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You can resize your image, crop it, change its shades and colors, add captions, among other operations." /> 13 <meta name="application-url" content="https://imagemagick.org" /> 14 <meta name="generator" content="PHP" /> 15 <meta name="keywords" content="command-line, tools:, conjure, ImageMagick, PerlMagick, image processing, image, photo, software, Magick++, OpenMP, convert" /> 16 <meta name="rating" content="GENERAL" /> 17 <meta name="robots" content="INDEX, FOLLOW" /> 18 <meta name="generator" content="ImageMagick Studio LLC" /> 19 <meta name="author" content="ImageMagick Studio LLC" /> 20 <meta name="revisit-after" content="2 DAYS" /> 21 <meta name="resource-type" content="document" /> 22 <meta name="copyright" content="Copyright (c) 1999-2019 ImageMagick Studio LLC" /> 23 <meta name="distribution" content="Global" /> 24 <meta name="magick-serial" content="P131-S030410-R485315270133-P82224-A6668-G1245-1" /> 25 <meta name="google-site-verification" content="_bMOCDpkx9ZAzBwb2kF3PRHbfUUdFj2uO8Jd1AXArz4" /> 26 <link href="../www/conjure.html" rel="canonical" /> 27 <link href="../images/wand.png" rel="icon" /> 28 <link href="../images/wand.ico" rel="shortcut icon" /> 29 <link href="assets/magick.css" rel="stylesheet" /> 30 </head> 31 <body> 32 <header> 33 <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md navbar-dark fixed-top bg-dark"> 34 <a class="navbar-brand" href="../index.html"><img class="d-block" id="icon" alt="ImageMagick" width="32" height="32" src="../images/wand.ico"/></a> 35 <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarsMagick" aria-controls="navbarsMagick" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation"> 36 <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span> 37 </button> 38 39 <div class="navbar-collapse collapse" id="navbarsMagick" style=""> 40 <ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto"> 41 <li class="nav-item "> 42 <a class="nav-link" href="../index.html">Home <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a> 43 </li> 44 <li class="nav-item "> 45 <a class="nav-link" href="download.html">Download</a> 46 </li> 47 <li class="nav-item "> 48 <a class="nav-link" href="command-line-tools.html">Tools</a> 49 </li> 50 <li class="nav-item "> 51 <a class="nav-link" href="command-line-processing.html">Command-line</a> 52 </li> 53 <li class="nav-item "> 54 <a class="nav-link" href="resources.html">Resources</a> 55 </li> 56 <li class="nav-item "> 57 <a class="nav-link" href="develop.html">Develop</a> 58 </li> 59 <li class="nav-item"> 60 <a class="nav-link" target="_blank" href="https://imagemagick.org/discourse-server/">Community</a> 61 </li> 62 </ul> 63 <form class="form-inline my-2 my-lg-0" action="https://imagemagick.org/script/search.php"> 64 <input class="form-control mr-sm-2" type="text" name="q" placeholder="Search" aria-label="Search"> 65 <button class="btn btn-outline-success my-2 my-sm-0" type="submit" name="sa">Search</button> 66 </form> 67 </div> 68 </nav> 69 <div class="container"> 70 <script async="async" src="http://localhost/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" 71 style="display:block" 72 data-ad-client="ca-pub-3129977114552745" 73 data-ad-slot="6345125851" 74 data-ad-format="auto"></ins> 75 <script> 76 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 77 </script> 78 79 </div> 80 </header> 81 <main class="container"> 82 <div class="magick-template"> 83 <div class="magick-header"> 84 <p class="text-center"><a href="conjure.html#usage">Example Usage</a> <a href="conjure.html#options">Option Summary</a> <a href="conjure.html#msl">Magick Scripting Language (MSL)</a> </p> 85 86 <p class="lead magick-description">The <code>conjure</code> program gives you the ability to perform custom image processing tasks from a script written in the Magick Scripting Language (MSL). MSL is XML-based and consists of action statements with attributes. Actions include reading an image, processing an image, getting attributes from an image, writing an image, and more. An attribute is a key/value pair that modifies the behavior of an action. See <a href="command-line-processing.html">Command Line Processing</a> for advice on how to structure your <code>conjure</code> command or see below for example usages of the command.</p> 87 88 <h2><a class="anchor" id="usage"></a>Example Usage</h2> 89 90 <p>We list a few examples of the <code>conjure</code> command here to illustrate its usefulness and ease of use. To get started, here is simple <code>conjure</code> command:</p> 91 92 <pre class="highlight"><code>magick conjure -dimensions 400x400 msl:incantation.msl 93 </code></pre> 94 95 <p>The MSL script <a href="https://imagemagick.org/source/incantation.msl">incantation.msl</a> used above is here:</p> 96 97 <pre class="highlight"><code><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 98 <image> 99 <read filename="image.gif" /> 100 <get width="base-width" height="base-height" /> 101 <resize geometry="%[dimensions]" /> 102 <get width="resize-width" height="resize-height" /> 103 <print output="Image sized from %[base-width]x%[base-height] to %[resize-width]x%[resize-height].\n" /> 104 <write filename="image.png" /> 105 </image> 106 </code></pre> 107 108 <p>In this example, a family stayed home for their vacation but as far as their friends are concerned they went to a beautiful beach in the Caribbean:</p> 109 110 <pre class="highlight"><code><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 111 <group> 112 <image id="family"> 113 <read filename="family.gif"/> 114 <resize geometry="300x300"/> 115 </image> 116 <image id="palm-trees"> 117 <read filename="palm-trees.gif"/> 118 <resize geometry="300x100"/> 119 </image> 120 <image> 121 <read filename="beach.jpg"/> 122 <composite image="family" geometry="+30+40"/> 123 <composite image="palm-trees" geometry="+320+90"/> 124 </image> 125 <write filename="family-vacation.png"/> 126 </group> 127 </code></pre> 128 129 <p>Here we display the width in pixels of text for a particular font and pointsize.