H4 (%s) is not be a path! bt_userial_vendor %s, errno : %s h5_int_transmit_data_cb total_length > 0 set_bluetooth_power : open(%s) for write failed: %s (%d) bt_h5_int event_code(0x%x), len = %d hci_h5_int_read_data need_size = %d We request packet no(%u) to card h5_retransfer_timeout_handler receive leave ack from wifi lmp_subversion = 0x%x hw_cfg_cb.hci_version = 0x%x hw_cfg_cb.hci_revision = 0x%x Change HW flowcontrol setting rtl8723b_config mp_rtl8761a_fw rtl8723c_config s0 s30 d5 d8 %s no key/value separator found on line %d. RtkBtsnoopNetDump /vendor/firmware/%s userial_vendor_set_hw_fctrl set hw flowcontrol off userial_recv_uart_thread %s : error (%d) timer_create error! start hogp packet rtk_vendor_cmd_to_fw: Opcode:%x rtk_notify_profileinfo_to_fw, handle is %x rtk_notify_btpatch_version_to_wifi: udpsocket send error afhmap data[%d] is 0x%x create udpsocket error...%s timeout_handler: voice busy->idle! hw_config_cback %s call back is null rtl8723cs_vf_config rtk_update_altsettings: replace %04x[%02x] userial vendor: unsupported baud speed %d hw_usb_config_start, transtype = 0x%x, pid = 0x%04x, vid = 0x%04x mp_rtl8723a_fw rtl8822b_fw rtl8723d_config poll_enable: poll is already off!!! s6 s12 s18 Skt_Read . bInterfaceSubClass Can't alloc memory for fw&config, errno:%d userial_coex_close int userial_coex_recv_data_handler(unsigned char *, int) Peer acked invalid packet start a2dp packet begin transmit_command Opcode:%x receive wifi scan notify evnet from wifi, operation is 0x%x rtk_prof.lmp_subversion = %x pthread_create epoll_thread: %s %s The RtkSockData type is not found! get patch entry error rtl8703bs_config rtl8821cs_config hw_usb_config_cback chip_id of the IC:%d config len(0x%x) is not right(0x%zx) rtk_btsnoop_open rtk_btsnoop_net_open s29 rtk_get_patch_entry: fw_ver 0x%08x, patch_num %d select timeout is_rfkill_disabled ? [%s] HCI Command opcode(0x%04X) allocation method %s alloc_polling_timer, sigaction failed list_allocate_add: allocate error btpatch_version, length is 0x%x, hci_reversion is 0x%x, lmp_subversion is %x rtk_notify_btcoex_to_wifi: udpsocket send error count hogp packet timeout, hogp_packet_count = %d hw_config_start, transtype = 0x%x rtl8723cs_cg_config rtl8821c_config [Flush] Failed to set poll idle timeout unwind_phase2 r2 r11 s26 d11 d25 The file or path(%s) can not be get stat! /data/misc/bluetooth/bdaddr length > 0 %s, cmd = %d, msbc_used = %d userial_send_sco_thread exit update_profile_state: ERROR!!! profile(Index: %x) does not exist notify wifi bt turn off rtk_parse_internal_event_intercept:HCI_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_EVT:HCI_VENDOR_PTA_AUTO_REPORT_EVENT len=%d notify wifi inquiry start voice idle->busy udpsocket_receive_thread started %s init done! %s bind socket fail! rtl8723ds_config config offset(0x%x),length(0x%x) lmp_subversion = 0x%x hw_cfg_cb.hci_version = 0x%x hw_cfg_cb.hci_revision = 0x%x, hw_cfg_cb.lmp_sub_current = 0x%x hw_usb_config_cback getFloatRegister s24 s25 d3 Skt_Read : channel detached remotely Skt_Read : read failed (%s) %s userial_vendor_set_hw_fctrl set hw flowcontrol on pthread create coex : %s userial_vendor_usb_open uint16_t h5_int_transmit_data_cb(serial_data_type_t, uint8_t *, uint16_t) total_length %d sock accept failed (%s) bt_upio H5_ACTIVE receive unknown link control msg, ingnore event_code(0x%x) opcode (0x%x) p_cb->int_cmd_rsp_pending %d pthread_create thread_data_ready_cb failed! alloc a2dp packet rtk_notify_profileinfo_to_fw: alloc error bt register, register type is %x data thread pthread_join() failed result:%d bdaddr[0] = %d %s unix_socket_start fail! p_buf: allocate error bt vendor lib: set HOST UART baud start Can't alloc memory for multi fw&config, errno:%d mp_rtl8723b_fw Heartbeat_init start load_rtkbt_heartbeat_conf %s btsnoop log file is already open. _Unwind_VRS_Get_Internal setFloatRegister index inlined table detected but pr function requires extra words r0 r5 r6 s4 s10 s19 d13 H5 %s_rtk %s: unable to open %s: %s data != NULL set_bluetooth_power : write(%s) failed: %s (%d) H5_INITIALIZED receive event, ingnore CommandCompleteEvent for command Missing cback function buffer_allocator->free(p_cb->p_rcv_msg) (0x%04X) Received reliable seqno %u from card Unknown pkt type(%d) rtk_notify_profileinfo_to_fw, NumberOfHandles is %x handle_l2cap_con_req: This profile is already exist!!! timeout_handler: pan busy->idle! udpsocket_receive_thread exiting find info when hci disconnect, handle:%x, psm:%x, dcid:%x, scid:%x rtk_btservice_internal_event_intercept event_code=0x%x Get BT firmware fail rtl8723as_fw BT config file: %s ORG Config len=%08zx: Realtek libbt-vendor_usb Version %s unsupported arm register s1 s21 d6 d16 %s(): poll() failed: return %d errno %d (%s) BtSnoopSaveLog vnd_userial.event_fd != -1 false userial_socket_sco_thread, bind data socket error : %s %s exit upio_set: UPIO_HOST_WAKE H5: <<<---recv sync req in H5_INITIALIZED hci_h5_int_read_data length = %d, need_size = %d H5: data_retransfer_thread exiting --------> H5_W4_DATA ACK subbands %u start polling timer receive invite rsp from wifi, wifi is already on L2CAP_CONNECTION_REQ, handle=%x, PSM=%x, scid=%x rtk_add_le_profile, handle is %x, profile_map is %x receive mailbox cmd from fw, subcmd is 0x%x, status is 0x%x %s bt_vendor_cbacks is NULL! cmdready_thread Check total_len(0x%08x) max_patch_size(0x%08x) mp_rtl8822b_fw mp_rtl8821c_fw s22 rtk_get_patch_entry: failed to get etnry userial vendor open: with HW flowctrl ON p_data is null p_conf_name is null sbc encode error! CommandCompleteEvent for command 2 h5_start_wait_controller_baudrate_ready_timer (0x%04X) nskb is NULL hid not connected in the handle, nothing to be down bt info, reason is 0x%x, info length is 0x%x rtk_notify_regester_to_wifi: udpsocket send error notify wifi page unsuccess end no baudrate to set but set hw flow control is needed rtl8723bs_fw rtl8723bs_config Can't open bt config file not rtl8761au8812ae_fw HeartBeatTimeOut libunwind: %s %s:%d - %s r8 %s unable to open file '%s': %s Load FW OK H5: --->>>send conf resp syncword: %02x for test: --, rtk_prof.profile_refcount[%x] = %x receive attend req from wifi, wifi turn on close socket %d close socket error! epoll_thread Getpacket vendor lib fwcfg aborted!!! 4.1.1 hw_config_start check_match_state return %d(cfg->lmp_subversion:0x%x cfg->hci_vesion:0x%x cfg->hci_revision:0x%x cfg->chip_type:0x%x mask:%08x) rtk_update_altsettings: config len(%x) is not right(%lx) total_len = 0x%x rtl8761aw8192eu_fw rtl8821a_config Heartbeat_init res = %x lr s13 s16 d7 BT fw file: %s userial vendor open: with HW flowctrl OFF cfsetospeed fail In %s, error writing to the uart serial port: %s h5_data_ready_cb %s, state = %d, read error %s %s, state = %d, bytes_read 0 bt_wake_up_host_mode_set : write(%s) failed: %s (%d) ro.rfkilldisabled UNKNOWN H5: --->>>send sync resp hci_recv_frame event_code(0x%x), len = %d h5_conf_retrans_timeout_handler H5 is cleanuping, EXIT here! TIMER_H5_HW_INIT_READY timeout, kill restart BT rtk_vendor_cmd_to_fw: HC_BT_HDR alloc error update_profile_connection: rtk_h5.profile_bitmap = %x update_profile_connection: rtk_h5.profile_refcount[%d] = %d notify wifi inquiry end timeout_handler: a2dp busy->idle! receive bt coex control event from wifi, opration is 0x%x rtk_prof.hci_reversion = %x bt