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      1 //  2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
      2 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
      3 /*
      4 *****************************************************************************************
      5 * Copyright (C) 2015-2016, International Business Machines
      6 * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
      7 *****************************************************************************************
      8 */
     10 #ifndef ULISTFORMATTER_H
     11 #define ULISTFORMATTER_H
     13 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     17 #include "unicode/localpointer.h"
     19 /**
     20  * \file
     21  * \brief C API: Format a list in a locale-appropriate way.
     22  *
     23  * A UListFormatter is used to format a list of items in a locale-appropriate way,
     24  * using data from CLDR.
     25  * Example: Input data ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Delta"] will be formatted
     26  * as "Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Delta" in English.
     27  */
     29 /**
     30  * Opaque UListFormatter object for use in C
     31  * @stable ICU 55
     32  */
     33 struct UListFormatter;
     34 typedef struct UListFormatter UListFormatter;  /**< C typedef for struct UListFormatter. @stable ICU 55 */
     36 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
     37 /**
     38  * FieldPosition and UFieldPosition selectors for format fields
     39  * defined by ListFormatter.
     40  * @draft ICU 63
     41  */
     42 typedef enum UListFormatterField {
     43     /**
     44      * The literal text in the result which came from the resources.
     45      * @draft ICU 63
     46      */
     48     /**
     49      * The element text in the result which came from the input strings.
     50      * @draft ICU 63
     51      */
     53 } UListFormatterField;
     54 #endif // U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
     56 /**
     57  * Open a new UListFormatter object using the rules for a given locale.
     58  * @param locale
     59  *            The locale whose rules should be used; may be NULL for
     60  *            default locale.
     61  * @param status
     62  *            A pointer to a standard ICU UErrorCode (input/output parameter).
     63  *            Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the
     64  *            function returns immediately. The caller should check its output
     65  *            value with U_FAILURE(), or use with function chaining (see User
     66  *            Guide for details).
     67  * @return
     68  *            A pointer to a UListFormatter object for the specified locale,
     69  *            or NULL if an error occurred.
     70  * @stable ICU 55
     71  */
     72 U_CAPI UListFormatter* U_EXPORT2
     73 ulistfmt_open(const char*  locale,
     74               UErrorCode*  status);
     76 /**
     77  * Close a UListFormatter object. Once closed it may no longer be used.
     78  * @param listfmt
     79  *            The UListFormatter object to close.
     80  * @stable ICU 55
     81  */
     82 U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2
     83 ulistfmt_close(UListFormatter *listfmt);
     90 /**
     91  * \class LocalUListFormatterPointer
     92  * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UListFormatter via ulistfmt_close().
     93  * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
     94  *
     95  * @see LocalPointerBase
     96  * @see LocalPointer
     97  * @stable ICU 55
     98  */
     99 U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalUListFormatterPointer, UListFormatter, ulistfmt_close);
    103 #endif
    105 /**
    106  * Formats a list of strings using the conventions established for the
    107  * UListFormatter object.
    108  * @param listfmt
    109  *            The UListFormatter object specifying the list conventions.
    110  * @param strings
    111  *            An array of pointers to UChar strings; the array length is
    112  *            specified by stringCount. Must be non-NULL if stringCount > 0.
    113  * @param stringLengths
    114  *            An array of string lengths corresponding to the strings[]
    115  *            parameter; any individual length value may be negative to indicate
    116  *            that the corresponding strings[] entry is 0-terminated, or
    117  *            stringLengths itself may be NULL if all of the strings are
    118  *            0-terminated. If non-NULL, the stringLengths array must have
    119  *            stringCount entries.
    120  * @param stringCount
    121  *            the number of entries in strings[], and the number of entries
    122  *            in the stringLengths array if it is not NULL. Must be >= 0.
    123  * @param result
    124  *            A pointer to a buffer to receive the formatted list.
    125  * @param resultCapacity
    126  *            The maximum size of result.
    127  * @param status
    128  *            A pointer to a standard ICU UErrorCode (input/output parameter).
    129  *            Its input value must pass the U_SUCCESS() test, or else the
    130  *            function returns immediately. The caller should check its output
    131  *            value with U_FAILURE(), or use with function chaining (see User
    132  *            Guide for details).
    133  * @return
    134  *            The total buffer size needed; if greater than resultLength, the
    135  *            output was truncated. May be <=0 if unable to determine the
    136  *            total buffer size needed (e.g. for illegal arguments).
    137  * @stable ICU 55
    138  */
    139 U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
    140 ulistfmt_format(const UListFormatter* listfmt,
    141                 const UChar* const strings[],
    142                 const int32_t *    stringLengths,
    143                 int32_t            stringCount,
    144                 UChar*             result,
    145                 int32_t            resultCapacity,
    146                 UErrorCode*        status);
    148 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
    150 #endif