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      1 #! /usr/bin/python
      3 # The tool gathers the time used by special tasks/test jobs to a tab-separated
      4 # output.
      5 # Import the output to google spreadsheet can generate a sheet like this:
      6 # https://docs.google.com/a/google.com/spreadsheets/d/
      7 # 1iLPSRAgSVz9rGVusTb2yaHJ88iv0QY3hZI_ZI-RdatI/edit#gid=51630294
     10 import os
     11 import argparse
     12 from datetime import datetime
     13 import re
     14 import subprocess
     15 import sys
     16 import urllib2
     18 import common
     19 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
     20 from autotest_lib.frontend import setup_django_environment
     21 from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import models
     22 from autotest_lib.frontend.tko import models as tko_models
     23 from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import job_status
     26 CONFIG = global_config.global_config
     27 AUTOTEST_SERVER = CONFIG.get_config_value('SERVER', 'hostname', type=str)
     29 LOG_BASE_URL = 'http://%s/tko/retrieve_logs.cgi?job=/results/' % AUTOTEST_SERVER
     30 JOB_URL = LOG_BASE_URL + '%(job_id)s-%(owner)s/%(hostname)s'
     31 LOG_PATH_FMT = 'hosts/%(hostname)s/%(task_id)d-%(taskname)s'
     33 AUTOSERV_DEBUG_LOG = 'debug/autoserv.DEBUG'
     34 HYPERLINK = '=HYPERLINK("%s","%0.1f")'
     36 GS_URI =  'gs://chromeos-autotest-results'
     38 # A cache of special tasks, hostname:[task]
     39 tasks_cache = {}
     41 def get_debug_log(autoserv_log_url, autoserv_log_path):
     42     """Get a list of strings or a stream for autoserv.DEBUG log file.
     44     @param autoserv_log_url: Url to the repair job's autoserv.DEBUG log.
     45     @param autoserv_log_path: Path to autoserv.DEBUG log, e.g.,
     46                         hosts/hostname/job_id-repair/debug/autoserv.DEBUG.
     47     @return: A list of string if debug log was moved to GS already, or a
     48              stream of the autoserv.DEBUG file.
     49     """
     50     url = urllib2.urlopen(autoserv_log_url).geturl()
     51     if not 'accounts.google.com' in url:
     52         return urllib2.urlopen(url)
     53     else:
     54         # The file was moved to Google storage already, read the file from GS.
     55         debug_log_link = '%s/%s' % (GS_URI, autoserv_log_path)
     56         cmd = 'gsutil cat %s' % debug_log_link
     57         proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
     58                                 stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
     59         stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
     60         if proc.returncode == 0:
     61             return stdout.split(os.linesep)
     62         else:
     63             print 'Failed to read %s: %s' % (debug_log_link, stderr)
     66 class task_runtime(object):
     67     """Details about the task run time.
     68     """
     69     def __init__(self, task):
     70         """Init task_runtime
     71         """
     72         # Special task ID
     73         self.id = task.id
     74         # AFE special_task model
     75         self.task = task
     76         self.hostname = task.host.hostname
     78         # Link to log
     79         task_info = {'task_id': task.id, 'taskname': task.task.lower(),
     80                      'hostname': self.hostname}
     81         self.log = TASK_URL % task_info
     83         autoserv_log_url = '%s/%s' % (self.log, AUTOSERV_DEBUG_LOG)
     84         log_path = LOG_PATH_FMT % task_info
     85         autoserv_log_path = '%s/%s' % (log_path, AUTOSERV_DEBUG_LOG)
     86         debug_log = get_debug_log(autoserv_log_url, autoserv_log_path)
     87         lines = [line for line in debug_log if line]
     88         # Task start time
     89         self.start_time = _get_timestamp(lines[0])
     90         # Task end time
     91         self.end_time = _get_timestamp(lines[-1])
     92         # Run time across end of a year.
     93         if self.end_time < self.start_time:
     94             self.end_time = self.end_time.replace(year=self.end_time.year+1)
     95         self.time_used = self.end_time - self.start_time
     97         # Start/end time from afe_special_tasks table.
     98         # To support old special tasks, the value falls back to the ones from
     99         # debug log.
    100         self.start_time_db = (self.task.time_started if self.task.time_started
    101                               else self.start_time)
    102         self.end_time_db = (self.task.time_finished if self.task.time_finished
    103                             else self.end_time)
    104         self.time_used_db = self.end_time_db - self.start_time_db
    107 class job_runtime(object):
    108     """Details about the job run time, including time spent on special tasks.
