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      1 /*
      2  *
      3  * Copyright 2016 gRPC authors.
      4  *
      5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8  *
      9  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10  *
     11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15  * limitations under the License.
     16  *
     17  */
     19 package grpc
     21 import (
     22 	"fmt"
     23 	"net"
     24 	"sync"
     26 	"golang.org/x/net/context"
     27 	"google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
     28 	"google.golang.org/grpc/credentials"
     29 	"google.golang.org/grpc/grpclog"
     30 	"google.golang.org/grpc/naming"
     31 	"google.golang.org/grpc/status"
     32 )
     34 // Address represents a server the client connects to.
     35 //
     36 // Deprecated: please use package balancer.
     37 type Address struct {
     38 	// Addr is the server address on which a connection will be established.
     39 	Addr string
     40 	// Metadata is the information associated with Addr, which may be used
     41 	// to make load balancing decision.
     42 	Metadata interface{}
     43 }
     45 // BalancerConfig specifies the configurations for Balancer.
     46 //
     47 // Deprecated: please use package balancer.
     48 type BalancerConfig struct {
     49 	// DialCreds is the transport credential the Balancer implementation can
     50 	// use to dial to a remote load balancer server. The Balancer implementations
     51 	// can ignore this if it does not need to talk to another party securely.
     52 	DialCreds credentials.TransportCredentials
     53 	// Dialer is the custom dialer the Balancer implementation can use to dial
     54 	// to a remote load balancer server. The Balancer implementations
     55 	// can ignore this if it doesn't need to talk to remote balancer.
     56 	Dialer func(context.Context, string) (net.Conn, error)
     57 }
     59 // BalancerGetOptions configures a Get call.
     60 //
     61 // Deprecated: please use package balancer.
     62 type BalancerGetOptions struct {
     63 	// BlockingWait specifies whether Get should block when there is no
     64 	// connected address.
     65 	BlockingWait bool
     66 }
     68 // Balancer chooses network addresses for RPCs.
     69 //
     70 // Deprecated: please use package balancer.
     71 type Balancer interface {
     72 	// Start does the initialization work to bootstrap a Balancer. For example,
     73 	// this function may start the name resolution and watch the updates. It will
     74 	// be called when dialing.
     75 	Start(target string, config BalancerConfig) error
     76 	// Up informs the Balancer that gRPC has a connection to the server at
     77 	// addr. It returns down which is called once the connection to addr gets
     78 	// lost or closed.
     79 	// TODO: It is not clear how to construct and take advantage of the meaningful error
     80 	// parameter for down. Need realistic demands to guide.
     81 	Up(addr Address) (down func(error))
     82 	// Get gets the address of a server for the RPC corresponding to ctx.
     83 	// i) If it returns a connected address, gRPC internals issues the RPC on the
     84 	// connection to this address;
     85 	// ii) If it returns an address on which the connection is under construction
     86 	// (initiated by Notify(...)) but not connected, gRPC internals
     87 	//  * fails RPC if the RPC is fail-fast and connection is in the TransientFailure or
     88 	//  Shutdown state;
     89 	//  or
     90 	//  * issues RPC on the connection otherwise.
     91 	// iii) If it returns an address on which the connection does not exist, gRPC
     92 	// internals treats it as an error and will fail the corresponding RPC.
     93 	//
     94 	// Therefore, the following is the recommended rule when writing a custom Balancer.
     95 	// If opts.BlockingWait is true, it should return a connected address or
     96 	// block if there is no connected address. It should respect the timeout or
     97 	// cancellation of ctx when blocking. If opts.BlockingWait is false (for fail-fast
     98 	// RPCs), it should return an address it has notified via Notify(...) immediately
     99 	// instead of blocking.
    100 	//
    101 	// The function returns put which is called once the rpc has completed or failed.
    102 	// put can collect and report RPC stats to a remote load balancer.
    103 	//
    104 	// This function should only return the errors Balancer cannot recover by itself.
    105 	// gRPC internals will fail the RPC if an error is returned.
    106 	Get(ctx context.Context, opts BalancerGetOptions) (addr Address, put func(), err error)
    107 	// Notify returns a channel that is used by gRPC internals to watch the addresses
    108 	// gRPC needs to connect. The addresses might be from a name resolver or remote
    109 	// load balancer. gRPC internals will compare it with the existing connected
    110 	// addresses. If the address Balancer notified is not in the existing connected
    111 	// addresses, gRPC starts to connect the address. If an address in the existing
    112 	// connected addresses is not in the notification list, the corresponding connection
    113 	// is shutdown gracefully. Otherwise, there are no operations to take. Note that
    114 	// the Address slice must be the full list of the Addresses which should be connected.
    115 	// It is NOT delta.
    116 	Notify() <-chan []Address
    117 	// Close shuts down the balancer.
    118 	Close() error
    119 }
    121 // downErr implements net.Error. It is constructed by gRPC internals and passed to the down
    122 // call of Balancer.
