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      1 //
      2 //  ANTLRBitSetTest.m
      3 //  ANTLR
      4 //
      5 //  Created by Ian Michell on 13/05/2010.
      6 //  Copyright 2010 Ian Michell and Alan Condit. All rights reserved.
      7 //
      9 #import "ANTLRBitSetTest.h"
     10 #import "ANTLRBitSet.h"
     11 #import "ACNumber.h"
     12 #import <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
     13 #import <CoreFoundation/CFBitVector.h>
     15 @implementation ANTLRBitSetTest
     17 -(void) testWithBitData
     18 {
     19 	static const unsigned long long bitData[] = {3LL, 1LL};
     20 	ANTLRBitSet *bitSet = [ANTLRBitSet newBitSetWithBits:bitData Count:2];
     21     CFIndex actual = (CFIndex)[bitSet numBits];
     22     CFIndex expected = 3;
     24     STAssertEquals(actual, expected, @"There should be three bits set in bitvector. But I have %d", actual);
     25 	[bitSet release];
     26 }
     28 -(void) testWithBitArray
     29 {
     30 	AMutableArray *bits = [AMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10];
     31 	[bits addObject:[ACNumber numberWithBool:YES]];
     32 	[bits addObject:[ACNumber numberWithBool:YES]];
     33 	[bits addObject:[ACNumber numberWithBool:NO]];
     34 	[bits addObject:[ACNumber numberWithBool:YES]];
     35 	[bits addObject:[ACNumber numberWithBool:NO]];
     36 	[bits addObject:[ACNumber numberWithBool:YES]];
     37 	STAssertTrue([[bits objectAtIndex:0] boolValue], @"Value at index 0 was not true");
     38 	STAssertTrue([[bits objectAtIndex:1] boolValue], @"Value at index 1 was not true");
     39 	STAssertFalse([[bits objectAtIndex:2] boolValue], @"Value at index 2 was not false");
     40 	STAssertTrue([[bits objectAtIndex:3] boolValue], @"Value at index 3 was not true");
     41 	STAssertFalse([[bits objectAtIndex:4] boolValue], @"Value at index 4 was not false");
     42 	STAssertTrue([[bits objectAtIndex:5] boolValue], @"Value at index 5 was not true");
     43 	ANTLRBitSet *bitSet = [ANTLRBitSet newBitSetWithArray:bits];
     44 	CFIndex actual = (CFIndex)[bitSet numBits];
     45 	CFIndex expected = 4;
     46 	STAssertEquals(actual, expected, @"There should be four bits set in bitvector. But I have %d", actual);
     47 	[bitSet release];
     48 }
     50 -(void) testAdd
     51 {
     53 	ANTLRBitSet *bitSet = [ANTLRBitSet newBitSet];
     54 	[bitSet add:1];
     55 	[bitSet add:2];
     56 	[bitSet add:3];
     57 	CFIndex actual = (CFIndex)[bitSet numBits];
     58 	CFIndex expected = 3;
     59 	STAssertEquals(actual, expected, @"There should be three bits set in bitvector. But I have %d", actual);
     60 	[bitSet release];
     61 }
     63 -(void) testRemove
     64 {
     65 	ANTLRBitSet *bitSet = [ANTLRBitSet newBitSet];
     66 	[bitSet add:1];
     67 	CFIndex actual = (CFIndex)[bitSet numBits];
     68 	CFIndex expected = 1;
     69 	STAssertTrue(actual == expected, @"Bitset was not of size 1");
     70 	STAssertTrue([bitSet member:1], @"Bit at index 1 is not a member...");
     71 	[bitSet remove:1];
     72 	actual = [bitSet numBits];
     73 	STAssertTrue(actual == 0, @"Bitset was not empty");
     74 	STAssertFalse([bitSet member:1], @"Bit at index 1 is a member...");
     75 	STAssertTrue([bitSet isNil], @"There was at least one bit on...");
     76 }
     78 -(void) testCopyBitSet
     79 {
     80 	static const unsigned long long bitData[] = {3LL, 1LL};
     81 	ANTLRBitSet *bitSet = [ANTLRBitSet newBitSetWithBits:bitData Count:2];
     82 	ANTLRBitSet *copy = [bitSet mutableCopyWithZone:nil];
     83 	CFIndex actual = (CFIndex)[copy numBits];
     84 	STAssertEquals(actual, (CFIndex)[bitSet numBits], @"There should be three bits set in bitvector. But I have %d", [copy numBits]);
     85 	[bitSet release];
     86 }
     88 -(void) testOr
     89 {
     90 	static const unsigned long long bitData[] = {3LL, 1LL};
     91 	ANTLRBitSet *bitSet = [ANTLRBitSet newBitSetWithBits:bitData Count:2];
     93 	static const unsigned long long otherData[] = {5LL, 3LL, 1LL};
     94 	ANTLRBitSet *otherBitSet = [ANTLRBitSet newBitSetWithBits:otherData Count:3];
     96 	ANTLRBitSet *c = [bitSet or:otherBitSet];
     97 	STAssertTrue([c size] == [otherBitSet size], @"c should be the same as otherBitSet");
     98 }
    100 -(void) testOrInPlace
    101 {
    103 	ANTLRBitSet *bitSet = [ANTLRBitSet newBitSet];
    104 	[bitSet add:1];
    105 	[bitSet add:2];
    106 	[bitSet add:16];
    107 	CFIndex actual = (CFIndex)[bitSet numBits];
    108 	CFIndex expected = 3;
    109 	STAssertEquals(actual, expected, @"There should be three bits set in bitvector. But I have %d", actual);
    110 	ANTLRBitSet *followSet = [ANTLRBitSet newBitSet];
    111     [followSet orInPlace:bitSet];
    112 	actual = (CFIndex)[followSet numBits];
    113 	expected = 3;
    114     NSLog( @"%@\n", [followSet description] );
    115 	STAssertEquals(actual, expected, @"There should be three bits set in bitvector. But I have %d", actual);
    116 	[bitSet release];
    117 	[followSet release];
    118 }
    120 -(void) testDescription
    121 {
    122 	ANTLRBitSet *bitSet = [ANTLRBitSet newBitSet];
    123 	[bitSet add:1];
    124 	[bitSet add:2];
    125 	NSMutableString *aDescription = (NSMutableString *)[bitSet description];
    126 	STAssertTrue([aDescription isEqualToString:@"{1,2}"], @"Description was not right, expected '{1,2}' got: %@", aDescription);
    127 }
    129 @end