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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python2.7
      3 # Copyright 2017 gRPC authors.
      4 #
      5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 #
      9 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 #
     11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 # limitations under the License.
     17 import collections
     18 import ctypes
     19 import math
     20 import sys
     21 import yaml
     22 import json
     24 with open('src/core/lib/debug/stats_data.yaml') as f:
     25     attrs = yaml.load(f.read())
     27 REQUIRED_FIELDS = ['name', 'doc']
     30 def make_type(name, fields):
     31     return (collections.namedtuple(name, ' '.join(
     32         list(set(REQUIRED_FIELDS + fields)))), [])
     35 def c_str(s, encoding='ascii'):
     36     if isinstance(s, unicode):
     37         s = s.encode(encoding)
     38     result = ''
     39     for c in s:
     40         if not (32 <= ord(c) < 127) or c in ('\\', '"'):
     41             result += '\\%03o' % ord(c)
     42         else:
     43             result += c
     44     return '"' + result + '"'
     47 types = (
     48     make_type('Counter', []),
     49     make_type('Histogram', ['max', 'buckets']),
     50 )
     52 inst_map = dict((t[0].__name__, t[1]) for t in types)
     54 stats = []
     56 for attr in attrs:
     57     found = False
     58     for t, lst in types:
     59         t_name = t.__name__.lower()
     60         if t_name in attr:
     61             name = attr[t_name]
     62             del attr[t_name]
     63             lst.append(t(name=name, **attr))
     64             found = True
     65             break
     66     assert found, "Bad decl: %s" % attr
     69 def dbl2u64(d):
     70     return ctypes.c_ulonglong.from_buffer(ctypes.c_double(d)).value
     73 def shift_works_until(mapped_bounds, shift_bits):
     74     for i, ab in enumerate(zip(mapped_bounds, mapped_bounds[1:])):
     75         a, b = ab
     76         if (a >> shift_bits) == (b >> shift_bits):
     77             return i
     78     return len(mapped_bounds)
     81 def find_ideal_shift(mapped_bounds, max_size):
     82     best = None
     83     for shift_bits in reversed(range(0, 64)):
     84         n = shift_works_until(mapped_bounds, shift_bits)
     85         if n == 0: continue
     86         table_size = mapped_bounds[n - 1] >> shift_bits
     87         if table_size > max_size: continue
     88         if table_size > 65535: continue
     89         if best is None:
     90             best = (shift_bits, n, table_size)
     91         elif best[1] < n:
     92             best = (shift_bits, n, table_size)
     93     print best
     94     return best
     97 def gen_map_table(mapped_bounds, shift_data):
     98     tbl = []
     99     cur = 0
    100     print mapped_bounds
    101     mapped_bounds = [x >> shift_data[0] for x in mapped_bounds]
    102     print mapped_bounds
    103     for i in range(0, mapped_bounds[shift_data[1] - 1]):
    104         while i > mapped_bounds[cur]:
    105             cur += 1
    106         tbl.append(cur)
    107     return tbl
    110 static_tables = []
    113 def decl_static_table(values, type):
    114     global static_tables
    115     v = (type, values)
    116     for i, vp in enumerate(static_tables):
    117         if v == vp: return i
    118     print "ADD TABLE: %s %r" % (type, values)
    119     r = len(static_tables)
    120     static_tables.append(v)
    121     return r
    124 def type_for_uint_table(table):
    125     mv = max(table)
    126     if mv < 2**8:
    127         return 'uint8_t'
    128     elif mv < 2**16:
    129         return 'uint16_t'
    130     elif mv < 2**32:
    131         return 'uint32_t'
    132     else:
    133         return 'uint64_t'
    136 def gen_bucket_code(histogram):
    137     bounds = [0, 1]
    138     done_trivial = False
