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     10 <div class="doc-section">
     11 <h1> Magick++ STL Support</h1>
     12 Magick++ provides a set of <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/">Standard
     13 Template Libary</a> (<a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/">STL</a> )
     14 algorithms for operating across ranges of image frames in a container.
     15 It also provides a set of STL unary function objects to apply an
     16 operation on image frames in a container via an algorithm which uses
     17 unary function objects. A good example of a standard algorithm which is
     18 useful for processing containers of image frames is the STL <i><a
     19  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/for_each.html"> for_each</a> </i>
     20 algorithm which invokes a unary function object on a range of container
     21 elements.
     22 <p>Magick++ uses a limited set of template argument types. The current
     23 template argument types are: </p>
     24 <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Container.html">Container</a>
     25 <blockquote>A container having the properties of a <a
     26  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/BackInsertionSequence.html"> Back
     27 Insertion Sequence</a> . Sequences support forward iterators and Back
     28 Insertion Sequences support the additional abilty to append an element
     29 via push_back(). Common compatable container types are the STL &lt;<a
     30  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Vector.html"> vector</a> &gt; and &lt;<a
     31  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/List.html">list</a> &gt; template
     32 containers. This template argument is usually used to represent an
     33 output container in which one or more image frames may be appended.
     34 Containers like STL &lt;<a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Vector.html">vector</a>
     35 &gt; which have a given default <i>capacity</i> may need to have their <i>
     36 capacity</i> adjusted via r<i>eserve() </i>to a larger <i>capacity</i>
     37 in order to support the expected final <i>size</i> . Since Magick++
     38 images are very small, it is likely that the default capacity of STL &lt;<a
     39  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Vector.html"> vector</a> &gt; is
     40 sufficient for most situations.</blockquote>
     41   <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">InputIterator</a>
     42   <blockquote>An input iterator used to express a position in a
     43 container. These template arguments are typically used to represent a
     44 range of elements  with f<i>irst_</i> representing the first element to
     45 be processed and <i> last_</i> representing the element to stop at. When
     46 processing the entire contents of a container, it is handy to know that
     47 STL containers usually provide the begin() and end() methods to return
     48 input interators which correspond  with the first and last elements,
     49 respectively.</blockquote>
     50 <p>The following is an example of how frames from a GIF animation <font
     51  color="#000000"> "test_image_anim.gif" may be appended horizontally
     52 with the resulting image written to the file <kbd>appended_image.miff</kbd>:</font></p>
     53 <pre class="code">
     54 #include &lt;list> 
     55 #include &lt;Magick++.h> 
     56 using namespace std; 
     57 using namespace Magick;
     59 int main(int /*argc*/,char **/*argv*/) 
     60 { 
     61    list&lt;Image> imageList; 
     62    readImages( &amp;imageList, "test_image_anim.gif" );
     64    Image appended; 
     65    appendImages( &amp;appended, imageList.begin(), imageList.end() ); 
     66    appended.write( "appended_image.miff" ); 
     67    return 0; 
     68 }
     69 </pre>
     70 <p>The available Magick++ specific STL algorithms for operating on
     71 sequences of image frames are shown in the following table: <br />
     72 &#160;
     73 <ul><table border="1" width="100%">
     74   <caption><b>Magick++ STL Algorithms For Image Sequences</b></caption> <tbody>
     75     <tr>
     76       <td>
     77       <center><b>Algorithm</b></center>
     78       </td>
     79       <td>
     80       <center><b>Signature</b></center>
     81       </td>
     82       <td>
     83       <center><b>Description</b></center>
     84       </td>
     85     </tr>
     86     <tr>
     87       <td>
     88       <center><a name="animateImages"></a> <font size="-1">animateImages</font></center>
     89       </td>
     90       <td><font size="-1"><a
     91  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html"> InputIterator</a>
     92 first_, <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">InputIterator</a>
     93 last_</font></td>
     94       <td><font size="-1">Animate a sequence of image frames. Image
     95 frames are  displayed in succession, creating an animated effect. The
     96 animation options  are taken from the first image frame. This feature is
     97 only supported under  X11 at the moment.</font></td>
     98     </tr>
     99     <tr>
    100       <td>
    101       <center><a name="appendImages"></a> <font size="-1">appendImages</font></center>
    102       </td>
    103       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Image++.html">Image</a>
    104 *appendedImage_, <a
    105  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html"> InputIterator</a>
    106 first_, <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">InputIterator</a>
    107 last_, bool stack_ = false</font></td>
    108       <td><font size="-1">Append a sequence of image frames, writing
    109 the result  to <i>appendedImage_.</i> All the input image frames must
    110 have the same width or height. Image frames of the same width are
    111 stacked top-to-bottom. Image frames of the same height are stacked
    112 left-to-right. If the <i>stack_</i> parameter is false, rectangular
    113 image frames are stacked left-to-right otherwise top-to-bottom.</font></td>
    114     </tr>
    115     <tr>
    116       <td>
    117       <center><a name="averageImages"></a> <font size="-1">averageImages</font></center>
    118       </td>
    119       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Image++.html">Image</a>
    120 *averagedImage_, <a
    121  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html"> InputIterator</a>
    122 first_, <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">InputIterator</a>
    123 last_</font></td>
    124       <td><font size="-1">Average a sequence of image frames, writing
    125 the result  to <i>averagedImage_</i>. All the input image frames must
    126 be the same size  in pixels.</font></td>
    127     </tr>
    128     <tr>
    129       <td>
    130       <center><a name="coalesceImages"></a> <font size="-1">coalesceImages</font></center>
    131       </td>
    132       <td><font size="-1"><a
    133  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Container.html"> Container</a>
    134 *coalescedImages_, <a
    135  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html"> InputIterator</a>
    136 first_, <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">InputIterator</a>
    137 last_</font><br />
    138       </td>
    139       <td><font size="-1">Create a coalesced image sequence obtained by
    140 "playing" the image sequence (observing page offsets and disposal
    141 methods) to create a new image sequence in which all frames are full
    142 size and completely rendered. Note that if the original image sequence
    143 relied on page offsets and disposal methods that the resulting sequence
    144 will be larger (perhaps much larger) then the original. This is useful
    145 for GIF animation sequences that have page offsets and disposal methods.
    146 The resuting image sequence is returned via <i>coalescedImages_.</i></font></td>
    147     </tr>
    148     <tr>
    149       <td>
    150       <center><a name="deconstructImages"></a> <font size="-1">deconstructImages</font></center>
    151       </td>
    152       <td><font size="-1"><a
    153  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Container.html"> Container</a>
    154 *deconstructedImages_, <a
    155  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html"> InputIterator</a>
    156 first_, <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">InputIterator</a>
    157 last_</font></td>
    158       <td><font size="-1">Break down an image sequence into constituent
    159 parts.&#160; This is useful for creating GIF or MNG animation sequences.
    160 The input sequence  is specified by <i>first_</i> and <i>last_</i>, and
    161 the deconstructed images  are returned via <i>deconstructedImages_</i>.</font></td>
    162     </tr>
    163     <tr>
    164       <td>
    165       <center><a name="displayImages"></a> <font size="-1">displayImages</font></center>
    166       </td>
    167       <td><font size="-1"><a
    168  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html"> InputIterator</a>
    169 first_, <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">InputIterator</a>
    170 last_</font></td>
    171       <td><font size="-1">Display a sequence of image frames. Through
    172 use of a pop-up menu, image frames may be selected in succession. This
    173 feature is  fully supported under X11 but may have only limited support
    174 in other environments.</font> <br />
    175       <font size="-1"><b><font color="#ff0000">Caution: </font></b> if
    176 an image format is is not compatable with the display visual (e.g. JPEG
    177 on a colormapped display) then the original image will be altered. Use a
    178 copy of the original if this is a problem.</font></td>
    179     </tr>
    180     <tr>
    181       <td>
    182       <center><a name="flattenImages"></a> <font size="-1">flattenImages</font></center>
    183       </td>
    184       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Image++.html">Image</a>
    185 *flattendImage_, <a
    186  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html"> InputIterator</a>
    187 first_, <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">InputIterator</a>
    188 last_</font></td>
    189       <td><font size="-1">Merge a sequence of image frames which
    190 represent image  layers into a single composited representation. The <i>flattendImage_</i>
    191 parameter points to an existing Image to update with the flattened
    192 image. This function is useful for combining Photoshop layers into a
    193 single image.</font></td>
    194     </tr>
    195     <tr>
    196       <td>
    197       <center><a name="forwardFourierTransformImage"></a> <font size="-1">forwardFourierTransformImage</font></center>
    198       </td>
    199       <td><font size="-1"><a
    200  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Container.html"> Container</a>
    201 *fourierImages_, const Image &amp;image_ </font></td>
    202       <td><font size="-1"> Implements the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of the image as a magnitude / phase image pair via <i>fourierImages_</i>.</font></td>
    203     </tr>
    204     <tr>
    205       <td>
    206       <center><a name="forwardFourierTransformImage"></a> <font size="-1">forwardFourierTransformImage</font></center>
    207       </td>
    208       <td><font size="-1"><a
    209  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Container.html"> Container</a>
    210 *fourierImages_, const Image &amp;image_, const bool magnitude_ </font></td>
    211       <td><font size="-1"> Implements the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of the image either as a magnitude / phase or real / imaginary image pair via <i>fourierImages_</i>.</font></td>
    212     </tr>
    213     <tr>
    214       <td>
    215       <center><a name="mapImages"></a> <font size="-1">mapImages</font></center>
    216       </td>
    217       <td><font size="-1"><a
    218  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html"> InputIterator</a>
    219 first_, <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">InputIterator</a>
    220 last_, const <a href="Image++.html">Image</a> &amp; mapImage_, bool
    221 dither_,&#160; bool measureError_ = false</font></td>
    222       <td><font size="-1">Replace the colors of a sequence of images
    223 with the closest color from a reference image. Set <i>dither_</i> to <i>true</i>
    224 to enable dithering.&#160; Set <i>measureError_</i> to <i>true</i> in
    225 order to evaluate quantization error.</font></td>
    226     </tr>
    227     <tr>
    228       <td>
    229       <center><a name="montageImages"></a> <font size="-1">montageImages</font></center>
    230       </td>
    231       <td><font size="-1"><a
    232  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Container.html"> Container</a>
    233 *montageImages_, <a
    234  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html"> InputIterator</a>
    235 first_, <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">InputIterator</a>
    236 last_, const <a href="Montage.html">Montage</a> &amp;montageOpts_</font></td>
    237       <td><font size="-1">Create a composite image by combining several
    238 separate image frames. Multiple frames may be generated in the output
    239 container <i> montageImages_ </i>depending on the tile setting and the
    240 number of image frames montaged. Montage options are provided via the
    241 parameter <i>montageOpts_</i> . Options set in the first image frame (<a
    242  href="Image++.html#backgroundColor"> backgroundColor,</a> <a
    243  href="Image++.html#borderColor">borderColor</a> , <a
    244  href="Image++.html#matteColor">matteColor</a> , <a
    245  href="Image++.html#penColor">penColor,</a> <a href="Image++.html#font">font,</a>
    246 and <a href="Image++.html#fontPointsize">fontPointsize</a> ) are also used
    247 as options by <i>montageImages().</i></font></td>
    248     </tr>
    249     <tr>
    250       <td>
    251       <center><a name="morphImages"></a> <font size="-1">morphImages</font></center>
    252       </td>
    253       <td><font size="-1"><a
    254  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Container.html"> Container</a>
    255 *morphedImages_, <a
    256  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html"> InputIterator</a>
    257 first_, <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">InputIterator</a>
    258 last_, size_t frames_</font></td>
    259       <td><font size="-1">Morph a seqence of image frames. This
    260 algorithm&#160; expands the number of image frames (output to the
    261 container <i>morphedImages_)</i> by adding the number of intervening
    262 frames specified by <i>frames_</i> such that the original frames morph
    263 (blend) into each other when played as an animation.</font></td>
    264     </tr>
    265     <tr>
    266       <td>
    267       <center><a name="mosaicImages"></a> <font size="-1">mosaicImages</font></center>
    268       </td>
    269       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Image++.html">Image</a> *mosaicImage_, <a
    270  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html"> InputIterator</a>
    271 first_, <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">InputIterator</a>
    272 last_</font></td>
    273       <td><font size="-1">Inlay a number of images to form a single
    274 coherent picture. The <i>mosicImage_</i> argument is updated with a
    275 mosaic constructed from the image sequence represented by <i>first_</i>
    276 through <i>last_</i> .</font></td>
    277     </tr>
    278     <tr>
    279       <td><center><a name="quantizeImages"></a> <font size="-1">quantizeImages</font></center></td>
    280       <td><font size="-1"><a
    281  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html"> InputIterator</a>
    282 first_, <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">InputIterator</a>
    283 last_, bool measureError_ = false</font></td>
    284       <td><font size="-1">Quantize colors in images using current
    285 quantization settings. Set <i>measureError_</i> to <i>true</i> in order
    286 to measure quantization  error.</font></td>
    287     </tr>
    288     <tr>
    289       <td rowspan="2">
    290       <center><a name="readImages"></a> <font size="-1">readImages</font></center>
    291       </td>
    292       <td><font size="-1"><a
    293  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Container.html"> Container</a>
    294 *sequence_, const std::string &amp;imageSpec_</font></td>
    295       <td><font size="-1">Read a sequence of image frames into existing
    296 container (appending to container <i>sequence_</i>) with image names
    297 specified in the UTF-8 string <i>imageSpec_</i>.</font></td>
    298     </tr>
    299     <tr>
    300       <td><font size="-1"><a
    301  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Container.html"> Container</a>
    302 *sequence_, const <a href="Blob.html">Blob</a> &amp;blob_</font></td>
    303       <td><font size="-1">Read a sequence of image frames into existing
    304 container (appending to container sequence_) from <a href="Blob.html">Blob</a>
    305 blob_.</font></td>
    306     </tr>
    307     <tr>
    308       <td rowspan="2">
    309       <center><a name="writeImages"></a> <font size="-1">writeImages</font></center>
    310       </td>
    311       <td><font size="-1"><a
    312  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html"> InputIterator</a>
    313 first_, <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">InputIterator</a>
    314 last_, const std::string &amp;imageSpec_, bool adjoin_ = true</font></td>
    315       <td><font size="-1">Write images in container to file specified
    316 by string <i>imageSpec_</i>. Set <i>adjoin_ </i>to false to write a
    317 set of image frames via a wildcard <i>imageSpec_ </i>(e.g.
