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     16 <h1>International Components for Unicode for Java (ICU4J)</h1>
     17 <h2>Read Me for ICU4J 63.2</h2>
     18 (Last Update: 2019-Apr-10)
     19 <hr size="2" width="100%">
     21 <p>
     22 <b>Note:</b> This is an update release of ICU4J 62. This release contains bug
     23 fixes and updated data, but does not introduce any new APIs for functionalities.
     24 <!-- <b>Note:</b> This is major release of ICU4J. It contains bug fixes and adds implementations
     25 of inherited API and introduces new API or functionality. -->
     26 <!-- <b>Note:</b> This is a development milestone of ICU4J 63.
     27 The contents of this document may not reflect the recent changes done
     28 for ICU 63 development. It is not recommended for production use. -->
     29 <!--<b>Note:</b> This is a release candidate of ICU4J 63.
     30 The contents of this document may not reflect the recent changes done
     31 for ICU 63 development. This release candidate is intended for those
     32 wishing to verify ICU 63 integration before final release. It is not
     33 recommended for production use.-->
     34 </p>
     35 <p>For the most recent release, see the <a
     36  href="http://www.icu-project.org/download/"> ICU4J
     37 download site</a>. </p>
     38 <h2 class="doc">Contents</h2>
     39 <ul type="disc">
     40   <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction to ICU4J</a></li>
     41   <li><a href="#changes">Changes In This Release</a></li>
     42   <li><a href="#license">License Information</a></li>
     43   <li><a href="#PlatformDependencies">Platform Dependencies</a></li>
     44   <li><a href="#download">How to Download ICU4J</a></li>
     45   <li><a href="#WhatContain">The Structure and Contents of ICU4J</a></li>
     46   <li><a href="#API">Where to Get Documentation</a></li>
     47   <li><a href="#HowToInstallJavac">How to Install and Build</a></li>
     48   <li><a href="#HowToModularize">How to modularize ICU4J</a></li>
     49   <li><a href="#tryingout">Trying Out ICU4J</a></li>
     50   <li><a href="#resources">ICU4J Resource Information</a></li>
     51   <li><a href="#timezone">About ICU4J Time Zone</a></li>
     52   <li><a href="#WhereToFindMore">Where to Find More Information</a></li>
     53   <li><a href="#SubmittingComments">Submitting Comments, Requesting
     54 Features and Reporting Bugs</a></li>
     55 </ul>
     56 <h2 class="doc"><a name="introduction"></a>Introduction to ICU4J</h2>
     57 <p>The International Components for Unicode (ICU) library provides
     58 robust and
     59 full-featured Unicode services on a wide variety of platforms. ICU
     60 supports the
     61 most current version of the Unicode standard, including support for
     62 supplementary characters (needed for GB 18030 repertoire support).</p>
     63 <p>Java provides a strong foundation for global programs, and IBM and
     64 the
     65 ICU team played a key role in providing globalization technology to
     66 Java. But because of its long release schedule, Java cannot always keep
     67 up with evolving standards. The ICU team continues to extend Java's
     68 Unicode and internationalization support, focusing on improving
     69 performance,
     70 keeping current with the Unicode standard, and providing richer APIs,
     71 while
     72 remaining as compatible as possible with the original Java text and
     73 internationalization API design.</p>
     74 <p>ICU4J is an add-on to the regular JRE that provides:
     75 </p>
     76 <ul>
     77   <li><a
     78  href="http://www.icu-project.org/userguide/Collate_Intro.html"><b>Collation</b></a>
     79 &#8211; rule-based, up-to-date Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) sorting order<br>
     80 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For fast multilingual string comparison; faster
     81 and more complete than
     82 the J2SE implementation</li>
     83   <li><a href="http://www.icu-project.org/userguide/charsetDetection.html"><b>Charset
     84 Detection</b></a> &#8211; Recognition of various single and multibyte charsets<br>
     85 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Useful for recognizing untagged text data</li>
     86   <li><a
     87  href="http://www.icu-project.org/userguide/unicodeSet.html"><b>UnicodeSet</b></a>
     88 &#8211; standard set operations optimized for sets of Unicode characters<br>
     89 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;UnicodeSets can be built from string patterns
     90 using any Unicode properties.</li>
     91   <li><a href="http://www.icu-project.org/userguide/Transform.html"><b>Transforms</b></a>
     92 &#8211; a flexible mechanism for Unicode text conversions<br>
     93 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Including Full/Halfwidth conversions,
     94 Normalization, Case conversions, Hex
     95 conversions, and transliterations between scripts (50+ pairs)</li>
     96   <li><a
     97  href="http://www.icu-project.org/userguide/normalization.html"><b>Unicode
     98 Normalization</b></a> &#8211; NFC, NFD, NFKD, NFKC<br>
     99 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For canonical text representations, needed for
    100 XML and the net</li>
    101   <li><a
