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     20 <document>
     21   <properties>
     22     <title>Commons Compress User Guide</title>
     23     <author email="dev (a] commons.apache.org">Commons Documentation Team</author>
     24   </properties>
     25   <body>
     26     <section name="General Notes">
     28       <subsection name="Archivers and Compressors">
     29         <p>Commons Compress calls all formats that compress a single
     30         stream of data compressor formats while all formats that
     31         collect multiple entries inside a single (potentially
     32         compressed) archive are archiver formats.</p>
     34         <p>The compressor formats supported are gzip, bzip2, xz, lzma,
     35         Pack200, DEFLATE, Brotli, DEFLATE64, ZStandard and Z, the archiver formats are 7z, ar, arj,
     36         cpio, dump, tar and zip.  Pack200 is a special case as it can
     37         only compress JAR files.</p>
     39         <p>We currently only provide read support for arj,
     40         dump, Brotli, DEFLATE64 and Z.  arj can only read uncompressed archives, 7z can read
     41         archives with many compression and encryption algorithms
     42         supported by 7z but doesn't support encryption when writing
     43         archives.</p>
     44       </subsection>
     46       <subsection name="Buffering">
     47         <p>The stream classes all wrap around streams provided by the
     48           calling code and they work on them directly without any
     49           additional buffering.  On the other hand most of them will
     50           benefit from buffering so it is highly recommended that
     51           users wrap their stream
     52           in <code>Buffered<em>(In|Out)</em>putStream</code>s before
     53           using the Commons Compress API.</p>
     55       </subsection>
     57       <subsection name="Factories">
     59         <p>Compress provides factory methods to create input/output
     60           streams based on the names of the compressor or archiver
     61           format as well as factory methods that try to guess the
     62           format of an input stream.</p>
     64         <p>To create a compressor writing to a given output by using
     65           the algorithm name:</p>
     66         <source><![CDATA[
     67 CompressorOutputStream gzippedOut = new CompressorStreamFactory()
     68     .createCompressorOutputStream(CompressorStreamFactory.GZIP, myOutputStream);
     69 ]]></source>
     71         <p>Make the factory guess the input format for a given
     72         archiver stream:</p>
     73         <source><![CDATA[
     74 ArchiveInputStream input = new ArchiveStreamFactory()
     75     .createArchiveInputStream(originalInput);
     76 ]]></source>
     78         <p>Make the factory guess the input format for a given
     79         compressor stream:</p>
     80         <source><![CDATA[
     81 CompressorInputStream input = new CompressorStreamFactory()
     82     .createCompressorInputStream(originalInput);
     83 ]]></source>
     85         <p>Note that there is no way to detect the lzma or Brotli formats so only
     86         the two-arg version of
     87         <code>createCompressorInputStream</code> can be used.  Prior
     88         to Compress 1.9 the .Z format hasn't been auto-detected
     89         either.</p>
     91       </subsection>
     93       <subsection name="Restricting Memory Usage">
     94         <p>Starting with Compress 1.14
     95         <code>CompressorStreamFactory</code> has an optional
     96         constructor argument that can be used to set an upper limit of
     97         memory that may be used while decompressing or compressing a
     98         stream. As of 1.14 this setting only affects decompressing Z,
     99         XZ and LZMA compressed streams.</p>
    100         <p>For the Snappy and LZ4 formats the amount of memory used
    101         during compression is directly proportional to the window
    102         size.</p>
    103       </subsection>
    105       <subsection name="Statistics">
    106         <p>Starting with Compress 1.17 most of the
    107         <code>CompressorInputStream</code> implementations as well as
    108         <code>ZipArchiveInputStream</code> and all streams returned by
    109         <code>ZipFile.getInputStream</code> implement the
    110         <code>InputStreamStatistics</code>
    111         interface. <code>SevenZFile</code> provides statistics for the
    112         current entry via the
    113         <code>getStatisticsForCurrentEntry</code> method. This
    114         interface can be used to track progress while extracting a
    115         stream or to detect potential <a
    116         href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zip_bomb">zip bombs</a>
    117         when the compression ration becomes suspiciously large.</p>
    118       </subsection>
    120     </section>
    121     <section name="Archivers">
    123       <subsection name="Unsupported Features">
    124         <p>Many of the supported formats have developed different
    125         dialects and extensions and some formats allow for features
    126         (not yet) supported by Commons Compress.</p>
    128         <p>The <code>ArchiveInputStream</code> class provides a method
    129         <code>canReadEntryData</code> that will return false if
    130         Commons Compress can detect that an archive uses a feature
    131         that is not supported by the current implementation.  If it
    132         returns false you should not try to read the entry but skip
    133         over it.</p>
    135       </subsection>
    137       <subsection name="Entry Names">
    138         <p>All archive formats provide meta data about the individual
    139         archive entries via instances of <code>ArchiveEntry</code> (or
    140         rather subclasses of it). When reading from an archive the
    141         information provided the <code>getName</code> method is the
    142         raw name as stored inside of the archive. There is no
    143         guarantee the name represents a relative file name or even a
    144         valid file name on your target operating system at all. You
    145         should double check the outcome when you try to create file
    146         names from entry names.</p>
    147       </subsection>
    149       <subsection name="Common Extraction Logic">
    150         <p>Apart from 7z all formats provide a subclass of
    151         <code>ArchiveInputStream</code> that can be used to create an
    152         archive. For 7z <code>SevenZFile</code> provides a similar API
    153         that does not represent a stream as our implementation
    154         requires random access to the input and cannot be used for
    155         general streams. The ZIP implementation can benefit a lot from
    156         random access as well, see the <a
    157         href="zip.html#ZipArchiveInputStream_vs_ZipFile">zip
    158         page</a> for details.</p>
    160         <p>Assuming you want to extract an archive to a target
    161         directory you'd call <code>getNextEntry</code>, verify the
    162         entry can be read, construct a sane file name from the entry's
    163         name, create a <codee>File</codee> and write all contents to
    164         it - here <code>IOUtils.copy</code> may come handy. You do so
    165         for every entry until <code>getNextEntry</code> returns
    166         <code>null</code>.</p>
    168         <p>A skeleton might look like:</p>
    170         <source><![CDATA[
    171 File targetDir = ...
    172 try (ArchiveInputStream i = ... create the stream for your format, use buffering...) {
    173     ArchiveEntry entry = null;
    174     while ((entry = i.getNextEntry()) != null) {
    175         if (!i.canReadEntryData(entry)) {
    176             // log something?