    139     done_unmapped = False
    140     first_nontrivial = None
    141     first_unmapped = None
    142     while len(bounds) < histogram.buckets + 1:
    143         if len(bounds) == histogram.buckets:
    144             nextb = int(histogram.max)
    145         else:
    146             mul = math.pow(
    147                 float(histogram.max) / bounds[-1],
    148                 1.0 / (histogram.buckets + 1 - len(bounds)))
    149             nextb = int(math.ceil(bounds[-1] * mul))
    150         if nextb <= bounds[-1] + 1:
    151             nextb = bounds[-1] + 1
    152         elif not done_trivial:
    153             done_trivial = True
    154             first_nontrivial = len(bounds)
    155         bounds.append(nextb)
    156     bounds_idx = decl_static_table(bounds, 'int')
    157     if done_trivial:
    158         first_nontrivial_code = dbl2u64(first_nontrivial)
    159         code_bounds = [dbl2u64(x) - first_nontrivial_code for x in bounds]
    160         shift_data = find_ideal_shift(code_bounds[first_nontrivial:],
    161                                       256 * histogram.buckets)
    162     #print first_nontrivial, shift_data, bounds
    163     #if shift_data is not None: print [hex(x >> shift_data[0]) for x in code_bounds[first_nontrivial:]]
    164     code = 'value = GPR_CLAMP(value, 0, %d);\n' % histogram.max
    165     map_table = gen_map_table(code_bounds[first_nontrivial:], shift_data)
    166     if first_nontrivial is None:
    167         code += ('GRPC_STATS_INC_HISTOGRAM(GRPC_STATS_HISTOGRAM_%s, value);\n' %
    168                  histogram.name.upper())
    169     else:
    170         code += 'if (value < %d) {\n' % first_nontrivial
    171         code += ('GRPC_STATS_INC_HISTOGRAM(GRPC_STATS_HISTOGRAM_%s, value);\n' %
    172                  histogram.name.upper())
    173         code += 'return;\n'
    174         code += '}'
    175         first_nontrivial_code = dbl2u64(first_nontrivial)
    176         if shift_data is not None:
    177             map_table_idx = decl_static_table(map_table,
    178                                               type_for_uint_table(map_table))
    179             code += 'union { double dbl; uint64_t uint; } _val, _bkt;\n'
    180             code += '_val.dbl = value;\n'
    181             code += 'if (_val.uint < %dull) {\n' % (
    182                 (map_table[-1] << shift_data[0]) + first_nontrivial_code)
    183             code += 'int bucket = '
    184             code += 'grpc_stats_table_%d[((_val.uint - %dull) >> %d)] + %d;\n' % (
    185                 map_table_idx, first_nontrivial_code, shift_data[0],
    186                 first_nontrivial)
    187             code += '_bkt.dbl = grpc_stats_table_%d[bucket];\n' % bounds_idx
    188             code += 'bucket -= (_val.uint < _bkt.uint);\n'
    189             code += 'GRPC_STATS_INC_HISTOGRAM(GRPC_STATS_HISTOGRAM_%s, bucket);\n' % histogram.name.upper(
    190             )
    191             code += 'return;\n'
    192             code += '}\n'
    193         code += 'GRPC_STATS_INC_HISTOGRAM(GRPC_STATS_HISTOGRAM_%s, ' % histogram.name.upper(
    194         )
    195         code += 'grpc_stats_histo_find_bucket_slow(value, grpc_stats_table_%d, %d));\n' % (
    196             bounds_idx, histogram.buckets)
    197     return (code, bounds_idx)
    200 # utility: print a big comment block into a set of files
    201 def put_banner(files, banner):
    202     for f in files:
    203         print >> f, '/*'
    204         for line in banner:
    205             print >> f, ' * %s' % line
    206         print >> f, ' */'
    207         print >> f
    210 with open('src/core/lib/debug/stats_data.h', 'w') as H:
    211     # copy-paste copyright notice from this file
    212     with open(sys.argv[0]) as my_source:
    213         copyright = []
    214         for line in my_source:
    215             if line[0] != '#': break
    216         for line in my_source:
