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      1 # Copyright (c) 2018 Google LLC
      2 #
      3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 #
      7 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 #
      9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 # limitations under the License.
     14 """A number of common spirv result checks coded in mixin classes.
     16 A test case can use these checks by declaring their enclosing mixin classes
     17 as superclass and providing the expected_* variables required by the check_*()
     18 methods in the mixin classes.
     19 """
     20 import difflib
     21 import os
     22 import re
     23 import subprocess
     24 from spirv_test_framework import SpirvTest
     27 def convert_to_unix_line_endings(source):
     28   """Converts all line endings in source to be unix line endings."""
     29   return source.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n')
     32 def substitute_file_extension(filename, extension):
     33   """Substitutes file extension, respecting known shader extensions.
     35     foo.vert -> foo.vert.[extension] [similarly for .frag, .comp, etc.]
     36     foo.glsl -> foo.[extension]
     37     foo.unknown -> foo.[extension]
     38     foo -> foo.[extension]
     39     """
     40   if filename[-5:] not in [
     41       '.vert', '.frag', '.tesc', '.tese', '.geom', '.comp', '.spvasm'
     42   ]:
     43     return filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.' + extension
     44   else:
     45     return filename + '.' + extension
     48 def get_object_filename(source_filename):
     49   """Gets the object filename for the given source file."""
     50   return substitute_file_extension(source_filename, 'spv')
     53 def get_assembly_filename(source_filename):
     54   """Gets the assembly filename for the given source file."""
     55   return substitute_file_extension(source_filename, 'spvasm')
     58 def verify_file_non_empty(filename):
     59   """Checks that a given file exists and is not empty."""
     60   if not os.path.isfile(filename):
     61     return False, 'Cannot find file: ' + filename
     62   if not os.path.getsize(filename):
     63     return False, 'Empty file: ' + filename
     64   return True, ''
     67 class ReturnCodeIsZero(SpirvTest):
     68   """Mixin class for checking that the return code is zero."""
     70   def check_return_code_is_zero(self, status):
     71     if status.returncode:
     72       return False, 'Non-zero return code: {ret}\n'.format(
     73           ret=status.returncode)
     74     return True, ''
     77 class NoOutputOnStdout(SpirvTest):
     78   """Mixin class for checking that there is no output on stdout."""
     80   def check_no_output_on_stdout(self, status):
     81     if status.stdout:
     82       return False, 'Non empty stdout: {out}\n'.format(out=status.stdout)
     83     return True, ''
     86 class NoOutputOnStderr(SpirvTest):
     87   """Mixin class for checking that there is no output on stderr."""
     89   def check_no_output_on_stderr(self, status):
     90     if status.stderr:
     91       return False, 'Non empty stderr: {err}\n'.format(err=status.stderr)
     92     return True, ''
     95 class SuccessfulReturn(ReturnCodeIsZero, NoOutputOnStdout, NoOutputOnStderr):
     96   """Mixin class for checking that return code is zero and no output on
     97     stdout and stderr."""
     98   pass
    101 class NoGeneratedFiles(SpirvTest):
    102   """Mixin class for checking that there is no file generated."""
    104   def check_no_generated_files(self, status):
    105     all_files = os.listdir(status.directory)
    106     input_files = status.input_filenames
    107     if all([f.startswith(status.directory) for f in input_files]):
    108       all_files = [os.path.join(status.directory, f) for f in all_files]
    109     generated_files = set(all_files) - set(input_files)
    110     if len(generated_files) == 0:
    111       return True, ''
    112     else:
    113       return False, 'Extra files generated: {}'.format(generated_files)
    116 class CorrectBinaryLengthAndPreamble(SpirvTest):
    117   """Provides methods for verifying preamble for a SPIR-V binary."""
    119   def verify_binary_length_and_header(self, binary, spv_version=0x10000):
    120     """Checks that the given SPIR-V binary has valid length and header.
    122         Returns:
    123             False, error string if anything is invalid
    124             True, '' otherwise
    125         Args:
    126             binary: a bytes object containing the SPIR-V binary
    127             spv_version: target SPIR-V version number, with same encoding
    128                  as the version word in a SPIR-V header.
    129         """
    131     def read_word(binary, index, little_endian):
    132       """Reads the index-th word from the given binary file."""
