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      1 // Copyright 2016 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 // test_fixedpoint.cc: unit tests covering the fixedpoint/ directory.
     19 #include <algorithm>
     20 #include <cmath>
     21 #include <random>
     22 #include <vector>
     23 #include "test.h"
     25 #include "../fixedpoint/fixedpoint.h"
     27 namespace gemmlowp {
     29 namespace {
     31 // Explanation of SimdVector type and associated functions
     32 // (LoadSimdVector, StoreSimdVector):
     33 // The fixedpoint stuff being tested here is generic in an underlying
     34 // integer type which may be either scalar (int32_t) or SIMD (e.g.
     35 // NEON int32x4_t). We want to write uniform tests that can test
     36 // both the scalar and SIMD paths. We achieve this by having this
     37 // generic SimdVector abstraction, local to this test.
     39 #ifdef GEMMLOWP_NEON
     40 using SimdVector = int32x4_t;
     41 constexpr std::size_t SimdVectorSize = 4;
     42 SimdVector LoadSimdVector(const std::int32_t* src) { return vld1q_s32(src); }
     43 void StoreSimdVector(std::int32_t* dst, SimdVector v) { vst1q_s32(dst, v); }
     44 #elif defined(GEMMLOWP_SSE4)
     45 using SimdVector = __m128i;
     46 constexpr std::size_t SimdVectorSize = 4;
     47 SimdVector LoadSimdVector(const std::int32_t* src) {
     48   return _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src));
     49 }
     50 void StoreSimdVector(std::int32_t* dst, SimdVector v) {
     51   _mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst), v);
     52 }
     53 #else
     54 using SimdVector = std::int32_t;
     55 constexpr std::size_t SimdVectorSize = 1;
     56 SimdVector LoadSimdVector(const std::int32_t* src) { return *src; }
     57 void StoreSimdVector(std::int32_t* dst, SimdVector v) { *dst = v; }
     58 #endif
     60 // Explanation of UnaryOpBase, its *Op subclasses below, and TestUnaryOp:
     61 // Most (though not all) of the fixedpoint functionality being tested
     62 // consists of functions taking one fixedpoint value and returning one
     63 // fixedpoint value, e.g. "exp" or "tanh". We call them "unary operators".
     64 // We factor a lot of testing boilerplate into a common TestUnaryOp function
     65 // taking a "unary op" object that fully describes the function to be tested.
     66 // These objects inherit UnaryOpBase mostly as a means to share some default
     67 // values for some properties.
     68 //
     69 // An important design element here is that the fixed-point values are passed
     70 // around as raw integers (e.g. int32_t or SIMD types such as int32x4_t), not
     71 // as higher-level FixedPoint objects. The motivation for this design is 1) to
     72 // avoid having to templatize everything in the tIntegerBits parameter of
     73 // class FixedPoint, and 2) to allow directly testing low-level functions
     74 // operating on raw types (e.g. RoundingDivideByPOT) without needlessly
     75 // requiring
     76 // wrapping raw values in FixedPoint objects.
     77 class UnaryOpBase {
     78  public:
     79   // Min bound of the input range of this op. For example, an op only handling
     80   // nonnegative values would return 0.
     81   std::int32_t MinInput() const {
     82     return std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::min();
     83   }
     84   // Max bound of the input range of this op. For example, an op only handling
     85   // nonpositive values would return 0.
     86   std::int32_t MaxInput() const {
     87     return std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::max();
     88   }
     89   // Tolerated difference between actual and reference int32 values.
     90   // Note that the corresponding real-numbers tolerance depends on the number
     91   // of integer bits of the fixed-point representation of the results of this
     92   // op.
     93   // For example, for an op returning fixed-point values with 0 integer bits,
     94   // the correspondence between real-number values and raw values is
     95   // real_number = (2^31) * raw_value.
