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      1 #
      2 # Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
      3 #
      4 """
      5 This module contains the generic CLI object
      7 High Level Design:
      9 The atest class contains attributes & method generic to all the CLI
     10 operations.
     12 The class inheritance is shown here using the command
     13 'atest host create ...' as an example:
     15 atest <-- host <-- host_create <-- site_host_create
     17 Note: The site_<topic>.py and its classes are only needed if you need
     18 to override the common <topic>.py methods with your site specific ones.
     21 High Level Algorithm:
     23 1. atest figures out the topic and action from the 2 first arguments
     24    on the command line and imports the <topic> (or site_<topic>)
     25    module.
     27 1. Init
     28    The main atest module creates a <topic>_<action> object.  The
     29    __init__() function is used to setup the parser options, if this
     30    <action> has some specific options to add to its <topic>.
     32    If it exists, the child __init__() method must call its parent
     33    class __init__() before adding its own parser arguments.
     35 2. Parsing
     36    If the child wants to validate the parsing (e.g. make sure that
     37    there are hosts in the arguments), or if it wants to check the
     38    options it added in its __init__(), it should implement a parse()
     39    method.
     41    The child parser must call its parent parser and gets back the
     42    options dictionary and the rest of the command line arguments
     43    (leftover). Each level gets to see all the options, but the
     44    leftovers can be deleted as they can be consumed by only one
     45    object.
     47 3. Execution
     48    This execute() method is specific to the child and should use the
     49    self.execute_rpc() to send commands to the Autotest Front-End.  It
     50    should return results.
     52 4. Output
     53    The child output() method is called with the execute() resutls as a
     54    parameter.  This is child-specific, but should leverage the
     55    atest.print_*() methods.
     56 """
     58 import logging
     59 import optparse
     60 import os
     61 import re
     62 import sys
     63 import textwrap
     64 import traceback
     65 import urllib2
     67 import common
     69 from autotest_lib.cli import rpc
     70 from autotest_lib.cli import skylab_utils
     71 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.test_utils import mock
     72 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import autotemp
     74 skylab_inventory_imported = False
     75 try:
     76     from skylab_inventory import translation_utils
     77     skylab_inventory_imported = True
     78 except ImportError:
     79     pass
     82 # Maps the AFE keys to printable names.
     83 KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN = {'hostname': 'Host',
     84                     'platform': 'Platform',
     85                     'status': 'Status',
     86                     'locked': 'Locked',
     87                     'locked_by': 'Locked by',
     88                     'lock_time': 'Locked time',
     89                     'lock_reason': 'Lock Reason',
     90                     'labels': 'Labels',
     91                     'description': 'Description',
     92                     'hosts': 'Hosts',
     93                     'users': 'Users',
     94                     'id': 'Id',
     95                     'name': 'Name',
     96                     'invalid': 'Valid',
     97                     'login': 'Login',
     98                     'access_level': 'Access Level',
     99                     'job_id': 'Job Id',
    100                     'job_owner': 'Job Owner',
    101                     'job_name': 'Job Name',
    102                     'test_type': 'Test Type',
    103                     'test_class': 'Test Class',
    104                     'path': 'Path',
    105                     'owner': 'Owner',
    106                     'status_counts': 'Status Counts',
    107                     'hosts_status': 'Host Status',
    108                     'hosts_selected_status': 'Hosts filtered by Status',
    109                     'priority': 'Priority',
    110                     'control_type': 'Control Type',
    111                     'created_on': 'Created On',
    112                     'control_file': 'Control File',
    113                     'only_if_needed': 'Use only if needed',
    114                     'protection': 'Protection',
    115                     'run_verify': 'Run verify',
    116                     'reboot_before': 'Pre-job reboot',
    117                     'reboot_after': 'Post-job reboot',
    118                     'experimental': 'Experimental',
    119                     'synch_count': 'Sync Count',
    120                     'max_number_of_machines': 'Max. hosts to use',
    121                     'parse_failed_repair': 'Include failed repair results',
    122                     'shard': 'Shard',
    123                     }
    125 # In the failure, tag that will replace the item.