start ok socket_accept read parameter_length char error rtl8723cs_xx_config rtl8822bs_fw rtl8723ds_fw can't access bt config file:%s, errno:%d config 0x01be heartbeat = %d BTCOEX:20%06d-%04x svn_version:%d lmp_subversion:0x%x hci_version:0x%x hci_revision:0x%x chip_type:%d Cut:%d libbt-vendor_uart version:%s, patch->fw_version = %x during phase1 personality function said it would stop here, but now in phase2 it did not stop here d0 d10 d30 d31 RtkbtLogFilter RtkBtAutoRestart userial vendor open: unsupported data bits userial_socket_open %s, state = %d, bytes_read 0, type : %d h4_int_transmit_data bt_wake_up_host_mode_set data_ready_cb_thread exiting CommandCompleteEvent for command h5_start_wait_controller_baudrate_ready_timer (0x%04X) h5_wait_controller_baudrate_ready_timeout_handler H5 is cleanuping, EXIT here! PSM(0x%x) do not need parse update_profile_state, rtk_prof.profile_status = %x rtk_notify_btoperation_to_wifi: udpsocket send error received cmd complete event for fc1b hci connection handle(0x%x) has already exist! rtl8761at_fw rtl8761at_config rtl8821cs_fw rtl8723b_fw setRegister r3 set power on and delay 00ms Can't access firmware, errno:%d cfsetispeed fail pthread_create : %s BT_WAKE is %s already rtk_notify_hw_h5_init_result %d alloc_a2dp_packet_count_timer, sigaction failed alloc pan packet rtk_notify_profileinfo_to_fw, profile_status is %x RTK_btservice_destroyed %s listen socket fail! READ_CHIP_TYPE hw_cfg_cb.hci_version = 0x%x HW_CFG_DL_FW_PATCH: send last fw fragment bt config file is too large(>0x%04x) malloc buffer for config file fail(0x%zx) Get config baud rate from config file:0x%x MAC: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x rtl8761aw8192eu_config rtl8822b_config rtl8821c_fw poll_cleanup: timer_created %d r1 r9 d29 Test RtkBtsnoopDump BtCoexLogOutput (type > DATA_TYPE_COMMAND) && (type <= DATA_TYPE_EVENT) 0 H5: <<<---recv sync resp H5: <<<---recv conf req in H5_ACTIVE hci_h5_send_sync_cmd buf is not null skb_alloc_and_init fail! UART H5 RX: length = %d handle_l2cap_con_req: list_allocate_add failed! rtk_notify_extension_version_to_wifi: udpsocket send error receive wifi leave from wifi, wifi turn off notify wifi start page rtk_add_le_data_count, data_type is %x get chip type command data[%d]= 0x%x READ_CHIP_TYPE event data[%d]= 0x%x %08x: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %s: No fw table entry found mp_rtl8723c_fw initialized getInfoFromEHABISection s2 s20 d20 init failed with no user callbacks! rt bInterfaceProtocol load_rtkbt_stack_conf bt_hwcfg bt_hw_parse_project_id: invalid len %d %s unable to unregister fd %d from epoll set: %s userial_send_sco_thread start H5 pthread_join() FAILED result:%d hci_h5_send_acl_data, alloc skb buffer fail! data_ready_cb_thread Sending packet with seqno %u and wait %u Wait H5 Conf Resp timeout, %d times rtk_notify_profileinfo_to_fw, BufferSize is %x create socket %d rtk_parse: polling timeout rtk_parse_data timer unspported signo(%d) total length of fw&config(0x%08x) larger than max_patch_size(0x%08x) rtl8822bs_config rtl8723c_fw %s.last %s pthread_create failed: %s _Unwind_VRS_Pop d9 RTKBT_RELEASE_NAME: %s true userial vendor open: unsupported stop bits vnd_userial.fd is -1 /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill%d/type de-asserted hci_h5_send_sync_cmd(0x%x), link_estab_state = %d, length = %d h5_sync_retrans_timeout_handler H5 is cleanuping, EXIT here! blocks %u start pan packet update_profile_connection: is_add=%d, psm_index=%d extension version is 0x%x create udpsocket port: %d error cancelling data thread %s, status = %d check_match_state(lmp_subversion:0x%04x, hci_version:%d, hci_revision:%d chip_type:%d): Multi Matched Patch config signature magic number(0x%x) is not set to RTK_VENDOR_CONFIG_MAGIC rtk_update_altsettings: add %04x[%02x] NEW Config len=%08zx: rtl8761au8192ee_fw mp_rtl8723d_fw _Unwind_VRS_Set pc USB op for %d userial vendor open: unsupported baud idx %i userial_socket_sco_thread, bind ctrl socket error : %s userial_coex_send_data_handler CommandCompleteEvent for command (0x%04X) h5_retransfer_timeout_handler H5 is cleanuping, EXIT here! bind udpsocket error...