    109     """
    110     def __init__(self, job, suite_start_time=None, suite_end_time=None):
    111         """Init job_run_time
    112         """
    113         # AFE job ID
    114         self.id = job.id
    115         # AFE job model
    116         self.job = job
    117         # Name of the job, strip all build and suite info.
    118         self.name = job.name.split('/')[-1]
    120         try:
    121             self.tko_job = tko_models.Job.objects.filter(afe_job_id=self.id)[0]
    122             self.host_id = self.tko_job.machine_id
    123             self.hostname = self.tko_job.machine.hostname
    124             # Job start time
    125             self.start_time = self.tko_job.started_time
    126             # Job end time
    127             self.end_time = self.tko_job.finished_time
    128             self.time_used = self.end_time - self.start_time
    129         except IndexError:
    130             self.tko_job = None
    131             self.host_id = 0
    132             self.time_used = 0
    134         # Link to log
    135         self.log = JOB_URL % {'job_id': job.id, 'owner': job.owner,
    136                               'hostname': self.hostname}
    138         # Special tasks run before job starts.
    139         self.tasks_before = []
    140         # Special tasks run after job finished.
    141         self.tasks_after = []
    143         # If job time used is not calculated, skip locating special tasks.
    144         if not self.time_used:
    145             return
    147         # suite job has no special tasks
    148         if not self.hostname:
    149             return
    151         tasks = tasks_cache.get(self.hostname, None)
    152         if not tasks:
    153             tasks = models.SpecialTask.objects.filter(
    154                     host__hostname=self.hostname,
    155                     time_started__gte=suite_start_time,
    156                     time_started__lte=suite_end_time)
    157             tasks_cache[self.hostname] = tasks
    158         for task in tasks:
    159             if not task.queue_entry or task.queue_entry.job_id != self.id:
    160                 continue
    161             t_runtime = task_runtime(task)
    162             if task.time_started < self.start_time:
    163                 self.tasks_before.append(t_runtime)
    164             else:
    165                 self.tasks_after.append(t_runtime)
    168     def get_all_tasks(self):
    169         return self.tasks_before + self.tasks_after
    172     def get_first_task_start_time(self):
    173         """Get the start time of first task, return test job start time if
    174         there is no tasks_before
    175         """
    176         start = self.start_time
    177         for task in self.tasks_before:
    178             if task.start_time_db < start:
    179                 start = task.start_time_db
    180         return start
    183     def get_last_task_end_time(self):
    184         """Get the end time of last task, return test job end time if there is
    185         no tasks_after.
    186         """
    187         end = self.end_time
    188         for task in self.tasks_after:
    189             if end < task.end_time_db:
    190                 end = task.end_time_db
    191         return end
    194     def get_total_time(self):
    195         return (self.get_last_task_end_time() -
    196                 self.get_first_task_start_time()).total_seconds()
    199     def get_time_on_tasks(self):
    200         time = 0
    201         for task in self.tasks_before + self.tasks_after:
    202             time += task.time_used.total_seconds()
    203         return time
    206     def get_time_on_tasks_from_db(self):
    207         time = 0
    208         for task in self.tasks_before + self.tasks_after:
    209             time += task.time_used_db.total_seconds()
    210         return time
    213     def get_time_on_wait(self):
    214         return (self.get_total_time() -
    215                 self.get_time_on_tasks() -
    216                 self.time_used.total_seconds())
    219     def get_time_on_wait_from_db(self):
    220         return (self.get_total_time() -
    221                 self.get_time_on_tasks_from_db() -
    222                 self.time_used.total_seconds())
    225     def get_time_per_task_type(self, task_type):
    226         """only used for suite job
    227         """
    228         tasks = []
    229         for job in self.test_jobs:
    230             tasks += [task for task in job.get_all_tasks()
    231                           if task.task.task == task_type]
    232         if not tasks:
    233             return None
    235         task_min = tasks[0]
    236         task_max = tasks[0]
    237         total = 0
    238         for task in tasks:
    239             if task.time_used < task_min.time_used:
    240                 task_min = task
    241             if task.time_used > task_max.time_used:
    242                 task_max = task
    243             total += task.time_used.total_seconds()
    244         return (task_min, task_max, total/len(tasks), len(tasks))
    247     def get_time_per_task_type_from_db(self, task_type):
    248         """only used for suite job
    249         """
    250         tasks = []
    251         for job in self.test_jobs:
    252             tasks += [task for task in job.get_all_tasks()
    253                           if task.task.task == task_type]
    254         if not tasks:
    255             return None
    257         task_min = tasks[0]
    258         task_max = tasks[0]
    259         total = 0
    260         for task in tasks:
    261             if task.time_used_db < task_min.time_used_db:
    262                 task_min = task
    263             if task.time_used_db > task_max.time_used_db:
    264                 task_max = task
    265             total += task.time_used_db.total_seconds()
    266         return (task_min, task_max, total/len(tasks), len(tasks))
    269 def _get_timestamp(line):
    270     """Get the time from the beginning of a log entry.