    126 FAIL_TAG = '<XYZ>'
    128 # Global socket timeout: uploading kernels can take much,
    129 # much longer than the default
    133       'CRITICAL': logging.CRITICAL,
    134       'ERROR': logging.ERROR,
    135       'WARNING': logging.WARNING,
    136       'INFO': logging.INFO,
    137       'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG,
    138 }
    141 # Convertion functions to be called for printing,
    142 # e.g. to print True/False for booleans.
    143 def __convert_platform(field):
    144     if field is None:
    145         return ""
    146     elif isinstance(field, int):
    147         # Can be 0/1 for False/True
    148         return str(bool(field))
    149     else:
    150         # Can be a platform name
    151         return field
    154 def _int_2_bool_string(value):
    155     return str(bool(value))
    157 KEYS_CONVERT = {'locked': _int_2_bool_string,
    158                 'invalid': lambda flag: str(bool(not flag)),
    159                 'only_if_needed': _int_2_bool_string,
    160                 'platform': __convert_platform,
    161                 'labels': lambda labels: ', '.join(labels),
    162                 'shards': lambda shard: shard.hostname if shard else ''}
    165 def _get_item_key(item, key):
    166     """Allow for lookups in nested dictionaries using '.'s within a key."""
    167     if key in item:
    168         return item[key]
    169     nested_item = item
    170     for subkey in key.split('.'):
    171         if not subkey:
    172             raise ValueError('empty subkey in %r' % key)
    173         try:
    174             nested_item = nested_item[subkey]
    175         except KeyError, e:
    176             raise KeyError('%r - looking up key %r in %r' %
    177                            (e, key, nested_item))
    178     else:
    179         return nested_item
    182 class CliError(Exception):
    183     """Error raised by cli calls.
    184     """
    185     pass
    188 class item_parse_info(object):
    189     """Object keeping track of the parsing options.
    190     """
    192     def __init__(self, attribute_name, inline_option='',
    193                  filename_option='', use_leftover=False):
    194         """Object keeping track of the parsing options that will
    195         make up the content of the atest attribute:
    196         attribute_name: the atest attribute name to populate    (label)
    197         inline_option: the option containing the items           (--label)
    198         filename_option: the option containing the filename      (--blist)
    199         use_leftover: whether to add the leftover arguments or not."""
    200         self.attribute_name = attribute_name
    201         self.filename_option = filename_option
    202         self.inline_option = inline_option
    203         self.use_leftover = use_leftover
    206     def get_values(self, options, leftover=[]):
    207         """Returns the value for that attribute by accumualting all
    208         the values found through the inline option, the parsing of the
    209         file and the leftover"""
    211         def __get_items(input, split_spaces=True):
    212             """Splits a string of comma separated items. Escaped commas will not
    213             be split. I.e. Splitting 'a, b\,c, d' will yield ['a', 'b,c', 'd'].
    214             If split_spaces is set to False spaces will not be split. I.e.
    215             Splitting 'a b, c\,d, e' will yield ['a b', 'c,d', 'e']"""
    217             # Replace escaped slashes with null characters so we don't misparse
    218             # proceeding commas.
    219             input = input.replace(r'\\', '\0')
    221             # Split on commas which are not preceded by a slash.
    222             if not split_spaces:
    223                 split = re.split(r'(?<!\\),', input)
    224             else:
    225                 split = re.split(r'(?<!\\),|\s', input)
    227             # Convert null characters to single slashes and escaped commas to
    228             # just plain commas.
    229             return (item.strip().replace('\0', '\\').replace(r'\,', ',') for
    230                     item in split if item.strip())
    232         if self.use_leftover:
    233             add_on = leftover
    234             leftover = []
    235         else:
    236             add_on = []
    238         # Start with the add_on
    239         result = set()
    240         for items in add_on:
    241             # Don't split on space here because the add-on
    242             # may have some spaces (like the job name)
    243             result.update(__get_items(items, split_spaces=False))
    245         # Process the inline_option, if any
    246         try:
    247             items = getattr(options, self.inline_option)
    248             result.update(__get_items(items))
    249         except (AttributeError, TypeError):
    250             pass
    252         # Process the file list, if any and not empty
    253         # The file can contain space and/or comma separated items
    254         try:
    255             flist = getattr(options, self.filename_option)
    256             file_content = []
    257             for line in open(flist).readlines():
    258                 file_content += __get_items(line)
    259             if len(file_content) == 0:
    260                 raise CliError("Empty file %s" % flist)
    261             result.update(file_content)
    262         except (AttributeError, TypeError):
    263             pass
    264         except IOError:
    265             raise CliError("Could not open file %s" % flist)
    267         return list(result), leftover
    270 class atest(object):
    271     """Common class for generic processing
    272     Should only be instantiated by itself for usage
    273     references, otherwise, the <topic> objects should
    274     be used."""