    318 image%02d.miff).</font> <br />
    319 The wildcard must be one of <tt>%0Nd, %0No, or %0Nx</tt>. <br />
    320       <font size="-1"><b><font color="#ff0000">Caution: </font></b> if
    321 an image format is selected which is capable of supporting fewer colors
    322 than the original image or quantization has been requested, the original
    323 image will be quantized to fewer colors. Use a copy of the original if
    324 this is a problem.</font></td>
    325     </tr>
    326     <tr>
    327       <td><font size="-1"><a
    328  href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html"> InputIterator</a>
    329 first_, <a href="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/InputIterator.html">InputIterator</a>
    330 last_, <a href="Blob.html">Blob</a> *blob_, bool adjoin_ = true</font></td>
    331       <td><font size="-1">Write images in container to in-memory BLOB
    332 specified by <a href="Blob.html">Blob</a> blob_. Set adjoin_ to false to
    333 write a set of image frames via a wildcard imageSpec_ (e.g.
    334 image%02d.miff).</font> <br />
    335       <font size="-1"><b><font color="#ff0000">Caution:</font></b> if an
    336 image format is selected which is capable of supporting fewer colors
    337 than the original image or quantization has been requested, the original
    338 image will be quantized to fewer colors. Use a copy of the original if
    339 this is a problem.</font></td>
    340     </tr>
    341   </tbody>
    342 </table></ul>
    343 <p>In addition, we support these yet to be documented methods: <code>combineImages()</code>, <code>evaluateImages()</code>, <code>mergeImageLayers()</code>, <code>optimizeImageLayers()</code>, <code>optimizePlusImageLayers()</code>, and <code>separateImages()</code>.</p>
    344 <br />
    345 &#160; </p>
    346 <center>
    347 <h3> Magick++ Unary Function Objects</h3>
    348 </center>
    349 Magick++ unary function objects inherit from the STL unary_function
    350 template class . The STL unary_function template class is of the form
    351 <pre class="text"><tt><font color="#000099">unary_function&lt;Arg, Result&gt;</font></tt></pre>
    352 and expects that derived classes implement a method of the form:
    353 <pre class="text"><tt><font color="#000099">Result operator()( Arg argument_);</font></tt></pre>
    354 which is invoked by algorithms using the function object. In the case
    355 of unary function objects defined by Magick++, the invoked function
    356 looks like:
    357 <pre class="text"><tt><font color="#000099">void operator()( Image &amp;image_);</font></tt></pre>
    358 with a typical implementation looking similar to:
    359 <pre class="text"><tt><font color="#000099">void operator()( Image &amp;image_ )</font></tt> <br />
    360   <tt><font color="#000099">&#160; {</font></tt> <br />
    361   <tt><font color="#000099">&#160;&#160;&#160; image_.contrast(
    362 _sharpen );</font></tt> <br />
    363   <tt><font color="#000099">&#160; }</font></tt></pre>
    364 where <i>contrast</i> is an Image method and <i>_sharpen </i>is an
    365 argument stored within the function object by its contructor. Since
    366 constructors may be polymorphic, a given function object may have
    367 several constructors and selects the appropriate Image method based on
    368 the arguments supplied.
    369 <p>In essence, unary function objects (as provided by Magick++) simply
    370 provide the means to construct an object which caches arguments for
    371 later use by an algorithm designed for use with unary function objects.
    372 There is a unary function object corresponding each algorithm provided
    373 by the <a href="Image++.html"> Image</a> class and there is a contructor
    374 available compatable with each synonymous  method in the Image class. </p>
    375 <p>The unary function objects that Magick++ provides to support
    376 manipulating images are shown in the following table: <br />
    377 &#160;
    378 <ul><table border="1">
    379   <caption><b>Magick++ Unary Function Objects For Image Manipulation</b></caption> <tbody>
    380     <tr align="center">
    381       <td><b>Function Object</b></td>
    382       <td><b>Constructor Signatures(s)</b></td>
    383       <td><b>Description</b></td>
    384     </tr>
    385     <tr>
    386       <td valign="middle">
    387       <div align="center"><a name="adaptiveThresholdImage"></a> <font
    388  size="-1">adaptiveThresholdImage</font><br />
    389       </div>
    390       </td>
    391       <td valign="middle"><font size="-1">size_t width, size_t
    392 height, unsigned offset = 0</font><br />
    393       </td>
    394       <td valign="top"><font size="-1">Apply adaptive thresholding to
    395 the image. Adaptive thresholding is useful if the ideal threshold level
    396 is not known in advance, or if the illumination gradient is not constant
    397 across the image. Adaptive thresholding works by evaulating the mean
    398 (average) of a pixel region (size specified by <i>width</i> and <i>height</i>)
    399 and using the mean as the thresholding value. In order to remove
    400 residual noise from the background, the threshold may be adjusted by
    401 subtracting a constant <i>offset</i> (default zero) from the mean to
    402 compute the threshold.</font><br />
    403       </td>
    404     </tr>
    405     <tr>
    406       <td>
    407       <center><a name="addNoiseImage"></a> <font size="-1">addNoiseImage</font></center>
    408       </td>
    409       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#NoiseType">NoiseType</a>
    410 noiseType_</font></td>
    411       <td><font size="-1">Add noise to image with specified noise type.</font></td>
    412     </tr>
    413     <tr>
    414       <td style="vertical-align: middle;"><small><a
    415  name="affineTransformImage"></a>affineTransformImage<br />
    416       </small></td>
    417       <td style="vertical-align: middle;"><small>const DrawableAffine
    418 &amp;affine_<br />
    419       </small></td>
    420       <td style="vertical-align: middle;"><small>Transform image by
    421 specified affine (or free transform) matrix.<br />
    422       </small></td>
    423     </tr>
    424     <tr>
    425       <td rowspan="4">
    426       <center><a name="annotateImage"></a> <font size="-1">annotateImage</font></center>
    427       </td>
    428       <td><font size="-1">const std::string &amp;text_, const <a
    429  href="Geometry.html"> Geometry</a> &amp;location_</font></td>
    430       <td><font size="-1">Annotate with text using specified text,
    431 bounding area,  placement gravity, and rotation. If <i>boundingArea_</i>
    432 is invalid, then  bounding area is entire image.</font></td>
    433     </tr>
    434     <tr>
    435       <td><font size="-1">std::string text_, const <a
    436  href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a> &amp;boundingArea_, <a
    437  href="Enumerations.html#GravityType">GravityType</a> gravity_</font></td>
    438       <td><font size="-1">Annotate using specified text, bounding area,
    439 and placement  gravity. If <i>boundingArea_</i> is invalid, then
    440 bounding area is entire  image.</font></td>
    441     </tr>
    442     <tr>
    443       <td><font size="-1">const std::string &amp;text_, const <a
    444  href="Geometry.html"> Geometry</a> &amp;boundingArea_, <a
    445  href="Enumerations.html#GravityType">GravityType</a> gravity_, double
    446 degrees_,&#160;</font></td>
    447       <td><font size="-1">Annotate with text using specified text,
    448 bounding area,  placement gravity, and rotation. If <i>boundingArea_</i>
    449 is invalid, then  bounding area is entire image.</font></td>
    450     </tr>
    451     <tr>
    452       <td><font size="-1">const std::string &amp;text_, <a
    453  href="Enumerations.html#GravityType"> GravityType</a> gravity_</font></td>
    454       <td><font size="-1">Annotate with text (bounding area is entire
    455 image) and placement gravity.</font></td>
    456     </tr>
    457     <tr>
    458       <td>
    459       <center><a name="blurImage"></a> <font size="-1">blurImage</font></center>
    460       </td>
    461       <td><font size="-1">const double radius_ = 1, const double sigma_
    462 = 0.5</font></td>
    463       <td><font size="-1">Blur image. The radius_ parameter specifies
    464 the radius  of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center
    465 pixel.&#160; The sigma_  parameter specifies the standard deviation of
    466 the Laplacian, in pixels.</font></td>
    467     </tr>
    468     <tr>
    469       <td>
    470       <center><a name="borderImage"></a> <font size="-1">borderImage</font></center>
    471       </td>
    472       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
    473 &amp;geometry_ = "6x6+0+0"</font></td>
    474       <td><font size="-1">Border image (add border to image).&#160; The
    475 color of the border is specified by the <i>borderColor</i> attribute.</font></td>
    476     </tr>
    477     <tr>
    478       <td>
    479       <center><a name="charcoalImage"></a> <font size="-1">charcoalImage</font></center>
    480       </td>
    481       <td><font size="-1">const double radius_ = 1, const double sigma_
    482 = 0.5</font></td>
    483       <td><font size="-1">Charcoal effect image (looks like charcoal
    484 sketch). The radius_ parameter specifies the radius of the Gaussian, in
    485 pixels, not  counting the center pixel.&#160; The sigma_ parameter
    486 specifies the standard  deviation of the Laplacian, in pixels.</font></td>
    487     </tr>
    488     <tr>
    489       <td>
    490       <center><a name="chopImage"></a> <font size="-1">chopImage</font></center>
    491       </td>
    492       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
    493 &amp;geometry_</font></td>
    494       <td><font size="-1">Chop image (remove vertical or horizontal
    495 subregion of image)</font></td>
    496     </tr>
    497     <tr>
    498       <td rowspan="2">
    499       <center><a name="colorizeImage"></a> <font size="-1">colorizeImage</font></center>
    500       </td>
    501       <td><font size="-1">const size_t opacityRed_, const
    502 size_t opacityGreen_, const size_t opacityBlue_, const Color
    503 &amp;penColor_</font></td>
    504       <td><font size="-1">Colorize image with pen color, using
    505 specified percent  opacity for red, green, and blue quantums.</font></td>
    506     </tr>
    507     <tr>
    508       <td><font size="-1">const size_t opacity_, const <a
    509  href="Color.html"> Color</a> &amp;penColor_</font></td>
    510       <td><font size="-1">Colorize image with pen color, using
    511 specified percent  opacity.</font></td>
    512     </tr>
    513     <tr>
    514       <td>
    515       <center><a name="commentImage"></a> <font size="-1">commentImage</font></center>
    516       </td>
    517       <td><font size="-1">const std::string &amp;comment_</font></td>
    518       <td><font size="-1">Comment image (add comment string to
    519 image).&#160; By default, each image is commented with its file name.