    102  href="http://www.icu-project.org/userguide/dateCalendar.html"><b>International
    103 Calendars</b></a> &#8211; Arabic, Buddhist, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Ethiopic, Islamic, Coptic and other calendars<br>
    104 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Required for correct presentation of dates in
    105 certain countries</li>
    106   <li><a
    107  href="http://www.icu-project.org/userguide/formatNumbers.html"><b>Date
    108 Format
    109 Enhancements</b></a> &#8211; Date/time pattern generator, Relative date formatting, etc.<br>
    110 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Enhancements to the normal Java date
    111 formatting.</li>
    112   <li><a
    113  href="http://www.icu-project.org/userguide/formatNumbers.html"><b>Number
    114 Format
    115 Enhancements</b></a> &#8211; Scientific Notation, Spelled-out, Compact decimal format, etc.<br>
    116 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Enhancements to the normal Java number
    117 formatting. The spell-out format is
    118 used for checks and similar documents</li>
    119   <li><a
    120  href="http://www.icu-project.org/userguide/boundaryAnalysis.html"><b>Enhanced
    121 Word-Break Detection</b></a> &#8211; Rule-based, supports Thai, Khmer, Chinese, etc.<br>
    122 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Required for correct support of Thai</li>
    123   <li><a
    124  href="http://www.icu-project.org/userguide/compression.html"><b>Unicode
    125 Text
    126 Compression</b></a> &#8211; Standard compression of Unicode text<br>
    127 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Suitable for large numbers of small fields,
    128 where LZW and similar schemes
    129 do not apply</li>
    130   <li><a
    131  href="http://www.icu-project.org/userguide/conversion.html"><b>Charset Conversion</b></a> &#8211; Conversion to and from different charsets.<br>
    132 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Plugs into Java CharsetProvider Service Provider Interface (SPI)</li>
    134 </ul>
    135 <blockquote>
    136   <p><b>Note:</b> We continue to provide assistance to Java, and in some
    137 cases, ICU4J support has been rolled into a later release of Java. For
    138 example, BCP47 language tag support including Unicode locale extensions
    139 is now in Java 7. However, the most current and complete version is always
    140 found in ICU4J.</p>
    141 </blockquote>
    143 <h2 class="doc"><a name="changes"></a>Changes In This Release</h2>
    145 <p>See the <a href="https://sites.google.com/site/icusite/download/63">ICU 63 download page</a>
    146 about new features in this release.</p>
    147 <p>The list of API changes since the previous ICU4J release is available
    148 <a href="APIChangeReport.html">here</a>.</p>
    150 <!-- ICU 63 items -->
    151 <h3>Minimum Java Runtime updated to 7</h3>
    152 <p>
    153 The minimum Java runtime version supported by ICU4J is now version 7. Java runtime version 6 is no longer supported.
    154 </p>
    155 <!-- end ICU 63 items -->
    157 <h2 class="doc"><a name="license"></a>License Information</h2>
    158 <p>
    159 The ICU projects (ICU4C and ICU4J) are hosted by the
    160 <a href="http://www.unicode.org/">Unicode Consortium</a>. The ICU binary
    161 and source files are distributed under the
    162 <a href="http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License">UNICODE DATA FILES
    163 AND SOFTWARE LICENSE</a>. The full copy of the license and third party
    164 software licenses are available in <a href="./main/shared/licenses/LICENSE">LICENSE</a>
    165 file included in this package.
    166 </p>
    167 <h2 class="doc"><a name="PlatformDependencies"></a>Platform Dependencies</h2>
    168 <p>
    169 ICU4J 63 depends on J2SE 7 functionality.  Therefore, ICU4J only runs on
    170 JRE version 7 or later. ICU4J 63 is tested on JRE 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
    172 <h2 class="doc"><a name="download"></a>How to Download ICU4J</h2>
    173 <p>There are a few different ways to download the ICU4J releases.
    174 </p>
    175 <ul type="disc">
    176   <li><b>Official Release:</b><br>
    177 If you want to use ICU4J (as opposed to developing it), your best bet
    178 is to download an official, packaged version of the ICU4J library files.
    179 These versions are tested more thoroughly than day-to-day development
    180 builds, and they are packaged in jar files for convenient download.
    181   <ul>
    182     <li><a href="http://www.icu-project.org/download/">ICU Download page</a>.</li>
    183     <li>Maven repository:
    184 <pre>
    185 &lt;dependency&gt;
    186     &lt;groupId&gt;com.ibm.icu&lt;/groupId&gt;
    187     &lt;artifactId&gt;icu4j&lt;/artifactId&gt;
    188     &lt;version&gt;63.2&lt;/version&gt;
    189 &lt;/dependency&gt;
    191 &lt;dependency&gt;
    192     &lt;groupId&gt;com.ibm.icu&lt;/groupId&gt;
    193     &lt;artifactId&gt;icu4j-charset&lt;/artifactId&gt;
    194     &lt;version&gt;63.2&lt;/version&gt;
    195 &lt;/dependency&gt;
    197 &lt;dependency&gt;
    198     &lt;groupId&gt;com.ibm.icu&lt;/groupId&gt;
    199     &lt;artifactId&gt;icu4j-localespi&lt;/artifactId&gt;
    200     &lt;version&gt;63.2&lt;/version&gt;
    201 &lt;/dependency&gt;
