1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -pedantic -Wno-objc-root-class %s 2 @protocol NSObject 3 @end 4 5 @protocol DTOutputStreams <NSObject> 6 @end 7 8 @interface DTFilterOutputStream <DTOutputStreams> 9 - nextOutputStream; 10 @end 11 12 @implementation DTFilterOutputStream 13 - (id)initWithNextOutputStream:(id <DTOutputStreams>) outputStream { 14 id <DTOutputStreams> nextOutputStream = [self nextOutputStream]; 15 self = nextOutputStream; 16 return nextOutputStream ? nextOutputStream : self; 17 } 18 - nextOutputStream { 19 return self; 20 } 21 @end 22 23 @interface DTFilterOutputStream2 24 - nextOutputStream; // expected-note {{method 'nextOutputStream' declared here}} 25 @end 26 27 @implementation DTFilterOutputStream2 // expected-warning {{method definition for 'nextOutputStream' not found}} 28 - (id)initWithNextOutputStream:(id <DTOutputStreams>) outputStream { 29 id <DTOutputStreams> nextOutputStream = [self nextOutputStream]; 30 self = nextOutputStream; // expected-warning {{assigning to 'DTFilterOutputStream2 *' from incompatible type 'id<DTOutputStreams>'}} 31 return nextOutputStream ? nextOutputStream : self; // expected-warning {{incompatible operand types ('id<DTOutputStreams>' and 'DTFilterOutputStream2 *')}} 32 } 33 @end 34 35 // No @interface declaration for DTFilterOutputStream3 36 @implementation DTFilterOutputStream3 // expected-warning {{cannot find interface declaration for 'DTFilterOutputStream3'}} \ 37 // expected-note {{receiver is instance of class declared here}} 38 - (id)initWithNextOutputStream:(id <DTOutputStreams>) outputStream { 39 id <DTOutputStreams> nextOutputStream = [self nextOutputStream]; // expected-warning {{method '-nextOutputStream' not found (return type defaults to 'id')}} 40 self = nextOutputStream; // expected-warning {{assigning to 'DTFilterOutputStream3 *' from incompatible type 'id<DTOutputStreams>'}} 41 return nextOutputStream ? nextOutputStream : self; // expected-warning {{incompatible operand types ('id<DTOutputStreams>' and 'DTFilterOutputStream3 *')}} 42 } 43 @end 44 45 // 46 47 @protocol P0 48 @property int intProp; 49 @end 50 @protocol P1 51 @end 52 @protocol P2 53 @end 54 @protocol P3 <P1> 55 @end 56 @protocol P4 <P1> 57 @end 58 59 @interface A <P0> 60 @end 61 62 @interface B : A 63 @end 64 65 @interface C 66 @end 67 68 @interface D 69 @end 70 71 @interface E : A 72 @end 73 74 void f0(id<P0> x) { 75 x.intProp = 1; 76 } 77 78 void f1(int cond, id<P0> x, id<P0> y) { 79 (cond ? x : y).intProp = 1; 80 } 81 82 void f2(int cond, id<P0> x, A *y) { 83 (cond ? x : y).intProp = 1; 84 } 85 86 void f3(int cond, id<P0> x, B *y) { 87 (cond ? x : y).intProp = 1; 88 } 89 90 void f4(int cond, id x, B *y) { 91 (cond ? x : y).intProp = 1; // expected-error {{property 'intProp' not found on object of type 'id'}} 92 } 93 94 void f5(int cond, id<P0> x, C *y) { 95 (cond ? x : y).intProp = 1; // expected-warning {{incompatible operand types ('id<P0>' and 'C *')}} expected-error {{property 'intProp' not found on object of type 'id'}} 96 } 97 98 void f6(int cond, C *x, D *y) { 99 (cond ? x : y).intProp = 1; // expected-warning {{incompatible operand types}}, expected-error {{property 'intProp' not found on object of type 'id'}} 100 } 101 102 id f7(int a, id<P0> x, A* p) { 103 return a ? x : p; 104 } 105 106 int f8(int a, A<P0> *x, A *y) { 107 return [ (a ? x : y ) intProp ]; 108 } 109 110 void f9(int a, A<P0> *x, A<P1> *y) { 111 id l0 = (a ? x : y ); // Ok. y is of A<P1> object type and A is qualified by P0. 112 A<P0> *l1 = (a ? x : y ); // Ok. y is of A<P1> object type and A is qualified by P0. 113 A<P1> *l2 = (a ? x : y ); // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types initializing 'A<P1> *' with an expression of type 'A<P0> *'}} 114 (void)[ (a ? x : y ) intProp ]; // Ok. Common type is A<P0> * and P0's property intProp is accessed. 115 } 116 117 void f10(int a, id<P0> x, id y) { 118 [ (a ? x : y ) intProp ]; 119 } 120 121 void f11(int a, id<P0> x, id<P1> y) { 122 [ (a ? x : y ) intProp ]; // expected-warning {{incompatible operand types ('id<P0>' and 'id<P1>')}} 123 } 124 125 void f12(int a, A<P0> *x, A<P1> *y) { 126 A<P1>* l0 = (a ? x : y ); // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types initializing 'A<P1> *' with an expression of type 'A<P0> *'}} 127 } 128 129 void f13(int a, B<P3, P0> *x, E<P0, P4> *y) { 130 int *ip = a ? x : y; // expected-warning{{expression of type 'A<P1> *'}} 131 } 132