    520 Use&#160; this&#160;  method to&#160; assign a specific comment to the
    521 image.&#160; Optionally you can include the image filename, type, width,
    522 height, or other&#160; image&#160; attributes by embedding <a
    523  href="FormatCharacters.html">special format characters.</a> </font></td>
    524     </tr>
    525     <tr>
    526       <td rowspan="2">
    527       <center><a name="compositeImage"></a> <font size="-1">compositeImage</font></center>
    528       </td>
    529       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Image++.html">Image</a>
    530 &amp;compositeImage_, ssize_t xOffset_, ssize_t yOffset_, <a
    531  href="Enumerations.html#CompositeOperator"> CompositeOperator</a>
    532 compose_ = <i>InCompositeOp</i></font></td>
    533       <td rowspan="2"><font size="-1">Compose an image onto another at
    534 specified offset and using specified algorithm</font></td>
    535     </tr>
    536     <tr>
    537       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Image++.html">Image</a>
    538 &amp;compositeImage_, const Geometry &amp;offset_, <a
    539  href="Enumerations.html#CompositeOperator"> CompositeOperator</a>
    540 compose_ = <i>InCompositeOp</i></font></td>
    541     </tr>
    542     <tr>
    543       <td>
    544       <center><a name="condenseImage"></a> <font size="-1">condenseImage</font></center>
    545       </td>
    546       <td><font size="-1">void</font></td>
    547       <td><font size="-1">Condense image (Re-run-length encode image in
    548 memory).</font></td>
    549     </tr>
    550     <tr>
    551       <td>
    552       <center><a name="contrastImage"></a> <font size="-1">contrastImage</font></center>
    553       </td>
    554       <td><font size="-1">size_t sharpen_</font></td>
    555       <td><font size="-1">Contrast image (enhance intensity differences
    556 in image)</font></td>
    557     </tr>
    558     <tr>
    559       <td>
    560       <center><a name="cropImage"></a> <font size="-1">cropImage</font></center>
    561       </td>
    562       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
    563 &amp;geometry_</font></td>
    564       <td><font size="-1">Crop image (subregion of original image)</font></td>
    565     </tr>
    566     <tr>
    567       <td>
    568       <center><a name="cycleColormapImage"></a> <font size="-1">cycleColormap-</font> <br />
    569       <font size="-1">Image</font></center>
    570       </td>
    571       <td><font size="-1">int amount_</font></td>
    572       <td><font size="-1">Cycle image colormap</font></td>
    573     </tr>
    574     <tr>
    575       <td>
    576       <center><a name="despeckleImage"></a> <font size="-1">despeckleImage</font></center>
    577       </td>
    578       <td><font size="-1">void</font></td>
    579       <td><font size="-1">Despeckle image (reduce speckle noise)</font></td>
    580     </tr>
    581     <tr>
    582       <td rowspan="2">
    583       <center><a name="drawImage"></a> <font size="-1">drawImage</font></center>
    584       </td>
    585       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Drawable.html">Drawable</a>
    586 &amp;drawable_</font></td>
    587       <td><font size="-1">Draw shape or text on image.</font></td>
    588     </tr>
    589     <tr>
    590       <td><font size="-1">const std::list&lt;<a href="Drawable.html">Drawable</a>
    591 &gt; &amp;drawable_</font></td>
    592       <td><font size="-1">Draw shapes or text on image using a set of
    593 Drawable objects contained in an STL list. Use of this method improves
    594 drawing performance  and allows batching draw objects together in a list
    595 for repeated use.</font></td>
    596     </tr>
    597     <tr>
    598       <td>
    599       <center><a name="edgeImage"></a> <font size="-1">edgeImage</font></center>
    600       </td>
    601       <td><font size="-1">size_t radius_ = 0.0</font></td>
    602       <td><font size="-1">Edge image (hilight edges in image).&#160;
    603 The radius  is the radius of the pixel neighborhood.. Specify a radius
    604 of zero for automatic radius selection.</font></td>
    605     </tr>
    606     <tr>
    607       <td>
    608       <center><a name="embossImage"></a> <font size="-1">embossImage</font></center>
    609       </td>
    610       <td><font size="-1">const double radius_ = 1, const double sigma_
    611 = 0.5</font></td>
    612       <td><font size="-1">Emboss image (hilight edges with 3D effect).
    613 The radius_  parameter specifies the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels,
    614 not counting the center pixel.&#160; The sigma_ parameter specifies the
    615 standard deviation  of the Laplacian, in pixels.</font></td>
    616     </tr>
    617     <tr>
    618       <td>
    619       <center><a name="enhanceImage"></a> <font size="-1">enhanceImage</font></center>
    620       </td>
    621       <td><font size="-1">void</font></td>
    622       <td><font size="-1">Enhance image (minimize noise)</font></td>
    623     </tr>
    624     <tr>
    625       <td>
    626       <center><a name="equalizeImage"></a> <font size="-1">equalizeImage</font></center>
    627       </td>
    628       <td><font size="-1">void</font></td>
    629       <td><font size="-1">Equalize image (histogram equalization)</font></td>
    630     </tr>
    631     <tr>
    632       <td>
    633       <center><a name="flipImage"></a> <font size="-1">flipImage</font></center>
    634       </td>
    635       <td><font size="-1">void</font></td>
    636       <td><font size="-1">Flip image (reflect each scanline in the
    637 vertical direction)</font></td>
    638     </tr>
    639     <tr>
    640       <td rowspan="4">
    641       <center><a name="floodFillColorImage"></a> <font size="-1">floodFill-</font> <br />
    642       <font size="-1">ColorImage</font></center>
    643       </td>
    644       <td><font size="-1">ssize_t x_, ssize_t y_, const <a
    645  href="Color.html"> Color</a> &amp;fillColor_</font></td>
    646       <td rowspan="2"><font size="-1">Flood-fill color across pixels
    647 that match  the color of the target pixel and are neighbors of the
    648 target pixel. Uses  current fuzz setting when determining color match.</font></td>
    649     </tr>
    650     <tr>
    651       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
    652 &amp;point_, const <a href="Color.html">Color</a> &amp;fillColor_</font></td>
    653     </tr>
    654     <tr>
    655       <td><font size="-1">ssize_t x_, ssize_t y_, const <a
    656  href="Color.html"> Color</a> &amp;fillColor_, const <a href="Color.html">Color</a>
    657 &amp;borderColor_</font></td>
    658       <td rowspan="2"><font size="-1">Flood-fill color across pixels
    659 starting at target-pixel and stopping at pixels matching specified
    660 border color. Uses  current fuzz setting when determining color match.</font></td>
    661     </tr>
    662     <tr>
    663       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
    664 &amp;point_, const <a href="Color.html">Color</a> &amp;fillColor_, const <a
    665  href="Color.html">Color</a> &amp;borderColor_</font></td>
    666     </tr>
    667     <tr>
    668       <td rowspan="4">
    669       <center><a name="floodFillTextureImage"></a> <font size="-1">floodFill-</font> <br />
    670       <font size="-1">TextureImage</font></center>
    671       </td>
    672       <td><font size="-1">ssize_t x_, ssize_t y_,&#160; const <a
    673  href="Image++.html"> Image</a> &amp;texture_</font></td>
    674       <td rowspan="2"><font size="-1">Flood-fill texture across pixels
    675 that match  the color of the target pixel and are neighbors of the
    676 target pixel. Uses  current fuzz setting when determining color match.</font></td>
    677     </tr>
    678     <tr>
    679       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
    680 &amp;point_, const Image &amp;texture_</font></td>
    681     </tr>
    682     <tr>
    683       <td><font size="-1">ssize_t x_, ssize_t y_, const Image
    684 &amp;texture_, const <a href="Color.html">Color</a> &amp;borderColor_</font></td>
    685       <td rowspan="2"><font size="-1">Flood-fill texture across pixels
    686 starting at target-pixel and stopping at pixels matching specified
    687 border color. Uses current fuzz setting when determining color match.</font></td>
    688     </tr>
    689     <tr>
    690       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
    691 &amp;point_, const Image &amp;texture_, const <a href="Color.html">Color</a>
    692 &amp;borderColor_</font></td>
    693     </tr>
    694     <tr>
    695       <td>
    696       <center><a name="flopImage"></a> <font size="-1">flopImage</font></center>
    697       </td>
    698       <td><font size="-1">void&#160;</font></td>
    699       <td><font size="-1">Flop image (reflect each scanline in the
    700 horizontal direction)</font></td>
    701     </tr>
    702     <tr>
    703       <td rowspan="2">
    704       <center><a name="frameImage"></a> <font size="-1">frameImage</font></center>
    705       </td>
    706       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
    707 &amp;geometry_ = "25x25+6+6"</font></td>
    708       <td rowspan="2"><font size="-1">Add decorative frame around image</font></td>
    709     </tr>
    710     <tr>
    711       <td><font size="-1">size_t width_, size_t height_,
    712 ssize_t x_, ssize_t  y_, ssize_t innerBevel_ = 0, ssize_t outerBevel_ = 0</font></td>
    713     </tr>
    714     <tr>
    715       <td rowspan="2">
    716       <center><a name="gammaImage"></a> <font size="-1">gammaImage</font></center>
    717       </td>
    718       <td><font size="-1">double gamma_</font></td>
    719       <td><font size="-1">Gamma correct image (uniform red, green, and
    720 blue correction).</font></td>
    721     </tr>
    722     <tr>
    723       <td><font size="-1">double gammaRed_, double gammaGreen_, double
    724 gammaBlue_</font></td>
    725       <td><font size="-1">Gamma correct red, green, and blue channels
    726 of image.</font></td>
    727     </tr>
    728     <tr>
    729       <td>
    730       <center><a name="gaussianBlur"></a> <font size="-1">gaussianBlurImage</font></center>
    731       </td>
    732       <td><font size="-1">double width_, double sigma_</font></td>
    733       <td><font size="-1">Gaussian blur image. The number of neighbor
    734 pixels to be included in the convolution mask is specified by
    735 'width_'.&#160; For  example, a width of one gives a (standard) 3x3
    736 convolution mask. The standard  deviation of the gaussian bell curve is
    737 specified by 'sigma_'.</font></td>
    738     </tr>
    739     <tr>
    740       <td>
    741       <center><a name="implodeImage"></a> <font size="-1">implodeImage</font></center>
    742       </td>
    743       <td><font size="-1">double factor_</font></td>
    744       <td><font size="-1">Implode image (special effect)</font></td>
    745     </tr>
    746     <tr>
    747       <td>
    748       <center><a name="inverseFourierTransformImage"></a> <font size="-1">inverseFourierTransformImage</font></center>
    749       </td>
    750       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Image++.html">Image</a>
    751 &amp;phaseImage_, const bool magnitude_</font></td>
    752       <td><font size="-1">implements the inverse discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of the image either as a magnitude / phase or real / imaginary image pair.</font></td>
    753     </tr>
    754     <tr>
    755       <td>
    756       <center><a name="labelImage"></a> <font size="-1">labelImage</font></center>
    757       </td>
    758       <td><font size="-1">const string &amp;label_</font></td>
    759       <td><font size="-1">Assign a label to an image. Use this option
    760 to&#160; assign&#160; a&#160; specific label to the image. Optionally
    761 you can include  the image filename, type, width, height, or scene
    762 number in the label by embedding&#160; <a href="FormatCharacters.html">special
    763 format characters.</a> If the first character of string is @, the image
    764 label is read from a file titled by the remaining characters in the
    765 string. When converting to Postscript,  use this&#160; option to specify
    766 a header string to print above the image.</font></td>
    767     </tr>
    768     <tr>
    769       <td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"><small><a
    770  name="levelImage"></a>levelImage<br />
    771       </small></td>
    772       <td style="vertical-align: top;"><small>const double black_point,
    773 const double white_point, const double mid_point=1.0<br />
    774       </small></td>
    775       <td style="vertical-align: top;"><small>Level image. Adjust the
    776 levels of the image by scaling the colors falling between specified
    777 white and black points to the full available quantum range. The
    778 parameters provided represent the black, mid (gamma), and white
    779 points.&#160; The black point specifies the darkest color in the image.
