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      1 # Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 import fcntl
      6 import logging
      7 import os
      8 import pyudev
      9 import random
     10 import re
     11 import socket
     12 import struct
     13 import subprocess
     14 import sys
     15 import time
     17 from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
     18 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
     21 class EthernetDongle(object):
     22     """ Used for definining the desired module expect states. """
     24     def __init__(self, expect_speed='100', expect_duplex='full'):
     25         # Expected values for parameters.
     26         self.expected_parameters = {
     27             'ifconfig_status': 0,
     28             'duplex': expect_duplex,
     29             'speed': expect_speed,
     30             'mac_address': None,
     31             'ipaddress': None,
     32         }
     34     def GetParam(self, parameter):
     35         return self.expected_parameters[parameter]
     37 class network_EthernetStressPlug(test.test):
     38     version = 1
     40     def initialize(self, interface=None):
     41         """ Determines and defines the bus information and interface info. """
     43         self.link_speed_failures = 0
     44         sysnet = os.path.join('/', 'sys', 'class', 'net')
     46         def get_ethernet_interface(interface):
     47             """ Valid interface requires link and duplex status."""
     48             avail_eth_interfaces=[]
     49             if interface is None:
     50                 # This is not the (bridged) eth dev we are looking for.
     51                 for x in os.listdir(sysnet):
     52                     sysdev = os.path.join(sysnet,  x, 'device')
     53                     syswireless = os.path.join(sysnet,  x, 'wireless')
     54                     if os.path.exists(sysdev) and not os.path.exists(syswireless):
     55                         avail_eth_interfaces.append(x)
     56             else:
     57                 sysdev = os.path.join(sysnet,  interface, 'device')
     58                 if os.path.exists(sysdev):
     59                     avail_eth_interfaces.append(interface)
     60                 else:
     61                     raise error.TestError('Network Interface %s is not a device ' % iface)
     63             link_status = 'unknown'
     64             duplex_status = 'unknown'
     65             iface = 'unknown'
     67             for iface in avail_eth_interfaces:
     68                 syslink = os.path.join(sysnet, iface, 'operstate')
     69                 try:
     70                     link_file = open(syslink)
     71                     link_status = link_file.readline().strip()
     72                     link_file.close()
     73                 except:
     74                     pass
     76                 sysduplex = os.path.join(sysnet, iface, 'duplex')
     77                 try:
     78                     duplex_file = open(sysduplex)
     79                     duplex_status = duplex_file.readline().strip()
     80                     duplex_file.close()
     81                 except:
     82                     pass
     84                 if link_status == 'up' and duplex_status == 'full':
     85                     return iface
     87             raise error.TestError('Network Interface %s not usable (%s, %s)'
     88                                   % (iface, link_status, duplex_status))
     90         def get_net_device_path(device=''):
     91             """ Uses udev to get the path of the desired internet device.
     92             Args:
     93                 device: look for the /sys entry for this ethX device
     94             Returns:
     95                 /sys pathname for the found ethX device or raises an error.
     96             """
     97             net_list = pyudev.Context().list_devices(subsystem='net')
     98             for dev in net_list:
     99                 if dev.sys_path.endswith('net/%s' % device):
    100                     return dev.sys_path
    102             raise error.TestError('Could not find /sys device path for %s'
    103                                   % device)
    105         self.interface = get_ethernet_interface(interface)
    106         self.eth_syspath = get_net_device_path(self.interface)
    107         self.eth_flagspath = os.path.join(self.eth_syspath, 'flags')
    109         # USB Dongles: "authorized" file will disable the USB port and
    110         # in some cases powers off the port. In either case, net/eth* goes
    111         # away. And thus "../../.." won't be valid to access "authorized".
    112         # Build the pathname that goes directly to authpath.
    113         auth_path = os.path.join(self.eth_syspath, '../../../authorized')
    114         if os.path.exists(auth_path):
    115             # now rebuild the path w/o use of '..'
    116             auth_path = os.path.split(self.eth_syspath)[0]
    117             auth_path = os.path.split(auth_path)[0]
    118             auth_path = os.path.split(auth_path)[0]
    120             self.eth_authpath = os.path.join(auth_path,'authorized')
    121         else:
    122             self.eth_authpath = None
    124         # Stores the status of the most recently run iteration.
    125         self.test_status = {
    126             'ipaddress': None,
    127             'eth_state': None,
    128             'reason': None,
    129             'last_wait': 0
    130         }
    132         self.secs_before_warning = 10
    134         # Represents the current number of instances in which ethernet
    135         # took longer than dhcp_warning_level to come up.
    136         self.warning_count = 0
    138         # The percentage of test warnings before we fail the test.
