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      1 package controllers
      3 import (
      4 	"fmt"
      5 	"os"
      6 	"os/exec"
      7 	"path/filepath"
      8 	"strings"
      9 	"time"
     11 	"github.com/pkg/errors"
     13 	ent "repodiff/entities"
     14 	"repodiff/interactors"
     15 	"repodiff/mappers"
     16 	"repodiff/persistence/filesystem"
     17 	"repodiff/repositories"
     18 )
     20 var expectedOutputFilenames = []string{
     21 	"project.csv",
     22 	"commit.csv",
     23 }
     25 // Executes all of the differentials specified in the application config.
     26 // While each target is executed synchronously, the differential script is already multi-threaded
     27 // across all of the local machine's cores, so there is no benefit to parallelizing multiple differential
     28 // targets
     29 func ExecuteDifferentials(config ent.ApplicationConfig) error {
     30 	err := createWorkingPath(config.OutputDirectory)
     31 	if err != nil {
     32 		return errors.Wrap(err, "Could not create working path")
     33 	}
     35 	commonManifest, err := defineCommonManifest(config)
     36 	if err != nil {
     37 		return err
     38 	}
     40 	for _, target := range config.DiffTargets {
     41 		fmt.Printf("Processing differential from %s to %s\n", target.Upstream.Branch, target.Downstream.Branch)
     42 		err = clearOutputDirectory(config)
     43 		commitCSV, projectCSV, err := runPyScript(config, target)
     44 		if err != nil {
     45 			return errors.Wrap(err, "Error running python differential script")
     46 		}
     47 		err = TransferScriptOutputToDownstream(config, target, projectCSV, commitCSV, commonManifest)
     48 		if err != nil {
     49 			return errors.Wrap(err, "Error transferring script output to downstream")
     50 		}
     51 	}
     52 	return nil
     53 }
     55 func defineCommonManifest(config ent.ApplicationConfig) (*ent.ManifestFile, error) {
     56 	workingDirectory := filepath.Join(config.OutputDirectory, "common_upstream")
     57 	if err := createWorkingPath(workingDirectory); err != nil {
     58 		return nil, err
     59 	}
     60 	cmd := exec.Command(
     61 		"bash",
     62 		"-c",
     63 		fmt.Sprintf(
     64 			"repo init -u %s -b %s",
     65 			config.CommonUpstream.URL,
     66 			config.CommonUpstream.Branch,
     67 		),
     68 	)
     69 	cmd.Dir = workingDirectory
     70 	if _, err := cmd.Output(); err != nil {
     71 		return nil, err
     72 	}
     74 	var manifest ent.ManifestFile
     75 	err := filesystem.ReadXMLAsEntity(
     76 		// the output of repo init will generate a manifest file at this location
     77 		filepath.Join(workingDirectory, ".repo/manifest.xml"),
     78 		&manifest,
     79 	)
     80 	return &manifest, err
     81 }
     83 func createWorkingPath(folderPath string) error {
     84 	return os.MkdirAll(folderPath, os.ModePerm)
     85 }
     87 func printFunctionDuration(fnLabel string, start time.Time) {
     88 	fmt.Printf("Finished '%s' in %s\n", fnLabel, time.Now().Sub(start))
     89 }
     91 func clearOutputDirectory(config ent.ApplicationConfig) error {
     92 	return exec.Command(
     93 		"/bin/sh",
     94 		"-c",
     95 		fmt.Sprintf("rm -rf %s/*", config.OutputDirectory),
     96 	).Run()
     97 }
     99 func setupCommand(pyScript string, config ent.ApplicationConfig, target ent.DiffTarget) *exec.Cmd {
    100 	cmd := exec.Command(
    101 		"python",
    102 		pyScript,
    103 		"--manifest-url",
    104 		target.Downstream.URL,
    105 		"--manifest-branch",
    106 		target.Downstream.Branch,
    107 		"--upstream-manifest-url",
    108 		target.Upstream.URL,
    109 		"--upstream-manifest-branch",
    110 		target.Upstream.Branch,
    111 	)
    112 	cmd.Dir = config.OutputDirectory
    113 	return cmd
    114 }
    116 func runPyScript(config ent.ApplicationConfig, target ent.DiffTarget) (projectCSV string, commitCSV string, err error) {
    117 	pyScript := filepath.Join(
    118 		config.AndroidProjectDir,
    119 		config.DiffScript,
    120 	)
    121 	outFilesBefore := filesystem.FindFnamesInDir(config.OutputDirectory, expectedOutputFilenames...)
    122 	err = diffTarget(pyScript, config, target)
    123 	if err != nil {
    124 		return "", "", err
    125 	}
    126 	outFilesAfter := filesystem.FindFnamesInDir(config.OutputDirectory, expectedOutputFilenames...)