    202 </pre>
    203   </ul>
    204 </ul>
    205 <ul type="disc">
    206   <li><b>GitHub Source Repository:</b><br>
    207 If you are interested in developing features, patches, or bug fixes for
    208 ICU4J, you should probably be working with the latest version of the
    209 ICU4J source code. You will need to clone and checkout the code from our GitHub
    210 repository to ensure that you have the most recent version of all of
    211 the files. There are several ways to do this. Please follow the
    212 directions that are contained on the <a
    213  href="http://www.icu-project.org/repository/">Source
    214  Repository page</a> for details.
    215   </li>
    216 </ul>
    217 <p>For more details on how to download ICU4J directly from the web
    218 site, please see the ICU download page at <a
    219  href="http://www.icu-project.org/download/">http://www.icu-project.org/download/</a>
    220 </p>
    221 <h2 class="doc"><a name="WhatContain"></a>The Structure and Contents of
    222 ICU4J</h2>
    223 <p>Below, all directory pathes are relative to the directory where the
    224 ICU4J source archive is extracted.
    225 </p>
    226 <p><b>Information and build files:</b></p>
    227 <table border="1">
    228 <tr>
    229   <th>Path</th>
    230   <th>Description</th>
    231 </tr>
    232 <tr>
    233   <td>readme.html</td>
    234   <td>A description of ICU4J (International Components for Unicode for Java)</td>
    235 </tr>
    236 <tr>
    237   <td>build.html</td>
    238   <td>The main Ant build file for ICU4J.  See <a href="#HowToInstallJavac">How to Install
    239   and Build</a> for more information</td>
    240 </tr>
    241 <tr>
    242   <td>main/shared/licenses/LICENSE</td>
    243   <td>ICU license</td>
    244 </tr>
    245 </table>
    247 <p><b>ICU4J runtime class files:</b></p>
    248 <table border="1">
    249 <tr>
    250   <th>Path</th>
    251   <th>Sub-component Name</th>
    252   <th>Build Dependencies</th>
    253   <th>Public API Packages</th>
    254   <th>Description</th>
    255 </tr>
    256 <tr>
    257   <td>main/classes/charset</td>
    258   <td>icu4j-charset</td>
    259   <td>icu4j-core</td>
    260   <td>com.ibm.icu.charset</td>
    261   <td>Implementation of <code>java.nio.charset.spi.CharsetProvider</code>.
    262   This sub-component is shipped as icu4j-charset.jar along with
    263   ICU charset converter data files.</td>
    264 </tr>
    265 <tr>
    266   <td>main/classes/collate</td>
    267   <td>icu4j-collate</td>
    268   <td>icu4j-core</td>
    269   <td>com.ibm.icu.text<br>
    270   com.ibm.icu.util</td>
    271   <td>Collator APIs and implementation.  Also includes some public API classes
    272   that depend on Collator.
    273   This sub-component is packaged as a part of icu4j.jar.</td>
    274 </tr>
    275 <tr>
    276   <td>main/classes/core</td>
    277   <td>icu4j-core</td>
    278   <td>n/a</td>
    279   <td>com.ibm.icu.lang<br>
    280   com.ibm.icu.math<br>
    281   com.ibm.icu.text<br>
    282   com.ibm.icu.util</td>
    283   <td>ICU core API classes and implementation.
    284   This sub-component is packaged as a part of icu4j.jar.</td>
    285 </tr>
    286 <tr>
    287   <td>main/classes/currdata</td>
    288   <td>icu4j-currdata</td>
    289   <td>icu4j-core</td>
    290   <td>n/a</td>
    291   <td>No public API classes.  Provides access to currency display data.
    292   This sub-component is packaged as a part of icu4j.jar.</td>
    293 </tr>
    294 <tr>
    295   <td>main/classes/langdata</td>
    296   <td>icu4j-langdata</td>
    297   <td>icu4j-core</td>
    298   <td>n/a</td>
    299   <td>No public API classes.  Provides access to language display data.
    300   This sub-component is packaged as a part of icu4j.jar.</td>
    301 </tr>
    302 <tr>
    303   <td>main/classes/localespi</td>
    304   <td>icu4j-localespi</td>
    305   <td>icu4j-core<br>
    306   icu4j-collate<br>
    307   </td>
    308   <td>n/a</td>
    309   <td>Implementation of various locale-sensitive service providers defined
    310   in <code>java.text.spi</code> and <code>java.util.spi</code> in J2SE 6.0
    311   or later Java releases.
    312   This sub-component is shipped as icu4j-localespi.jar.</td>
    313 </tr>
    314 <tr>
    315   <td>main/classes/regiondata</td>
    316   <td>icu4j-regiondata</td>
    317   <td>icu4j-core</td>
    318   <td>n/a</td>
    319   <td>No public API classes.  Provides access to region display data.
    320   This sub-component is packaged as a part of icu4j.jar.</td>
    321 </tr>
    322 <tr>
    323   <td>main/classes/translit</td>
    324   <td>icu4j-translit</td>
    325   <td>icu4j-core</td>
    326   <td>com.ibm.icu.text</td>
    327   <td>Transliterator APIs and implementation.