    123 type downErr struct {
    124 	timeout   bool
    125 	temporary bool
    126 	desc      string
    127 }
    129 func (e downErr) Error() string   { return e.desc }
    130 func (e downErr) Timeout() bool   { return e.timeout }
    131 func (e downErr) Temporary() bool { return e.temporary }
    133 func downErrorf(timeout, temporary bool, format string, a ...interface{}) downErr {
    134 	return downErr{
    135 		timeout:   timeout,
    136 		temporary: temporary,
    137 		desc:      fmt.Sprintf(format, a...),
    138 	}
    139 }
    141 // RoundRobin returns a Balancer that selects addresses round-robin. It uses r to watch
    142 // the name resolution updates and updates the addresses available correspondingly.
    143 //
    144 // Deprecated: please use package balancer/roundrobin.
    145 func RoundRobin(r naming.Resolver) Balancer {
    146 	return &roundRobin{r: r}
    147 }
    149 type addrInfo struct {
    150 	addr      Address
    151 	connected bool
    152 }
    154 type roundRobin struct {
    155 	r      naming.Resolver
    156 	w      naming.Watcher
    157 	addrs  []*addrInfo // all the addresses the client should potentially connect
    158 	mu     sync.Mutex
    159 	addrCh chan []Address // the channel to notify gRPC internals the list of addresses the client should connect to.
    160 	next   int            // index of the next address to return for Get()
    161 	waitCh chan struct{}  // the channel to block when there is no connected address available
    162 	done   bool           // The Balancer is closed.
    163 }
    165 func (rr *roundRobin) watchAddrUpdates() error {
    166 	updates, err := rr.w.Next()
    167 	if err != nil {
    168 		grpclog.Warningf("grpc: the naming watcher stops working due to %v.", err)
    169 		return err
    170 	}
    171 	rr.mu.Lock()
    172 	defer rr.mu.Unlock()
    173 	for _, update := range updates {
    174 		addr := Address{
    175 			Addr:     update.Addr,
    176 			Metadata: update.Metadata,
    177 		}
    178 		switch update.Op {
    179 		case naming.Add:
    180 			var exist bool
    181 			for _, v := range rr.addrs {
    182 				if addr == v.addr {
    183 					exist = true
    184 					grpclog.Infoln("grpc: The name resolver wanted to add an existing address: ", addr)
    185 					break
    186 				}
    187 			}
    188 			if exist {
    189 				continue
    190 			}
    191 			rr.addrs = append(rr.addrs, &addrInfo{addr: addr})
    192 		case naming.Delete:
    193 			for i, v := range rr.addrs {
    194 				if addr == v.addr {
    195 					copy(rr.addrs[i:], rr.addrs[i+1:])
    196 					rr.addrs = rr.addrs[:len(rr.addrs)-1]
    197 					break
    198 				}
    199 			}
    200 		default:
    201 			grpclog.Errorln("Unknown update.Op ", update.Op)
    202 		}
    203 	}
    204 	// Make a copy of rr.addrs and write it onto rr.addrCh so that gRPC internals gets notified.
    205 	open := make([]Address, len(rr.addrs))
    206 	for i, v := range rr.addrs {
    207 		open[i] = v.addr
    208 	}
    209 	if rr.done {
    210 		return ErrClientConnClosing
    211 	}
    212 	select {
    213 	case <-rr.addrCh:
    214 	default:
    215 	}
    216 	rr.addrCh <- open
    217 	return nil
    218 }
    220 func (rr *roundRobin) Start(target string, config BalancerConfig) error {
    221 	rr.mu.Lock()
    222 	defer rr.mu.Unlock()
    223 	if rr.done {
    224 		return ErrClientConnClosing
    225 	}
    226 	if rr.r == nil {
    227 		// If there is no name resolver installed, it is not needed to
    228 		// do name resolution. In this case, target is added into rr.addrs
    229 		// as the only address available and rr.addrCh stays nil.
    230 		rr.addrs = append(rr.addrs, &addrInfo{addr: Address{Addr: target}})
    231 		return nil
    232 	}
    233 	w, err := rr.r.Resolve(target)
    234 	if err != nil {
    235 		return err
    236 	}
    237 	rr.w = w
    238 	rr.addrCh = make(chan []Address, 1)
    239 	go func() {
    240 		for {
    241 			if err := rr.watchAddrUpdates(); err != nil {
    242 				return
    243 			}
    244 		}
    245 	}()
    246 	return nil
    247 }
    249 // Up sets the connected state of addr and sends notification if there are pending
    250 // Get() calls.
    251 func (rr *roundRobin) Up(addr Address) func(error) {
    252 	rr.mu.Lock()
    253 	defer rr.mu.Unlock()
    254 	var cnt int
    255 	for _, a := range rr.addrs {
    256 		if a.addr == addr {
    257 			if a.connected {
    258 				return nil
    259 			}
    260 			a.connected = true
    261 		}
    262 		if a.connected {
    263 			cnt++
    264 		}
    265 	}
    266 	// addr is only one which is connected. Notify the Get() callers who are blocking.