</p> 130 131 <pre class="highlight"><code><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 132 <image> 133 <query-font-metrics text="ImageMagick" font="helvetica" pointsize="48" /> 134 <print output="Text width is %[msl:font-metrics.width] pixels.\n" /> 135 </image> 136 </code></pre> 137 138 <p>The <code>query-font-metrics</code> tag supports these properties:</p> 139 140 <pre class="highlight"><code>msl:font-metrics.pixels_per_em.x 141 msl:font-metrics.pixels_per_em.y 142 msl:font-metrics.ascent 143 msl:font-metrics.descent 144 msl:font-metrics.width 145 msl:font-metrics.height 146 msl:font-metrics.max_advance 147 msl:font-metrics.bounds.x1 148 msl:font-metrics.bounds.y1 149 msl:font-metrics.bounds.x2 150 msl:font-metrics.bounds.y2 151 msl:font-metrics.origin.x 152 msl:font-metrics.origin.y 153 </code></pre> 154 155 <p>MSL supports most methods and attributes discussed in the <a href="../www/perl-magick.html">Perl API for ImageMagick</a>. 156 </p> 157 158 <p>In addition, MSL supports the <code>swap</code> element with a single <code>indexes</code> element.</p> 159 160 <p>You can find additional examples of using <code>conjure</code> in <a href="http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-graf/?ca=dnt-428">Graphics from the Command Line</a>. Further discussion is available in <a href="http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-graf2/?ca=dgr-lnxw15GraphicsLine">More Graphics from the Command Line</a> and <a href="../Usage/">Examples of ImageMagick Usage</a>.</p> 161 162 163 <h2><a class="anchor" id="options"></a>Option Summary</h2> 164 165 <p>The <code>conjure</code> command recognizes these options. Click on an option to get more details about how that option works.</p> 166 167 <table class="table table-sm table-striped"> 168 <tbody> 169 <tr> 170 <th align="left">Option</th> 171 <th align="left">Description</th> 172 </tr> 173 174 <tr> 175 <td><a href="command-line-options.html#debug">-debug <var>events</var></a></td> 176 <td>display copious debugging information</td> 177 </tr> 178 179 <tr> 180 <td><a href="command-line-options.html#help">-help</a></td> 181 <td>print program options</td> 182 </tr> 183 184 <tr> 185 <td><a href="command-line-options.html#log">-log <var>format</var></a></td> 186 <td>format of debugging information</td> 187 </tr> 188 189 <tr> 190 <td><a href="command-line-options.html#monitor">-monitor</a></td> 191 <td>monitor progress</td> 192 </tr> 193 194 <tr> 195 <td><a href="command-line-options.html#quiet">-quiet</a></td> 196 <td>suppress all warning messages</td> 197 </tr> 198 199 <tr> 200 <td><a href="command-line-options.html#regard-warnings">-regard-warnings</a></td> 201 <td>pay attention to warning messages.</td> 202 </tr> 203 204 <tr> 205 <td><a href="command-line-options.html#seed">-seed <var>value</var></a></td> 206 <td>seed a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers</td> 207 </tr> 208 209 <tr> 210 <td><a href="command-line-options.html#verbose">-verbose</a></td> 211 <td>print detailed information about the image</td> 212 </tr> 213 214 <tr> 215 <td><a href="command-line-options.html#version">-version</a></td> 216 <td>print version information</td> 217 </tr> 218 219 </tbody> 220 </table> 221 222 <h2><a class="anchor" id="msl"></a>Magick Scripting Language</h2> 223 <p>The <code>conjure</code> command recognizes these MSL elements. Any element with a strike-thru is not supported yet.</p> 224 <table class="table table-sm table-striped"> 225 <caption>Magick Scripting Language (MSL)</caption> 226 <tbody> 227 <tr> 228 <th>Method</th> 229 <th style="width: 40%;">Parameters</th> 230 <th style="width: 40%;">Description</th> 231 </tr> 232 <tr> 233 <td><strike>adaptiveblur</strike></td> 234 <td>geometry="geometry", radius="double", sigma="double", bias="double", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 235 236 <td>adaptively blur the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). Decrease the effect near edges.</td> 237 </tr> 238 239 <tr> 240 <td><strike>adaptiveresize</strike></td> 241 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer", filter="Point, Box, Triangle, Hermite, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Gaussian, Quadratic, Cubic, Catrom, Mitchell, Lanczos, Bessel, Sinc", support="double", blur="double"</td> 242 243 <td>adaptively resize image using data dependant triangulation. Specify blur > 1 for blurry or < 1 for sharp</td> 244 </tr> 245 246 <tr> 247 <td><strike>adaptivesharpen</strike></td> 248 249 <td>geometry="geometry", radius="double", sigma="double", bias="double", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 250 <td>adaptively sharpen the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). Increase the effect near edges.</td> 251 </tr> 252 253 <tr> 254 <td><strike>adaptivethreshold</strike></td> 255 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer", offset="integer"</td> 256 <td>local adaptive thresholding.