    177             continue;
    178         }
    179         String name = fileName(targetDir, entry);
    180         File f = new File(name);
    181         if (entry.isDirectory()) {
    182             if (!f.isDirectory() && !f.mkdirs()) {
    183                 throw new IOException("failed to create directory " + f);
    184             }
    185         } else {
    186             File parent = f.getParentFile();
    187             if (!parent.isDirectory() && !parent.mkdirs()) {
    188                 throw new IOException("failed to create directory " + parent);
    189             }
    190             try (OutputStream o = Files.newOutputStream(f.toPath())) {
    191                 IOUtils.copy(i, o);
    192             }
    193         }
    194     }
    195 }
    196 ]]></source>
    198         <p>where the hypothetical <code>fileName</code> method is
    199         written by you and provides the absolute name for the file
    200         that is going to be written on disk. Here you should perform
    201         checks that ensure the resulting file name actually is a valid
    202         file name on your operating system or belongs to a file inside
    203         of <code>targetDir</code> when using the entry's name as
    204         input.</p>
    206         <p>If you want to combine an archive format with a compression
    207         format - like when reading a "tar.gz" file - you wrap the
    208         <code>ArchiveInputStream</code> around
    209         <code>CompressorInputStream</code> for example:</p>
    211         <source><![CDATA[
    212 try (InputStream fi = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("my.tar.gz"));
    213      InputStream bi = new BufferedInputStream(fi);
    214      InputStream gzi = new GzipCompressorInputStream(bi);
    215      ArchiveInputStream o = new TarArchiveInputStream(gzi)) {
    216 }
    217 ]]></source>
    219       </subsection>
    221       <subsection name="Common Archival Logic">
    222         <p>Apart from 7z all formats that support writing provide a
    223         subclass of <code>ArchiveOutputStream</code> that can be used
    224         to create an archive. For 7z <code>SevenZOutputFile</code>
    225         provides a similar API that does not represent a stream as our
    226         implementation requires random access to the output and cannot
    227         be used for general streams. The
    228         <code>ZipArchiveOutputStream</code> class will benefit from
    229         random access as well but can be used for non-seekable streams
    230         - but not all features will be available and the archive size
    231         might be slightly bigger, see <a
    232         href="zip.html#ZipArchiveOutputStream">the zip page</a> for
    233         details.</p>
    235         <p>Assuming you want to add a collection of files to an
    236         archive, you can first use <code>createArchiveEntry</code> for
    237         each file. In general this will set a few flags (usually the
    238         last modified time, the size and the information whether this
    239         is a file or directory) based on the <code>File</code>
    240         instance. Alternatively you can create the
    241         <code>ArchiveEntry</code> subclass corresponding to your
    242         format directly. Often you may want to set additional flags
    243         like file permissions or owner information before adding the
    244         entry to the archive.</p>
    246         <p>Next you use <code>putArchiveEntry</code> in order to add
    247         the entry and then start using <code>write</code> to add the
    248         content of the entry - here <code>IOUtils.copy</code> may
    249         come handy. Finally you invoke
    250         <code>closeArchiveEntry</code> once you've written all content
    251         and before you add the next entry.</p>
    253         <p>Once all entries have been added you'd invoke
    254         <code>finish</code> and finally <code>close</code> the
    255         stream.</p>
    257         <p>A skeleton might look like:</p>
    259         <source><![CDATA[
    260 Collection<File> filesToArchive = ...
    261 try (ArchiveOutputStream o = ... create the stream for your format ...) {
    262     for (File f : filesToArchive) {
    263         // maybe skip directories for formats like AR that don't store directories
    264         ArchiveEntry entry = o.createArchiveEntry(f, entryName(f));
    265         // potentially add more flags to entry
    266         o.putArchiveEntry(entry);
    267         if (f.isFile()) {
    268             try (InputStream i = Files.newInputStream(f.toPath())) {
    269                 IOUtils.copy(i, o);
    270             }
    271         }
    272         o.closeArchiveEntry();
    273     }
    274     out.finish();
    275 }
    276 ]]></source>
    278         <p>where the hypothetical <code>entryName</code> method is
    279         written by you and provides the name for the entry as it is
    280         going to be written to the archive.</p>
    282         <p>If you want to combine an archive format with a compression
    283         format - like when creating a "tar.gz" file - you wrap the
    284         <code>ArchiveOutputStream</code> around a
    285         <code>CompressorOutputStream</code> for example:</p>
    287         <source><![CDATA[
    288 try (OutputStream fo = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("my.tar.gz"));
    289      OutputStream gzo = new GzipCompressorOutputStream(fo);
    290      ArchiveOutputStream o = new TarArchiveOutputStream(gzo)) {
    291 }
    292 ]]></source>
    294       </subsection>
    296       <subsection name="7z">
    298         <p>Note that Commons Compress currently only supports a subset
    299         of compression and encryption algorithms used for 7z archives.