     96   std::int32_t Tolerance() const { return 0; }
     97 };
     99 // Op wrapping RoundingDivideByPOT
    100 class RoundingDivideByPOTOp final : public UnaryOpBase {
    101  public:
    102   RoundingDivideByPOTOp(int exponent) : exponent_(exponent) {}
    103   std::int32_t ReferenceOp(std::int32_t x) const {
    104     const double d = static_cast<double>(x) / (1ll << exponent_);
    105     return static_cast<std::int32_t>(std::round(d));
    106   }
    107   template <typename tRawType>
    108   tRawType Op(tRawType x) const {
    109     return RoundingDivideByPOT(x, exponent_);
    110   }
    112  private:
    113   const int exponent_;
    114 };
    116 // Op wrapping SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT
    117 template <int tExponent>
    118 class SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp final : public UnaryOpBase {
    119  public:
    120   std::int32_t ReferenceOp(std::int32_t x) const {
    121     const double d = static_cast<double>(x) * std::pow(2., tExponent);
    122     const double clamp_min = std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::min();
    123     const double clamp_max = std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::max();
    124     const double clamped = std::min(clamp_max, std::max(clamp_min, d));
    125     return static_cast<std::int32_t>(std::round(clamped));
    126   }
    127   template <typename tRawType>
    128   tRawType Op(tRawType x) const {
    129     return SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOT<tExponent>(x);
    130   }
    131 };
    133 // Op wrapping exp_on_interval_between_negative_one_quarter_and_0_excl
    134 class ExpOnIntervalBetweenNegativeOneQuarterAnd0ExclOp final
    135     : public UnaryOpBase {
    136  public:
    137   std::int32_t MinInput() const { return -(1 << 29); }
    138   std::int32_t MaxInput() const { return 0; }
    139   std::int32_t Tolerance() const { return 500; }
    140   std::int32_t ReferenceOp(std::int32_t x) const {
    141     using F = FixedPoint<std::int32_t, 0>;
    142     const double d = ToDouble(F::FromRaw(x));
    143     const double e = std::exp(d);
    144     return F::FromDouble(e).raw();
    145   }
    146   template <typename tRawType>
    147   tRawType Op(tRawType x) const {
    148     using F = FixedPoint<tRawType, 0>;
    149     const F f = F::FromRaw(x);
    150     const F e = exp_on_interval_between_negative_one_quarter_and_0_excl(f);
    151     return e.raw();
    152   }
    153 };
    155 // Op wrapping exp_on_negative_values
    156 template <int tIntegerBits>
    157 class ExpOnNegativeValuesOp final : public UnaryOpBase {
    158  public:
    159   std::int32_t MaxInput() const { return 0; }
    160   std::int32_t Tolerance() const { return 500; }
    161   std::int32_t ReferenceOp(std::int32_t x) const {
    162     using F = FixedPoint<std::int32_t, tIntegerBits>;
    163     using F0 = FixedPoint<std::int32_t, 0>;
    164     const double d = ToDouble(F::FromRaw(x));
    165     const double e = std::exp(d);
    166     return F0::FromDouble(e).raw();
    167   }
    168   template <typename tRawType>
    169   tRawType Op(tRawType x) const {
    170     using F = FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits>;
    171     const F f = F::FromRaw(x);
    172     return exp_on_negative_values(f).raw();
    173   }
    174 };
    176 // Op wrapping one_minus_x_over_one_plus_x_for_x_in_0_1
    177 class OneMinusXOverOnePlusXForXIn01Op final : public UnaryOpBase {
    178  public:
    179   std::int32_t MinInput() const { return 0; }
    180   std::int32_t Tolerance() const { return 12; }
    181   std::int32_t ReferenceOp(std::int32_t x) const {
    182     using F = FixedPoint<std::int32_t, 0>;
    183     const double d = ToDouble(F::FromRaw(x));
    184     const double e = (1 - d) / (1 + d);
    185     return F::FromDouble(e).raw();
    186   }
    187   template <typename tRawType>
    188   tRawType Op(tRawType x) const {
    189     using F = FixedPoint<tRawType, 0>;
    190     const F f = F::FromRaw(x);
    191     return one_minus_x_over_one_plus_x_for_x_in_0_1(f).raw();
    192   }
    193 };
    195 // Op wrapping tanh
    196 template <int tIntegerBits>
    197 class TanhOp final : public UnaryOpBase {
    198  public:
    199   std::int32_t Tolerance() const { return 310; }
    200   std::int32_t ReferenceOp(std::int32_t x) const {
    201     using F = FixedPoint<std::int32_t, tIntegerBits>;
