1 nuget { 2 nuspec { 3 id = rxcpp; 4 version : 4.0.0; 5 title: Reactive Extensions for C++; 6 authors: {Microsoft Open Technologies Inc.}; 7 owners: {Microsoft Open Technologies Inc.}; 8 licenseUrl: "https://github.com/Reactive-Extensions/RxCpp/blob/master/license.md"; 9 projectUrl: "https://github.com/Reactive-Extensions/RxCpp"; 10 iconUrl: "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=261274"; 11 requireLicenseAcceptance:false; 12 summary: "The Reactive Extensions (Rx) asynchronous algorithm library"; 13 description: @"The Reactive Extensions for C++ (RxCpp) is a library of algorithms for values-distributed-in-time. The Range-v3 library does the same for values-distributed-in-space. 14 Compiles for gcc, clang and VisualStudio on Linux, OSX and Windows."; 15 releaseNotes: "rx lite complete!, bug fixes, breaking changes to make repeat(0) and retry(0), VC2017 support, coroutines support, take_while, is_empty"; 16 copyright: Copyright 2016; 17 tags: { RxCpp, RxC++, Rx, Reactive, Observable, Functional, native, nativepackage}; 18 }; 19 20 files { 21 22 #defines { 23 SDK_RX = ..\..\; 24 } 25 include: { "${SDK_RX}Rx\v2\src\**\*" }; 26 docs: { ${SDK_RX}AUTHORS.txt, ${SDK_RX}Rx\v2\license.txt, ${SDK_RX}Rx\v2\examples\**\* }; 27 } 28 29 targets { 30 Defines += HAS_RXCPP; 31 } 32 } 33