    300         For writing only uncompressed entries, LZMA, LZMA2, BZIP2 and
    301         Deflate are supported - in addition to those reading supports
    302         AES-256/SHA-256 and DEFLATE64.</p>
    304         <p>Multipart archives are not supported at all.</p>
    306         <p>7z archives can use multiple compression and encryption
    307         methods as well as filters combined as a pipeline of methods
    308         for its entries.  Prior to Compress 1.8 you could only specify
    309         a single method when creating archives - reading archives
    310         using more than one method has been possible before.  Starting
    311         with Compress 1.8 it is possible to configure the full
    312         pipeline using the <code>setContentMethods</code> method of
    313         <code>SevenZOutputFile</code>.  Methods are specified in the
    314         order they appear inside the pipeline when creating the
    315         archive, you can also specify certain parameters for some of
    316         the methods - see the Javadocs of
    317         <code>SevenZMethodConfiguration</code> for details.</p>
    319         <p>When reading entries from an archive the
    320         <code>getContentMethods</code> method of
    321         <code>SevenZArchiveEntry</code> will properly represent the
    322         compression/encryption/filter methods but may fail to
    323         determine the configuration options used.  As of Compress 1.8
    324         only the dictionary size used for LZMA2 can be read.</p>
    326         <p>Currently solid compression - compressing multiple files
    327         as a single block to benefit from patterns repeating accross
    328         files - is only supported when reading archives.  This also
    329         means compression ratio will likely be worse when using
    330         Commons Compress compared to the native 7z executable.</p>
    332         <p>Reading or writing requires a
    333         <code>SeekableByteChannel</code> that will be obtained
    334         transparently when reading from or writing to a file. The
    335         class
    336         <code>org.apache.commons.compress.utils.SeekableInMemoryByteChannel</code>
    337         allows you to read from or write to an in-memory archive.</p>
    339         <p>Adding an entry to a 7z archive:</p>
    340 <source><![CDATA[
    341 SevenZOutputFile sevenZOutput = new SevenZOutputFile(file);
    342 SevenZArchiveEntry entry = sevenZOutput.createArchiveEntry(fileToArchive, name);
    343 sevenZOutput.putArchiveEntry(entry);
    344 sevenZOutput.write(contentOfEntry);
    345 sevenZOutput.closeArchiveEntry();
    346 ]]></source>
    348         <p>Uncompressing a given 7z archive (you would
    349           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
    350           get closed properly):</p>
    351 <source><![CDATA[
    352 SevenZFile sevenZFile = new SevenZFile(new File("archive.7z"));
    353 SevenZArchiveEntry entry = sevenZFile.getNextEntry();
    354 byte[] content = new byte[entry.getSize()];
    355 LOOP UNTIL entry.getSize() HAS BEEN READ {
    356     sevenZFile.read(content, offset, content.length - offset);
    357 }
    358 ]]></source>
    360           <p>Uncompressing a given in-memory 7z archive:</p>
    361           <source><![CDATA[
    362 byte[] inputData; // 7z archive contents
    363 SeekableInMemoryByteChannel inMemoryByteChannel = new SeekableInMemoryByteChannel(inputData);
    364 SevenZFile sevenZFile = new SevenZFile(inMemoryByteChannel);
    365 SevenZArchiveEntry entry = sevenZFile.getNextEntry();
    366 sevenZFile.read();  // read current entry's data
    367 ]]></source>
    369           <h4><a name="Encrypted 7z Archives"></a>Encrypted 7z Archives</h4>
    371           <p>Currently Compress supports reading but not writing of
    372           encrypted archives. When reading an encrypted archive a
    373           password has to be provided to one of
    374           <code>SevenZFile</code>'s constructors. If you try to read
    375           an encrypted archive without specifying a password a
    376           <code>PasswordRequiredException</code> (a subclass of
    377           <code>IOException</code>) will be thrown.</p>
    379           <p>When specifying the password as a <code>byte[]</code> one
    380           common mistake is to use the wrong encoding when creating
    381           the <code>byte[]</code> from a <code>String</code>. The
    382           <code>SevenZFile</code> class expects the bytes to
    383           correspond to the UTF16-LE encoding of the password. An
    384           example of reading an encrypted archive is</p>
    386 <source><![CDATA[
    387 SevenZFile sevenZFile = new SevenZFile(new File("archive.7z"), "secret".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_16LE));
    388 SevenZArchiveEntry entry = sevenZFile.getNextEntry();
    389 byte[] content = new byte[entry.getSize()];
    390 LOOP UNTIL entry.getSize() HAS BEEN READ {
    391     sevenZFile.read(content, offset, content.length - offset);
    392 }
    393 ]]></source>
    395         <p>Starting with Compress 1.17 new constructors have been
    396         added that accept the password as <code>char[]</code> rather
    397         than a <code>byte[]</code>. We recommend you use these in
    398         order to avoid the problem above.</p>
    400 <source><![CDATA[
    401 SevenZFile sevenZFile = new SevenZFile(new File("archive.7z"), "secret".toCharArray());
    402 SevenZArchiveEntry entry = sevenZFile.getNextEntry();
    403 byte[] content = new byte[entry.getSize()];
    404 LOOP UNTIL entry.getSize() HAS BEEN READ {
    405     sevenZFile.read(content, offset, content.length - offset);
    406 }
    407 ]]></source>
    409       </subsection>
    411       <subsection name="ar">
    413         <p>In addition to the information stored
    414           in <code>ArchiveEntry</code> a <code>ArArchiveEntry</code>
    415           stores information about the owner user and group as well as
    416           Unix permissions.</p>
    418         <p>Adding an entry to an ar archive:</p>
    419 <source><![CDATA[
    420 ArArchiveEntry entry = new ArArchiveEntry(name, size);
    421 arOutput.putArchiveEntry(entry);
    422 arOutput.write(contentOfEntry);
    423 arOutput.closeArchiveEntry();
    424 ]]></source>
    426         <p>Reading entries from an ar archive:</p>
    427 <source><![CDATA[
    428 ArArchiveEntry entry = (ArArchiveEntry) arInput.getNextEntry();
    429 byte[] content = new byte[entry.getSize()];
    430 LOOP UNTIL entry.getSize() HAS BEEN READ {
    431     arInput.read(content, offset, content.length - offset);
    432 }
    433 ]]></source>
    435         <p>Traditionally the AR format doesn't allow file names longer
    436           than 16 characters.  There are two variants that circumvent
    437           this limitation in different ways, the GNU/SRV4 and the BSD
    438           variant.  Commons Compress 1.0 to 1.2 can only read archives