    267 	if cnt == 1 && rr.waitCh != nil {
    268 		close(rr.waitCh)
    269 		rr.waitCh = nil
    270 	}
    271 	return func(err error) {
    272 		rr.down(addr, err)
    273 	}
    274 }
    276 // down unsets the connected state of addr.
    277 func (rr *roundRobin) down(addr Address, err error) {
    278 	rr.mu.Lock()
    279 	defer rr.mu.Unlock()
    280 	for _, a := range rr.addrs {
    281 		if addr == a.addr {
    282 			a.connected = false
    283 			break
    284 		}
    285 	}
    286 }
    288 // Get returns the next addr in the rotation.
    289 func (rr *roundRobin) Get(ctx context.Context, opts BalancerGetOptions) (addr Address, put func(), err error) {
    290 	var ch chan struct{}
    291 	rr.mu.Lock()
    292 	if rr.done {
    293 		rr.mu.Unlock()
    294 		err = ErrClientConnClosing
    295 		return
    296 	}
    298 	if len(rr.addrs) > 0 {
    299 		if rr.next >= len(rr.addrs) {
    300 			rr.next = 0
    301 		}
    302 		next := rr.next
    303 		for {
    304 			a := rr.addrs[next]
    305 			next = (next + 1) % len(rr.addrs)
    306 			if a.connected {
    307 				addr = a.addr
    308 				rr.next = next
    309 				rr.mu.Unlock()
    310 				return
    311 			}
    312 			if next == rr.next {
    313 				// Has iterated all the possible address but none is connected.
    314 				break
    315 			}
    316 		}
    317 	}
    318 	if !opts.BlockingWait {
    319 		if len(rr.addrs) == 0 {
    320 			rr.mu.Unlock()
    321 			err = status.Errorf(codes.Unavailable, "there is no address available")
    322 			return
    323 		}
    324 		// Returns the next addr on rr.addrs for failfast RPCs.
    325 		addr = rr.addrs[rr.next].addr
    326 		rr.next++
    327 		rr.mu.Unlock()
    328 		return
    329 	}
    330 	// Wait on rr.waitCh for non-failfast RPCs.
    331 	if rr.waitCh == nil {
    332 		ch = make(chan struct{})
    333 		rr.waitCh = ch
    334 	} else {
    335 		ch = rr.waitCh
    336 	}
    337 	rr.mu.Unlock()
    338 	for {
    339 		select {
    340 		case <-ctx.Done():
    341 			err = ctx.Err()
    342 			return
    343 		case <-ch:
    344 			rr.mu.Lock()
    345 			if rr.done {
    346 				rr.mu.Unlock()
    347 				err = ErrClientConnClosing
    348 				return
    349 			}
    351 			if len(rr.addrs) > 0 {
    352 				if rr.next >= len(rr.addrs) {
    353 					rr.next = 0
    354 				}
    355 				next := rr.next
    356 				for {
    357 					a := rr.addrs[next]
    358 					next = (next + 1) % len(rr.addrs)
    359 					if a.connected {
    360 						addr = a.addr
    361 						rr.next = next
    362 						rr.mu.Unlock()
    363 						return
    364 					}
    365 					if next == rr.next {
    366 						// Has iterated all the possible address but none is connected.
    367 						break
    368 					}
    369 				}
    370 			}
    371 			// The newly added addr got removed by Down() again.
    372 			if rr.waitCh == nil {
    373 				ch = make(chan struct{})
    374 				rr.waitCh = ch
    375 			} else {
    376 				ch = rr.waitCh
    377 			}
    378 			rr.mu.Unlock()
    379 		}
    380 	}
    381 }
    383 func (rr *roundRobin) Notify() <-chan []Address {
    384 	return rr.addrCh
    385 }
    387 func (rr *roundRobin) Close() error {
    388 	rr.mu.Lock()
    389 	defer rr.mu.Unlock()
    390 	if rr.done {
    391 		return errBalancerClosed
    392 	}
    393 	rr.done = true
    394 	if rr.w != nil {
    395 		rr.w.Close()
    396 	}
    397 	if rr.waitCh != nil {
    398 		close(rr.waitCh)
    399 		rr.waitCh = nil
    400 	}
    401 	if rr.addrCh != nil {
    402 		close(rr.addrCh)
    403 	}
    404 	return nil
    405 }
    407 // pickFirst is used to test multi-addresses in one addrConn in which all addresses share the same addrConn.
    408 // It is a wrapper around roundRobin balancer. The logic of all methods works fine because balancer.Get()
    409 // returns the only address Up by resetTransport().
    410 type pickFirst struct {
    411 	*roundRobin
    412 }
    414 func pickFirstBalancerV1(r naming.Resolver) Balancer {
    415 	return &pickFirst{&roundRobin{r: r}}
    416 }