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      1 #!/vendor/bin/sh
      2 # /vendor/bin/init.fingerprint.sh [max_init_retry_times]
      4 # fps_hal service prop
      5 fps_svc_prop='init.svc.vendor.fps_hal'
      6 # fps_hal service name
      7 fps_svc_name='vendor.fps_hal'
      8 # fps_hal service init retry count
      9 init_retry_count_prop='vendor.fps.init_retry.count'
     10 # fps_hal service init succeed
     11 init_succeed_prop='vendor.fps.init.succeed'
     12 # Define maximum init retry times as default 10
     13 max_times=10
     15 # Deal with the input parameter
     16 if [ "$#" -ge 1 ]; then
     17   # Check is it positive number or not
     18   # If so, then set maximum times as $1
     19   # If not, $max_times keeps in default value
     20   if [ "$1" -eq "$1" ] && [ "$1" -gt 0 ]; then
     21     max_times=$1
     22     echo $max_times
     23   fi
     24 fi
     26 # fps_hal service init retry count
     27 init_retry_count=0
     29 while [ "$init_retry_count" -le "$max_times" ]
     30 do
     31   # debouncing time for init processing
     32   sleep 5
     33   # Get fps_hal service state and count init retry times
     34   fps_svc_state=$(getprop $fps_svc_prop)
     35   if [ "$fps_svc_state" == "stopped" ]; then
     36     if [ "$init_retry_count" -lt "$max_times" ]; then
     37       init_retry_count=$((init_retry_count+1))
     38       setprop $init_retry_count_prop $init_retry_count
     39       setprop $init_succeed_prop false
     40       start $fps_svc_name
     41     else
     42       break;
     43     fi
     44   elif [ "$fps_svc_state" == "running" ]; then
     45     setprop $init_succeed_prop true
     46     break
     47   fi
     48 done