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SDK_VERSION:[HiSTBLinuxV100R005] HI_MPI_SMMU_Delete FATAL BUTT mpi log init OK HI_Flash_OpenByTypeAndName Close %s flash partition failure %d! Failed to fgets string. nand_raw_write s0 s30 d5 d8 Get ChipAttr DOLBY error! userproc log buffer(size:%d) overflow. HI_MPI_SMMU_New ModuleName too len ! hi_log ioctl of UMAPC_CMPI_STAT_REGISTER err = %x HI_Flash_OpenByTypeAndAddr Open Address(%#llx) and Len(%#llx) should be smaller than TotalSize(0x%lX)! Compensate_Nand_Address bad block cause read end(beyond limit_leng =%#llx)! s6 s12 s18 Invalid parameter! HI_MODULE_DeInit mmcblk0 Flash_Init (%s) offset should be alignment with blocksize(0x%X) Fail to get cmdline parts from: %s cmdline partition has not valid partition. s29 HI_MMZ_Malloc MODULE_UNLOCK error FIRST REGISTER %s %d hi_sfc: can not find a right flash part(i=%d, j=%d)! %u bad block cause write end(beyond limit_leng =%#llx)! Skip bad block at address: 0x%llX of "%s", absolute address: 0x%llX no devices available. cmdline partition format is invalid. unwind_phase2 r2 r11 s26 d11 d25 null ptr! open %s error log device not init(usr)! HI_MPI_STAT_ThreadRegister Malloc %dB fail! /dev/hi_userproc flash array full! earse fail! get_bootargs /proc/mtd No enough space. getFloatRegister s24 s25 d3 %s HI_MODULE_UnRegister ioctl of UMAPC_CMPI_STAT_GETTICK err = %x hi_mem MPI_UPROC_Init /dev/block/mmcblk0p %uT device/hisilicon/sdk/source/common/api/./flash/src/nand_raw.c _Unwind_VRS_Get_Internal setFloatRegister index inlined table detected but pr function requires extra words r0 r5 r6 s4 s10 s19 d13 malloc size is 0! mmap 0x%x error MEMDEV_LOCK error Open %s err! proc created dir %s success. proc GetCMD fail. mark bad block error, a read only partition "%s". open mmcblk0 failed, errno=%d unsupported arm register s1 s21 d6 d16 Get DDRConf ptr! HI_MPI_MMZ_New HI_MPI_SMMU_MapPhytoSmmu alloc size is 0! HI_MODULE_Register INFO mpi log device open failed /dev/hi_stat proc created dir %s fail. proc remove dir %s success. fd= %ld, OpenAddress= %#llx, OpenLen= %#llx end. DevName PartSize BlockSize PartName Startaddr Erase 0x%llx failed! %5s 1bad block cause erase end(beyond limit_leng =%#llx)! Please check input data, it maybe mark bad block. value:0x%04X s22 invalid chip attrs type! HI_MPI_SMMU_Unmap size can't be zero! /dev/hi_mem LOGPrintToBuf Cannot identiy '%s'. proc GetCMD success: %s. startaddr(0x%llX) + length(0x%x) or startaddr should be smaller than partsize(0x%llX) libunwind: %s %s:%d - %s r8 ioctl SYS_GET_SYS_VERSION error! HI_MPI_SMMU_Map failed HI_MPI_SMMU_GetSmmuAddrByMapAddr address have not been mmaped! param invalid! /dev/%s params invalid or log non-initialized! ioctl of UMAPC_CMPI_STAT_LD_EVENT err = %x UPROC_LOCK error proc remove dir %s fail. proc remove entry %s fail:%d. Device "%s"(%s) can not be opened lr s13 s16 d7 null pointer error HI_MMZ_Free iommu HI_MALLOC HI_MPI_LogRead %s is