    139         self.warning_threshold = .25
    141     def GetIPAddress(self):
    142         """ Obtains the ipaddress of the interface. """
    143         try:
    144             s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    145             return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(
    146                    s.fileno(), 0x8915,  # SIOCGIFADDR
    147                    struct.pack('256s', self.interface[:15]))[20:24])
    148         except:
    149             return None
    151     def GetEthernetStatus(self):
    152         """
    153         Updates self.test_status with the status of the ethernet interface.
    155         Returns:
    156             True if the ethernet device is up.  False otherwise.
    157         """
    159         def ReadEthVal(param):
    160             """ Reads the network parameters of the interface. """
    161             eth_path = os.path.join('/', 'sys', 'class', 'net', self.interface,
    162                                     param)
    163             val = None
    164             try:
    165                 fp = open(eth_path)
    166                 val = fp.readline().strip()
    167                 fp.close()
    168             except:
    169                 pass
    170             return val
    172         eth_out = self.ParseEthTool()
    173         ethernet_status = {
    174             'ifconfig_status': utils.system('ifconfig %s' % self.interface,
    175                                             ignore_status=True),
    176             'duplex': eth_out.get('Duplex'),
    177             'speed': eth_out.get('Speed'),
    178             'mac_address': ReadEthVal('address'),
    179             'ipaddress': self.GetIPAddress()
    180         }
    182         self.test_status['ipaddress'] = ethernet_status['ipaddress']
    184         for param, val in ethernet_status.iteritems():
    185             if self.dongle.GetParam(param) is None:
    186                 # For parameters with expected values none, we check the
    187                 # existence of a value.
    188                 if not bool(val):
    189                     self.test_status['eth_state'] = False
    190                     self.test_status['reason'] = '%s is not ready: %s == %s' \
    191                                                  % (self.interface, param, val)
    192                     return False
    193             else:
    194                 if val != self.dongle.GetParam(param):
    195                     self.test_status['eth_state'] = False
    196                     self.test_status['reason'] = '%s is not ready. (%s)\n' \
    197                                                  "  Expected: '%s'\n" \
    198                                                  "  Received: '%s'" \
    199                                                  % (self.interface, param,
    200                                                  self.dongle.GetParam(param),
    201                                                  val)
    202                     return False
    204         self.test_status['eth_state'] = True
    205         self.test_status['reason'] = None
    206         return True
    208     def _PowerEthernet(self, power=1):
    209         """ Sends command to change the power state of ethernet.
    210         Args:
    211           power: 0 to unplug, 1 to plug.
    212         """
    214         if self.eth_authpath:
    215             try:
    216                 fp = open(self.eth_authpath, 'w')
    217                 fp.write('%d' % power)
    218                 fp.close()
    219             except:
    220                 raise error.TestError('Could not write %d to %s' %
    221                                       (power, self.eth_authpath))
    223         # Linux can set network link state by frobbing "flags" bitfields.
    224         # Bit fields are documented in include/uapi/linux/if.h.
    225         # Bit 0 is IFF_UP (link up=1 or down=0).
    226         elif os.path.exists(self.eth_flagspath):
    227             try:
    228                 fp = open(self.eth_flagspath, mode='r')
    229                 val= int(fp.readline().strip(), 16)
    230                 fp.close()
    231             except:
    232                 raise error.TestError('Could not read %s' % self.eth_flagspath)
    234             if power:
    235                 newval = val | 1
    236             else:
    237                 newval = val &  ~1
    239             if val != newval:
    240                 try:
    241                     fp = open(self.eth_flagspath, mode='w')
    242                     fp.write('0x%x' % newval)
    243                     fp.close()
    244                 except:
    245                     raise error.TestError('Could not write 0x%x to %s' %
    246                                           (newval, self.eth_flagspath))
    247                 logging.debug("eth flags: 0x%x to 0x%x" % (val, newval))
    249         # else use ifconfig eth0 up/down to switch
    250         else:
    251             logging.warning('plug/unplug event control not found. '
    252                             'Use ifconfig %s %s instead' %
    253                             (self.interface, 'up' if power else 'down'))
    254             result = subprocess.check_call(['ifconfig', self.interface,
    255                                             'up' if power else 'down'])
    256             if result:
    257                 raise error.TestError('Fail to change the power state of %s' %
    258                                       self.interface)
    260     def TestPowerEthernet(self, power=1, timeout=45):
    261         """ Tests enabling or disabling the ethernet.
    262         Args:
    263             power: 0 to unplug, 1 to plug.
    264             timeout: Indicates approximately the number of seconds to timeout
    265                      how long we should check for the success of the ethernet
    266                      state change.
    268         Returns:
    269             The time in seconds required for device to transfer to the desired
    270             state.
    272         Raises:
    273             error.TestFail if the ethernet status is not in the desired state.