    439           using the GNU/SRV4 variant, support for the BSD variant has
    440           been added in Commons Compress 1.3.  Commons Compress 1.3
    441           also optionally supports writing archives with file names
    442           longer than 16 characters using the BSD dialect, writing
    443           the SVR4/GNU dialect is not supported.</p>
    445         <table>
    446           <thead>
    447             <tr>
    448               <th>Version of Apache Commons Compress</th>
    449               <th>Support for Traditional AR Format</th>
    450               <th>Support for GNU/SRV4 Dialect</th>
    451               <th>Support for BSD Dialect</th>
    452             </tr>
    453           </thead>
    454           <tbody>
    455             <tr>
    456               <td>1.0 to 1.2</td>
    457               <td>read/write</td>
    458               <td>read</td>
    459               <td>-</td>
    460             </tr>
    461             <tr>
    462               <td>1.3 and later</td>
    463               <td>read/write</td>
    464               <td>read</td>
    465               <td>read/write</td>
    466             </tr>
    467           </tbody>
    468         </table>
    470         <p>It is not possible to detect the end of an AR archive in a
    471         reliable way so <code>ArArchiveInputStream</code> will read
    472         until it reaches the end of the stream or fails to parse the
    473         stream's content as AR entries.</p>
    475       </subsection>
    477       <subsection name="arj">
    479         <p>Note that Commons Compress doesn't support compressed,
    480         encrypted or multi-volume ARJ archives, yet.</p>
    482         <p>Uncompressing a given arj archive (you would
    483           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
    484           get closed properly):</p>
    485 <source><![CDATA[
    486 ArjArchiveEntry entry = arjInput.getNextEntry();
    487 byte[] content = new byte[entry.getSize()];
    488 LOOP UNTIL entry.getSize() HAS BEEN READ {
    489     arjInput.read(content, offset, content.length - offset);
    490 }
    491 ]]></source>
    492       </subsection>
    494       <subsection name="cpio">
    496         <p>In addition to the information stored
    497           in <code>ArchiveEntry</code> a <code>CpioArchiveEntry</code>
    498           stores various attributes including information about the
    499           original owner and permissions.</p>
    501         <p>The cpio package supports the "new portable" as well as the
    502           "old" format of CPIO archives in their binary, ASCII and
    503           "with CRC" variants.</p>
    505         <p>Adding an entry to a cpio archive:</p>
    506 <source><![CDATA[
    507 CpioArchiveEntry entry = new CpioArchiveEntry(name, size);
    508 cpioOutput.putArchiveEntry(entry);
    509 cpioOutput.write(contentOfEntry);
    510 cpioOutput.closeArchiveEntry();
    511 ]]></source>
    513         <p>Reading entries from an cpio archive:</p>
    514 <source><![CDATA[
    515 CpioArchiveEntry entry = cpioInput.getNextCPIOEntry();
    516 byte[] content = new byte[entry.getSize()];
    517 LOOP UNTIL entry.getSize() HAS BEEN READ {
    518     cpioInput.read(content, offset, content.length - offset);
    519 }
    520 ]]></source>
    522         <p>Traditionally CPIO archives are written in blocks of 512
    523         bytes - the block size is a configuration parameter of the
    524         <code>Cpio*Stream</code>'s constuctors.  Starting with version
    525         1.5 <code>CpioArchiveInputStream</code> will consume the
    526         padding written to fill the current block when the end of the
    527         archive is reached.  Unfortunately many CPIO implementations
    528         use larger block sizes so there may be more zero-byte padding
    529         left inside the original input stream after the archive has
    530         been consumed completely.</p>
    532       </subsection>
    534       <subsection name="jar">
    535         <p>In general, JAR archives are ZIP files, so the JAR package
    536           supports all options provided by the <a href="#zip">ZIP</a> package.</p>
    538         <p>To be interoperable JAR archives should always be created
    539           using the UTF-8 encoding for file names (which is the
    540           default).</p>
    542         <p>Archives created using <code>JarArchiveOutputStream</code>
    543           will implicitly add a <code>JarMarker</code> extra field to
    544           the very first archive entry of the archive which will make
    545           Solaris recognize them as Java archives and allows them to
    546           be used as executables.</p>
    548         <p>Note that <code>ArchiveStreamFactory</code> doesn't
    549           distinguish ZIP archives from JAR archives, so if you use
    550           the one-argument <code>createArchiveInputStream</code>
    551           method on a JAR archive, it will still return the more
    552           generic <code>ZipArchiveInputStream</code>.</p>
    554         <p>The <code>JarArchiveEntry</code> class contains fields for
    555           certificates and attributes that are planned to be supported
    556           in the future but are not supported as of Compress 1.0.</p>
    558         <p>Adding an entry to a jar archive:</p>
    559 <source><![CDATA[
    560 JarArchiveEntry entry = new JarArchiveEntry(name, size);
    561 entry.setSize(size);
    562 jarOutput.putArchiveEntry(entry);
    563 jarOutput.write(contentOfEntry);
    564 jarOutput.closeArchiveEntry();
    565 ]]></source>
    567         <p>Reading entries from an jar archive:</p>
    568 <source><![CDATA[
    569 JarArchiveEntry entry = jarInput.getNextJarEntry();
    570 byte[] content = new byte[entry.getSize()];
    571 LOOP UNTIL entry.getSize() HAS BEEN READ {
    572     jarInput.read(content, offset, content.length - offset);
    573 }
    574 ]]></source>
    575       </subsection>
    577       <subsection name="dump">
    579         <p>In addition to the information stored
    580           in <code>ArchiveEntry</code> a <code>DumpArchiveEntry</code>
    581           stores various attributes including information about the
    582           original owner and permissions.</p>
    584         <p>As of Commons Compress 1.3 only dump archives using the
    585           new-fs format - this is the most common variant - are
    586           supported.  Right now this library supports uncompressed and
    587           ZLIB compressed archives and can not write archives at
    588           all.</p>
    590         <p>Reading entries from an dump archive:</p>
    591 <source><![CDATA[
    592 DumpArchiveEntry entry = dumpInput.getNextDumpEntry();
    593 byte[] content = new byte[entry.getSize()];
    594 LOOP UNTIL entry.getSize() HAS BEEN READ {
    595     dumpInput.read(content, offset, content.length - offset);
    596 }
    597 ]]></source>
    599         <p>Prior to version 1.5 <code>DumpArchiveInputStream</code>