    217             if line[0] == '#':
    218                 copyright.append(line)
    219                 break
    220         for line in my_source:
    221             if line[0] != '#':
    222                 break
    223             copyright.append(line)
    224         put_banner([H], [line[2:].rstrip() for line in copyright])
    226     put_banner(
    227         [H],
    228         ["Automatically generated by tools/codegen/core/gen_stats_data.py"])
    230     print >> H, "#ifndef GRPC_CORE_LIB_DEBUG_STATS_DATA_H"
    231     print >> H, "#define GRPC_CORE_LIB_DEBUG_STATS_DATA_H"
    232     print >> H
    233     print >> H, "#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>"
    234     print >> H
    235     print >> H, "#include <inttypes.h>"
    236     print >> H, "#include \"src/core/lib/iomgr/exec_ctx.h\""
    237     print >> H
    239     for typename, instances in sorted(inst_map.items()):
    240         print >> H, "typedef enum {"
    241         for inst in instances:
    242             print >> H, "  GRPC_STATS_%s_%s," % (typename.upper(),
    243                                                  inst.name.upper())
    244         print >> H, "  GRPC_STATS_%s_COUNT" % (typename.upper())
    245         print >> H, "} grpc_stats_%ss;" % (typename.lower())
    246         print >> H, "extern const char *grpc_stats_%s_name[GRPC_STATS_%s_COUNT];" % (
    247             typename.lower(), typename.upper())
    248         print >> H, "extern const char *grpc_stats_%s_doc[GRPC_STATS_%s_COUNT];" % (
    249             typename.lower(), typename.upper())
    251     histo_start = []
    252     histo_buckets = []
    253     histo_bucket_boundaries = []
    255     print >> H, "typedef enum {"
    256     first_slot = 0
    257     for histogram in inst_map['Histogram']:
    258         histo_start.append(first_slot)
    259         histo_buckets.append(histogram.buckets)
    260         print >> H, "  GRPC_STATS_HISTOGRAM_%s_FIRST_SLOT = %d," % (
    261             histogram.name.upper(), first_slot)
    262         print >> H, "  GRPC_STATS_HISTOGRAM_%s_BUCKETS = %d," % (
    263             histogram.name.upper(), histogram.buckets)
    264         first_slot += histogram.buckets
    265     print >> H, "  GRPC_STATS_HISTOGRAM_BUCKETS = %d" % first_slot
    266     print >> H, "} grpc_stats_histogram_constants;"
    268     print >> H, "#if defined(GRPC_COLLECT_STATS) || !defined(NDEBUG)"
    269     for ctr in inst_map['Counter']:
    270         print >> H, ("#define GRPC_STATS_INC_%s() " +
    271                      "GRPC_STATS_INC_COUNTER(GRPC_STATS_COUNTER_%s)") % (
    272                          ctr.name.upper(), ctr.name.upper())
    273     for histogram in inst_map['Histogram']:
    274         print >> H, "#define GRPC_STATS_INC_%s(value) grpc_stats_inc_%s( (int)(value))" % (
    275             histogram.name.upper(), histogram.name.lower())
    276         print >> H, "void grpc_stats_inc_%s(int x);" % histogram.name.lower()
    278     print >> H, "#else"
    279     for ctr in inst_map['Counter']:
    280         print >> H, ("#define GRPC_STATS_INC_%s() ") % (ctr.name.upper())
    281     for histogram in inst_map['Histogram']:
    282         print >> H, "#define GRPC_STATS_INC_%s(value)" % (
    283             histogram.name.upper())
    284     print >> H, "#endif /* defined(GRPC_COLLECT_STATS) || !defined(NDEBUG) */"
    286     for i, tbl in enumerate(static_tables):
    287         print >> H, "extern const %s grpc_stats_table_%d[%d];" % (tbl[0], i,
    288                                                                   len(tbl[1]))
    290     print >> H, "extern const int grpc_stats_histo_buckets[%d];" % len(
    291         inst_map['Histogram'])
    292     print >> H, "extern const int grpc_stats_histo_start[%d];" % len(
    293         inst_map['Histogram'])
    294     print >> H, "extern const int *const grpc_stats_histo_bucket_boundaries[%d];" % len(
