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__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 __cxa_atexit LIBC libc.so libhi_vfmw.so __cxa_finalize __register_atfork BPD_CloseHardware BPD_OpenHardware DSP_CloseHardware DSP_OpenHardware LOG_Print MEM_WritePhyWord PDT_GetAttribute PDT_GetVdecCapability PDT_Init PDT_InitHalInterface SCD_CloseHardware SCD_OpenHardware VDEC_Lowdelay_Event_Time VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ArrangeMem VDMHAL_V4R3C1_CalcFsSize VDMHAL_V4R3C1_CheckReg VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ClearIntState VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ClearMMUIntState VDMHAL_V4R3C1_CloseHAL VDMHAL_V4R3C1_EnableInt VDMHAL_V4R3C1_GetCharacter VDMHAL_V4R3C1_GetHalMemSize VDMHAL_V4R3C1_GetRpuSize VDMHAL_V4R3C1_GlbReset VDMHAL_V4R3C1_GlbResetX VDMHAL_V4R3C1_IsVdhDecOver VDMHAL_V4R3C1_IsVdhPartDecOver VDMHAL_V4R3C1_IsVdmReady VDMHAL_V4R3C1_IsVdmRun VDMHAL_V4R3C1_MakeDecReport VDMHAL_V4R3C1_MaskInt VDMHAL_V4R3C1_OpenHAL VDMHAL_V4R3C1_PrepareDec VDMHAL_V4R3C1_PrepareRepair VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ReadMMUMask VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ResetVdm VDMHAL_V4R3C1_StartHwDecode VDMHAL_V4R3C1_StartHwRepair VDMHAL_V4R3C1_UpdateHardwareInfo VDMHAL_V4R3C1_WriteBigTitle1DYuv VDMHAL_V4R3C1_WriteMMUMask VDM_CloseHardware VDM_OpenHardware VDM_SetClockSkip g_ChipMaxHeight g_ChipMaxWidth g_LowDelayCalcHandle g_LowDelayCalcStat g_LowDelaySeqIndex g_pstRegCrg g_vdm_hal_fun_ptr s_ScdRegPhyBaseAddr vfmw_Osal_Func_Ptr_S AcceleratorCharacter CASE_HandleEntry MEM_ManagerClearOperation MEM_ManagerWithOperation OSAL_InitVfmwInterface VCTRL_CloseVfmw VCTRL_GetChanImage VCTRL_OpenVfmw VCTRL_ReleaseChanImage VCTRL_Resume VCTRL_SetCallBack VCTRL_Suspend VDEC_Control VDEC_Exit VDEC_ExitDistributor VDEC_ExitHardware VDEC_ExitModule VDEC_ExitUserShareData VDEC_GetImage VDEC_Init VDEC_InitDistributor VDEC_InitGlobalResource VDEC_InitHardware VDEC_InitStaticResource VDEC_InitUserShareData VDEC_OpenModule VDEC_ReleaseImage VDEC_Resume VDEC_Suspend VDH_User_Init VDH_User_UnMapShareData __stack_chk_fail __stack_chk_guard g_DataRecId g_DataTable g_HalDisable g_TimeRecId g_TimeRecTable g_VfmwInitCount g_pCallBackList g_pChanOption g_pChanState g_pImageList g_pProcBuf g_pStreamList g_pVfmSharewMem CASE_AllocMemToDecoder CASE_ConfigChan CASE_CreateChan CASE_DestroyChan CASE_ExtraWakupThread CASE_GetCapability CASE_GetChanConfig CASE_GetChanIDByMem CASE_GetChanMemSize CASE_GetChanState CASE_GetOutputFormat CASE_GetStreamSize CASE_GetUserDecFrame CASE_PutUserDecFrame CASE_ReleaseStream CASE_ReportDemuxRelease CASE_ReportOccupiedFrame CASE_ResetChan CASE_ResetChanWithOption CASE_SetCtrlInfo CASE_SetDiscardPicParam CASE_SetFrameBufferNum CASE_SetFrameRate CASE_SetImageOutputInfo CASE_SetPtsToSeek CASE_SetStreamIntf CASE_SetTrickMode CASE_StartChan CASE_StartLowDelayCalc CASE_StopChan CASE_StopLowDelayCalc VCTRL_AllocMemToDecoder VCTRL_ConfigChan VCTRL_ConfigFFFBSpeed VCTRL_ConfigPVRInfo VCTRL_CreateChan VCTRL_DestroyChan VCTRL_DisableEsBuf VCTRL_EnableEsBuf VCTRL_ExtraWakeUpThread VCTRL_GetChanCfg VCTRL_GetChanIDByMemAddr VCTRL_GetChanMemSize VCTRL_GetChanState VCTRL_GetStreamSize VCTRL_GetUsrdecFrame VCTRL_IfEsBufEnable VCTRL_ImageOutputEnable VCTRL_LoadDspCode VCTRL_PutUsrdecFrame VCTRL_ReleaseStream VCTRL_ReportOccupiedFrame VCTRL_ResetChan VCTRL_ResetChanWithOption VCTRL_SeekPts VCTRL_SetDiscardPicParam VCTRL_SetStreamInterface VCTRL_StartChan VCTRL_StopChanWithCheck VCTRT_SetChanCtrlState VDEC_CID_HandlerTable s_pstVfmwChan BsBack BsBitsToNextByte BsGet BsGetNextBytePtr BsInit BsIsByteAligned BsLongSkip BsNextBitsByteAligned BsPos BsResidBits BsShow BsSkip BsSkipWithoutCount BsToNextByte ZerosMS_32 LOG_AddTrace LOG_CreateTracer LOG_DestroyTracer LOG_GetString LOG_IsPrintEnable LOG_IsRecPosEnable LOG_PrintNothing LOG_PrintTracer LOG_RecPos MEM_AddMemRecord MEM_AllocMemBlock MEM_ReleaseMemBlock MEM_Vir2Phy TracerPhyAddr __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1 __android_log_print __vsnprintf_chk g_PrintDevice g_PrintEnable g_SecProcSelect g_TmpMsg g_TraceBsPeriod g_TraceCtrl g_TraceFramePeriod g_TraceImgPeriod g_TunnelLineNumber g_fpLog g_strDefine s_pstTracer MEM_CopyPhy2Phy MEM_CopyPhy2Vir MEM_CopyVir2Phy MEM_DelMemRecord MEM_InitMemManager MEM_MapRegisterAddr MEM_NsInSecUnMap MEM_NsMapToSec MEM_Phy2Vir MEM_ReadPhyWord MEM_UnmapRegisterAddr mem_free mem_malloc HEVC_CalcTileMap PostPro_BubbleSort PostPro_CopyYuv_Mpeg4 PostPro_CopyYuv_Vc1 PostPro_CopyYuv_Vp6 PostPro_CopyYuv_Vp9 PostPro_GetAVSRepairParam PostPro_GetAvs2MbGroup PostPro_GetAvsMbGroup PostPro_GetDIVX3RepairParam PostPro_GetDivx3MbGroup PostPro_GetErrRatio PostPro_GetH264MbGroup PostPro_GetH264MbOfMBAFF PostPro_GetH264RepairParam PostPro_GetHEVCRepairParam PostPro_GetHevcMbGroup PostPro_GetHevcMbGroupOfNoTile PostPro_GetHevcMbGroupOfTile PostPro_GetMPEG2RepairParam PostPro_GetMPEG4RepairParam PostPro_GetMVCRepairParam PostPro_GetMp24MbGroup PostPro_GetREAL8RepairParam PostPro_GetREAL9RepairParam PostPro_GetRepairParam PostPro_GetRepairStratage PostPro_GetVC1RepairParam PostPro_GetVP6RepairParam PostPro_GetVP8RepairParam PostPro_GetVP9RepairParam PostPro_GetVc1MbGroup PostPro_GetVp6MbGroup PostPro_GetVp8MbGroup PostPro_GetVp9MbGroup PostPro_SetDecReport PostPro_SetFullRepair __aeabi_uidiv g_DecReport g_IsDeced g_RepairParam g_TsToRsMap g_VdmDrvParam AVSDEC_GetImageBuffer AVSDEC_GetRemainImg AVSDEC_Init AVSDEC_VDMPostProc ChanCtx_Init CloseDrivers CloseUsdPool_WithMem DIVX3DEC_GetImageBuffer DIVX3DEC_GetRemainImg DIVX3DEC_Init DIVX3DEC_VDMPostProc DecChanCheckDecParam DecChanProcessPts DecChanSyntax DecSyntax DecodeStream DelAllFrameMemRecord DeleteRawPacketInBuffer FSP_ClearLogicFs FSP_ConfigAttribute FSP_ConfigFrameBuf FSP_ConfigInstance FSP_DisableInstance FSP_EmptyInstance FSP_EnableInstance FSP_Exit FSP_GetFsImagePtr FSP_GetInstInfo FSP_GetLogicFs FSP_GetLogicIdByPhyAddr FSP_Init FSP_NewLogicFs FSP_ResetInstance FSP_SetDisplay FSP_SetSingleFrameBuf FlushDPB FreeUsdByDec GetFreshSegStream GetNextDecodeMode GetQueueImgNum GetRawStreamNum GetRawStreamSize GetSegStreamSize Get_YuvFormat H264DEC_GetImageBuffer H264DEC_GetImageHeight H264DEC_GetImageWidth H264DEC_GetRemainImg H264DEC_Init H264DEC_VDMPostProc H264_FlushDecoder HEVCDEC_GetImageBuffer HEVCDEC_GetImageHeight HEVCDEC_GetImageWidth HEVCDEC_GetRemainImg HEVCDEC_Init HEVCDEC_VDMPostProc HEVC_FlushOutputFrmFromDPB InitSyntaxCtx InitUsdPool InsertImgToVoQueue IsNewpicSeg MPEG2DEC_GetImageBuffer MPEG2DEC_GetRemainImg MPEG2DEC_Init MPEG2DEC_VDMPostProc MPEG4DEC_GetImageBuffer MPEG4DEC_GetImageHeight MPEG4DEC_GetImageWidth MPEG4DEC_GetRemainImg MPEG4DEC_Init MPEG4DEC_VDMPostProc MVC_DEC_GetImageBuffer MVC_DEC_GetRemainImg MVC_DEC_Init MVC_DEC_VDMPostProc MVC_FlushDPB MVC_FlushDecoder MemRecord_YUV OpenDrivers OpenUsdPool_WithMem PrintScdRawState REAL8DEC_GetImageBuffer REAL8DEC_GetRemainImg REAL8DEC_Init REAL8DEC_Support REAL8DEC_VDMPostProc REAL9DEC_GetImageBuffer REAL9DEC_GetRemainImg REAL9DEC_Init REAL9DEC_Support REAL9DEC_VDMPostProc ReleaseCurPic ResetVoQueue SCDDRV_ExitSleep SCDDRV_ForceSleep SCDDRV_GetSleepStage SCDDRV_IsChanDec SCDDRV_LoadDspCode SCDDRV_PrepareSleep SCDDRV_ResetSCD SCDDRV_SetStateIdle SM_ClearInst SM_CloseSCDDrv SM_Config SM_DisableInst SM_GetInfo SM_InstInit SM_OpenSCDDrv SM_ReadSegStream SM_Reset SM_SCDIntServeProc SM_SeekPts SM_Start SM_Stop SM_UmapBaseRawAddr SM_Wakeup SYNTAX_ReceiveImage SYNTAX_ReleaseImage SYNTAX_ReturnImage USERDEC_Init USERDEC_RecycleImage USE_FF_APT_EN VC1DEC_GetImageBuffer VC1DEC_GetRemainImg VC1DEC_Init VC1DEC_VDMPostProc VCTRL_AddFrameBufMemoryRecord VCTRL_CanBeDecodedByHardWare VCTRL_ChanDecparamInValidFlag VCTRL_CheckChanWH VCTRL_CheckCommonParameter VCTRL_CheckFreshRaw VCTRL_CheckFreshSeg VCTRL_ClearDecparam VCTRL_CloseHardware VCTRL_CmpConfigParameter VCTRL_ConfigChanCompress VCTRL_EventReport VCTRL_FindOccupiedFrame VCTRL_FlushDecoder VCTRL_FreeChanResource VCTRL_GetChanCapLevel VCTRL_GetChanCtxSize VCTRL_GetChanHeight VCTRL_GetChanIDByCtx VCTRL_GetChanImgNum VCTRL_GetChanVoQue VCTRL_GetChanWidth VCTRL_GetCompressRatio VCTRL_GetCurChanFsSize VCTRL_GetDecParam VCTRL_GetFrameInterface VCTRL_GetFsSize VCTRL_GetHDRConfigInfo VCTRL_GetImageBuffer VCTRL_GetImageHeight VCTRL_GetImageInterface VCTRL_GetImageWidth VCTRL_GetLastFrameIdPlus2 VCTRL_GetMemSize_onDecode VCTRL_GetSendStreamAgainFlag VCTRL_GetStreamInterface VCTRL_GetSyntaxCtx VCTRL_GetVidStd VCTRL_InformVdmFree VCTRL_InitDspCode VCTRL_IsChanActive VCTRL_IsChanDecable VCTRL_IsChanOpenAndRun VCTRL_IsChanSegEnough VCTRL_IsSedOnlyMode VCTRL_Isr_0 VCTRL_Isr_1 VCTRL_Isr_2 VCTRL_MMU_ISR VCTRL_OpenHardware VCTRL_OutputLastFrame VCTRL_PartitionMemForStdUser VCTRL_PostProc VCTRL_RecordData VCTRL_RecordPosTime VCTRL_ReportLastFrame VCTRL_ResetHardware VCTRL_RunProcess VCTRL_Scd_Isr VCTRL_Scd_Isr_1 VCTRL_Scd_Isr_2 VCTRL_SetChanFsPartitionState VCTRL_SetDbgOption VCTRL_SetFrameInterface VCTRL_SetLastFrameIdPlus2 VCTRL_SetLastFrameState VCTRL_SetMoreGapEnable VCTRL_SetSendStreamAgainFlag VCTRL_SetSingleFrameBufToChan VCTRL_SetVdecExtra VCTRL_StartTask VCTRL_StopChan VCTRL_StopTask VCTRL_SvdecLastFrame VCTRL_TryToRelSpecialFrm VCTRL_UnInstallChan VCTRL_UpdateChanImgQue VCTRL_UpdateChanState VCTRL_UpdateShareImgQue VCTRL_VarifyOption VCTRL_VdmPostProc VCTRL_VdmProcSedOnly VDH_Need_Module VDH_PutUsrdecFrame VDH_Require_DspCode VDH_UnNeed_Module VDMDRV_ClearChanIsDec VDMDRV_ExitSleep VDMDRV_ForceSleep VDMDRV_GetMb0QpInCurrPic VDMDRV_GetSleepStage VDMDRV_GetSwitchRounding VDMDRV_Init VDMDRV_IsrProcess VDMDRV_MMUIntServeProc VDMDRV_ParamInit VDMDRV_PrepareSleep VDMDRV_ResetVDH VDMDRV_SetPriority VDMDRV_SetStateIdle VDMDRV_WakeUpVdm VFMW_CTRL_thread_proc VP6DEC_GetImageBuffer VP6DEC_GetRemainImg VP6DEC_Init VP6DEC_VDMPostProc VP8DEC_GetImageBuffer VP8DEC_GetRemainImg VP8DEC_Init VP8DEC_VDMPostProc VP9DEC_GetImageBuffer VP9DEC_GetRemainImg VP9DEC_Init VP9DEC_VDMPostProc VfmwProcGetHandler __aeabi_memset4 LIBC_N extra_cmd extra_disp extra_ref g_ChanCtx g_ClkSelect g_CurProcChan g_DSPState g_EsBufValidFlag g_HwMem g_IRQ_FLAG g_IsrFlag g_ResetCreateNewSave g_SaveYUVBitWidth g_SedOnlyEnable g_SleepTime g_StandardObedience g_StopDec g_ThreadState g_VdmCharacter g_VfmwChanStat g_VfmwCompressPara g_VfmwGlobalStat g_allow_B_before_P g_apple_airplay_mirrorinig_flag g_eVdmVersion g_event_report g_not_allow_H264FullPictureRepair_flag g_not_direct_8x8_inference_flag mask_mmu_err_int pOption pPixelArray pUl pUl_2bit pVl pVl_2bit pY pY_2bit s_SmIIS s_VfmwSavePath save_el_chan_num save_metadata_chan_num save_seg_chan_num save_str_chan_num save_yuv_chan_num save_yuv_with_crop vfmw_save_el_file vfmw_save_metadata_file vfmw_save_metadata_reorder_file vfmw_save_seg_file vfmw_save_str_file vfmw_save_yuv_file CapItem FSP_ClearContextAll FSP_ClearNotInVoQueue FSP_GetDecFsAddrTab FSP_GetDecPhyFs FSP_GetDispPhyFs FSP_GetDisplay FSP_GetFspType FSP_GetInst FSP_GetNullLogicFs FSP_GetOccupiedNum FSP_GetPhyFsNum FSP_GetPmvAddr FSP_GetPmvAddrTab FSP_GetRef FSP_GetStoreType FSP_GetTotalValidFsNum FSP_IsDecFsAvailable FSP_IsNewFsAvalible FSP_IsPmvAvailable FSP_IsSpecialFrm FSP_RelsePhyFs FSP_RemovePmv FSP_SetRef FSP_SetStoreType IsImageInVoQueue PostPro_CopyYuvByProtocol VDH_Notify_ModuleIdle VDH_Reset_Module VDMDRV_ActivateVDH VDMDRV_AdjustPriorityAfterDec VDMDRV_AfterDec VDMDRV_AvsFirstFldNeedRepair VDMDRV_AvsSecondFldNeedRepair VDMDRV_CheckDevice VDMDRV_ChnDecReady VDMDRV_DoBeforeDec VDMDRV_GetCurrChanID VDMDRV_IsChanDec VDMDRV_IsCopy VDMDRV_IsMpeg4NvopCopy VDMDRV_IsVc1SkpicCopy VDMDRV_IsVdmIdle VDMDRV_IsVdmInISR VDMDRV_IsVp6NvopCopy VDMDRV_IsVp9RptFrmCopy VDMDRV_MarkReloadDsp VDMDRV_Reset VDMDRV_SetChanIsDec VDMDRV_StartDec VDMDRV_StartRepair VDMDRV_UpdateMatchMode VDMDRV_WaitVdmReadyIfNoIsr g_BackUp g_DspDrvState g_UpMsg g_VdmExtParam AVSDEC_Decode AVSDEC_RecycleImage AVS_ClearCurPic AVS_GetPacketState CheckNewPicSegAVS CheckNewPicSegByVidStd CheckNewPicSegMpeg2 CheckNewPicSegMpeg4 CheckNewPicSegVC1 CloseUsdPool DIVX3DEC_Decode DIVX3DEC_RecycleImage DecodeStream_AVS DecodeStream_DIVX3 DecodeStream_H264 DecodeStream_HEVC DecodeStream_MPEG2 DecodeStream_MPEG4 DecodeStream_MVC DecodeStream_REAL8 DecodeStream_REAL9 DecodeStream_VC1 DecodeStream_VC1_Adv DecodeStream_VC1_Smp DecodeStream_VP6x DecodeStream_VP8 DecodeStream_VP9 GetUsd GetVoLastImageID H264DEC_DecodePacket H264DEC_RecycleImage H264_ClearCurrPic H264_IsNewPicNal HEVCDEC_DecodePacket HEVC_ClearCurrPic HEVC_DECRecycleImage HEVC_IsNewPicNal InitVoQueue InsertImgToVoQueue_FillImageInfo InsertImgToVoQueue_PtsProcess InsertImgToVoQueue_ReportIMG IsMain10Profile IsPtsRewind IsVoQueueEmpty MP2_ClearCurPic MP2_GetPacketState MP4_Clean_HeadPacket MP4_ClearCurPic MP4_GetPacketState MPEG2DEC_Decode MPEG2DEC_RecycleImage MPEG4DEC_Decode MPEG4DEC_RecycleImage MVC_ClearCurrPic MVC_DEC_DecodePacket MVC_DEC_RecycleImage MVC_IsNewPicNal MarkUsdByDnr MetadataMapToSec MetadataUnMapToSec OpenUsdPool PrintVoQueue ProduceTimeStamp REAL8DEC_Decode REAL8DEC_RecycleImage REAL9DEC_Decode REAL9DEC_RecycleImage ReleaseCurPic_DIVX3 ReleaseCurPic_Realx ReleaseCurPic_VPx ReleasePacket ReturnImageToSyntax SM_ReleaseStreamSeg SYNTAX_GetVoQue SYNTAX_ReleaseImage_RecycleImage SYNTAX_ReleaseImage_RecycleImage_CheckRet SegMan SetAspectRatio UnMarkUsdByDnr VC1DEC_Decode VC1DEC_RecycleImage VC1_ClearCurPic VC1_GetPacketState VP6DEC_Decode VP6DEC_RecycleImage VP8DEC_Decode VP8DEC_RecycleImage VP9DEC_DecodePacket VP9DEC_RecycleImage Vc1SMPSeqHdr __aeabi_memcpy8 __aeabi_memset8 pstVdecUsdPool qsort_vfmw GetSegStreamNum USER_PROC_Read USER_PROC_Write __aeabi_idiv __aeabi_memcpy __strlen_chk __strncpy_chk2 g_ScdDrvParam show_eof_state show_standard strlen strncpy GetSemByEnum GetSpinLockByEnum HI_GetVp9_Support HI_MMZ_Flush HI_MPI_MMZ_GetPhyAddr HI_MPI_MMZ_Map HI_MPI_MMZ_Unmap HI_MPI_SMMU_Delete HI_MPI_SMMU_GetSmmuAddrByMapAddr HI_MPI_SMMU_Map HI_MPI_SMMU_New HI_MPI_SMMU_Unmap HiMutexLock_Destroy HiSemInit HiSemPost HiSemWait KernelFlushCache KernelGetPageTableAddr KernelMemFree KernelMemMalloc KernelMmap KernelMmapCache KernelMmapMMZ KernelMunmap KernelMunmapMMZ KernelRegisterMap KernelRegisterUnMap OSAL_AllocVirMem OSAL_CreateTask OSAL_DOWN_INTERRUPTIBLE OSAL_DeleteTask OSAL_Do_Div OSAL_FreeVirMem OSAL_Freeirq OSAL_GetTimeInMs OSAL_GetTimeInUs OSAL_GiveEvent OSAL_GiveEvent_l OSAL_GiveEvent_s OSAL_InitEvent OSAL_InitEvent_l OSAL_InitEvent_s OSAL_MMAP OSAL_MUNMAP OSAL_RequestIrq OSAL_SEMA_INTIT OSAL_UP OSAL_WaitEvent OSAL_WaitEventCondition OSAL_WaitEvent_l OSAL_WakeUp OSAL_WakeupTask Osal_InitWaitQue Osal_Msleep Osal_SpinLock Osal_SpinLockInit Osal_SpinUnLock Osal_WaitWaitQue Osal_WakeupWaitQue Osal_mb Osal_udelay __aeabi_memclr4 __aeabi_uldivmod __errno __open_2 close free g_ActivateLock g_FrameBuf_SpinLock g_IntEvent g_RecordLock g_SpinLock g_SpinLockIrq_Destroy g_SpinLockIsr_Image2D g_SpinLockIsr_MsgQueue g_SpinLock_fsp g_TaskLock g_VfmwChanRlsStreamSem g_saveYUVSem g_stSem gettimeofday klib_flush_cache malloc memcmp memcpy memmove memset mmap64 munmap printf pthread_attr_destroy pthread_attr_init pthread_create pthread_mutex_destroy pthread_mutex_init pthread_mutex_lock pthread_mutex_unlock pthread_setname_np sem_init sem_post sem_wait snprintf sscanf strerror strncmp strsep strstr usleep VDH_Acquire_Usage VDH_Enable_Bpd_Module VDH_Get_CommonCtx VDH_Get_Parameter VDH_Loose_Usage VDH_Record_CrgRegData VDH_Record_MfdeRegData VDH_Record_RegData VDH_Record_ScdRegData VDH_Set_Parameter VDH_WakeUp_Distributor VDH_PostTask VDH_Reset_Mfde_Module VDH_Reset_Scd_Module g_UserCtx g_UserInit ResetSCD VDH_Disable_Bpd_Module VDH_Disable_Dsp_Module VDH_Disable_Mfde_Module VDH_Disable_Scd_Module VDH_Enable_Dsp_Module VDH_Enable_Mfde_Module VDH_Enable_Scd_Module VDH_Init_Hardware VDH_Init_Module VDH_Load_Dsp_Code VDH_Reset_Global VDH_Start_Mfde_Decode VDH_Start_Mfde_Module VDH_Start_Mfde_Repair VDH_Start_Scd_Module VFMW_US_Com_DeInit VFMW_US_Com_Init VFMW_US_Deinit VFMW_US_Init fstat ioctl open __aeabi_memclr8 g_ThreadStatus g_ThreadStop g_drv_fd pfun_VFMW_US_Process s_hUserThread AVSHAL_V4R3C1_StartDec CRG_ConfigReg DIVX3HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec H264HAL_V4R3C1_InitHal H264HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec HEVCHAL_V4R3C1_InitHal HEVCHAL_V4R3C1_StartDec MFDE_ConfigReg MP2HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec MP4HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec RV8HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec RV9HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec SCD_ConfigReg VC1HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ArrangeMem_Normal VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ArrangeMem_Specific VDMHAL_V4R3C1_CalVdhClkSkip VDMHAL_V4R3C1_CalcFsNum VDMHAL_V4R3C1_CfgRpMsg VDMHAL_V4R3C1_CfgRpReg VDMHAL_V4R3C1_DynamicAllocFrame VDMHAL_V4R3C1_DynamicAllocFrame_Only VDMHAL_V4R3C1_EnableSmmu VDMHAL_V4R3C1_GetIntMaskCfg VDMHAL_V4R3C1_GetVdmClk VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ReadMsgSlot VDMHAL_V4R3C1_SetSmmuPageTableAddr VDMHAL_V4R3C1_WriteMsgSlot VP6HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec VP8HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec VP9HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec __aeabi_uidivmod AdjustRawPacketVP6A CalcInstBlockTime CheckData CheckSegValid CheckStartCodeCnt CheckStream ConfigStreamSegArray ConvertByteOrder CorrectSegPhyAddr CutStreamWithSCD DeleteLastSendRaw DeleteRawLen DeleteRawPacket FillDIVX3ExtraData FillEopRawStream FillEosRawStream FillExtraData FillREAL8ExtraData FillRawData FillVC1ExtraData ForceRelease GetFirstOffset GetFirstRawPacket GetFreeSegBufSize GetInstIDByRawArray GetMeg4ModeFlag GetNextVop GetRawNumInFrame GetRawNumOffset GetRawState GetSegBufFreeSize GetSegPts GetValidStartCodeNum InsertStreamSeg IsVopHeader ParseMpeg4UniqueUpMsg PrintDownMsg PrintScdSegState PrintScdStateReg PrintScdVtrlReg ProcessExceptionalStartCodeNum ProcessMpeg4ScdUpMsg ProcessNoSeg ProcessNotMpeg4ScdUpMsg ProcessScdReturn ReadRawStreamData ReadScdStateReg ReleaseRawStreamData ReleaseSegArrayPackets ReleaseStreamSeg ResetRawStreamArray ResetStreamSegArray SCDDRV_ActivateSCD SCDDRV_CanNotSelectInst SCDDRV_CheckConditionOfStartSCD SCDDRV_CheckDevice SCDDRV_EnableInt SCDDRV_GetRawStreamStatus SCDDRV_GetSegStreamStatus SCDDRV_GetStreamSeg SCDDRV_InsertRawPacket SCDDRV_IsFreeSegBufNotEnough SCDDRV_IsFreeSegSlotNotEnough SCDDRV_IsRawArrayFull SCDDRV_IsRawStreamNotEnough SCDDRV_IsSCDByPass SCDDRV_MarkReloadDsp SCDDRV_MaskInt SCDDRV_MoveRawByOmxPath SCDDRV_ProcessSegFull SCDDRV_RecordGlobalState SCDDRV_RecordStartState SCDDRV_SaveRawStream SCDDRV_SaveStreamSeg SCDDRV_SetCtrlReg SCDDRV_SetStateWork SCDDRV_StartSCD SEC_GetRawDataMapSize SM_AddMatchMode SM_CfgBuf SM_CopyRawToSeg SM_DoNextInstance SM_GiveThreadEvent SM_MoveRawData SM_OMXVDEC_MapRawVirAddr SM_SeekPtsAfterFillNewRaw SM_SeekPtsInRawArray SM_SeekPtsInSegArray SM_UpdateMatchMode SM_VDEC_MapRawVirAddr SetFirstOffset SetPushRawOverState ShowRawPacket WaitSCDFinish WriteCabacTabDsp WriteScdMsg WriteScdVtrlReg g_CabacMN g_hex_base_addr g_hex_base_vir_addr g_hex_flag g_hex_len g_pScdDrvParamBase s_ScdRegResetOKPhyAddr s_ScdRegResetPhyAddr AdaptiveMemMark AllocFrameStore CalcPicNum CalcStreamBits CalcZeroNum CheckFrameStore ClearAll ClearAllNal ClearAllSlice ClearCurrNal ClearCurrSlice ClearDPB CombineFldsToFrm CombinePacket DecGap DecList DecMMCO DecPOC DecVDM DirectOutput DumpDPB DumpList ExitSlice FindMinRefIdx FindNaluArraySlot FindNearestPOCPicId FindTrailZeros FindZeroBitsInSeg FrameStoreRefFlg GenPiclistfromFrmlist GetAPC GetBackPicFromVOQueue GetBytes GetImagePara GetLongTermPicPoint GetMaxPOC GetMinPOC GetMinPOCInDPB GetPicNumX GetReRangeFlag GetShortTermPicPoint H264DEC_Destroy H264GetDar H264_ArrangeVahbMem H264_DecFramePackingSEI H264_DecOneNal H264_DecPPS H264_DecPicTimingSEI H264_DecSEI H264_DecSPS H264_DecSlice H264_GetPicStreamSize H264_Get_Last_IDR_Frame_Info H264_IsEosNal H264_Sei_Get_Dpb_Output_Time H264_Sei_Get_Frame_Pts H264_VES_Splitter HaveSliceToDec IDRMemMarking InitDPB InitListX InitOldSlice InitPic InquireSliceExtProperty InquireSliceProperty InsertFrmInDPB IsLTRefFlg IsNewPic IsOutDPB IsRefListWrong IsSTRefFlg LongTermRefFlg MarkCurrPicLT MarkPicLTRef MarkSTToLTRef Marking NoPicOut OutputFrmFromDPB OutputFrmToVO PPSEqual PPSSPSCheck PPSSPSCheckTmpId PassBytes PicTypeStatistic ProcessPPS ProcessSPS ProcessSliceHeaderFirstPart ProcessSliceHeaderSecondPart ReceivePacket ReleaseNAL RemoveFrameStoreOutDPB RemoveUnUsedFrameStore ReorderLTList ReorderListX ReorderRefPiclist ReorderSTList RepairList SPSEqual Scaling_List SetFrmRepeatCount ShortTermRefFlg SimpleSlideDPB SliceCheck SlidingWinMark SplitFrmToFlds Sps_SvcExt StopPicNum StorePicInDPB TmpBuf UnMarkAllSTRef UnMarkFrameStoreRef UnMarkLTFldByFrmIdx UnMarkLTFrmByFrmIdx UnMarkLTRef UnMarkSTRef UpdateCurrFrameInfo UpdateLTReflist UpdateMaxLTFrmIdx UpdatePicQpInf UpdateReflist WritePicMsg WriteSliceMsg __aeabi_idivmod __aeabi_memcpy4 compare_fs_by_frame_num_desc compare_fs_by_lt_pic_idx_asc compare_fs_by_poc_asc compare_fs_by_poc_desc compare_pic_by_lt_pic_num_asc compare_pic_by_pic_num_desc compare_pic_by_poc_asc compare_pic_by_poc_desc dec_ref_pic_marking g_AspecRatioIdc g_NalTypeEOPIC g_RpuStartCode g_ZZ_SCAN g_ZZ_SCAN8 pred_weight_table quant8_inter_default quant8_intra_default quant8_org quant_inter_default quant_intra_default quant_org ref_pic_list_reordering se_v u_1 u_v ue_v vui_parameters wait_vo Get_V4R3C1_PhyAddr Get_V4R3C1_VirAddr H264HAL_CheckParaValid H264HAL_FindNextSlicePara H264HAL_GetVdmRegVirAddr H264HAL_SetSliceMsgAPCInfo H264HAL_SetSliceMsgEndMbInSlice H264HAL_SetSliceMsgMvAddrInfo H264HAL_SetSliceMsgRefPicField H264HAL_SetSliceMsgRefPicFrame H264HAL_SetSliceMsgRefPicInfo H264HAL_SetSliceMsgStreamAddrInfo H264HAL_SetSliceMsgWPInfo H264HAL_V4R3C1_CfgVdmReg H264HAL_V4R3C1_CutSliceChain H264HAL_V4R3C1_SetPicMsg H264HAL_V4R3C1_SetSliceMsg Write_V4R3C1_CabacTab Write_V4R3C1_Qmatrix MVC_AdaptiveMemMark MVC_AllocFrameStore MVC_ArrangeVahbMem MVC_CalcPicNum MVC_CalcStreamBits MVC_CalcZeroNum MVC_CheckFrameStore MVC_ClearAll MVC_ClearAllNal MVC_ClearAllSlice MVC_ClearCurrNal MVC_ClearCurrSlice MVC_ClearDPB MVC_CombineFldsToFrm MVC_CombinePacket MVC_DEC_Destroy MVC_DecFramePackingSEI MVC_DecGap MVC_DecList MVC_DecMMCO MVC_DecOneNal MVC_DecPOC MVC_DecPPS MVC_DecPicTimingSEI MVC_DecSEI MVC_DecSPS MVC_DecSlice MVC_DecSubSPS MVC_DecVDM MVC_DirectOutput MVC_DumpDPB MVC_DumpList MVC_ExchangePts MVC_ExitSlice MVC_FindMinRefIdx MVC_FindNaluArraySlot MVC_FindNearestPOCPicId MVC_FindTrailZeros MVC_FindZeroBitsInSeg MVC_FrameStoreRefFlg MVC_FreeMvcExtMem MVC_FreeMvcVuiExtMem MVC_GenPiclistfromFrmlist MVC_GenPiclistfromFrmlist_Interview MVC_GetAPC MVC_GetBackPicFromVOQueue MVC_GetBaseViewId MVC_GetBytes MVC_GetDar MVC_GetImagePara MVC_GetLongTermPicPoint MVC_GetMaxViewIdx MVC_GetMinPOC MVC_GetPicNumX MVC_GetPicStreamSize MVC_GetReRangeFlag MVC_GetShortTermPicPoint MVC_GetVOIdx MVC_HaveSliceToDec MVC_IDRMemMarking MVC_InitDPB MVC_InitListX MVC_InitOldSlice MVC_InitPic MVC_InquireSliceProperty MVC_InsertFrmInDPB MVC_IsLTRefFlg MVC_IsNewPic MVC_IsOutDPB MVC_IsRefListWrong MVC_IsSTRefFlg MVC_LongTermRefFlg MVC_MarkCurrPicLT MVC_MarkPicLTRef MVC_MarkSTToLTRef MVC_Marking MVC_NoPicOut MVC_NonLongTermRefFlg MVC_OutputFrmFromDPB MVC_OutputFrmToVO MVC_PPSEqual MVC_PPSSPSCheck MVC_PPSSPSCheckTmpId MVC_PassBytes MVC_PicTypeStatistic MVC_ProcessPPS MVC_ProcessSPS MVC_ProcessSUBSPSMvcExt MVC_ProcessSUBSPSMvcVuiExt MVC_ProcessSliceHeaderFirstPart MVC_ProcessSliceHeaderSecondPart MVC_ReceivePacket MVC_ReleaseNAL MVC_RemoveFrameStoreOutDPB MVC_RemoveUnUsedFrameStore MVC_ReorderLTList MVC_ReorderListX MVC_ReorderRefPiclist MVC_ReorderSTList MVC_RepairList MVC_RoundLog2 MVC_SPSEqual MVC_Scaling_List MVC_SetFrmRepeatCount MVC_ShortTermRefFlg MVC_SimpleSlideDPB MVC_SliceCheck MVC_SlidingWinMark MVC_SplitFrmToFlds MVC_StopPicNum MVC_StorePicInDpb MVC_UnMarkAllSTRef MVC_UnMarkFrameStoreRef MVC_UnMarkLTFldByFrmIdx MVC_UnMarkLTFrmByFrmIdx MVC_UnMarkLTRef MVC_UnMarkSTRef MVC_UpdateCurrFrameInfo MVC_UpdateLTReflist MVC_UpdateMaxLTFrmIdx MVC_UpdatePicQpInf MVC_UpdateReflist MVC_WritePicMsg MVC_WriteSliceMsg MVC_compare_fs_by_frame_num_desc MVC_compare_fs_by_lt_pic_idx_asc MVC_compare_fs_by_poc_asc MVC_compare_fs_by_poc_desc MVC_compare_pic_by_lt_pic_num_asc MVC_compare_pic_by_pic_num_desc MVC_compare_pic_by_poc_asc MVC_compare_pic_by_poc_desc MVC_g_AspecRatioIdc MVC_g_NalTypeEOPIC MVC_g_ZZ_SCAN MVC_g_ZZ_SCAN8 MVC_is_view_id_in_ref_view_list MVC_quant8_inter_default MVC_quant8_intra_default MVC_quant8_org MVC_quant_inter_default MVC_quant_intra_default MVC_quant_org MvcTmpBuf mvc_append_interview_list mvc_assign_quant_params mvc_combine_scalinglist mvc_dec_ref_pic_marking mvc_get_inter_view_pic mvc_pred_weight_table mvc_ref_pic_list_reordering mvc_reorder_interview mvc_se_v mvc_u_1 mvc_u_v mvc_ue_v mvc_vui_parameters mvc_wait_vo HEVC_AllocFrameStore HEVC_ApplyReferencePictureSet HEVC_ArrangeMem HEVC_CRAOutputFrame HEVC_CalScalingList HEVC_CalcStreamBits HEVC_CalcTileInfo HEVC_CfgVDMReg HEVC_CheckFrameStore HEVC_CheckListX HEVC_CheckOutputImage HEVC_CheckThatAllRefPicsAreAvailable HEVC_ClearAll HEVC_ClearAllNal HEVC_ClearAllSlice HEVC_ClearCurrNal HEVC_ClearCurrSlice HEVC_ClearDPB HEVC_CombinePacket HEVC_ConvertHDRInfo HEVC_CreateLostPicture HEVC_CtbRsAddrToTsAddr HEVC_CtbTsAddrToRsAddr HEVC_DecHrdParam HEVC_DecList HEVC_DecOneNal HEVC_DecOrderProcess HEVC_DecPPS HEVC_DecPTL HEVC_DecPredWeightTable HEVC_DecRefPicListsModification HEVC_DecSEI HEVC_DecSPS HEVC_DecScalingListData HEVC_DecShortTermRefPicSet HEVC_DecSlice HEVC_DecSliceSegmentHeader HEVC_DecVDM HEVC_DecVPS HEVC_DecVuiParam HEVC_DirectOutput HEVC_DispOrderProcess HEVC_EmptyFrmFromDPB HEVC_FindNaluArraySlot HEVC_FindTrailZeros HEVC_FirstFrameFastOut HEVC_FlushDPB HEVC_FrameStoreRefFlg HEVC_GetAPC HEVC_GetBackPicFromVOQueue HEVC_GetDar HEVC_GetFreeFrameStoreNum HEVC_GetIdrPicFlag HEVC_GetImagePara HEVC_GetMinPOC HEVC_GetPhyAddr HEVC_GetPicStreamSize HEVC_GetRapPicFlag HEVC_GetReRangeFlag HEVC_GetSLHDR1Info HEVC_GetSLHDR1MasteringDisplayInfo HEVC_GetScalingListDefaultAddress HEVC_GetUnRefPicWithMinPoc HEVC_GetVirAddr HEVC_Get_Last_IDR_Frame_Info HEVC_HaveSliceToDec HEVC_IModeProcess HEVC_IncreaseDPBSize HEVC_InitDPB HEVC_InitDecBuffers HEVC_InitDecPara HEVC_InitListX HEVC_InitPic HEVC_InitPicInfo HEVC_InitScalingOrderTable HEVC_InitSigLastScan HEVC_InquireSliceProperty HEVC_InsertFrmInDPB HEVC_IsEosNal HEVC_IsFlushUnit HEVC_IsIUnit HEVC_IsNewPic HEVC_IsNonRefPic HEVC_IsOutDPB HEVC_IsPVRFlushPic HEVC_IsPicPPSRefresh HEVC_IsPicSPSRefresh HEVC_IsPicVPSRefresh HEVC_IsRefForCurrPic HEVC_IsRefListWrong HEVC_IsReferenceNalu HEVC_IsSliceUnit HEVC_IsVoFinish HEVC_MoreRbspData HEVC_More_Rbsp_Data HEVC_OutputCurrPic HEVC_OutputFrmFromDPB HEVC_OutputFrmToVO HEVC_OutputOneFrmFromDPB HEVC_OutputUnRefPicWithMinPoc HEVC_PicTypeStatistic HEVC_PrintAPCState HEVC_PrintCurrSlicelistX HEVC_PrintDPBState HEVC_PrintFrameStoreState HEVC_PrintNaluArraySlot HEVC_PrintSLHDR1Info HEVC_ProcessPPS HEVC_ProcessSPS HEVC_ProcessVPS HEVC_ReadByteAlignment HEVC_ReceivePacket HEVC_RecoverDPBProcess HEVC_RefPicProcess HEVC_ReleaseNAL HEVC_RemoveApcStore HEVC_RemoveDummyFrame HEVC_RemoveFrameStoreOutDPB HEVC_RemoveUnUsedFrameStore HEVC_RemoveUnusedApcStore HEVC_RepairList HEVC_SeiMessage HEVC_Sei_Active_Param_sets HEVC_Sei_Buf_Period HEVC_Sei_Color_Remapping_Info HEVC_Sei_Color_Volume_Reconstruction_Info HEVC_Sei_Content_Light_Level_Information HEVC_Sei_Dec_Unit_Info HEVC_Sei_Decoded_Picture_Hash HEVC_Sei_Display_Orientation HEVC_Sei_Frame_Packing_Arrangement HEVC_Sei_Get_Dpb_Output_Time HEVC_Sei_Get_Frame_Pts HEVC_Sei_HLGHDR_Comapitibility_Info HEVC_Sei_Mastering_Display_Colour_Volume HEVC_Sei_More_Data_In_Payload HEVC_Sei_ParsePts_Init HEVC_Sei_Payload HEVC_Sei_Payload_Extension_Present HEVC_Sei_Pic_Timming HEVC_Sei_Recovery_Point HEVC_Sei_Region_Refresh_Info HEVC_Sei_Scalable_Nesting HEVC_Sei_Structure_Of_Pictures_Info HEVC_Sei_TSI HEVC_Sei_Temporal_Sub_Layer_Zero_Index HEVC_Sei_Tone_Mapping_Info HEVC_Sei_User_Data_Registered_Itu_T_T35 HEVC_Sei_User_Data_Unregistered HEVC_SetDefaultScalingList HEVC_SetFrmRepeatCount HEVC_SetScalingList HEVC_SimpleDPBProcess HEVC_SimpleSlideDPB HEVC_StorePicInDPB HEVC_UnMarkFrameStoreRef HEVC_UpdateLTReflist HEVC_UpdatePicPPS HEVC_UpdatePicSPS HEVC_UpdatePicVPS HEVC_UpdateReflist HEVC_VES_Splitter HEVC_VpsSpsPpsCheck HEVC_WritePicMsg HEVC_WriteQmatrix_16x16 HEVC_WriteQmatrix_32x32 HEVC_WriteQmatrix_4x4 HEVC_WriteQmatrix_8x8 HEVC_WriteSliceMsg HEVC_f_v HEVC_se_v HEVC_u_v HEVC_ue_v __aeabi_memset s_TmpParam HEVCGet_V4R3C1_PhyAddr HEVCGet_V4R3C1_VirAddr HEVCHAL_CheckParaValid HEVCHAL_CheckSliceAddrValid HEVCHAL_CheckSlicePara HEVCHAL_FindNextSlicePara HEVCHAL_GetVdmRegVirAddr HEVCHAL_SetSliceMsgAPCIndex HEVCHAL_SetSliceMsgStreamAddrInfo HEVCHAL_SetSliceMsgWPInfo HEVCHAL_V4R3C1_CfgVdmReg HEVCHAL_V4R3C1_CutSliceChain HEVCHAL_V4R3C1_SetPicMsg HEVCHAL_V4R3C1_SetSliceMsg HEVCWriteCabacTab HEVC_WriteQmatrix HEVC_WriteTileInfo Check_Sync_Code Decode_Unsigned_Max Get_Unsigned_Bits Read_Delta_Q Read_Frame_Size Read_UnCompressed_Header Set_Default_Lf_Deltas Setup_Display_Size Setup_Frame_Size Setup_LoopFilter Setup_Quantization Setup_Segmentation Setup_Tile_Info VP9DEC_DecodeFame VP9_ArrangeVHBMem VP9_Clearall_Segfeatures VP9_Enable_Segfeature VP9_FreeCurFb VP9_GetImageBuffer VP9_GetRefNum VP9_Get_Tile_N_Bits VP9_InitDecPara VP9_Loop_Filter_Init VP9_Seg_Feature_Data_Max VP9_SetImgFormat VP9_Set_DecParam VP9_Set_Segdata VP9_Setup_Past_Independence VP9_Update_CP_Size VP9_get_fixed_point_scale_factor VP9_s_v VP9_scaled_val Vp9_AdaptCoefProbs Vp9_AdaptModeProbs Vp9_AdaptMvProbs Vp9_AdaptProbs Vp9_AdaptResidualProbs Vp9_Cabac_ReadIsValid Vp9_Cabac_ReaderInit Vp9_CoefCountRestore Vp9_DecodeTiles Vp9_DecodeTilesCtrl Vp9_DefaultCoefProbs Vp9_DiffUpdateProb Vp9_InitMbmodeProbs Vp9_InitMvProbs Vp9_ParseSuperFrameIndex Vp9_PrepareReadModeInfo Vp9_ProbBurstConvert Vp9_ReadBitDepthColorSpaceSampling Vp9_ReadCoefProbs Vp9_ReadCoefProbsCommon Vp9_ReadCompPred Vp9_ReadCompressedHeader Vp9_ReadInterModeProbs Vp9_ReadMvProbs Vp9_ReadSwitchableInterpProbs Vp9_ReadTxMode Vp9_ReadTxProbs Vp9_ReaderHasError Vp9_RestoreCounts Vp9_SetPoolInfoFrame Vp9_SetPoolInfoTile Vp9_SetupPastIndependence Vp9_TxCoefProbConvert2 Vp9_Vfmw_Clamp Vp9_Vfmw_GetSegdata Vp9_Vfmw_LoopFilterFrameInit Vp9_Vfmw_ReadProfile Vp9_Vfmw_SegfeatureActive check_scale_factors get_free_fb read_interp_filter_type ref_cnt_fb setup_frame_size_with_refs setup_inter_inter swap_frame_buffers vp9_setup_scale_factors VP9HAL_V4R3C1_CalcSize VP9HAL_V4R3C1_CfgFrameMsg VP9HAL_V4R3C1_CfgReg VP9HAL_V4R3C1_CfgTileMsg VP9HAL_V4R3C1_InitHal GetSliceHdr MP2_ArrangeVHBMem MP2_CalcDar MP2_CalcRealEncFrameRate MP2_ClearCurPacket MP2_DecNewPic MP2_DecSlice MP2_DecSliceHeader MP2_DecodingDecide MP2_EstimatePicQp MP2_ExitMb MP2_GetFirstMbInSlice MP2_GetHDR MP2_GetImageBuffer MP2_GetPictureInfo MP2_GetSequenceInfo MP2_GetUsrData MP2_InitMb MP2_MbAddrInc MP2_ProtocolPPSCheck MP2_ReceivePacket MP2_RecordVFMWState MP2_SearchStartCode MP2_SetImgFormat MP2_SetVDMInf MP2_VerifyMemPara MP2_WriteSliceInfo MP2_u_v MPEG2DEC_Destroy copyright_extension default_intra_quantizer_matrix extension extra_bit_information g_tmpusd group_of_pictures_header next_start_code picture_coding_extension picture_display_extension picture_header picture_spatial_scalable_extension picture_temporal_scalable_extension quant_matrix_extension sequence_display_extension sequence_extension sequence_header sequence_scalable_extension zigzag MP2HAL_V4R3C1_CfgDnMsg MP2HAL_V4R3C1_CfgReg MP2HAL_V4R3C1_InitHal MP2HAL_V4R3C1_MakeDnMsg MP2HAL_V4R3C1_MakeReg MP2HAL_V4R3C1_WriteSliceMsg Bs_Get_Matrix Frame_Init GetTrailingOneLen Global_Data_Init MP4_Check_CurPacket MP4_Check_StreamType MP4_ClearCurPacket MP4_Combine_HdPacket MP4_Dec_Slice MP4_GetGMCparam MP4_GetScdUpMsg MP4_Record_HeadPacketInfo MP4_Record_PacketID MP4_Record_SlcSegID MP4_Renew_CurPacket MP4_SetImgFormat MPEG4DEC_Destroy Mp4SearchStartCode Mp4_Check_Slice_NotSH Mp4_ClearUsrData Mp4_Combine_SliceData Mp4_Frame_Atr Mp4_GetUserDataBuf Mp4_Get_DecMode Mp4_RecordFrameAtr Mp4_RecordVFMWState Mp4_Set_DecPar Mp4_Syntax_Gop Mp4_Syntax_Init Mp4_Syntax_Parse Mp4_Syntax_ShortHeader Mp4_Syntax_Slice_NotSH Mp4_Syntax_Slice_SH Mp4_Syntax_UserData Mp4_Syntax_Vo Mp4_Syntax_Vol Mp4_Syntax_Vop Mp4_Syntax_Vos NextStartCode Vdm_Mem_Move bs_get_spritetrajectory