no device MEMDEV_UNLOCK error MPI_MEMDEV_DeInit MPI_MEMDEV_MapRegister u32PageAddr = %#x, u32SubAddr = %#x Invalid entry name! flash service function ptr(raw_read) is NULL! HI_Flash_Write /dev/mtd/mtd%d during phase1 personality function said it would stop here, but now in phase2 it did not stop here d0 d10 d30 d31 malloc new node failed! ERROR: ioctl UMAP_CMPI_LOG_WRITE_LOG error! UPROC_UNLOCK error hi_userproc Invalid dir name! Cannot find partition: %s /proc/cmdline rw %s: BUG program need enough databuf. Bad block at address: 0x%lX of "%s", absolute address: 0x%llX blkdevparts= no many memory. Pointer is null. setRegister r3 HI_SYS_Init GetChipCapSupportHelper open error HI_MPI_SMMU_SecMemFree ERROR: device not opened! log info umap failed ioctl of UMAPC_CMPI_STAT_RESETALL err = %x MPI_UPROC_DeInit MPI_UPROC_RemoveDir pPartitionName is null! HI_Flash_Close HI_Flash_Erase64 All_FLash_Init read "%s" fail. error(%d) r1 r9 d29 MPI_MEMDEV_Init failure: %d HI_SYS_CRC32 HI_PROC_Printf MPILogBufferRead Open Address(%#llx) and Len(%#llx) should be align with BlockSize(0x%lX)! Force Erase 0x%llx failed! Failed to open device '/dev/mmcblk0'. getInfoFromEHABISection s2 s20 d20 Set pstSysConf ptr! open %s failure log init ioctl failed HI_MPI_LogPrintPosSet pszFilePath %s non-exist or non-writeable HI_MPI_STAT_Init MPI_UPROC_AddDir Need one valid func at least! proc remove entry %s success. %uM _Unwind_VRS_Pop d9 HI_MPI_STAT_Init failure: %d MEMDeviceCheckOpen HI_MODULE_GetModuleID HI_MODULE_GetModuleName WARN MPILogBufferWrite MEMDEV not init! MPI_UPROC_Thread Invalid partition name: %s %uK %s(%d): buf not align error! _Unwind_VRS_Set pc Get ChipAttr DTS error! hi_module Add module fail:%#x! HI_MPI_LogLevelSet HI_MPI_STAT_NotifyLowDelayEvent MPI_UPROC_RemoveEntry proc print fail. %s(%s) is not permitted to be opened. HI_Flash_Erase HANDLE=%d, Address=0x%llx, Len=0x%x, Flag=%d emmc init fail! HI_Flash_OpenByName_Emmc fd = %p, DevName ="%s"(%s) Open %s flash partition failure(fd = %lld)! partition maybe more than %d, please increase MAX_MTD_PARTITION. mtd%d external/libunwind_llvm/src/Registers.hpp r12 s9 s23 s31 HI_MPI_SMMU_UnmapPhyfromSmmu Open mem device failed HI_CALLOC HI_MODULE_Init NOT init yet! nand init fail! startaddr should be align with pagesize(0x%X) Attempt to open non block aligned, eMMC blocksize: 0x%x, address: 0x%08llx, length: 0x%08llx. Failed to lseek64. s11 d14 d19 /dev/hi_sys HI_SYS_GetTimeStampMs /dev/mmz_userdev HI_MMAP deveice not open! ERROR HI_MMAP failed pszPath %s non-writeable MPI_UPROC_AddEntry Can not contain char '-' HI_Flash_Read external/libunwind_llvm/src/Unwind-EHABI.cpp r7 r10 d23 HI_MPI_SMMU_Unmap failed HI_MPI_MMZ_GetPhyAddr stModule %s and module ID = 0x%08x HI_MPI_LogDeInit Map 0x%08x failed! proc created entry %s fail:%d. HI_Flash_OpenByName u64Len is too big(0x%llx), should use HI_Flash_Erase64() instead. r Failed to read dev, errno=%d partnum(%d) is invalid. d4 