    202     using F0 = FixedPoint<std::int32_t, 0>;
    203     const double d = ToDouble(F::FromRaw(x));
    204     const double e = std::tanh(d);
    205     return F0::FromDouble(e).raw();
    206   }
    207   template <typename tRawType>
    208   tRawType Op(tRawType x) const {
    209     using F = FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits>;
    210     const F f = F::FromRaw(x);
    211     return tanh(f).raw();
    212   }
    213 };
    215 // Op wrapping one_over_one_plus_x_for_x_in_0_1
    216 class OneOverOnePlusXForXIn01Op final : public UnaryOpBase {
    217  public:
    218   std::int32_t MinInput() const { return 0; }
    219   std::int32_t Tolerance() const { return 6; }
    220   std::int32_t ReferenceOp(std::int32_t x) const {
    221     using F = FixedPoint<std::int32_t, 0>;
    222     const double d = ToDouble(F::FromRaw(x));
    223     const double e = 1 / (1 + d);
    224     return F::FromDouble(e).raw();
    225   }
    226   template <typename tRawType>
    227   tRawType Op(tRawType x) const {
    228     using F = FixedPoint<tRawType, 0>;
    229     const F f = F::FromRaw(x);
    230     return one_over_one_plus_x_for_x_in_0_1(f).raw();
    231   }
    232 };
    234 // Op wrapping logistic
    235 template <int tIntegerBits>
    236 class LogisticOp final : public UnaryOpBase {
    237  public:
    238   std::int32_t Tolerance() const { return 155; }
    239   std::int32_t ReferenceOp(std::int32_t x) const {
    240     using F = FixedPoint<std::int32_t, tIntegerBits>;
    241     using F0 = FixedPoint<std::int32_t, 0>;
    242     const double d = ToDouble(F::FromRaw(x));
    243     const double e = 1 / (1 + std::exp(-d));
    244     return F0::FromDouble(e).raw();
    245   }
    246   template <typename tRawType>
    247   tRawType Op(tRawType x) const {
    248     using F = FixedPoint<tRawType, tIntegerBits>;
    249     const F f = F::FromRaw(x);
    250     return logistic(f).raw();
    251   }
    252 };
    254 // Tests a given op, on a given list of int32 input values.
    255 template <typename tUnaryOpType>
    256 void TestUnaryOp(const tUnaryOpType& unary_op,
    257                  const std::vector<std::int32_t>& testvals_int32) {
    258   Check(0 == (testvals_int32.size() % SimdVectorSize));
    259   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < testvals_int32.size(); i += SimdVectorSize) {
    260     // First, clamp input int32 values accoding to the MinInput() and MaxInput()
    261     // bounds returned by the op.
    262     std::int32_t input[SimdVectorSize] = {0};
    263     for (std::size_t j = 0; j < SimdVectorSize; j++) {
    264       const std::int32_t raw_input = testvals_int32[i + j];
    265       input[j] = std::min(unary_op.MaxInput(),
    266                           std::max(unary_op.MinInput(), raw_input));
    267     }
    268     // Compute reference results and check that the actual results on
    269     // scalar inputs agree with them, to the Tolerance() returned by the op.
    270     std::int32_t reference[SimdVectorSize] = {0};
    271     std::int32_t actual_scalar[SimdVectorSize] = {0};
    272     for (std::size_t j = 0; j < SimdVectorSize; j++) {
    273       reference[j] = unary_op.ReferenceOp(input[j]);
    274       actual_scalar[j] = unary_op.Op(input[j]);
    275       const std::int64_t diff = static_cast<std::int64_t>(actual_scalar[j]) -
    276                                 static_cast<std::int64_t>(reference[j]);
    277       Check(std::abs(diff) <= unary_op.Tolerance());
    278     }
    279     // Check that the actual results on SIMD inputs agree *exactly* with the
    280     // actual results on scalar inputs. I.e. SIMD must make absolutely no
    281     // difference
    282     // to the results, regardless of the fact that both scalar and SIMD results
    283     // may differ from the reference results.
    284     std::int32_t actual_simd[SimdVectorSize] = {0};
    285     StoreSimdVector(actual_simd, unary_op.Op(LoadSimdVector(input)));
    286     for (std::size_t j = 0; j < SimdVectorSize; j++) {
    287       Check(actual_simd[j] == actual_scalar[j]);
    288     }
    289   }
    290 }
    292 template <int tIntegerBits>
    293 void test_convert(FixedPoint<std::int32_t, tIntegerBits> x) {
    294   typedef FixedPoint<std::int32_t, tIntegerBits> F;
    295   F y = F::FromDouble(ToDouble(x));
    296   Check(y == x);
    297 }
    299 template <int tIntegerBits_a, int tIntegerBits_b>
