1 # *** THIS PACKAGE HAS SPECIAL LICENSING CONDITIONS. PLEASE 2 # CONSULT THE OWNERS AND opensource-licensing (a] google.com BEFORE 3 # DEPENDING ON IT IN YOUR PROJECT. *** 4 name: "arvo" 5 description: 6 "Arvo is a geometric slab-serif typeface family suited for screen and print." 7 "The family includes 4 cuts: Roman, Italic, Roman Bold, Bold Italic." 8 "It is a libre font, first published in Google Fonts." 9 "The flavour of the font is rather mixed." 10 "It's monolinear-ish, but has a tiny bit of contrast (which increases the legibility a little in Mac OS X.)" 11 12 third_party { 13 url { 14 type: HOMEPAGE 15 value: "https://github.com/google/fonts/tree/master/ofl/arvo" 16 } 17 url { 18 type: GIT 19 value: "https://github.com/google/fonts" 20 } 21 version: "94dff3eaa9301b6640cccc63c56d6ff33d82882c" 22 last_upgrade_date { year: 2018 month: 12 day: 27 } 23 license_type: BY_EXCEPTION_ONLY 24 } 25