default_inter_matrix default_intra_matrix log2bin scan_tables sprite_trajectory_len MP4HAL_V4R3C1_CfgDnMsg MP4HAL_V4R3C1_CfgReg MP4HAL_V4R3C1_InitHal MP4HAL_V4R3C1_Log2bin MP4HAL_V4R3C1_WriteSlicMsg AVSDEC_Destroy AVS_AllocateVHB AVS_DecodeArbiter AVS_GetImageBuffer AVS_GetStreamInf AVS_OutputOneFrame AVS_ParseHeader AVS_PrepareDecode AVS_SetImgFormat AVS_StartDecode AVS_UpdatePmvTable AVS_UpdateTabBBlkDist AVS_UpdateTableDirectScale AVS_UpdateTableIdx2Dist AVS_UpdateTableMvEScale AVS_UpdateTableSymScale AVS_VerifyMemPara AVS_camera_parameters_extension AVS_copyright_extension AVS_extension AVS_extension_and_userdata AVS_i_picture_header AVS_next_start_code AVS_pb_picture_header AVS_picture_display_extension AVS_sequence_display_extension AVS_sequence_header AVS_user_data Avs_Vfmw_WQMatrix ClearPacket ClearSlice WriteAvsSliceMsg avs_f_v avs_se_v avs_u_v avs_ue_v g_AvsCfg g_tmp wq_param_default AVSHAL_V4R3C1_InitHal AVSHAL_V4R3C1_StartDec_CheckParam AVSHAL_V4R3C1_StartDec_ConfigWQMatrix AVSHAL_V4R3C1_StartDec_GetModuleLowlyFlag AVSHAL_V4R3C1_StartDec_GetRegAddr AVSHAL_V4R3C1_StartDec_GetStrmAddr AVSHAL_V4R3C1_WirteSlicMsg AbandonBitsLenthNoUse BPD_Drv VC1DEC_Destroy VC1_ArrangeVahbMem VC1_CfgVDH VC1_ClearCurPacket VC1_DecBfraction VC1_DecBfractionSMP VC1_DecIntCompField VC1_DecMvmode2 VC1_DecMvmodeInterB VC1_DecMvmodeProgrB VC1_DecMvmodeProgrP VC1_DecMvrange VC1_DecNormDiff6Tile VC1_DecRefdist VC1_DecTransacfrm VC1_ReceivePacket VC1_RecordSlcStream VC1_SetCodeInfo VC1_SetCurPicResolutionInfo VC1_SetImgFormat VC1_Vfmw_BuildRefList VC1_Vfmw_DecPQUANT VC1_Vfmw_DecodeArbiter VC1_Vfmw_GenerateDecPara VC1_Vfmw_GetImageBuffer VC1_Vfmw_GetStreamInfo VC1_Vfmw_MemMove VC1_Vfmw_ParseAdvBFieldHdr VC1_Vfmw_ParseAdvBPicHdr VC1_Vfmw_ParseAdvEntptHdr VC1_Vfmw_ParseAdvFieldPicHdr VC1_Vfmw_ParseAdvFramePicHdr VC1_Vfmw_ParseAdvHdr VC1_Vfmw_ParseAdvIFieldHdr VC1_Vfmw_ParseAdvIPicHdr VC1_Vfmw_ParseAdvPFieldHdr VC1_Vfmw_ParseAdvPPicHdr VC1_Vfmw_ParseAdvPicHdr VC1_Vfmw_ParseAdvSeqHdr VC1_Vfmw_ParseAdvSlcHdr VC1_Vfmw_ParseHeader VC1_Vfmw_ParseMPBPicHdr VC1_Vfmw_ParseSMPIPicHdr VC1_Vfmw_ParseSMPPPicHdr VC1_Vfmw_ParseSMPPicHdr VC1_Vfmw_PrepareDecode VC1_Vfmw_StartDecode VC1_Vfmw_UpdataLastPicRNDCTRL VC1_Vfmw_UpdateAdvSPS VC1_Vfmw_UserData VC1_Vfmw_next_start_code VC1_VopDQuant VC1_WritePicMsg VC1_WriteSliceMsg emp_print VC1HAL_V4R3C1_CfgDnMsg VC1HAL_V4R3C1_CfgReg VC1HAL_V4R3C1_CfgSliceMsg VC1HAL_V4R3C1_InitHal BPDDRV_WaitBpdReadyIfNoIsr BPD_CfgReg BPD_CfgReg_GetRegVirAddr BPD_GetParam BPD_Reset BPD_Start IsBpd_Ready REAL8DEC_Destroy RV8_RecordVFMWState Real8_ArrangeVHBMem Real8_CB_FindNextSliceStartCode Real8_CB_Get1Bit Real8_CB_GetBits Real8_CB_GetCPFMT Real8_CB_GetPicSize Real8_CB_GetPictureHeader Real8_CB_GetSSC Real8_CB_GetSliceHeader Real8_CB_GetVLCBits Real8_CB_SearchBits_IgnoreOnly0 Real8_CB_SetDimensions Real8_CB_SetRPRSizes Real8_GetImageBuffer Real8_ModifySliceMsg Real8_SetImgFormat Real8_WritePicMsg Real8_WriteReg Real8_WriteSliceMsg RV8HAL_V4R3C1_InitHal RV8HAL_V4R3C1_WritePicMsg RV8HAL_V4R3C1_WriteReg RV8HAL_V4R3C1_WriteSliceMsg REAL9DEC_Destroy RV9_RecordVFMWState Real9_ArrangeVHBMem Real9_CB_FindNextSliceStartCode Real9_CB_Get1Bit Real9_CB_GetBits Real9_CB_GetCPFMT Real9_CB_GetPicSize Real9_CB_GetPictureHeader Real9_CB_GetSSC Real9_CB_GetSliceHeader Real9_CB_GetVLCBits Real9_CB_SearchBits_IgnoreOnly0 Real9_CB_SetDimensions Real9_GetImageBuffer Real9_ModifySliceMsg Real9_SetImgFormat Real9_WritePicMsg Real9_WriteReg Real9_WriteSliceMsg RV9HAL_V4R3C1_InitHal RV9HAL_V4R3C1_WritePicMsg RV9HAL_V4R3C1_WriteReg RV9HAL_V4R3C1_WriteSliceMsg DefaultIsShortProbs DefaultMvLongProbs DefaultMvShortProbs DefaultScanBands DefaultSignProbs ScanBandUpdateProbs VP6DEC_Destroy VP6_AcUpdateProbs VP6_ArrangeVHBMem VP6_BaselineXmittedProbs VP6_BoolTreeToHuffCodes VP6_BuildHuffLookupTable VP6_BuildHuffTree VP6_BuildModeTree VP6_BuildScanOrder VP6_BuildTables VP6_BuildTreeTab VP6_CfgTable VP6_ConfigureContexts VP6_ConfigureEntropyDecoder VP6_ConfigureMvEntropyDecoder VP6_ConvertBoolToHuff VP6_DcNodeEqs VP6_DcUpdateProbs VP6_DecodeDecide VP6_DecodeModeProbs VP6_GetImageBuffer VP6_GetPictureHeader VP6_InsertSorted VP6_InterFrmHeader VP6_IntraFrmHeader VP6_ModeVq VP6_MvUpdateProbs VP6_SetImgFormat VP6_Set_DecParam VP6_ZerosBoolTreeToHuffCodes VP6_decodeModeDiff Vp6_Vfmw_BoolRead Vp6_Vfmw_DecodeBool Vp6_Vfmw_DecodeBool128 Vp6_Vfmw_StartDecode ZeroRunProbDefaults ZrlUpdateProbs VP6HAL_V4R3C1_CfgDnMsg VP6HAL_V4R3C1_CfgReg VP6HAL_V4R3C1_InitHal VP8DEC_Destroy VP8_ArrangeVHBMem VP8_DecodeDecide VP8_GetImageBuffer VP8_GetPictureHeader VP8_SetImgFormat VP8_Set_DecParam VP8_Update_PictHeader VP8_VFMWBITREADER_NORM VP8_init_frame VP8_mb_mode_mv_init VP8_setup_version Vp8_Vfmw_DecodeBool Vp8_Vfmw_DecodeValue Vp8_Vfmw_StartBoolDecode default_coef_probs default_uv_mode_prob default_ymode_prob get_delta_q read_mvcontexts vp8_coef_update_probs vp8_default_mv_context vp8_mv_update_probs VP8HAL_V4R3C1_CfgDnMsg VP8HAL_V4R3C1_CfgReg VP8HAL_V4R3C1_InitHal DIVX3DEC_Destroy Divx3_ArrangeVHBMem Divx3_DecodeDecide Divx3_GetImageBuffer Divx3_GetPictureHeader Divx3_RecordVFMWState Divx3_SetImgFormat Divx3_WritePicMsg Divx3_WriteReg DIVX3HAL_V4R3C1_InitHal DIVX3HAL_V4R3C1_WritePicMsg DIVX3HAL_V4R3C1_WriteReg DIVX3HAL_V4R3C1_WriteSliceMsg _Unwind_Complete _Unwind_DeleteException _Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData _Unwind_GetRegionStart _Unwind_RaiseException _Unwind_Resume _Unwind_VRS_Get _Unwind_VRS_Interpret _Unwind_VRS_Pop _Unwind_VRS_Set __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr2 __gnu_unwind_frame abort decode_eht_entry fflush fprintf stderr unw_get_fpreg unw_get_proc_info unw_get_reg unw_getcontext unw_init_local unw_resume unw_save_vfp_as_X unw_set_fpreg unw_set_reg unw_step __aeabi_memclr dl_iterate_phdr libdl.so dladdr unw_get_proc_name unw_is_fpreg unw_is_signal_frame unw_local_addr_space unw_regname __udivsi3 __aeabi_idiv0 __divsi3 __aeabi_ldiv0 __gnu_uldivmod_helper raise __gnu_ldivmod_helper __divdi3 __udivdi3 __aeabi_llsl __aeabi_llsr __lshrdi3 __ashldi3 _end _edata __bss_start libutils.so liblog.so libhi_common.so libhi_msp.so libcutils.so libc++.so libm.so 
VDM_OpenHardware failed, wrong VdhId %d %s,%d,VDMDRV_NULL_FUN_PRINT VDM_CloseHardware VDM_CloseHardware failed, wrong VdhId %d DSP_OpenHardware failed, wrong VdhId %d DSP_CloseHardware failed, wrong VdhId %d SCD_OpenHardware Wrong ScdId %d SCD_CloseHardware Wrong ScdId %d %s unkown eAttrID %d PDT_GetAttribute SOS map CRG reg failed! Map g_pVfmSharewMem Failed! VDH_User_Init failed, return %d VDH_User_UnMapShareData failed, return %d VDEC_InitWithOperation has NULL parameter, error! VDEC_InitSecureVFMW Failed! VCTRL_OpenVfmw Failed! VDEC_InitHardware Failed! init count:%d is overflow %s call close vfmw failed! VDEC_Exit %s: VFMW has been destroyed, so any operation is unuseful! ChanID %d, eCmdID %d VDEC_Control VDEC_Suspend ok ! VDEC_Resume ok ! Not care param %d invalid condition: %s %d CASE_GetCapability CASE_GetOutputFormat CASE_GetChanMemSize call VCTRL_GetChanMemSize failed ret:%d CASE_CreateChan Not care param %p VCTRT_SetChanCtrlState ERR: %d CASE_ResetChanWithOption CASE_GetChanConfig CASE_ConfigChan CASE_SetStreamIntf CASE_GetStreamSize Not care param %d %p CASE_GetChanIDByMem CASE_SetDiscardPicParam CASE_SetPtsToSeek CASE_SetTrickMode CASE_SetCtrlInfo CASE_SetFrameRate CASE_AllocMemToDecoder VCTRL_AllocMemToDecoder failed! CASE_SetFrameBufferNum CASE_GetUserDecFrame CASE_PutUserDecFrame CASE_StartLowDelayCalc CASE_ReportOccupiedFrame VCTRL_ReportOccupiedFrame[Chan %d] failed! CASE_SetImageOutputInfo VCTRL_ImageOutputEnable[Chan %d] failed! Chan id: %d is invalid, Cmd ID:%d Unsupport eCmdID %d vdec_vdh vdec_vdh_safe vdec_vdh1 vdec_vdh2 vdec_scd vdec_scd_safe vdec_scd1 VFMW_Chan_Ctx VFMW_Chan_Vdh VFMW_Chan_Scd VFMW_DspCtxMem NULL mmu_vdh mmu_vdh_safe VFMW_Hal_%d VFMW_VP9Prob_%d VFMW_ScdMsg_%d %s/vfmw_raw_save_%d.dat %s/vfmw_seg_save_%d.dat %s/vfmw_yuv_save_%d.yuv %s/2d_0x%x.yuv %s/1d_0x%x.yuv %s/vfmw_metadata_save_%d.dat %s/vfmw_metadata_reorder_save_%d.dat %s/vfmw_el_save_%d.dat VFMW_Tracer VFMW_BigTile1d_YUV ___________invalid parm= %d ____________ ________________ mem_phy, trace_phy,trace_max = 0x%x, 0x%x,%d _________________ =============== destroy tracer: phy,vir = 0x%x,%p =================== map vir address for '%x' failed!!! tracer memory '0x%x' is mapped to '%p' no valid trace info stored in '%x'!!! ====================== tracer context ===================== %-25s :%x pstTraceBaseObj %-25s :%p s32TraceBasePhyAddr %-25s :%d s32MaxTraceNumMinus4 s32CurrTraceNum -%05d- func:%-15s; line:%5d; data:0x%08x(%-10d); time:%u HISI_VFMW U: %s PostPro_GetErrRatio: pParam = NULL PostPro_GetErrRatio err_ratio=%d pRepairParam->ImageWidth=%d,pRepairParam->ImageHeight=%d %s %d VidStd Err! PostPro_GetRepairParam pRepairParam[0].MbGroup[i].EndMbn=%d,pRepairParam[0].MbGroup[i].StartMbn=%d total_mbs=%d,err_mbs=%d pRepairParam->ValidGroupNum >(MAX_UP_MSG_SLICE_NUM - 1) %s:0 pRepairParam->ValidGroupNum(%d) > (MAX_UP_MSG_SLICE_NUM - 1) PostPro_GetHevcMbGroupOfNoTile %s:1 pRepairParam->ValidGroupNum(%d) > (MAX_UP_MSG_SLICE_NUM - 1) DecSliceNum(=%d) out of range! DecSliceNum out of range! line:%d! pRepairParam->ValidGroupNum > (MAX_UP_MSG_SLICE_NUM - 1) PostPro_SetDecReport VCTRL_Suspend Wait sleep time out %d ms (isScdSleep=%d, isVdmSleep=%d)! Force scd %d sleep. Force vdm %d sleep. Vfmw suspend totally take %d ms VCTRL_Resume Vfmw resume totally take %d ms %s VCTRL_GetChanImage(%d) failed VCTRL_UpdateChanImgQue the Head(%d) is invalid VCTRL_ReleaseChanImage(%d) failed phy:0x%x id:%d %s:%d(%d) failed phy:0x%x id:%d force release other image Thread running... thread running... Thread stopped! thread stopped... Thread killed! %s,%d,pos(%d) error! VCTRL_RecordPosTime %s, %d, pos(%d) error! VCTRL_RecordData vfmw_ctrl.c,L%d: %s ChanID out of range Chan inactive can NOT config a not-opened Chan g_pCallBackList = NULL the call back list Head(%d) is invalid Type(%d): The ARRAY OVERFLOW! Type(%d): Length(%d) > MAX_PARA_SIZE(%d) event_report null! %s Unkown Adapter Type: %d VCTRL_SetCallBack HI_VFMW_VideoDecode ChanID:%d TEE not support set interface pstStreamIntf is NULL This Chan has not been created!!! can NOT get a not-opened Chan's information of bitstream Raw FreshNum=%d, FreshSize=%d Seg FreshNum=%d, FreshSize=%d pArgs is null ChanID out of range! pstChanState = NULL s_pstVfmwChan = NULL image size abnormal(%dx%d) no mem to arrange for soft dec partition fs memory fail! %s: L%d : vdm chan memory is too small to support user decoder VCTRL_PartitionMemForStdUser FSP_ConfigInstance fail! parameter err, null pointer!!! %s FATAL: pstChan = NULL! VCTRL_FreeChanResource %s FATAL: pChanMem_vdh = NULL! %s FATAL: pChanMem_frm = NULL! DelAllFrameMemRecord err in VCTRL_FreeChanResource ! %s FATAL: pChanMem_scd = NULL! %s FATAL: pChanMem_ctx = NULL! line %d VCTRL_GetChanMemSize failed! vfmw have max(%d) channels opened, can NOT create more channels Chan:%d can NOT enable FSP instance %s:L%d: %s VCTRL_DestroyChan This Chan has not been created or has been destroyed !!! can NOT stop a not-opened Chan can NOT start a not-opened Chan WARNING: vidio std not setted! VCTRL_StopChanWithCheck fail! This Chan has not been created or has been destroyed ! pstCfg is null Chip not support beyond %dx%d when Std != H264/VP8/MVC/USER. VCTRL_CheckChanWH return err. VFMW didn't support std %d. VCTRL_ConfigChan with same config paramater. can NOT VCTRL_PartitionMemForStdUser VCTRL_InitDspCode WARNNING: dsp in lowdelay state, we can not supported avs in the same time!!! WARNNING: dsp in avs state, we can not supported lowdelay in the same time!!! vdm_ctrl.c,L%d: pOption->s32KeepBS error ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR:ReadNum = %d larger than VFMW_MAX_RESERVE_NUM(%d) The array of occupied frames is overflow, s_pstVfmwChan[%d]->specialFrameNum = %d pSpecialFrmInfo = null!!! %s,%d,can't find special frame match DecFs Num = %d VCTRL_TryToRelSpecialFrm %s,%d,s_pstVfmwChan[chanID]->FspInst.stDecFsRec[i].PhyFS.PhyAddr = 0x%x call VCTRL_GetChanImage, ChanID = %d, This channel is not opened %s cannot output! VCTRL_GetChanImage %s: view_0 id(%d) > view_1 id(%d), error! %s: continuous view0 id(%d)! %s: continuous view1 id(%d)! pImage is NULL call VCTRL_ReleaseChanImage, ChanID, ImgID = %d,%d vdm_ctrl.c,L%d: Chan inactive vdm_ctrl.c,L%d: This channel is not opened vdm_ctrl.c,L%d: VCTRL_TryToRelSpecialFrm success! VCTRL_ReleaseChanImage %s call SYNTAX_ReleaseImage failed vfmw_ctrl.c, line %d: ChanID out of range vfmw_ctrl.c, line %d: Chan %d is not open or not running %s VidStd=%d Error! VCTRL_GetDecParam Get DecParam Type Failure! vfmw_ctrl.c, line %d: ChanID out of range is %d Chan %d is not open or not running ChanId out of range This channel is not running line: %d Flush DPB failed! VCTRL_FlushDecoder fuction return value is null,%s %d MVC_OK != MVC_FlushDPB!! VCTRL_FlushDecoder chan not create NULL == pArgs -1 == VCTRL_GetChanIDByCtx() Err! userdec frame(phy=%#x) address error! can not map vir addr for usrdat frame(cbphy=%#x) line: %d, pLogic is Null! eYuvFormat %d is not support!! VCTRL_GetUsrdecFrame but VFMW_USER != s_pstVfmwChan[ChanID]->eVidStd! VCTRL_GetUsrdecFrame but s_pstVfmwChan[ChanID]->s32UsrdecFrameNum < MIN_USERDEC_FRAME_NUM! get frame store fail! get image buffer ok: LogicFsID = %d line: %d, pLf is NULL! decode %p, disp %p, tf %p VCTRL_GetUsrdecFrame get LogicFs fail! pUsrdecFrame == NULL VCTRL_PutUsrdecFrame: VidStd is %d VCTRL_PutUsrdecFrame return err CAP_LEVEL_USER_DEFINE_WITH_OPTION option is illegal. VCTRL_GetChanMemSizeByOption L%d: arrange return failure ERROR: s32MaxRefFrameNum(%d), extra_ref(%d), s32DisplayFrameNum(%d), extra_disp(%d) MEM_MapRegisterAddr reg 0x%x failed! VDMHAL_GetHalMemSize Vdh %d failed! MEM_AllocMemBlock Vdh %d failed! VDMHAL_OpenHAL Vdh %d failed! MEM_AllocMemBlock VFMW_VP9Prob %d failed! MEM_AllocMemBlock Scd %d failed! SM_OpenSCDDrv Scd %d failed! CloseDrivers (safe,warn,danger) :amount = %d,%d,%d,%d strm_ctrl: I->IPB strm_ctrl: IPB->I (CurrMode,NextMode) = %d,%d pic_pts: %lld pic_usertag: %lld pic_pts: %lld pic_usertag = %lld Syntax is stopped from This channel [%d] vdm busy [%d] no frame DFS, Partition fail, u32DynamicFrameStoreAllocEn: %d, eFspPartitionState: %d [%d] no stream seg_pts: %lld, seg_usertag = %lld DecChanSyntax %s not support std %d VCTRL_GetChanImgNum SetVdecExtra ERROR: extra_ref = %d is out of [ -5000, 5000 ]! SetVdecExtra ERROR: extra_disp = %d is out of [ -5000, 5000 ]! Command "%d" not registerd! Chan %d Report Last Frame, Value=%d, LastFrameState=%d Last frame output failed! Last frame output successed! Last frame already output, image id: %d! line %d can not know YuvFormat = %d L:%d ChanID out of range L:%d This Chan has not been created!!! L:%d WARNING: vidio std not setted! VCTRL_OpenHardware VCTRL_CloseHardware %s: bind size(%d) != except size(%d), may be pre mem, ignor it. VCTRL_SetSingleFrameBufToChan %s: CfgFrameNum = %x, but PmvNodeStatus= 0x%x %s: Chan %d no frame buffer store! %s: Chan %d set single frame failed! %s set chan %d ctrl state CHAN_FRAME_STORE_ALLOC failed! VCTRL_AllocMemToDecoder DFS, set decoding thread state to success! Param Invalid of PChanOption is NULL L: %d : part we can NOT alloc buffer for channel context L: %d : can NOT alloc buffer for channel context L: %d : can NOT alloc buffer for channel vdh L: %d : can NOT alloc buffer for channel vdh, %#x < %#x L: %d : can NOT alloc buffer for channel scd L: %d : can NOT alloc buffer for SCD chan %d: new ChanErrThr = %d Invalid output order %d set default output order %d chan %d: new DecOrderOutput = %d chan %d: new DecMode = %d chan %d: GetChanCfg failed! chan %d: new StrmOFThr = %d USE_FF_APT_EN = %d USE_FF_APT_EN can NOT be set to %d, must be 0 or 1 ResetCreateNewSave can NOT be set to %d, must be 0 or 1 ResetCreateNewSave = %d set to %d NO SUCH CHANNEL : %d Pay attention to CHANNEL : %d print memory tracer... SetScdPrint enable once! Scd channel = %d OK create file '%s' for channel %d metadata stream save failed create file '%s' for metadata stream save! >>>> close metadata stream saving >>>> OK create file '%s' for channel %d el stream save failed create file '%s' for el stream save! >>>> close el stream saving >>>> stop chan %d: VCTRL_StopChan return %d reset chan %d: VCTRL_ResetChan return %d start chan %d: VCTRL_StartChan return %d ------ dec task delay %d ms ------ ------ dec stop = %d ------ ------ g_TraceCtrl = %x ------ ------ g_TraceBsPeriod = %x ------ ------ g_TraceFramePeriod = %x ------ ------ g_TraceImgPeriod = %x ------ The channel number is to Large. ------ s_pstVfmwChan[%d]->stSynExtraData.s32ModuleLowlyEnable = 1 ------ Disable SedOnly Func Enable SedOnly Func unmask vfmw mmu err int! mask vfmw mmu err int! ChanID: %d, VcmpEn: %d, LossCmpEN: %d, YRatio: 0.