    275     msg_topic = '[acl|host|job|label|shard|test|user|server]'
    276     usage_action = '[action]'
    277     msg_items = ''
    279     def invalid_arg(self, header, follow_up=''):
    280         """Fail the command with error that command line has invalid argument.
    282         @param header: Header of the error message.
    283         @param follow_up: Extra error message, default to empty string.
    284         """
    285         twrap = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent='        ',
    286                                      subsequent_indent='       ')
    287         rest = twrap.fill(follow_up)
    289         if self.kill_on_failure:
    290             self.invalid_syntax(header + rest)
    291         else:
    292             print >> sys.stderr, header + rest
    295     def invalid_syntax(self, msg):
    296         """Fail the command with error that the command line syntax is wrong.
    298         @param msg: Error message.
    299         """
    300         print
    301         print >> sys.stderr, msg
    302         print
    303         print "usage:",
    304         print self._get_usage()
    305         print
    306         sys.exit(1)
    309     def generic_error(self, msg):
    310         """Fail the command with a generic error.
    312         @param msg: Error message.
    313         """
    314         if self.debug:
    315             traceback.print_exc()
    316         print >> sys.stderr, msg
    317         sys.exit(1)
    320     def parse_json_exception(self, full_error):
    321         """Parses the JSON exception to extract the bad
    322         items and returns them
    323         This is very kludgy for the moment, but we would need
    324         to refactor the exceptions sent from the front end
    325         to make this better.
    327         @param full_error: The complete error message.
    328         """
    329         errmsg = str(full_error).split('Traceback')[0].rstrip('\n')
    330         parts = errmsg.split(':')
    331         # Kludge: If there are 2 colons the last parts contains
    332         # the items that failed.
    333         if len(parts) != 3:
    334             return []
    335         return [item.strip() for item in parts[2].split(',') if item.strip()]
    338     def failure(self, full_error, item=None, what_failed='', fatal=False):
    339         """If kill_on_failure, print this error and die,
    340         otherwise, queue the error and accumulate all the items
    341         that triggered the same error.
    343         @param full_error: The complete error message.
    344         @param item: Name of the actionable item, e.g., hostname.
    345         @param what_failed: Name of the failed item.
    346         @param fatal: True to exit the program with failure.
    347         """
    349         if self.debug:
    350             errmsg = str(full_error)
    351         else:
    352             errmsg = str(full_error).split('Traceback')[0].rstrip('\n')
    354         if self.kill_on_failure or fatal:
    355             print >> sys.stderr, "%s\n    %s" % (what_failed, errmsg)
    356             sys.exit(1)
    358         # Build a dictionary with the 'what_failed' as keys.  The
    359         # values are dictionaries with the errmsg as keys and a set
    360         # of items as values.
    361         # self.failed =
    362         # {'Operation delete_host_failed': {'AclAccessViolation:
    363         #                                        set('host0', 'host1')}}
    364         # Try to gather all the same error messages together,
    365         # even if they contain the 'item'
    366         if item and item in errmsg:
    367             errmsg = errmsg.replace(item, FAIL_TAG)
    368         if self.failed.has_key(what_failed):
    369             self.failed[what_failed].setdefault(errmsg, set()).add(item)
    370         else:
    371             self.failed[what_failed] = {errmsg: set([item])}
    374     def show_all_failures(self):
    375         """Print all failure information.