    133       word = binary[index * 4:(index + 1) * 4]
    134       if little_endian:
    135         word = reversed(word)
    136       return reduce(lambda w, b: (w << 8) | ord(b), word, 0)
    138     def check_endianness(binary):
    139       """Checks the endianness of the given SPIR-V binary.
    141             Returns:
    142               True if it's little endian, False if it's big endian.
    143               None if magic number is wrong.
    144             """
    145       first_word = read_word(binary, 0, True)
    146       if first_word == 0x07230203:
    147         return True
    148       first_word = read_word(binary, 0, False)
    149       if first_word == 0x07230203:
    150         return False
    151       return None
    153     num_bytes = len(binary)
    154     if num_bytes % 4 != 0:
    155       return False, ('Incorrect SPV binary: size should be a multiple'
    156                      ' of words')
    157     if num_bytes < 20:
    158       return False, 'Incorrect SPV binary: size less than 5 words'
    160     preamble = binary[0:19]
    161     little_endian = check_endianness(preamble)
    162     # SPIR-V module magic number
    163     if little_endian is None:
    164       return False, 'Incorrect SPV binary: wrong magic number'
    166     # SPIR-V version number
    167     version = read_word(preamble, 1, little_endian)
    168     # TODO(dneto): Recent Glslang uses version word 0 for opengl_compat
    169     # profile
    171     if version != spv_version and version != 0:
    172       return False, 'Incorrect SPV binary: wrong version number'
    173     # Shaderc-over-Glslang (0x000d....) or
    174     # SPIRV-Tools (0x0007....) generator number
    175     if read_word(preamble, 2, little_endian) != 0x000d0007 and \
    176             read_word(preamble, 2, little_endian) != 0x00070000:
    177       return False, ('Incorrect SPV binary: wrong generator magic ' 'number')
    178     # reserved for instruction schema
    179     if read_word(preamble, 4, little_endian) != 0:
    180       return False, 'Incorrect SPV binary: the 5th byte should be 0'
    182     return True, ''
    185 class CorrectObjectFilePreamble(CorrectBinaryLengthAndPreamble):
    186   """Provides methods for verifying preamble for a SPV object file."""
    188   def verify_object_file_preamble(self, filename, spv_version=0x10000):
    189     """Checks that the given SPIR-V binary file has correct preamble."""
    191     success, message = verify_file_non_empty(filename)
    192     if not success:
    193       return False, message
    195     with open(filename, 'rb') as object_file:
    196       object_file.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
    197       num_bytes = object_file.tell()
    199       object_file.seek(0)
    201       binary = bytes(object_file.read())
    202       return self.verify_binary_length_and_header(binary, spv_version)
    204     return True, ''
    207 class CorrectAssemblyFilePreamble(SpirvTest):
    208   """Provides methods for verifying preamble for a SPV assembly file."""
    210   def verify_assembly_file_preamble(self, filename):
    211     success, message = verify_file_non_empty(filename)
    212     if not success:
    213       return False, message
    215     with open(filename) as assembly_file:
    216       line1 = assembly_file.readline()
    217       line2 = assembly_file.readline()
    218       line3 = assembly_file.readline()
    220     if (line1 != '; SPIR-V\n' or line2 != '; Version: 1.0\n' or
    221         (not line3.startswith('; Generator: Google Shaderc over Glslang;'))):
    222       return False, 'Incorrect SPV assembly'
    224     return True, ''
    227 class ValidObjectFile(SuccessfulReturn, CorrectObjectFilePreamble):
    228   """Mixin class for checking that every input file generates a valid SPIR-V 1.0
    229     object file following the object file naming rule, and there is no output on
    230     stdout/stderr."""
    232   def check_object_file_preamble(self, status):
    233     for input_filename in status.input_filenames:
    234       object_filename = get_object_filename(input_filename)
    235       success, message = self.verify_object_file_preamble(
    236           os.path.join(status.directory, object_filename))
    237       if not success:
    238         return False, message
    239     return True, ''
    242 class ValidObjectFile1_3(ReturnCodeIsZero, CorrectObjectFilePreamble):
    243   """Mixin class for checking that every input file generates a valid SPIR-V 1.3
    244     object file following the object file naming rule, and there is no output on
    245     stdout/stderr."""