</td> 257 258 </tr> 259 260 <tr> 261 <td><strike>addnoise</strike></td> 262 <td>noise="Uniform, Gaussian, Multiplicative, Impulse, Laplacian, Poisson", attenuate="double", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 263 <td>add noise to an image</td> 264 265 </tr> 266 267 <tr> 268 <td><strike>affinetransform</strike></td> 269 <td>affine="array of float values", translate="float, float", scale= "float, float", rotate="float", skewX="float", skewY="float", interpolate="Average, Bicubic, Bilinear, Filter, Integer, Mesh, NearestNeighbor", background="color name"</td> 270 271 <td>affine transform image</td> 272 </tr> 273 274 <tr> 275 <td><strike>affinity</strike></td> 276 <td>image="image-handle", method="None, FloydSteinberg, Riemersma"</td> 277 278 <td>choose a particular set of colors from this image</td> 279 </tr> 280 281 <tr> 282 <td><annotate></td> 283 <td>text="string", font="string", family="string", style="Normal, Italic, Oblique, Any", stretch="Normal, UltraCondensed, ExtraCondensed, Condensed, SemiCondensed, SemiExpanded, Expanded, ExtraExpanded, UltraExpanded", weight="integer", pointsize="integer", density="geometry", stroke="color name", strokewidth="integer", fill="color name", undercolor="color name", kerning="float", geometry="geometry", gravity="NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, Center, East, SouthWest, South, SouthEast", antialias="true, false", x="integer", y="integer", affine="array of float values", translate="float, float", scale="float, float", rotate="float". skewX="float", skewY= "float", align="Left, Center, Right", encoding="UTF-8", interline-spacing="double", interword-spacing="double", direction="right-to-left, left-to-right"</td> 284 285 <td>annotate an image with text. See QueryFontMetrics to get font metrics without rendering any text.</td> 286 </tr> 287 288 <tr> 289 <td><strike>autogamma</strike></td> 290 <td>channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 291 292 <td>automagically adjust gamma level of image</td> 293 </tr> 294 295 <tr> 296 <td><strike>autolevel</strike></td> 297 <td>channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 298 <td>automagically adjust color levels of image</td> 299 300 </tr> 301 302 <tr> 303 <td><strike>autoorient</strike></td> 304 <td> </td> 305 <td>adjusts an image so that its orientation is suitable for viewing (i.e. top-left orientation)</td> 306 </tr> 307 308 <tr> 309 310 <td><strike>blackthreshold</strike></td> 311 <td>threshold="string", , channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 312 <td>force all pixels below the threshold intensity into black</td> 313 </tr> 314 315 <tr> 316 317 <td><strike>blueshift</strike></td> 318 <td>factor="double",</td> 319 <td>simulate a scene at nighttime in the moonlight. Start with a factor of 1.5.</td> 320 </tr> 321 322 <tr> 323 <td><blur></td> 324 325 <td>geometry="geometry", radius="double", sigma="double", bias="double", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 326 <td>reduce image noise and reduce detail levels with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma).</td> 327 </tr> 328 329 <tr> 330 <td><border></td> 331 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer", bordercolor="color name", compose="Undefined, Add, Atop, Blend, Bumpmap, Clear, ColorBurn, ColorDodge, Colorize, CopyBlack, CopyBlue, CopyCMYK, Cyan, CopyGreen, Copy, CopyMagenta, CopyOpacity, CopyRed, RGB, CopyYellow, Darken, Dst, Difference, Displace, Dissolve, DstAtop, DstIn, DstOut, DstOver, Dst, Exclusion, HardLight, Hue, In, Lighten, Luminize, Minus, Modulate, Multiply, None, Out, Overlay, Over, Plus, ReplaceCompositeOp, Saturate, Screen, SoftLight, Src, SrcAtop, SrcIn, SrcOut, SrcOver, Src, Subtract, Threshold, Xor ",</td> 332 333 <td>surround the image with a border of color</td> 334 </tr> 335 336 <tr> 337 <td><charcoal></td> 338 <td>geometry="geometry", radius="double", sigma="double"</td> 339 340 <td>simulate a charcoal drawing</td> 341 </tr> 342 343 <tr> 344 <td><chop></td> 345 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer", x="integer", y="integer"</td> 346 347 <td>chop an image</td> 348 </tr> 349 350 <tr> 351 <td><strike>clamp</strike></td> 352 <td>channel="Red, RGB, All, etc."</td> 353 <td>set each pixel whose value is below zero to zero and any the pixel whose value is above the quantum range to the quantum range (e.g. 65535) otherwise the pixel value remains unchanged.</td> 354 355 </tr> 356 357 <tr> 358 <td><strike>clip</strike></td> 359 <td>id="name", inside=""true, false"",</td> 360 <td>apply along a named path from the 8BIM profile.</td> 361 362 </tr> 363 364 <tr> 365 <td><strike>clipmask</strike></td> 366 <td>mask="image-handle"</td> 367 <td>clip image as defined by the image mask</td> 368 </tr> 369 370 <tr> 371 <td><strike>clut</strike></td> 372 <td>image="image-handle", interpolate="Average, Bicubic, Bilinear, Filter, Integer, Mesh, NearestNeighbor", channel="Red, RGB, All, etc."</td> 373 <td>apply a color lookup table to an image sequence</td> 374 </tr> 375 376 <tr> 377 <td><strike>coalesce</strike></td> 378 <td> </td> 379 <td>merge a sequence of images</td> 380 </tr> 381 382 <tr> 383 <td><strike>color</strike></td> 384 385 <td>color="color name"</td> 386 <td>set the entire image to this color.</td> 387 </tr> 388 389 <tr> 390 <td><strike>colordecisionlist</strike></td> 391 <td>filename="string",</td> 392 393 <td>color correct with a color decision list.</td> 394 </tr> 395 396 <tr> 397 <td><colorize></td> 398 <td>fill="color name", blend="string"</td> 399 400 <td>colorize the image with the fill color</td> 401 </tr> 402 403 <tr> 404 <td><strike>colormatrix</strike></td> 405 <td>matrix="array of float values"</td> 406 <td>apply color correction to the image. Although you can use variable sized matrices, typically you use a 5 x 5 for an RGBA image and a 6x6 for CMYKA. A 6x6 matrix is required for offsets (populate the last column with normalized values).