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      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
      2 <!DOCTYPE supplementalData SYSTEM "../../common/dtd/ldmlSupplemental.dtd">
      3 <!-- Copyright  1991-2015 Unicode, Inc.
      4 CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/)
      5 For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html -->
      6 <supplementalData>
      7 	<version number="$Revision: 12347 $" />
      8 	<transforms>
      9 		<transform source="ia" target="ia_FONIPA" direction="forward" draft="contributed" alias="ia-fonipa-t-ia">
     10 			<tRule>
     11 # Transformation from Interlingua (ia) to its IPA transcription (ia_FONIPA).
     12 # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlingua#Interlingua_alphabet
     13 # http://www.omniglot.com/writing/interlingua.htm
     15 ::NFC;
     16 ::Lower;
     18 # Interlinua has five falling diphthongs.
     19 # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlingua#Orthography_and_pronunciation
     20 ai  ai;
     21 au  au;
     22 ei  ei;  # rare
     23 eu  eu;
     24 oi  oi;  # rare
     26 # g is usually [], but it is [d] in -age, -agi-, and -egi-.
     27 # http://www.omniglot.com/writing/interlingua.htm
     28 $vowel = [aeiouy];
     29 $end_of_word = [$ ];
     30 {age} $end_of_word  ade;
     31 {agi} $vowel  ad;  # viagiar  viadar
     32 agi  adi;
     33 {egi} $vowel  ed;  # legier  leder
     34 egi  edi;
     35 gg  ;
     36 g  ;
     38 # Omniglot: The sounds of g and k assimilate a preceding n as in English.
     39 {n} [gkqx]  ;
     40 nn  n;
     41 n  n;
     43 a  a;
     44 bb  b;
     45 b  b;
     46 cc  k;
     47 {c} [ei]  ts;
     48 ch  k;
     49 c  k;
     50 dd  d;
     51 d  d;
     52 e  e;
     53 ff  f;
     54 f  f;
     55 h  ;  # h is normally silent.
     56 i  i;
     57 j  ;
     58 kk  k;
     59 k  k;
     60 ll  l;
     61 l  l;
     62 mm  m;
     63 m  m;
     64 o  o;
     65 ph  f;  # philosophos, physica
     66 pp  p;
     67 p  p;
     68 que  ke;
     69 qu  kw;
     70 q  k;
     71 rr  ;
     72 r  ;
     73 sh  ;  # rare
     74 ss  s;
     75 s  s;
     76 [^s] {ti} [aeiouy]  tsj;
     77 tt  t;
     78 t  t;
     79 u  u;
     80 v  v;
     81 w  v;
     82 x  ks;
     83 y  i;
     84 z  z;
     85 			</tRule>
     86 		</transform>
     87 	</transforms>
     88 </supplementalData>