d17 invalid param HI_MPI_SMMU_SecMemAlloc success and malloc module header the heap memory. [%s-Unknow]: %s[%d]:%s __read mmcblk0: flash service function ptr(raw_write) is NULL! Failed to get bootargs. check_flash_part _Unwind_Resume() can't return HI_SYS_GetVersion HI_SYS_GetChipAttr Get ChipAttr ADVCA error! Get pstSysConf ptr! HI_MPI_StorePathSet params invalid or log non-initialized! ERROR: can not open stat device. HI_MPI_STAT_GetTick proc created entry %s success. not permission to be opened. FlashType error(FlashType=%d)! totalread =0x%x, end. MTD block_markbad at 0x%08llx failed: %d, aborting s7 d22 /dev/hi_module ioctl of UMAPC_CMPI_STAT_EVENT err = %x USERPROC not init! totalwrite =0x%x, end. access %s read and write, i:%d, fd:%x! open /proc/mtd file failure! Write a read only partition "%s". %2s Startaddr should be alignment with pagesize(0x%X) %s: BUG program need enough oobbuf. ioctl "%s" fail. error(%d) /dev/block/mmcblk0 Attempt to write outside the flash handle area, eMMC part size: 0x%08llx, offset: 0x%08llx, length: 0x%08x. %s not found from: %s find_flash_part _Unwind_Resume d2 d12 HI_MPI_LogInit failure: %d HI_ModuleMGR_Init failure: %d Get ChipAttr MACROVISION error! Get ChipAttr 32DIEID error! HI_MPI_MMZ_Malloc DEBUG [%s-%s]:%s[%d]:%s hinand: spi init fail! Can't get "%s" information. %-12s ioctl(%s MEMWRITE) fail. error(%d) /sys/block/mmcblk0/size partnum is to large, max partnum is %d. the buffer name len is overflow! HI_MPI_SMMU_Map HI_MPI_STAT_ThreadResetAll Invalid addr:%p! Can't open "%s" name invalid! permission_check HI_Flash_GetInfo Detected there has more than %d partitions. You should encrease MAX_PARTS in order to use left partitions! logical addr change to physical addr error! external/libunwind_llvm/src/UnwindCursor.hpp sp HAD_REGISTERED %s %d mmap %#x(%#x) to %p(%p), len %d(%d) Create userproc thread err! erase a read only partition "%s". Attempt to open outside the flash area, eMMC chipsize: 0x%08llx, address: 0x%08llx, length: 0x%08llx s28 Get ChipAttr DOLBYVISION error! ERROR: ioctl UMAP_CMPI_LOG_READ_LOG error! HI_MPI_STAT_Event write "%s" fail. error(%d) Attempt to write outside the flash handle area, eMMC part size: 0x%08llx, offset: 0x%08llx, length: 0x%08x Got partition %s: start=0x%llX,size=%llu s3 s8 d18 d21 d24 MPI_UPROC_Init failure: %d HI_SYS_GetChipCapability HI_MPI_MMZ_Free MPI_MEMDEV_UnmapRegister No config flash[type:%d]. flash service function ptr(raw_erase) is NULL! Flash init fail! HI_Flash_OpenByName_Spi_Nand Mark bad block 0x%llX failed! mmcblk0p cmdline partition has not block device. s14 s15 d15 d28 HI_SYS_Init init OK Get ChipAttr 64DIEID error! HI_SYS_GetMemConfig HI_SYS_GetConf HI_MUNMAP HI_MODULE_RegisterByName HI_MPI_LogPathSet MPI_MEMDEV_Init Invalid param! map usrproc log buffer failed. HANDLE=%d, Address=0x%llx, Len=0x%llx Failed to open '/proc/cmdline'. access %s readonly! %uG %6s unsupported register class unknown