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      1 # BoringSSL API Conventions
      3 This document describes conventions for BoringSSL APIs. The [style
      4 guide](/STYLE.md) also includes guidelines, but this document is targeted at
      5 both API consumers and developers.
      8 ## Documentation
     10 All supported public APIs are documented in the public header files, found in
     11 `include/openssl`. The API documentation is also available
     12 [online](https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-boringssl-docs/headers.html).
     14 Some headers lack documention comments. These are functions and structures from
     15 OpenSSL's legacy ASN.1, X.509, and PEM implementation. If possible, avoid using
     16 them. These are left largely unmodified from upstream and are retained only for
     17 compatibility with existing OpenSSL consumers.
     20 ## Forward declarations
     22 Do not write `typedef struct foo_st FOO` or try otherwise to define BoringSSL's
     23 types. Including `openssl/base.h` (or `openssl/ossl_typ.h` for consumers who
     24 wish to be OpenSSL-compatible) will forward-declare each type without importing
     25 the rest of the library or invasive macros.
     28 ## Error-handling
     30 Most functions in BoringSSL may fail, either due to allocation failures or input
     31 errors. Functions which return an `int` typically return one on success and zero
     32 on failure. Functions which return a pointer typically return `NULL` on failure.
     33 However, due to legacy constraints, some functions are more complex. Consult the
     34 API documentation before using a function.
     36 On error, most functions also push errors on the error queue, an `errno`-like
     37 mechanism. See the documentation for
     38 [err.h](https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-boringssl-docs/err.h.html)
     39 for more details.
     41 As with `errno`, callers must test the function's return value, not the error
     42 queue to determine whether an operation failed. Some codepaths may not interact
     43 with the error queue, and the error queue may have state from a previous failed
     44 operation.
     46 When ignoring a failed operation, it is recommended to call `ERR_clear_error` to
     47 avoid the state interacting with future operations. Failing to do so should not
     48 affect the actual behavior of any functions, but may result in errors from both
     49 operations being mixed in error logging. We hope to
     50 [improve](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/boringssl/issues/detail?id=38) this
     51 situation in the future.
     53 Where possible, avoid conditioning on specific reason codes and limit usage to
     54 logging. The reason codes are very specific and may change over time.
     57 ## Memory allocation
     59 BoringSSL allocates memory via `OPENSSL_malloc`, found in `mem.h`. Use
     60 `OPENSSL_free`, found in the same header file, to release it. BoringSSL
     61 functions will fail gracefully on allocation error, but it is recommended to use
     62 a `malloc` implementation that `abort`s on failure.
     65 ## Object initialization and cleanup
     67 BoringSSL defines a number of structs for use in its APIs. It is a C library,
     68 so the caller is responsible for ensuring these structs are properly
     69 initialized and released. Consult the documentation for a module for the
     70 proper use of its types. Some general conventions are listed below.
     73 ### Heap-allocated types
     75 Some types, such as `RSA`, are heap-allocated. All instances will be allocated
     76 and returned from BoringSSL's APIs. It is an error to instantiate a heap-
     77 allocated type on the stack or embedded within another object.
     79 Heap-allocated types may have functioned named like `RSA_new` which allocates a
     80 fresh blank `RSA`. Other functions may also return newly-allocated instances.
     81 For example, `RSA_parse_public_key` is documented to return a newly-allocated
     82 `RSA` object.
     84 Heap-allocated objects must be released by the corresponding free function,
     85 named like `RSA_free`. Like C's `free` and C++'s `delete`, all free functions
     86 internally check for `NULL`. Consumers are not required to check for `NULL`
     87 before calling.
     89 A heap-allocated type may be reference-counted. In this case, a function named
     90 like `RSA_up_ref` will be available to take an additional reference count. The
     91 free function must be called to decrement the reference count. It will only
     92 release resources when the final reference is released. For OpenSSL
     93 compatibility, these functions return `int`, but callers may assume they always
     94 successfully return one because reference counts use saturating arithmetic.
     96 C++ consumers are recommended to use `bssl::UniquePtr` to manage heap-allocated
     97 objects. `bssl::UniquePtr<T>`, like other types, is forward-declared in
     98 `openssl/base.h`. Code that needs access to the free functions, such as code
     99 which destroys a `bssl::UniquePtr`, must include the corresponding module's
    100 header. (This matches `std::unique_ptr`'s relationship with forward
    101 declarations.) Note, despite the name, `bssl::UniquePtr` is also used with
    102 reference-counted types. It owns a single reference to the object. To take an
    103 additional reference, use the `bssl::UpRef` function, which will return a
    104 separate `bssl::UniquePtr`.
    107 ### Stack-allocated types
    109 Other types in BoringSSL are stack-allocated, such as `EVP_MD_CTX`. These
    110 types may be allocated on the stack or embedded within another object.
    111 However, they must still be initialized before use.
    113 Every stack-allocated object in BoringSSL has a *zero state*, analogous to
    114 initializing a pointer to `NULL`. In this state, the object may not be
    115 completely initialized, but it is safe to call cleanup functions. Entering the
    116 zero state cannot fail. (It is usually `memset(0)`.)