</td> 407 408 </tr> 409 410 <tr> 411 <td><comment></td> 412 <td>string</td> 413 <td>add a comment to your image</td> 414 </tr> 415 416 <tr> 417 <td><strike>comparelayers</strike></td> 418 <td>method="any, clear, overlay"</td> 419 <td>compares each image with the next in a sequence and returns the minimum bounding region of any pixel differences it discovers. Images do not have to be the same size, though it is best that all the images are coalesced (images are all the same size, on a flattened canvas, so as to represent exactly how a specific frame should look).</td> 420 </tr> 421 422 <tr> 423 424 <td><composite></td> 425 <td>image="image-handle", compose="Undefined, Add, Atop, Blend, Bumpmap, Clear, ColorBurn, ColorDodge, Colorize, CopyBlack, CopyBlue, CopyCMYK, Cyan, CopyGreen, Copy, CopyMagenta, CopyOpacity, CopyRed, RGB, CopyYellow, Darken, Dst, Difference, Displace, Dissolve, DstAtop, DstIn, DstOut, DstOver, Dst, Exclusion, HardLight, Hue, In, Lighten, Luminize, Minus, Modulate, Multiply, None, Out, Overlay, Over, Plus, ReplaceCompositeOp, Saturate, Screen, SoftLight, Src, SrcAtop, SrcIn, SrcOut, SrcOver, Src, Subtract, Threshold, Xor ", mask="image-handle", geometry="geometry", x="integer", y="integer", gravity="NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, Center, East, SouthWest, South, SouthEast", opacity="integer", tile="True, False", rotate="double", color="color name", blend="geometry", interpolate="undefined, average, bicubic, bilinear, filter, integer, mesh, nearest-neighbor, spline"</td> 426 427 <td>composite one image onto another. Use the rotate parameter in concert with the tile parameter.</td> 428 </tr> 429 430 <tr> 431 <td><contrast></td> 432 <td>sharpen="True, False"</td> 433 <td>enhance or reduce the image contrast</td> 434 435 </tr> 436 437 <tr> 438 <td><strike>contraststretch</strike></td> 439 <td>levels="string", 'black-point'="double", 'white-point'="double", channel="Red, RGB, All, etc."</td> 440 441 <td>improve the contrast in an image by `stretching' the range of intensity values</td> 442 </tr> 443 444 <tr> 445 <td><strike>convolve</strike></td> 446 <td>coefficients="array of float values", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow", bias="double"</td> 447 448 <td>apply a convolution kernel to the image. Given a kernel "order" , you would supply "order*order" float values (e.g. 3x3 implies 9 values).</td> 449 </tr> 450 451 <tr> 452 <td><crop></td> 453 454 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer", x="integer", y="integer", fuzz="double", gravity="NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, Center, East, SouthWest, South, SouthEast"</td> 455 <td>crop an image</td> 456 457 </tr> 458 459 <tr> 460 <td><strike>cyclecolormap</strike></td> 461 <td>amount="integer"</td> 462 <td>displace image colormap by amount</td> 463 </tr> 464 465 <tr> 466 <td><strike>decipher</strike></td> 467 <td>passphrase="string"</td> 468 <td>convert cipher pixels to plain pixels</td> 469 </tr> 470 471 <tr> 472 473 <td><strike>deconstruct</strike></td> 474 <td> </td> 475 <td>break down an image sequence into constituent parts</td> 476 </tr> 477 478 <tr> 479 <td><strike>deskew</strike></td> 480 <td>geometry="string",threshold="double"</td> 481 482 <td>straighten the image</td> 483 </tr> 484 485 <tr> 486 <td><despeckle></td> 487 <td> </td> 488 <td>reduce the speckles within an image</td> 489 </tr> 490 491 <tr> 492 <td><strike>difference</strike></td> 493 <td>image="image-handle"</td> 494 <td>compute the difference metrics between two images </td> 495 </tr> 496 497 <tr> 498 499 <td><strike>distort</strike></td> 500 <td>points="array of float values", method="Affine, AffineProjection, Bilinear, Perspective, Resize, ScaleRotateTranslate", virtual-pixel="Background Black Constant Dither Edge Gray Mirror Random Tile Transparent White", best-fit="True, False"</td> 501 <td>distort image</td> 502 </tr> 503 504 <tr> 505 <td><draw></td> 506 <td>primitive="point, line, rectangle, arc, ellipse, circle, path, polyline, polygon, bezier, color, matte, text, @"filename"", points="string" , method=""Point, Replace, Floodfill, FillToBorder, Reset"", stroke="color name", fill="color name", font="string", pointsize="integer", strokewidth="float", antialias="true, false", bordercolor="color name", x="float", y="float", dash-offset="float", dash-pattern="array of float values", affine="array of float values", translate="float, float", scale="float, float", rotate="float", skewX="float", skewY="float", interpolate="undefined, average, bicubic, bilinear, mesh, nearest-neighbor, spline", kerning="float", text="string", vector-graphics="string", interline-spacing="double", interword-spacing="double", direction="right-to-left, left-to-right"</td> 507 508 <td>annotate an image with one or more graphic primitives.</td> 509 </tr> 510 511 <tr> 512 <td><strike>encipher</strike></td> 513 <td>passphrase="string"</td> 514 <td>convert plain pixels to cipher pixels</td> 515 516 </tr> 517 518 <tr> 519 <td><edge></td> 520 <td>radius="double"</td> 521 <td>enhance edges within the image with a convolution filter of the given radius.</td> 522 </tr> 523 524 <tr> 525 <td><emboss></td> 526 <td>geometry="geometry", radius="double", sigma="double"</td> 527 <td>emboss the image with a convolution filter of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma).</td> 528 529 </tr> 530 531 <tr> 532 <td><enhance></td> 533 <td> </td> 534 <td>apply a digital filter to enhance a noisy image</td> 535 </tr> 536 537 <tr> 538 539 <td><equalize></td> 540 <td>channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow" </td> 541 <td>perform histogram equalization to the image</td> 542 </tr> 543 544 <tr> 545 <td><strike>extent</strike></td> 546 547 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer", x="integer", y="integer", fuzz="double", background="color name", gravity="NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, Center, East, SouthWest, South, SouthEast"</td> 548 549 <td>set the image size</td> 550 </tr> 551 552 <tr> 553 <td><strike>evaluate</strike></td> 554 <td>value="double", operator=""Add, And, Divide, LeftShift, Max, Min, Multiply, Or, Rightshift, Subtract, Xor"", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow" </td> 555 556 <td>apply an arithmetic, relational, or logical expression to the image</td> 557 </tr> 558 559 <tr> 560 <td><strike>filter</strike></td> 561 <td>kernel="string", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow", bias="double"</td> 562 563 <td>apply a convolution kernel to the image.</td> 564 </tr> 565 566 <tr> 567 <td><flip></td> 568 <td> </td> 569 <td>reflect the image scanlines in the vertical direction</td> 570 </tr> 571 572 <tr> 573 <td><flop></td> 574 <td> </td> 575 <td>reflect the image scanlines in the horizontal direction</td> 576 </tr> 577 578 <tr> 579 <td><strike>floodfillpaint</strike></td> 580 581 <td>geometry="geometry", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow", x="integer", y="integer" , fill="color name", bordercolor="color name", fuzz="double", invert="True, False"</td> 582 583 <td>changes the color value of any pixel that matches the color of the target pixel and is a neighbor. If you specify a border color, the color value is changed for any neighbor pixel that is not that color.</td> 584 </tr> 585 586 <tr> 587 <td><strike>forwardfouriertransform</strike></td> 588 <td>magnitude="True, False"</td> 589 <td>implements the forward discrete Fourier transform (DFT)</td> 590 591 </tr> 592 593 <tr> 594 <td><frame></td> 595 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer", inner="integer", outer="integer", fill="color name", compose="Undefined, Add, Atop, Blend, Bumpmap, Clear, ColorBurn, ColorDodge, Colorize, CopyBlack, CopyBlue, CopyCMYK, Cyan, CopyGreen, Copy, CopyMagenta, CopyOpacity, CopyRed, RGB, CopyYellow, Darken, Dst, Difference, Displace, Dissolve, DstAtop, DstIn, DstOut, DstOver, Dst, Exclusion, HardLight, Hue, In, Lighten, Luminize, Minus, Modulate, Multiply, None, Out, Overlay, Over, Plus, ReplaceCompositeOp, Saturate, Screen, SoftLight, Src, SrcAtop, SrcIn, SrcOut, SrcOver, Src, Subtract, Threshold, Xor ",</td> 596 597 <td>surround the image with an ornamental border</td> 598 </tr> 599 600 <tr> 601 <td><strike>function</strike></td> 602 <td>parameters="array of float values", function="Sin", virtual-pixel="Background Black Constant Dither Edge Gray Mirror Random Tile Transparent White"</td> 603 604 <td>apply a function to the image</td> 605 </tr> 606 607 <tr> 608 <td><gamma></td> 609 <td>gamma="string", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 610 611 <td>gamma correct the image</td> 612 </tr> 613 614 <tr> 615 <td><strike>gaussianblur</strike></td> 616 <td>geometry="geometry", radius="double", sigma="double", bias="double", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 617 618 <td>reduce image noise and reduce detail levels with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma).</td> 619 </tr> 620 621 <tr> 622 <td><strike>getpixel</strike></td> 623 <td>geometry="geometry", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow", normalize="true, false", x="integer", y="integer"</td> 624 625 <td>get a single pixel. By default normalized pixel values are returned.</td> 626 </tr> 627 628 <tr> 629 <td><strike>getpixels</strike></td> 630 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer", x="integer", y="integer", map="string", normalize="true, false"</td> 631 632 <td>get image pixels as defined by the map (e.g. "RGB", "RGBA", etc.). By default non-normalized pixel values are returned.</td> 633 </tr> 634 635 <tr> 636 <td><strike>grayscale</strike></td> 637 <td>channel="Average, Brightness, Lightness, Rec601Luma, Rec601Luminance, Rec709Luma, Rec709Luminance, RMS"</td> 638 <td>convert image to grayscale</td> 639 640 </tr> 641 642 <tr> 643 <td><strike>haldclut</strike></td> 644 <td>image="image-handle", channel="Red, RGB, All, etc."</td> 645 <td>apply a Hald color lookup table to an image sequence</td> 646 647 </tr> 648 649 <tr> 650 <td><strike>identify</strike></td> 651 <td>file="file", features="distance", unique="True, False"</td> 652 <td>identify the attributes of an image</td> 653 654 </tr> 655 656 <tr> 657 <td><implode></td> 658 <td>amount="double", interpolate="undefined, average, bicubic, bilinear, mesh, nearest-neighbor, spline"</td> 659 <td>implode image pixels about the center</td> 660 661 </tr> 662 663 <tr> 664 <td><strike>inversediscretefouriertransform</strike></td> 665 <td>magnitude="True, False"</td> 666 <td>implements the inverse discrete Fourier transform (DFT)</td> 667 </tr> 668 669 <tr> 670 <td><label></td> 671 <td>string</td> 672 <td>assign a label to an image</td> 673 </tr> 674 675 <tr> 676 677 <td><strike>layers</strike></td> 678 <td>method="coalesce, compare-any, compare-clear, compare-over, composite, dispose, flatten, merge, mosaic, optimize, optimize-image, optimize-plus, optimize-trans, remove-dups, remove-zero", compose="Undefined, Add, Atop, Blend, Bumpmap, Clear, ColorBurn, ColorDodge, Colorize, CopyBlack, CopyBlue, CopyCMYK, Cyan, CopyGreen, Copy, CopyMagenta, CopyOpacity, CopyRed, RGB, CopyYellow, Darken, Dst, Difference, Displace, Dissolve, DstAtop, DstIn, DstOut, DstOver, Dst, Exclusion, HardLight, Hue, In, Lighten, LinearLight, Luminize, Minus, Modulate, Multiply, None, Out, Overlay, Over, Plus, ReplaceCompositeOp, Saturate, Screen, SoftLight, Src, SrcAtop, SrcIn, SrcOut, SrcOver, Src, Subtract, Threshold, Xor ", dither="true, false"</td> 679 <td>compare each image the GIF disposed forms of the previous image in the sequence. From this, attempt to select the smallest cropped image to replace each frame, while preserving the results of the animation.