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      1 #!/usr/bin/python -u
      2 #
      3 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
      4 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5 # found in the LICENSE file.
      6 #
      7 # Site extension of the default parser. Generate JSON reports and stack traces.
      8 #
      9 # This site parser is used to generate a JSON report of test failures, crashes,
     10 # and the associated logs for later consumption by an Email generator. If any
     11 # crashes are found, the debug symbols for the build are retrieved (either from
     12 # Google Storage or local cache) and core dumps are symbolized.
     13 #
     14 # The parser uses the test report generator which comes bundled with the Chrome
     15 # OS source tree in order to maintain consistency. As well as not having to keep
     16 # track of any secondary failure white lists.
     17 #
     18 # Stack trace generation is done by the minidump_stackwalk utility which is also
     19 # bundled with the Chrome OS source tree. Requires gsutil and cros_sdk utilties
     20 # be present in the path.
     21 #
     22 # The path to the Chrome OS source tree is defined in global_config under the
     23 # CROS section as 'source_tree'.
     24 #
     25 # Existing parse behavior is kept completely intact. If the site parser is not
     26 # configured it will print a debug message and exit after default parser is
     27 # called.
     28 #
     30 import errno
     31 import json
     32 import os
     33 import sys
     35 import common
     36 from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
     37 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
     38 from autotest_lib.tko import models
     39 from autotest_lib.tko import parse
     40 from autotest_lib.tko import utils as tko_utils
     41 from autotest_lib.tko.parsers import version_0
     44 # Name of the report file to produce upon completion.
     45 _JSON_REPORT_FILE = 'results.json'
     47 # Number of log lines to include from error log with each test results.
     48 _ERROR_LOG_LIMIT = 10
     50 # Status information is generally more useful than error log, so provide a lot.
     51 _STATUS_LOG_LIMIT = 50
     54 class StackTrace(object):
     55     """Handles all stack trace generation related duties. See generate()."""
     57     # Cache dir relative to chroot.
     58     _CACHE_DIR = 'tmp/symbol-cache'
     60     # Flag file indicating symbols have completed processing. One is created in
     61     # each new symbols directory.
     62     _COMPLETE_FILE = '.completed'
     64     # Maximum cache age in days; all older cache entries will be deleted.
     65     _MAX_CACHE_AGE_DAYS = 1
     67     # Directory inside of tarball under which the actual symbols are stored.
     68     _SYMBOL_DIR = 'debug/breakpad'
     70     # Maximum time to wait for another instance to finish processing symbols.
     71     _SYMBOL_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 10 * 60
     74     def __init__(self, results_dir, cros_src_dir):
     75         """Initializes class variables.
     77         Args:
     78             results_dir: Full path to the results directory to process.
     79             cros_src_dir: Full path to Chrome OS source tree. Must have a
     80                 working chroot.
     81         """
     82         self._results_dir = results_dir
     83         self._cros_src_dir = cros_src_dir
     84         self._chroot_dir = os.path.join(self._cros_src_dir, 'chroot')
     87     def _get_cache_dir(self):
     88         """Returns a path to the local cache dir, creating if nonexistent.
     90         Symbol cache is kept inside the chroot so we don't have to mount it into
     91         chroot for symbol generation each time.
     93         Returns:
     94             A path to the local cache dir.
     95         """
     96         cache_dir = os.path.join(self._chroot_dir, self._CACHE_DIR)
     97         if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
     98             try:
     99                 os.makedirs(cache_dir)
    100             except OSError, e:
    101                 if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
    102                     raise
    103         return cache_dir
    106     def _get_job_name(self):
    107         """Returns job name read from 'label' keyval in the results dir.
    109         Returns:
    110             Job name string.
    111         """
    112         return models.job.read_keyval(self._results_dir).get('label')
    115     def _parse_job_name(self, job_name):
    116         """Returns a tuple of (board, rev, version) parsed from the job name.
    118         Handles job names of the form "<board-rev>-<version>...",
    119         "<board-rev>-<rev>-<version>...", and
    120         "<board-rev>-<rev>-<version_0>_to_<version>..."
    122         Args:
    123             job_name: A job name of the format detailed above.
    125         Returns:
    126             A tuple of (board, rev, version) parsed from the job name.
    127         """
    128         version = job_name.rsplit('-', 3)[1].split('_')[-1]
    129         arch, board, rev = job_name.split('-', 3)[:3]
    130         return '-'.join([arch, board]), rev, version
    133 def parse_reason(path):
    134     """Process status.log or status and return a test-name: reason dict."""