    328   This sub-component is packaged as a part of icu4j.jar.</td>
    329 </tr>
    330 </table>
    332 <p><b>ICU4J unit test files:</b></p>
    333 <table border="1">
    334 <tr>
    335   <th>Path</th>
    336   <th>Sub-component Name</th>
    337   <th>Runtime Dependencies</th>
    338   <th>Description</th>
    339 </tr>
    340 <tr>
    341   <td>main/tests/charset</td>
    342   <td>icu4j-charset-tests</td>
    343   <td>icu4j-charset<br>
    344   icu4j-core<br>
    345   icu4j-test-framework</td>
    346   <td>Test suite for charset sub-component.</td>
    347 </tr>
    348 <tr>
    349   <td>main/tests/collate</td>
    350   <td>icu4j-collate-tests</td>
    351   <td>icu4j-collate<br>
    352   icu4j-core<br>
    353   icu4j-test-framework</td>
    354   <td>Test suite for collate sub-component.</td>
    355 </tr>
    356 <tr>
    357   <td>main/tests/core</td>
    358   <td>icu4j-core-tests</td>
    359   <td>icu4j-core<br>
    360   icu4j-currdata<br>
    361   icu4j-langdata<br>
    362   icu4j-regiondata<br>
    363   icu4j-test-framework</td>
    364   <td>Test suite for core sub-component.</td>
    365 </tr>
    366 <tr>
    367   <td>main/tests/framework</td>
    368   <td>icu4j-test-framework</td>
    369   <td>icu4j-core</td>
    370   <td>Common ICU4J unit test framework and utilities.</td>
    371 </tr>
    372 <tr>
    373   <td>main/tests/localespi</td>
    374   <td>icu4j-localespi-tests</td>
    375   <td>icu4j-core<br>
    376   icu4j-collate<br>
    377   icu4j-currdata<br>
    378   icu4j-langdata<br>
    379   icu4j-localespi<br>
    380   icu4j-regiondata<br>
    381   icu4j-test-framework</td>
    382   <td>Test suite for localespi sub-component.</td>
    383 </tr>
    384 <tr>
    385   <td>main/tests/packaging</td>
    386   <td>icu4j-packaging-tests</td>
    387   <td>icu4j-core<br>
    388   icu4j-test-framework</td>
    389   <td>Test suite for sub-component packaging.</td>
    390 </tr>
    391 <tr>
    392   <td>main/tests/translit</td>
    393   <td>icu4j-translit-tests</td>
    394   <td>icu4j-core<br>
    395   icu4j-translit
    396   icu4j-test-framework</td>
    397   <td>Test suite for translit sub-component.</td>
    398 </tr>
    399 </table>
    401 <p><b>Others:</b></p>
    402 <table border="1">
    403 <tr>
    404   <th>Path</th>
    405   <th>Description</th>
    406 </tr>
    407 <tr>
    408   <td>main/shared</td>
    409   <td>Files shared by ICU4J sub-components under the <code>main</code> directory including:
    410   <ul>
    411     <li>ICU4J runtime data archive (icudata.jar).</li>
    412     <li>ICU4J unit test data archive (testdata.jar).</li>
    413     <li>Shared Ant build script and configuration files.</li>
    414     <li>License files.</li>
    415   </ul>
    416   </td>
    417 </tr>
    418 <tr>
    419   <td>demos</td>
    420   <td>ICU4J demo programs.</td>
    421 </tr>
    422 <tr>
    423   <td>perf-tests</td>
    424   <td>ICU4J performance test files.</td>
    425 </tr>
    426 <tr>
    427   <td>tools</td>
    428   <td>ICU4J tools including:
    429   <ul>
    430     <li>Custom JavaDoc taglets used for generating ICU4J API references.</li>
    431     <li>API report tool and data.</li>
    432     <li>Other independent utilities used for ICU4J development.</li>
    433   </ul>
    434   </td>
    435 </tr>
    436 <tr>
    437   <td>lib</td>
    438   <td>Folder used for downloading depedency libraries.<br>
    439   <b>Note:</b> ICU4J runtime libraries do not depend on any external libraries other
    440   than JDK. These dependencies are for testing (such as JUnit).</td>
    441 </tr>
    442 </table>
    444 <h2 class="doc"><a name="API"></a>Where to get Documentation</h2>
    445 <p>The <a href="http://www.icu-project.org/userguide/">ICU user's
    446 guide</a> contains lots of general information about ICU, in its C,
    447 C++, and Java incarnations.</p>
    448 <p>The complete API documentation for ICU4J (javadoc) is available on
    449 the ICU4J web site, and can be built from the sources:
    450 </p>
    451 <ul>
    452   <li><a href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/">Index
    453 to all ICU4J API</a></li>
    454   <li><a href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/text/CharsetDetector.html">Charset Detector</a> &#8211; Detection of charset from a byte stream</li>
    455   <li>International Calendars &#8211; 
    456     <a
    457  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/util/BuddhistCalendar.html">Buddhist</a>,
    458     <a
    459  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/util/ChineseCalendar.html">Chinese</a>,
    460     <a
    461  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/util/CopticCalendar.html">Coptic</a>,
    462     <a
    463  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/util/EthiopicCalendar.html">Ethiopic</a>,
    464     <a
    465  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/util/GregorianCalendar.html">Gregorian</a>,
    466     <a
    467  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/util/HebrewCalendar.html">Hebrew</a>,
    468     <a
    469  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/util/IndianCalendar.html">Indian</a>,
    470     <a
    471  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/util/IslamicCalendar.html">Islamic</a>,
    472     <a
    473  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/util/JapaneseCalendar.html">Japanese</a>,
    474     Persian, Dangi.</li>
    475   <li>Time Zone Enhancements &#8211;
    476 <a href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/util/BasicTimeZone.html">Time zone transition and rule detection</a>,
    477 <a href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/util/VTimeZone.html">iCalendar VTIMEZONE formatting and parsing</a>,
    478 <a href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/util/RuleBasedTimeZone.html">Custom time zones constructed by user defined rules</a>.