    376         """
    377         if not self.failed:
    378             return 0
    379         for what_failed in self.failed.keys():
    380             print >> sys.stderr, what_failed + ':'
    381             for (errmsg, items) in self.failed[what_failed].iteritems():
    382                 if len(items) == 0:
    383                     print >> sys.stderr, errmsg
    384                 elif items == set(['']):
    385                     print >> sys.stderr, '    ' + errmsg
    386                 elif len(items) == 1:
    387                     # Restore the only item
    388                     if FAIL_TAG in errmsg:
    389                         errmsg = errmsg.replace(FAIL_TAG, items.pop())
    390                     else:
    391                         errmsg = '%s (%s)' % (errmsg, items.pop())
    392                     print >> sys.stderr, '    ' + errmsg
    393                 else:
    394                     print >> sys.stderr, '    ' + errmsg + ' with <XYZ> in:'
    395                     twrap = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent='        ',
    396                                                  subsequent_indent='        ')
    397                     items = list(items)
    398                     items.sort()
    399                     print >> sys.stderr, twrap.fill(', '.join(items))
    400         return 1
    403     def __init__(self):
    404         """Setup the parser common options"""
    405         # Initialized for unit tests.
    406         self.afe = None
    407         self.failed = {}
    408         self.data = {}
    409         self.debug = False
    410         self.parse_delim = '|'
    411         self.kill_on_failure = False
    412         self.web_server = ''
    413         self.verbose = False
    414         self.no_confirmation = False
    415         # Whether the topic or command supports skylab inventory repo.
    416         self.allow_skylab = False
    417         self.enforce_skylab = False
    418         self.topic_parse_info = item_parse_info(attribute_name='not_used')
    420         self.parser = optparse.OptionParser(self._get_usage())
    421         self.parser.add_option('-g', '--debug',
    422                                help='Print debugging information',
    423                                action='store_true', default=False)
    424         self.parser.add_option('--kill-on-failure',
    425                                help='Stop at the first failure',
    426                                action='store_true', default=False)
    427         self.parser.add_option('--parse',
    428                                help='Print the output using | '
    429                                'separated key=value fields',
    430                                action='store_true', default=False)
    431         self.parser.add_option('--parse-delim',
    432                                help='Delimiter to use to separate the '
    433                                'key=value fields', default='|')
    434         self.parser.add_option('--no-confirmation',
    435                                help=('Skip all confirmation in when function '
    436                                      'require_confirmation is called.'),
    437                                action='store_true', default=False)
    438         self.parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose',
    439                                action='store_true', default=False)
    440         self.parser.add_option('-w', '--web',
    441                                help='Specify the autotest server '
    442                                'to talk to',
    443                                action='store', type='string',
    444                                dest='web_server', default=None)
    445         self.parser.add_option('--log-level',
    446                                help=('Set the logging level. Must be one of %s.'
    447                                      ' Default to ERROR' %
    448                                      LOGGING_LEVEL_MAP.keys()),
    449                                choices=LOGGING_LEVEL_MAP.keys(),
    450                                default='ERROR',
    451                                dest='log_level')
    454     def add_skylab_options(self, enforce_skylab=False):
    455         """Add options for reading and writing skylab inventory repository."""