    780 Colors darker than the black point are set to zero. Mid point (gamma)
    781 specifies a gamma correction to apply to the image. White point
    782 specifies the lightest color in the image.&#160; Colors brighter than
    783 the white point are set to the maximum quantum value. The black and
    784 white point have the valid range 0 to QuantumRange while mid (gamma) has a
    785 useful range of 0 to ten.</small></td>
    786     </tr>
    787     <tr>
    788       <td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"><small><a
    789  name="levelChannelImage"></a>levelChannelImage<br />
    790       </small></td>
    791       <td style="vertical-align: top;"><small>const Magick::ChannelType
    792 channel, const double black_point, const double white_point, const
    793 double mid_point=1.0<br />
    794       </small></td>
    795       <td style="vertical-align: top;"><small>Level image channel.
    796 Adjust the levels of the image channel by scaling the values falling
    797 between specified white and black points to the full available quantum
    798 range. The parameters provided represent the black, mid (gamma), and
    799 white points. The black point specifies the darkest color in the image.
    800 Colors darker than the black point are set to zero. Mid point (gamma)
    801 specifies a gamma correction to apply to the image. White point
    802 specifies the lightest color in the image. Colors brighter than the
    803 white point are set to the maximum quantum value. The black and white
    804 point have the valid range 0 to QuantumRange while mid (gamma) has a useful
    805 range of 0 to ten.</small></td>
    806     </tr>
    807     <tr>
    808       <td>
    809       <center><a name="layerImage"></a> <font size="-1">layerImage</font></center>
    810       </td>
    811       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#ChannelType">ChannelType</a>
    812 layer_</font></td>
    813       <td><font size="-1">Extract layer from image. Use this option to
    814 extract a particular layer from&#160; the image.&#160; <i>MatteLayer</i>,&#160;
    815 for&#160; example, is useful for extracting the opacity values from an
    816 image.</font></td>
    817     </tr>
    818     <tr>
    819       <td>
    820       <center><a name="magnifyImage"></a> <font size="-1">magnifyImage</font></center>
    821       </td>
    822       <td><font size="-1">void</font></td>
    823       <td><font size="-1">Magnify image by integral size</font></td>
    824     </tr>
    825     <tr>
    826       <td>
    827       <center><a name="mapImage"></a> <font size="-1">mapImage</font></center>
    828       </td>
    829       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Image++.html">Image</a>
    830 &amp;mapImage_ , bool dither_ = false</font></td>
    831       <td><font size="-1">Remap image colors with closest color from
    832 reference image. Set dither_ to <i>true</i> in to apply Floyd/Steinberg
    833 error diffusion  to the image. By default, color reduction chooses an
    834 optimal&#160; set&#160;  of colors that best represent the original
    835 image. Alternatively, you can&#160; choose&#160; a&#160;
    836 particular&#160; set&#160; of colors&#160; from&#160;  an image file
    837 with this option.</font></td>
    838     </tr>
    839     <tr>
    840       <td>
    841       <center><a name="matteFloodfillImage"></a> <font size="-1">matteFloodfill-</font> <br />
    842       <font size="-1">Image</font></center>
    843       </td>
    844       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Color.html">Color</a>
    845 &amp;target_, unsigned int matte_, ssize_t x_, ssize_t y_, <a
    846  href="Enumerations.html#PaintMethod"> PaintMethod</a> method_</font></td>
    847       <td><font size="-1">Floodfill designated area with a matte value</font></td>
    848     </tr>
    849     <tr>
    850       <td><a name="medianFilterImage"></a> <font size="-1">medianFilterImage</font></td>
    851       <td><font size="-1">const double radius_ = 0.0</font></td>
    852       <td><font size="-1">Filter image by replacing each pixel
    853 component with the median color in a circular neighborhood</font></td>
    854     </tr>
    855     <tr>
    856       <td>
    857       <center><a name="minifyImage"></a> <font size="-1">minifyImage</font></center>
    858       </td>
    859       <td><font size="-1">void</font></td>
    860       <td><font size="-1">Reduce image by integral size</font></td>
    861     </tr>
    862     <tr>
    863       <td>
    864       <center><a name="modulateImage"></a> <font size="-1">modulateImage</font></center>
    865       </td>
    866       <td><font size="-1">double brightness_, double saturation_,
    867 double hue_</font></td>
    868       <td><font size="-1">Modulate percent hue, saturation, and
    869 brightness of an image.&#160;</font><font size="-1">Modulation of
    870 saturation and brightness is as a ratio of the current value (100.0 for no
    871 change). Modulation of hue is an absolute rotation of -180 degrees to
    872 +180 degrees from the current position corresponding to an argument
    873 range of 0 to 200.0 (100.0 for no change).</font></td>
    874     </tr>
    875     <tr>
    876       <td>
    877       <center><a name="negateImage"></a> <font size="-1">negateImage</font></center>
    878       </td>
    879       <td><font size="-1">bool grayscale_ = false</font></td>
    880       <td><font size="-1">Negate colors in image.&#160; Replace every
    881 pixel with  its complementary color (white becomes black, yellow becomes
    882 blue, etc.).&#160;  Set grayscale to only negate grayscale values in
    883 image.</font></td>
    884     </tr>
    885     <tr>
    886       <td>
    887       <center><a name="normalizeImage"></a> <font size="-1">normalizeImage</font></center>
    888       </td>
    889       <td><font size="-1">void</font></td>
    890       <td><font size="-1">Normalize image (increase contrast by
    891 normalizing the  pixel values to span the full range of color values).</font></td>
    892     </tr>
    893     <tr>
    894       <td>
    895       <center><a name="oilPaintImage"></a> <font size="-1">oilPaintImage</font></center>
    896       </td>
    897       <td><font size="-1">size_t radius_ = 3</font></td>
    898       <td><font size="-1">Oilpaint image (image looks like oil painting)</font></td>
    899     </tr>
    900     <tr>
    901       <td>
    902       <center><a name="opacityImage"></a> <font size="-1">opacityImage</font></center>
    903       </td>
    904       <td><font size="-1">size_t opacity_</font></td>
    905       <td><font size="-1">Set or attenuate the opacity channel in the
    906 image. If the image pixels are opaque then they are set to the specified
    907 opacity value, otherwise they are blended with the supplied opacity
    908 value.&#160; The value of opacity_ ranges from 0 (completely opaque) to <i>QuantumRange</i>.
    909 The defines <i>OpaqueOpacity</i> and <i>TransparentOpacity</i> are
    910 available to specify completely opaque or completely transparent,
    911 respectively.</font></td>
    912     </tr>
    913     <tr>
    914       <td>
    915       <center><a name="opaqueImage"></a> <font size="-1">opaqueImage</font></center>
    916       </td>
    917       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Color.html">Color</a>
    918 &amp;opaqueColor_, const <a href="Color.html">Color</a> &amp;penColor_</font></td>
    919       <td><font size="-1">Change color of pixels matching opaqueColor_
    920 to specified  penColor_.</font></td>
    921     </tr>
    922     <tr>
    923       <td>
    924       <center><a name="quantizeImage"></a> <font size="-1">quantizeImage</font></center>
    925       </td>
    926       <td><font size="-1">bool measureError_ = false</font></td>
    927       <td><font size="-1">Quantize image (reduce number of colors). Set
    928 measureError_ to true in order to calculate error attributes.</font></td>
    929     </tr>
    930     <tr>
    931       <td>
    932       <center><a name="raiseImage"></a> <font size="-1">raiseImage</font></center>
    933       </td>
    934       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
    935 &amp;geometry_ = "6x6+0+0",&#160; bool raisedFlag_ =&#160; false</font></td>
    936       <td><font size="-1">Raise image (lighten or darken the edges of
    937 an image  to give a 3-D raised or lowered effect)</font></td>
    938     </tr>
    939     <tr>
    940       <td rowspan="2">
    941       <center><a name="reduceNoiseImage"></a> <font size="-1">reduceNoise-</font> <br />
    942       <font size="-1">Image</font></center>
    943       </td>
    944       <td><font size="-1">void</font></td>
    945       <td rowspan="2"><font size="-1">Reduce noise in image using a
    946 noise peak  elimination filter.</font></td>
    947     </tr>
    948     <tr>
    949       <td><font size="-1">size_t order_</font></td>
    950     </tr>
    951     <tr>
    952       <td>
    953       <center><a name="rollImage"></a> <font size="-1">rollImage</font></center>
    954       </td>
    955       <td><font size="-1">int columns_, ssize_t rows_</font></td>
    956       <td><font size="-1">Roll image (rolls image vertically and
    957 horizontally) by specified number of columnms and rows)</font></td>
    958     </tr>
    959     <tr>
    960       <td>
    961       <center><a name="rotateImage"></a> <font size="-1">rotateImage</font></center>
    962       </td>
    963       <td><font size="-1">double degrees_</font></td>
    964       <td><font size="-1">Rotate image counter-clockwise by specified
    965 number of degrees</font></td>
    966     </tr>
    967     <tr>
    968       <td>
    969       <center><a name="sampleImage"></a> <font size="-1">sampleImage</font></center>
    970       </td>
    971       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
    972 &amp;geometry_&#160;</font></td>
    973       <td><font size="-1">Resize image by using pixel sampling algorithm</font></td>
    974     </tr>
    975     <tr>
    976       <td>
    977       <center><a name="scaleImage"></a> <font size="-1">scaleImage</font></center>
    978       </td>
    979       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
    980 &amp;geometry_</font></td>
    981       <td><font size="-1">Resize image by using simple ratio algorithm</font></td>
    982     </tr>
    983     <tr>
    984       <td>
    985       <center><a name="segmentImage"></a> <font size="-1">segmentImage</font></center>
    986       </td>
    987       <td><font size="-1">double clusterThreshold_ = 1.0,</font> <br />
    988       <font size="-1">double smoothingThreshold_ = 1.5</font></td>
    989       <td><font size="-1">Segment (coalesce similar image components)
    990 by analyzing  the histograms of the color components and identifying
    991 units that are homogeneous  with the fuzzy c-means technique. Also uses <i>quantizeColorSpace</i>
    992 and <i>verbose</i> image attributes. Specify <i>clusterThreshold_</i> ,
    993 as the number&#160; of&#160; pixels&#160; each cluster&#160; must exceed
    994 the cluster threshold to be considered valid. <i>SmoothingThreshold_</i>
    995 eliminates noise in the&#160; second derivative of the histogram. As the
    996 value is&#160; increased, you can&#160; expect&#160; a&#160; smoother
    997 second derivative.&#160; The default is 1.5.</font></td>
    998     </tr>
    999     <tr>
   1000       <td>
   1001       <center><a name="shadeImage"></a> <font size="-1">shadeImage</font></center>
   1002       </td>
   1003       <td><font size="-1">double azimuth_ = 30, double elevation_ = 30,</font> <br />
   1004       <font size="-1">bool colorShading_ = false</font></td>
   1005       <td><font size="-1">Shade image using distant light source.