    127 	newFiles := interactors.DistinctValues(outFilesBefore, outFilesAfter)
    128 	if len(newFiles) != 2 {
    129 		return "", "", errors.New("Expected 1 new output filent. A race condition exists")
    130 	}
    131 	return newFiles[0], newFiles[1], nil
    132 }
    134 func diffTarget(pyScript string, config ent.ApplicationConfig, target ent.DiffTarget) error {
    135 	defer printFunctionDuration("Run Differential", time.Now())
    136 	cmd := setupCommand(pyScript, config, target)
    138 	displayStr := strings.Join(cmd.Args, " ")
    139 	fmt.Printf("Executing command:\n\n%s\n\n", displayStr)
    141 	return errors.Wrap(
    142 		cmd.Run(),
    143 		fmt.Sprintf(
    144 			"Failed to execute (%s). Ensure glogin has been run or update application config to provide correct parameters",
    145 			displayStr,
    146 		),
    147 	)
    148 }
    150 // SBL need to add test coverage here
    151 func TransferScriptOutputToDownstream(
    152 	config ent.ApplicationConfig,
    153 	target ent.DiffTarget,
    154 	projectCSVFile, commitCSVFile string,
    155 	common *ent.ManifestFile) error {
    157 	diffRows, commitRows, err := readCSVFiles(projectCSVFile, commitCSVFile)
    158 	if err != nil {
    159 		return err
    160 	}
    162 	manifestFileGroup, err := loadTargetManifests(config, common)
    163 	if err != nil {
    164 		return err
    165 	}
    166 	analyzedDiffRows, analyzedCommitRows := interactors.ApplyApplicationMutations(
    167 		interactors.AppProcessingParameters{
    168 			DiffRows:   diffRows,
    169 			CommitRows: commitRows,
    170 			Manifests:  manifestFileGroup,
    171 		},
    172 	)
    173 	return persistEntities(target, analyzedDiffRows, analyzedCommitRows)
    174 }
    176 func loadTargetManifests(config ent.ApplicationConfig, common *ent.ManifestFile) (*ent.ManifestFileGroup, error) {
    177 	var upstream, downstream ent.ManifestFile
    178 	dirToLoadAddress := map[string]*ent.ManifestFile{
    179 		"upstream":   &upstream,
    180 		"downstream": &downstream,
    181 	}
    183 	for dir, addr := range dirToLoadAddress {
    184 		if err := filesystem.ReadXMLAsEntity(
    185 			filepath.Join(config.OutputDirectory, dir, ".repo/manifest.xml"),
    186 			addr,
    187 		); err != nil {
    188 			return nil, err
    189 		}
    190 	}
    192 	return &ent.ManifestFileGroup{
    193 		Common:     *common,
    194 		Upstream:   upstream,
    195 		Downstream: downstream,
    196 	}, nil
    197 }
    199 func readCSVFiles(projectCSVFile, commitCSVFile string) ([]ent.DiffRow, []ent.CommitRow, error) {
    200 	diffRows, err := csvFileToDiffRows(projectCSVFile)
    201 	if err != nil {
    202 		return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error converting CSV file to entities")
    203 	}
    204 	commitRows, err := CSVFileToCommitRows(commitCSVFile)
    205 	if err != nil {
    206 		return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Error converting CSV file to entities")
    207 	}
    208 	return diffRows, commitRows, nil
    209 }
    211 func persistEntities(target ent.DiffTarget, diffRows []ent.AnalyzedDiffRow, commitRows []ent.AnalyzedCommitRow) error {
    212 	sourceRepo, err := repositories.NewSourceRepository()
    213 	if err != nil {
    214 		return errors.Wrap(err, "Error initializing Source Repository")
    215 	}
    216 	mappedTarget, err := sourceRepo.DiffTargetToMapped(target)
    217 	if err != nil {
    218 		return errors.Wrap(err, "Error mapping diff targets; a race condition is possible")
    219 	}
    220 	err = persistDiffRowsDownstream(mappedTarget, diffRows)
    221 	if err != nil {
    222 		return errors.Wrap(err, "Error persisting diff rows")
    223 	}
    225 	return MaybeNullObjectCommitRepository(
    226 		mappedTarget,
    227 	).InsertCommitRows(
    228 		commitRows,
    229 	)
    230 }
    232 func csvFileToDiffRows(csvFile string) ([]ent.DiffRow, error) {
    233 	entities, err := filesystem.CSVFileToEntities(
    234 		csvFile,
    235 		func(cols []string) (interface{}, error) {
    236 			return mappers.CSVLineToDiffRow(cols)
    237 		},
    238 	)
    239 	if err != nil {
    240 		return nil, err
    241 	}
    242 	return toDiffRows(entities)
    243 }
    245 func toDiffRows(entities []interface{}) ([]ent.DiffRow, error) {
    246 	diffRows := make([]ent.DiffRow, len(entities))
    247 	for i, entity := range entities {
    248 		diffRow, ok := entity.(*ent.DiffRow)
    249 		if !ok {
    250 			return nil, errors.New("Error casting to DiffRow")
    251 		}
    252 		diffRows[i] = *diffRow
    253 	}
    254 	return diffRows, nil
    255 }
    257 func CSVFileToCommitRows(csvFile string) ([]ent.CommitRow, error) {
    258 	entities, err := filesystem.CSVFileToEntities(
    259 		csvFile,
    260 		func(cols []string) (interface{}, error) {
    261 			return mappers.CSVLineToCommitRow(cols)
    262 		},
    263 	)
    264 	if err != nil {
    265 		return nil, err
    266 	}
    267 	return toCommitRows(entities)
    268 }
    270 func toCommitRows(entities []interface{}) ([]ent.CommitRow, error) {
    271 	commitRows := make([]ent.CommitRow, len(entities))
    272 	for i, entity := range entities {
    273 		commitRow, ok := entity.(*ent.CommitRow)
    274 		if !ok {
    275 			return nil, errors.New("Error casting to CommitRow")
    276 		}
    277 		commitRows[i] = *commitRow
    278 	}
    279 	return commitRows, nil
    280 }
    282 func persistDiffRowsDownstream(mappedTarget ent.MappedDiffTarget, diffRows []ent.AnalyzedDiffRow) error {
    283 	p, err := repositories.NewProjectRepository(mappedTarget)
    284 	if err != nil {
    285 		return errors.Wrap(err, "Error instantiating a new project repository")
    286 	}
    287 	err = p.InsertDiffRows(diffRows)
    288 	if err != nil {
    289 		return errors.Wrap(err, "Error inserting rows from controller")
    290 	}
    291 	return nil
    292 }