    247   def check_object_file_preamble(self, status):
    248     for input_filename in status.input_filenames:
    249       object_filename = get_object_filename(input_filename)
    250       success, message = self.verify_object_file_preamble(
    251           os.path.join(status.directory, object_filename), 0x10300)
    252       if not success:
    253         return False, message
    254     return True, ''
    257 class ValidObjectFileWithAssemblySubstr(SuccessfulReturn,
    258                                         CorrectObjectFilePreamble):
    259   """Mixin class for checking that every input file generates a valid object
    261     file following the object file naming rule, there is no output on
    262     stdout/stderr, and the disassmbly contains a specified substring per
    263     input.
    264   """
    266   def check_object_file_disassembly(self, status):
    267     for an_input in status.inputs:
    268       object_filename = get_object_filename(an_input.filename)
    269       obj_file = str(os.path.join(status.directory, object_filename))
    270       success, message = self.verify_object_file_preamble(obj_file)
    271       if not success:
    272         return False, message
    273       cmd = [status.test_manager.disassembler_path, '--no-color', obj_file]
    274       process = subprocess.Popen(
    275           args=cmd,
    276           stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
    277           stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
    278           stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
    279           cwd=status.directory)
    280       output = process.communicate(None)
    281       disassembly = output[0]
    282       if not isinstance(an_input.assembly_substr, str):
    283         return False, 'Missing assembly_substr member'
    284       if an_input.assembly_substr not in disassembly:
    285         return False, ('Incorrect disassembly output:\n{asm}\n'
    286                        'Expected substring not found:\n{exp}'.format(
    287                            asm=disassembly, exp=an_input.assembly_substr))
    288     return True, ''
    291 class ValidNamedObjectFile(SuccessfulReturn, CorrectObjectFilePreamble):
    292   """Mixin class for checking that a list of object files with the given
    293     names are correctly generated, and there is no output on stdout/stderr.
    295     To mix in this class, subclasses need to provide expected_object_filenames
    296     as the expected object filenames.
    297     """
    299   def check_object_file_preamble(self, status):
    300     for object_filename in self.expected_object_filenames:
    301       success, message = self.verify_object_file_preamble(
    302           os.path.join(status.directory, object_filename))
    303       if not success:
    304         return False, message
    305     return True, ''
    308 class ValidFileContents(SpirvTest):
    309   """Mixin class to test that a specific file contains specific text
    310     To mix in this class, subclasses need to provide expected_file_contents as
    311     the contents of the file and target_filename to determine the location."""
    313   def check_file(self, status):
    314     target_filename = os.path.join(status.directory, self.target_filename)
    315     if not os.path.isfile(target_filename):
    316       return False, 'Cannot find file: ' + target_filename
    317     with open(target_filename, 'r') as target_file:
    318       file_contents = target_file.read()
    319       if isinstance(self.expected_file_contents, str):
    320         if file_contents == self.expected_file_contents:
    321           return True, ''
    322         return False, ('Incorrect file output: \n{act}\n'
    323                        'Expected:\n{exp}'
    324                        'With diff:\n{diff}'.format(
    325                            act=file_contents,
    326                            exp=self.expected_file_contents,
    327                            diff='\n'.join(
    328                                list(
    329                                    difflib.unified_diff(
    330                                        self.expected_file_contents.split('\n'),
    331                                        file_contents.split('\n'),
    332                                        fromfile='expected_output',
    333                                        tofile='actual_output')))))
    334       elif isinstance(self.expected_file_contents, type(re.compile(''))):
    335         if self.expected_file_contents.search(file_contents):
    336           return True, ''
    337         return False, ('Incorrect file output: \n{act}\n'
    338                        'Expected matching regex pattern:\n{exp}'.format(
    339                            act=file_contents,
    340                            exp=self.expected_file_contents.pattern))
    341     return False, (
    342         'Could not open target file ' + target_filename + ' for reading')
    345 class ValidAssemblyFile(SuccessfulReturn, CorrectAssemblyFilePreamble):
    346   """Mixin class for checking that every input file generates a valid assembly
    347     file following the assembly file naming rule, and there is no output on
    348     stdout/stderr."""