    274         """
    276         start_time = time.time()
    277         end_time = start_time + timeout
    279         power_str = ['off', 'on']
    280         self._PowerEthernet(power)
    282         while time.time() < end_time:
    283             status = self.GetEthernetStatus()
    286             # If GetEthernetStatus() detects the wrong link rate, "bouncing"
    287             # the link _should_ recover. Keep count of how many times this
    288             # happens. Test should fail if happens "frequently".
    289             if power and not status and 'speed' in self.test_status['reason']:
    290                 self._PowerEthernet(0)
    291                 time.sleep(1)
    292                 self._PowerEthernet(power)
    293                 self.link_speed_failures += 1
    294                 logging.warning('Link Renegotiated ' +
    295                     self.test_status['reason'])
    297             # If ethernet is enabled  and has an IP, OR
    298             # if ethernet is disabled and does not have an IP,
    299             # then we are in the desired state.
    300             # Return the number of "seconds" for this to happen.
    301             # (translated to an approximation of the number of seconds)
    302             if (power and status and \
    303                 self.test_status['ipaddress'] is not None) \
    304                 or \
    305                 (not power and not status and \
    306                 self.test_status['ipaddress'] is None):
    307                 return time.time()-start_time
    309             time.sleep(1)
    311         logging.debug(self.test_status['reason'])
    312         raise error.TestFail('ERROR: TIMEOUT : %s IP is %s after setting '
    313                              'power %s (last_wait = %.2f seconds)' %
    314                              (self.interface, self.test_status['ipaddress'],
    315                              power_str[power], self.test_status['last_wait']))
    317     def RandSleep(self, min_sleep, max_sleep):
    318         """ Sleeps for a random duration.
    320         Args:
    321             min_sleep: Minimum sleep parameter in miliseconds.
    322             max_sleep: Maximum sleep parameter in miliseconds.
    323         """
    324         duration = random.randint(min_sleep, max_sleep)/1000.0
    325         self.test_status['last_wait'] = duration
    326         time.sleep(duration)
    328     def _ParseEthTool_LinkModes(self, line):
    329         """ Parses Ethtool Link Mode Entries.
    330         Inputs:
    331             line: Space separated string of link modes that have the format
    332                   (\d+)baseT/(Half|Full) (eg. 100baseT/Full).
    334         Outputs:
    335             List of dictionaries where each dictionary has the format
    336             { 'Speed': '<speed>', 'Duplex': '<duplex>' }
    337         """
    338         parameters = []
    340         # QCA ESS EDMA driver doesn't report "Supported link modes:"
    341         if 'Not reported' in line:
    342             return parameters
    344         for speed_to_parse in line.split():
    345             speed_duplex = speed_to_parse.split('/')
    346             parameters.append(
    347                 {
    348                     'Speed': re.search('(\d*)', speed_duplex[0]).groups()[0],
    349                     'Duplex': speed_duplex[1],
    350                 }
    351             )
    352         return parameters
    354     def ParseEthTool(self):
    355         """
    356         Parses the output of Ethtools into a dictionary and returns
    357         the dictionary with some cleanup in the below areas:
    358             Speed: Remove the unit of speed.
    359             Supported link modes: Construct a list of dictionaries.
    360                                   The list is ordered (relying on ethtool)
    361                                   and each of the dictionaries contains a Speed
    362                                   kvp and a Duplex kvp.
    363             Advertised link modes: Same as 'Supported link modes'.
    365         Sample Ethtool Output:
    366             Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
    367             Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
    368                                     100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
    369                                     1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
    370             Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
    371             Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
    372                                     100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
    373                                     1000baseT/Full
    374             Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
    375             Speed: 1000Mb/s
    376             Duplex: Full
    377             Port: MII
    378             PHYAD: 2
    379             Transceiver: internal
    380             Auto-negotiation: on
    381             Supports Wake-on: pg
    382             Wake-on: d
    383             Current message level: 0x00000007 (7)
    384             Link detected: yes
    386         Returns:
    387           A dictionary representation of the above ethtool output, or an empty
    388           dictionary if no ethernet dongle is present.
    389           Eg.
    390             {
    391               'Supported ports': '[ TP MII ]',
    392               'Supported link modes': [{'Speed': '10', 'Duplex': 'Half'},
    393                                        {...},
    394                                        {'Speed': '1000', 'Duplex': 'Full'}],
    395               'Supports auto-negotiation: 'Yes',
    396               'Advertised link modes': [{'Speed': '10', 'Duplex': 'Half'},
    397                                         {...},
    398                                         {'Speed': '1000', 'Duplex': 'Full'}],
    399               'Advertised auto-negotiation': 'Yes'
    400               'Speed': '1000',
    401               'Duplex': 'Full',
    402               'Port': 'MII',
    403               'PHYAD': '2',
    404               'Transceiver': 'internal',
    405               'Auto-negotiation': 'on',
    406               'Supports Wake-on': 'pg',
    407               'Wake-on': 'd',
    408               'Current message level': '0x00000007 (7)',
    409               'Link detected': 'yes',
    410             }
    411         """
    412         parameters = {}
    413         ethtool_out = os.popen('ethtool %s' % self.interface).read().split('\n')
    414         if 'No data available' in ethtool_out:
    415             return parameters
    417         # bridged interfaces only have two lines of ethtool output.
