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     41 /*
     42 //     Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives. Cryptography Primitives.
     43 //     Internal operations over GF(p) extension.
     44 //
     45 //     Context:
     46 //        cpGFpxInv()
     47 //
     48 */
     50 #include "owncp.h"
     51 #include "pcpbnumisc.h"
     52 #include "pcpgfpxstuff.h"
     53 #include "gsscramble.h"
     55 //tbcd: temporary excluded: #include <assert.h>
     57 static BNU_CHUNK_T* gfpxPolyDiv(BNU_CHUNK_T* pQ, BNU_CHUNK_T* pR,
     58                         const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA,
     59                         const BNU_CHUNK_T* pB,
     60                         gsModEngine* pGFEx)
     61 {
     62    if( GFP_IS_BASIC(pGFEx) )
     63       return NULL;
     65    else {
     66       int elemLen = GFP_FELEN(pGFEx);
     67       gsModEngine* pGroundGFE = GFP_PARENT(pGFEx);
     68       int termLen = GFP_FELEN(pGroundGFE);
     70       int degA = degree(pA, pGFEx);
     71       int degB = degree(pB, pGFEx);
     73       if(degB==0) {
     74          if( GFP_IS_ZERO(pB, termLen) )
     75             return NULL;
     76          else {
     77             gsModEngine* pBasicGFE = cpGFpBasic(pGroundGFE);
     79             cpGFpInv(pR, pB, pBasicGFE);
     80             cpGFpElementPadd(pR+GFP_FELEN(pGroundGFE), termLen-GFP_FELEN(pGroundGFE), 0);
     81             cpGFpxMul_GFE(pQ, pA, pR, pGFEx);
     82             cpGFpElementPadd(pR, elemLen, 0);
     83             return pR;
     84          }
     85       }
     87       if(degA < degB) {
     88          cpGFpElementPadd(pQ, elemLen, 0);
     89          cpGFpElementCopyPadd(pR, elemLen, pA, (degA+1)*termLen);
     90          return pR;
     91       }
     93       else {
     94          mod_mul mulF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->mul;
     95          mod_sub subF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->sub;
     97          int i, j;
     98          BNU_CHUNK_T* pProduct = cpGFpGetPool(2, pGroundGFE);
     99          BNU_CHUNK_T* pInvB = pProduct + GFP_PELEN(pGroundGFE);
    100          //tbcd: temporary excluded: assert(NULL!=pProduct);
    102          cpGFpElementCopyPadd(pR, elemLen, pA, (degA+1)*termLen);
    103          cpGFpElementPadd(pQ, elemLen, 0);
    105          cpGFpxInv(pInvB, GFPX_IDX_ELEMENT(pB, degB, termLen), pGroundGFE);
    107          for(i=0; i<=degA-degB && !GFP_IS_ZERO(GFPX_IDX_ELEMENT(pR, degA-i, termLen), termLen); i++) {
    108             /* compute q term */
    109             mulF(GFPX_IDX_ELEMENT(pQ, degA-degB-i, termLen),
    110                  GFPX_IDX_ELEMENT(pR, degA-i, termLen),
    111                  pInvB,
    112                  pGroundGFE);
    114             /* R -= B * q */
    115             cpGFpElementPadd(GFPX_IDX_ELEMENT(pR, degA-i, termLen), termLen, 0);
    116             for(j=0; j<degB; j++) {
    117                mulF(pProduct,
    118                     GFPX_IDX_ELEMENT(pB, j ,termLen),
    119                     GFPX_IDX_ELEMENT(pQ, degA-degB-i, termLen),
    120                     pGroundGFE);
    121                subF(GFPX_IDX_ELEMENT(pR, degA-degB-i+j, termLen),
    122                     GFPX_IDX_ELEMENT(pR, degA-degB-i+j, termLen),
    123                     pProduct,
    124                     pGroundGFE);
    125             }
    126          }
    128          cpGFpReleasePool(2, pGroundGFE);
    129          return pR;
    130       }
    131    }
    132 }
    135 static BNU_CHUNK_T* gfpxGeneratorDiv(BNU_CHUNK_T* pQ, BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pB, gsModEngine* pGFEx)
    136 {
    137    if( GFP_IS_BASIC(pGFEx) )
    138       return NULL;
    140    else {
    141       int elemLen = GFP_FELEN(pGFEx);
