1 VERSION 1.0 CLASS 2 BEGIN 3 MultiUse = -1 'True 4 Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable 5 DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone 6 DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone 7 MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject 8 END 9 Attribute VB_Name = "CDisassembler" 10 Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False 11 Attribute VB_Creatable = True 12 Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False 13 Attribute VB_Exposed = False 14 Option Explicit 15 16 'Capstone Disassembly Engine bindings for VB6 17 'Contributed by FireEye FLARE Team 18 'Author: David Zimmer <david.zimmer (a] fireeye.com>, <dzzie (a] yahoo.com> 19 'License: Apache 20 'Copyright: FireEye 2017 21 22 23 'NOTE: the VB code was built and tested against Capstone v3.0 rc4 24 ' if the capstone C structures change, the VB code will have to 25 ' be adjusted to match! 26 ' 27 ' instructions details are currently only implemented for x86 28 29 Public arch As cs_arch 30 Public mode As cs_mode 31 Public hCapstone As Long 32 Public hLib As Long 33 34 Public version As String 35 Public vMajor As Long 36 Public vMinor As Long 37 38 Public errMsg As String 39 Public lastErr As cs_err 40 41 Private Function CheckPath(pth As String) As Long 42 43 Dim hCap As Long, capPth As String, shimPth As String 44 45 shimPth = pth & "\vbCapstone.dll" 46 capPth = pth & "\capstone.dll" 47 48 If Not FileExists(shimPth) Then Exit Function 49 50 hCap = LoadLibrary(capPth) 51 If hCap = 0 Then hCap = LoadLibrary("capstone.dll") 52 If hCap = 0 Then errMsg = "Could not find capstone.dll" 53 54 CheckPath = LoadLibrary(shimPth) 55 'If CheckPath = 0 Then MsgBox Err.LastDllError 56 57 End Function 58 59 Public Function init(arch As cs_arch, mode As cs_mode, Optional enableDetails As Boolean = False) As Boolean 60 61 errMsg = Empty 62 hLib = GetModuleHandle("vbCapstone.dll") 63 64 If hLib = 0 Then hLib = CheckPath(App.path & "\bin\") 65 If hLib = 0 Then hLib = CheckPath(App.path & "\") 66 If hLib = 0 Then hLib = CheckPath(App.path & "\..\") 67 If hLib = 0 Then hLib = LoadLibrary("vbCapstone.dll") 68 69 If hLib = 0 Then 70 errMsg = errMsg & " Could not load vbCapstone.dll" 71 Exit Function 72 End If 73 74 Me.arch = arch 75 Me.mode = mode 76 77 cs_version vMajor, vMinor 78 version = vMajor & "." & vMinor 79 80 If cs_support(arch) = 0 Then 81 errMsg = "specified architecture not supported" 82 Exit Function 83 End If 84 85 Dim handle As Long 'in vb class a public var is actually a property get/set can not use as byref to api.. 86 lastErr = cs_open(arch, mode, handle) 87 If lastErr <> CS_ERR_OK Then 88 errMsg = err2str(lastErr) 89 Exit Function 90 End If 91 92 hCapstone = handle 93 If enableDetails Then 'vb bindings currently only support details for x86 94 If arch = CS_ARCH_X86 Then 95 cs_option handle, CS_OPT_DETAIL, CS_OPT_ON 96 End If 97 End If 98 99 init = True 100 101 End Function 102 103 'base is a variant and currently accepts the following input types: 104 ' x64 number held as currency type (ex. makeCur(&haabbccdd, &h11223344) ) 105 ' int/long value (ex. &h1000 or 12345) 106 ' numeric string or 0x/&h prefixed hex string (ex. "12345", "0x1200", "&haabbccdd") 107 Function disasm(ByVal base, code() As Byte, Optional count As Long = 0) As Collection 108 109 Dim c As Long 110 Dim instAry As Long 111 Dim ret As New Collection 112 Dim ci As CInstruction 113 Dim i As Long 114 Dim address As Currency 115 116 On Error Resume Next 117 118 Set disasm = ret 119 120 If TypeName(base) = "Currency" Then 121 address = base 122 Else 123 If TypeName(base) = "String" Then base = Replace(Trim(base), "0x", "&h") 124 address = lng2Cur(CLng(base)) 125 If Err.Number <> 0 Then 126 errMsg = "Could not convert base address to long" 127 Exit Function 128 End If 129 End If 130 131 c = cs_disasm(Me.hCapstone, code(0), UBound(code) + 1, address, count, instAry) 132 If c = 0 Then Exit Function 133 134 For i = 0 To c - 1 135 Set ci = New CInstruction 136 ci.LoadInstruction instAry, i, Me 137 ret.Add ci 138 Next 139 140 cs_free instAry, c 141 142 End Function 143 144 145 Private Sub Class_Terminate() 146 Dim msg As String 147 If DEBUG_DUMP Then 148 msg = "CDissembler.Terminate " & Hex(hCapstone) 149 If hCapstone <> 0 Then lastErr = cs_close(hCapstone) 150 Debug.Print msg & " : " & lastErr 151 End If 152 End Sub 153 154