    418         if len(ethtool_out) < 3:
    419             return parameters
    421         # For multiline entries, keep track of the key they belong to.
    422         current_key = ''
    423         for line in ethtool_out:
    424             current_line = line.strip().partition(':')
    425             if current_line[1] == ':':
    426                 current_key = current_line[0]
    428                 # Assumes speed does not span more than one line.
    429                 # Also assigns empty string if speed field
    430                 # is not available.
    431                 if current_key == 'Speed':
    432                     speed = re.search('^\s*(\d*)', current_line[2])
    433                     parameters[current_key] = ''
    434                     if speed:
    435                         parameters[current_key] = speed.groups()[0]
    436                 elif (current_key == 'Supported link modes' or
    437                       current_key == 'Advertised link modes'):
    438                     parameters[current_key] = []
    439                     parameters[current_key] += \
    440                         self._ParseEthTool_LinkModes(current_line[2])
    441                 else:
    442                     parameters[current_key] = current_line[2].strip()
    443             else:
    444               if (current_key == 'Supported link modes' or
    445                   current_key == 'Advertised link modes'):
    446                   parameters[current_key] += \
    447                       self._ParseEthTool_LinkModes(current_line[0])
    448               else:
    449                   parameters[current_key]+=current_line[0].strip()
    451         return parameters
    453     def GetDongle(self):
    454         """ Returns the ethernet dongle object associated with what's connected.
    456         Dongle uniqueness is retrieved from the 'product' file that is
    457         associated with each usb dongle in
    458         /sys/devices/pci.*/0000.*/usb.*/.*-.*/product.  The correct
    459         dongle object is determined and returned.
    461         Returns:
    462           Object of type EthernetDongle.
    464         Raises:
    465           error.TestFail if ethernet dongle is not found.
    466         """
    467         ethtool_dict = self.ParseEthTool()
    469         if not ethtool_dict:
    470             raise error.TestFail('Unable to parse ethtool output for %s.' %
    471                                  self.interface)
    473         # Ethtool output is ordered in terms of speed so this obtains the
    474         # fastest speed supported by dongle.
    475         # QCA ESS EDMA driver doesn't report "Supported link modes".
    476         max_link = ethtool_dict['Advertised link modes'][-1]
    478         return EthernetDongle(expect_speed=max_link['Speed'],
    479                               expect_duplex=max_link['Duplex'])
    481     def run_once(self, num_iterations=1):
    482         try:
    483             self.dongle = self.GetDongle()
    485             #Sleep for a random duration between .5 and 2 seconds
    486             #for unplug and plug scenarios.
    487             for i in range(num_iterations):
    488                 logging.debug('Iteration: %d start' % i)
    489                 linkdown_time = self.TestPowerEthernet(power=0)
    490                 linkdown_wait = self.test_status['last_wait']
    491                 if linkdown_time > self.secs_before_warning:
    492                     self.warning_count+=1
    494                 self.RandSleep(500, 2000)
    496                 linkup_time = self.TestPowerEthernet(power=1)
    497                 linkup_wait = self.test_status['last_wait']
    499                 if linkup_time > self.secs_before_warning:
    500                     self.warning_count+=1
    502                 self.RandSleep(500, 2000)
    503                 logging.debug('Iteration: %d end (down:%f/%d up:%f/%d)' %
    504                               (i, linkdown_wait, linkdown_time,
    505                                linkup_wait, linkup_time))
    507                 if self.warning_count > num_iterations * self.warning_threshold:
    508                     raise error.TestFail('ERROR: %.2f%% of total runs (%d) '
    509                                          'took longer than %d seconds for '
    510                                          'ethernet to come up.' %
    511                                          (self.warning_threshold*100,
    512                                           num_iterations,
    513                                           self.secs_before_warning))
    515             # Link speed failures are secondary.
    516             # Report after all iterations complete.
    517             if self.link_speed_failures > 1:
    518                 raise error.TestFail('ERROR: %s : Link Renegotiated %d times'
    519                                 % (self.interface, self.link_speed_failures))
    521         except Exception as e:
    522             exc_info = sys.exc_info()
    523             self._PowerEthernet(1)
    524             raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]