%s notify wifi pair end L2CAP_CONNECTION_RESP, handle=%x, dcid=%x, scid=%x, result=%x count pan packet timeout, pan_packet_count = %d read opcode low char error hw_cfg_cb.state = %i READ_CHIP_TYPE hw_cfg_cb.hci_revision = 0x%x no baudrate to set and no need to set hw flow control start donwload fw rtl8723cs_xx_fw rtk_listen_fn_ external/libunwind_llvm/src/Registers.hpp r12 s9 s23 s31 userial_recv_H4_rawdata void userial_recv_H4_rawdata() select failed %s bt_wake_up_host_mode_set fd:%d = open(path, O_RDWR): open(%s) success is_emulator_context : %s enabled H5: <<<---recv conf req bytes_sent(%d) l2cap connection success, update connection l2cap_discon_req, handle = %x, dcid = %x, scid = %x, direction = %x bt info, length is 0x%x, polling_enable is 0x%x, poiiling_interval is %x 2.1 %s init start! %s events[i].data.fd = %d %s buffer alloc fail! rtl8821as_config rtl8703as_config rtl8723cs_vf_fw can't alloc memory for fw&config, errno:%d usb_project_id is 0x%08x, fw project_id is %d, does not match!!! HeartBeatLog Already cleanup, ignore. poll_enable: turn_on %d, state %d s11 d14 d19 sbc_crc %02x -> %02x poll : channel detached remotely idVendor bInterfaceClass bt_wake_up_host_mode_set path:%s init_rfkill : open(%s) failed: %s (%d) hci_h5_int_init RX HCI RESET Command, stop hw init timer Removed only (%u) out of (%u) pkts stop polling timer rtk_vendor_cmd_to_fw: allocate error rtl8761a_config rtl8723d_fw heartbeat_timed_out,controller may be suspend! Now restart bluedroid stack rtkbt_heartbeat_cmpl_cback: Current SeqNum = %d,should SeqNum=%d, status = %d [STOP] Failed to set poll idle timeout external/libunwind_llvm/src/Unwind-EHABI.cpp r7 r10 d23 r bt_hw_parse_project_id: opcode %d, len %d, data %d userial_vendor_set_baud %s unable to register fd %d to epoll set: %s userial_enqueue_coex_rawdata userial_recv_uart_rawdata userial_sco_ctrl_skt_handle H5: <<<---recv conf resp H5: --->>>send conf req H5: --->>>send sync req freq %skHz rtk_parse rtk_notify_info_to_wifi: udpsocket send error pthread_create failed! HciConnAllocate fail HCI Connection handle(0x%x) has already exist! HCI Connection handle(0x%x) not found unix_socket_start bt vendor lib: HW_CFG_DL_FW_PATCH status:%i, opcode:0x%x rtl8703cs_fw config 0x017a heartbeat = %d d4 d17 %s/%s userial vendor open: unsupported parity bit mode bt_wake_up_host_mode_set buffer:%d CommandCompleteEvent for command (0x%04X) p_cb->int_cmd[p_cb->int_cmd_rd_idx].cback(p_cb->p_rcv_msg) pthread_create thread_data_retrans failed! update_profile_state, rtk_prof.profie_bitmap = %x btcoex, opcode is 0x%x, status is 0x%x bt info[%d]: %02x bt register, register offset is %x receive mailbox cmd from fw, total length <= 4 %s create AF_UNIX socket fail! bt vendor lib: set HOST UART baud %i config len(0x%x) is not right(0x%lx) rtl8723a_fw rtl8723a_config rtk_btsnoop_net _Unwind_Resume() can't return init userial vendor open: unable to open %s %s invalid data type: %d %s, ret %zd int userial_handle_recv_data(unsigned char *, int) %s (fd:%d) FAILED result:%d userial_socket_close userial_send_sco_thread msbc decode fail! 1 /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill%d/state