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      3 add_custom_command(OUTPUT tikz-uml.sty
      4                    COMMAND wget http://perso.ensta-paristech.fr/~kielbasi/tikzuml/var/files/src/tikzuml-v1.0-2016-03-29.tbz
      5                    COMMAND tar xf tikzuml-v1.0-2016-03-29.tbz
      6                    COMMAND mv tikzuml-v1.0-2016-03-29/tikz-uml.sty tikz-uml.sty
      7                    )
      8 add_custom_command(OUTPUT header.tex footer.tex
      9                    COMMAND cp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/common-header.tex header.tex
     10                    COMMAND cp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/common-footer.tex footer.tex
     11                    DEPENDS 
     12                        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/common-header.tex
     13                        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/common-footer.tex
     14                    )
     16 set(LATEX_SOURCES
     17 bar_handler.tex
     18 bind.tex
     19 bind_instance.tex
     20 cached_greeter.tex
     21 cached_greeter_test.tex
     22 car_component.tex
     23 checked_adder.tex
     24 checked_incrementer.tex
     25 component_composition.tex
     26 component_dep_loop.tex
     27 foo_handler.tex
     28 greeter.tex
     29 incrementer.tex
     30 incrementer_component.tex
     31 inject_macro.tex
     32 inject_macro_no_args.tex
     33 inject_macro_template.tex
     34 inject_typedef_greeter.tex
     35 inject_typedef_writer.tex
     36 inject_typedef_writer2.tex
     37 inject_typedef_templated_constructor.tex
     38 multiplier.tex
     39 parametrized_component.tex
     40 provider.tex
     41 provider_functor.tex
     42 register_constructor.tex
     43 register_constructor_component.tex
     44 register_factory.tex
     45 register_factory_use.tex
     46 register_factory_macro.tex
     47 request_dispatcher.tex
     48 request_injector.tex
     49 scaler.tex
     50 server.tex
     51 simple_greeter.tex
     52 simple_incrementer.tex
     53 simple_adder.tex
     54 templated_component.tex
     55 )
     57 foreach(S ${LATEX_SOURCES})
     58   string(REPLACE ".tex" "" N ${S})
     59   add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${N}.png
     60                      COMMAND pdflatex -halt-on-error ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${N}.tex
     61                      COMMAND convert -density 300 -trim ${N}.pdf -quality 100 -sharpen 0x1.0 ${N}.png
     62                      # This normalizes the PNG files, so that we avoid tracking multiple copies of the same file in the Github wiki repo.
     63                      COMMAND exiftool -all= -overwrite_original ${N}.png
     64                      DEPENDS
     65                          tikz-uml.sty
     66                          header.tex
     67                          footer.tex
     68                          ${N}.tex
     69                      )
     70   add_custom_target(${N}-png ALL
     71                     DEPENDS ${N}.png)
     72 endforeach(S)
     75 hello_world
     76 server
     77 scaling_doubles
     78 multibindings
     79 simple_injection
     80 )
     82 foreach(D ${EXAMPLE_DIRECTORIES})
     83   add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${D}-deps.png
     84                      COMMAND bash < ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extract_dependencies.sh > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${D}.dot
     85                      COMMAND dot -Goverlap=prism10000 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${D}.dot -Tpng -o ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${D}-deps.png
     86                      # This normalizes the PNG files, so that we avoid tracking multiple copies of the same file in the Github wiki repo.
     87                      COMMAND exiftool -all= -overwrite_original ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${D}-deps.png
     88                      WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../examples/${D}
     89                      DEPENDS
     90                         ../../examples/${D}
     91                         extract_dependencies.sh
     92                      )
     93   add_custom_target(${D}-deps ALL
     94                     DEPENDS ${D}-deps.png)
     95 endforeach(D)