    479   <li>Date Format Enhancements &#8211; <a href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/text/DateTimePatternGenerator.html">Date/Time Pattern Generator</a>,
    480 <a href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/text/DateIntervalFormat.html">Date Interval Format</a>,
    481 <a href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/text/DurationFormat.html">Duration Format</a>.
    482   <li><a
    483  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/text/Normalizer.html">Unicode
    484 Normalization</a> &#8211; Canonical text representation for W3C.</li>
    485   <li><a
    486  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/text/NumberFormat.html">Number
    487 Format Enhancements</a> &#8211; Scientific Notation, Spelled out.</li>
    488   <li><a
    489  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/text/BreakIterator.html">Enhanced
    490 word-break detection</a> &#8211; Rule-based, supports Thai</li>
    491   <li><a
    492  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/text/Transliterator.html">Transliteration</a>
    493 &#8211; A general framework for converting text from one format to another,
    494 e.g. Cyrillic to Latin, or Hex to Unicode. </li>
    495   <li>Unicode Text <a
    496  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/text/UnicodeCompressor.html">Compression</a>
    497 &amp; <a
    498  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/text/UnicodeDecompressor.html">Decompression</a>
    499 &#8211; 2:1 compression on English Unicode text.</li>
    500   <li>Collation &#8211; <a
    501  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/text/RuleBasedCollator.html">Rule-based
    502 sorting</a>, <a
    503  href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/text/StringSearch.html">Efficient
    504 multi-lingual searching</a>,
    505 <a href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/text/AlphabeticIndex.html">Alphabetic indexing</a></li>
    506 </ul>
    507 <h2 class="doc"><a name="HowToInstallJavac"></a>How to Install and Build</h2>
    508 <p>
    509 To install ICU4J, simply place the pre-built jar file <strong>icu4j.jar</strong>
    510 on your Java CLASSPATH. If you need Charset API support please also place
    511 <strong>icu4j-charset.jar</strong> on your class path along with <strong>icu4j.jar</strong>.
    512 </p>
    513 <p>
    514 To build ICU4J, you will need JDK 7 or later (JDK 8 is the reference environment for this release)
    515 and the Apache Ant version 1.9 or later. It's recommended to install both the JDK and Ant 
    516 somewhere <em>outside</em>the ICU4J directory. For example, on Linux you might install
    517 these in <code>/usr/local</code>.</p>
    518 <ul>
    519   <li>Install JDK 8.</li>
    520   <li>Install the <a href="http://ant.apache.org/"><strong>Apache Ant</strong></a>
    521       1.9 or later.
    522   <li>Set environment variables JAVA_HOME, ANT_HOME and PATH, for example:
    523     <pre>
    524         set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.8.0
    525         set ANT_HOME=C:\apache-ant
    526         set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%PATH%</pre>
    527     </pre>
    528   </li>
    529 </ul>
    530 <p>Once the JDK and Ant are configured, run the desired target defined in
    531 <strong>build.xml</strong>. The default target is "jar" which compiles ICU4J library
    532 class files and create ICU4J jar files. For example:</p>
    533 <blockquote>
    534 <pre>C:\icu4j>ant
    535 Buildfile: C:\icu4j\build.xml
    537 info:
    538      [echo] ----- Build Environment Information -------------------
    539      [echo] Java Home:    C:\jdk1.8.0\jre
    540      [echo] Java Version: 1.8.0_181
    541      [echo] Ant Home:     C:\apache-ant
    542      [echo] Ant Version:  Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.1 compiled on February 2 2017
    543      [echo] OS:           Windows 10
    544      [echo] OS Version:   10.0
    545      [echo] OS Arch:      amd64
    546      [echo] Host:         ICUDEV
    547      [echo] -------------------------------------------------------
    549 core:
    551 @compile:
    552      [echo] build-local:     ../../shared/../../build-local.properties
    553      [echo] --- java compiler arguments ------------------------
    554      [echo] source dir:     C:\icu4j\main\classes\core/src
    555      [echo] output dir:     C:\icu4j\main\classes\core/out/bin
    556      [echo] bootclasspath:
    557      [echo] classpath:
    558      [echo] source:         1.7
    559      [echo] target:         1.7
    560      [echo] debug:          on
    561      [echo] encoding:       UTF-8
    562      [echo] compiler arg:   -Xlint:all,-deprecation,-dep-ann,-options,-overrides
    563      [echo] ----------------------------------------------------
    564     [mkdir] Created dir: C:\icu4j\main\classes\core\out\bin
    565     [javac] Compiling 470 source files to C:\icu4j\main\classes\core\out\bin
    566     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
    567     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    569 compile:
    571 @copy:
    572      [copy] Copying 24 files to C:\icu4j\main\classes\core\out\bin
    574 set-icuconfig-datapath:
    576 copy-data:
    577     [unjar] Expanding: C:\icu4j\main\shared\data\icudata.jar into C:\icu4j\main\
    578 classes\core\out\bin
    579     [unjar] Expanding: C:\icu4j\main\shared\data\icutzdata.jar into C:\icu4j\mai
    580 n\classes\core\out\bin
    582 ...