    350   def check_assembly_file_preamble(self, status):
    351     for input_filename in status.input_filenames:
    352       assembly_filename = get_assembly_filename(input_filename)
    353       success, message = self.verify_assembly_file_preamble(
    354           os.path.join(status.directory, assembly_filename))
    355       if not success:
    356         return False, message
    357     return True, ''
    360 class ValidAssemblyFileWithSubstr(ValidAssemblyFile):
    361   """Mixin class for checking that every input file generates a valid assembly
    362     file following the assembly file naming rule, there is no output on
    363     stdout/stderr, and all assembly files have the given substring specified
    364     by expected_assembly_substr.
    366     To mix in this class, subclasses need to provde expected_assembly_substr
    367     as the expected substring.
    368     """
    370   def check_assembly_with_substr(self, status):
    371     for input_filename in status.input_filenames:
    372       assembly_filename = get_assembly_filename(input_filename)
    373       success, message = self.verify_assembly_file_preamble(
    374           os.path.join(status.directory, assembly_filename))
    375       if not success:
    376         return False, message
    377       with open(assembly_filename, 'r') as f:
    378         content = f.read()
    379         if self.expected_assembly_substr not in convert_to_unix_line_endings(
    380             content):
    381           return False, ('Incorrect assembly output:\n{asm}\n'
    382                          'Expected substring not found:\n{exp}'.format(
    383                              asm=content, exp=self.expected_assembly_substr))
    384     return True, ''
    387 class ValidAssemblyFileWithoutSubstr(ValidAssemblyFile):
    388   """Mixin class for checking that every input file generates a valid assembly
    389     file following the assembly file naming rule, there is no output on
    390     stdout/stderr, and no assembly files have the given substring specified
    391     by unexpected_assembly_substr.
    393     To mix in this class, subclasses need to provde unexpected_assembly_substr
    394     as the substring we expect not to see.
    395     """
    397   def check_assembly_for_substr(self, status):
    398     for input_filename in status.input_filenames:
    399       assembly_filename = get_assembly_filename(input_filename)
    400       success, message = self.verify_assembly_file_preamble(
    401           os.path.join(status.directory, assembly_filename))
    402       if not success:
    403         return False, message
    404       with open(assembly_filename, 'r') as f:
    405         content = f.read()
    406         if self.unexpected_assembly_substr in convert_to_unix_line_endings(
    407             content):
    408           return False, ('Incorrect assembly output:\n{asm}\n'
    409                          'Unexpected substring found:\n{unexp}'.format(
    410                              asm=content, exp=self.unexpected_assembly_substr))
    411     return True, ''
    414 class ValidNamedAssemblyFile(SuccessfulReturn, CorrectAssemblyFilePreamble):
    415   """Mixin class for checking that a list of assembly files with the given
    416     names are correctly generated, and there is no output on stdout/stderr.
    418     To mix in this class, subclasses need to provide expected_assembly_filenames
    419     as the expected assembly filenames.
    420     """
    422   def check_object_file_preamble(self, status):
    423     for assembly_filename in self.expected_assembly_filenames:
    424       success, message = self.verify_assembly_file_preamble(
    425           os.path.join(status.directory, assembly_filename))
    426       if not success:
    427         return False, message
    428     return True, ''
    431 class ErrorMessage(SpirvTest):
    432   """Mixin class for tests that fail with a specific error message.
    434     To mix in this class, subclasses need to provide expected_error as the
    435     expected error message.
    437     The test should fail if the subprocess was terminated by a signal.
    438     """
    440   def check_has_error_message(self, status):
    441     if not status.returncode:
    442       return False, ('Expected error message, but returned success from '
    443                      'command execution')
    444     if status.returncode < 0:
    445       # On Unix, a negative value -N for Popen.returncode indicates
    446       # termination by signal N.
    447       # https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html
    448       return False, ('Expected error message, but command was terminated by '
    449                      'signal ' + str(status.returncode))
    450     if not status.stderr:
    451       return False, 'Expected error message, but no output on stderr'
    452     if self.expected_error != convert_to_unix_line_endings(status.stderr):
    453       return False, ('Incorrect stderr output:\n{act}\n'
    454                      'Expected:\n{exp}'.format(
    455                          act=status.stderr, exp=self.expected_error))
    456     return True, ''
    459 class ErrorMessageSubstr(SpirvTest):
    460   """Mixin class for tests that fail with a specific substring in the error
    461     message.