    272     @param line: A line of log entry, e.g., "06/19 19:56:53.602 INFO |"
    273     @return: A datetime value of the log entry.
    274     """
    275     try:
    276         time = re.match( '^(\d\d\/\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d.\d+).*', line).group(1)
    277         time = '%d/%s' % (datetime.now().year, time)
    278         return datetime.strptime(time, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
    279     except:
    280         return None
    283 def _parse_args(args):
    284     if not args:
    285         print 'Try ./contrib/compare_suite.py --jobs 51,52,53'
    286         sys.exit(0)
    287     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    288             description=('A script to compare the performance of multiple suite'
    289                          ' runs.'))
    290     parser.add_argument('--jobs',
    291                         help='A list of job IDs.')
    292     return parser.parse_args(args)
    295 def merge_time_dict(time_dict_list):
    296     merged = {}
    297     for time_dict in time_dict_list:
    298         for key,val in time_dict.items():
    299             time_used = merged.get(key, 0)
    300             merged[key] = time_used + val
    301     return merged
    304 def print_task_data(all_jobs, time_data):
    305     percent_string = delimiter.join(
    306             [str(100.0*data[2]*data[3]/suite_job.total_time)
    307              if data else '_' for (data, suite_job) in
    308              zip(time_data, all_jobs.keys())])
    309     print '%% on %s %s%s' % (task_type, delimiter, percent_string)
    310     min_string = delimiter.join(
    311             [(HYPERLINK % (data[0].log, data[0].time_used.total_seconds()))
    312              if data else '_' for data in time_data])
    313     print '  %s min (seconds)%s%s' % (task_type, delimiter, min_string)
    314     max_string = delimiter.join(
    315             [HYPERLINK % (data[1].log, data[1].time_used.total_seconds())
    316              if data else '_' for data in time_data])
    317     print '  %s max (seconds)%s%s' % (task_type, delimiter, max_string)
    318     ave_string = delimiter.join(
    319             [str(data[2]) if data else '_' for data in time_data])
    320     print '  %s average (seconds)%s%s' % (task_type, delimiter, ave_string)
    323 if __name__ == '__main__':
    324     args = _parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
    325     print 'Comparing jobs: %s' % args.jobs
    326     job_ids = [int(id) for id in args.jobs.split(',')]
    328     # Make sure all jobs are suite jobs
    329     parent_jobs = [job.parent_job_id for job in
    330                    models.Job.objects.filter(id__in=job_ids)]
    331     if any(parent_jobs):
    332         print ('Some jobs are not suite job. Please provide a list of suite job'
    333                ' IDs.')