    143       gsModEngine* pGroundGFE = GFP_PARENT(pGFEx);
    144       mod_mul mulF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->mul;
    145       mod_sub subF = GFP_METHOD(pGroundGFE)->sub;
    147       int termLen = GFP_FELEN(pGroundGFE);
    149       BNU_CHUNK_T* pInvB = cpGFpGetPool(2, pGroundGFE);
    150       BNU_CHUNK_T* pTmp  = pInvB + GFP_PELEN(pGroundGFE);
    152       int degB = degree(pB, pGFEx);
    153       int i;
    155       //tbcd: temporary excluded: assert(NULL!=pInvB);
    157       cpGFpElementCopy(pR, GFP_MODULUS(pGFEx), elemLen);
    158       cpGFpElementPadd(pQ, elemLen, 0);
    160       cpGFpxInv(pInvB, GFPX_IDX_ELEMENT(pB, degB, termLen), pGroundGFE);
    162       for(i=0; i<degB; i++) {
    163          BNU_CHUNK_T* ptr;
    164          mulF(pTmp, pInvB, GFPX_IDX_ELEMENT(pB, i, termLen), pGroundGFE);
    165          ptr = GFPX_IDX_ELEMENT(pR, GFP_EXTDEGREE(pGFEx)-degB+i, termLen);
    166          subF(ptr, ptr, pTmp, pGroundGFE);
    167       }
    169       gfpxPolyDiv(pQ, pR, pR, pB, pGFEx);
    171       cpGFpElementCopy(GFPX_IDX_ELEMENT(pQ, GFP_EXTDEGREE(pGFEx)-degB, termLen), pInvB, termLen);
    173       cpGFpReleasePool(2, pGroundGFE);
    174       return pR;
    175    }
    176 }
    178 BNU_CHUNK_T* cpGFpxInv(BNU_CHUNK_T* pR, const BNU_CHUNK_T* pA, gsModEngine* pGFEx)
    179 {
    180    if( GFP_IS_BASIC(pGFEx) )
    181       return cpGFpInv(pR, pA, pGFEx);
    183    if(0==degree(pA, pGFEx)) {
    184       gsModEngine* pGroundGFE = GFP_PARENT(pGFEx);
    185       BNU_CHUNK_T* tmpR = cpGFpGetPool(1, pGroundGFE);
    186       //tbcd: temporary excluded: assert(NULL!=tmpR);
    188       cpGFpxInv(tmpR, pA, pGroundGFE);
    190       cpGFpElementCopyPadd(pR, GFP_FELEN(pGFEx), tmpR, GFP_FELEN(pGroundGFE));
    191       cpGFpReleasePool(1, pGroundGFE);
    192       return pR;
    193    }
    195    else {
    196       int elemLen = GFP_FELEN(pGFEx);
    197       gsModEngine* pGroundGFE = GFP_PARENT(pGFEx);
    198       gsModEngine* pBasicGFE = cpGFpBasic(pGFEx);
    200       int pxVars = 6;
    201       int pelemLen = GFP_PELEN(pGFEx);
    202       BNU_CHUNK_T* lastrem = cpGFpGetPool(pxVars, pGFEx);
    203       BNU_CHUNK_T* rem     = lastrem + pelemLen;
    204       BNU_CHUNK_T* quo     = rem +  pelemLen;
    205       BNU_CHUNK_T* lastaux = quo + pelemLen;
    206       BNU_CHUNK_T* aux     = lastaux + pelemLen;
    207       BNU_CHUNK_T* temp    = aux + pelemLen;
    208       //tbcd: temporary excluded: assert(NULL!=lastrem);
    210       cpGFpElementCopy(lastrem, pA, elemLen);
    211       cpGFpElementCopyPadd(lastaux, elemLen, GFP_MNT_R(pBasicGFE), GFP_FELEN(pBasicGFE));
    213       gfpxGeneratorDiv(quo, rem, pA, pGFEx);
    214       cpGFpxNeg(aux, quo, pGFEx);
    216       while(degree(rem, pGFEx) > 0) {
    217          gfpxPolyDiv(quo, temp, lastrem, rem, pGFEx);
    218          SWAP_PTR(BNU_CHUNK_T, rem, lastrem); //
    219          SWAP_PTR(BNU_CHUNK_T, temp, rem);
    221          GFP_METHOD(pGFEx)->neg(quo, quo, pGFEx);
    222          GFP_METHOD(pGFEx)->mul(temp, quo, aux, pGFEx);
    223          GFP_METHOD(pGFEx)->add(temp, lastaux, temp, pGFEx);
    224          SWAP_PTR(BNU_CHUNK_T, aux, lastaux);
    225          SWAP_PTR(BNU_CHUNK_T, temp, aux);
    226       }
    227       if (GFP_IS_ZERO(rem, elemLen)) { /* gcd != 1 */
    228          cpGFpReleasePool(pxVars, pGFEx);
    229          return NULL;
    230       }
    232       {
    233          BNU_CHUNK_T* invRem  = cpGFpGetPool(1, pGroundGFE);
    234          //tbcd: temporary excluded: assert(NULL!=invRem);
    236          cpGFpxInv(invRem, rem, pGroundGFE);
    237          cpGFpxMul_GFE(pR, aux, invRem, pGFEx);
    239          cpGFpReleasePool(1, pGroundGFE);
    240       }
    242       cpGFpReleasePool(pxVars, pGFEx);
    244       return pR;
    245    }
    246 }