   1006 Specify <i> azimuth_</i> and <i>elevation_</i> as the&#160;
   1007 position&#160; of&#160; the light source. By default, the shading
   1008 results as a grayscale image.. Set c<i>olorShading_</i> to <i>true</i> to
   1009 shade the red, green, and blue components of the image.</font></td>
   1010     </tr>
   1011     <tr>
   1012       <td>
   1013       <center><a name="sharpenImage"></a> <font size="-1">sharpenImage</font></center>
   1014       </td>
   1015       <td><font size="-1">const double radius_ = 1, const double sigma_
   1016 = 0.5</font></td>
   1017       <td><font size="-1">Sharpen pixels in image. The radius_
   1018 parameter specifies  the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting
   1019 the center pixel.&#160;  The sigma_ parameter specifies the standard
   1020 deviation of the Laplacian, in pixels.</font></td>
   1021     </tr>
   1022     <tr>
   1023       <td>
   1024       <center><a name="shaveImage"></a> <font size="-1">shaveImage</font></center>
   1025       </td>
   1026       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
   1027 &amp;geometry_</font></td>
   1028       <td><font size="-1">Shave pixels from image edges.</font></td>
   1029     </tr>
   1030     <tr>
   1031       <td>
   1032       <center><a name="shearImage"></a> <font size="-1">shearImage</font></center>
   1033       </td>
   1034       <td><font size="-1">double xShearAngle_, double yShearAngle_</font></td>
   1035       <td><font size="-1">Shear image (create parallelogram by sliding
   1036 image by X or Y axis).&#160; Shearing slides one edge of an image along
   1037 the X&#160;  or&#160; Y axis,&#160; creating&#160; a
   1038 parallelogram.&#160; An X direction  shear slides an edge along the X
   1039 axis, while&#160; a&#160; Y&#160; direction  shear&#160; slides&#160; an
   1040 edge along the Y axis.&#160; The amount of the shear is controlled by a
   1041 shear angle.&#160; For X direction&#160; shears,&#160;  x&#160; degrees
   1042 is measured relative to the Y axis, and similarly, for Y direction
   1043 shears&#160; y&#160; degrees is measured relative to the X axis. Empty
   1044 triangles left over from shearing the&#160; image&#160; are filled&#160;
   1045 with&#160; the&#160; color&#160; defined as <i>borderColor</i>.&#160;</font></td>
   1046     </tr>
   1047     <tr>
   1048       <td>
   1049       <center><a name="solarizeImage"></a> <font size="-1">solarizeImage</font></center>
   1050       </td>
   1051       <td><font size="-1">double factor_</font></td>
   1052       <td><font size="-1">Solarize image (similar to effect seen when
   1053 exposing a photographic film to light during the development process)</font></td>
   1054     </tr>
   1055     <tr>
   1056       <td>
   1057       <center><a name="spreadImage"></a> <font size="-1">spreadImage</font></center>
   1058       </td>
   1059       <td><font size="-1">size_t amount_ = 3</font></td>
   1060       <td><font size="-1">Spread pixels randomly within image by
   1061 specified amount</font></td>
   1062     </tr>
   1063     <tr>
   1064       <td>
   1065       <center><a name="steganoImage"></a> <font size="-1">steganoImage</font></center>
   1066       </td>
   1067       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Image++.html">Image</a>
   1068 &amp;watermark_</font></td>
   1069       <td><font size="-1">Add a digital watermark to the image (based
   1070 on second  image)</font></td>
   1071     </tr>
   1072     <tr>
   1073       <td>
   1074       <center><a name="stereoImage"></a> <font size="-1">stereoImage</font></center>
   1075       </td>
   1076       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Image++.html">Image</a>
   1077 &amp;rightImage_</font></td>
   1078       <td><font size="-1">Create an image which appears in stereo when
   1079 viewed with red-blue glasses (Red image on left, blue on right)</font></td>
   1080     </tr>
   1081     <tr>
   1082       <td>
   1083       <center><a name="swirlImage"></a> <font size="-1">swirlImage</font></center>
   1084       </td>
   1085       <td><font size="-1">double degrees_</font></td>
   1086       <td><font size="-1">Swirl image (image pixels are rotated by
   1087 degrees)</font></td>
   1088     </tr>
   1089     <tr>
   1090       <td>
   1091       <center><a name="textureImage"></a> <font size="-1">textureImage</font></center>
   1092       </td>
   1093       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Image++.html">Image</a>
   1094 &amp;texture_</font></td>
   1095       <td><font size="-1">Layer a texture on image background</font></td>
   1096     </tr>
   1097     <tr>
   1098       <td>
   1099       <center><a name="thresholdImage"></a> <font size="-1">thresholdImage</font></center>
   1100       </td>
   1101       <td><font size="-1">double threshold_</font></td>
   1102       <td><font size="-1">Threshold image</font></td>
   1103     </tr>
   1104     <tr>
   1105       <td rowspan="2">
   1106       <center><a name="transformImage"></a> <font size="-1">transformImage</font></center>
   1107       </td>
   1108       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
   1109 &amp;imageGeometry_</font></td>
   1110       <td rowspan="2"><font size="-1">Transform image based on image
   1111 and crop geometries. Crop geometry is optional.</font></td>
   1112     </tr>
   1113     <tr>
   1114       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
   1115 &amp;imageGeometry_, const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
   1116 &amp;cropGeometry_&#160;</font></td>
   1117     </tr>
   1118     <tr>
   1119       <td>
   1120       <center><a name="transparentImage"></a> <font size="-1">transparentImage</font></center>
   1121       </td>
   1122       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Color.html">Color</a>
   1123 &amp;color_</font></td>
   1124       <td><font size="-1">Add matte image to image, setting pixels
   1125 matching color  to transparent.</font></td>
   1126     </tr>
   1127     <tr>
   1128       <td>
   1129       <center><a name="trimImage"></a> <font size="-1">trimImage</font></center>
   1130       </td>
   1131       <td><font size="-1">void</font></td>
   1132       <td><font size="-1">Trim edges that are the background color from
   1133 the image.</font></td>
   1134     </tr>
   1135     <tr>
   1136       <td>
   1137       <center><a name="waveImage"></a> <font size="-1">waveImage</font></center>
   1138       </td>
   1139       <td><font size="-1">double amplitude_ = 25.0, double wavelength_
   1140 = 150.0</font></td>
   1141       <td><font size="-1">Alter an image along a sine wave.</font></td>
   1142     </tr>
   1143     <tr>
   1144       <td>
   1145       <center><a name="zoomImage"></a> <font size="-1">zoomImage</font></center>
   1146       </td>
   1147       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
   1148 &amp;geometry_</font></td>
   1149       <td><font size="-1">Zoom image to specified size.</font></td>
   1150     </tr>
   1151   </tbody>
   1152 </table></ul>
   1153 </p>
   1154 <p>Function objects are available to set attributes on image frames
   1155 which are equivalent to methods in the Image object. These function
   1156 objects allow setting an option across a range of image frames using f<tt>
   1157 or_each()</tt>. </p>
   1158 <p>The following code is an example of how the color 'red' may be set
   1159 to transparent in a GIF animation: </p>
   1160 <pre class="code">
   1161 list&lt;image> images; 
   1162 readImages( &amp;images, "animation.gif" ); 
   1163 for_each ( images.begin(), images.end(), transparentImage( "red" )  ); 
   1164 writeImages( images.begin(), images.end(), "animation.gif" );
   1165 </pre>
   1166 <p>The available function objects for setting image attributes are <br />
   1167 &#160;
   1168 <ul><table border="1">
   1169   <caption style="font-weight: bold;">Image Attributes</caption> <tbody>
   1170     <tr>
   1171       <td>
   1172       <center><b>Attribute</b></center>
   1173       </td>
   1174       <td>
   1175       <center><b>Type</b></center>
   1176       </td>
   1177       <td>
   1178       <center><b>Constructor Signature(s)</b></center>
   1179       </td>
   1180       <td>
   1181       <center><b>Description</b></center>
   1182       </td>
   1183     </tr>
   1184     <tr>
   1185       <td>
   1186       <center><a name="adjoinImage"></a> <font size="-1">adjoinImage</font></center>
   1187       </td>
   1188       <td><font size="-1">bool</font></td>
   1189       <td><font size="-1">bool flag_</font></td>
   1190       <td><font size="-1">Join images into a single multi-image file.</font></td>
   1191     </tr>
   1192     <tr>
   1193       <td>
   1194       <center><a name="antiAlias"></a> <font size="-1">antiAliasImage</font></center>
   1195       </td>
   1196       <td><font size="-1">bool</font></td>
   1197       <td><font size="-1">bool flag_</font></td>
   1198       <td><font size="-1">Control antialiasing of rendered Postscript
   1199 and Postscript  or TrueType fonts. Enabled by default.</font></td>
   1200     </tr>
   1201     <tr>
   1202       <td>
   1203       <center><a name="animationDelay"></a> <font size="-1">animation-</font> <br />
   1204       <font size="-1">DelayImage</font></center>
   1205       </td>
   1206       <td><font size="-1">size_t (0 to 65535)</font></td>
   1207       <td><font size="-1">size_t delay_</font></td>
   1208       <td><font size="-1">Time in 1/100ths of a second (0 to 65535)
   1209 which must  expire before displaying the next image in an animated
   1210 sequence. This option  is useful for regulating the animation of a
   1211 sequence&#160; of GIF images within Netscape.</font></td>
   1212     </tr>
   1213     <tr>
   1214       <td>
   1215       <center><a name="animationIterations"></a> <font size="-1">animation-</font> <br />
   1216       <font size="-1">IterationsImage</font></center>
   1217       </td>
   1218       <td><font size="-1">size_t</font></td>
   1219       <td><font size="-1">size_t iterations_</font></td>
   1220       <td><font size="-1">Number of iterations to loop an animation
   1221 (e.g. Netscape  loop extension) for.</font></td>
   1222     </tr>