    463     To mix in this class, subclasses need to provide expected_error_substr as
    464     the expected error message substring.
    466     The test should fail if the subprocess was terminated by a signal.
    467     """
    469   def check_has_error_message_as_substring(self, status):
    470     if not status.returncode:
    471       return False, ('Expected error message, but returned success from '
    472                      'command execution')
    473     if status.returncode < 0:
    474       # On Unix, a negative value -N for Popen.returncode indicates
    475       # termination by signal N.
    476       # https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html
    477       return False, ('Expected error message, but command was terminated by '
    478                      'signal ' + str(status.returncode))
    479     if not status.stderr:
    480       return False, 'Expected error message, but no output on stderr'
    481     if self.expected_error_substr not in convert_to_unix_line_endings(
    482         status.stderr):
    483       return False, ('Incorrect stderr output:\n{act}\n'
    484                      'Expected substring not found in stderr:\n{exp}'.format(
    485                          act=status.stderr, exp=self.expected_error_substr))
    486     return True, ''
    489 class WarningMessage(SpirvTest):
    490   """Mixin class for tests that succeed but have a specific warning message.
    492     To mix in this class, subclasses need to provide expected_warning as the
    493     expected warning message.
    494     """
    496   def check_has_warning_message(self, status):
    497     if status.returncode:
    498       return False, ('Expected warning message, but returned failure from'
    499                      ' command execution')
    500     if not status.stderr:
    501       return False, 'Expected warning message, but no output on stderr'
    502     if self.expected_warning != convert_to_unix_line_endings(status.stderr):
    503       return False, ('Incorrect stderr output:\n{act}\n'
    504                      'Expected:\n{exp}'.format(
    505                          act=status.stderr, exp=self.expected_warning))
    506     return True, ''
    509 class ValidObjectFileWithWarning(NoOutputOnStdout, CorrectObjectFilePreamble,
    510                                  WarningMessage):
    511   """Mixin class for checking that every input file generates a valid object
    512     file following the object file naming rule, with a specific warning message.
    513     """
    515   def check_object_file_preamble(self, status):
    516     for input_filename in status.input_filenames:
    517       object_filename = get_object_filename(input_filename)
    518       success, message = self.verify_object_file_preamble(
    519           os.path.join(status.directory, object_filename))
    520       if not success:
    521         return False, message
    522     return True, ''
    525 class ValidAssemblyFileWithWarning(NoOutputOnStdout,
    526                                    CorrectAssemblyFilePreamble, WarningMessage):
    527   """Mixin class for checking that every input file generates a valid assembly
    528     file following the assembly file naming rule, with a specific warning
    529     message."""
    531   def check_assembly_file_preamble(self, status):
    532     for input_filename in status.input_filenames:
    533       assembly_filename = get_assembly_filename(input_filename)
    534       success, message = self.verify_assembly_file_preamble(
    535           os.path.join(status.directory, assembly_filename))
    536       if not success:
    537         return False, message
    538     return True, ''
    541 class StdoutMatch(SpirvTest):
    542   """Mixin class for tests that can expect output on stdout.
    544     To mix in this class, subclasses need to provide expected_stdout as the
    545     expected stdout output.
    547     For expected_stdout, if it's True, then they expect something on stdout but
    548     will not check what it is. If it's a string, expect an exact match.  If it's
    549     anything else, it is assumed to be a compiled regular expression which will
    550     be matched against re.search(). It will expect
    551     expected_stdout.search(status.stdout) to be true.
    552     """
    554   def check_stdout_match(self, status):
    555     # "True" in this case means we expect something on stdout, but we do not
    556     # care what it is, we want to distinguish this from "blah" which means we
    557     # expect exactly the string "blah".
    558     if self.expected_stdout is True:
    559       if not status.stdout:
    560         return False, 'Expected something on stdout'
    561     elif type(self.expected_stdout) == str:
    562       if self.expected_stdout != convert_to_unix_line_endings(status.stdout):
    563         return False, ('Incorrect stdout output:\n{ac}\n'
    564                        'Expected:\n{ex}'.format(
    565                            ac=status.stdout, ex=self.expected_stdout))
    566     else:
    567       if not self.expected_stdout.search(
    568           convert_to_unix_line_endings(status.stdout)):
    569         return False, ('Incorrect stdout output:\n{ac}\n'
    570                        'Expected to match regex:\n{ex}'.format(
    571                            ac=status.stdout, ex=self.expected_stdout.pattern))
    572     return True, ''
    575 class StderrMatch(SpirvTest):
    576   """Mixin class for tests that can expect output on stderr.