skb len > 0xFFF Checksum failed, computed(%04x)received(%04x) append data is 0x%x hci connection allocate fail %s parameter_length=%d,recvlen=%d READ_CHIP_TYPE status = %d, length = %d Realtek libbt-vendor_uart Version %s Can't load bt config file bt_hwcfg_usb s7 d22 H5LogOutput %s unable to write for coex event fd. ro.kernel.qemu alloc_hogp_packet_count_timer, sigaction failed stop hogp packet alloc_pan_packet_count_timer, sigaction failed notify wifi pair start rtk_delete_le_profile, hci_conn not exist with handle %x rtk_cmd_complete_cback timeout_handler: hogp busy->idle! rtk_prof.polling_enable is %x notify wifi page success end %s destroyed done! read parameter_length char error recvlen=%d,parameter_length=%d rtl8723as_config rtl8723cs_cg_fw rtl8703cs_config rtl_none_config rtk_update_altsettings: %d AltSettings %s: Warm BT controller startup with updated lmp rtk_usb_get_fw_table_entry _Unwind_Resume d2 d12 rtk_socket failed to write (%s) set power off and delay 200ms rtk_get_patch_entry: failed to allocate mem for patch entry userial_handle_recv_data LPM is %s already h5 hdr checksum error!!! Unknown packet type stop a2dp packet udpsocket_send tx_msg:%s btoperation, opration is 0x%x, append_data_length is 0x%x receive command complete event from wifi, op code is 0x%x, status is 0x%x udp_receive_thread already exit notify wifi driver with autoreport data timeout_handler: pan idle->busy! %s destroyed start! Rtk_Client_Cmd_Cback bt vendor lib: set CONTROLLER UART baud 0x%x Fw:%s exists, config file:%s exists rtl8723bu_config poll_init: state %d, timeout %d ms,timeout=%d %s socket creation failed: %s bt_wake_up_host_mode_set(1) load_rtkbt_conf userial vendor open: opening %s userial_recv_sco_thread start asserted H5: <<<---recv conf resp in H5_ACTIVE, discard timer_delete fail with errno(%d) h5_wait_ct_baundrate_ready_timeout_handler channel mode %s rtp: v %u, cc %u, pt %u rtk_profile_init, version: %s rtk_profile_cleanup received cmd complete event for HCI_VENDOR_ADD_BITPOOL_FW status:%d bt_hwcfg_uart patch fragment count %d, tail len %d get_patch_entry(lmp_subversion:0x%x hci_vesion:0x%x cfg->hci_revision:0x%x chip_type:0x%x) config baud rate to :0x%08x, hwflowcontrol:0x%x, 0x%x 8723as check signature error! 8723as, fw copy direct check extension section signature error rtl8761au_fw /sys/bus/usb/devices BtSnoopFileName device fd = %d open %s unable to create epoll instance: %s device/hisilicon/poplar-dev/bluetooth/realtek/libbt-vendor/src/userial_vendor.c vnd_userial.cpoll_fd != -1 userial_socket_sco_thread, listen ctrl socket error : %s bt_wake_up_host_mode_set fd:%d = open(path, O_RDWR): open(%s) failed: %s (%d) disabled H5: <<<---recv sync req in H5_ACTIVE hci_h5_int_read_data, there is no data to read for this packet! update_hid_active_state: handle = %x, interval = 0x%x ERROR in sendto ERROR in recvfrom notify wifi page start USR2, this signal is %d p_evt_buf_len=%d %s current_client_sock is not exist! rtl8703bs_fw BTCOEX:20%06d-%04x svn_version:%d lmp_subversion:0x%x hci_version:0x%x hci_revision:0x%x chip_type:%d Cut:%d libbt-vendor_uart version:%s external/libunwind_llvm/src/UnwindCursor.hpp sp /vendor/etc/bluetooth/rtkbt.conf cleanup uint16_t h4_int_transmit_data(uint8_t *, uint16_t) create_data_ready_cb_thread has been called repeatedly without calling cleanup ? data_ready_cb_thread started data_retransfer_thread started retransmitting (%u) pkts, retransfer count(%d) OsAllocateTimer rtk_parse sigev.sigev_notify_thread_id = syscall(__NR_gettid)! H5 is cleanuping, EXIT here! alloc polling timer stop pan packet rtk_delete_le_profile, handle is %x, profile_map is %x hogp idle->busy