    456         self.allow_skylab = True
    457         self.enforce_skylab = enforce_skylab
    459         self.parser.add_option('--skylab',
    460                                 help=('Use the skylab inventory as the data '
    461                                       'source. Default to %s.' %
    462                                        self.enforce_skylab),
    463                                 action='store_true', dest='skylab',
    464                                 default=self.enforce_skylab)
    465         self.parser.add_option('--env',
    466                                help=('Environment ("prod" or "staging") of the '
    467                                      'machine. Default to "prod". %s' %
    468                                      skylab_utils.MSG_ONLY_VALID_IN_SKYLAB),
    469                                dest='environment',
    470                                default='prod')
    471         self.parser.add_option('--inventory-repo-dir',
    472                                help=('The path of directory to clone skylab '
    473                                      'inventory repo into. It can be an empty '
    474                                      'folder or an existing clean checkout of '
    475                                      'infra_internal/skylab_inventory. '
    476                                      'If not provided, a temporary dir will be '
    477                                      'created and used as the repo dir. %s' %
    478                                      skylab_utils.MSG_ONLY_VALID_IN_SKYLAB),
    479                                dest='inventory_repo_dir')
    480         self.parser.add_option('--keep-repo-dir',
    481                                help=('Keep the inventory-repo-dir after the '
    482                                      'action completes, otherwise the dir will '
    483                                      'be cleaned up. %s' %
    484                                      skylab_utils.MSG_ONLY_VALID_IN_SKYLAB),
    485                                action='store_true',
    486                                dest='keep_repo_dir')
    487         self.parser.add_option('--draft',
    488                                help=('Upload a change CL as a draft. %s' %
    489                                      skylab_utils.MSG_ONLY_VALID_IN_SKYLAB),
    490                                action='store_true',
    491                                dest='draft',
    492                                default=False)
    493         self.parser.add_option('--dryrun',
    494                                help=('Execute the action as a dryrun. %s' %
    495                                      skylab_utils.MSG_ONLY_VALID_IN_SKYLAB),
    496                                action='store_true',
    497                                dest='dryrun',
    498                                default=False)
    499         self.parser.add_option('--submit',
    500                                help=('Submit a change CL directly without '
    501                                      'reviewing and submitting it in Gerrit. %s'
    502                                      % skylab_utils.MSG_ONLY_VALID_IN_SKYLAB),
    503                                action='store_true',
    504                                dest='submit',
    505                                default=False)
    508     def _get_usage(self):
    509         return "atest %s %s [options] %s" % (self.msg_topic.lower(),
    510                                              self.usage_action,
    511                                              self.msg_items)
    514     def backward_compatibility(self, action, argv):
    515         """To be overidden by subclass if their syntax changed.
    517         @param action: Name of the action.
    518         @param argv: A list of arguments.
    519         """
    520         return action
    523     def parse_skylab_options(self, options):
    524         """Parse skylab related options.
    526         @param: options: Option values parsed by the parser.
    527         """
    528         self.skylab = options.skylab
    529         if not self.skylab:
    530             return
    532         # TODO(nxia): crbug.com/837831 Add skylab_inventory to
    533         # autotest-server-deps ebuilds to remove the ImportError check.
    534         if not skylab_inventory_imported:
    535             raise skylab_utils.SkylabInventoryNotImported(
    536                     "Please try to run utils/build_externals.py.")
    538         self.draft = options.draft
    540         self.dryrun = options.dryrun
    541         if self.dryrun:
    542             print('This is a dryrun. NO CL will be uploaded.\n')
    544         self.submit = options.submit
    545         if self.submit and (self.dryrun or self.draft):
    546             self.invalid_syntax('Can not set --dryrun or --draft when '
    547                                 '--submit is set.')
    549         # The change number of the inventory change CL.
    550         self.change_number = None
    552         self.environment = options.environment
    553         translation_utils.validate_environment(self.environment)
    555         self.keep_repo_dir = options.keep_repo_dir
    556         self.inventory_repo_dir = options.inventory_repo_dir
    557         if self.inventory_repo_dir is None:
    558             self.temp_dir = autotemp.tempdir(
    559                     prefix='inventory_repo',
    560                     auto_clean=not self.keep_repo_dir)
    562             self.inventory_repo_dir = self.temp_dir.name
    563             if self.debug or self.keep_repo_dir:
    564                 print('The inventory_repo_dir is created at %s' %
    565                       self.inventory_repo_dir)
    568     def parse(self, parse_info=[], req_items=None):
    569         """Parse command arguments.
    571         parse_info is a list of item_parse_info objects.
    572         There should only be one use_leftover set to True in the list.
    574         Also check that the req_items is not empty after parsing.
    576         @param parse_info: A list of item_parse_info objects.
    577         @param req_items: A list of required items.