    583 ...
    584 ...
    586 localespi:
    588 @compile:
    589      [echo] build-local:     ../../shared/../../build-local.properties
    590      [echo] --- java compiler arguments ------------------------
    591      [echo] source dir:     C:\icu4j\main\classes\localespi/src
    592      [echo] output dir:     C:\icu4j\main\classes\localespi/out/bin
    593      [echo] bootclasspath:
    594      [echo] classpath:      C:\icu4j\main\classes\core\out\lib\icu4j-core.jar;C:
    595 \icu4j\main\classes\collate\out\lib\icu4j-collate.jar
    596      [echo] source:         1.7
    597      [echo] target:         1.7
    598      [echo] debug:          on
    599      [echo] encoding:       UTF-8
    600      [echo] compiler arg:   -Xlint:all,-deprecation,-dep-ann,-options
    601      [echo] ----------------------------------------------------
    602     [mkdir] Created dir: C:\icu4j\main\classes\localespi\out\bin
    603     [javac] Compiling 22 source files to C:\icu4j\main\classes\localespi\out\bin
    606 compile:
    608 @copy:
    609      [copy] Copying 11 files to C:\icu4j\main\classes\localespi\out\bin
    611 copy:
    613 @jar:
    614     [mkdir] Created dir: C:\icu4j\main\classes\localespi\out\lib
    615      [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\icu4j\main\classes\localespi\out
    616       [jar] Building jar: C:\icu4j\main\classes\localespi\out\lib\icu4j-localesp
    617 i.jar
    619 jar:
    621 @src-jar:
    622       [jar] Building jar: C:\icu4j\main\classes\localespi\out\lib\icu4j-localesp
    623 i-src.jar
    625 src-jar:
    627 build:
    629 jar:
    630      [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\icu4j
    631      [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\icu4j
    634 Total time: 30 seconds</pre>
    635 </blockquote>
    636 <I>Note: The above output is an example. The numbers are likely to be different with the current version ICU4J.</I>
    637 <p>The following are some targets that you can provide to <b>ant</b>.
    638 For more targets run <code>ant -projecthelp</code> or see the build.xml file.</p>
    639 <table border="1">
    640 <tr>
    641   <th>jar (default)</th>
    642   <td>Create ICU4J runtime library jar archives (<code>icu4j.jar</code>, 
    643   <code>icu4j-charset.jar</code> and <code>icu4j-localespi.jar</code>)
    644   in the root ICU4J directory.</td>
    645 </tr>
    646 <tr>
    647   <th>check</th>
    648   <td>Build all ICU4J runtime library classes and corresponding unit test cases,
    649   then run the tests.</td>
    650 </tr>
    651 <tr>
    652   <th>clean</th>
    653   <td>Remove all build output files.</td>
    654 </tr>
    655 <tr>
    656   <th>main</th>
    657   <td>Build all ICU4J runtime library sub-components (under the directory
    658   <code>main/classes</code>).</td>
    659 </tr>
    660 <tr>
    661   <th>tests</th>
    662   <td>Build all ICU4J unit test sub-components (under the directory <code>main/tests</code>)
    663   and their dependencies.</td>
    664 </tr>
    665 <tr>
    666   <th>tools</th>
    667   <td>Build the tools.</td>
    668 </tr>
    669 <tr>
    670   <th>docs</th>
    671   <td>Run javadoc over the ICU4J runtime library files, generating an HTML documentation
    672   tree in the subdirectory <code>doc</code>.</td>
    673 </tr>
    674 <tr>
    675   <th>jarDocs</th>
    676   <td>Create ICU4J doc jar archive (<code>icu4jdocs.jar</code>) containing API reference
    677   docs in the root ICU4J directory. </td>
    678 </tr>
    679 <tr>
    680   <th>jarDemos</th>
    681   <td>Create ICU4J demo jar archive (<code>icu4jdemos.jar</code>) in the root ICU4J
    682   directory.</td>
    683 </tr>
    684 </table>
    686 <p>For more information, read the Ant documentation and the <strong>build.xml</strong>
    687 file.</p>
    688 <p><b>Note:</b> If you get an OutOfMemoryError when you are running <tt>"ant check"</tt>,
    689 you can set the heap size of the jvm by setting the environment variable JVM_OPTIONS
    690 to the appropriate java options.</p>
    692 <p><b>Eclipse users:</b> See the ICU4J site for information on<a
    693  href="http://www.icu-project.org/docs/eclipse_howto/eclipse_howto.html">
    694 how to configure Eclipse</a> to build and develop ICU4J on Eclipse IDE.</p>
    696 <p><b>Note:</b> To install and configure ICU4J Locale Service Provider, please refer the user guide
    697 page <a href="http://userguide.icu-project.org/icu4j-locale-service-provider">ICU4J Locale
    698 Service Provider</a>.</p>
    700 <h2 class="doc"><a name="tryingout"></a>Trying Out ICU4J</h2>
    701 <p><strong>Note:</strong> the demos provided with ICU4J are for the
    702 most part undocumented. This list can show you where to look, but
    703 you'll have to experiment a bit. The demos are <strong>unsupported</strong>
    704 and may change or disappear without notice.</p>
    705 <p>The icu4j.jar file contains only the ICU4J runtime library classes, not the
    706 demo classes, so unless you build ICU4J there is little to try out.