   1223     <tr>
   1224       <td>
   1225       <center><a name="backgroundColor"></a> <font size="-1">background-</font> <br />
   1226       <font size="-1">ColorImage</font></center>
   1227       </td>
   1228       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Color.html">Color</a> </font></td>
   1229       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Color.html">Color</a>
   1230 &amp;color_</font></td>
   1231       <td><font size="-1">Image background color</font></td>
   1232     </tr>
   1233     <tr>
   1234       <td>
   1235       <center><a name="backgroundTexture"></a> <font size="-1">background-</font> <br />
   1236       <font size="-1">TextureImage</font></center>
   1237       </td>
   1238       <td><font size="-1">std::string</font></td>
   1239       <td><font size="-1">const string &amp;texture_</font></td>
   1240       <td><font size="-1">Image to use as background texture.</font></td>
   1241     </tr>
   1242     <tr>
   1243       <td>
   1244       <center><a name="borderColor"></a> <font size="-1">borderColor-</font> <br />
   1245       <font size="-1">Image</font></center>
   1246       </td>
   1247       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Color.html">Color</a> </font></td>
   1248       <td><font size="-1">&#160;const <a href="Color.html">Color</a>
   1249 &amp;color_</font></td>
   1250       <td><font size="-1">Image border color</font></td>
   1251     </tr>
   1252     <tr>
   1253       <td>
   1254       <center><a name="boxColor"></a> <font size="-1">boxColorImage</font></center>
   1255       </td>
   1256       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Color.html">Color</a> </font></td>
   1257       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Color.html">Color</a>
   1258 &amp;boxColor_</font></td>
   1259       <td><font size="-1">Base color that annotation text is rendered
   1260 on.</font></td>
   1261     </tr>
   1262     <tr>
   1263       <td>
   1264       <center><a name="chromaBluePrimary"></a> <font size="-1">chroma-</font> <br />
   1265       <font size="-1">BluePrimaryImage</font></center>
   1266       </td>
   1267       <td><font size="-1">double x &amp; y</font></td>
   1268       <td><font size="-1">double x_, double y_</font></td>
   1269       <td><font size="-1">Chromaticity blue primary point (e.g. x=0.15,
   1270 y=0.06)</font></td>
   1271     </tr>
   1272     <tr>
   1273       <td>
   1274       <center><a name="chromaGreenPrimary"></a> <font size="-1">chroma-</font> <br />
   1275       <font size="-1">GreenPrimaryImage</font></center>
   1276       </td>
   1277       <td><font size="-1">double x &amp; y</font></td>
   1278       <td><font size="-1">double x_, double y_</font></td>
   1279       <td><font size="-1">Chromaticity green primary point (e.g. x=0.3,
   1280 y=0.6)</font></td>
   1281     </tr>
   1282     <tr>
   1283       <td>
   1284       <center><a name="chromaRedPrimary"></a> <font size="-1">chroma-</font> <br />
   1285       <font size="-1">RedPrimaryImage</font></center>
   1286       </td>
   1287       <td><font size="-1">double x &amp; y</font></td>
   1288       <td><font size="-1">double x_, double y_</font></td>
   1289       <td><font size="-1">Chromaticity red primary point (e.g. x=0.64,
   1290 y=0.33)</font></td>
   1291     </tr>
   1292     <tr>
   1293       <td>
   1294       <center><a name="chromaWhitePoint"></a> <font size="-1">chroma-</font> <br />
   1295       <font size="-1">WhitePointImage</font></center>
   1296       </td>
   1297       <td><font size="-1">double x &amp; y</font></td>
   1298       <td><font size="-1">double x_, double y_</font></td>
   1299       <td><font size="-1">Chromaticity white point (e.g. x=0.3127,
   1300 y=0.329)</font></td>
   1301     </tr>
   1302     <tr>
   1303       <td>
   1304       <center><a name="colorFuzz"></a> <font size="-1">colorFuzzImage</font></center>
   1305       </td>
   1306       <td><font size="-1">double</font></td>
   1307       <td><font size="-1">double fuzz_</font></td>
   1308       <td><font size="-1">Colors within this distance are considered
   1309 equal. A number of algorithms search for a target&#160; color. By
   1310 default the color must be exact. Use this option to match colors that
   1311 are close to the target  color in RGB space.</font></td>
   1312     </tr>
   1313     <tr>
   1314       <td>
   1315       <center><a name="colorMap"></a> <font size="-1">colorMapImage</font></center>
   1316       </td>
   1317       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Color.html">Color</a> </font></td>
   1318       <td><font size="-1">size_t index_, const <a
   1319  href="Color.html">Color</a> &amp;color_</font></td>
   1320       <td><font size="-1">Color at color-pallet index.</font></td>
   1321     </tr>
   1322     <tr>
   1323       <td><a name="colorSpaceImage"></a> <font size="-1">colorSpaceImage</font></td>
   1324       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#ColorspaceType">ColorspaceType</a> </font></td>
   1325       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#ColorspaceType">ColorspaceType</a>
   1326 colorSpace_</font></td>
   1327       <td><font size="-1">The colorspace (e.g. CMYK) used to represent
   1328 the image  pixel colors. Image pixels are always stored as RGB(A) except
   1329 for the case  of CMY(K).</font></td>
   1330     </tr>
   1331     <tr>
   1332       <td>
   1333       <center><a name="composeImage"></a> <font size="-1">composeImage</font></center>
   1334       </td>
   1335       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#CompositeOperator">CompositeOperator</a> </font></td>
   1336       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#CompositeOperator">CompositeOperator</a>
   1337 compose_</font></td>
   1338       <td><font size="-1">Composition operator to be used when
   1339 composition is implicitly used (such as for image flattening).</font></td>
   1340     </tr>
   1341     <tr>
   1342       <td>
   1343       <center><a name="compressType"></a> <font size="-1">compressType-</font> <br />
   1344       <font size="-1">Image</font></center>
   1345       </td>
   1346       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#CompressionType">CompressionType</a> </font></td>
   1347       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#CompressionType">CompressionType</a>
   1348 compressType_</font></td>
   1349       <td><font size="-1">Image compresion type. The default is the
   1350 compression type of the specified image file.</font></td>
   1351     </tr>
   1352     <tr>
   1353       <td>
   1354       <center><a name="density"></a> <font size="-1">densityImage</font></center>
   1355       </td>
   1356       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a> &#160;
   1357 (default 72x72)</font></td>
   1358       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
   1359 &amp;density_</font></td>
   1360       <td><font size="-1">Vertical and horizontal resolution in pixels
   1361 of the image. This option specifies an image density when decoding a
   1362 Postscript or Portable Document page. Often used with <i>psPageSize</i>.</font></td>
   1363     </tr>
   1364     <tr>
   1365       <td>
   1366       <center><a name="depth"></a> <font size="-1">depthImage</font></center>
   1367       </td>
   1368       <td><font size="-1">size_t (8 or 16)</font></td>
   1369       <td><font size="-1">size_t depth_</font></td>
   1370       <td><font size="-1">Image depth. Used to specify the bit depth
   1371 when reading  or writing&#160; raw images or thwn the output format
   1372 supports multiple depths. Defaults to the quantum depth that
   1373 ImageMagick is compiled with.</font></td>
   1374     </tr>
   1375     <tr>
   1376       <td>
   1377       <center><a name="endianImage"></a> <font size="-1">endianImage</font></center>
   1378       </td>
   1379       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#EndianType">EndianType</a> </font></td>
   1380       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#EndianType">EndianType</a>
   1381 endian_</font></td>
   1382       <td><font size="-1">Specify (or obtain) endian option for formats
   1383 which support it.</font></td>
   1384     </tr>
   1385     <tr>
   1386       <td>
   1387       <center><a name="fileName"></a> <font size="-1">fileNameImage</font></center>
   1388       </td>
   1389       <td><font size="-1">std::string</font></td>
   1390       <td><font size="-1">const std::string &amp;fileName_</font></td>
   1391       <td><font size="-1">Image file name.</font></td>
   1392     </tr>
   1393     <tr>
   1394       <td>
   1395       <center><a name="fillColorImage"></a> <font size="-1">fillColorImage</font></center>
   1396       </td>
   1397       <td><font size="-1">Color</font></td>
   1398       <td><font size="-1">const Color &amp;fillColor_</font></td>
   1399       <td><font size="-1">Color to use when filling drawn objects</font></td>
   1400     </tr>
   1401     <tr>
   1402       <td>
   1403       <center><a name="filterType"></a> <font size="-1">filterTypeImage</font></center>
   1404       </td>
   1405       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#FilterTypes">FilterTypes</a> </font></td>
   1406       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#FilterTypes">FilterTypes</a>
   1407 filterType_</font></td>
   1408       <td><font size="-1">Filter to use when resizing image. The
   1409 reduction filter  employed has a sigificant effect on the time required
   1410 to resize an image and the resulting quality. The default filter is <i>Lanczos</i>
   1411 which has been shown to produce good results when reducing images.</font></td>
   1412     </tr>
   1413     <tr>
   1414       <td>
   1415       <center><a name="font"></a> <font size="-1">fontImage</font></center>
   1416       </td>
   1417       <td><font size="-1">std::string</font></td>
   1418       <td><font size="-1">const std::string &amp;font_</font></td>
   1419       <td><font size="-1">Text rendering font. If the font is a fully
   1420 qualified X server font name, the font is obtained from an X&#160;
   1421 server. To use a TrueType font, precede the TrueType filename with an @.
