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      1 // Copyright 2015 The gRPC Authors
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 // This file defines the GRPCLB LoadBalancing protocol.
     16 //
     17 // The canonical version of this proto can be found at
     18 // https://github.com/grpc/grpc-proto/blob/master/grpc/lb/v1/load_balancer.proto
     19 syntax = "proto3";
     21 package grpc.lb.v1;
     23 import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
     24 import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
     26 option go_package = "google.golang.org/grpc/balancer/grpclb/grpc_lb_v1";
     27 option java_multiple_files = true;
     28 option java_outer_classname = "LoadBalancerProto";
     29 option java_package = "io.grpc.grpclb";
     31 service LoadBalancer {
     32   // Bidirectional rpc to get a list of servers.
     33   rpc BalanceLoad(stream LoadBalanceRequest) returns (stream LoadBalanceResponse);
     34 }
     36 message LoadBalanceRequest {
     37   oneof load_balance_request_type {
     38     // This message should be sent on the first request to the load balancer.
     39     InitialLoadBalanceRequest initial_request = 1;
     41     // The client stats should be periodically reported to the load balancer
     42     // based on the duration defined in the InitialLoadBalanceResponse.
     43     ClientStats client_stats = 2;
     44   }
     45 }
     47 message InitialLoadBalanceRequest {
     48   // The name of the load balanced service (e.g., service.googleapis.com). Its
     49   // length should be less than 256 bytes.
     50   // The name might include a port number. How to handle the port number is up
     51   // to the balancer.
     52   string name = 1;
     53 }
     55 // Contains the number of calls finished for a particular load balance token.
     56 message ClientStatsPerToken {
     57   // See Server.load_balance_token.
     58   string load_balance_token = 1;
     60   // The total number of RPCs that finished associated with the token.
     61   int64 num_calls = 2;
     62 }
     64 // Contains client level statistics that are useful to load balancing. Each
     65 // count except the timestamp should be reset to zero after reporting the stats.
     66 message ClientStats {
     67   // The timestamp of generating the report.
     68   google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 1;
     70   // The total number of RPCs that started.
     71   int64 num_calls_started = 2;
     73   // The total number of RPCs that finished.
     74   int64 num_calls_finished = 3;
     76   // The total number of RPCs that failed to reach a server except dropped RPCs.
     77   int64 num_calls_finished_with_client_failed_to_send = 6;
     79   // The total number of RPCs that finished and are known to have been received
     80   // by a server.
     81   int64 num_calls_finished_known_received = 7;
     83   // The list of dropped calls.
     84   repeated ClientStatsPerToken calls_finished_with_drop = 8;
     86   reserved 4, 5;
     87 }
     89 message LoadBalanceResponse {
     90   oneof load_balance_response_type {
     91     // This message should be sent on the first response to the client.
     92     InitialLoadBalanceResponse initial_response = 1;
     94     // Contains the list of servers selected by the load balancer. The client
     95     // should send requests to these servers in the specified order.
     96     ServerList server_list = 2;
     97   }
     98 }
    100 message InitialLoadBalanceResponse {
    101   // This is an application layer redirect that indicates the client should use
    102   // the specified server for load balancing. When this field is non-empty in
    103   // the response, the client should open a separate connection to the
    104   // load_balancer_delegate and call the BalanceLoad method. Its length should
    105   // be less than 64 bytes.
    106   string load_balancer_delegate = 1;
    108   // This interval defines how often the client should send the client stats
    109   // to the load balancer. Stats should only be reported when the duration is
    110   // positive.
    111   google.protobuf.Duration client_stats_report_interval = 2;
    112 }
    114 message ServerList {
    115   // Contains a list of servers selected by the load balancer. The list will
    116   // be updated when server resolutions change or as needed to balance load
    117   // across more servers. The client should consume the server list in order
    118   // unless instructed otherwise via the client_config.
    119   repeated Server servers = 1;
    121   // Was google.protobuf.Duration expiration_interval.
    122   reserved 3;
    123 }
    125 // Contains server information. When the drop field is not true, use the other
    126 // fields.
    127 message Server {
    128   // A resolved address for the server, serialized in network-byte-order. It may
    129   // either be an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
    130   bytes ip_address = 1;
    132   // A resolved port number for the server.
    133   int32 port = 2;
    135   // An opaque but printable token for load reporting. The client must include
    136   // the token of the picked server into the initial metadata when it starts a
    137   // call to that server. The token is used by the server to verify the request
    138   // and to allow the server to report load to the gRPC LB system. The token is
    139   // also used in client stats for reporting dropped calls.
    140   //
    141   // Its length can be variable but must be less than 50 bytes.
    142   string load_balance_token = 3;
    144   // Indicates whether this particular request should be dropped by the client.
    145   // If the request is dropped, there will be a corresponding entry in
    146   // ClientStats.calls_finished_with_drop.
    147   bool drop = 4;
    149   reserved 5;
    150 }