</td> 680 </tr> 681 682 <tr> 683 684 <td><level></td> 685 <td>levels="string", 'black-point'="double", 'gamma'="double", 'white-point'="double", channel="Red, RGB, All, etc."</td> 686 <td>adjust the level of image contrast</td> 687 688 </tr> 689 690 <tr> 691 <td><strike>levelcolors</strike></td> 692 <td>invert=>"True, False", 'black-point'="string", 'white-point'="string", channel="Red, RGB, All, etc."</td> 693 694 <td>level image with the given colors</td> 695 </tr> 696 697 <tr> 698 <td><strike>linearstretch</strike></td> 699 <td>levels="string", 'black-point'="double", 'white-point'="double"</td> 700 701 <td>linear with saturation stretch</td> 702 </tr> 703 704 <tr> 705 <td><strike>liquidresize</strike></td> 706 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer", delta-x="double", rigidity="double"</td> 707 708 <td>rescale image with seam-carving.</td> 709 </tr> 710 711 <tr> 712 <td><magnify></td> 713 <td> </td> 714 <td>double the size of the image with pixel art scaling</td> 715 </tr> 716 717 <tr> 718 <td><strike>mask</strike></td> 719 <td>mask="image-handle"</td> 720 <td>composite image pixels as defined by the mask</td> 721 </tr> 722 723 <tr> 724 725 <td><strike>mattefloodfill</strike></td> 726 <td>geometry="geometry", x="integer", y="integer" , matte="integer", bordercolor="color name", fuzz="double", invert="True, False"</td> 727 728 <td>changes the matte value of any pixel that matches the color of the target pixel and is a neighbor. If you specify a border color, the matte value is changed for any neighbor pixel that is not that color.</td> 729 </tr> 730 731 <tr> 732 <td><strike>medianfilter</strike></td> 733 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 734 735 <td>replace each pixel with the median intensity pixel of a neighborhood.</td> 736 </tr> 737 738 <tr> 739 <td><minify></td> 740 <td> </td> 741 <td>half the size of an image</td> 742 </tr> 743 744 <tr> 745 <td><strike>mode</strike></td> 746 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 747 <td>make each pixel the "predominant color" of the neighborhood.</td> 748 749 </tr> 750 751 <tr> 752 <td><modulate></td> 753 <td>factor="geometry", brightness="double", saturation="double", hue="double", lightness="double", whiteness="double", blackness="double" </td> 754 755 <td>vary the brightness, saturation, and hue of an image by the specified percentage</td> 756 </tr> 757 758 <tr> 759 <td><strike>morphology</strike></td> 760 <td>kernel="string", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow", iterations="integer"</td> 761 762 <td>apply a morphology method to the image.</td> 763 </tr> 764 765 <tr> 766 <td><strike>motionblur</strike></td> 767 <td>geometry="geometry", radius="double", sigma="double", angle="double", bias="double", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 768 769 <td>reduce image noise and reduce detail levels with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma) at the given angle to simulate the effect of motion</td> 770 </tr> 771 772 <tr> 773 <td><negate></td> 774 <td>gray="True, False", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 775 <td>replace each pixel with its complementary color (white becomes black, yellow becomes blue, etc.)</td> 776 777 </tr> 778 779 <tr> 780 <td><normalize></td> 781 <td>channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow" </td> 782 <td>transform image to span the full range of color values</td> 783 </tr> 784 785 <tr> 786 <td><strike>oilpaint</strike></td> 787 <td>radius="integer"</td> 788 <td>simulate an oil painting</td> 789 </tr> 790 791 <tr> 792 793 <td><opaque></td> 794 <td>color="color name", 795 fill="color name", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow", invert="True, False"</td> 796 <td>change this color to the fill color within the image</td> 797 </tr> 798 799 <tr> 800 <td><strike>ordereddither</strike></td> 801 <td>threshold="threshold, checks, o2x2, o3x3, o4x4, o8x8, h4x4a, h6x6a, h8x8a, h4x4o, h6x6o, h8x8o, h16x16o, hlines6x4", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 802 <td>order dither image</td> 803 </tr> 804 805 <tr> 806 <td><strike>perceptible</strike></td> 807 <td>epsilon="double", channel="Red, RGB, All, etc."</td> 808 <td>set each pixel whose value is less than |"epsilon"| to "-epsilon" or "epsilon" (whichever is closer) otherwise the pixel value remains unchanged..</td> 809 810 </tr> 811 812 <tr> 813 <td><strike>polaroid</strike></td> 814 <td>caption="string", angle="double", pointsize="double", font="string", stroke= "color name", strokewidth="integer", fill="color name", gravity="NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, Center, East, SouthWest, South, SouthEast", background="color name"</td> 815 816 <td>simulate a Polaroid picture.