    135     status_log = os.path.join(path, 'status.log')
    136     if not os.path.exists(status_log):
    137         status_log = os.path.join(path, 'status')
    138     if not os.path.exists(status_log):
    139         return
    141     reasons = {}
    142     last_test = None
    143     for line in open(status_log).readlines():
    144         try:
    145             # Since we just want the status line parser, it's okay to use the
    146             # version_0 parser directly; all other parsers extend it.
    147             status = version_0.status_line.parse_line(line)
    148         except:
    149             status = None
    151         # Assemble multi-line reasons into a single reason.
    152         if not status and last_test:
    153             reasons[last_test] += line
    155         # Skip non-lines, empty lines, and successful tests.
    156         if not status or not status.reason.strip() or status.status == 'GOOD':
    157             continue
    159         # Update last_test name, so we know which reason to append multi-line
    160         # reasons to.
    161         last_test = status.testname
    162         reasons[last_test] = status.reason
    164     return reasons
    167 def main():
    168     # Call the original parser.
    169     parse.main()
    171     # Results directory should be the last argument passed in.
    172     results_dir = sys.argv[-1]
    174     # Load the Chrome OS source tree location.
    175     cros_src_dir = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
    176         'CROS', 'source_tree', default='')
    178     # We want the standard Autotest parser to keep working even if we haven't
    179     # been setup properly.
    180     if not cros_src_dir:
    181         tko_utils.dprint(
    182             'Unable to load required components for site parser. Falling back'
    183             ' to default parser.')
    184         return
    186     # Load ResultCollector from the Chrome OS source tree.
    187     sys.path.append(os.path.join(
    188         cros_src_dir, 'src/platform/crostestutils/utils_py'))
    189     from generate_test_report import ResultCollector
    191     # Collect results using the standard Chrome OS test report generator. Doing
    192     # so allows us to use the same crash white list and reporting standards the
    193     # VM based test instances use.
    194     # TODO(scottz): Reevaluate this code usage. crosbug.com/35282
    195     results = ResultCollector().RecursivelyCollectResults(results_dir)
    196     # We don't care about successful tests. We only want failed or crashing.
    197     # Note: list([]) generates a copy of the dictionary, so it's safe to delete.
    198     for test_status in list(results):
    199         if test_status['crashes']:
    200             continue
    201         elif test_status['status'] == 'PASS':
    202             results.remove(test_status)
    204     # Filter results and collect logs. If we can't find a log for the test, skip
    205     # it. The Emailer will fill in the blanks using Database data later.
    206     filtered_results = {}
    207     for test_dict in results:
    208         result_log = ''
    209         test_name = os.path.basename(test_dict['testdir'])
    210         error = os.path.join(
    211                 test_dict['testdir'], 'debug', '%s.ERROR' % test_name)
    213         # If the error log doesn't exist, we don't care about this test.
    214         if not os.path.isfile(error):
    215             continue
    217         # Parse failure reason for this test.
    218         for t, r in parse_reason(test_dict['testdir']).iteritems():
    219             # Server tests may have subtests which will each have their own
    220             # reason, so display the test name for the subtest in that case.
    221             if t != test_name:
    222                 result_log += '%s: ' % t
    223             result_log += '%s\n\n' % r.strip()
    225         # Trim results_log to last _STATUS_LOG_LIMIT lines.
    226         short_result_log = '\n'.join(
    227             result_log.splitlines()[-1 * _STATUS_LOG_LIMIT:]).strip()
    229         # Let the reader know we've trimmed the log.
    230         if short_result_log != result_log.strip():
    231             short_result_log = (
    232                 '[...displaying only the last %d status log lines...]\n%s' % (
    233                     _STATUS_LOG_LIMIT, short_result_log))
    235         # Pull out only the last _LOG_LIMIT lines of the file.
    236         short_log = utils.system_output('tail -n %d %s' % (
    237             _ERROR_LOG_LIMIT, error))
    239         # Let the reader know we've trimmed the log.
    240         if len(short_log.splitlines()) == _ERROR_LOG_LIMIT:
    241             short_log = (
    242                 '[...displaying only the last %d error log lines...]\n%s' % (
    243                     _ERROR_LOG_LIMIT, short_log))
    245         filtered_results[test_name] = test_dict
    246         filtered_results[test_name]['log'] = '%s\n\n%s' % (
    247             short_result_log, short_log)
    249     # Generate JSON dump of results. Store in results dir.
    250     json_file = open(os.path.join(results_dir, _JSON_REPORT_FILE), 'w')
    251     json.dump(filtered_results, json_file)
    252     json_file.close()
    255 if __name__ == '__main__':
    256     main()