    600         would close the original input once it had read the last
    601         record.  Starting with version 1.5 it will not close the
    602         stream implicitly.</p>
    604       </subsection>
    606       <subsection name="tar">
    608         <p>The TAR package has a <a href="tar.html">dedicated
    609             documentation page</a>.</p>
    611         <p>Adding an entry to a tar archive:</p>
    612 <source><![CDATA[
    613 TarArchiveEntry entry = new TarArchiveEntry(name);
    614 entry.setSize(size);
    615 tarOutput.putArchiveEntry(entry);
    616 tarOutput.write(contentOfEntry);
    617 tarOutput.closeArchiveEntry();
    618 ]]></source>
    620         <p>Reading entries from an tar archive:</p>
    621 <source><![CDATA[
    622 TarArchiveEntry entry = tarInput.getNextTarEntry();
    623 byte[] content = new byte[entry.getSize()];
    624 LOOP UNTIL entry.getSize() HAS BEEN READ {
    625     tarInput.read(content, offset, content.length - offset);
    626 }
    627 ]]></source>
    628       </subsection>
    630       <subsection name="zip">
    631         <p>The ZIP package has a <a href="zip.html">dedicated
    632             documentation page</a>.</p>
    634         <p>Adding an entry to a zip archive:</p>
    635 <source><![CDATA[
    636 ZipArchiveEntry entry = new ZipArchiveEntry(name);
    637 entry.setSize(size);
    638 zipOutput.putArchiveEntry(entry);
    639 zipOutput.write(contentOfEntry);
    640 zipOutput.closeArchiveEntry();
    641 ]]></source>
    643         <p><code>ZipArchiveOutputStream</code> can use some internal
    644           optimizations exploiting <code>SeekableByteChannel</code> if it
    645           knows it is writing to a seekable output rather than a non-seekable
    646           stream.  If you are writing to a file, you should use the
    647           constructor that accepts a <code>File</code> or
    648           <code>SeekableByteChannel</code> argument rather
    649           than the one using an <code>OutputStream</code> or the
    650           factory method in <code>ArchiveStreamFactory</code>.</p>
    652         <p>Reading entries from an zip archive:</p>
    653 <source><![CDATA[
    654 ZipArchiveEntry entry = zipInput.getNextZipEntry();
    655 byte[] content = new byte[entry.getSize()];
    656 LOOP UNTIL entry.getSize() HAS BEEN READ {
    657     zipInput.read(content, offset, content.length - offset);
    658 }
    659 ]]></source>
    661         <p>Reading entries from an zip archive using the
    662           recommended <code>ZipFile</code> class:</p>
    663 <source><![CDATA[
    664 ZipArchiveEntry entry = zipFile.getEntry(name);
    665 InputStream content = zipFile.getInputStream(entry);
    666 try {
    667     READ UNTIL content IS EXHAUSTED
    668 } finally {
    669     content.close();
    670 }
    671 ]]></source>
    673           <p>Reading entries from an in-memory zip archive using
    674               <code>SeekableInMemoryByteChannel</code> and <code>ZipFile</code> class:</p>
    675 <source><![CDATA[
    676 byte[] inputData; // zip archive contents
    677 SeekableInMemoryByteChannel inMemoryByteChannel = new SeekableInMemoryByteChannel(inputData);
    678 ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(inMemoryByteChannel);
    679 ZipArchiveEntry archiveEntry = zipFile.getEntry("entryName");
    680 InputStream inputStream = zipFile.getInputStream(archiveEntry);
    681 inputStream.read() // read data from the input stream
    682 ]]></source>
    684           <p>Creating a zip file with multiple threads:</p>
    686           A simple implementation to create a zip file might look like this:
    688 <source>
    689 public class ScatterSample {
    691   ParallelScatterZipCreator scatterZipCreator = new ParallelScatterZipCreator();
    692   ScatterZipOutputStream dirs = ScatterZipOutputStream.fileBased(File.createTempFile("scatter-dirs", "tmp"));
    694   public ScatterSample() throws IOException {
    695   }
    697   public void addEntry(ZipArchiveEntry zipArchiveEntry, InputStreamSupplier streamSupplier) throws IOException {
    698      if (zipArchiveEntry.isDirectory() &amp;&amp; !zipArchiveEntry.isUnixSymlink())
    699         dirs.addArchiveEntry(ZipArchiveEntryRequest.createZipArchiveEntryRequest(zipArchiveEntry, streamSupplier));
    700      else
    701         scatterZipCreator.addArchiveEntry( zipArchiveEntry, streamSupplier);
    702   }
    704   public void writeTo(ZipArchiveOutputStream zipArchiveOutputStream)
    705   throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
    706      dirs.writeTo(zipArchiveOutputStream);
    707      dirs.close();
    708      scatterZipCreator.writeTo(zipArchiveOutputStream);
    709   }
    710 }
    711 </source>
    712       </subsection>
    714     </section>
    715     <section name="Compressors">
    717       <subsection name="Concatenated Streams">
    718         <p>For the bzip2, gzip and xz formats as well as the framed
    719         lz4 format a single compressed file
    720         may actually consist of several streams that will be
    721         concatenated by the command line utilities when decompressing
    722         them.  Starting with Commons Compress 1.4 the
    723         <code>*CompressorInputStream</code>s for these formats support
    724         concatenating streams as well, but they won't do so by
    725         default.  You must use the two-arg constructor and explicitly
    726         enable the support.</p>
    727       </subsection>
    729       <subsection name="Brotli">
    731         <p>The implementation of this package is provided by the
    732           <a href="https://github.com/google/brotli">Google Brotli dec</a> library.</p>
    734         <p>Uncompressing a given Brotli compressed file (you would
    735           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
    736           get closed properly):</p>
    737 <source><![CDATA[
    738 InputStream fin = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar.br"));
    739 BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(fin);
    740 OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
    741 BrotliCompressorInputStream brIn = new BrotliCompressorInputStream(in);
    742 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
    743 int n = 0;
    744 while (-1 != (n = brIn.read(buffer))) {
    745     out.write(buffer, 0, n);
    746 }
    747 out.close();
    748 brIn.close();
    749 ]]></source>
    750       </subsection>
    752       <subsection name="bzip2">
    754         <p>Note that <code>BZipCompressorOutputStream</code> keeps
    755           hold of some big data structures in memory.  While it is
    756           recommended for <em>any</em> stream that you close it as soon as
    757           you no longer need it, this is even more important
    758           for <code>BZipCompressorOutputStream</code>.</p>
    760         <p>Uncompressing a given bzip2 compressed file (you would
    761           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
    762           get closed properly):</p>