    707 </p>
    708 <h3 class="doc">Charset</h3>
    709 To try out the <strong>Charset</strong> package, build <strong>icu4j.jar</strong> and
    710 <strong>icu4j-charset.jar</strong> using the 'jar' target.
    711 You can use the charsets by placing these files on your classpath.
    712 <blockquote><tt>java -cp $icu4j_root/icu4j.jar:$icu4j_root/icu4j-charset.jar &lt;your program&gt;</tt></blockquote>
    713 <h3 class="doc">Other demos</h3>
    714 <p>The other demo programs are <strong>not supported</strong> and
    715 exist only to let you experiment with the ICU4J classes. First, build ICU4J using <tt>ant&nbsp;jarDemos</tt>.
    716 Then launch the demos as below:</p>
    717 <blockquote><tt>java -jar $icu4j_root/icu4jdemos.jar</tt></blockquote>
    719 <h2 class="doc"><a name="resources">ICU4J Resource Information</a></h2>
    720 Starting with release 2.1, ICU4J includes its own
    721 resource information
    722 which is completely independent of the JRE resource information. (Note,
    723 ICU4J 2.8 to 3.4, time zone information depends on the underlying JRE).
    724 The ICU4J resource information is equivalent to the information in ICU4C and
    725 many resources are, in fact, the same binary files that ICU4C uses.
    726 <p>
    727 By default the ICU4J distribution includes all of the standard resource
    728 information. It is located under the directory com/ibm/icu/impl/data.
    729 Depending on the service, the data is in different locations and in
    730 different formats. <strong>Note:</strong> This will continue to change
    731 from release to release, so clients should not depend on the exact
    732 organization
    733 of the data in ICU4J.</p>
    734 <ul>
    735   <li>The primary <b>locale data</b> is under the directory <tt>icudt63b</tt>,
    736   as a set of <tt>".res"</tt> files whose names are the locale identifiers. 
    737   Locale naming is documented the <code>com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale</code>
    738   class, and the use of these names in searching for resources is documented 
    739   in <code>com.ibm.icu.util.UResourceBundle</code>.</li>
    741   <li>The <b>break iterator data</b> is under the directory <tt>icudt63b/brkitr</tt>,
    742   as a set of <tt>".res"</tt>, <tt>".brk"</tt> and <tt>".dict"</tt> files.</li>
    744   <li>The <b>collation data</b> is under the directory <tt>icudt63b/coll</tt>,
    745   as a set of <tt>".res"</tt> files.</li>
    747   <li>The <b>currency display name data</b> is under the directory <tt>icudt63b/curr</tt>,
    748   as a set of <tt>".res"</tt> files.</li>
    750   <li>The <b>language display name data</b> is under the directory <tt>icudt63b/lang</tt>,
    751   as a set of <tt>".res"</tt> files.</li>
    753   <li>The <b>rule-based number format data</b> is under the directory
    754   <tt>icudt63b/rbnf</tt>, as a set of <tt>".res"</tt> files.
