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It works well for small resizes of less than +/- 50 of the original image size. For larger resizing on images a full filtered and slower resize function should be used instead.</p> 91 92 <p>The format of the AdaptiveResizeImage method is:</p> 93 94 <pre class="text"> 95 Image *AdaptiveResizeImage(const Image *image,const size_t columns, 96 const size_t rows,ExceptionInfo *exception) 97 </pre> 98 99 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 100 101 <dd> 102 </dd> 103 104 <dd> </dd> 105 <dl class="dl-horizontal"> 106 <dt>image</dt> 107 <dd>the image. </dd> 108 109 <dd> </dd> 110 <dt>columns</dt> 111 <dd>the number of columns in the resized image. </dd> 112 113 <dd> </dd> 114 <dt>rows</dt> 115 <dd>the number of rows in the resized image. </dd> 116 117 <dd> </dd> 118 <dt>exception</dt> 119 <dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 120 121 <dd> </dd> 122 </dl> 123 <h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/resize_8c.html" id="InterpolativeResizeImage">InterpolativeResizeImage</a></h2> 124 125 <p>InterpolativeResizeImage() resizes an image using the specified interpolation method.</p> 126 127 <p>The format of the InterpolativeResizeImage method is:</p> 128 129 <pre class="text"> 130 Image *InterpolativeResizeImage(const Image *image,const size_t columns, 131 const size_t rows,const PixelInterpolateMethod method, 132 ExceptionInfo *exception) 133 </pre> 134 135 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 136 137 <dd> 138 </dd> 139 140 <dd> </dd> 141 <dl class="dl-horizontal"> 142 <dt>image</dt> 143 <dd>the image. </dd> 144 145 <dd> </dd> 146 <dt>columns</dt> 147 <dd>the number of columns in the resized image. </dd> 148 149 <dd> </dd> 150 <dt>rows</dt> 151 <dd>the number of rows in the resized image. </dd> 152 153 <dd> </dd> 154 <dt>method</dt> 155 <dd>the pixel interpolation method. </dd> 156 157 <dd> </dd> 158 <dt>exception</dt> 159 <dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 160 161 <dd> </dd> 162 </dl> 163 <h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/resize_8c.html" id="LiquidRescaleImage">LiquidRescaleImage</a></h2> 164 165 <p>LiquidRescaleImage() rescales image with seam carving.</p> 166 167 <p>The format of the LiquidRescaleImage method is:</p> 168 169 <pre class="text"> 170 Image *LiquidRescaleImage(const Image *image,const size_t columns, 171 const size_t rows,const double delta_x,const double rigidity, 172 ExceptionInfo *exception) 173 </pre> 174 175 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 176 177 <dd> 178 </dd> 179 180 <dd> </dd> 181 <dl class="dl-horizontal"> 182 <dt>image</dt> 183 <dd>the image. </dd> 184 185 <dd> </dd> 186 <dt>columns</dt> 187 <dd>the number of columns in the rescaled image. </dd> 188 189 <dd> </dd> 190 <dt>rows</dt> 191 <dd>the number of rows in the rescaled image. </dd> 192 193 <dd> </dd> 194 <dt>delta_x</dt> 195 <dd>maximum seam transversal step (0 means straight seams). </dd> 196 197 <dd> </dd> 198 <dt>rigidity</dt> 199 <dd>introduce a bias for non-straight seams (typically 0). </dd> 200 201 <dd> </dd> 202 <dt>exception</dt> 203 <dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 204 205 <dd> </dd> 206 </dl> 207 <h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/resize_8c.html" id="MagnifyImage">MagnifyImage</a></h2> 208 209 <p>MagnifyImage() doubles the size of the image with a pixel art scaling algorithm.