    300 void test_Rescale(FixedPoint<std::int32_t, tIntegerBits_a> a) {
    301   FixedPoint<std::int32_t, tIntegerBits_b> actual = Rescale<tIntegerBits_b>(a);
    302   FixedPoint<std::int32_t, tIntegerBits_b> expected =
    303       FixedPoint<std::int32_t, tIntegerBits_b>::FromDouble(ToDouble(a));
    304   Check(actual == expected);
    305 }
    307 template <int tIntegerBits_a, int tIntegerBits_b>
    308 void test_Rescale(const std::vector<std::int32_t>& testvals_int32) {
    309   for (auto a : testvals_int32) {
    310     FixedPoint<std::int32_t, tIntegerBits_a> aq;
    311     aq.raw() = a;
    312     test_Rescale<tIntegerBits_a, tIntegerBits_b>(aq);
    313   }
    314 }
    316 template <int tIntegerBits_a, int tIntegerBits_b>
    317 void test_mul(FixedPoint<std::int32_t, tIntegerBits_a> a,
    318               FixedPoint<std::int32_t, tIntegerBits_b> b) {
    319   static const int ProductIntegerBits = tIntegerBits_a + tIntegerBits_b;
    320   using ProductFixedPoint = FixedPoint<std::int32_t, ProductIntegerBits>;
    321   ProductFixedPoint ab;
    322   ab = a * b;
    323   double a_double = ToDouble(a);
    324   double b_double = ToDouble(b);
    325   double ab_double = a_double * b_double;
    326   ProductFixedPoint expected = ProductFixedPoint::FromDouble(ab_double);
    327   std::int64_t diff = std::int64_t(ab.raw()) - std::int64_t(expected.raw());
    328   Check(std::abs(diff) <= 1);
    329 }
    331 template <int tIntegerBits_a, int tIntegerBits_b>
    332 void test_mul(const std::vector<std::int32_t>& testvals_int32) {
    333   for (auto a : testvals_int32) {
    334     for (auto b : testvals_int32) {
    335       FixedPoint<std::int32_t, tIntegerBits_a> aq;
    336       FixedPoint<std::int32_t, tIntegerBits_b> bq;
    337       aq.raw() = a;
    338       bq.raw() = b;
    339       test_mul(aq, bq);
    340     }
    341   }
    342 }
    344 template <int tExponent, int tIntegerBits_a>
    345 void test_ExactMulByPot(FixedPoint<std::int32_t, tIntegerBits_a> a) {
    346   double x = ToDouble(a) * std::pow(2.0, tExponent);
    347   double y = ToDouble(ExactMulByPot<tExponent>(a));
    348   Check(x == y);
    349 }
    351 template <int tExponent, int tIntegerBits_a>
    352 void test_ExactMulByPot(const std::vector<std::int32_t>& testvals_int32) {
    353   for (auto a : testvals_int32) {
    354     FixedPoint<std::int32_t, tIntegerBits_a> aq;
    355     aq.raw() = a;
    356     test_ExactMulByPot<tExponent, tIntegerBits_a>(aq);
    357   }
    358 }
    360 // Make the list of test values to test each op against.
    361 std::vector<std::int32_t> MakeTestValsInt32() {
    362   std::vector<std::int32_t> testvals_int32;
    364   for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
    365     testvals_int32.push_back((1 << i) - 2);
    366     testvals_int32.push_back((1 << i) - 1);
    367     testvals_int32.push_back((1 << i));
    368     testvals_int32.push_back((1 << i) + 1);
    369     testvals_int32.push_back((1 << i) + 2);
    370     testvals_int32.push_back(-(1 << i) - 2);
    371     testvals_int32.push_back(-(1 << i) - 1);
    372     testvals_int32.push_back(-(1 << i));
    373     testvals_int32.push_back(-(1 << i) + 1);
    374     testvals_int32.push_back(-(1 << i) + 2);
    375   }
    376   testvals_int32.push_back(std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::min());
    377   testvals_int32.push_back(std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::min() + 1);
    378   testvals_int32.push_back(std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::min() + 2);
    379   testvals_int32.push_back(std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::max() - 2);
    380   testvals_int32.push_back(std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::max() - 1);
    381   testvals_int32.push_back(std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::max());
    383   std::mt19937 random_engine;
    384   std::uniform_int_distribution<std::int32_t> uniform_distribution(
    385       std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::min(),
    386       std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::max());
    387   for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
    388     testvals_int32.push_back(uniform_distribution(random_engine));
    389   }
    391   // SIMD tests will require the length of testvals_int32 to be a multiple
    392   // of SIMD vector size.