%d, UVRatio: 0.%d ChanID: %d, VcmpEn: %d, LossCmpEN: %d ChanID:%d, Compress Disable! ChanID:%d; VCmpEnable:%d; LossCmpEnable:%d; YCmpRatio:%d, YCmpRatio:%d ChanID %d Already Create! Can not be set!! g_ClkSelect(%d) set error! dat = %d not support Set standard obedience: %d fsp.c,L%d: %s InstID out of range fsp instance not in used fsp is not inited fsp is already inited pstVoQue is NULL pstFspInstCfg = NULL This inst is not active user set decode channel max resolution is (w=%d,h=%d), this stream (w=%d,h=%d) can NOT be decoded! DFS, Wrong Partition State. State: 0x%x DFS, Mem Element Fill Successed! Ready to Decode! Fsp arrange failed, return %d arrange ret %d, min = %d, actual = %d no logic frame store!!! %s no decode phy fs FSP_NewLogicFs no pmv memory LogicFrameID out of range fsp.c, line %d: pstLogicFs->PmvIdc out of range(=%d) FSP_GetRef: InstID out of range FSP_GetRef: LogicFrameID out of range FSP_GetRef: Fsp is not inited FSP_SetDisplay: LogicTick=%d, DispTick=%d! DecFsAddrTab is NULL DecFsNum is NULL PmvAddrTab is NULL PmvNum is NULL %s no free frame record position. FSP_SetSingleFrameBuf %s no free dec fs record position. %s InstID %d out of range FSP_GetInst pFspInst = NULL eChanCapLevel = %d is not expected! decode channel CapLevel is %d(w=%d,h=%d), this stream (w=%d,h=%d) can NOT be decoded! FSP_IsFsLeak: fsp is not inited ====== forece VDM sleep! ====== VDMDRV_StartRepair VDMDRV_StartDec %s The channel %d is not active VDMDRV_ChnDecReady The channel %d is decoding The channel %d DEC PARAM is not ready The channel %d DEC PARAM is not ready(pDecParam == NULL) VDMDRV_DoBeforeDec VDM Start Fail 2 ! isr begin: *pVdmStateMachine = %d, timeout = %d, ErrRatio = %d Chan %d VdmStateMachine=%d Error! FromInt = %d. Chan %d Mfde Running VdmStateMachine = %d, but DecParam = NULL! Chan %d VdmStateMachine = %d, but DecParam = NULL, Reset VDH MFDE! VDMDRV_CheckDevice Chan %d VDM Time Out(%d ms), Reset VDM! %s: VdhId(%d) > %d VDMDRV_IsrProcess SMMU_READ_ERR MODULE : VFMW SMMU INT STATE: 0x%x read_err_addr = 0x%x SMMU_WRITE_ERR MODULE : VFMW SMMU INT STATE: 0x%x write_err_addr = 0x%x VDMDRV_MMUIntServeProc VDMHAL_V200_IsMpeg4NvopCopy point of picture para null, wait forever!!! VDMDRV_IsVc1SkpicCopy point of picture para null, wait forever!!! VDMDRV_IsVp6NvopCopy point of picture para null, wait forever!!! VDMDRV_IsVp9RptFrmCopy point of picture para null, wait forever!!! VDMDRV_IsProtocolCopy point of picture para null, wait forever!!! VDMDRV_ResetVDH %s,%d, i = %d, MatchVdhIdPlus1 = %d VDMDRV_MarkReloadDsp %s,%d, MatchVdhIdPlus1 = %d,chanId = %d VDMDRV_UpdateMatchMode Chan %d: CorrectType = %d ErrRatio = %d Chan %d: Current frame:%d ErrRatio = %d ISR process vdm timeout! FromInt = %d VDMDRV_AfterDecProcessNormal VDMDRV_AfterDecProcessRepair Line %d, ISR called, ChanResetFlag = 1!! vdm state machine = %d, but DecParam is null! line :%d ISR called but chan %d is not active! line :%d ISR called chan %d is active! But Dec Param in CTX is NULL!!! Initializing VO queue VoQueue state: head(%d) history(%d) tail(%d) %d ResetVoQueue but still remain image not output(head:%d, tail:%d). out_pts: %lld -> %lld Usertag %lld image point NULL call InsertVOQueue FATAL: p_image(id=%d) has already in the VoQueue! error=%d,W=%d,H=%d,not acceptable! Queue=(%02d,%02d,%02d) + F%d InsertImgToVoQueue %s, pstVoQue is NULL!!! SYNTAX_ReceiveImage Queue=(%02d,%02d,%02d) - F%d SYNTAX_ReleaseImage p_image is null SYNTAX_ReleaseImage Image %d not found in vo queue. image[%d] null Queue=(%02d,%02d,%02d) x F%d LENTH ERROR: VC1 S/MP BS is wrong! SYNTAX ERROR: VC1 S/MP BS is wrong! pSegMan->CurrSeg.IsLastSeg=%d pSegMan->CurrSeg.PhyAddr=%#x pSegMan->CurrSeg.LenInByte=%#x ERROR: Wrong PreParseInfo about Vc1 IsAdvProfile! ERROR: Wrong PreParseInfo about Vc1 CodecVersion! Func: %s, Line: %d DecodeStream pSegMan error! More than two packet!!!ERROR!!! ERROR: VFMW_VP8 one packet stream, but IsLastSeg == 0 ERROR: VFMW_VP6 one packet stream, but IsLastSeg == 0 ERROR: VFMW_VP9 one packet stream, but IsLastSeg == 0 VidStd=%d Error! pu8[0] = %x,pu8[1] = %x, pu8[2] = %x %s pstVoQue NULL IsVoQueueEmpty WARNNING: aspect ration (%d) is not expected! BLANK RECEIVED SUCCESS FAILURE FRAMEID H264 VC1 MPEG4 MPEG2 H263 DIVX3 AVS JPEG REAL8 REAL9 VP6 VP6F VP6A VP8 VP9 SORENSON MVC HEVC RAW USER AVS2.0 RESERVED unsupport user proc select %d ------------------------- VFMW INFO --------------------------- %-40s :%s Version HiVDHFMWV500R001-TAG02-C01 %-40s :%s Modification Date 2018-09-15-00 %-40s :%d MainThreadState UcsThreadState %-40s :%d VfmwInitCount %-40s :%#x print enable word distributor disable word path to save debug data tracer address vfmw_state enable word bitstream control period frame control period rcv/rls img control period extra_ref extra_disp extra_cmd USE_FF_APT_EN ResetCreateNewSave %-40s :0x%x ClkSelect StandardObedience ---------------------- TOTAL %d CHAN -------------------------- chan by vdh: %-3d priority queue: chan status: chan: %d, is open: %d, is run: %d, priority: %d --------------------------------------------------------------- ChanId %d invalid ChanId %d inactive NA Attach ------------------------ CHAN [%d] INFO ----------------------- %-40s :%d(%s) Dec by VDH IsOpen IsRun Priority eVidStd ChanCapLevel LastFrameState IsOmxPath CfgDecMode CfgOutputOrder ErrorThred StreamThred Compress LossCompress BitDepth DecodeFrameNum OutputFrameNum YCompressRatio UVCompressRatio StdExt AP StdExt CodecVer StdExt Reversed Skip Frame Found Skip Frame Discarded Is Short Headed Recent UsrdecFrame: enFmt=%d,w=%d,h=%d,Ystride=%d,Cstride=%d,PTS=%lld CTX Mem Phy CTX Mem Size SCD Mem Phy SCD Mem Size VDH Mem Phy VDH Mem Size %-40s :(%d,%d,%d) Ref,Read,New VoQue detail Act DecMode Act OutputOrder Frame Packing Type --------------------------- DFS INFO -------------------------- Frame size(byte) Reference frame num %-40s :%d/%d Pre alloced frame num/time(ms) Dynamic alloced frame num/time(ms) All frame num/time(ms) --------------------------- FSP INFO -------------------------- pFsp %d invalid %-20s :%d FSP DecFsWidth FSP DecFsHeight FSP DispFsWidth FSP DispFsHeight FSP ExpectedDecFsNum FSP TotalValidFSNum FSP ActualPmvNum %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s Num IsValid InUse Address %-10d %-10d %-10d 0x%-10x %s (Free) FSP FreePmvNum FSP ActualDecFsNum %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s IsRef DispState IsOccupied Size %-10d %-10d %-10d %-10d %-10d %-10d 0x%-10x %s FSP FreeDecFsNum FSP LogicFsNum %d%d --------------------------- SCD INFO -------------------------- IsScdDrvOpen SCDState ThisInstID LastProcessTime HwMemAddr HwMemSize DownMsgMemAddr UpMsgMemAddr pInst %d invalid %s call GetRawStreamSize return failed! USER_PROC_ReadScd %s call GetRawStreamNum return failed! %s call GetSegStreamSize return failed! %s call GetSegStreamNum return failed! ------------------------- STREAM INFO ------------------------- Mode Chan Cfg standard Cfg buf addr Cfg buf size Seg read addr Seg write addr Is counting Is omx path Raw current size Raw current num Raw size count Raw num count Seg current size Seg current num %-40s :%d%% Seg used percent) %-40s :%d Kbps Actual bitrate FSP Chan %d invalid --------------------------- VDH INFO -------------------------- %s :%d VDH ID %s :%d.%d%% Load %s :%d.%d fps(Chan %d) Frame Rate %s :%d/mb Cycle State Chan %d NOT decoding. Chan %d decoding use VDH %d(%s). Not_Attach Decoding List & Priority Queue: Chan %d decoding by %d Chan %d priority is %d ---------------------------- VFMW STATICS (Unit:us)--------------- Task SegCope(Size) RandTab Syntax VDH IsrProcess Wakeup fps %7u %7u(%6u) %6u %6u %9u(%6u) %6u %9u || %d.%dfps==> %u ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- VFMW STATICS (Unit:ms)--------------- Task SegCope(Size) RandTab Syntax VDH IsrProcess Wakeup fps %-7u %4u %10u %10u %10u %10u ==> %15u|| %d.%dfps Function '%s' not support ! Fix me! OSAL_InitEvent OSAL_InitEvent_l OSAL_InitEvent_s size can't be zero! /dev/hi_mem open %s error mmmp_fd = %d errno = %d mmap 0x%x error mmap return addr = 0x%x, size_in_page = 0x%x, phy_addr_in_page = 0x%x, mmmp_fd = 0x%x mmap errno = %d desc = %s munmap failed! %s,%d, call HI_MUNMAP() virAddr = %p return Failed! KernelRegisterUnMap %s,%d, Post Sem '%d' failed! OSAL_UP %s,%d, Null Prt KernelMemMalloc %s,%d, '%s' len = %d, Malloc Failed %s,%d, '%s' len = %d, Map Failed KernelMemFree %s,%d, Umap Smmu Addr 0x%x failed %s,%d, Delete Smmu Addr 0x%x failed KernelMmap %s,%d, SmmuAddr 0x%x Map Failed KernelMmapMMZ %s,%d, MMZAddr 0x%x Map Failed KernelMmapCache KernelMunmap %s HI_MPI_SMMU_GetSmmuAddrByMapAddr Failed, VirAddr = %p %s PhyAddr 0x%x invalid. %s HI_MPI_SMMU_Unmap PhyAddr 0x%x Failed KernelMunmapMMZ %s,%d, VirAddr %p Get PhyAddr return Failed %s,%d, VirAddr %p Get PhyAddr return 0 Failed %s,%d, Phyaddr = 0x%x, failed! KernelFlushCache klib_flush_cache %s: %s VDH_Notify_ModuleIdle get common ctx failed! invalid Scd ModuleID invalid Mfde ModuleID %s unsupport module %d VDH_Acquire_Usage invalid Bpd ModuleID %s unsupport Usage %d! %s unsupport sponsor %d! Sponsor %d wait usage %d time out(%d ms), Force to get it! Sponsor %d wait usage %d time out(%d ms), Guest0 = %d, Guest1 = %d! VDH_Loose_Usage VDH_Get_Parameter pParam = NULL %s Index %d unsupport module type %d! %s unsupport index %d! VDH_Set_Parameter %s unsupport module type %d! VDH_Record_RegData pTask = NULL %s unsupport task type %d! Error: g_UserCtx.IsInit != 1 VDH_Map_ShareData failed, return %d Exit %s already unmap. VDH_User_UnMapShareData VDH_PostTask %s ERROR: unkown type %d Type(%d): Task ARRAY OVERFLOW! %s pTaskArray->Head invalid! %s ERROR: TaskMem %d IsValid = 0 VDH_WakeUp_Distributor VDH_Need_Module invalid Dsp ModuleID %s unkown module type %d! VDH_UnNeed_Module VDH_Reset_Module VDH_Require_DspCode invalid DspID invalid dsp code type User require dsp code type %d Exit %s already map. VDH_User_MapShareData %s:init time(%d) overflow Map pCommonContext Failed! VDH_Reset_Global %s: map mfde %d register 0x%x failed! VDH_Start_Mfde_Repair %s: WR_VREG but VdhId(%d) > MAX_VDH_NUM(%d) VDH_Start_Mfde_Decode %s: map scd register 0x%x failed! VDH_Start_Scd_Module %s: unrecord reg 0x%x data %d! VDH_Record_CrgRegData VDH_Record_ScdRegData VDH_Record_MfdeRegData VDH_Init_Hardware VDH_Enable_Scd_Module VDH_Disable_Scd_Module VDH_Enable_Mfde_Module VDH_Disable_Mfde_Module VDH_Reset_Mfde_Module VDH_Enable_Bpd_Module VDH_Enable_Dsp_Module VDH_Disable_Dsp_Module %s %d open a virtual vfmw! VFMW_US_Init LIB-20180915-000 %s,%d libhi_vfmw not match the kernel version %s %d Destroy a virtual vfmw! VFMW_US_Deinit %s,%d,open twice, creat a virtual process! VFMW_US_OpenDev %s,%d,open VFMW err. %s,%d,%s is not device. %s,%d==> not support this CmdID = %d VFMW_US_Process %s,%d, ERR: HandleID = %d not support! Test %s ERROR: pUCSFunction = NULL VFMW_US_Com_Init VFMW_UserThread %s ERROR: create task failed %s ERROR: s_hUserThread = NULL VFMW_US_Com_DeInit Vfmw UserThead close timeout! force exit VDMHAL_V4R3C1_OpenHAL pOpenParam = NULL error! MemBaseAddr = 0 error! VDMHAL_V4R3C1_OpenHAL: Size error! VdhId is wrong!!! g_VdmRegVirAddr, g_VdmResetVirAddr = %p BPDRegVirAddr %p !!!!!! HAL memory not enouph! need %d, have %d VDMHAL_V4R3C1_CalcFsSize image size out of range VDMHAL ArrangeMem HEVC 10 bit %s pstVfmwFrameSizeInfo = NULL VDMHAL_V4R3C1_CalcFsNum DelAllFrameMemRecord err in VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ArrangeMem! Report arrange frame buffer: wxh %dx%d, FsNum %d, PmvNum %d Report arrange frame buffer only: wxh %dx%d, FsNum %d, PmvNum %d VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ArrangeMem_Normal VidStd Invalid VDMHAL_V4R3C1_CalcFsSize err! %s, need arrange, Size: %#x, Num: %#x, RefChanged: %#x DFS, report event. Size: 0x%x, Num: %d, RefChanged: %d VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ArrangeMem_Specific VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ArrangeMem Mem addr is NULL 'pVdmMemArrange' is NULL MemSize not enough for pmv slot VDMHAL_V200R003_ArrangeMem get ChanWidth/ChanHeight failed! ImgSlotLen > ChanSlotLen cann't allocate img slot VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ResetVdm VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ResetVdm: map vdm register fail, vir(reg) = (%p) %s: RD_VREG but VdhId(%d) > MAX_VDH_NUM(%d) %s module id %d failed! %s module id %d success! VDMHAL_V4R3C1_SetSmmuPageTableAddr %s: map vdm register 0x%x failed! VDMHAL_V4R3C1_GlbReset VDMHAL_V4R3C1_GlbResetX %s VdhId %d failed! %s VdhId %d success! VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ClearIntState vdm register virtual address not mapped, reset failed! VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ClearMMUIntState VDMHAL_V4R3C1_MaskInt VDMHAL_V4R3C1_EnableInt %s: VdhId(%d) Invalid! VDMHAL_V4R3C1_CheckReg %s: vdm register virtual address not mapped, reset failed! %s: unkown reg_id = %d VDMHAL_V4R3C1_ReadMMUMask VDMHAL_V4R3C1_WriteMMUMask %s: pDecParam(%p) = NULL VDMHAL_V4R3C1_PrepareDec VDMHAL_V4R3C1_IsVdmReady VDM register not mapped yet! VDM register not mapped yet! VDMHAL_V4R3C1_IsVdmRun VDMHAL_V4R3C1_IsVdhDecOver VDMHAL_V4R3C1_IsVdhPartDecOver VDMHAL_V4R3C1_UpdateHardwareInfo can NOT map vir addr for up-msg ReadUpMsgSlot error! pDst=%p, pSrc=%p ReadUpMsgSlot error! upmsg_size(%d) > 512 WriteMsgSlot error! VDMHAL_V4R3C1_CfgRpMsg can not map repair msg virtual address! ValidGroupNum=%d out of range! VDMHAL_V4R3C1_CfgRpReg VDMHAL_V4R3C1_MakeDecReport 'pMakeDecReport' is NULL 'pDecReport' is NULL pDecReport->DecSliceNum(%d) > %d, set to 0 for full repair. ***** UpMsg DecSliceNum=%d ***** Up Msg (phy addr: %#8x) ***** 0x%02x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x ***** Up Msg print finished ***** VDMHAL_V4R3C1_PrepareRepair vdm register virtual address not mapped, VDMHAL_V200R003_PrepareRepair failed! %s: pMfdeTask(%p) = NULL VDMHAL_V4R3C1_StartHwRepair VDMHAL_V4R3C1_CalVdhClkSkip VDMHAL_V4R3C1_StartHwDecode BigTile1d_y failed mem_allocMemBlock BigTile_yuv save! BigTile1d_uv MFDE_ConfigReg VDMHAL_V4R3C1_FillMemArrangeInfo pVdmMemArrange is NULL DFS, no ref frame! DFS, Frame number = %d > 30, Then, Frame num = 30, [%s][%d]sclie_num is wrong! %d VDMHAL_CfgNotFullRepair align_mb error FIRST_REPAIR Parameter Error! SECOND_REPAIR Parameter Error! line: %d, p = NULL is not expected value! Fatal: get g_hex_base_addr(0x%x) vir addr failed! Warn: eVidStd = %d have not DSP vfmw bin file!! %s failed! SCDDRV_LoadDspCode %s success! Ignore the reset request when the SCD[%d] clock is closed. SCD[%d] ResetSCD ERROR!!! line: %d Get SmID fail! DelRaw err PacketNum = %d, DelNum = %d %s release RawPhyAddr = 0x%x,Len = %d DeleteRawPacket SmID = %d is not expected! %s release RawPhyAddr = 0x%x, Len = %d DeleteRawPacketInBuffer line: %d DelNum = %d,RawPacketOffSet = %d,DelNum = %d,Next Length = %d,is_extern_eop_flag = %d line: %d DelNum = %d,RawPacketOffSet = %d,Next Length = %d line: %d pSmInstArray is NULL! Read_seg SegPacket.PhyAddr=0x%x, LenByte=%d, IsLastSeg=%d -------- forece release seg[%d] ----------- 0x%02x, Release SegPacket.PhyAddr=0x%x,LenByte=%d,IsLastSeg=%d StreamID=%d Array out of bound in function %s ReleaseStreamSeg line: %d, pSmInstArray is NULL! %s %d force to clear SCDState = 0 SM_Reset ScdId is wrong! %s error SM_OpenSCDDrv %s,line: %d %s: g_hex_base_vir_addr = NULL line: %d, SmID = %d, pSmCfg = %p is not expected! line: %d, SmID = %d is not expected! line: %d, SmID = %d, ScdId = %d is not expected! Raw packet TOO BIG! Can't copy to seg! Len: 0x%x line: %d, delet raw failed! [%s %d] VirAddr is null!! SM_CopyRawToSeg copy raw to seg fail Cann't Start SCD, Ret = %d