1 ///** @file 2 // String definitions for VLAN Configuration Form. 3 // 4 // Copyright (c) 2010 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> 5 // This program and the accompanying materials 6 // are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions 7 // of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full 8 // text of the license may be found at<BR> 9 // http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php 10 // 11 // THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, 12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. 13 // 14 //**/ 15 16 /=# 17 18 #langdef en-US "English" 19 20 #string STR_VLAN_FORM_SET_TITLE #language en-US "VLAN Configuration" 21 #string STR_VLAN_FORM_SET_TITLE_HELP #language en-US "VLAN configuration for this network device" 22 #string STR_VLAN_FORM_TITLE #language en-US "VLAN Configuration" 23 #string STR_VLAN_FORM_HELP #language en-US "VLAN Configuration Help" 24 #string STR_VLAN_CREATE_VLAN #language en-US "Create new VLAN" 25 26 #string STR_VLAN_VID_PROMPT #language en-US " VLAN ID" 27 #string STR_VLAN_VID_HELP #language en-US "VLAN ID of new VLAN or existing VLAN, valid value is 0~4094" 28 #string STR_VLAN_PRIORITY_PROMPT #language en-US " Priority" 29 #string STR_VLAN_PRIORITY_HELP #language en-US "802.1Q Priority, valid value is 0~7" 30 #string STR_VLAN_ADD_VLAN_PROMPT #language en-US "Add VLAN" 31 #string STR_VLAN_ADD_VLAN_HELP #language en-US "Create a new VLAN or update existing VLAN" 32 #string STR_VLAN_VLAN_LIST #language en-US "Configured VLAN List" 33 #string STR_VLAN_VLAN_LIST_HELP #language en-US "Select for remove" 34 #string STR_VLAN_REMOVE_VLAN_PROMPT #language en-US "Remove VLAN" 35 #string STR_VLAN_REMOVE_VLAN_HELP #language en-US "Remove selected VLANs" 36 #string STR_VLAN_NULL_STRING #language en-US "" 37 #string STR_GET_CURRENT_SETTING #language en-US "Enter Configuration Menu" 38 #string STR_GET_CURRENT_SETTING_HELP #language en-US "Press ENTER to enter configuration menu for VLAN configuration."