personality routine s27 d26 d27 HI_SYS_SetConf MODULE_LOCK error Cannot find partiton from %s offset or length should be alignment with blocksize(0x%X) getRegister s17 d1 unknown register Get ChipAttr HDR10 error! HI_MMZ_Map has been called and free the heap memory,successfully. HI_MPI_LogInit FlashType error! BlockSize shouldn't equal 0! fd = %p read oob "%s" fail. error(%d) Get nand badblock fail. error(%d) Unknown ARM float register r4 s5 Jun 16 2018 14:55:13 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec hi_sfc: hinand: mmcblk0: cmdline partition size is invalid. Invalid parameter, bootargs NULL cmdline parts not initialized. Nandraw Control is not initialized! Fail to open the size of mmcblk0 Can't find mtd device at /dev/mtdx. Length should be alignment with pagesize + oobsize when write oob. ------------------------- Please initialize before use this function. Initial partition information failure. nand flash size out of range of an unsigned long. mtd device start length mode Not enough memory. Failed to read the size of mmcblk0 
libcutils.so libutils.so liblog.so libc++.so libc.so libm.so libdl.so libhi_common.so __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 __cxa_finalize LIBC HI_CALLOC HI_FREE HI_LogOut HI_MALLOC HI_MEM_Calloc HI_MEM_Free HI_MEM_Malloc HI_MEM_Map HI_MEM_Unmap HI_MMAP HI_MMZ_Delete HI_MMZ_Flush HI_MMZ_Free HI_MMZ_GetPhyaddr HI_MMZ_Malloc HI_MMZ_Map HI_MMZ_New HI_MMZ_Unmap HI_MODULE_DeInit HI_MODULE_Init HI_MPI_LogDeInit HI_MPI_LogInit HI_MPI_LogLevelSet HI_MPI_LogPathSet HI_MPI_SMMU_Delete HI_MPI_SMMU_Flush HI_MPI_SMMU_GetSmmuAddrByMapAddr HI_MPI_SMMU_Map HI_MPI_SMMU_New HI_MPI_SMMU_Unmap HI_MPI_STAT_DeInit HI_MPI_STAT_Init HI_MPI_StorePathSet HI_MUNMAP HI_OSAL_Snprintf HI_OSAL_Strncmp HI_OSAL_Strncpy HI_OSAL_Vsnprintf HI_PROC_AddDir HI_PROC_AddEntry HI_PROC_Printf HI_PROC_RemoveDir HI_PROC_RemoveEntry HI_SYS_CRC32 HI_SYS_DeInit HI_SYS_GetBuildTime HI_SYS_GetChipAttr HI_SYS_GetChipCapability HI_SYS_GetChipPackageType HI_SYS_GetConf HI_SYS_GetMemConfig HI_SYS_GetTimeStampMs HI_SYS_GetVersion HI_SYS_Init HI_SYS_MapRegister HI_SYS_ReadRegister HI_SYS_SetConf HI_SYS_SetLogLevel HI_SYS_SetLogPath HI_SYS_SetStorePath HI_SYS_UnmapRegister HI_SYS_WriteRegister MPI_MEMDEV_DeInit MPI_MEMDEV_Init MPI_MEMDEV_MapRegister MPI_MEMDEV_ReadRegister MPI_MEMDEV_UnmapRegister MPI_MEMDEV_WriteRegister MPI_UPROC_AddDir MPI_UPROC_AddEntry MPI_UPROC_DeInit MPI_UPROC_Init MPI_UPROC_RemoveDir MPI_UPROC_RemoveEntry __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1 __open_2 __stack_chk_fail __stack_chk_guard atoi close ioctl pthread_mutex_lock pthread_mutex_unlock puts HI_MPI_MMZ_Delete HI_MPI_MMZ_Flush HI_MPI_MMZ_Free HI_MPI_MMZ_GetPhyAddr HI_MPI_MMZ_Malloc HI_MPI_MMZ_Map HI_MPI_MMZ_New HI_MPI_MMZ_Unmap HI_MPI_SMMU_MapPhytoSmmu HI_MPI_SMMU_SecMemAlloc HI_MPI_SMMU_SecMemFree HI_MPI_SMMU_UnmapPhyfromSmmu __strncpy_chk2 strlen strncpy calloc free malloc mmap munmap pMMAPNode