    763 <source><![CDATA[
    764 InputStream fin = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar.bz2"));
    765 BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(fin);
    766 OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
    767 BZip2CompressorInputStream bzIn = new BZip2CompressorInputStream(in);
    768 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
    769 int n = 0;
    770 while (-1 != (n = bzIn.read(buffer))) {
    771     out.write(buffer, 0, n);
    772 }
    773 out.close();
    774 bzIn.close();
    775 ]]></source>
    777         <p>Compressing a given file using bzip2 (you would
    778           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
    779           get closed properly):</p>
    780 <source><![CDATA[
    781 InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
    782 OutputStream fout = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar.gz"));
    783 BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(fout);
    784 BZip2CompressorOutputStream bzOut = new BZip2CompressorOutputStream(out);
    785 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
    786 int n = 0;
    787 while (-1 != (n = in.read(buffer))) {
    788     bzOut.write(buffer, 0, n);
    789 }
    790 bzOut.close();
    791 in.close();
    792 ]]></source>
    794       </subsection>
    796       <subsection name="DEFLATE">
    798         <p>The implementation of the DEFLATE/INFLATE code used by this
    799         package is provided by the <code>java.util.zip</code> package
    800         of the Java class library.</p>
    802         <p>Uncompressing a given DEFLATE compressed file (you would
    803           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
    804           get closed properly):</p>
    805 <source><![CDATA[
    806 InputStream fin = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("some-file"));
    807 BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(fin);
    808 OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
    809 DeflateCompressorInputStream defIn = new DeflateCompressorInputStream(in);
    810 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
    811 int n = 0;
    812 while (-1 != (n = defIn.read(buffer))) {
    813     out.write(buffer, 0, n);
    814 }
    815 out.close();
    816 defIn.close();
    817 ]]></source>
    819         <p>Compressing a given file using DEFLATE (you would
    820           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
    821           get closed properly):</p>
    822 <source><![CDATA[
    823 InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
    824 OutputStream fout = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("some-file"));
    825 BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(fout);
    826 DeflateCompressorOutputStream defOut = new DeflateCompressorOutputStream(out);
    827 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
    828 int n = 0;
    829 while (-1 != (n = in.read(buffer))) {
    830     defOut.write(buffer, 0, n);
    831 }
    832 defOut.close();
    833 in.close();
    834 ]]></source>
    836       </subsection>
    838       <subsection name="DEFLATE64">
    840         <p>Uncompressing a given DEFLATE64 compressed file (you would
    841           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
    842           get closed properly):</p>
    843 <source><![CDATA[
    844 InputStream fin = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("some-file"));
    845 BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(fin);
    846 OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
    847 Deflate64CompressorInputStream defIn = new Deflate64CompressorInputStream(in);
    848 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
    849 int n = 0;
    850 while (-1 != (n = defIn.read(buffer))) {
    851     out.write(buffer, 0, n);
    852 }
    853 out.close();
    854 defIn.close();
    855 ]]></source>
    857       </subsection>
    859       <subsection name="gzip">
    861         <p>The implementation of the DEFLATE/INFLATE code used by this
    862         package is provided by the <code>java.util.zip</code> package
    863         of the Java class library.</p>
    865         <p>Uncompressing a given gzip compressed file (you would
    866           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
    867           get closed properly):</p>
    868 <source><![CDATA[
    869 InputStream fin = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar.gz"));
    870 BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(fin);
    871 OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
    872 GzipCompressorInputStream gzIn = new GzipCompressorInputStream(in);
    873 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
    874 int n = 0;
    875 while (-1 != (n = gzIn.read(buffer))) {
    876     out.write(buffer, 0, n);
    877 }
    878 out.close();
    879 gzIn.close();
    880 ]]></source>
    882         <p>Compressing a given file using gzip (you would
    883           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
    884           get closed properly):</p>
    885 <source><![CDATA[
    886 InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
    887 OutputStream fout = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar.gz"));
    888 BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(fout);
    889 GzipCompressorOutputStream gzOut = new GzipCompressorOutputStream(out);
    890 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
    891 int n = 0;
    892 while (-1 != (n = in.read(buffer))) {
    893     gzOut.write(buffer, 0, n);
    894 }
    895 gzOut.close();
    896 in.close();
    897 ]]></source>
    899       </subsection>
    901       <subsection name="LZ4">
    903         <p>There are two different "formats" used for <a
    904         href="http://lz4.github.io/lz4/">lz4</a>. The format called
    905         "block format" only contains the raw compressed data while the
    906         other provides a higher level "frame format" - Commons
    907         Compress offers two different stream classes for reading or
    908         writing either format.</p>
    910         <p>Uncompressing a given frame LZ4 file (you would
    911           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
    912           get closed properly):</p>
    913 <source><![CDATA[
    914 InputStream fin = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar.lz4"));
    915 BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(fin);
    916 OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
    917 FramedLZ4CompressorInputStream zIn = new FramedLZ4CompressorInputStream(in);
    918 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
    919 int n = 0;
    920 while (-1 != (n = zIn.read(buffer))) {
    921     out.write(buffer, 0, n);
    922 }
    923 out.close();
    924 zIn.close();
    925 ]]></source>
    927         <p>Compressing a given file using the LZ4 frame format (you would
    928           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