   1422 Otherwise, specify&#160;  a&#160; Postscript font name (e.g.
   1423 "helvetica").</font></td>
   1424     </tr>
   1425     <tr>
   1426       <td>
   1427       <center><a name="fontPointsize"></a> <font size="-1">fontPointsize-</font> <br />
   1428       <font size="-1">Image</font></center>
   1429       </td>
   1430       <td><font size="-1">size_t</font></td>
   1431       <td><font size="-1">size_t pointSize_</font></td>
   1432       <td><font size="-1">Text rendering font point size</font></td>
   1433     </tr>
   1434     <tr>
   1435       <td>
   1436       <center><a name="gifDisposeMethod"></a> <font size="-1">gifDispose-</font> <br />
   1437       <font size="-1">MethodImage</font></center>
   1438       </td>
   1439       <td><font size="-1">size_t</font> <br />
   1440       <font size="-1">{ 0 = Disposal not specified,</font> <br />
   1441       <font size="-1">1 = Do not dispose of graphic,</font> <br />
   1442       <font size="-1">3 = Overwrite graphic with background color,</font> <br />
   1443       <font size="-1">4 = Overwrite graphic with previous graphic. }</font></td>
   1444       <td><font size="-1">size_t disposeMethod_</font></td>
   1445       <td><font size="-1">layer disposal method. This option is used to
   1446 control how successive frames are rendered (how the preceding frame is
   1447 disposed of)  when creating a GIF animation.</font></td>
   1448     </tr>
   1449     <tr>
   1450       <td>
   1451       <center><a name="interlaceType"></a> <font size="-1">interlace-</font> <br />
   1452       <font size="-1">TypeImage</font></center>
   1453       </td>
   1454       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#InterlaceType">InterlaceType</a> </font></td>
   1455       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#InterlaceType">InterlaceType</a>
   1456 interlace_</font></td>
   1457       <td><font size="-1">The type of interlacing scheme (default <i>NoInterlace</i>
   1458 ). This option is used to specify the type of&#160; interlacing
   1459 scheme&#160; for&#160; raw&#160; image formats such as RGB or YUV. <i>NoInterlace</i>
   1460 means do not&#160; interlace, <i>LineInterlace</i> uses scanline
   1461 interlacing, and <i>PlaneInterlace</i> uses plane interlacing. <i>
   1462 PartitionInterlace</i> is like <i>PlaneInterlace</i> except the&#160;
   1463 different planes&#160; are  saved&#160; to individual files (e.g.&#160;
   1464 image.R, image.G, and image.B).  Use <i>LineInterlace</i> or <i>PlaneInterlace</i>
   1465 to create an interlaced  GIF or progressive JPEG image.</font></td>
   1466     </tr>
   1467     <tr>
   1468       <td>
   1469       <center><a name="isValidImage"></a> <font size="-1">isValidImage</font></center>
   1470       </td>
   1471       <td><font size="-1">bool</font></td>
   1472       <td><font size="-1">bool isValid_</font></td>
   1473       <td><font size="-1">Set image validity. Valid images become empty
   1474 (inValid) if argument is false.</font></td>
   1475     </tr>
   1476     <tr>
   1477       <td>
   1478       <center><a name="label"></a> <font size="-1">labelImage</font></center>
   1479       </td>
   1480       <td><font size="-1">std::string</font></td>
   1481       <td><font size="-1">const std::string &amp;label_</font></td>
   1482       <td><font size="-1">Image label</font></td>
   1483     </tr>
   1484     <tr>
   1485       <td>
   1486       <center><a name="lineWidth"></a> <font size="-1">lineWidthImage</font></center>
   1487       </td>
   1488       <td><font size="-1">double</font></td>
   1489       <td><font size="-1">double lineWidth_</font></td>
   1490       <td><font size="-1">Line width for drawing lines, circles,
   1491 ellipses, etc.  See <a href="Drawable.html">Drawable</a> .</font></td>
   1492     </tr>
   1493     <tr>
   1494       <td>
   1495       <center><a name="magick"></a> <font size="-1">magickImage</font></center>
   1496       </td>
   1497       <td><font size="-1">std::string</font></td>
   1498       <td><font size="-1">&#160;const std::string &amp;magick_</font></td>
   1499       <td><font size="-1">Get image format (e.g. "GIF")</font></td>
   1500     </tr>
   1501     <tr>
   1502       <td>
   1503       <center><a name="matte"></a> <font size="-1">matteImage</font></center>
   1504       </td>
   1505       <td><font size="-1">bool</font></td>
   1506       <td><font size="-1">bool matteFlag_</font></td>
   1507       <td><font size="-1">True if the image has transparency. If set
   1508 True, store  matte channel if&#160; the image has one otherwise create
   1509 an opaque one.</font></td>
   1510     </tr>
   1511     <tr>
   1512       <td>
   1513       <center><a name="matteColor"></a> <font size="-1">matteColorImage</font></center>
   1514       </td>
   1515       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Color.html">Color</a> </font></td>
   1516       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Color.html">Color</a>
   1517 &amp;matteColor_</font></td>
   1518       <td><font size="-1">Image matte (frame) color</font></td>
   1519     </tr>
   1520     <tr>
   1521       <td>
   1522       <center><a name="monochrome"></a> <font size="-1">monochrome-</font> <br />
   1523       <font size="-1">Image</font></center>
   1524       </td>
   1525       <td><font size="-1">bool</font></td>
   1526       <td><font size="-1">bool flag_</font></td>
   1527       <td><font size="-1">Transform the image to black and white</font></td>
   1528     </tr>
   1529     <tr>
   1530       <td>
   1531       <center><a name="pageImage"></a> <font size="-1">pageImage</font></center>
   1532       </td>
   1533       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Geometry.html#PostscriptPageSize">Geometry</a> </font></td>
   1534       <td><font size="-1">const <a
   1535  href="Geometry.html#PostscriptPageSize">Geometry</a> &amp;pageSize_</font></td>
   1536       <td><font size="-1">Preferred size and location of an image
   1537 canvas.</font>
   1538       <p><font size="-1">Use this option to specify the dimensions and
   1539 position of the Postscript page in dots per inch or a TEXT page in
   1540 pixels. This option is typically used in concert with <i><a
   1541  href="STL.html#density">density</a> </i>.</font> </p>
   1542       <p><font size="-1">Page may also be used to position a GIF image
   1543 (such as for a scene in an animation)</font></p>
   1544       </td>
   1545     </tr>
   1546     <tr>
   1547       <td>
   1548       <center><a name="penColor"></a> <font size="-1">penColorImage</font></center>
   1549       </td>
   1550       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Color.html">Color</a> </font></td>
   1551       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Color.html">Color</a>
   1552 &amp;penColor_</font></td>
   1553       <td><font size="-1">Pen color to use when annotating on or
   1554 drawing on image.</font></td>
   1555     </tr>
   1556     <tr>
   1557       <td>
   1558       <center><a name="penTexture"></a> <font size="-1">penTextureImage</font></center>
   1559       </td>
   1560       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Image++.html">Image</a> </font></td>
   1561       <td><font size="-1">const Image &amp; penTexture_</font></td>
   1562       <td><font size="-1">Texture image to paint with (similar to
   1563 penColor).</font></td>
   1564     </tr>
   1565     <tr>
   1566       <td>
   1567       <center><a name="pixelColor"></a> <font size="-1">pixelColorImage</font></center>
   1568       </td>
   1569       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Color.html">Color</a> </font></td>
   1570       <td><font size="-1">size_t x_, size_t y_, const <a
   1571  href="Color.html"> Color</a> &amp;color_</font></td>
   1572       <td><font size="-1">Get/set pixel color at location x &amp; y.</font></td>
   1573     </tr>
   1574     <tr>
   1575       <td>
   1576       <center><a name="psPageSize"></a> <font size="-1">psPageSizeImage</font></center>
   1577       </td>
   1578       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Geometry.html#PostscriptPageSize">Geometry</a> </font></td>
   1579       <td><font size="-1">const <a
   1580  href="Geometry.html#PostscriptPageSize">Geometry</a> &amp;pageSize_</font></td>
   1581       <td><font size="-1">Postscript page size. Use this&#160; option
   1582 to specify  the dimensions&#160; of the Postscript page in dots per inch
   1583 or a TEXT page in pixels. This option is typically used in concert with <i>density</i>.</font></td>
   1584     </tr>
   1585     <tr>
   1586       <td>
   1587       <center><a name="quality"></a> <font size="-1">qualityImage</font></center>
   1588       </td>
   1589       <td><font size="-1">size_t (0 to 100)</font></td>
   1590       <td><font size="-1">size_t quality_</font></td>
   1591       <td><font size="-1">JPEG/MIFF/PNG compression level (default 75).</font></td>
   1592     </tr>
   1593     <tr>
   1594       <td>
   1595       <center><a name="quantizeColors"></a> <font size="-1">quantize-</font> <br />
   1596       <font size="-1">ColorsImage</font></center>
   1597       </td>
   1598       <td><font size="-1">size_t</font></td>
   1599       <td><font size="-1">size_t colors_</font></td>
   1600       <td><font size="-1">Preferred number of colors in the image. The
   1601 actual number of colors in the image may be less than your request, but
   1602 never more. Images with less unique colors than specified with this
   1603 option will have any duplicate or unused colors removed.</font></td>
   1604     </tr>
   1605     <tr>
   1606       <td>
   1607       <center><a name="quantizeColorSpace"></a> <font size="-1">quantize-</font> <br />
   1608       <font size="-1">ColorSpaceImage</font></center>
   1609       </td>
   1610       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#ColorspaceType">ColorspaceType</a> </font></td>
   1611       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#ColorspaceType">ColorspaceType</a>
   1612 colorSpace_</font></td>
   1613       <td><font size="-1">Colorspace to quantize colors in (default
   1614 RGB). Empirical  evidence suggests that distances in color spaces such
   1615 as YUV or YIQ correspond  to perceptual color differences more closely
   1616 than do distances in RGB space.  These color spaces may give better
   1617 results when color reducing an image.</font></td>
   1618     </tr>
   1619     <tr>
   1620       <td>
   1621       <center><a name="quantizeDither"></a> <font size="-1">quantize-</font> <br />
   1622       <font size="-1">DitherImage</font></center>
   1623       </td>
   1624       <td><font size="-1">bool</font></td>
   1625       <td><font size="-1">bool flag_</font></td>
   1626       <td><font size="-1">Apply Floyd/Steinberg error diffusion to the
   1627 image. The basic strategy of dithering is to&#160; trade&#160; intensity
   1628 resolution&#160; for&#160; spatial&#160; resolution&#160; by&#160;
   1629 averaging the intensities&#160;  of&#160; several&#160;
   1630 neighboring&#160; pixels. Images which&#160; suffer&#160;  from&#160;
   1631 severe&#160; contouring&#160; when&#160; reducing colors can be improved
   1632 with this option. The quantizeColors or monochrome option must be set
   1633 for this option to take effect.</font></td>
   1634     </tr>
   1635     <tr>
   1636       <td>
   1637       <center><a name="quantizeTreeDepth"></a> <font size="-1">quantize-</font> <br />
   1638       <font size="-1">TreeDepthImage</font></center>
   1639       </td>
   1640       <td><font size="-1">size_t (0 to 8)</font></td>
   1641       <td><font size="-1">size_t treeDepth_</font></td>
   1642       <td><font size="-1">Depth of the quantization color
   1643 classification tree.  Values of 0 or 1 allow selection of the optimal
   1644 tree depth for the color reduction algorithm. Values between 2 and 8 may
   1645 be used to manually adjust the tree depth.</font></td>
   1646     </tr>
   1647     <tr>
   1648       <td>
   1649       <center><a name="renderingIntent"></a> <font size="-1">rendering-</font> <br />
   1650       <font size="-1">IntentImage</font></center>
   1651       </td>
   1652       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#RenderingIntent">RenderingIntent</a> </font></td>
   1653       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#RenderingIntent">RenderingIntent</a>