SM_CfgBuf Err! ret =%d Line: %d, start code num from scd state reg: %d, release raw packet anyway! Error, discard raw packet! Line: %d, The length of seg packet is invalid: %d [%s %d] pCurrentStartCodeVirAddr is null!! GetMeg4ModeFlag [%s %d] pNextStartCodeVirAddr is null!! ProcessMpeg4ScdUpMsg ValidSegNum = %d, FilteredSegNum = 0, release raw packet anyway! raw_pts: %lld Get RawPhyAddr=0x%x,Len=%d !!!push raw err!!! FillRawData Chan%d raw full %s: pRawPacket = NULL! FillEopRawStream %s: unkown standard type = %d! %s: Length(%d)+FlagLen(%d) > BufLen(%d) FillEosRawStream %s: FlagLen(%d) > RawPacketLength(%d) Func: %s, buffer has no enough space,(act: %d, header_buf: %d) FillVC1ExtraData Func: %s, buffer has no enough space,(act: %d, str_buf: %d) Func: %s, buffer has no enough space,(act:%d, str_buf: %d, header_buf: %d) Func: %s, buffer has no enough space, (act: %d, str_buf: %d) FillDIVX3ExtraData FillREAL8ExtraData Func: %s, buffer has no enough space,(act:%d, str_buf:%d) %s: RawPacket Length %d <= 0 FillExtraData %s: inst %d no free slot now. SM_OMXVDEC_MapRawVirAddr %s: s_SmIIS.pSmInstArray[%d] is NULL SM_VDEC_MapRawVirAddr %s: map failed mode %d, phy 0x%x, size %d ReadRawStreamData Chan %d FillEosRawStream failed! Chan %d FillExtraData failed! Release this packet failed! RawNum %lld <= RawNumInVfmw %lld No space for raw move, total:%d+%d > max:%d! (%d ms) not release stream seg, release anyway! SM_DoNextInstance Error:now DspState[0]= %d,[1]= %d not except!! Move raw data failed, force to reset scd. SM_SCDIntServeProc %s,%d,SCD(ID = %d) SCDState = %d SCDDRV_CheckDevice %s,%d,SCD(ID = %d) return Idle! Chan %d SCD[%d] Time Out(%d ms), Reset it! %s,%d,SCD(ID = %d) really busy! %s,%d, active scd Success! SCDDRV_ActivateSCD %s prepare to check SCD(%d)/(MAX_SCD_NUM = %d) SM_Wakeup %s,%d,find idle SCD(ID = %d) %s,%d,SCD(ID = %d) return BUSY!! scd time out: t_start,t_now,t_wait = %d,%d,%d ***Print Scd[%d] Vtrl Reg Now DownMsgPhyAddr = %x UpMsgPhyAddr = %x UpLen = %x BufferFirst = %x BufferLast = %x BufferIni = %x ScdProtocol = %x ScdStart = %x ***Print SCD[%d] Down Msg Now DownMsgVirAddr = %x DownMsgPhyAddr = %x DownMsg[%d] = %x ***Print Scd[%d] State Reg Scdover = %d ShortScdNum = %d ScdNum = %d ScdRollAddr = %0x SrcEaten = %d ********** SmID [%d] RawState begin ********** RawHead=%d RawTail=%d RawHistory=%d RawFirstPacketOffset=%d CurShowIndex=%d RawPhyAddr=0x%x RawVirAddr=0x%x RawLength=%d RawPts=%ld ********** SmID [%d] RawState end ********** ********** SmID [%d] SegState begin ********** SegHead=%d SegTail=%d SegCurrent=%d SegBufPhyAddr=%p SegBufVirAddr=%p SegBufSize=%d SegBufReadAddr=%p SegBufWriteAddr=%pd SegPhyAddr=0x%x SegVirAddr=0x%x SegLength=%d SegStreamID=%d SegState=%d SegIsLastSeg=%d SegPts=%lld ********** SmID [%d] SegState end ********** %-50s%50d clear curr slice. line %d: flush dpb return %d clear all dec para %s DPB.fs[%d] = NULL RemoveFrameStoreOutDPB frame %d, state=%d, is already output plfs(fs=%p, eFoState=%d) is null, logic_fs_id = %d not used frame: (%d,%d) frame skip: is_used=%d,skip=%d topfield skip: is_used=%d,skip=%d bottom field skip: is_used=%d,skip=%d err(%d) > out_thr(%d) stream frame packing type is %d! what can we do? pH264Ctx is %p, pFrameStore is %p line; %d pstLogicFsImage is NULL! InsertVO err:%d, ClearAll H264.c line %d: frame para err(ret=%d), recycle image self line: %d pstLogicFsImage is NULL! NULL pointer: %s, L%d device/hisilicon/sdk/source/msp/api/vfmw/vfmw_v5.0/core/syntax/h264.c framestore %d allocate apc %d find APC, but logic_fs_id %d abnormal(ref=%d,plfs=%p, pdfs=%p) [%s %d], pos is %d out of range line %d, get APC error, ret %d InserFrmInDPB: cur pic struct = %d! [%s][%d] OutputFrmToVO return %d DirectOutput pH264Ctx->DPB.fs[%d]: frame_num=%d poc=%d is_reference=%d pH264Ctx->DPB.fs_ref[%d]: frame_num=%d poc=%d is_reference=%d pH264Ctx->DPB.fs_ref[%d]: frame.poc=%d CurrPic.state is 'EMPTY' StorePicInDPB return(%d) from L%d directoutput mode line: %d pImg is NULL! line %d, REPORT_IFRAME_ERR line %d, return %d err(%d) > ref_thr(%d) marking return %d return value is unexpeced! line %d: pH264Ctx->DPB.size = %d, ref %d, ltref %d %s: pos(%d) = pre_pos, force return. StorePicInDPB VFMW ** release streambuff=%p bitstream_length=%d resolution error, ImageWidth=%d, ImageHeight=%d ERROR: FSP_ConfigInstance fail! slice_type %d invalid, clear current slice. pRepairPic(%p)/found(%d) = 0, clear current slice. listXsize[%d] = %d, clear current slice. for P slice size of list equal 0. for B slice size of two list all equal 0. list[%d][%d]: frame_num=%d, poc=%d L0: %dt %db L1: init list error. L0: list after init. L0: list after reorder. InitDPB FS_ALLOC_ERR, ClearAll Can not new logic fs! ClearAll GAP found while DPB is empty! frame num gap try to fill it CurrFrameNum = %d UnusedShortTermFrameNum = %d cann't allocate frame store when gap find allocate frame store when gap find line %d: store gap pic err, ret=%d %s %d frame_store is null!! InitPic get back frm line %d: init dpb return %d mem arrange err, ClearAll line %d: frame gap(=%d) > dpb size(=%d) line %d: dec gap failed line %d: alloc framestore failed dec_pts: %lld dec_usertag: %lld %s %d NULL == pH264Ctx->CurrPic.frame_store!! nal_ref_idc=%d, structure=%d, image_id=%d, pmv_idc=%d logic frame id(=%d): get LogicFs error! phy fs is null: pstDecodeFs = %p, pstDispOutFs = %p line: %d pstLogicFs is null ----------------- Imode -> %d ------------------ I_MODE but first_mb_in_slice != 0 Discard this B(poc=%d) befor P, is_ref_idc=%d. ***** VDM start, TotalPicNum=%d, pH264Ctx->CurrPic.structure=%d. SH: first_mb_in_slice slicecheck first_mb_in_slice >= MAX_MB_NUM_IN_PIC error. SH: slice_type slice type = %d slice type = %d, err slice pps id = %d pps with this pic_parameter_set_id = %d havn't decode sps with this pic_parameter_set_id = %d havn't decode tmp slice pps id = %d PPSSPSCheckTmpId: pps with this pic_parameter_set_id = %d havn't decode PPSSPSCheckTmpId: seq_parameter_set_id out of range. PPSSPSCheckTmpId: sps with this pic_parameter_set_id = %d havn't decode new pic flag = %d SH: ref_pic_list_reordering_flag_l0 SH: reordering_of_pic_nums_idc_l0 reorder idc l0 = %d, g_SeErrFlag=%d SH: abs_diff_pic_num_minus1_l0 abs_diff_pic_num_minus1_l0 = %d, g_SeErrFlag=%d SH: long_term_pic_idx_l0 num of idc l0 exceed SH: ref_pic_list_reordering_flag_l1 SH: reordering_of_pic_nums_idc_l1 reorder idc l1 = %d, g_SeErrFlag=%d SH: abs_diff_pic_num_minus1_l1 abs_diff_pic_num_minus1_l1 = %d, g_SeErrFlag=%d SH: long_term_pic_idx_l1 num of idc l1 exceed SH: luma_log2_weight_denom SH: chroma_log2_weight_denom WP log2 exceed and err flag = %d SH: luma_weight_flag_l0 SH: luma_weight_l0 SH: luma_offset_l0 SH: chroma_weight_flag_l0 SH: chroma_weight_l0 SH: chroma_offset_l0 SH: luma_weight_flag_l1 SH: luma_weight_l1 SH: luma_offset_l1 SH: chroma_weight_flag_l1 SH: chroma_weight_l1 SH: chroma_offset_l1 overflow MAX_MMCO_LEN SH: memory_management_control_operation SH: difference_of_pic_nums_minus1 SH: long_term_pic_num SH: long_term_frame_idx SH: max_long_term_frame_idx_plus1 mmco exceed 6 SH: no_output_of_prior_pics_flag SH: long_term_reference_flag IDR and no_output_of_prior_pics_flag = %d SH: adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag = %d MMCO para would save dec err mulitislice diff no_out_of_prior_pics_flag, used first. mulitislice diff long_term_reference_flag, used first. mulitislice diff adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag, used first. TotalPicNum=%d, SliceNumInPic=%d, TotalNal=%d SH: pic_parameter_set_id pps id:%d in sliceheader err PPS or SPS of this slice not valid recover point but isn't I_SLICE. SH: frame_num IDR NAL but frame_num!=0. SH: field_pic_flag SH: bottom_field_flag field first_mb_in_slice bigger than pic size frame first_mb_in_slice bigger than pic size SH: idr_pic_id idr_pic_id bigger than 65535 SH: pic_order_cnt_lsb SH: delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom SH: delta_pic_order_cnt[0] SH: delta_pic_order_cnt[1] SH: redundant_pic_cnt redundant pic not support. first_mb_in_slice in currslice small than prevslice in same pic SH: direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag SH: num_ref_idx_override_flag SH: num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 SH: num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 frame num_ref_idx_lx_active_minus1 exceed field num_ref_idx_lx_active_minus1 exceed reordering para dec err apply_weights_flag=%d wpt dec err mark para dec err SH: cabac_init_idc cabac_init_idc bigger than 3 SH: slice_qp_delta SH: disable_deblocking_filter_idc disable_deblocking_filter_idc dec err SH: slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2 slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2 dec err SH: slice_beta_offset_div2 slice_beta_offset_div2 dec err pH264Ctx->pCurrNal->nal_bitoffset = %d; code_len_byte = %d; bitstream_length = %d; pH264Ctx->pCurrNal->nal_trail_zero_bit_num = %d stream[%d]: bitsoffset = %d; valid_bitlen = %d; bytespos = %x nal_segment = %d is not expected value stream[%d]: bitsoffset = %d; valid_bitlen = %d Slice nal or IDR nal = %d sliceheader dec err Start Reason: SliceParaNum, MaxBytesReceived = %d, %d(thr=%d) Too many slice or bitstream, err! Start Reason: new_pic_flag init pic err, find next recover point or next valid sps, pps, or exit DecList error, ret=%d dec list err, cur pic poc %d. : delta_sl PPS: pic_parameter_set_id pic_parameter_set_id out of range. PPS: seq_parameter_set_id seq_parameter_set_id out of range. SPS haven't decode. %s: PPS decode error 1. H264_DecPPS %s: PPS decode error 2. PPS: entropy_coding_mode_flag PPS: pic_order_present_flag PPS: num_slice_groups_minus1 Baseline stream with FMO, not support. PPS: num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 out of range. PPS: num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 out of range. PPS: weighted prediction flag PPS: weighted_bipred_idc weighted_bipred_idc out of range PPS: pic_init_qp_minus26 PPS: pic_init_qs_minus26 PPS: chroma_qp_index_offset PPS: deblocking_filter_control_present_flag PPS: constrained_intra_pred_flag PPS: redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag redundant pic not support when find redundant slice later, exit PPS: transform_8x8_mode_flag PPS: pic_scaling_matrix_present_flag SPS: seq_scaling_list_present_flag PPS: pic_scaling_list_present_flag PPS: second_chroma_qp_index_offset second_chroma_qp_index_offset out of range. VUI: aspect_ratio_info_present_flag VUI: aspect_ratio_idc VUI: sar_width VUI: sar_height VUI: overscan_info_present_flag VUI: overscan_appropriate_flag VUI: video_signal_type_present_flag VUI: video_format VUI: video_full_range_flag VUI: color_description_present_flag VUI: colour_primaries VUI: transfer_characteristics VUI: matrix_coefficients VUI: chroma_loc_info_present_flag VUI: chroma_sample_loc_type_top_field VUI: chroma_sample_loc_type_bottom_field VUI: timing_info_present_flag VUI: num_units_in_tick VUI: time_scale VUI: fixed_frame_rate_flag VUI: nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag VUI: cpb_cnt_minus1 VUI: bit_rate_scale VUI: cpb_size_scale hrd->cpb_cnt_minus1 out of range VUI: bit_rate_value_minus1 VUI: cpb_size_value_minus1 VUI: cbr_flag VUI: initial_cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1 VUI: cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1 VUI: dpb_output_delay_length_minus1 VUI: time_offset_length VUI: vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag VUI: low_delay_hrd_flag VUI: pic_struct_present_flag VUI: bitstream_restriction_flag VUI: motion_vectors_over_pic_boundaries_flag VUI: max_bytes_per_pic_denom VUI: max_bits_per_mb_denom VUI: log2_max_mv_length_horizontal VUI: log2_max_mv_length_vertical VUI: num_reorder_frames VUI: max_dec_frame_buffering dar=%d, final_dar=%d SPS: chroma_format_idc pSPS->chroma_format_idc = %d out of range. SPS: bit_depth_luma_minus8 bit_depth_luma(%d) not equal 8. SPS: bit_depth_chroma_minus8 bit_depth_chroma(%d) not equal 8. SPS: qpprime_y_zero_trans_bypass_flag qpprime_y_zero_trans_bypass_flag not equal 0. SPS: seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag SPS: log2_max_frame_num_minus4 pSPS->log2_max_frame_num_minus4 out of range. SPS: pic_order_cnt_type pSPS->pic_order_cnt_type out of range. SPS: log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 pSPS->log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 out of range. SPS: delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag SPS: offset_for_non_ref_pic SPS: offset_for_top_to_bottom_field SPS: num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle pSPS->num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle out of range. SPS: offset_for_ref_frame[i] SPS: num_ref_frames SPS: gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag SPS: pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 pSPS->pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 out of range(=%d). SPS: pic_height_in_map_units_minus1 SPS: frame_mbs_only_flag SPS: mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag pSPS->pic_height_in_map_units_minus1 out of range. pic size too large. level_idc %d not support. dpb size according level : %d pSPS->num_ref_frames(%d) > DPB size(%d), try to select the reasonable one. SPS: direct_8x8_inference_flag SPS: frame_cropping_flag SPS: frame_cropping_rect_left_offset SPS: frame_cropping_rect_right_offset SPS: frame_cropping_rect_top_offset SPS: frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset SPS: vui_parameters_present_flag max_dec_frame_buffering(%d) > MaxDpbSize(%d) SPS_SVC_EXT: inter_layer_deblocking_filter_control_present_flag inter_layer_present_flag:%d! SPS_SVC_EXT: extended_spatial_scalability_idc spatial scalability not support!! SPS_SVC_EXT: chroma_phase_x_plus1_flag chroma_phase_x_plus1_flag:%d!! SPS_SVC_EXT: chroma_phase_y_plus1 chroma_phase_y_plus1:%d! SPS_SVC_EXT: seq_tcoeff_level_prediction_flag SPS_SVC_EXT: adaptive_tcoeff_level_prediction_flag adaptive_tcoeff_level_prediction_flag:%d! SPS_SVC_EXT: slice_header_restriction_flag slice_header_restriction_flag error:%d,%x,%d SPS: profile_idc SPS: constrained_set0_flag SPS: constrained_set1_flag SPS: constrained_set2_flag SPS: constrained_set3_flag SPS: reserved_zero_4bits SPS: level_idc SPS: seq_parameter_set_id Baseline stream, try to decode, exit when FMO occurred. EXTENDED stream, try to decode, exit when datapartition occurred. others High profile stream, try to decode, exit when high profile not support occurred. profile_idc = %5d error, try to decode as main profile. level_idc = %5d error, try to decode as level_idc %d. Line %d: SPS[%d] decode error. svc ext error: SEI: frame_packing_arrangement_id SEI: frame_packing_arrangement_cancel_flag SEI: frame_packing_arrangement_type SEI: quincunx_sampling_flag SEI: content_interpretation_type SEI: spatial_flipping_flag SEI: frame0_flipped_flag SEI: field_views_flag SEI: current_frame_is_frame0_flag SEI: frame0_self_contained_flag SEI: frame1_self_contained_flag SEI: frame0_grid_position_x SEI: frame0_grid_position_y SEI: frame1_grid_position_x SEI: frame1_grid_position_y SEI: frame_packing_arrangement_reserved_byte SEI: frame_packing_arrangement_repetition_period SEI: frame_packing_arrangement_extension_flag DecPicTimingSEI but SPS is invalid. SEI: cpb_removal_delay SEI: dpb_output_delay pic_struct SEI nal dec payload type err SEI nal dec payloadSize err SEI_BUFFERING_PERIOD,offset = %d,payload_size = %d PassBytes err [%s][%d] H264_DecSEI SEI_PIC_TIMING,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_PAN_SCAN_RECT,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_FILLER_PAYLOAD,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_USER_DATA_REGISTERED_ITU_T_T35, offset = %d, payload_size = %d SEI_USER_DATA_UNREGISTERED, offset = %d, payload_size = %d SEI: itu_t_t35_country_code SEI: itu_t_t35_country_code_extension_byte SEI: itu_t_t35_provider_code len_tmp = %d cann't dec usrdata cann't dec usrdata SEI_RECOVERY_POINT,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_DEC_REF_PIC_MARKING_REPETITION,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_SPARE_PIC,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_SCENE_INFO,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_SUB_SEQ_INFO,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_SUB_SEQ_LAYER_CHARACTERISTICS,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_SUB_SEQ_CHARACTERISTICS,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_FULL_FRAME_FREEZE,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_FULL_FRAME_FREEZE_RELEASE,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_FULL_FRAME_SNAPSHOT,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_PROGRESSIVE_REFINEMENT_SEGMENT_START,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_PROGRESSIVE_REFINEMENT_SEGMENT_END,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_MOTION_CONSTRAINED_SLICE_GROUP_SET,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_FILM_GRAIN_CHARACTERISTICS,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_DEBLOCKING_FILTER_DISPLAY_PREFERENCE,offset = %d,payload_size = %d SEI_STEREO_VIDEO_INFO,offset = %d,payload_size = %d too much usrdat, cann't dec SEI DecVDM ERR pH264Ctx->TotalNal = %d, type:%d stop i want svc_extension_flag error:priority_id:%d, pred_flag%d %d,%d,%d svc stream,nal_header:%x ***** NAL: IDR/Slice, nal_unit_type=%d, TotalSlice=%d SliceCheck failed, clear current slice. ***** NAL: PPS, nal_unit_type=%d, TotalPPS=%d %s: PPS decode error. H264_DecOneNal ***** NAL: SPS, nal_unit_type=%d, TotalSPS=%d SPS decode error. ***** NAL: SEI, nal_unit_type=%d SEI decode error. ***** NAL: AUD, nal_unit_type=%d ***** NAL: EOSEQ, nal_unit_type=%d ***** NAL: FILL, nal_unit_type=%d ***** NAL: EOSTREAM, nal_unit_type=%d ***** NAL: SPSEXT, nal_unit_type=%d ***** NAL: AUX, nal_unit_type=%d ***** NAL: EOPIC, nal_unit_type=%d ***** NAL: UNSUPPORT, nal_unit_type=%d,nalu header:%x ***** NAL: UNSUPPORT, nal_unit_type=%d the stream is error,len:%d END of the bit buffer, copy the first packet! 