</p> 210 211 <p>The format of the MagnifyImage method is:</p> 212 213 <pre class="text"> 214 Image *MagnifyImage(const Image *image,ExceptionInfo *exception) 215 </pre> 216 217 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 218 219 <dd> 220 </dd> 221 222 <dd> </dd> 223 <dl class="dl-horizontal"> 224 <dt>image</dt> 225 <dd>the image. </dd> 226 227 <dd> </dd> 228 <dt>exception</dt> 229 <dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 230 231 <dd> </dd> 232 </dl> 233 <h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/resize_8c.html" id="MinifyImage">MinifyImage</a></h2> 234 235 <p>MinifyImage() is a convenience method that scales an image proportionally to half its size.</p> 236 237 <p>The format of the MinifyImage method is:</p> 238 239 <pre class="text"> 240 Image *MinifyImage(const Image *image,ExceptionInfo *exception) 241 </pre> 242 243 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 244 245 <dd> 246 </dd> 247 248 <dd> </dd> 249 <dl class="dl-horizontal"> 250 <dt>image</dt> 251 <dd>the image. </dd> 252 253 <dd> </dd> 254 <dt>exception</dt> 255 <dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 256 257 <dd> </dd> 258 </dl> 259 <h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/resize_8c.html" id="ResampleImage">ResampleImage</a></h2> 260 261 <p>ResampleImage() resize image in terms of its pixel size, so that when displayed at the given resolution it will be the same size in terms of real world units as the original image at the original resolution.</p> 262 263 <p>The format of the ResampleImage method is:</p> 264 265 <pre class="text"> 266 Image *ResampleImage(Image *image,const double x_resolution, 267 const double y_resolution,const FilterType filter, 268 ExceptionInfo *exception) 269 </pre> 270 271 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 272 273 <dd> 274 </dd> 275 276 <dd> </dd> 277 <dl class="dl-horizontal"> 278 <dt>image</dt> 279 <dd>the image to be resized to fit the given resolution. </dd> 280 281 <dd> </dd> 282 <dt>x_resolution</dt> 283 <dd>the new image x resolution. </dd> 284 285 <dd> </dd> 286 <dt>y_resolution</dt> 287 <dd>the new image y resolution. </dd> 288 289 <dd> </dd> 290 <dt>filter</dt> 291 <dd>Image filter to use. </dd> 292 293 <dd> </dd> 294 <dt>exception</dt> 295 <dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 296 297 <dd> </dd> 298 </dl> 299 <h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/resize_8c.html" id="ResizeImage">ResizeImage</a></h2> 300 301 <p>ResizeImage() scales an image to the desired dimensions, using the given filter (see AcquireFilterInfo()).</p> 302 303 <p>If an undefined filter is given the filter defaults to Mitchell for a colormapped image, a image with a matte channel, or if the image is enlarged. Otherwise the filter defaults to a Lanczos.</p> 304 305 <p>ResizeImage() was inspired by Paul Heckbert's "zoom" program.</p> 306 307 <p>The format of the ResizeImage method is:</p> 308 309 <pre class="text"> 310 Image *ResizeImage(Image *image,const size_t columns,const size_t rows, 311 const FilterType filter,ExceptionInfo *exception) 312 </pre> 313 314 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 315 316 <dd> 317 </dd> 318 319 <dd> </dd> 320 <dl class="dl-horizontal"> 321 <dt>image</dt> 322 <dd>the image. </dd> 323 324 <dd> </dd> 325 <dt>columns</dt> 326 <dd>the number of columns in the scaled image. </dd> 327 328 <dd> </dd> 329 <dt>rows</dt> 330 <dd>the number of rows in the scaled image. </dd> 331 332 <dd> </dd> 333 <dt>filter</dt> 334 <dd>Image filter to use. </dd> 335 336 <dd> </dd> 337 <dt>exception</dt> 338 <dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 339 340 <dd> </dd> 341 </dl> 342 <h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/resize_8c.html" id="SampleImage">SampleImage</a></h2> 343 344 <p>SampleImage() scales an image to the desired dimensions with pixel sampling. Unlike other scaling methods, this method does not introduce any additional color into the scaled image.