    118 The function to enter the zero state is named like `EVP_MD_CTX_init` or
    119 `CBB_zero` and will always return `void`. To release resources associated with
    120 the type, call the cleanup function, named like `EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup`. The
    121 cleanup function must be called on all codepaths, regardless of success or
    122 failure. For example:
    124     uint8_t md[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
    125     unsigned md_len;
    126     EVP_MD_CTX ctx;
    127     EVP_MD_CTX_init(&ctx);  /* Enter the zero state. */
    128     int ok = EVP_DigestInit_ex(&ctx, EVP_sha256(), NULL) &&
    129              EVP_DigestUpdate(&ctx, "hello ", 6) &&
    130              EVP_DigestUpdate(&ctx, "world", 5) &&
    131              EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&ctx, md, &md_len);
    132     EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup(&ctx);  /* Release |ctx|. */
    134 Note that `EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup` is called whether or not the `EVP_Digest*`
    135 operations succeeded. More complex C functions may use the `goto err` pattern:
    137       int ret = 0;
    138       EVP_MD_CTX ctx;
    139       EVP_MD_CTX_init(&ctx);
    141       if (!some_other_operation()) {
    142         goto err;
    143       }
    145       uint8_t md[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
    146       unsigned md_len;
    147       if (!EVP_DigestInit_ex(&ctx, EVP_sha256(), NULL) ||
    148           !EVP_DigestUpdate(&ctx, "hello ", 6) ||
    149           !EVP_DigestUpdate(&ctx, "world", 5) ||
    150           !EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&ctx, md, &md_len) {
    151         goto err;
    152       }
    154       ret = 1;
    156     err:
    157       EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup(&ctx);
    158       return ret;
    160 Note that, because `ctx` is set to the zero state before any failures,
    161 `EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup` is safe to call even if the first operation fails before
    162 `EVP_DigestInit_ex`. However, it would be illegal to move the `EVP_MD_CTX_init`
    163 below the `some_other_operation` call.
    165 As a rule of thumb, enter the zero state of stack-allocated structs in the
    166 same place they are declared.
    168 C++ consumers are recommended to use the wrappers named like
    169 `bssl::ScopedEVP_MD_CTX`, defined in the corresponding module's header. These
    170 wrappers are automatically initialized to the zero state and are automatically
    171 cleaned up.
    174 ### Data-only types
    176 A few types, such as `SHA_CTX`, are data-only types and do not require cleanup.
    177 These are usually for low-level cryptographic operations. These types may be
    178 used freely without special cleanup conventions.
    181 ### Ownership and lifetime
    183 When working with allocated objects, it is important to think about *ownership*
    184 of each object, or what code is responsible for releasing it. This matches the
    185 corresponding notion in higher-level languages like C++ and Rust.
    187 Ownership applies to both uniquely-owned types and reference-counted types. For
    188 the latter, ownership means the code is responsible for releasing one
    189 reference. Note a *reference* in BoringSSL refers to an increment (and eventual
    190 decrement) of an object's reference count, not `T&` in C++. Thus, to "take a
    191 reference" means to increment the reference count and take ownership of
    192 decrementing it.
    194 As BoringSSL's APIs are primarily in C, ownership and lifetime obligations are
    195 not rigorously annotated in the type signatures or checked at compile-time.
    196 Instead, they are described in
    197 [API documentation](https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-boringssl-docs/headers.html).
    198 This section describes some conventions.
    200 Unless otherwise documented, functions do not take ownership of pointer
    201 arguments. The pointer typically must remain valid for the duration of the
    202 function call. The function may internally copy information from the argument or
    203 take a reference, but the caller is free to release its copy or reference at any
    204 point after the call completes.
    206 A function may instead be documented to *take* or *transfer* ownership of a
    207 pointer. The caller must own the object before the function call and, after
    208 transfer, no longer owns it. As a corollary, the caller may no longer reference
    209 the object without a separate guarantee on the lifetime. The function may even
    210 release the object before returning. Callers that wish to independently retain a
    211 transfered object must therefore take a reference or make a copy before
    212 transferring. Callers should also take note of whether the function is
    213 documented to transfer pointers unconditionally or only on success. Unlike C++
    214 and Rust, functions in BoringSSL typically only transfer on success.
    216 Likewise, output pointers may be owning or non-owning. Unless otherwise
    217 documented, functions output non-owning pointers. The caller is not responsible
    218 for releasing the output pointer, but it must not use the pointer beyond its
    219 lifetime. The pointer may be released when the parent object is released or even
    220 sooner on state change in the parent object.
    222 If documented to output a *newly-allocated* object or a *reference* or *copy* of
    223 one, the caller is responsible for releasing the object when it is done.
    225 By convention, functions named `get0` return non-owning pointers. Functions
    226 named `new` or `get1` return owning pointers. Functions named `set0` take
    227 ownership of arguments. Functions named `set1` do not. They typically take a
    228 reference or make a copy internally. These names originally referred to the
    229 effect on a reference count, but the convention applies equally to
    230 non-reference-counted types.
    232 API documentation may also describe more complex obligations. For instance, an
    233 object may borrow a pointer for longer than the duration of a single function
    234 call, in which case the caller must ensure the lifetime extends accordingly.
    236 Memory errors are one of the most common and dangerous bugs in C and C++, so
    237 callers are encouraged to make use of tools such as
    238 [AddressSanitizer](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/AddressSanitizer.html) and
    239 higher-level languages.
    242 ## Thread safety
    244 BoringSSL is internally aware of the platform threading library and calls into
    245 it as needed. Consult the API documentation for the threading guarantees of
    246 particular objects. In general, stateless reference-counted objects like `RSA`
    247 or `EVP_PKEY` which represent keys may typically be used from multiple threads
    248 simultaneously, provided no thread mutates the key.