0:phy:0x%x, 1:phy:0x%x; len0:%d len1:%d 0:phy:0x%x, len0:%d receive streambuff=%p; phy_addr=0x%x; bitstream_length=%d nal_release_err cann't find slot for current nal receive a zero packet %s %d unknow error!! H264DEC_Init H264Dec destroy %s:%d Metadata map failed H264_VES_Splitter %s:%d Metadata unmap failed *****[%s][%d],EL Codec can only dec EL stream in DV_DUAL_VES_IMP stream!!***** ***** VES Splitter: UNSUPPORT, HDR_capacity=%d***** FindTrailZeros ERR H264_DecOneNal ERR H264 recycle image store pic err, ret = %d pH264Ctx->CurrPic.frame_store is null pointer imode nal store pic err, ret = %d imode nal flush dpb err, ret = %d cann't find FrameStore ========== H264 FrameStore state(is_used, is_in_dpb, IsOutDPB) ======== %02d: %d %d %d ReadImgNum = %d, NewImgNum = %d FrameStore leak, ClearAll exg_pts: %lld <-> %lld H264HAL_V4R3C1_InitHal return error. H264HAL_V4R3C1_CutSliceChain can not map slice msg virtual address! qmatrix[%d] = 0x%x picmsg Dxx addr 0x%x = 0x%x Before slicemsg D[%d] tmp =0x%x,bitsoffset =0x%x,bytespos = 0x%x slicemsg D[%d] addr 0x%x = 0x%x slicemsg g_pListX[1][0]->frame_store->pmv_address_idc = %d slicemsg D[6] addr 0x%x = 0x%x slicemsg D[7] addr 0x%x = 0x%x slicemsg D[%d] address 0x%x = 0x%x slicemsg burst1 D0~D31, burst2 D0~31, burst3 D0~D31 list0size = %d luma_lg = %d wp_weight_l0_y = %d wp_offset_l0_y = %d wp_weight_l1_y = %d wp_offset_l1_y = %d chroma_lg = %d wp_weight_l0_u = %d wp_offset_l0_u = %d wp_weight_l1_u = %d wp_offset_l1_u = %d wp_weight_l0_v = %d wp_offset_l0_v = %d wp_weight_l1_v = %d wp_offset_l1_v = %d slicemsg burst1 D32~D63, burst2 D32~63, burst3 D32~D63 list1size = %d H264HAL_CheckParaValid point of picture para null picture width out of range point of fst slice para null VdhId is wrong! H264HAL_StartDec H264HAL_V4R3C1_CfgVdmReg BASIC_V4R3C1_CFG0 = 0x%x BASIC_V4R3C1_CFG1 = 0x%x AVM_V4R3C1_ADDR = 0x%x VAM_V4R3C1_ADDR = 0x%x STREAM_V4R3C1_BASE_ADDR = 0x%x VREG_PART_DEC_OVER_INT_LEVEL=0x%x VREG_LINE_NUM_STADDR = 0x%x YSTADDR_V4R3C1_1D = 0x%x YSTRIDE_V4R3C1_1D = 0x%x UVOFFSET_V4R3C1_1D = 0x%x HEAD_INF_OFFSET_V4R3C1_1D = 0x%x PPFD_V4R3C1_BUF_ADDR = 0x%x PPFD_V4R3C1_BUF_LEN = 0x%x REF_V4R3C1_PIC_TYPE = 0x%x FF_V4R3C1_APT_EN = 0x%x line %d pSlicePara is NULL! H264HAL_V4R3C1_SetPicMsg can not map down msg virtual address! picmsg D[0] addr 0x%x = 0x%x picmsg D[1] addr 0x%x = 0x%x picmsg D[2] addr 0x%x = 0x%x picmsg D[3] addr 0x%x = 0x%x picmsg D[4] addr 0x%x = 0x%x picmsg D[5] addr 0x%x = 0x%x picmsg D[6] addr 0x%x = 0x%x picmsg D[7] addr 0x%x = 0x%x picmsg D[8] addr 0x%x = 0x%x picmsg D[9] addr 0x%x = 0x%x picmsg D[%d] addr 0x%x = 0x%x picmsg D[26] addr 0x%x = 0x%x H264HAL_V4R3C1_SetSliceMsg slicemsg D[4] addr 0x%x = 0x%x slicemsg D[5] addr 0x%x = 0x%x slicemsg D[8] addr 0x%x = 0x%x slicemsg D[9] addr 0x%x = 0x%x ***********************H264HAL_StartDec is Now %d*********************** pSlicePara = NULL! line %d Set slice msg not wrong! !!! no slice to dec, add up msg report. %s %d MVC_OK != MVC_FlushDPB!! MVC_ClearDPB %s %d MVC_OK != MVC_InitDPB!! MVC_ClearAll MVC_FRAME %d, state=%d, is already output not used MVC_FRAME: (%d,%d) MVC_FRAME skip: is_used=%d,skip=%d topfield skip bottom field skip stream MVC_FRAME packing type is %d! what can we do? pH264Ctx is %#x, pFrameStore is %#x line: %d, pstLogicFsImage is NULL InsertVO err:%d, MVC_ClearAll mvc.c line %d: MVC_FRAME para err(ret=%d), recycle image self device/hisilicon/sdk/source/msp/api/vfmw/vfmw_v5.0/core/syntax/mvc.c [%s][%d] MVC_OutputFrmToVO return %d ! MVC_DirectOutput pMvcCtx->DPB.fs[%d]: frame_num=%d poc=%d is_reference=%d pMvcCtx->DPB.fs_ref[%d]: frame_num=%d poc=%d is_reference=%d pMvcCtx->DPB.fs_ref[%d]: MVC_FRAME.poc=%d CurrPic.state is 'MVC_EMPTY' MVC_StorePicInDpb return(%d) from L%d Is IDR, but init DPB failed! Is IDR, but FlushDPB failed! MVC_DirectOutput mode MVC_Marking return %d line %d: pMvcCtx->DPB.size = %d, ref %d, ltref %d line %d, MVC_GetMinPOC failed MVC_StorePicInDpb for P slice size of list equal 0(1st). for P slice size of list equal 0(2nd). [%s][%d] MVC_OutputFrmToVO return %d MVC_InitDPB In one access unit,all non-base view should have the same subsps! sps but mvc flag %d is wrong line: %d, pImage is NULL! FS_ALLOC_ERR, MVC_ClearAll Can not new logic fs! MVC_ClearAll GAP found while DPB is MVC_EMPTY! MVC_FRAME num gap try to fill it cann't allocate MVC_FRAME store when gap find allocate MVC_FRAME store when gap find resolution error, the CAP_LEVEL_USER_DEFINE_WITH_OPTION channel with s32ReRangeEn == 0 can't support such bitstream. s32MaxRefFrameNum < pMvcCtx->DPB.size, the CAP_LEVEL_USER_DEFINE_WITH_OPTION channel can't support such bitstream. mem arrange err, MVC_ClearAll line %d: MVC_FRAME gap(=%d) > dpb size(=%d) MVC_FRAME num gap don't allowed but gap find line %d: frame num(%d/%d) find gap in NON-I slice but here gap is not allowed line %d: CurrPic.frame_store is NULL logic MVC_FRAME id(=%d): get LogicFs error! fuction return value is null,%s %d unknow error!! MVC_WriteSliceMsg ----------------- MVC_IMODE -> %d ------------------ ***** VDM start, TotalPicNum=%d, pMvcCtx->CurrPic.structure=%d. MVC_SliceCheck first_mb_in_slice >= MAX_MB_NUM_IN_PIC error. sps with this pic_parameter_set_id havn't decode subsps with this seq_parameter_set_id = %d havn't decoded MVC_PPSSPSCheckTmpId: pps with this pic_parameter_set_id = %d havn't decode MVC_PPSSPSCheckTmpId: seq_parameter_set_id out of range. MVC_PPSSPSCheckTmpId: sps with this pic_parameter_set_id = %d havn't decode SH: abs_diff_view_idx_minus1_l0 SH: abs_diff_view_idx_minus1_l1 overflow MVC_MAX_MMCO_LEN MVC_PPSSPSCheck failed, PPS or SPS of this slice not valid MVC_FRAME first_mb_in_slice bigger than pic size MVC_FRAME num_ref_idx_lx_active_minus1 exceed pMvcCtx->pCurrNal->nal_bitoffset = %d; code_len_byte = %d; bitstream_length = %d; pMvcCtx->pCurrNal->nal_trail_zero_bit_num = %d MVC_DecList error, ret=%d dec list err. pic_parameter_set_id(%d) out of range. PPS decode error line: %d. MVC_BASELINE stream with FMO, not support. pSPS->chroma_format_idc out of range. bit_depth_luma_minus8 not equal 0. bit_depth_chroma_minus8 not equal 0. SPS: constrained_set4_flag SPS: constrained_set5_flag SPS: reserved_zero_2bits MVC_BASELINE stream, try to decode, exit when FMO occurred. MVC_EXTENDED stream, try to decode, exit when datapartition occurred. SUBSPS: num_views_minus1 pSubsps->num_views_minus1(%d) out of range. SUBSPS: view_id[] SUBSPS: num_anchor_refs_l0[] pSubsps->num_anchor_refs_l0(%d) out of range. SUBSPS: anchor_ref_l0[][] SUBSPS: num_anchor_refs_l1[] pSubsps->num_anchor_refs_l1(%d) out of range. SUBSPS: anchor_ref_l1[][] SUBSPS: num_non_anchor_refs_l0[] pSubsps->num_non_anchor_refs_l0(%d) out of range. SUBSPS: non_anchor_ref_l0[][] SUBSPS: num_non_anchor_refs_l1[] pSubsps->num_non_anchor_refs_l1(%d) out of range. SUBSPS: non_anchor_ref_l1[][] SUBSPS: num_level_values_signalled_minus1 num_level(%d) out of range. SUBSPS: level_idc[] SUBSPS: num_applicable_ops_minus1 num_ops(%d) out of range. SUBSPS: applicable_op_temporal_id[][] SUBSPS: applicable_op_num_target_views_minus1[][] applicable_op_num_target_views(%d) out of range. SUBSPS: applicable_op_target_view_id[][][] SUBSPS: applicable_op_num_views_minus1 pSubsps->applicable_op_num_views_minus1(%d) out of range. MVC VUI: vui_mvc_num_ops_minus1 vui_mvc_num_ops_minus1 %d out of range MVC VUI: vui_mvc_temporal_id[] SUBSPS VUI: vui_mvc_num_target_output_views_minus1[] vui_mvc_num_target_output_views_minus1 %d out of range MVC VUI: vui_mvc_view_id[][] MVC VUI: vui_mvc_timing_info_present_flag MVC VUI: vui_mvc_num_units_in_tick MVC VUI: vui_mvc_time_scale[] MVC VUI: vui_mvc_fixed_frame_rate_flag MVC VUI: vui_mvc_nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag[] MVC VUI: cpb_cnt_minus1 MVC VUI: bit_rate_scale MVC VUI: cpb_size_scale MVC VUI: bit_rate_value_minus1 MVC VUI: cpb_size_value_minus1 MVC VUI: cbr_flag MVC VUI: initial_cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1 MVC VUI: cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1 MVC VUI: dpb_output_delay_length_minus1 MVC VUI: time_offset_length MVC VUI: vui_mvc_vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag[] MVC VUI: vui_mvc_low_delay_hrd_flag[] MVC VUI: vui_mvc_pic_struct_present_flag[] SUBSPS: profile_idc SUBSPS: constrained_set0_flag SUBSPS: constrained_set1_flag SUBSPS: constrained_set2_flag SUBSPS: constrained_set3_flag SUBSPS: constrained_set4_flag SUBSPS: constrained_set5_flag SUBSPS: reserved_zero_2bits SUBSPS: level_idc SUBSPS: seq_parameter_set_id profile_idc = %5d error level_idc = %5d error, try to decode as level_idc 41. SUBSPS decode error. SUBSPS: bit_equal_to_one SUBSPS Mvc Ext decode error. SUBSPS: mvc_vui_parameters_present_flag SUBSPS Mvc Vui Ext decode error. MVC_SEI_BUFFERING_PERIOD,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_PassBytes err [%s][%d] MVC_DecSEI MVC_SEI_PIC_TIMING,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_PAN_SCAN_RECT,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_FILLER_PAYLOAD,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_USER_DATA_REGISTERED_ITU_T_T35, offset = %d, payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_USER_DATA_UNREGISTERED, offset = %d, payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_RECOVERY_POINT,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_DEC_REF_PIC_MARKING_REPETITION,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_SPARE_PIC,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_SCENE_INFO,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_SUB_SEQ_INFO,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_SUB_SEQ_LAYER_CHARACTERISTICS,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_SUB_SEQ_CHARACTERISTICS,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_FULL_FRAME_FREEZE,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_FULL_FRAME_FREEZE_RELEASE,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_FULL_FRAME_SNAPSHOT,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_PROGRESSIVE_REFINEMENT_SEGMENT_START,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_PROGRESSIVE_REFINEMENT_SEGMENT_END,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_MOTION_CONSTRAINED_SLICE_GROUP_SET,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_FILM_GRAIN_CHARACTERISTICS,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_DEBLOCKING_FILTER_DISPLAY_PREFERENCE,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_SEI_STEREO_VIDEO_INFO,offset = %d,payload_size = %d MVC_DecVDM fail [%s][%d] MVC_FlushDecoder pMvcCtx->TotalNal = %d, type:%d *******TotalPicNum=%d******** PPS decode error. ***** NAL: PREFIX, nal_unit_type=%d ***** NAL: SUBSPS, nal_unit_type=%d nal_header != 0x00000100 not support. mvc the stream is error,len:%d nal_releaMVC_SE_ERR MVC_InquireSliceProperty mvc flag %d is wrong %s %d NULL== pMvcCtx->SPS || NULL == pMvcCtx->PPS || NULL == pMvcCtx->DecSlicePara!! MVC_DEC_Init MvcDec destroy IsSizeChanged = %d,TotalPicNum = %d,old w/h = %d/%d,new w/h = %d/%d MVC_FindTrailZeros ERR MVC recycle image MVC_IMODE nal store pic err, ret = %d MVC_IMODE nal flush dpb err, ret = %d ========== MVC FrameStore state(is_used, is_in_dpb, MVC_IsOutDPB) ======== FrameStore leak, MVC_ClearAll metadatasize is too large:%d at line:%d HEVC_VES_Splitter *****[%s][%d],BL Codec can only dec BL stream!!***** dar=%d --------------- PrintNaluArraySlot START --------------- NalArray[%d]=%p,is_valid=%d --------------- PrintNaluArraySlot END --------------- --------------- PrintCurrSlicelistX START --------------- List0, size: %d pListX[0][%d]:%p pFrameStore:%p pLogicFs:%p List1, size: %d pListX[1][%d]: %p --------------- PrintCurrSlicelistX END --------------- --------------- PrintFrameStoreState START --------------- Fs=%d, pFs=%p, state=%d, is_reference=%d, is_displayed=%d p_usrdat[%d]=%p --------------- PrintFrameStoreState END --------------- --------------- PrintAPCState START --------------- Layer %d: APC.used_size:%d, APC.size:%d %d: is_used=%d, idc=%d, poc=%d --------------- PrintAPCState END --------------- --------------- PrintDPBState START --------------- DPB: size:%d, used_size:%d, negative:%d, positive:%d, longterm:%d fs[%d]:%p view %d non_existing:%d state:%d is_ref:%d displayed:%d poc:%d long_term:%d LogicFs:%p, fsp_ref:%d fsp_disp:%d logic_id:%d img_id:%d fs[%d] LogicFs:%p LogicTick:%d IsRef:%d DispState:%d LogicFs:Null DecFs:%p DecTick:%d DecFs:Null DispFs:%p DispTick:%d DispFs:Null --------------- PrintDPBState END --------------- Init dec para VPS decode error. %s num_tile_columns(%d) out of range(0, %d]. HEVC_CalcTileInfo %s num_tile_rows(%d) out of range(0, %d]. %s 0 idx(%d) out of range(0, 512). %s 1 idx(%d) out of range(0, 512). vps_base_layer_available_flag(%d) not equal 0x1. vps_max_layers_minus1 %d out of range[0,63]. vps_max_sub_layers_minus1=%d vps_reserved_0xffff_16bits not equal 0xffff. VPS HEVC_DecPTL error. vps_num_layer_sets_minus1(%d) out of range(0,%d). vps_num_hrd_parameters(%d) out of range[0,%d]. VPS HEVC_DecHrdParam error. pVPS->vps_video_parameter_set_id out of range(0,15). VPS[%d] decode error0. VPS[%d] decode error1. pSPS->chroma_format_idc out of range(0,3). pSPS->chroma_format_idc not equal(%d) 1. pic_width_in_luma_samples out of range(0,8192). pic_height_in_luma_samples out of range(0,4096). ERROR Unkown level: %d conf_win_left_offset+conf_win_right_offset out of range. conf_win_top_offset+conf_win_bottom_offset out of range. bit_depth_luma(%d) out of range(8,14). bit_depth_chroma(%d) out of range[8,14]. log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 out of range[0,12]. log2_min_luma_coding_block_size_minus3 out of range(0,3). log2_diff_max_min_luma_coding_block_size out of range(0,3). log2_ctb_sizeY out of range(4,6). log2_min_transform_block_size_minus2 out of range(0,3). log2_diff_max_min_transform_block_size out of range(0,3). quadtree_tu_log2_min_size not less than log2_min_cb_sizeY. quadtree_tu_log2_max_size greater than Min( CtbLog2SizeY, 5 ). max_transform_hierarchy_depth_inter out of range(0,CtbLog2SizeY-Log2MinTrafoSize). max_transform_hierarchy_depth_intra out of range(0,CtbLog2SizeY-Log2MinTrafoSize). SPS HEVC_DecScalingListData error. SPS sao is off and pic height(%d) is too small.