HI_MODULE_GetModuleID HI_MODULE_GetModuleName HI_MODULE_Register HI_MODULE_RegisterByName HI_MODULE_UnRegister __strncpy_chk DebugLevelName HI_MPI_LogPrintPosSet HI_MPI_LogRead LOGLevelChk LOGPrintPosGet LOGPrintToBuf MPILogBufferRead MPILogBufferWrite __aeabi_memclr8 LIBC_N __android_log_print access fstat open printf HI_MPI_STAT_Event HI_MPI_STAT_GetTick HI_MPI_STAT_NotifyLowDelayEvent HI_MPI_STAT_ThreadProbe HI_MPI_STAT_ThreadRegister HI_MPI_STAT_ThreadReset HI_MPI_STAT_ThreadResetAll HI_MPI_STAT_ThreadUnregister STAT_GetTimer0Addr __aeabi_memclr __aeabi_uldivmod gettimeofday s_s32StatFd stat_fast_get_time __aeabi_memcpy __strlen_chk pthread_create pthread_join usleep HI_OSAL_Strncasecmp HI_OSAL_Strncat __strncat_chk __vsnprintf_chk strncasecmp strncmp HI_Flash_Close HI_Flash_Erase HI_Flash_Erase64 HI_Flash_GetInfo HI_Flash_Open HI_Flash_OpenByName HI_Flash_OpenByTypeAndAddr HI_Flash_OpenByTypeAndName HI_Flash_Read HI_Flash_UnusedHandle HI_Flash_Write __aeabi_uidiv __fgets_chk emmc_node_open emmc_raw_close emmc_raw_init emmc_raw_open emmc_raw_read emmc_raw_write fclose find_flash_part find_part_from_devname fopen g_stEmmcFlash nand_raw_destroy nand_raw_erase nand_raw_get_info nand_raw_get_physical_index nand_raw_init nand_raw_read nand_raw_write permission_check pthread_mutex_init spi_raw_destroy spi_raw_erase spi_raw_get_info spi_raw_init spi_raw_read spi_raw_write strstr strtol strtoull flash_partition_info_init get_flash_partition_info get_flash_total_size get_max_partition int_to_size offshift __errno lseek putchar read spi_raw_dump_partition spi_raw_get_start_addr write __aeabi_memset __aeabi_memset8 __aeabi_uidivmod __memcpy_chk lseek64 nand_mark_badblock nand_raw_dump_partition nand_raw_force_erase nand_raw_get_start_addr nand_raw_info nand_show_badblock __read_chk cmdline_parts_init emmc_block_read emmc_block_write get_part_info strchr strdup strndup unw_get_fpreg unw_get_proc_info unw_get_proc_name unw_get_reg unw_init_local unw_is_fpreg unw_is_signal_frame unw_local_addr_space unw_regname unw_resume unw_save_vfp_as_X unw_set_fpreg unw_set_reg unw_step _Unwind_Complete _Unwind_DeleteException _Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData _Unwind_GetRegionStart _Unwind_RaiseException _Unwind_Resume _Unwind_VRS_Get _Unwind_VRS_Interpret _Unwind_VRS_Pop _Unwind_VRS_Set __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr2 __gnu_unwind_frame abort decode_eht_entry fflush fprintf stderr dl_iterate_phdr dladdr unw_getcontext __udivsi3 __aeabi_idiv0 __lshrdi3 __aeabi_llsr __ashldi3 __aeabi_llsl __aeabi_ldiv0 __gnu_uldivmod_helper raise __divdi3 __udivdi3 __gnu_ldivmod_helper 
D h J 8 8 P P! ! P" " P# # hi_sfc: hinand: mmcblk0: j 
.fini_array .ARM.exidx .text .got .note.android.ident .got.plt .rel.plt .bss .ARM.attributes .dynstr .gnu.version_r .data.rel.ro .rel.dyn .gnu.version .dynsym .gnu.hash .note.gnu.build-id .dynamic .ARM.extab .shstrtab .rodata .gnu_debugdata .data