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      1 def _path_ignoring_repository(f):
      2   if (len(f.owner.workspace_root) == 0):
      3     return f.short_path
      4   return f.path[f.path.find(f.owner.workspace_root)+len(f.owner.workspace_root)+1:]
      6 def _gensource_impl(ctx):
      7   if len(ctx.attr.srcs) > 1:
      8     fail("Only one src value supported", "srcs")
      9   for s in ctx.attr.srcs:
     10     if s.label.package != ctx.label.package:
     11       print(("in srcs attribute of {0}: Proto source with label {1} should be in "
     12              + "same package as consuming rule").format(ctx.label, s.label))
     13   # Use .jar since .srcjar makes protoc think output will be a directory
     14   srcdotjar = ctx.new_file(ctx.label.name + "_src.jar")
     16   srcs = [f for dep in ctx.attr.srcs for f in dep.proto.direct_sources]
     17   includes = [f for dep in ctx.attr.srcs for f in dep.proto.transitive_imports]
     19   flavor = ctx.attr.flavor
     20   if flavor == "normal":
     21     flavor = ""
     22   ctx.action(
     23       inputs = [ctx.executable._java_plugin] + srcs + includes,
     24       outputs = [srcdotjar],
     25       executable = ctx.executable._protoc,
     26       arguments = [
     27           "--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc-java=" + ctx.executable._java_plugin.path,
     28           "--grpc-java_out={0},enable_deprecated={1}:{2}"
     29             .format(flavor, str(ctx.attr.enable_deprecated).lower(), srcdotjar.path)]
     30           + ["-I{0}={1}".format(_path_ignoring_repository(include), include.path) for include in includes]
     31           + [_path_ignoring_repository(src) for src in srcs])
     32   ctx.action(
     33       command = "cp $1 $2",
     34       inputs = [srcdotjar],
     35       outputs = [ctx.outputs.srcjar],
     36       arguments = [srcdotjar.path, ctx.outputs.srcjar.path])
     38 _gensource = rule(
     39     attrs = {
     40         "srcs": attr.label_list(
     41             mandatory = True,
     42             non_empty = True,
     43             providers = ["proto"],
     44         ),
     45         "flavor": attr.string(
     46             values = [
     47                 "normal",
     48                 "lite",  # Not currently supported
     49             ],
     50             default = "normal",
     51         ),
     52         "enable_deprecated": attr.bool(
     53             default = False,
     54         ),
     55         "_protoc": attr.label(
     56             default = Label("@com_google_protobuf//:protoc"),
     57             executable = True,
     58             cfg = "host",
     59         ),
     60         "_java_plugin": attr.label(
     61             default = Label("//compiler:grpc_java_plugin"),
     62             executable = True,
     63             cfg = "host",
     64         ),
     65     },
     66     outputs = {
     67         "srcjar": "%{name}.srcjar",
     68     },
     69     implementation = _gensource_impl,
     70 )
     72 def java_grpc_library(name, srcs, deps, flavor=None,
     73                       enable_deprecated=None, visibility=None,
     74                       **kwargs):
     75   """Generates and compiles gRPC Java sources for services defined in a proto
     76   file. This rule is compatible with java_proto_library and java_lite_proto_library.
     78   Do note that this rule only scans through the proto file for RPC services. It
     79   does not generate Java classes for proto messages. You will need a separate
     80   java_proto_library or java_lite_proto_library rule.
     82   Args:
     83     name: (str) A unique name for this rule. Required.
     84     srcs: (list) a single proto_library target that contains the schema of the
     85         service. Required.
     86     deps: (list) a single java_proto_library target for the proto_library in
     87         srcs.  Required.
     88     flavor: (str) "normal" (default) for normal proto runtime. "lite"
     89         for the lite runtime.
     90     visibility: (list) the visibility list
     91     **kwargs: Passed through to generated targets
     92   """
     93   if flavor == None:
     94     flavor = "normal"
     96   if len(deps) > 1:
     97     print("Multiple values in 'deps' is deprecated in " + name)
     99   gensource_name = name + "__do_not_reference__srcjar"
    100   _gensource(
    101       name = gensource_name,
    102       srcs = srcs,
    103       flavor = flavor,
    104       enable_deprecated = enable_deprecated,
    105       visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
    106       **kwargs
    107   )
    109   added_deps = [
    110       "@io_grpc_grpc_java//core",
    111       "@io_grpc_grpc_java//stub",
    112       "@io_grpc_grpc_java//stub:javax_annotation",
    113       "@com_google_guava_guava//jar",
    114   ]
    115   if flavor == "normal":
    116     added_deps += [
    117         "@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf_java",
    118         "@io_grpc_grpc_java//protobuf",
    119     ]
    120   elif flavor == "lite":
    121     added_deps += ["@io_grpc_grpc_java//protobuf-lite"]
    122   else:
    123     fail("Unknown flavor type", "flavor")
    125   native.java_library(
    126       name = name,
    127       srcs = [gensource_name],
    128       visibility = visibility,
    129       deps = [
    130           "@com_google_code_findbugs_jsr305//jar",
    131       ] + deps + added_deps,
    132       **kwargs
    133   )