count hogp packet timeout, voice_packet_count = %d bt_service pthread_create cmdready_thread: %s read opcode high char error rtl8821as_fw bt_poll s28 UIPC_Read_noblock closed .. userial_uart_close %s poll error, fd : %d create_data_retransfer_thread has been called repeatedly without calling cleanup ? h5_conf_retrans_timeout_handler data thread is running, stop it inquiry start error, notify wifi inquiry stop notify wifi inquiry stop rtk_add_le_profile, connection handle(0x%x) not exist! %s, transmit_command Opcode:%x context null count a2dp packet timeout, a2dp_packet_count = %d Rtk_Service_Cmd_Event_Cback READ_CHIP_TYPE hw_cfg_cb.lmp_subversion = 0x%x vendor lib fwcfg completed get_patch_entry return(patch_name:%s config_name:%s mac_offset:0x%x) hw_cfg_cb.project_id_mask is 0x%08x, fw project_id is %d, does not match!!! %s: Cold BT controller startup Heartbeat_init end s3 s8 d18 d21 d24 Can't open firmware, errno:%d rtk_get_patch_entry: chip_id %d, patch_len 0x%x, patch_offset 0x%x tcsetattr fail userial_handle_event sco_handle: %d total_length = %d userial_socket_sco_thread, listen data socket error : %s userial_recv_sco_thread userial_recv_socket_thread set_bluetooth_power [emul] %d bluetooth H5: <<<---recv sync req send sco data skb_alloc_and_init fail! Out-of-order packet arrived, got(%u)expected(%u) Error: Invalid byte %02x after esc byte h5_sync_retrans_timeout_handler rtk_notify_profileinfo_to_fw, profile_bitmap is %x rtk_notify_afhmap_to_wifi: udpsocket send error L2CAP_DISCONNECTION_REQ, handle=%x, dcid=%x, scid=%x udpsocket_receive_thread rtkqueue_data: allocate error rtl8703as_fw rtl_none_fw bt_addr = %x hw_usb_config_start heartbeat event missing: restart bluedroid stack poll_enable: poll is already on!!! poll_timer_stop: timer_created %d s14 s15 d15 d28 persist.bluetooth.rtkcoex userial_vendor_set_hw_fctrl already hw flowcontrol on (type >= DATA_TYPE_COMMAND) && (type <= DATA_TYPE_SCO) userial_recv_sco_thread exit %s error in epoll_wait: %s userial_coex_thread rtk_h5.sliding_window_size(%d), oof_flow_control(%d), dic_type(%d) H5 create_data_ready_cb_thread failed H5 create_data_retransfer_thread failed hci_h5_cleanup SeqNumber(%d), AckNumber(%d) hci_recv_frame intercepted = %d time_settime error! alloc hogp packet receive bt info control event from wifi, polling enable is 0x%x, polling time is 0x%x, auto report is 0x%x rtk_handle_vender_mailbox_cmp_evt:HCI_VENDOR_SUB_CMD_BT_REPORT_CONN_SCO_INQ_INFO len=%d RTK_btservice_init check signature error rtl8821a_fw rtk_heartbeat %s unable to rename '%s' to '%s': %s %s unable to open '%s': %s unsupported register class unknown personality routine s27 d26 d27 int userial_socket_open() %s unable to register fd %d to cpoll set: %s No Controller retransfer, baudrate of controller ready h5_hw_init_ready_timeout_handler afhmap, piconet_id is 0x%x, map type is 0x%x info null timeout_handler: sink busy->idle! HCI_PERIODIC_INQUIRY_MODE start error, notify wifi inquiry stop %s RTK_btservice_thread_start fail! accept failed READ_CHIP_TYPE hw_cfg_cb.chip_type = 0x%x bt vendor lib: HW_CFG_DL_FW_PATCH status:%i, iIndexRx:%i %s: Warm BT controller startup with same lmp heartbeat_timed_out: heartbeatCount = %d, expected nextSeqNum = %d getRegister s17 d1 unknown register libbt_vendor BtDeviceNode userial_socket_sco_thread /proc/bluetooth/sleep/lpm H5 : H5_ACTIVE transit to H5_UNINITIALIZED send cmd skb_alloc_and_init fail! data_retransfer_thread short h5 packet delete profile for handle: %x, psm:%x, dcid:%x, scid:%x SIGUSR2 should have caught us before this bt register, register value is %x %s recvlen=%d,type=%d %s current_complete_cback is not exist! OsAllocateTimer bt_service sigev.sigev_notify_thread_id = syscall(__NR_gettid)! hw_config_cback chip_id of the IC:%d mp_rtl8821a_fw /vendor/etc/bluetooth/rtkbt_heartbeat.conf %s.%uY-%dD-%dH-%dM-%dS-%dUS %s unable to bind listen socket: %s Unknown ARM float register r4 s5 :'tiNS %8 QLkv orUH !