    393   while (testvals_int32.size() % SimdVectorSize) {
    394     testvals_int32.push_back(0);
    395   }
    397   std::sort(testvals_int32.begin(), testvals_int32.end());
    398   return testvals_int32;
    399 }
    401 }  // end anonymous namespace
    403 }  // end namespace gemmlowp
    405 int main() {
    406   using namespace gemmlowp;
    408   const std::vector<std::int32_t> testvals_int32 = MakeTestValsInt32();
    410   for (int s = 0; s < 32; s++) {
    411     TestUnaryOp(RoundingDivideByPOTOp(s), testvals_int32);
    412   }
    414   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<-31>(), testvals_int32);
    415   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<-30>(), testvals_int32);
    416   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<-29>(), testvals_int32);
    417   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<-17>(), testvals_int32);
    418   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<-16>(), testvals_int32);
    419   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<-15>(), testvals_int32);
    420   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<-4>(), testvals_int32);
    421   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<-3>(), testvals_int32);
    422   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<-2>(), testvals_int32);
    423   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<-1>(), testvals_int32);
    424   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<0>(), testvals_int32);
    425   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<1>(), testvals_int32);
    426   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<2>(), testvals_int32);
    427   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<3>(), testvals_int32);
    428   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<4>(), testvals_int32);
    429   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<15>(), testvals_int32);
    430   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<16>(), testvals_int32);
    431   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<17>(), testvals_int32);
    432   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<29>(), testvals_int32);
    433   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<30>(), testvals_int32);
    434   TestUnaryOp(SaturatingRoundingMultiplyByPOTOp<31>(), testvals_int32);
    436   TestUnaryOp(ExpOnIntervalBetweenNegativeOneQuarterAnd0ExclOp(),
    437               testvals_int32);
    438   TestUnaryOp(ExpOnNegativeValuesOp<0>(), testvals_int32);
    439   TestUnaryOp(ExpOnNegativeValuesOp<1>(), testvals_int32);
    440   TestUnaryOp(ExpOnNegativeValuesOp<2>(), testvals_int32);
    441   TestUnaryOp(ExpOnNegativeValuesOp<3>(), testvals_int32);
    442   TestUnaryOp(ExpOnNegativeValuesOp<4>(), testvals_int32);
    443   TestUnaryOp(ExpOnNegativeValuesOp<5>(), testvals_int32);
    444   TestUnaryOp(ExpOnNegativeValuesOp<6>(), testvals_int32);
    446   TestUnaryOp(OneMinusXOverOnePlusXForXIn01Op(), testvals_int32);
    447   TestUnaryOp(TanhOp<0>(), testvals_int32);
    448   TestUnaryOp(TanhOp<1>(), testvals_int32);
    449   TestUnaryOp(TanhOp<2>(), testvals_int32);
    450   TestUnaryOp(TanhOp<3>(), testvals_int32);
    451   TestUnaryOp(TanhOp<4>(), testvals_int32);
    452   TestUnaryOp(TanhOp<5>(), testvals_int32);
    453   TestUnaryOp(TanhOp<6>(), testvals_int32);
    455   TestUnaryOp(OneOverOnePlusXForXIn01Op(), testvals_int32);
    456   TestUnaryOp(LogisticOp<0>(), testvals_int32);
    457   TestUnaryOp(LogisticOp<1>(), testvals_int32);
    458   TestUnaryOp(LogisticOp<2>(), testvals_int32);
    459   TestUnaryOp(LogisticOp<3>(), testvals_int32);
    460   TestUnaryOp(LogisticOp<4>(), testvals_int32);
    461   TestUnaryOp(LogisticOp<5>(), testvals_int32);
    462   TestUnaryOp(LogisticOp<6>(), testvals_int32);
    464   for (auto a : testvals_int32) {
    465     FixedPoint<std::int32_t, 4> x;
    466     x.raw() = a;
    467     test_convert(x);
    468   }
    470   test_mul<0, 0>(testvals_int32);
    471   test_mul<0, 1>(testvals_int32);
    472   test_mul<2, 0>(testvals_int32);
    473   test_mul<1, 1>(testvals_int32);
    474   test_mul<4, 4>(testvals_int32);
    475   test_mul<3, 5>(testvals_int32);
    476   test_mul<7, 2>(testvals_int32);
    477   test_mul<14, 15>(testvals_int32);
    479   test_Rescale<0, 0>(testvals_int32);
    480   test_Rescale<0, 1>(testvals_int32);
    481   test_Rescale<2, 0>(testvals_int32);
    482   test_Rescale<4, 4>(testvals_int32);
    483   test_Rescale<4, 5>(testvals_int32);
    484   test_Rescale<6, 3>(testvals_int32);
    485   test_Rescale<13, 9>(testvals_int32);
    487   test_ExactMulByPot<0, 0>(testvals_int32);
    488   test_ExactMulByPot<0, 4>(testvals_int32);
    489   test_ExactMulByPot<1, 4>(testvals_int32);
    490   test_ExactMulByPot<3, 2>(testvals_int32);
    491   test_ExactMulByPot<-4, 5>(testvals_int32);
    492   test_ExactMulByPot<-2, 6>(testvals_int32);
    494   std::cerr << "All tests passed." << std::endl;
    495 }