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      1 /*############################################################################
      2   # Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
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      4   # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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     16 /// TPM GetRandom unit tests.
     17 /*! \file */
     18 #include <vector>
     19 #include "epid/common-testhelper/epid_gtest-testhelper.h"
     20 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
     22 #include "epid/common-testhelper/epid2params_wrapper-testhelper.h"
     23 #include "epid/common-testhelper/prng-testhelper.h"
     24 #include "epid/member/tpm2/unittests/tpm2-testhelper.h"
     26 extern "C" {
     27 #include "epid/member/tpm2/context.h"
     28 #include "epid/member/tpm2/getrandom.h"
     29 }
     31 namespace {
     32 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     33 // Tpm2GetRandom Tests
     34 TEST_F(EpidTpm2Test, GetRandomFailsGivenNullParameters) {
     35   uint8_t output[48] = {0};
     36   Prng my_prng;
     37   my_prng.set_seed(0x1234);
     38   Epid2ParamsObj epid2params;
     39   Tpm2CtxObj tpm(&Prng::Generate, &my_prng, nullptr, epid2params);
     40   EXPECT_EQ(kEpidBadArgErr, Tpm2GetRandom(nullptr, 48 * 8, output));
     41   EXPECT_EQ(kEpidBadArgErr, Tpm2GetRandom(tpm, 48 * 8, nullptr));
     42 }
     44 TEST_F(EpidTpm2Test, GetRandomReturnsDifferentBufs) {
     45   Prng my_prng;
     46   Epid2ParamsObj epid2params;
     47   Tpm2CtxObj tpm(&Prng::Generate, &my_prng, nullptr, epid2params);
     48   int length = 10;
     49   std::vector<uint8_t> buf1(length, (uint8_t)0);
     50   std::vector<uint8_t> buf2(length, (uint8_t)0);
     51   EXPECT_EQ(kEpidNoErr, Tpm2GetRandom(tpm, length * CHAR_BIT, buf1.data()));
     52   EXPECT_EQ(kEpidNoErr, Tpm2GetRandom(tpm, length * CHAR_BIT, buf2.data()));
     53   EXPECT_NE(buf1, buf2);
     54 }
     56 TEST_F(EpidTpm2Test, GetRandomCanGenerateLongStream) {
     57   Prng my_prng;
     58   Epid2ParamsObj epid2params;
     59   Tpm2CtxObj tpm(&Prng::Generate, &my_prng, nullptr, epid2params);
     60   int length = 1000;
     61   std::vector<uint8_t> zeros(length, (uint8_t)0);
     62   std::vector<uint8_t> buf = zeros;
     63   EXPECT_EQ(kEpidNoErr, Tpm2GetRandom(tpm, length * CHAR_BIT, buf.data()));
     64   EXPECT_NE(buf, zeros);
     65 }
     67 }  // namespace