(Logic Unsupported). log2_min_pcm_coding_block_size_minus3(%d) out of range[0,2]. log2_diff_max_min_pcm_coding_block_size(%d) out of range[0,2]. pcm_log2_max_size greater than Min( CtbLog2SizeY, 5 ). num_short_term_ref_pic_sets out of range[0,%d]. SPS HEVC_DecShortTermRefPicSet error. num_long_term_ref_pic_sps out of range[0,32]. SPS HEVC_DecVuiParam error. sps_video_parameter_set_id out of range(0,%d). sps_max_sub_layers_minus1 out of range(0,%d). SPS HEVC_DecPTL error. sps_seq_parameter_set_id out of range(0,%d). SPS[%d] decode error0. SPS[%d] decode error. pic_parameter_set_id(%d) out of range[0,15]. SPS(%d) haven't decode. num_ref_idx_l0_default_active out of range[0,15]. num_ref_idx_l1_default_active out of range[0,15]. pic_init_qp(%d) out of range[-%d,51]. diff_cu_qp_delta_depth out of range[0,3]. pic_cb_qp_offset out of range[-12,12]. pic_cr_qp_offset out of range[-12,12]. num_tile_columns(%d) out of range(0,%d). num_tile_rows out(%d) of range(0,%d). Logic limit(%d), num_tile_columns(%d) exceed. Logic limit(%d), num_tile_rows(%d) exceed. column_width[%d](%d) out of range (0 %d) row_height[%d](%d) out of range (0 %d) column_bd[%d](%d) <= 0, invalid! row_bd[%d](%d) <= 0, invalid! PPS tile width(%d) is too small.(Logic Unsupport) PPS tile height(%d) is too small.(Logic Unsupport) pps_beta_offset_div2(%d) out of range(-6,6). pps_tc_offset_div2(%d) out of range(-6,6). PPS HEVC_DecScalingListData error. log2_parallel_merge_level(%d) out of range(2,log2_ctb_sizeY). pic_parameter_set_id(%d) out of range(0,%d). PPS[%d] decode error. SEI pSEISPS = NULL. SEI HEVC_SeiMessage error. SEI BsIsByteAligned error. SEI rbsp_trailing_bits(%d) not equal 0x80. line:%d Cosume TotalPos(%d > %d)!!! HEVC_SeiMessage HEVC_Sei_Payload error. nesting_num_ops_minus1 out of range(0,%d) nesting_num_layers_minus1 out of range(0,63) num_entries_in_sop_minus1 out of range(0,1024) Unsupport: target_bit_depth(%d) > 8 pTon->num_pivots > 256 frame_packing_arrangement_type(%d) out of range pAct->num_sps_ids_minus1 > 15 Wrong bp_seq_parameter_set_id = %d, should be 0 to 15! pPic->num_decoding_units_minus1 > 255 HEVC_Sei_User_Data_Registered_Itu_T_T35 payloadSize < 4!! HEVC_Sei_User_Data_Unregistered payloadSize < 16 pListX[0][%d] = NULL, listXsize[0] = %d pListX[0][%d]->frame_store = NULL, listXsize[0] = %d pListX[0][%d] frame_store(%p), pstLogicFs(%p) invalid pListX[1][%d] = NULL, listXsize[1] = %d pListX[1][%d]->frame_store = NULL, listXsize[1] = %d pListX[i][%d] pstLogicFs(%p) invalid %s DPB.used_size(%d) >= 17. HEVC_GetUnRefPicWithMinPoc %s can't find such pic. %s find pos=%d, poc=%d. %s DPB.size(%d) already reached max(%d). HEVC_IncreaseDPBSize %s increase DPB size to %d %s no enough fs(total_fs_num=%d) to increase DPB size. %s call HEVC_GetUnRefPicWithMinPoc failed HEVC_OutputUnRefPicWithMinPoc %s call HEVC_OutputOneFrmFromDPB failed %s: DPB.used_size(%d) >= DPB.size(%d), need to increase DPB size. HEVC_RecoverDPBProcess %s call HEVC_IncreaseDPBSize failed %s: DPB.used_size(%d) >= DPB.size(%d), output minpoc frame. Ref frame(poc %d) lost. s32OutErrThr = %d,drop poc %d because lost ref frame(pod %d) %s call HEVC_FlushOutputFrmFromDPB failed HEVC_DecSlice %s call HEVC_EmptyFrmFromDPB failed Meet CRA frame, force output remain frame, CurPoc %d, LastPoc %d Init pic err, exit HEVC_WritePicMsg failed! Start Reason: SliceParaNum= %d Too many slice , err! Cur pic not init yet, discard this slice! Dec List error, ret=%d Ref List is Wrong! HEVC_WriteSliceMsg err. %s: pic_parameter_set_id(%d) out of range(0 %d)! HEVC_DecSliceSegmentHeader HEVC_VpsSpsPpsCheck != HEVC_DEC_NORMAL max_cu_width(%d)/max_cu_height(%d) = 0 slice_segment_address(%d) out of range(0,%d). slice_type(%d) out of range(0,2]. HEVC_ClearDPB,LastDisplayPoc:%d poc:%d SH HEVC_DecShortTermRefPicSet error. short_term_ref_pic_set_idx(%d) out of range[0,%d]. num_long_term_sps(%d) out of range[0,%d]. SH ERROR: (num_negative_pics(%d) + num_positive_pics(%d) + num_of_longterm_pics(%d)) > %d lt_idx_sps[%d] = %d, but out of range[0,%d]. ERROR: pRPS->num_of_pics(%d) > %d. num_ref_idx_l0_active(%d) out of range(0,%d). num_ref_idx_l1_active(%d) out of range(0,%d). pRPS is null. pRPS->num_of_pics out(%d) of range(0,%d). SH HEVC_DecRefPicListsModification error. collocated_from_l0_flag=%d, collocated_ref_idx(%d) out of range(0,%d). SH HEVC_DecPredWeightTable error. SH max_num_merge_cand(%d) out of range(1,5). SH slice_qp(%d) out of range [-%d,51]. SH slice_cb_qp_offset(%d) out of range[-12,12]. SH slice_cb_qp_offset(%d)+pic_cb_qp_offset(%d) out of range[-12,12]. SH slice_cr_qp_offset(%d) out of range[-12,12]. SH slice_cr_qp_offset+pPPS->pic_cr_qp_offset(%d) out of range[-12,12]. SH slice_beta_offset_div2(%d) out of range(-6,6). SH slice_tc_offset_div2(%d) out of range(-6,6). CurrSlice.num_entry_point_offsets(%d) out of range[0,%d]. CurrSlice.offset_len(%d) out of range[1,32]. slice_segment_header_extension_length(%d) out of range [0,256] bitsLeft(%d) < slice_segment_header_extension_length(%d) TileWidthInCtb is 0 image_id=%d, pmv_idc=%d pic msg burst0: %s call HEVC_CalcTileInfo failed. HEVC_WritePicMsg %s ERROR: bHaveIndependentSlice = 0 HEVC_CheckListX ListX ERROR: list0size >= %d ListX ERROR: list1size >= %d pListX[0][%d] = NULL pListX[0][%d]->frame_store = NULL pListX[1][%d] = NULL pListX[1][%d]->frame_store = NULL NumSlicePara(%d) >= MaxSliceNum(%d) line:%d pic_parameter_set_id(%d) out of range(0,%d). line:%d seq_parameter_set_id(%d) out of range[0,%d]. line:%d, i(%d) > Max(%d) num_of_pics %d line:%d, i(%d) > Max(%d)(neg%d + pos%d) DecVDM MaxBytesReceived exceed threshold! DecVDM no slice and needn't start VDM IPBDecMode Changed (%d -> %d) Discard this B(poc=%d) before P, is_ref_idc=%d. VDM start, TotalPicNum=%d. %s no correct slice in the pic HEVC_DecVDM HEVC_InitDPB error, return %d HEVC_AllocFrameStore error %s unkown slice type(%d). HEVC_RepairList %s pListX[%d] no available pic to repair. %s: pListX[%d][%d] = NULL, repair it with pos(%d). HEVC_InitListX error. HEVC_RepairList error. %s image size abnormal(%dx%d) HEVC_ArrangeMem %s HEVC FSP_ConfigInstance failed! %s DPB size exceed %d, force to %d HEVC_InitDPB %s arrange mem failed. HEVC_InitDecBuffers %s fs[%d]->view_id = %d invalid. HEVC_RemoveApcStore No frame store for lost pic. DPB no suited fs for lost pic. Take poc(%d) to creat lost poc(%d). DPB ERROR: Can not get ref_fs! DPB ERROR: Ref DecodeFs = NULL, ClearDPB! ERROR: Can not new logic fs! Lost pic insert in DPB Failed! %s: HEVC_OutputFrame failed! HEVC_OutputCurrPic %s output current picture failed HEVC_FirstFrameFastOut %s %d: InsertFrmInDPB failed, return %d HEVC_SimpleDPBProcess %s call HEVC_CheckFrameStore failed! %s call HEVC_RemoveUnUsedFrameStore Failed. HEVC_DecOrderProcess %s call HEVC_InsertFrmInDPB Failed. %s call HEVC_FirstFrameFastOut Failed HEVC_DispOrderProcess DPB.used_size may bigger than DPB.size HEVC_InsertFrmInDPB Failed, ret = %d %s call HEVC_OutputFrmFromDPB failed %s CurrPic.state = HEVC_PIC_EMPTY, return HEVC_DEC_NORMAL HEVC_StorePicInDPB %s, REPORT_IFRAME_ERR Discard cur pic, ErrLevel(%d) > OutErrThr(%d) %s call HEVC_IModeProcess Failed HEVC_StorePicInDpb return(%d) from L%d %s call HEVC_SimpleDPBProcess Failed %s call HEVC_DecOrderProcess Failed %s call HEVC_DispOrderProcess Failed %s return HEVC_DEC_ERR %s with invalid pos(%d) HEVC_InsertFrmInDPB %s get APC error, ret %d device/hisilicon/sdk/source/msp/api/vfmw/vfmw_v5.0/core/syntax/hevc.c find APC, but logic_fs_id %d abnormal(poc=%d, ref=%d, logic_fs=%p, dec_fs=%p) Cant find free apc slot. %s: FirstFrameFastOut LastPoc: %d, CurPos: %d! HEVC_OutputFrmFromDPB %s: HEVC_OutputFrmToVO err! HEVC_FlushOutputFrmFromDPB HEVC_OutputFrmToVO HEVC.c line %d: frame para err(ret=%d), recycle image self %s frame logic_fs_id=%d, state=%d HEVC_CheckFrameStore LogicFs(fs=%p, poc=%d, FirstFrameState=%d) is null, logic_fs_id = %d %s frame poc=%d, is already output %s frame(%p) invalid, state:%d, non_existing:%d HEVC_DECRecycleImage ERROR, DispState = FS_DISP_STATE_NOT_USED %-5d specVersion %-5d payloadMode %-5d hdrPicColourSpace %-5d hdrMasterDisplayColourSpace %-5d hdrMasterDisplayMaxLuminance %-5d hdrMasterDisplayMinLuminance %-5d sdrPicColourSpace %-5d sdrMasterDisplayColourSpace %-5d tmInputSignalBlackLevelOffset %-5d tmInputSignalWhiteLevelOffset %-5d shadowGain %-5d highlightGain %-5d midToneWidthAdjFactor %-5d tmOutputFineTuningNumVal %-5d tmOutputFineTuningX[%d] %-5d tmOutputFineTuningY[%d] %-5d saturationGainNumVal %-5d saturationGainX[%d] %-5d saturationGainY[%d] %-5d luminanceMappingNumVal %-5d luminanceMappingX[%d] %-5d luminanceMappingY[%d] %-5d colourCorrectionNumVal %-5d colourCorrectionX[%d] %-5d colourCorrectionY[%d] %-5d chromaToLumaInjectionMuA %-5d chromaToLumaInjectionMuB ======SL_HDR1_METADATA= %d======= %s, [%d %d %d %d %d] HEVC_GetSLHDR1Info %s HDR_Metadata_phy_addr is invalid!! FSP_GetFspType -1 FSP_GetLogicFs return NULL %s: pHevcCtx->DPB.used_size(%d) > DPB.size(%d), error resilence. HEVC_VpsSpsPpsCheck pic_parameter_set_id(%d) out of range pps with this pic_parameter_set_id = %d havn't be decoded HEVC_VpsSpsPpsCheck seq_parameter_set_id(%d) out of range sps with this seq_parameter_set_id = %d havn't be decoded HEVC_VpsSpsPpsCheck video_parameter_set_id out of range vps with this video_parameter_set_id = %d havn't be decoded %s, %d, CurrSlice.poc = %d, PocRandomAccess = %d, nal_unit_type = %d, should skip this frame HEVC_IsNewPic %s, %d, CurrSlice.poc = %d, bNoRaslOutputFlag = %d, nal_unit_type = %d, should skip this frame %s, %d, PrevRAPIsBLA = %d, CurrSlice.poc = %d, PocCRA = %d, nal_unit_type = %d, should skip this frame HEVC_ReadByteAlignment: code should not be zero. HEVC_ReadByteAlignment: code:%d reserved_zero_2bits not equal 0. scaling_list_pred_matrix_id_delta out of range(0,matrixId). HEVC_DecScalingListData pMatrixAddress NULL. scaling_list_dc_coef_minus8 out of range(-7,247). scaling_list_dc_coef_minus8 out of range(-128,127). HEVC_GetScalingListDefaultAddress NULL. delta_idx(%d) > idx(%d). rIdx(%d) > (idx-1)(%d) or < 0). pTempRPset->num_of_pics(%d) out of range(0,15). num_of_pics out of range(0,15). pTempRPset->num_negative_pics(%d) out of range(0,15). pTempRPset->num_positive_pics(%d) out of range(0,15). pShortTermRpset->num_of_pics(%d) out of range[0,%d]. delta_poc_s0_minus1(%d) out of range. luma_log2_weight_denom out of range(0,7). delta_chroma_log2_weight_denom out of range(-7,7). chroma_log2_weight_denom out of range(0,7). delta_luma_weight_l0(%d) out of range(-128,127). luma_offset_l0(%d) out of range(-128,127). delta_chroma_weight_l0 out of range(-128,127). delta_chroma_offset_l0 out of range(-512,511). delta_luma_weight_l1 out of range(-128,127). luma_offset_l1 out of range(-128,127). delta_chroma_weight_l1 out of range(-128,127). delta_chroma_offset_l1 out of range(-512,511). VUI pSps->chroma_format_idc out of range(0,3). VUI HEVC_DecHrdParam error. VUI min_spatial_segmentation_idc out of range(0,4095). cpb_cnt_minus1(%d) out of range(0,31). Error, BsLen: 0x%x, TotalPos: 0x%x Panic: All zero data sequence in RBSP nal_trail_zero_bit_num err %s release streambuff=%p, bitstream_length=%d HEVC_ReleaseNAL HEVC_CombinePacket FATAL: pCurrNal=NULL! END of the bit buffer, copy the first packet! %s: flush dpb failed, return %d HEVC_ClearDPB HEVC_DecSliceSegmentHeader dec err %s last frame fs unrelease, fix it! HEVC_HaveSliceToDec %s: Get context addr failed! HEVCDEC_Init %s FATAL: MemOffset %d > ContextMemSize %d. %s: VCTRL_GetChanIDByCtx() return -1! Fs leak, clear dpb fs not in vo queue. No frame store available! %s ReadImgNum = %d, NewImgNum = %d, FrameStore leak, ClearAll! HEVCDEC_GetImageBuffer HEVCDEC_DecodePacket NULL == pPacket! HevcCtx not init! HEVCDEC_DecodePacket NULL == pHevcCtx->pCurrNal! nal_layer_id out %d of range[0,1]. HEVCDEC_DecodePacket IsSizeChanged = %d,old w/h = %d/%d,new w/h = %d/%d HEVC_InquireSliceProperty error. HEVC_DecOneNal ERR HEVC_StorePicInDPB failed, ret = %d pHevcCtx->CurrPic.frame_store is null pointer HEVCDEC_GetRemainImg %s: pImg is NULL! HEVC_OutputFrame %s: InsertImgToVoQueue failed! HEVCWriteCabacTab can not map mn virtual address! HEVCWriteCabacTab return error. HEVCHAL_V4R3C1_CutSliceChain HEVC_WriteTileInfo can not map slice segment info virtual address! TileId: 0x%x HEVCHAL_V4R3C1_SetPicMsg HEVC_WriteTileInfo return error. %s FATAL: i=0, valid_bitlen=0 HEVCHAL_SetSliceMsgStreamAddrInfo HEVCHAL_V4R3C1_SetSliceMsg HEVCHAL_V4R3C1_SetSliceMsg can not map slice msg virtual address! %s VdhId %d >= %d HEVCHAL_CheckParaValid pParam is null FATAL: ApcSize > 16 VdhId is wrong! HEVC4HAL_V200R003_StartDec %s vdm register virtual address not mapped, reset failed! HEVCHAL_GetVdmRegVirAddr %s: i = %d, pSlicePara = NULL! HEVCHAL_CheckSlicePara SliceSegmentTileAddress %d < prevEndCtbInSliceTile %d end_ctb_in_slice_raster(%d)/end_ctb_in_slice_tile(%d) > pic_max_ctb(%d) SliceSegmentTileAddress %d > end_ctb_in_slice_tile %d HEVCHAL_V4R3C1_CfgVdmReg HEVC_BASIC_CFG0 = 0x%x HEVC_BASIC_CFG1 = 0x%x AVM_ADDR = 0x%x VREG_V200R003_PART_DEC_OVER_INT_LEVEL=0x%x HEVC_VFMW_YSTADDR_1D = 0x%x HEVC_VFMW_UVOFFSET_1D = 0x%x SCD REG_EMAR_ID = 0x%x VREG_FF_APT_EN = 0x%x %s pFirstSlice = NULL! HEVCHAL_V4R3C1_StartDec %s 0: set slice msg failed! %s pTargetSlicePara is NULL! %s 1: set slice msg failed! No slice to dec, add up msg report. IN VP9DEC_Init data_sz == 0 line: %d, fs is NULL! %s idx=%d VP9_GetImageBuffer FSP_GetLogicFs err VP9_DecOneNal ERR pCurImg is null err_level(%d) over ref_thr(%d) line: %d pToQueImg is null insert img to Voqueue failed! pu8ProbCntVir == NULL Invalid frame sync code %s %d ERR VP9_Set_Segdata %s:%d this_size:%d is invalid! VP9_get_fixed_point_scale_factor 4:4:4 color is not supported in profile 0 or 2 (%s : %d) Vp9_ReadBitDepthColorSpaceSampling Invalid frame marker %s:%d w&h=%dx%d is invalid! Read_UnCompressed_Header VP9_Set_DecParam but logic fs is null! Decord FS is NULL! VP9_Set_DecParam but cur logic pstDecodeFs is null! pic_width_in_pix:%d, pic_height_in_pix:%d vp9 actual frame size(%dx%d) exeed max config(%dx%d) vp9 alloc frame only get_free_fb failed! bit_depth(%d) not equal 8. ERROR: pCtx->StreamParam.Length(%d) < 8 %dx%d, all=%d,cur=%d,ref=%d,ned=%d ERROR: No Img buffer is allocated %s %d, no fsp VP9DEC_DecodeFame VP9_GetImageBuffer From Queue err ERROR: VP9_Set_DecParam ERROR:Vp9_ReadCompressedHeader %s:%d size is invalid size:%d bslen:%d Vp9_DecodeTilesCtrl VP9HAL_V4R3C1_CfgReg VdhId is wrong! VP9HAL_V4R3C1_CfgReg BASIC_CFG0 = 0x%x BASIC_CFG1 = 0x%x VAM_ADDR = 0x%x STREAM_BASE_ADDR = 0x%x PPFD_BUF_ADDR = 0x%x PPFD_BUF_LEN = 0x%x FF_APT_EN = 0x%x DEC_OVER_INT_LEVEL=0x%x YSTADDR_1D = 0x%x YSTRIDE_1D = 0x%x UVOFFSET_1D = 0x%x HEAD_INF_OFFSET = 0x%x VP9HAL_V4R3C1_CfgFrameMsg PicMsg D[0] = 0x%x PicMsg D[1] = 0x%x PicMsg D[2] = 0x%x PicMsg D[3] = 0x%x PicMsg D[4] = 0x%x PicMsg D[5] = 0x%x PicMsg D[6] = 0x%x PicMsg D[7] = 0x%x PicMsg D[8] = 0x%x PicMsg D[9] = 0x%x PicMsg D[10] = 0x%x PicMsg D[11] = 0x%x PicMsg D[12] = 0x%x PicMsg D[13] = 0x%x PicMsg D[14] = 0x%x PicMsg D[15] = 0x%x PicMsg D[16] = 0x%x PicMsg D[17] = 0x%x PicMsg D[18] = 0x%x PicMsg D[19] = 0x%x PicMsg D[20] = 0x%x PicMsg D[21] = 0x%x PicMsg D[22] = 0x%x PicMsg D[23] = 0x%x PicMsg D[24] = 0x%x PicMsg D[25] = 0x%x PicMsg D[26] = 0x%x PicMsg D[27] = 0x%x PicMsg D[28] = 0x%x PicMsg D[29] = 0x%x PicMsg D[30] = 0x%x PicMsg D[32] = 0x%x PicMsg D[33] = 0x%x PicMsg D[34] = 0x%x PicMsg D[35] = 0x%x PicMsg D[36] = 0x%x PicMsg D[37] = 0x%x PicMsg D[38] = 0x%x PicMsg D[39] = 0x%x %s: pu8Vir = NULL PicMsg D[40] = 0x%x PicMsg D[41] = 0x%x PicMsg D[42] = 0x%x PicMsg D[43] = 0x%x PicMsg D[45] = 0x%x PicMsg D[46] = 0x%x PicMsg D[47] = 0x%x PicMsg D[48] = 0x%x PicMsg D[49] = 0x%x PicMsg D[50] = 0x%x PicMsg D[51] = 0x%x PicMsg D[52] = 0x%x PicMsg D[53] = 0x%x PicMsg D[54] = 0x%x PicMsg D[55] = 0x%x PicMsg D[56] = 0x%x PicMsg D[57] = 0x%x PicMsg D[58] = 0x%x PicMsg D[59] = 0x%x PicMsg D[60] = 0x%x PicMsg D[61] = 0x%x PicMsg D[62] = 0x%x PicMsg D[63] = 0x%x VP9HAL_V4R3C1_CfgTileMsg ERROR: pVp9DecParam->TotalTileNum(%d) out of [0-1024] TileMsg D[0] = 0x%x TileMsg D[1] = 0x%x TileMsg D[2] = 0x%x TileMsg D[3] = 0x%x TileMsg D[4] = 0x%x TileMsg D[5] = 0x%x TileMsg D[6] = 0x%x TileMsg D[7] = 0x%x TileMsg D[8] = 0x%x TileMsg D[9] = 0x%x TileMsg D[10] = 0x%x TileMsg D[11] = 0x%x TileMsg D[63] = 0x%x VP9HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec picture width out of range mp2 actual frame size(%dx%d) exeed max config(%dx%d) found sh %#x SEQUENCE_HEADER_CODE Bitstream is not enough! found gh %#x GROUP_START_CODE Bitstream is not enough! found ph %#x PICTURE_START_CODE Bitstream is not enough! found ud %#x cann't get ud pointer found ext %#x MP2_DecSlice is wrong! ERROR: frm %d, integrality: %#x ERROR: frm %d, No Img buffer is allocated ----------------- mp2 Imode -> %d ------------------ frm %d pic type %d struct is %d total pos %#x NOTE: Drop non-I, cur is B NOTE: Drop non-I, cur is P NOTE: Drop non-I NOTE: Drop B %s %d pFwdImg = NULL, pBwdImg = NULL!! MP2_DecodingDecide dec P frame, fwd ref err(%d) > ref_thr(%d) dec B frame, bwd ref err(%d) > ref_thr(%d) dec B frame, fwd ref err(%d) > ref_thr(%d) ERROR: frm %d, lost one field ERROR: frm %d, lost one field flg = %d, last_struct = %d Fatal Error: frm%d, get image buffer failed dec_pts: %lld Usertag: %lld ---------- unref %d ++++++++++ ref %d line: %d(pCur, pFwd, pBwd)(%p, %p, %p) CurFsID(fwd%d,%d,bwd%d) abnormal!