   1654 render_</font></td>
   1655       <td><font size="-1">The type of rendering intent</font></td>
   1656     </tr>
   1657     <tr>
   1658       <td>
   1659       <center><a name="resolutionUnits"></a> <font size="-1">resolution-</font> <br />
   1660       <font size="-1">UnitsImage</font></center>
   1661       </td>
   1662       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#ResolutionType">ResolutionType</a> </font></td>
   1663       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#ResolutionType">ResolutionType</a>
   1664 units_</font></td>
   1665       <td><font size="-1">Units of image resolution</font></td>
   1666     </tr>
   1667     <tr>
   1668       <td>
   1669       <center><a name="scene"></a> <font size="-1">sceneImage</font></center>
   1670       </td>
   1671       <td><font size="-1">size_t</font></td>
   1672       <td><font size="-1">size_t scene_</font></td>
   1673       <td><font size="-1">Image scene number</font></td>
   1674     </tr>
   1675     <tr>
   1676       <td>
   1677       <center><a name="size"></a> <font size="-1">sizeImage</font></center>
   1678       </td>
   1679       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a> </font></td>
   1680       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Geometry.html">Geometry</a>
   1681 &amp;geometry_</font></td>
   1682       <td><font size="-1">Width and height of a raw image (an image
   1683 which does  not support width and height information).&#160; Size may
   1684 also be used to affect the image size read from a multi-resolution
   1685 format (e.g. Photo CD, JBIG, or JPEG.</font></td>
   1686     </tr>
   1687     <tr>
   1688       <td>
   1689       <center><a name="stripImage"></a> <font size="-1">stripImage</font></center>
   1690       </td>
   1691       <td><font size="-1">void</font></td>
   1692       <td><font size="-1">strips an image of all profiles and comments.</font></td>
   1693     </tr>
   1694     <tr>
   1695       <td>
   1696       <center><a name="strokeColorImage"></a> <font size="-1">strokeColorImage</font></center>
   1697       </td>
   1698       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Color.html">Color</a> </font></td>
   1699       <td><font size="-1">const <a href="Color.html">Color</a>
   1700 &amp;strokeColor_</font></td>
   1701       <td><font size="-1">Color to use when drawing object outlines</font></td>
   1702     </tr>
   1703     <tr>
   1704       <td>
   1705       <center><a name="subImage"></a> <font size="-1">subImageImage</font></center>
   1706       </td>
   1707       <td><font size="-1">size_t</font></td>
   1708       <td><font size="-1">size_t subImage_</font></td>
   1709       <td><font size="-1">Subimage of an image sequence</font></td>
   1710     </tr>
   1711     <tr>
   1712       <td>
   1713       <center><a name="subRange"></a> <font size="-1">subRangeImage</font></center>
   1714       </td>
   1715       <td><font size="-1">size_t</font></td>
   1716       <td><font size="-1">size_t subRange_</font></td>
   1717       <td><font size="-1">Number of images relative to the base image</font></td>
   1718     </tr>
   1719     <tr>
   1720       <td>
   1721       <center><a name="tileName"></a> <font size="-1">tileNameImage</font></center>
   1722       </td>
   1723       <td><font size="-1">std::string</font></td>
   1724       <td><font size="-1">const std::string &amp;tileName_</font></td>
   1725       <td><font size="-1">Tile name</font></td>
   1726     </tr>
   1727     <tr>
   1728       <td>
   1729       <center><a name="typeImage"></a> <font size="-1">typeImage</font></center>
   1730       </td>
   1731       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#ImageType">ImageType</a> </font></td>
   1732       <td><font size="-1"><a href="Enumerations.html#ImageType">ImageType</a>
   1733 type_</font></td>
   1734       <td><font size="-1">Image storage type.</font></td>
   1735     </tr>
   1736     <tr>
   1737       <td>
   1738       <center><a name="verbose"></a> <font size="-1">verboseImage</font></center>
   1739       </td>
   1740       <td><font size="-1">bool</font></td>
   1741       <td><font size="-1">bool verboseFlag_</font></td>
   1742       <td><font size="-1">Print detailed information about the image</font></td>
   1743     </tr>
   1744     <tr>
   1745       <td>
   1746       <center><a name="view"></a> <font size="-1">viewImage</font></center>
   1747       </td>
   1748       <td><font size="-1">std::string</font></td>
   1749       <td><font size="-1">const std::string &amp;view_</font></td>
   1750       <td><font size="-1">FlashPix viewing parameters.</font></td>
   1751     </tr>
   1752     <tr>
   1753       <td>
   1754       <center><a name="x11Display"></a> <font size="-1">x11DisplayImage</font></center>
   1755       </td>
   1756       <td><font size="-1">std::string (e.g. "hostname:0.0")</font></td>
   1757       <td><font size="-1">const std::string &amp;display_</font></td>
   1758       <td><font size="-1">X11 display to display to, obtain fonts from,
   1759 or to capture image from</font></td>
   1760     </tr>
   1761   </tbody>
   1762 </table></ul>
   1763 <br />
   1764 &#160; </p>
   1765 <center>
   1766 <h3> Query Image Format Support</h3>
   1767 </center>
   1768 <p>Magick++ provides the&#160;<a name="coderInfoList"></a> <i>coderInfoList()</i>
   1769 function to support obtaining information about the image formats
   1770 supported by ImageMagick. Support for image formats in ImageMagick
   1771 is provided by modules known as "coders". A user-provided container is
   1772 updated based on a boolean truth-table match. The truth-table supports
   1773 matching based on whether ImageMagick can read the format, write the
   1774 format, or supports multiple frames for the format. A wildcard specifier
   1775 is supported for any "don't care" field. The data obtained via
   1776 coderInfoList() may be useful for preparing GUI dialog boxes or for
   1777 deciding which output format to write based on support within the
   1778 ImageMagick build.</p>
   1779 <p>The definition of coderInfoList is: </p>
   1780 <pre class="code">
   1781 class CoderInfo 
   1782   { 
   1783   public:
   1785     enum MatchType { 
   1786       AnyMatch,  // match any coder 
   1787       TrueMatch, // match coder if true 
   1788       FalseMatch // match coder if false 
   1789     };
   1791     [ remaining CoderInfo methods ]
   1793    }
   1795   template &lt;class Container > 
   1796   void coderInfoList( Container *container_, 
   1797                       CoderInfo::MatchType isReadable_   = CoderInfo::AnyMatch, 
   1798                       CoderInfo::MatchType isWritable_   = CoderInfo::AnyMatch, 
   1799                       CoderInfo::MatchType isMultiFrame_ = CoderInfo::AnyMatch 
   1800                       );
   1801 </pre>
   1802 <p>The following example shows how to retrieve a list of all of the
   1803 coders which support reading images and print the coder attributes (all
   1804 listed formats will be readable): </p>
   1805 <pre class="code">
   1806   list&lt;CoderInfo> coderList; 
   1807   coderInfoList( &amp;coderList,           // Reference to output list 
   1808                  CoderInfo::TrueMatch, // Match readable formats 
   1809                  CoderInfo::AnyMatch,  // Don't care about writable formats 
   1810                  CoderInfo::AnyMatch); // Don't care about multi-frame support 
   1811   list&lt;CoderInfo>::iterator entry = coderList.begin(); 
   1812   while( entry != coderList.end() ) 
   1813   { 
   1814     cout &lt;&lt; entry->name() &lt;&lt; ": (" &lt;&lt; entry->description() &lt;&lt; ") : "; 
   1815     cout &lt;&lt; "Readable = "; 
   1816     if ( entry->isReadable() ) 
   1817       cout &lt;&lt; "true"; 
   1818     else 
   1819       cout &lt;&lt; "false"; 
   1820     cout &lt;&lt; ", "; 
   1821     cout &lt;&lt; "Writable = "; 
   1822     if ( entry->isWritable() ) 
   1823       cout &lt;&lt; "true"; 
   1824     else 
   1825       cout &lt;&lt; "false"; 
   1826     cout &lt;&lt; ", "; 
   1827     cout &lt;&lt; "Multiframe = "; 
   1828     if ( entry->isMultiframe() ) 
   1829       cout &lt;&lt; "true"; 
   1830     else 
   1831       cout &lt;&lt; "false"; 
   1832     cout &lt;&lt; endl;
   1833     entry ++;
   1834    } 
   1835 </pre>
   1836 <tt><font color="#000066">&#160;&#160; }</font></tt>&#160;<!-- p -->
   1837 <h3 style="text-align: center;">Obtaining A Color Histogram&#160; </h3>
   1838 <p>Magick++ provides the <a name="colorHistogram"></a><span
   1839  style="font-weight: bold;">colorHistogram</span> template function to
   1840 retrieve a color histogram from an image. A color histogram provides a
   1841 count of how many times each color occurs in the image. The histogram is
   1842 written into a user-provided container, which (for example) could be a <span
   1843  style="font-style: italic;">&lt;vector&gt;</span> or a <span
   1844  style="font-style: italic;">&lt;map&gt;</span>. &#160;When a
   1845 &lt;map&gt; is used, the <span style="font-style: italic;">Color</span>
   1846 is used as the key so that quick lookups of usage counts for colors may
   1847 be performed. Writing into a <span style="font-style: italic;">&lt;map&gt;</span>
   1848 may be slower than writing into a <span style="font-style: italic;">&lt;vector&gt;</span>
   1849 since the <span style="font-style: italic;">&lt;map&gt;</span> sorts the
   1850 entries (by color intensity) and checks for uniqueness. Each histogram
   1851 entry is contained in type&#160;<span style="font-style: italic;">std::pair&lt;Magick::Color,unsigned
   1852 long&gt;</span><span style="font-style: italic;"> </span>with the first
   1853 member of the pair being a <span style="font-style: italic;">Color,</span>
   1854 and the second member of the pair being an '<span
   1855  style="font-style: italic;">unsigned long</span>'. Use the <span
   1856  style="font-style: italic;">&lt;pair&gt;</span> "<span
   1857  style="font-style: italic;">first</span>" member to access the Color
   1858 and the "<span style="font-style: italic;">second</span>" member to
   1859 access&#160;the number of times the color occurs in the image.</p>
   1860 <p>The template function declaration is as follows:<br />
   1861 </p>
   1862 <pre class="code">
   1863 template &lt;class Container >
   1864 void colorHistogram( Container *histogram_, const Image image)
   1865 </pre>
   1866 <p>The following examples illustrate using both a &lt;map&gt; and a
   1867 &lt;vector&gt; to retrieve the color histogram, and print out a
   1868 formatted summary.<br />
   1869 <br />
   1870 Using &lt;map&gt;:<br />
   1871 &#160; &#160; <br />
   1872 <pre class="code">
   1873   Image image("image.miff");
   1874   map&lt;Color,unsigned long> histogram;
   1875   colorHistogram( &amp;histogram, image );
   1876   std::map&lt;Color,unsigned long>::const_iterator p=histogram.begin();
   1877   while (p != histogram.end())
   1878     {
   1879       cout &lt;&lt; setw(10) &lt;&lt; (int)p->second &lt;&lt; ": ("
   1880            &lt;&lt; setw(quantum_width) &lt;&lt; (int)p->first.redQuantum() &lt;&lt; ","
   1881            &lt;&lt; setw(quantum_width) &lt;&lt; (int)p->first.greenQuantum() &lt;&lt; ","
   1882            &lt;&lt; setw(quantum_width) &lt;&lt; (int)p->first.blueQuantum() &lt;&lt; ")"
   1883            &lt;&lt; endl;
   1884        p++;
   1885     }
   1886 </pre>
   1887 <br />
   1888 Using &lt;vector&gt;:<br />
   1889 &#160; &#160; <br />
   1890 <pre class="code">
   1891   Image image("image.miff");
   1892   std::vector&lt;std::pair&lt;Color,unsigned long> > histogram;
   1893   colorHistogram( &amp;histogram, image );
   1894   std::vector&lt;std::pair&lt;Color,unsigned long> >::const_iterator p=histogram.begin();
   1895   while (p != histogram.end())
   1896     {
   1897       cout &lt;&lt; setw(10) &lt;&lt; (int)p->second &lt;&lt; ": ("
   1898            &lt;&lt; setw(quantum_width) &lt;&lt; (int)p->first.redQuantum() &lt;&lt; ","
   1899            &lt;&lt; setw(quantum_width) &lt;&lt; (int)p->first.greenQuantum() &lt;&lt; ","
   1900            &lt;&lt; setw(quantum_width) &lt;&lt; (int)p->first.blueQuantum() &lt;&lt; ")"
   1901            &lt;&lt; endl;
   1902       p++;
   1903     }
   1904 </pre>
   1905 </p>
   1906 </div>
   1907 </body>
   1908 </html>