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libcutils.so liblog.so libc++.so libc.so libm.so libdl.so libbt-vendor.so __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 __cxa_finalize LIBC __aeabi_idiv __aeabi_memclr LIBC_N __aeabi_memcpy4 __aeabi_uidiv __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1 __android_log_print __stack_chk_fail __stack_chk_guard free malloc sbc_decode sbc_encode sbc_finish sbc_init sbc_reinit Skt_Read Skt_Read_noblock Skt_Send Skt_Send_noblock __errno __poll_chk recvfrom sendto strerror write BLUETOOTH_VENDOR_LIB_INTERFACE RTK_btservice_init __aeabi_memclr8 __fgets_chk __strchr_chk __strcpy_chk __vsprintf_chk bt_vendor_cbacks bt_wake_up_host_mode_set closedir coex_log_enable fclose fopen h5_log_enable hw_config_start hw_usb_config_start isspace opendir readdir rtk_btsnoop_close rtk_btsnoop_dump rtk_btsnoop_net_close rtk_btsnoop_net_dump rtk_btsnoop_net_open rtk_btsnoop_open rtk_btsnoop_path rtk_btsnoop_save_log rtkbt_auto_restart rtkbt_h5logfilter rtkbt_transtype stat strchr strcmp strlen strtol upio_cleanup upio_init upio_set_bluetooth_power userial_socket_open userial_vendor_close userial_vendor_init userial_vendor_open userial_vendor_usb_ioctl userial_vendor_usb_open usleep vnd_local_bd_addr __open_2 __read_chk close get_heartbeat_from_hardware getmacaddr hw_cfg_cb hw_lpm_ctrl_cback read rtk_get_bt_firmware rtk_get_fw_project_id rtk_get_patch_entry strtoul Heartbeat_cleanup RTK_btservice_destroyed RtbAllocate RtbDequeueHead RtbEmptyQueue RtbFree RtbQueueInit RtbQueueIsEmpty RtbQueueTail __FD_ISSET_chk __FD_SET_chk __aeabi_memcpy __aeabi_memcpy8 __assert2 __memcpy_chk __strlen_chk __vsnprintf_chk accept bind btui_msbc_h2 cfmakeraw cfsetispeed cfsetospeed chmod epoll_create epoll_ctl epoll_wait eventfd eventfd_read eventfd_write hci_get_h5_int_interface ioctl listen prctl property_get pthread_attr_init pthread_attr_setdetachstate pthread_cond_init pthread_cond_signal pthread_cond_wait pthread_create pthread_join pthread_mutex_init pthread_mutex_lock pthread_mutex_unlock rtk_btsnoop_capture rtk_parse_manager_get_interface select setsockopt socket socketpair strncmp tcflush tcgetattr tcsetattr unlink userial_recv_rawdata_hook userial_set_port userial_to_tcio_baud userial_vendor_ioctl userial_vendor_set_baud userial_vendor_set_hw_fctrl __write_chk asprintf memcmp upio_set ListAdd ListAddToHead ListAddToTail ListDeleteNode ListGetTail ListGetTop ListInitializeHeader ListIsEmpty RtbAddHead RtbAddTail RtbCheckQueueLen RtbCloneBuffer RtbDequeueTail RtbGetQueueLen RtbInsertBefore RtbNodeIsLast RtbQueueFree RtbQueueHead RtbQueueNextNode RtbRemoveHead RtbRemoveNode RtbRemoveTail RtbTopQueue pthread_mutex_destroy OsFreeTimer __android_log_write byte_rev_table getpid h5_alloc_conf_retrans_timer h5_alloc_data_retrans_timer h5_alloc_hw_init_ready_timer h5_alloc_sync_retrans_timer h5_alloc_wait_controller_baudrate_ready_timer h5_enqueue h5_free_conf_retrans_timer h5_free_data_retrans_timer h5_free_hw_init_ready_timer h5_free_sync_retrans_timer h5_free_wait_controller_baudrate_ready_timer h5_init_datatrans_flag h5_process_ctl_pkts h5_retransfer_signal_event h5_start_conf_retrans_timer h5_start_data_retrans_timer h5_start_hw_init_ready_timer h5_start_sync_retrans_timer h5_start_wait_controller_baudrate_ready_timer h5_stop_conf_retrans_timer h5_stop_data_retrans_timer