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      2 find_package(BLAZE)
      3 find_package(Boost COMPONENTS system)
      4 if (BLAZE_FOUND AND Boost_FOUND)
      5   include_directories(${BLAZE_INCLUDE_DIR} ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
      6   btl_add_bench(btl_blaze main.cpp)
      7   # Note: The newest blaze version requires C++14.
      8   # Ideally, we should set this depending on the version of Blaze we found
      9   set_property(TARGET btl_blaze PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 14)
     10   if(BUILD_btl_blaze)
     11     target_link_libraries(btl_blaze ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
     12   endif()
     13 endif ()