1 # Windows Build Configuration for AppVeyor 2 # http://www.appveyor.com/docs/appveyor-yml 3 4 # build version format 5 version: "{build}" 6 7 os: Visual Studio 2013 8 9 platform: 10 - x64 11 12 configuration: 13 - Debug 14 - Release 15 16 branches: 17 only: 18 - master 19 20 # Travis advances the master-tot tag to current top of the tree after 21 # each push into the master branch, because it relies on that tag to 22 # upload build artifacts to the master-tot release. This will cause 23 # double testing for each push on Appveyor: one for the push, one for 24 # the tag advance. Disable testing tags. 25 skip_tags: true 26 27 clone_depth: 5 28 29 matrix: 30 fast_finish: true # Show final status immediately if a test fails. 31 32 # scripts that run after cloning repository 33 install: 34 - C:/Python27/python.exe update_glslang_sources.py 35 - git clone https://github.com/google/googletest.git External/googletest 36 - cd External/googletest 37 - git checkout 440527a61e1c91188195f7de212c63c77e8f0a45 38 - cd ../.. 39 40 build: 41 parallel: true # enable MSBuild parallel builds 42 verbosity: minimal 43 44 build_script: 45 - mkdir build && cd build 46 - cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install .. 47 - cmake --build . --config %CONFIGURATION% --target install 48 49 test_script: 50 - ctest -C %CONFIGURATION% --output-on-failure 51 - cd ../Test && bash runtests 52 - cd ../build 53 54 after_test: 55 # For debug build, the generated dll has a postfix "d" in its name. 56 - ps: >- 57 If ($env:configuration -Match "Debug") { 58 $env:SUFFIX="d" 59 } Else { 60 $env:SUFFIX="" 61 } 62 - cd install 63 # Zip all glslang artifacts for uploading and deploying 64 - 7z a glslang-master-windows-"%PLATFORM%"-"%CONFIGURATION%".zip 65 bin\glslangValidator.exe 66 bin\spirv-remap.exe 67 include\glslang\* 68 include\SPIRV\* 69 lib\glslang%SUFFIX%.lib 70 lib\HLSL%SUFFIX%.lib 71 lib\OGLCompiler%SUFFIX%.lib 72 lib\OSDependent%SUFFIX%.lib 73 lib\SPIRV%SUFFIX%.lib 74 lib\SPVRemapper%SUFFIX%.lib 75 lib\SPIRV-Tools%SUFFIX%.lib 76 lib\SPIRV-Tools-opt%SUFFIX%.lib 77 78 artifacts: 79 - path: build\install\*.zip 80 name: artifacts-zip 81 82 deploy: 83 - provider: GitHub 84 auth_token: 85 secure: YglcSYdl0TylEa59H4K6lylBEDr586NAt2EMgZquSo+iuPrwgZQuJLPCoihSm9y6 86 release: master-tot 87 description: "Continuous build of the latest master branch by Appveyor and Travis CI" 88 artifact: artifacts-zip 89 draft: false 90 prerelease: false 91 force_update: true 92 on: 93 branch: master 94 APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2013 95