</td> 817 </tr> 818 819 <tr> 820 <td><strike>posterize</strike></td> 821 <td>levels="integer", dither="True, False"</td> 822 823 <td>reduce the image to a limited number of color level</td> 824 </tr> 825 826 <tr> 827 <td><profile></td> 828 <td>name="string", profile="blob", rendering-intent="Undefined, Saturation, Perceptual, Absolute, Relative", black-point-compensation="True, False"</td> 829 830 <td>add or remove ICC or IPTC image profile; name is formal name (e.g. ICC or filename; set profile to '' to remove profile</td> 831 </tr> 832 833 <tr> 834 <td><quantize></td> 835 <td>colors="integer", colorspace="RGB, Gray, Transparent, OHTA, XYZ, YCbCr, YIQ, YPbPr, YUV, CMYK, sRGB, HSL, HSB", treedepth= "integer", dither="True, False", dither-method="Riemersma, Floyd-Steinberg", measure_error="True, False", global_colormap="True, False", transparent-color="color"</td> 836 837 <td>preferred number of colors in the image</td> 838 </tr> 839 840 <tr> 841 <td><strike>radialblur</strike></td> 842 <td>geometry="geometry", angle="double", bias="double", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 843 844 <td>radial blur the image.</td> 845 </tr> 846 847 <tr> 848 <td><raise></td> 849 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer", x="integer", y="integer", raise="True, False"</td> 850 851 <td>lighten or darken image edges to create a 3-D effect</td> 852 </tr> 853 854 <tr> 855 <td><strike>reducenoise</strike></td> 856 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 857 858 <td>reduce noise in the image with a noise peak elimination filter</td> 859 </tr> 860 861 <tr> 862 <td><strike>remap</strike></td> 863 <td>image="image-handle", dither="true, false", dither-method="Riemersma, Floyd-Steinberg"</td> 864 865 <td>replace the colors of an image with the closest color from a reference image.</td> 866 </tr> 867 868 <tr> 869 <td><resample></td> 870 <td>density="geometry", x="double", y="double", filter="Point, Box, Triangle, Hermite, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Gaussian, Quadratic, Cubic, Catrom, Mitchell, Lanczos, Bessel, Sinc", support="double"</td> 871 872 <td>resample image to desired resolution. Specify blur > 1 for blurry or < 1 for sharp</td> 873 </tr> 874 875 <tr> 876 <td><resize></td> 877 878 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer", filter="Point, Box, Triangle, Hermite, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Gaussian, Quadratic, Cubic, Catrom, Mitchell, Lanczos, Bessel, Sinc", support="double", blur="double"</td> 879 <td>scale image to desired size. Specify blur > 1 for blurry or < 1 for sharp</td> 880 881 </tr> 882 883 <tr> 884 <td><roll></td> 885 <td>geometry="geometry", x="integer", y="integer"</td> 886 <td>roll an image vertically or horizontally</td> 887 888 </tr> 889 890 <tr> 891 <td><rotate></td> 892 <td>degrees="double", background="color name"</td> 893 <td>rotate an image</td> 894 895 </tr> 896 897 <tr> 898 <td><sample></td> 899 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer"</td> 900 <td>scale image with pixel sampling.</td> 901 902 </tr> 903 904 <tr> 905 <td><scale></td> 906 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer"</td> 907 <td>scale image to desired size</td> 908 909 </tr> 910 911 <tr> 912 <td><segment></td> 913 <td>colorspace="RGB, Gray, Transparent, OHTA, XYZ, YCbCr, YCC, YIQ, YPbPr, YUV, CMYK", verbose="True, False", cluster-threshold="double", smoothing-threshold="double"</td> 914 <td>segment an image by analyzing the histograms of the color components and identifying units that are homogeneous</td> 915 916 </tr> 917 918 <tr> 919 <td><strike>selectiveblur</strike></td> 920 <td>geometry="geometry", radius="double", sigma="double", threshold="double", bias="double", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 921 922 <td>selectively blur pixels within a contrast threshold.</td> 923 </tr> 924 <tr> 925 <td><strike>separate</strike></td> 926 <td>channel="Red, RGB, All, etc."</td> 927 <td>separate a channel from the image into a grayscale image</td> 928 929 </tr> 930 931 <tr> 932 <td><shade></td> 933 <td>geometry="geometry", azimuth="double", elevation="double", gray="true, false"</td> 934 935 <td>shade the image using a distant light source</td> 936 </tr> 937 938 <tr> 939 <td><strike>setpixel</strike></td> 940 <td>geometry="geometry", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow", color="array of float values", x="integer", y="integer", color="array of float values"</td> 941 942 <td>set a single pixel. By default normalized pixel values are expected.</td> 943 </tr> 944 945 <tr> 946 <td><shadow></td> 947 <td>geometry="geometry", opacity="double", sigma="double", x="integer", y="integer"</td> 948 949 <td>simulate an image shadow</td> 950 </tr> 951 952 <tr> 953 <td><sharpen></td> 954 <td>geometry="geometry", radius="double", sigma="double", bias="double", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 955 956 <td>sharpen the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma).</td> 957 </tr> 958 959 <tr> 960 <td><shave></td> 961 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer"</td> 962 963 <td>shave pixels from the image edges</td> 964 </tr> 965 966 <tr> 967 <td><shear></td> 968 <td>geometry="geometry", x="double", y="double" fill="color name"</td> 969 970 <td>shear the image along the X or Y axis by a positive or negative shear angle</td> 971 </tr> 972 973 <tr> 974 <td><strike>sigmoidalcontrast</strike></td> 975 <td>geometry="string", 'contrast'="double", 'mid-point'="double" channel="Red, RGB, All, etc.", sharpen="True, False"</td> 976 977 <td>sigmoidal non-lineraity contrast control. Increase the contrast of the image using a sigmoidal transfer function without saturating highlights or shadows. Contrast" indicates how much to increase the contrast (0 is none; 3 is typical; 20 is a lot); mid-point" indicates where midtones fall in the resultant image (0 is white; 50% is middle-gray; 100% is black). To decrease contrast, set sharpen to False.