    578     To mix in this class, subclasses need to provide expected_stderr as the
    579     expected stderr output.
    581     For expected_stderr, if it's True, then they expect something on stderr,
    582     but will not check what it is. If it's a string, expect an exact match.
    583     If it's anything else, it is assumed to be a compiled regular expression
    584     which will be matched against re.search(). It will expect
    585     expected_stderr.search(status.stderr) to be true.
    586     """
    588   def check_stderr_match(self, status):
    589     # "True" in this case means we expect something on stderr, but we do not
    590     # care what it is, we want to distinguish this from "blah" which means we
    591     # expect exactly the string "blah".
    592     if self.expected_stderr is True:
    593       if not status.stderr:
    594         return False, 'Expected something on stderr'
    595     elif type(self.expected_stderr) == str:
    596       if self.expected_stderr != convert_to_unix_line_endings(status.stderr):
    597         return False, ('Incorrect stderr output:\n{ac}\n'
    598                        'Expected:\n{ex}'.format(
    599                            ac=status.stderr, ex=self.expected_stderr))
    600     else:
    601       if not self.expected_stderr.search(
    602           convert_to_unix_line_endings(status.stderr)):
    603         return False, ('Incorrect stderr output:\n{ac}\n'
    604                        'Expected to match regex:\n{ex}'.format(
    605                            ac=status.stderr, ex=self.expected_stderr.pattern))
    606     return True, ''
    609 class StdoutNoWiderThan80Columns(SpirvTest):
    610   """Mixin class for tests that require stdout to 80 characters or narrower.
    612     To mix in this class, subclasses need to provide expected_stdout as the
    613     expected stdout output.
    614     """
    616   def check_stdout_not_too_wide(self, status):
    617     if not status.stdout:
    618       return True, ''
    619     else:
    620       for line in status.stdout.splitlines():
    621         if len(line) > 80:
    622           return False, ('Stdout line longer than 80 columns: %s' % line)
    623     return True, ''
    626 class NoObjectFile(SpirvTest):
    627   """Mixin class for checking that no input file has a corresponding object
    628     file."""
    630   def check_no_object_file(self, status):
    631     for input_filename in status.input_filenames:
    632       object_filename = get_object_filename(input_filename)
    633       full_object_file = os.path.join(status.directory, object_filename)
    634       print('checking %s' % full_object_file)
    635       if os.path.isfile(full_object_file):
    636         return False, (
    637             'Expected no object file, but found: %s' % full_object_file)
    638     return True, ''
    641 class NoNamedOutputFiles(SpirvTest):
    642   """Mixin class for checking that no specified output files exist.
    644     The expected_output_filenames member should be full pathnames."""
    646   def check_no_named_output_files(self, status):
    647     for object_filename in self.expected_output_filenames:
    648       if os.path.isfile(object_filename):
    649         return False, (
    650             'Expected no output file, but found: %s' % object_filename)
    651     return True, ''
    654 class ExecutedListOfPasses(SpirvTest):
    655   """Mixin class for checking that a list of passes where executed.
    657   It works by analyzing the output of the --print-all flag to spirv-opt.
    659   For this mixin to work, the class member expected_passes should be a sequence
    660   of pass names as returned by Pass::name().
    661   """
    663   def check_list_of_executed_passes(self, status):
    664     # Collect all the output lines containing a pass name.
    665     pass_names = []
    666     pass_name_re = re.compile(r'.*IR before pass (?P<pass_name>[\S]+)')
    667     for line in status.stderr.splitlines():
    668       match = pass_name_re.match(line)
    669       if match:
    670         pass_names.append(match.group('pass_name'))
    672     for (expected, actual) in zip(self.expected_passes, pass_names):
    673       if expected != actual:
    674         return False, (
    675             'Expected pass "%s" but found pass "%s"\n' % (expected, actual))
    677     return True, ''