    929           get closed properly):</p>
    930 <source><![CDATA[
    931 InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
    932 OutputStream fout = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar.lz4"));
    933 BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(fout);
    934 FramedLZ4CompressorOutputStream lzOut = new FramedLZ4CompressorOutputStream(out);
    935 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
    936 int n = 0;
    937 while (-1 != (n = in.read(buffer))) {
    938     lzOut.write(buffer, 0, n);
    939 }
    940 lzOut.close();
    941 in.close();
    942 ]]></source>
    944       </subsection>
    946       <subsection name="lzma">
    948         <p>The implementation of this package is provided by the
    949           public domain <a href="https://tukaani.org/xz/java.html">XZ
    950           for Java</a> library.</p>
    952         <p>Uncompressing a given lzma compressed file (you would
    953           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
    954           get closed properly):</p>
    955 <source><![CDATA[
    956 InputStream fin = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar.lzma"));
    957 BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(fin);
    958 OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
    959 LZMACompressorInputStream lzmaIn = new LZMACompressorInputStream(in);
    960 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
    961 int n = 0;
    962 while (-1 != (n = xzIn.read(buffer))) {
    963     out.write(buffer, 0, n);
    964 }
    965 out.close();
    966 lzmaIn.close();
    967 ]]></source>
    969         <p>Compressing a given file using lzma (you would
    970           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
    971           get closed properly):</p>
    972 <source><![CDATA[
    973 InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
    974 OutputStream fout = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar.lzma"));
    975 BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(fout);
    976 LZMACompressorOutputStream lzOut = new LZMACompressorOutputStream(out);
    977 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
    978 int n = 0;
    979 while (-1 != (n = in.read(buffer))) {
    980     lzOut.write(buffer, 0, n);
    981 }
    982 lzOut.close();
    983 in.close();
    984 ]]></source>
    986       </subsection>
    988       <subsection name="Pack200">
    990         <p>The Pack200 package has a <a href="pack200.html">dedicated
    991           documentation page</a>.</p>
    993         <p>The implementation of this package is provided by
    994           the <code>java.util.zip</code> package of the Java class
    995           library.</p>
    997         <p>Uncompressing a given pack200 compressed file (you would
    998           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
    999           get closed properly):</p>
   1000 <source><![CDATA[
   1001 InputStream fin = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.pack"));
   1002 BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(fin);
   1003 OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.jar"));
   1004 Pack200CompressorInputStream pIn = new Pack200CompressorInputStream(in);
   1005 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
   1006 int n = 0;
   1007 while (-1 != (n = pIn.read(buffer))) {
   1008     out.write(buffer, 0, n);
   1009 }
   1010 out.close();
   1011 pIn.close();
   1012 ]]></source>
   1014         <p>Compressing a given jar using pack200 (you would
   1015           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
   1016           get closed properly):</p>
   1017 <source><![CDATA[
   1018 InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.jar"));
   1019 OutputStream fout = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.pack"));
   1020 BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedInputStream(fout);
   1021 Pack200CompressorOutputStream pOut = new Pack200CompressorOutputStream(out);
   1022 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
   1023 int n = 0;
   1024 while (-1 != (n = in.read(buffer))) {
   1025     pOut.write(buffer, 0, n);
   1026 }
   1027 pOut.close();
   1028 in.close();
   1029 ]]></source>
   1031       </subsection>
   1033       <subsection name="Snappy">
   1035         <p>There are two different "formats" used for <a
   1036         href="https://github.com/google/snappy/">Snappy</a>, one only
   1037         contains the raw compressed data while the other provides a
   1038         higher level "framing format" - Commons Compress offers two
   1039         different stream classes for reading either format.</p>
   1041         <p>Starting with 1.12 we've added support for different
   1042         dialects of the framing format that can be specified when
   1043         constructing the stream. The <code>STANDARD</code> dialect
   1044         follows the "framing format" specification while the
   1045         <code>IWORK_ARCHIVE</code> dialect can be used to parse IWA
   1046         files that are part of Apple's iWork 13 format. If no dialect
   1047         has been specified, <code>STANDARD</code> is used. Only the
   1048         <code>STANDARD</code> format can be detected by
   1049         <code>CompressorStreamFactory</code>.</p>
   1051         <p>Uncompressing a given framed Snappy file (you would
   1052           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
   1053           get closed properly):</p>
   1054 <source><![CDATA[
   1055 InputStream fin = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar.sz"));
   1056 BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(fin);
   1057 OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
   1058 FramedSnappyCompressorInputStream zIn = new FramedSnappyCompressorInputStream(in);
   1059 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
   1060 int n = 0;
   1061 while (-1 != (n = zIn.read(buffer))) {
   1062     out.write(buffer, 0, n);
   1063 }
   1064 out.close();
   1065 zIn.close();
   1066 ]]></source>
   1068         <p>Compressing a given file using framed Snappy (you would
   1069           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
   1070           get closed properly):</p>
   1071 <source><![CDATA[
   1072 InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
   1073 OutputStream fout = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar.sz"));
   1074 BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(fout);
   1075 FramedSnappyCompressorOutputStream snOut = new FramedSnappyCompressorOutputStream(out);
   1076 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
   1077 int n = 0;
   1078 while (-1 != (n = in.read(buffer))) {
   1079     snOut.write(buffer, 0, n);
   1080 }
   1081 snOut.close();
   1082 in.close();
   1083 ]]></source>
   1085       </subsection>
   1087       <subsection name="XZ">
   1089         <p>The implementation of this package is provided by the
   1090           public domain <a href="https://tukaani.org/xz/java.html">XZ