</td> 978 </tr> 979 980 <tr> 981 <td><signature></td> 982 983 <td> </td> 984 <td>generate an SHA-256 message digest for the image pixel stream</td> 985 </tr> 986 987 <tr> 988 <td><strike>sketch</strike></td> 989 <td>geometry="geometry", radius="double", sigma="double", angle="double"</td> 990 991 <td>sketch the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma) at the given angle</td> 992 </tr> 993 994 <tr> 995 <td><solarize></td> 996 <td>geometry="string", threshold="double", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 997 998 <td>negate all pixels above the threshold level</td> 999 </tr> 1000 1001 <tr> 1002 <td><strike>sparsecolor</strike></td> 1003 <td>points="array of float values", method="Barycentric, Bilinear, Shepards, Voronoi", virtual-pixel="Background Black Constant Dither Edge Gray Mirror Random Tile Transparent White"</td> 1004 1005 <td>interpolate the image colors around the supplied points</td> 1006 </tr> 1007 1008 <tr> 1009 <td><strike>splice</strike></td> 1010 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer", x="integer", y="integer", fuzz="double", background="color name", gravity="NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, Center, East, SouthWest, South, SouthEast"</td> 1011 1012 <td>splice an image</td> 1013 </tr> 1014 1015 <tr> 1016 <td><spread></td> 1017 <td>radius="double", interpolate="undefined, average, bicubic, bilinear, mesh, nearest-neighbor, spline"</td> 1018 1019 <td>displace image pixels by a random amount</td> 1020 </tr> 1021 1022 <tr> 1023 <td><strike>statistic</strike></td> 1024 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow", type="Median, Mode, Mean, Maximum, Minimum, ReduceNoise"</td> 1025 1026 <td>replace each pixel with corresponding statistic from the neighborhood.</td> 1027 </tr> 1028 <tr> 1029 <td><stegano></td> 1030 <td>image="image-handle", offset="integer"</td> 1031 <td>hide a digital watermark within the image</td> 1032 1033 </tr> 1034 1035 <tr> 1036 <td><stereo></td> 1037 <td>image="image-handle", x="integer", y="integer"</td> 1038 <td>composites two images and produces a single image that is the composite of a left and right image of a stereo pair</td> 1039 1040 </tr> 1041 1042 <tr> 1043 <td><strip></td> 1044 <td> </td> 1045 <td>strip an image of all profiles and comments.</td> 1046 </tr> 1047 1048 <tr> 1049 1050 <td><swirl></td> 1051 <td>degrees="double", interpolate="undefined, average, bicubic, bilinear, mesh, nearest-neighbor, spline"</td> 1052 <td>swirl image pixels about the center</td> 1053 </tr> 1054 1055 <tr> 1056 1057 <td><strike>texture</strike></td> 1058 <td>texture="image-handle"</td> 1059 <td>name of texture to tile onto the image background</td> 1060 </tr> 1061 1062 <tr> 1063 <td><strike>thumbnail</strike></td> 1064 1065 <td>geometry="geometry", width="integer", height="integer"</td> 1066 <td>changes the size of an image to the given dimensions and removes any associated profiles.</td> 1067 </tr> 1068 1069 <tr> 1070 <td><threshold></td> 1071 1072 <td>threshold="string", channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 1073 <td>threshold the image</td> 1074 </tr> 1075 1076 <tr> 1077 <td><strike>tint</strike></td> 1078 1079 <td>fill="color name", blend="string"</td> 1080 <td>tint the image with the fill color.</td> 1081 </tr> 1082 1083 <tr> 1084 <td><transparent></td> 1085 1086 <td>color="color name", invert="True, False"</td> 1087 <td>make this color transparent within the image</td> 1088 </tr> 1089 1090 <tr> 1091 <td><strike>transpose</strike></td> 1092 1093 <td> </td> 1094 <td>flip image in the vertical direction and rotate 90 degrees</td> 1095 </tr> 1096 1097 <tr> 1098 <td><strike>transverse</strike></td> 1099 <td> </td> 1100 <td>flop image in the horizontal direction and rotate 270 degrees</td> 1101 1102 </tr> 1103 1104 <tr> 1105 <td><trim></td> 1106 <td> </td> 1107 <td>remove edges that are the background color from the image</td> 1108 </tr> 1109 1110 <tr> 1111 1112 <td><strike>unsharpmask</strike></td> 1113 <td>geometry="geometry", radius="double", sigma="double", gain="double", threshold="double"</td> 1114 <td>sharpen the image with the unsharp mask algorithm.</td> 1115 1116 </tr> 1117 1118 <tr> 1119 <td><strike>vignette</strike></td> 1120 <td>geometry="geometry", radius="double", sigma="double", x="integer", y="integer", background="color name"</td> 1121 1122 <td>offset the edges of the image in vignette style</td> 1123 </tr> 1124 1125 <tr> 1126 <td><strike>wave</strike></td> 1127 <td>geometry="geometry", amplitude="double", wavelength="double", interpolate="undefined, average, bicubic, bilinear, mesh, nearest-neighbor, spline"</td> 1128 1129 <td>alter an image along a sine wave</td> 1130 </tr> 1131 1132 <tr> 1133 <td><strike>whitethreshold</strike></td> 1134 <td>threshold="string", , channel="All, Default, Alpha, Black, Blue, CMYK, Cyan, Gray, Green, Index, Magenta, Opacity, Red, RGB, Yellow"</td> 1135 1136 <td>force all pixels above the threshold intensity into white</td> 1137 </tr> 1138 </tbody> 1139 </table> 1140 </div> 1141 </div> 1142 </main><!-- /.container --> 1143 <footer class="magick-footer"> 1144 <p><a href="security-policy.html">Security</a> 1145 <a href="architecture.html">Architecture</a> 1146 <a href="links.html">Related</a> 1147 <a href="sitemap.html">Sitemap</a> 1148 1149 <a href="conjure.html#"><img class="d-inline" id="wand" alt="And Now a Touch of Magick" width="16" height="16" src="../images/wand.ico"/></a> 1150 1151 <a href="http://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x89AB63D48277377A">Public Key</a> 1152 <a href="support.html">Donate</a> 1153 <a 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