    295         inst_map['Histogram'])
    296     print >> H, "extern void (*const grpc_stats_inc_histogram[%d])(int x);" % len(
    297         inst_map['Histogram'])
    299     print >> H
    300     print >> H, "#endif /* GRPC_CORE_LIB_DEBUG_STATS_DATA_H */"
    302 with open('src/core/lib/debug/stats_data.cc', 'w') as C:
    303     # copy-paste copyright notice from this file
    304     with open(sys.argv[0]) as my_source:
    305         copyright = []
    306         for line in my_source:
    307             if line[0] != '#': break
    308         for line in my_source:
    309             if line[0] == '#':
    310                 copyright.append(line)
    311                 break
    312         for line in my_source:
    313             if line[0] != '#':
    314                 break
    315             copyright.append(line)
    316         put_banner([C], [line[2:].rstrip() for line in copyright])
    318     put_banner(
    319         [C],
    320         ["Automatically generated by tools/codegen/core/gen_stats_data.py"])
    322     print >> C, "#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>"
    323     print >> C
    324     print >> C, "#include \"src/core/lib/debug/stats.h\""
    325     print >> C, "#include \"src/core/lib/debug/stats_data.h\""
    326     print >> C, "#include \"src/core/lib/gpr/useful.h\""
    327     print >> C, "#include \"src/core/lib/iomgr/exec_ctx.h\""
    328     print >> C
    330     histo_code = []
    331     for histogram in inst_map['Histogram']:
    332         code, bounds_idx = gen_bucket_code(histogram)
    333         histo_bucket_boundaries.append(bounds_idx)
    334         histo_code.append(code)
    336     for typename, instances in sorted(inst_map.items()):
    337         print >> C, "const char *grpc_stats_%s_name[GRPC_STATS_%s_COUNT] = {" % (
    338             typename.lower(), typename.upper())
    339         for inst in instances:
    340             print >> C, "  %s," % c_str(inst.name)
    341         print >> C, "};"
    342         print >> C, "const char *grpc_stats_%s_doc[GRPC_STATS_%s_COUNT] = {" % (
    343             typename.lower(), typename.upper())
    344         for inst in instances:
    345             print >> C, "  %s," % c_str(inst.doc)
    346         print >> C, "};"
    348     for i, tbl in enumerate(static_tables):
    349         print >> C, "const %s grpc_stats_table_%d[%d] = {%s};" % (
    350             tbl[0], i, len(tbl[1]), ','.join('%s' % x for x in tbl[1]))
    352     for histogram, code in zip(inst_map['Histogram'], histo_code):
    353         print >> C, ("void grpc_stats_inc_%s(int value) {%s}") % (
    354             histogram.name.lower(), code)
    356     print >> C, "const int grpc_stats_histo_buckets[%d] = {%s};" % (
    357         len(inst_map['Histogram']), ','.join('%s' % x for x in histo_buckets))
    358     print >> C, "const int grpc_stats_histo_start[%d] = {%s};" % (
    359         len(inst_map['Histogram']), ','.join('%s' % x for x in histo_start))
    360     print >> C, "const int *const grpc_stats_histo_bucket_boundaries[%d] = {%s};" % (
    361         len(inst_map['Histogram']), ','.join(
    362             'grpc_stats_table_%d' % x for x in histo_bucket_boundaries))
    363     print >> C, "void (*const grpc_stats_inc_histogram[%d])(int x) = {%s};" % (
    364         len(inst_map['Histogram']), ','.join(
    365             'grpc_stats_inc_%s' % histogram.name.lower()
    366             for histogram in inst_map['Histogram']))
    368 # patch qps_test bigquery schema
    369 RECORD_EXPLICIT_PERCENTILES = [50, 95, 99]
    371 with open('tools/run_tests/performance/scenario_result_schema.json', 'r') as f:
    372     qps_schema = json.loads(f.read())
    375 def FindNamed(js, name):
    376     for el in js:
    377         if el['name'] == name:
    378             return el
    381 def RemoveCoreFields(js):
    382     new_fields = []
    383     for field in js['fields']:
    384         if not field['name'].startswith('core_'):
    385             new_fields.append(field)
    386     js['fields'] = new_fields
    389 RemoveCoreFields(FindNamed(qps_schema, 'clientStats'))
    390 RemoveCoreFields(FindNamed(qps_schema, 'serverStats'))
    393 def AddCoreFields(js):
    394     for counter in inst_map['Counter']:
    395         js['fields'].append({
    396             'name': 'core_%s' % counter.name,
    397             'type': 'INTEGER',
    398             'mode': 'NULLABLE'
    399         })
    400     for histogram in inst_map['Histogram']:
    401         js['fields'].append({
    402             'name': 'core_%s' % histogram.name,
    403             'type': 'STRING',
    404             'mode': 'NULLABLE'
    405         })
    406         js['fields'].append({
    407             'name': 'core_%s_bkts' % histogram.name,
    408             'type': 'STRING',
    409             'mode': 'NULLABLE'
    410         })
    411         for pctl in RECORD_EXPLICIT_PERCENTILES:
    412             js['fields'].append({
    413                 'name': 'core_%s_%dp' % (histogram.name, pctl),
    414                 'type': 'FLOAT',
    415                 'mode': 'NULLABLE'
    416             })
    419 AddCoreFields(FindNamed(qps_schema, 'clientStats'))
    420 AddCoreFields(FindNamed(qps_schema, 'serverStats'))
    422 with open('tools/run_tests/performance/scenario_result_schema.json', 'w') as f:
    423     f.write(json.dumps(qps_schema, indent=2, sort_keys=True))
    425 # and generate a helper script to massage scenario results into the format we'd
    426 # like to query
    427 with open('tools/run_tests/performance/massage_qps_stats.py', 'w') as P:
    428     with open(sys.argv[0]) as my_source:
    429         for line in my_source:
    430             if line[0] != '#': break
    431         for line in my_source:
    432             if line[0] == '#':
    433                 print >> P, line.rstrip()
    434                 break
    435         for line in my_source:
    436             if line[0] != '#':
    437                 break
    438             print >> P, line.rstrip()
    440     print >> P
    441     print >> P, '# Autogenerated by tools/codegen/core/gen_stats_data.py'
    442     print >> P
    444     print >> P, 'import massage_qps_stats_helpers'
    446     print >> P, 'def massage_qps_stats(scenario_result):'
    447     print >> P, '  for stats in scenario_result["serverStats"] + scenario_result["clientStats"]:'
    448     print >> P, '    if "coreStats" in stats:'
    449     print >> P, '      # Get rid of the "coreStats" element and replace it by statistics'
    450     print >> P, '      # that correspond to columns in the bigquery schema.'
    451     print >> P, '      core_stats = stats["coreStats"]'
    452     print >> P, '      del stats["coreStats"]'
    453     for counter in inst_map['Counter']:
    454         print >> P, '      stats["core_%s"] = massage_qps_stats_helpers.counter(core_stats, "%s")' % (
    455             counter.name, counter.name)
    456     for i, histogram in enumerate(inst_map['Histogram']):
    457         print >> P, '      h = massage_qps_stats_helpers.histogram(core_stats, "%s")' % histogram.name
    458         print >> P, '      stats["core_%s"] = ",".join("%%f" %% x for x in h.buckets)' % histogram.name
    459         print >> P, '      stats["core_%s_bkts"] = ",".join("%%f" %% x for x in h.boundaries)' % histogram.name
    460         for pctl in RECORD_EXPLICIT_PERCENTILES:
    461             print >> P, '      stats["core_%s_%dp"] = massage_qps_stats_helpers.percentile(h.buckets, %d, h.boundaries)' % (
    462                 histogram.name, pctl, pctl)
    464 with open('src/core/lib/debug/stats_data_bq_schema.sql', 'w') as S:
    465     columns = []
    466     for counter in inst_map['Counter']:
    467         columns.append(('%s_per_iteration' % counter.name, 'FLOAT'))
    468     print >> S, ',\n'.join('%s:%s' % x for x in columns)