</p> 345 346 <p>The format of the SampleImage method is:</p> 347 348 <pre class="text"> 349 Image *SampleImage(const Image *image,const size_t columns, 350 const size_t rows,ExceptionInfo *exception) 351 </pre> 352 353 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 354 355 <dd> 356 </dd> 357 358 <dd> </dd> 359 <dl class="dl-horizontal"> 360 <dt>image</dt> 361 <dd>the image. </dd> 362 363 <dd> </dd> 364 <dt>columns</dt> 365 <dd>the number of columns in the sampled image. </dd> 366 367 <dd> </dd> 368 <dt>rows</dt> 369 <dd>the number of rows in the sampled image. </dd> 370 371 <dd> </dd> 372 <dt>exception</dt> 373 <dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 374 375 <dd> </dd> 376 </dl> 377 <h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/resize_8c.html" id="ScaleImage">ScaleImage</a></h2> 378 379 <p>ScaleImage() changes the size of an image to the given dimensions.</p> 380 381 <p>The format of the ScaleImage method is:</p> 382 383 <pre class="text"> 384 Image *ScaleImage(const Image *image,const size_t columns, 385 const size_t rows,ExceptionInfo *exception) 386 </pre> 387 388 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 389 390 <dd> 391 </dd> 392 393 <dd> </dd> 394 <dl class="dl-horizontal"> 395 <dt>image</dt> 396 <dd>the image. </dd> 397 398 <dd> </dd> 399 <dt>columns</dt> 400 <dd>the number of columns in the scaled image. </dd> 401 402 <dd> </dd> 403 <dt>rows</dt> 404 <dd>the number of rows in the scaled image. </dd> 405 406 <dd> </dd> 407 <dt>exception</dt> 408 <dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 409 410 <dd> </dd> 411 </dl> 412 <h2><a href="../../api/MagickCore/resize_8c.html" id="ThumbnailImage">ThumbnailImage</a></h2> 413 414 <p>ThumbnailImage() changes the size of an image to the given dimensions and removes any associated profiles. The goal is to produce small low cost thumbnail images suited for display on the Web.</p> 415 416 <p>The format of the ThumbnailImage method is:</p> 417 418 <pre class="text"> 419 Image *ThumbnailImage(const Image *image,const size_t columns, 420 const size_t rows,ExceptionInfo *exception) 421 </pre> 422 423 <p>A description of each parameter follows:</p> 424 425 <dd> 426 </dd> 427 428 <dd> </dd> 429 <dl class="dl-horizontal"> 430 <dt>image</dt> 431 <dd>the image. </dd> 432 433 <dd> </dd> 434 <dt>columns</dt> 435 <dd>the number of columns in the scaled image. </dd> 436 437 <dd> </dd> 438 <dt>rows</dt> 439 <dd>the number of rows in the scaled image. </dd> 440 441 <dd> </dd> 442 <dt>exception</dt> 443 <dd>return any errors or warnings in this structure. </dd> 444 445 <dd> </dd> 446 </dl> 447 </div> 448 </div> 449 </main><!-- /.container --> 450 <footer class="magick-footer"> 451 <p><a href="../../www/security-policy.html">Security</a> 452 <a href="../../www/architecture.html">Architecture</a> 453 <a href="../../www/links.html">Related</a> 454 <a href="../../www/sitemap.html">Sitemap</a> 455 456 <a href="resize.html#"><img class="d-inline" id="wand" alt="And Now a Touch of Magick" width="16" height="16" src="../../images/wand.ico"/></a> 457 458 <a href="http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x89AB63D48277377A">Public Key</a> 459 <a href="../../www/support.html">Donate</a> 460 <a href="../../www/contact.html">Contact Us</a> 461 <br/> 462 <small> 1999-2019 ImageMagick Studio LLC</small></p> 463 </footer> 464 465 <!-- Javascript assets --> 466 <script src="../assets/magick.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> 467 <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="https://localhost/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"><\/script>')</script> 468 </body> 469 </html> 470 <!-- Magick Cache 4th January 2019 17:20 -->