8->set_addr("7f67a2f8b4");
    201     record8->set_s(PsProto_Process_ProcessStateCode_STATE_R);
    202     record8->set_pri(19);
    203     record8->set_ni(0);
    204     record8->set_rtprio("-");
    205     record8->set_sch(PsProto_Process_SchedulingPolicy_SCH_NORMAL);
    206     record8->set_pcy(PsProto::Process::POLICY_FG);
    207     record8->set_time("00:00:00");
    208     record8->set_cmd("ps");
    210     int fd = open(testFile.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
    211     ASSERT_TRUE(fd != -1);
    213     CaptureStdout();
    214     ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, parser.Parse(fd, STDOUT_FILENO));
    215     got.ParseFromString(GetCapturedStdout());
    216     bool matches = true;
    218     if (got.processes_size() != expected.processes_size()) {
    219         fprintf(stderr, "Got %d processes, want %d\n", got.processes_size(), expected.processes_size());
    220         matches = false;
    221     } else {
    222         int n = got.processes_size();
    223         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    224             PsProto::Process g = got.processes(i);
    225             PsProto::Process e = expected.processes(i);
    227             if (g.label() != e.label()) {
    228                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid label. Got %s, want %s\n", i, g.label().c_str(), e.label().c_str());
    229                 matches = false;
    230             }
    231             if (g.user() != e.user()) {
    232                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid user. Got %s, want %s\n", i, g.user().c_str(), e.user().c_str());
    233                 matches = false;
    234             }
    235             if (g.pid() != e.pid()) {
    236                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid pid. Got %d, want %d\n", i, g.pid(), e.pid());
    237                 matches = false;
    238             }
    239             if (g.tid() != e.tid()) {
    240                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid tid. Got %d, want %d\n", i, g.tid(), e.tid());
    241                 matches = false;
    242             }
    243             if (g.ppid() != e.ppid()) {
    244                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid ppid. Got %d, want %d\n", i, g.ppid(), e.ppid());
    245                 matches = false;
    246             }
    247             if (g.vsz() != e.vsz()) {
    248                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid vsz. Got %d, want %d\n", i, g.vsz(), e.vsz());
    249                 matches = false;
    250             }
    251             if (g.rss() != e.rss()) {
    252                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid rss. Got %d, want %d\n", i, g.rss(), e.rss());
    253                 matches = false;
    254             }
    255             if (g.wchan() != e.wchan()) {
    256                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid wchan. Got %s, want %s\n", i, g.wchan().c_str(), e.wchan().c_str());
    257                 matches = false;
    258             }
    259             if (g.addr() != e.addr()) {
    260                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid addr. Got %s, want %s\n", i, g.addr().c_str(), e.addr().c_str());
    261                 matches = false;
    262             }
    263             if (g.s() != e.s()) {
    264                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid s. Got %u, want %u\n", i, g.s(), e.s());
    265                 matches = false;
    266             }
    267             if (g.pri() != e.pri()) {
    268                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid pri. Got %d, want %d\n", i, g.pri(), e.pri());
    269                 matches = false;
    270             }
    271             if (g.ni() != e.ni()) {
    272                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid ni. Got %d, want %d\n", i, g.ni(), e.ni());
    273                 matches = false;
    274             }
    275             if (g.rtprio() != e.rtprio()) {
    276                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid rtprio. Got %s, want %s\n", i, g.rtprio().c_str(), e.rtprio().c_str());
    277                 matches = false;
    278             }
    279             if (g.sch() != e.sch()) {
    280                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid sch. Got %u, want %u\n", i, g.sch(), e.sch());
    281                 matches = false;
    282             }
    283             if (g.pcy() != e.pcy()) {
    284                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid pcy. Got %u, want %u\n", i, g.pcy(), e.pcy());
    285                 matches = false;
    286             }
    287             if (g.time() != e.time()) {
    288                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid time. Got %s, want %s\n", i, g.time().c_str(), e.time().c_str());
    289                 matches = false;
    290             }
    291             if (g.cmd() != e.cmd()) {
    292                 fprintf(stderr, "prcs[%d]: Invalid cmd. Got %s, want %s\n", i, g.cmd().c_str(), e.cmd().c_str());
    293                 matches = false;
    294             }
    295         }
    296     }
    298     EXPECT_TRUE(matches);
    299     close(fd);
    300 }