    578         """
    579         (options, leftover) = self.parse_global()
    581         all_parse_info = parse_info[:]
    582         all_parse_info.append(self.topic_parse_info)
    584         try:
    585             for item_parse_info in all_parse_info:
    586                 values, leftover = item_parse_info.get_values(options,
    587                                                               leftover)
    588                 setattr(self, item_parse_info.attribute_name, values)
    589         except CliError, s:
    590             self.invalid_syntax(s)
    592         if (req_items and not getattr(self, req_items, None)):
    593             self.invalid_syntax('%s %s requires at least one %s' %
    594                                 (self.msg_topic,
    595                                  self.usage_action,
    596                                  self.msg_topic))
    598         if self.allow_skylab:
    599             self.parse_skylab_options(options)
    601         logging.getLogger().setLevel(LOGGING_LEVEL_MAP[options.log_level])
    603         return (options, leftover)
    606     def parse_global(self):
    607         """Parse the global arguments.
    609         It consumes what the common object needs to know, and
    610         let the children look at all the options.  We could
    611         remove the options that we have used, but there is no
    612         harm in leaving them, and the children may need them
    613         in the future.
    615         Must be called from its children parse()"""
    616         (options, leftover) = self.parser.parse_args()
    617         # Handle our own options setup in __init__()
    618         self.debug = options.debug
    619         self.kill_on_failure = options.kill_on_failure
    621         if options.parse:
    622             suffix = '_parse'
    623         else:
    624             suffix = '_std'
    625         for func in ['print_fields', 'print_table',
    626                      'print_by_ids', 'print_list']:
    627             setattr(self, func, getattr(self, func + suffix))
    629         self.parse_delim = options.parse_delim
    631         self.verbose = options.verbose
    632         self.no_confirmation = options.no_confirmation
    633         self.web_server = options.web_server
    634         try:
    635             self.afe = rpc.afe_comm(self.web_server)
    636         except rpc.AuthError, s:
    637             self.failure(str(s), fatal=True)
    639         return (options, leftover)
    642     def check_and_create_items(self, op_get, op_create,
    643                                 items, **data_create):
    644         """Create the items if they don't exist already.
    646         @param op_get: Name of `get` RPC.
    647         @param op_create: Name of `create` RPC.
    648         @param items: Actionable items specified in CLI command, e.g., hostname,
    649                       to be passed to each RPC.
    650         @param data_create: Data to be passed to `create` RPC.
    651         """
    652         for item in items:
    653             ret = self.execute_rpc(op_get, name=item)
    655             if len(ret) == 0:
    656                 try:
    657                     data_create['name'] = item
    658                     self.execute_rpc(op_create, **data_create)
    659                 except CliError:
    660                     continue
    663     def execute_rpc(self, op, item='', **data):
    664         """Execute RPC.
    666         @param op: Name of the RPC.
    667         @param item: Actionable item specified in CLI command.
    668         @param data: Data to be passed to RPC.
    669         """
    670         retry = 2
    671         while retry:
    672             try:
    673                 return self.afe.run(op, **data)
    674             except urllib2.URLError, err:
    675                 if hasattr(err, 'reason'):
    676                     if 'timed out' not in err.reason:
    677                         self.invalid_syntax('Invalid server name %s: %s' %
    678                                             (self.afe.web_server, err))
    679                 if hasattr(err, 'code'):
    680                     error_parts = [str(err)]
    681                     if self.debug:
    682                         error_parts.append(err.read()) # read the response body
    683                     self.failure('\n\n'.join(error_parts), item=item,
    684                                  what_failed=("Error received from web server"))
    685                     raise CliError("Error from web server")
    686                 if self.debug:
    687                     print 'retrying: %r %d' % (data, retry)
    688                 retry -= 1
    689                 if retry == 0:
    690                     if item:
    691                         myerr = '%s timed out for %s' % (op, item)
    692                     else:
    693                         myerr = '%s timed out' % op
    694                     self.failure(myerr, item=item,
    695                                  what_failed=("Timed-out contacting "
    696                                               "the Autotest server"))
    697                     raise CliError("Timed-out contacting the Autotest server")
    698             except mock.CheckPlaybackError:
    699                 raise
    700             except Exception, full_error:
    701                 # There are various exceptions throwns by JSON,
    702                 # urllib & httplib, so catch them all.
    703                 self.failure(full_error, item=item,
    704                              what_failed='Operation %s failed' % op)
    705                 raise CliError(str(full_error))
    708     # There is no output() method in the atest object (yet?)