    334         sys.exit(1)
    336     # A dictionary of suite_job_runtime:{test_job_name:test_job_runtime}
    337     all_jobs = {}
    338     for job_id in job_ids:
    339         suite_job = models.Job.objects.filter(id=job_id)[0]
    340         suite_job_runtime = job_runtime(suite_job)
    341         test_jobs = models.Job.objects.filter(parent_job_id=job_id)
    342         if len(test_jobs) == 0:
    343             print 'No child job found for suite job: %d' % job_id
    344             sys.exit(1)
    345         test_job_runtimes = [job_runtime(job, suite_job_runtime.start_time,
    346                                          suite_job_runtime.end_time)
    347                              for job in test_jobs]
    348         suite_job_runtime.test_jobs = test_job_runtimes
    349         suite_job_runtime.hosts = set([job.host_id
    350                                        for job in test_job_runtimes
    351                                        if job.host_id != 0])
    352         suite_job_runtime.total_time = sum(
    353                 [job.get_total_time() for job in test_job_runtimes])
    354         suite_job_runtime.total_time_on_tasks = sum(
    355                 [job.get_time_on_tasks() for job in test_job_runtimes])
    356         suite_job_runtime.total_time_on_tasks_from_db = sum(
    357                 [job.get_time_on_tasks_from_db() for job in test_job_runtimes])
    358         suite_job_runtime.total_time_on_wait = sum(
    359                 [job.get_time_on_wait() for job in test_job_runtimes])
    360         suite_job_runtime.total_time_on_wait_from_db = sum(
    361                 [job.get_time_on_wait_from_db() for job in test_job_runtimes])
    362         suite_job_runtime.percent_on_tasks = 100*(
    363                 suite_job_runtime.total_time_on_tasks /
    364                 suite_job_runtime.total_time)
    365         suite_job_runtime.percent_on_wait = 100*(
    366                 suite_job_runtime.total_time_on_wait /
    367                 suite_job_runtime.total_time)
    368         suite_job_runtime.percent_on_tasks_from_db = 100*(
    369                 suite_job_runtime.total_time_on_tasks_from_db /
    370                 suite_job_runtime.total_time)
    371         suite_job_runtime.percent_on_wait_from_db = 100*(
    372                 suite_job_runtime.total_time_on_wait_from_db /
    373                 suite_job_runtime.total_time)
    374         all_jobs[suite_job_runtime] = {r.name:r for r in test_job_runtimes}
    376     delimiter = '\t'
    377     # Print a row of suite job IDs.
    378     print ('job ID%s' % delimiter +
    379            delimiter.join([str(suite_job.id)
    380                            for suite_job in all_jobs.keys()]))
    382     # Print a row of platforms, e.g., lumpy-release.
    383     print ('platform%s' % delimiter +
    384            delimiter.join([suite_job.job.name.split('/')[0]
    385                            for suite_job in all_jobs.keys()]))
    387     # Print time to run suite
    388     print ('time(mins)%s' % delimiter +
    389            delimiter.join([str(suite_job.time_used.total_seconds()/60)
    390                            for suite_job in all_jobs.keys()]))
    392     # Print percent of time on tasks
    393     print ('%% on special tasks%s' % delimiter +
    394            delimiter.join([str(suite_job.percent_on_tasks)
    395                            for suite_job in all_jobs.keys()]))
    397     # Print percent of time on tasks based on time data from afe_special_tasks
    398     print ('%% on special tasks with data from DB%s' % delimiter +
    399            delimiter.join([str(suite_job.percent_on_tasks_from_db)
    400                            for suite_job in all_jobs.keys()]))
    402     # Print percent of time on tasks per task type
    403     all_task_types = set()
    404     for suite_job in all_jobs.keys():
    405         for job in suite_job.test_jobs:
    406             all_task_types.update(
    407                     [task.task.task for task in job.get_all_tasks()])
    408     for task_type in all_task_types:
    409         print 'Time data retrieved from debug log.'
    410         time_data = [suite_job.get_time_per_task_type(task_type)
    411                      for suite_job in all_jobs.keys()]
    412         print_task_data(all_jobs, time_data)
    414         print 'Time data retrieved from database'
    415         time_data = [suite_job.get_time_per_task_type_from_db(task_type)
    416                      for suite_job in all_jobs.keys()]
    417         print_task_data(all_jobs, time_data)
    419         count_string = delimiter.join(
    420                 [str(data[3]) if data else '_' for data in time_data])
    421         print '  %s count%s%s' % (task_type, delimiter, count_string)
    423     # Print percent of time on wait
    424     print ('%% on wait%s' % delimiter +
    425            delimiter.join([str(suite_job.percent_on_wait)
    426                            for suite_job in all_jobs.keys()]))
    428     # Print percent of time on wait based on special task time data from
    429     # database
    430     print ('%% on wait based on time data from db%s' % delimiter +
    431            delimiter.join([str(suite_job.percent_on_wait_from_db)
    432                            for suite_job in all_jobs.keys()]))
    434     # Print the number of duts used for suite.
    435     print ('dut #%s' % delimiter +
    436            delimiter.join([str(len(suite_job.hosts))
    437                            for suite_job in all_jobs.keys()]))
    439     for test_name in [job for job in all_jobs.values()[0].keys()]:
    440         line = '%s%s' % (test_name, delimiter)
    441         for suite_job in all_jobs.keys():
    442             test_job = all_jobs[suite_job].get(test_name)
    443             if test_job:
    444                 line += (HYPERLINK %
    445                          (test_job.log, test_job.time_used.total_seconds())
    446                          + delimiter)
    447             else:
    448                 line += '_%s' % delimiter
    449         print line