h5_stop_hw_init_ready_timer h5_stop_sync_retrans_timer h5_stop_wait_controller_baudrate_ready_timer hci_h5_cleanup hci_h5_int_func_table hci_h5_int_init hci_h5_int_read_data hci_h5_parse_msg hci_h5_receive_msg hci_h5_send_acl_data hci_h5_send_cmd hci_h5_send_sco_data hci_h5_send_sync_cmd internal_event_intercept_h5 isRtkInternalCommand kill ms_delay nanosleep num_hci_cmd_pkts pthread_cond_destroy pthread_exit skb_alloc skb_alloc_and_init skb_free skb_get_data skb_get_data_length skb_get_pkt_type skb_pull skb_put skb_set_pkt_type skb_trim timer_create timer_delete timer_settime Heartbeat_init __libc_current_sigrtmax __recvfrom_chk add_connection_to_hash alloc_a2dp_packet_count_timer alloc_hogp_packet_count_timer alloc_pan_packet_count_timer alloc_polling_timer allocate_connection_by_handle attend_ack attend_req bt_leave create_udpsocket_socket delete_coex_from_hash delete_connection_from_hash delete_profile_from_hash find_connection_by_handle find_profile_by_handle_dcid find_profile_by_handle_dcid_scid find_profile_by_handle_scid flush_coex_hash flush_connection_hash flush_profile_hash free_a2dp_packet_count_timer free_hogp_packet_count_timer free_pan_packet_count_timer free_polling_timer handle_l2cap_con_req handle_l2cap_con_rsp handle_l2cap_discon_req init_coex_hash init_connection_hash init_profile_hash invite_req invite_rsp leave_ack list_allocate_add packets_count poweroff_allowed print_sbc_header pthread_attr_destroy pthread_kill rtk_add_le_data_count rtk_add_le_profile rtk_check_del_timer rtk_check_setup_timer rtk_delete_le_profile rtk_handle_event_from_wifi rtk_notify_afhmap_to_wifi rtk_notify_btcoex_to_wifi rtk_notify_btoperation_to_wifi rtk_notify_btpatch_version_to_wifi rtk_notify_extension_version_to_wifi rtk_notify_info_to_wifi rtk_notify_profileinfo_to_fw rtk_notify_regester_to_wifi rtk_parse_cleanup rtk_parse_command rtk_parse_init rtk_parse_internal_event_intercept rtk_parse_l2cap_data rtk_prof rtk_vendor_cmd_to_fw sigaction sigemptyset start_a2dp_packet_count_timer start_hogp_packet_count_timer start_pan_packet_count_timer start_polling_timer stop_a2dp_packet_count_timer stop_hogp_packet_count_timer stop_pan_packet_count_timer stop_polling_timer stop_udpsocket_receive_thread syscall udpsocket_recv udpsocket_send update_hid_active_state update_profile_connection update_profile_state wifi_leave RTK_btservice_thread_start RTK_btservice_thread_stop Rtk_Service_Vendorcmd_Hook puts rtk_btservice_internal_event_intercept sem_destroy sem_init sem_post sem_wait baudrates hw_config_cback hw_usb_config_cback usb_project_id heartBeatLog poll_cleanup poll_enable poll_init poll_timer_flush poll_idle_timeout rtkbt_heartbeat_evt_seqno rtkbt_heartbeat_noack_num __aeabi_uldivmod __sendto_chk LIBC_O gettimeofday localtime open rename rtk_btsnoop_net_write shutdown time unw_get_fpreg unw_get_proc_info unw_get_proc_name unw_get_reg unw_init_local unw_is_fpreg unw_is_signal_frame unw_local_addr_space unw_regname unw_resume unw_save_vfp_as_X unw_set_fpreg unw_set_reg unw_step _Unwind_Complete _Unwind_DeleteException _Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData _Unwind_GetRegionStart _Unwind_RaiseException _Unwind_Resume _Unwind_VRS_Get _Unwind_VRS_Interpret _Unwind_VRS_Pop _Unwind_VRS_Set __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr2 __gnu_unwind_frame abort decode_eht_entry fflush fprintf stderr dl_iterate_phdr dladdr unw_getcontext __udivsi3 __aeabi_idiv0 __aeabi_uidivmod __divsi3 __aeabi_idivmod __lshrdi3 __aeabi_llsr __ashldi3 __aeabi_llsl __aeabi_ldiv0 __gnu_uldivmod_helper raise __divdi3 __udivdi3 __gnu_ldivmod_helper
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