(%p,%p,%p) dec addr: cur,cur2d,fwd,bwd,pmv = %p,%p,%p,%p,%p Protocol %d seq size change, call vpss to release all frames. new seq size %dx%d mpeg2 copy last 3 bytes of the first packet! pMp2CodecInfo->pUsrDatArray[%d] is null ERROR: unsupported profile %d ERROR: unsupported level %d Decoding quits at frm %d line %d, MP2_ReceivePacket receive packet failed! MP2 Decode Decide is wrong! MP2 get picture info is wrong! MP2 dec new pic failed! ErrRatio = %d pImg is null, pCurImg %#x pBwdImg %#x pFwdImg %#x DEBUG: DEC over insert buf %d ref %d ERROR: frm %d, Invalid packet pointer! line %d, pPacket->StreamPack[1].IsLastSeg = %d MP2_GetFirstMbInSlice Failed! MP2_WriteSliceInfo Failed! slice_vertical_position quantiser_scale_code intra_slice_flag intra_slice reserved_bits extra_bit_slice extra_infrmation_slice %-40s%20d macroblock_escape ERROR macroblock_escape SlcStartMbNum = %d > PicEndMum = %d FirstMbInSliceFlag = %d Slice num = %d >= %d seg info is wrong! IsLastSeg[0] = %d, IsLastSeg[1] = %d macroblock_address_increment ERROR,pBwdImg == NULL || pToQueImg == NULL MP2HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec VdhId is wrong! MP2HAL_V200R003_StartDec MP2HAL_V200R003_CfgReg ERROR! D0 = %#x D1 = %#x D2 = %#x D3 = %#x D4 = %#x D5 = %#x D6 = %#x D7 = %#x MP2HAL_V4R3C1_MakeDnMsg picture height out of range Stream Head (8bytes): 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x Stream Tail (8bytes): 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 1p Stream Head (8bytes): 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 1p Stream Tail (8bytes): 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 1p last phy addr = 0x%x 2p Stream Head (8bytes): 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 2p Stream Tail (8bytes): 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x MP2HAL_V4R3C1_CfgReg MPEG2 VREG_V4R3C1_BASIC_CFG0= 0x%x MPEG2 VREG_V4R3C1_BASIC_CFG1= 0x%x stream_base_addr = %#x MPEG2 VREG_V4R3C1_UVOFFSET_1D= 0x%x MPEG2 VREG_V4R3C1_REF_PIC_TYPE= 0x%x MP2HAL_V4R3C1_CfgDnMsg can not map down msg virtual address! Map SlcDnMsgPhyAddr to SlcDnMsgVirAddr is NULL *****No.%2d Down Msg (phy addr: %#8x) ***** ***** Down Msg print finished ***** VdhId is wrong! MP2HAL_V200R003_CfgReg fatal stream error --- GOP marker_bit = 0 Warning : vop slice num %d != 0 warning streamIDNum %d != 0 DivX%4dBuild%4d%c DivX%4db%4d%c FFmpe%*[^b]b%4d FFmpeg v%4d.%4d.%4d / libavcodec build: %d Lavc%d.%d.%d ffmpeg XviD%4d vop ---%d VDH doesn't support S_VOP parse time_module_base stream not enough module time base parse error, more than %d '1' was found! fatal stream error --- VOP marker_bit = 0 error: vop_coding_type = %d, but vop_fcode_forward = 0 error: B vop, but vop_fcode_backward = 0 VDH doesn't support SPRITE_STATIC & SPRITE_GMC VDH doesn't support SPRITE_STATIC Unknown sprite_enable ERROR: not_8_bit !=0 not support no complexity_estimation_disable not support data_partitioned not support newpred_enable not support reduced_resolution_vop_eanble not support scalability warning! profile_and_level_indication=%#x, maybe HD pic... Not find start code VOS beginning ~ ! VO beginning ~ ! VOL beginning ~ ! GOP beginning ~ ! VOP beginning ~ ! BitUsed=%d SHVOP beginning ~ ! USERDATA beginning ~ ! MPEG4 Frame_Init return err 3! MPEG4 Frame_Init return err 1! vop right MPEG4 Frame_Init return err 2! bits over boundary actual frame size(%dx%d) exeed max config(%dx%d) MPEG4 Frame_Init return err! MPEG4 Frame_Init PmvNum=%d, FrameNum=%d, error! NVOP VDM copy process................ %s %d abnormal! Mp4_Set_DecPar MPEG4DEC Init ----- MPEG4DEC Init success ----- MPEG4 destroy bitsream para error ----- MPEG4DEC Decode ----- ptr_strm_para->PhyAddr0=0x%x ptr_strm_para->Length0=%d ptr_strm_para->IsLastSeg0=%d ptr_strm_para->PhyAddr1=0x%x ptr_strm_para->Length1=%d ptr_strm_para->IsLastSeg1=%d ptr_strm_para->Length0 = %d byte0: = 0x%x byte1: = 0x%x byte2: = 0x%x byte3: = 0x%x MP4_Check_CurPacket failed! Mp4_Frame_Atr return fail fuction return value is null, %s %d!! MPEG4DEC_Decode dec P/S frame, fwd ref err(%d) > ref_thr(%d) NVOP mem move-- line: %d pCur = %p, pFwd = %p CurFsID(f%d,%d,b%d) abnormal!(%p,%p,%p) bits not enought pImg is null, pCurImg %#x pBwdImg %#x FrameNum=%d vop_coding_type=%d line: %d pToQueImg is null! CurImage %d is already out put vop_coding_type = %d is not expected! slice num %d is not extpected! line %d packet is wrong! FUN: %s Invalid SlcNum = %d Mp4_Syntax_Slice_NotSH pSlcPara->mb_start_num = %d, MbCnt = %d Mp4_Syntax_Slice_SH pSlcPara->mb_start_num = %d, totalMbMin1 = %d FUN: %s MP4_ClearCurPacket MP4_Dec_Slice StreamIDNum = %d > (%d) pCtx is NUL!!! pLastPacket->StreamPack[0].VirAddr is NULL!! line %d MP4_Combine_HdPacket failed!! MP4HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec MP4HAL_V200R003_CfgReg failed! MP4HAL_V200R003_CfgDnMsg failed! MP4HAL_V200R003_WriteSlicMsg failed! MP4HAL_V4R3C1_CfgReg BASIC_V4R3C1_CFG0=0x%x BASIC_V4R3C1_CFG1=0x%x AVM_V4R3C1_ADDR=0x%x VAM_V4R3C1_ADDR=0x%x STREAM_V4R3C1_BASE_ADDR=0x%x YSTADDR_V200R003_1D=0x%x YSTRIDE_V200R003_1D=0x%x UVOFFSET_V200R003_1D=0x%x PRCNUM_1D_CNT=0x%x PRCMEM2_1D_CNT=0x%x DNR_MBINFO_STADDR=0x%x line: %d ,pMsgBlock = NULL is not expected value! D0=0x%x D1=0x%x D2=0x%x D3=0x%x D4=0x%x D5=0x%x D6=0x%x D7=0x%x D8=0x%x D9=0x%x D10=0x%x D11=0x%x D12= 0x%x D13= 0x%x D14= 0x%x D15= 0x%x D16= 0x%x D17= 0x%x D18= 0x%x D19= 0x%x D20= 0x%x D21= 0x%x D22= 0x%x D23= 0x%x D24= 0x%x D25= 0x%x D26= 0x%x D27= 0x%x D63= 0x%x %s: SlcDnMsgVirAddr = NULL MP4HAL_V4R3C1_WriteSlicMsg D%d= 0x%x %-40s %#-8x(%db) video_sequence_start_code profile_id level_id progressive_sequence horizontal_size vertical_size chroma_format sample_precision aspect_ratio frame_rate_code bit_rate_lower marker_bit bit_rate_upper low_delay bbv_buffer_size i_picture_start_code bbv_delay bbv_delay_extension time_code_flag time_code picture_distance bbv_check_times progressive_frame picture_structure top_field_first repeat_first_field fixed_picture_qp picture_qp skip_mode_flag loop_filter_disable loop_filter_parameter_flag alpha_c_offset beta_offset weighting_quant_flag mb_adapt_weighting_quant_disable chroma_quant_param_disable chroma_quant_param_delta_u chroma_quant_param_delta_v weighting_quant_param_index weighting_quant_model weighting_quant_param_deltal1 weighting_quant_param_deltal2 aec_enable pb_picture_start_code picture_coding_type advanced_pred_mode_disable picture_reference_flag no_forward_reference_flag b_filed_enhanced_flag p_filed_enhanced_flag user_data_start_code extension_start_code extension_ID video_format sample_range colour_description colour_primaries transfer_characteristics matrix_coefficients display_horizontal_size display_vertical_size copyright_flag copyright_id original_or_copy copyright_number_1 copyright_number_2 copyright_number_3 camera_id height_of_image_device focal_length f_number vertical_angle_of_view camera_position_x_upper camera_position_x_lower camera_position_y_upper camera_position_y_lower camera_position_z_upper camera_position_z_lower camera_direction_x camera_direction_y camera_direction_z image_plane_vertical_x image_plane_vertical_y image_plane_vertical_z frame_centre_horizontal_offset frame_centre_vertical_offset -----Pic %5d, type %d, struct %d----- ERROR: image size abnormal(%dx%d) avs actual frame size(%dx%d) exeed max config(%dx%d) ERROR: partition fs memory fail! size change MbWidth = %d, MbHeight = %d, don't support! ERROR: allocate vhb ERROR: get img buf err line: %d dec_pts: %lld Usertag = %lld line: %d pImage is null ERROR: get frame store fail! ERROR: AVS_OutputOneFrame is err(%d) ERROR: paseHeader err ERROR: AVS_PrepareDecode err ERROR: AVS_StartDecode err ERROR: err_level(%d) over ref_thr(%d) ERROR: err_level(%d) over out_thr(%d) SlcNum %d > %d Write slice msg failed This slice's start mbn %d <= LastSliceFirstMb %d, Write slice msg failed AVSHAL_V4R3C1_StartDec_CheckParam VdhId is wrong! AVSHAL_V200R003_StartDec AVSHAL_V4R3C1_StartDec VREG_V4R3C1_DNR_MBINFO_STADDR = 0x%x VREG_V200R003_REF_PIC_TYPE = 0x%x VREG_V4R3C1_FF_APT_EN = 0x%x D0 = 0x%x D1 = 0x%x D2 = 0x%x D3 = 0x%x D4 = 0x%x D5 = 0x%x D6 = 0x%x D7 = 0x%x D8 = 0x%x D9 = 0x%x D10 = 0x%x D11 = 0x%x D12 = 0x%x D13 = 0x%x D14 = 0x%x D16 = 0x%x D49 = 0x%x D50 = 0x%x D51 = 0x%x D63 = 0x%x VC1 INIT!!! Vc1SMPSeqHdr Vc1SMPSeqHdr Err, BS is wrong Vc1SMPSeqHdr Err, BS is wrong pImg is null, pCurImg %p pBwdImg %p pFwdImg %p line: %d, pToQueImg is Null! vc1 actual frame size(%dx%d) exeed max config(%dx%d) VC1_Vfmw_GetImageBuffer get imgbuf err, clear all ref! VC1_Vfmw_GetImageBuffer get_flag!=1, FSP_ClearLogicFs. VC1_Vfmw_GetStreamInfo VC1_ArrangeVahbMem err! VC1_Vfmw_GetStreamInfo VC1_Vfmw_GetImageBuffer err! VC1_Vfmw_GetStreamInfo B pic pCodecInf->RefNum < 2 err! line: %d (pCur,pFwd,pBwd)(%p,%p,%p) VC1_Vfmw_GetStreamInfo imgbuf = NULL err! CurFsID(fwd%d,%d,bwd%d) abnormal!(%p,%p) VC1_Vfmw_GetStreamInfo VC1_Vfmw_BuildRefList err! VC1_Vfmw_GetStreamInfo error! Release all packets! ----------------- VC1 Imode -> %d ------------------ %s:%d Code(%d) is invalid VC1_DecBfraction %s:%d Denominator(%d) is invalid Check Pos 2: %d Check Pos 3: %d ======PicNum :%6d========= INTERPFRM :%#x VC1_Vfmw_ParseMPBPicHdr err! VC1_Vfmw_ParseSMPIPicHdr err! After VC1_Vfmw_ParseSMPPicHdr BS Len <= 0 err! SLICE_ADDR = %d,SlcEndMbn = %d, MbHeight = %d SLICE_ADDR = %d,SlcEndMbn = %d, totalMbMin1 = %d VC1_RecordSlcStream stream len <= 0 pCodecInf->SlcNum = %d >= 256 line %d, Code = VC1_SCSLC failed! line %d, Code = VC1_SCFRM failed! VdhId is wrong! VC1HAL_V200R003_StartDec VC1HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec %s: pMsgBase = NULL VC1HAL_V4R3C1_CfgSliceMsg VC1HAL_V4R3C1_CfgReg VC1HAL_V4R3C1_CfgDnMsg %s: u8Tmp = NULL pVc1DecParam->SlcNum = %d D0 = 0x%08x D1 = 0x%08x D2 = 0x%08x D3 = 0x%08x D4 = 0x%08x D63 = 0x%08x BPD register virtual address not mapped, reset failed! VDMHAL_ResetBPD: map BPD register fail, vir(reg) = (%p) Reset BPD Failed! IsBpd_Ready BPD register not mapped yet! BPD TimeOut! BPD ERROR: EAT TOO MUCH BS %#x, but available bs num %#x!!! NOT SUPPORT SIZE %d*%d BPD error: no map reg! image size abnormal (%dx%d) in MB real8 actual frame size(%dx%d) exeed max config(%dx%d) Real8_CB_GetPictureHeader Error! pic width/height to large,MbWidth = %d, MbHeight = %d new seq size %d * %d Real8_ArrangeVHBMem err REAL8DEC_Decode CurFsID abnormal! dec addr: cur,cur2d,fwd,bwd,currpmv,colpmv = %p,%p,%p,%p,%p,%p line:%d! i > (RV8_MAX_SLC_PARAM_NUM - 2) VdhId is wrong! RV8HAL_V200R003_StartDec RV8HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec configuring VDM registers... RV8HAL_V4R3C1_WriteReg TIME_OUT = 0x%x REF_V4R3C1_PIC_TYPE=0x%x FF_V4R3C1_APT_EN=0x%x configuring Pic Msg... RV8HAL_V4R3C1_WritePicMsg can not map dn msg virtual address! D17 = 0x%x D18 = 0x%x D19 = 0x%x D20 = 0x%x D21 = 0x%x D22 = 0x%x D23 = 0x%x D024 = 0x%x configuring Slice Msg... RV8HAL_V4R3C1_WriteSliceMsg real9 actual frame size(%dx%d) exeed max config(%dx%d) Real9_CB_GetPictureHeader Error! Real9_ArrangeVHBMem err CurFsID abnormal!,%s %d (NULL == pCur) || (NULL == pFwd) || (NULL == pBwd)!! REAL9DEC_Decode line:%d! i > (RV9_MAX_SLC_PARAM_NUM - 2) VdhId is wrong! RV9HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec RV9HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec RV9HAL_V4R3C1_WriteReg AVM_V200R003_ADDR=0x%x VAM_V200R003_ADDR=0x%x REF_V200R003_PIC_TYPE=0x%x FF_V200R003_APT_EN=0x%x RV9HAL_V4R3C1_WritePicMsg RV9HAL_V4R3C1_WriteSliceMsg image_size_in_mb abnormal(%d x %d) vp6 actual frame size(%dx%d) exeed max config(%dx%d) enter VP6_ConvertBoolToHuff leave VP6_ConvertBoolToHuff enter VP6_IntraFrmHeader error: Vp3VersionNo %d > CURRENT_DECODE_VERSION(8) error: bitstream error! We have a new size image! The old size is %d x %d, and the new is %d x %d leave VP6_IntraFrmHeader VP6_InterFrmHeader VersionNo fault,old:%d,new:%d [ERR]VP6_GetPictureHeader invalid param! VP6_GetPictureHeader enter! VP6_GetPictureHeader leave! VP6DEC_Init leave ----------------- vp6 Imode -> %d ------------------ -----I_MODE, but FrameType is %d----- -----cur framtype is %s, but refnum=%d----- P-frm error: DecMode illegal %s %d NULL == pFwdImg!! VP6_DecodeDecide VP6_Set_DecParam but logic fs is null! Error! Truncated packet [ERR]VP6_GetPictureHeader Error! [ERR] VP6_DecodeDecide Error! VP6_ArrangeVHBMem err VP6_DecodeDecide err VP6DEC_GetImageBuffer err VP6_PrePare_decode Error! leave VP6DEC_Decode VP6HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec VP6HAL_V4R3C1_CfgReg PPFD_V200R003_BUF_LEN = 0x%x VP6HAL_V4R3C1_CfgDnMsg LINE:%d NULL == tmpAddr. D32 = 0x%x D34 = 0x%x D35 = 0x%x D36 = 0x%x D37 = 0x%x D38 = 0x%x D39 = 0x%x %s: tmpAddr(%p) = NULL / TabBaseAddr(%p) = NULL Error!partition 0 length > streamlength! Invalid frame sync code,data[0-1]:%02x,%02x,%02x Invalid frame width %d and Height %d! We have a new size image! The old size is %d x %d,the new is %d x %d vp8 actual frame size(%dx%d) exeed max config(%dx%d) ----------------- vp8 Imode -> %d ------------------ VP8_DecodeDecide VP8_Set_DecParam but logic fs is null! VP8_Set_DecParam but cur logic pstDecodeFs is null! Error!Truncated packet VP8_CB_GetPictureHeader Error! VP8_ArrangeVHBMem error VP8_DecodeDecide err VP8_GetBufFromQueue err VP8HAL_V4R3C1_CfgReg VdhId is wrong! VP8HAL_V200R003_StartDec VP8HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec VP8HAL_V4R3C1_CfgDnMsg D24 = 0x%x D25 = 0x%x D33 = 0x%x D40 = 0x%x D%d = 0x%x divx3 actual frame size(%dx%d) exeed max config(%dx%d) ----------------- divx3 Imode -> %d ------------------ Divx3_DecodeDecide ERROR: frm %d, Invalid packet PhyAddr! ERROR: frm %d, Invalid packet VirAddr! ERROR: frm %d, Invalid packet len! ERROR: Invalid WxH: %dx%d! Divx3_GetPictureHeader Error! Can't decode from P frame! Divx3_ArrangeVHBMem err Divx3_DecodeDecide err FSP_GetFsImagePtr Error! dec addr: cur,cur2d,fwd,currpmv,colpmv = %p,%p,%p,%p,%p,%p vol_mode Error! VdhId is wrong! DIVX3HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec DIVX3HAL_V4R3C1_StartDec DIVX3HAL_V4R3C1_WriteReg BASIC_V200R003_CFG0 = 0x%x STREAM_V200R003_BASE_ADDR=0x%x DIVX3HAL_V4R3C1_WritePicMsg DIVX3HAL_V4R3C1_WriteSliceMsg libunwind: %s %s:%d - %s _Unwind_Resume external/libunwind_llvm/src/Unwind-EHABI.cpp _Unwind_Resume() can't return _Unwind_VRS_Set unsupported register class _Unwind_VRS_Pop unwind_phase2 during phase1 personality function said it would stop here, but now in phase2 it did not stop here _Unwind_VRS_Get_Internal external/libunwind_llvm/src/UnwindCursor.hpp getRegister external/libunwind_llvm/src/Registers.hpp unsupported arm register setRegister getFloatRegister Unknown ARM float register setFloatRegister %s getInfoFromEHABISection unknown personality routine index inlined table detected but pr function requires extra words pc lr sp r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 s13 s14 s15 s16 s17 s18 s19 s20 s21 s22 s23 s24 s25 s26 s27 s28 s29 s30 s31 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 d11 d12 d13 d14 d15 d16 d17 d18 d19 d20 d21 d22 d23 d24 d25 d26 d27 d28 d29 d30 d31 unknown register ? @ ` h @ NA Non_Attach /dev/hi_vfmw $ ( ( ` @ d X HSPICEND HSPICEND HSPICEND HSPICEND ` HSPICEND HSPICEND HSPICEND HSPICEND HSPICEND b HSPICEND !(0)" #*1892+$ %,3:;4-& '.5<=6/7>? 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