   1091           for Java</a> library.</p>
   1093         <p>When you try to open an XZ stream for reading using
   1094         <code>CompressorStreamFactory</code>, Commons Compress will
   1095         check whether the XZ for Java library is available.  Starting
   1096         with Compress 1.9 the result of this check will be cached
   1097         unless Compress finds OSGi classes in its classpath.  You can
   1098         use <code>XZUtils#setCacheXZAvailability</code> to overrride
   1099         this default behavior.</p>
   1101         <p>Uncompressing a given XZ compressed file (you would
   1102           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
   1103           get closed properly):</p>
   1104 <source><![CDATA[
   1105 InputStream fin = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar.xz"));
   1106 BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(fin);
   1107 OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
   1108 XZCompressorInputStream xzIn = new XZCompressorInputStream(in);
   1109 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
   1110 int n = 0;
   1111 while (-1 != (n = xzIn.read(buffer))) {
   1112     out.write(buffer, 0, n);
   1113 }
   1114 out.close();
   1115 xzIn.close();
   1116 ]]></source>
   1118         <p>Compressing a given file using XZ (you would
   1119           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
   1120           get closed properly):</p>
   1121 <source><![CDATA[
   1122 InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
   1123 OutputStream fout = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar.xz"));
   1124 BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedInputStream(fout);
   1125 XZCompressorOutputStream xzOut = new XZCompressorOutputStream(out);
   1126 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
   1127 int n = 0;
   1128 while (-1 != (n = in.read(buffer))) {
   1129     xzOut.write(buffer, 0, n);
   1130 }
   1131 xzOut.close();
   1132 in.close();
   1133 ]]></source>
   1135       </subsection>
   1137       <subsection name="Z">
   1139         <p>Uncompressing a given Z compressed file (you would
   1140           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
   1141           get closed properly):</p>
   1142 <source><![CDATA[
   1143 InputStream fin = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar.Z"));
   1144 BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(fin);
   1145 OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
   1146 ZCompressorInputStream zIn = new ZCompressorInputStream(in);
   1147 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
   1148 int n = 0;
   1149 while (-1 != (n = zIn.read(buffer))) {
   1150     out.write(buffer, 0, n);
   1151 }
   1152 out.close();
   1153 zIn.close();
   1154 ]]></source>
   1156       </subsection>
   1158       <subsection name="Zstandard">
   1160         <p>The implementation of this package is provided by the
   1161           <a href="https://github.com/luben/zstd-jni">Zstandard JNI</a> library.</p>
   1163         <p>Uncompressing a given Zstandard compressed file (you would
   1164           certainly add exception handling and make sure all streams
   1165           get closed properly):</p>
   1166 <source><![CDATA[
   1167 InputStream fin = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar.zstd"));
   1168 BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(fin);
   1169 OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
   1170 ZstdCompressorInputStream zsIn = new ZstdCompressorInputStream(in);
   1171 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
   1172 int n = 0;
   1173 while (-1 != (n = zsIn.read(buffer))) {
   1174     out.write(buffer, 0, n);
   1175 }
   1176 out.close();
   1177 zsIn.close();
   1178 ]]></source>
   1180         <p>Compressing a given file using the Zstandard format (you
   1181         would certainly add exception handling and make sure all
   1182         streams get closed properly):</p>
   1183 <source><![CDATA[
   1184 InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar"));
   1185 OutputStream fout = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("archive.tar.zstd"));
   1186 BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(fout);
   1187 ZstdCompressorOutputStream zOut = new ZstdCompressorOutputStream(out);
   1188 final byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize];
   1189 int n = 0;
   1190 while (-1 != (n = in.read(buffer))) {
   1191     zOut.write(buffer, 0, n);
   1192 }
   1193 zOut.close();
   1194 in.close();
   1195 ]]></source>
   1197       </subsection>
   1198     </section>
   1200     <section name="Extending Commons Compress">
   1202         <p>
   1203           Starting in release 1.13, it is now possible to add Compressor- and ArchiverStream implementations using the 
   1204           Java's <a href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/ServiceLoader.html">ServiceLoader</a> 
   1205           mechanism.
   1206         </p>
   1208     <subsection name="Extending Commons Compress Compressors">
   1210         <p>
   1211           To provide your own compressor, you must make available on the classpath a file called 
   1212           <code>META-INF/services/org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.CompressorStreamProvider</code>.
   1213         </p>
   1214         <p>
   1215           This file MUST contain one fully-qualified class name per line.
   1216         </p>
   1217         <p>
   1218           For example:
   1219         </p>
   1220         <pre>org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.TestCompressorStreamProvider</pre>
   1221         <p>
   1222           This class MUST implement the Commons Compress interface 
   1223           <a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/compress/compressors/CompressorStreamProvider.html">org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.CompressorStreamProvider</a>.
   1224         </p>
   1225     </subsection>
   1227     <subsection name="Extending Commons Compress Archivers">
   1229         <p>
   1230           To provide your own compressor, you must make available on the classpath a file called 
   1231           <code>META-INF/services/org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveStreamProvider</code>.
   1232         </p>
   1233         <p>
   1234           This file MUST contain one fully-qualified class name per line.
   1235         </p>
   1236         <p>
   1237           For example:
   1238         </p>
   1239         <pre>org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.TestArchiveStreamProvider</pre>
   1240         <p>
   1241           This class MUST implement the Commons Compress interface 
   1242           <a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/compress/archivers/ArchiveStreamProvider.html">org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveStreamProvider</a>.
   1243         </p>
   1244     </subsection>
   1246     </section>
   1247   </body>
   1248 </document>