    709     # but here are some helper functions to be used by its
    710     # children
    711     def print_wrapped(self, msg, values):
    712         """Print given message and values in wrapped lines unless
    713         AUTOTEST_CLI_NO_WRAP is specified in environment variables.
    715         @param msg: Message to print.
    716         @param values: A list of values to print.
    717         """
    718         if len(values) == 0:
    719             return
    720         elif len(values) == 1:
    721             print msg + ': '
    722         elif len(values) > 1:
    723             if msg.endswith('s'):
    724                 print msg + ': '
    725             else:
    726                 print msg + 's: '
    728         values.sort()
    730         if 'AUTOTEST_CLI_NO_WRAP' in os.environ:
    731             print '\n'.join(values)
    732             return
    734         twrap = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent='\t',
    735                                      subsequent_indent='\t')
    736         print twrap.fill(', '.join(values))
    739     def __conv_value(self, type, value):
    740         return KEYS_CONVERT.get(type, str)(value)
    743     def print_fields_std(self, items, keys, title=None):
    744         """Print the keys in each item, one on each line.
    746         @param items: Items to print.
    747         @param keys: Name of the keys to look up each item in items.
    748         @param title: Title of the output, default to None.
    749         """
    750         if not items:
    751             return
    752         if title:
    753             print title
    754         for item in items:
    755             for key in keys:
    756                 print '%s: %s' % (KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key],
    757                                   self.__conv_value(key,
    758                                                     _get_item_key(item, key)))
    761     def print_fields_parse(self, items, keys, title=None):
    762         """Print the keys in each item as comma separated name=value
    764         @param items: Items to print.
    765         @param keys: Name of the keys to look up each item in items.
    766         @param title: Title of the output, default to None.
    767         """
    768         for item in items:
    769             values = ['%s=%s' % (KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key],
    770                                   self.__conv_value(key,
    771                                                     _get_item_key(item, key)))
    772                       for key in keys
    773                       if self.__conv_value(key,
    774                                            _get_item_key(item, key)) != '']
    775             print self.parse_delim.join(values)
    778     def __find_justified_fmt(self, items, keys):
    779         """Find the max length for each field.
    781         @param items: Items to lookup for.
    782         @param keys: Name of the keys to look up each item in items.
    783         """
    784         lens = {}
    785         # Don't justify the last field, otherwise we have blank
    786         # lines when the max is overlaps but the current values
    787         # are smaller
    788         if not items:
    789             print "No results"
    790             return
    791         for key in keys[:-1]:
    792             lens[key] = max(len(self.__conv_value(key,
    793                                                   _get_item_key(item, key)))
    794                             for item in items)
    795             lens[key] = max(lens[key], len(KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key]))
    796         lens[keys[-1]] = 0
    798         return '  '.join(["%%-%ds" % lens[key] for key in keys])
    801     def print_dict(self, items, title=None, line_before=False):
    802         """Print a dictionary.
    804         @param items: Dictionary to print.
    805         @param title: Title of the output, default to None.
    806         @param line_before: True to print an empty line before the output,
    807                             default to False.
    808         """
    809         if not items:
    810             return
    811         if line_before:
    812             print
    813         print title
    814         for key, value in items.items():
    815             print '%s : %s' % (key, value)
    818     def print_table_std(self, items, keys_header, sublist_keys=()):
    819         """Print a mix of header and lists in a user readable format.
    821         The headers are justified, the sublist_keys are wrapped.
    823         @param items: Items to print.
    824         @param keys_header: Header of the keys, use to look up in items.
    825         @param sublist_keys: Keys for sublist in each item.
    826         """
    827         if not items:
    828             return
    829         fmt = self.__find_justified_fmt(items, keys_header)
    830         header = tuple(KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key] for key in keys_header)
    831         print fmt % header
    832         for item in items:
    833             values = tuple(self.__conv_value(key,
    834                                              _get_item_key(item, key))
    835                            for key in keys_header)
    836             print fmt % values
    837             if sublist_keys:
    838                 for key in sublist_keys:
    839                     self.print_wrapped(KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key],
    840                                        _get_item_key(item, key))
    841                 print '\n'
    844     def print_table_parse(self, items, keys_header, sublist_keys=()):
    845         """Print a mix of header and lists in a user readable format.
    847         @param items: Items to print.
    848         @param keys_header: Header of the keys, use to look up in items.
    849         @param sublist_keys: Keys for sublist in each item.
    850         """
    851         for item in items:
    852             values = ['%s=%s' % (KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key],
    853                                  self.__conv_value(key, _get_item_key(item, key)))
    854                       for key in keys_header
    855                       if self.__conv_value(key,
    856                                            _get_item_key(item, key)) != '']
    858             if sublist_keys:
    859                 [values.append('%s=%s'% (KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key],
    860                                          ','.join(_get_item_key(item, key))))
    861                  for key in sublist_keys
    862                  if len(_get_item_key(item, key))]
    864             print self.parse_delim.join(values)
    867     def print_by_ids_std(self, items, title=None, line_before=False):
    868         """Prints ID & names of items in a user readable form.
    870         @param items: Items to print.
    871         @param title: Title of the output, default to None.
    872         @param line_before: True to print an empty line before the output,
    873                             default to False.
    874         """
    875         if not items:
    876             return
    877         if line_before:
    878             print
    879         if title:
    880             print title + ':'
    881         self.print_table_std(items, keys_header=['id', 'name'])
    884     def print_by_ids_parse(self, items, title=None, line_before=False):
    885         """Prints ID & names of items in a parseable format.
    887         @param items: Items to print.
    888         @param title: Title of the output, default to None.
    889         @param line_before: True to print an empty line before the output,
    890                             default to False.
    891         """
    892         if not items:
    893             return
    894         if line_before:
    895             print
    896         if title:
    897             print title + '=',
    898         values = []
    899         for item in items:
    900             values += ['%s=%s' % (KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key],
    901                                   self.__conv_value(key,
    902                                                     _get_item_key(item, key)))
    903                        for key in ['id', 'name']
    904                        if self.__conv_value(key,
    905                                             _get_item_key(item, key)) != '']
    906         print self.parse_delim.join(values)
    909     def print_list_std(self, items, key):
    910         """Print a wrapped list of results
    912         @param items: Items to to lookup for given key, could be a nested
    913                       dictionary.
    914         @param key: Name of the key to look up for value.
    915         """
    916         if not items:
    917             return
    918         print ' '.join(_get_item_key(item, key) for item in items)
    921     def print_list_parse(self, items, key):
    922         """Print a wrapped list of results.
    924         @param items: Items to to lookup for given key, could be a nested
    925                       dictionary.
    926         @param key: Name of the key to look up for value.
    927         """
    928         if not items:
    929             return
    930         print '%s=%s' % (KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key],
    931                          ','.join(_get_item_key(item, key) for item in items))
    934     @staticmethod
    935     def prompt_confirmation(message=None):
    936         """Prompt a question for user to confirm the action before proceeding.
    938         @param message: A detailed message to explain possible impact of the
    939                         action.
    941         @return: True to proceed or False to abort.
    942         """
    943         if message:
    944             print message
    945         sys.stdout.write('Continue? [y/N] ')
    946         read = raw_input().lower()
    947         if read == 'y':
    948             return True
    949         else:
    950             print 'User did not confirm. Aborting...'
    951             return False
    954     @staticmethod
    955     def require_confirmation(message=None):
    956         """Decorator to prompt a question for user to confirm action before
    957         proceeding.
    959         If user chooses not to proceed, do not call the function.
    961         @param message: A detailed message to explain possible impact of the
    962                         action.
    964         @return: A decorator wrapper for calling the actual function.
    965         """
    966         def deco_require_confirmation(func):
    967             """Wrapper for the decorator.
    969             @param func: Function to be called.
    971             @return: the actual decorator to call the function.
    972             """
    973             def func_require_confirmation(*args, **kwargs):
    974                 """Decorator to prompt a question for user to confirm.
    976                 @param message: A detailed message to explain possible impact of
    977                                 the action.
    978                 """
    979                 if (args[0].no_confirmation or
    980                     atest.prompt_confirmation(message)):
    981                     func(*args, **kwargs)
    983             return func_require_confirmation
    984         return deco_require_confirmation