    756   <li>The <b>region display name data</b> is under the directory <tt>icudt63b/region</tt>,
    757   as a set of <tt>".res"</tt> files.</li>
    759   <li>The <b>rule-based transliterator data</b> is under the directory
    760   <tt>icudt63b/translit</tt>, as a set of <tt>".res"</tt> files.</li>
    762   <li>The <b>measurement unit data</b> is under the directory <tt>icudt63b/unit</tt>,
    763   as a set of <tt>".res"</tt> files.</li>
    765   <li>The <b>time zone display name data</b> is under the directory
    766   <tt>icudt63b/zone</tt>, as a set of <tt>".res"</tt> files.</li>
    768   <li>The <b>character property data</b> and default <b>unicode collation algorithm
    769   (UCA) data</b> is found under the directory <tt>icudt63b</tt>, as a set of
    770   <tt>".icu"</tt> files. </li>
    772   <li>The <b>normalization data</b> is found under the directory <tt>icudt63b</tt>,
    773   as a set of <tt>".nrm"</tt> files. </li>
    775   <li>The <b>character set converter data</b> is under the directory
    776   <tt>icudt63b</tt>, as a set of <tt>".cnv"</tt> files.  These files are
    777   currently included only in icu-charset.jar.</li>
    779   <li>The <b>time zone rule data</b> is under the directory 
    780   <tt>icudt63b</tt>, as <tt>zoneinfo64.res</tt>.</li>
    782   <li>The <b>holiday data</b> is under the directory <tt>icudt63b</tt>,
    783   as a set of <tt>".class"</tt> files, named <tt>"HolidayBundle_"</tt>
    784   followed by the locale ID.</li>
    786 </ul>
    787 <p>
    788 Some of the data files alias or otherwise reference data from other
    789 data files. One reason for this is because some locale names have
    790 changed. For example, <tt>he_IL</tt> used to be <tt>iw_IL</tt>. In
    791 order to support both names but not duplicate the data, one of the
    792 resource files refers to the other file's data. In other cases, a
    793 file may alias a portion of another file's data in order to save
    794 space. Currently ICU4J provides no tool for revealing these
    795 dependencies.</p>
    796 <blockquote><strong>Note:</strong>  Java's <code>Locale</code> class
    797 silently converts the language code <tt>"he"</tt> to <tt>"iw"</tt>
    798 when you construct the Locale (for versions of Java through Java 5). Thus
    799 Java cannot be used to locate resources that use the <tt>"he"</tt>
    800 language code. ICU, on the other hand, does not perform this
    801 conversion in ULocale, and instead uses aliasing in the locale data to
    802 represent the same set of data under different locale
    803 ids.</blockquote>
    804 <p>
    805 Resource files that use locale ids form a hierarchy, with up to four
    806 levels: a root, language, region (country), and variant. Searches for
    807 locale data attempt to match as far down the hierarchy as possible,
    808 for example, <tt>"he_IL"</tt> will match <tt>he_IL</tt>, but
    809 <tt>"he_US"</tt> will match <tt>he</tt> (since there is no <tt>US</tt>
    810 variant for he, and <tt>"xx_YY</tt> will match root (the
    811 default fallback locale) since there is no <tt>xx</tt> language code
    812 in the locale hierarchy. Again, see
    813 <code>java.util.ResourceBundle</code> for more information.
    814 </p>
    815 <p>
    816 <strong>Currently ICU4J provides no tool for revealing these
    817 dependencies</strong> between data files, so trimming the data
    818 directly in the ICU4J project is a hit-or-miss affair. The key point
    819 when you remove data is to make sure to remove all dependencies on
    820 that data as well. For example, if you remove <tt>he.res</tt>, you
    821 need to remove <tt>he_IL.res</tt>, since it is lower in the hierarchy,
    822 and you must remove iw.res, since it references <tt>he.res</tt>, and
    823 <tt>iw_IL.res</tt>, since it depends on it (and also references
    824 <tt>he_IL.res</tt>).
    825 </p>
    826 <p>
    827 Unfortunately, the jar tool in the JDK provides no way to remove items
    828 from a jar file. Thus you have to extract the resources, remove the
    829 ones you don't want, and then create a new jar file with the remining
    830 resources. See the jar tool information for how to do this. Before
    831 'rejaring' the files, be sure to thoroughly test your application with
    832 the remaining resources, making sure each required resource is
    833 present.
    834 </p>
    835 <h3 class="doc">Using additional resource files with ICU4J</h3>
    836 <blockquote>
    837   <table cellpadding="3" frame="border" rules="none" width="50%">
    838     <tbody>
    839       <tr>
    840         <td><b><font color="red" size="+1">Warning:</font> Resource
    841 file formats can change across releases of ICU4J!</b></td>
    842       </tr>
    843       <tr>
    844         <td>The format of ICU4J resources is not part of the API.
    845 Clients who develop their own resources for use with ICU4J should be
    846 prepared to
    847 regenerate them when they move to new releases of ICU4J.</td>
    848       </tr>
    849     </tbody>
    850   </table>
    851 </blockquote>
    852 <p>
    853 We are still developing ICU4J's resource mechanism. Currently it 
    854 is not possible to mix icu's new binary <tt>.res</tt>
    855 resources
    856 with traditional java-style <tt>.class</tt> or <tt>.txt</tt>
    857 resources. We might
    858 allow for this in a future release, but since the resource data and
    859 format is not formally
    860 supported, you run the risk of incompatibilities with future releases
    861 of ICU4J.
    862 </p>
    863 <p>
    864 Resource data in ICU4J is checked in to the repository as a jar file
    865 containing the resource binaries, <tt>$icu4j_root/main/shared/data/icudata.jar</tt>.
    866 This means that inspecting the contents of these resources is difficult.
    867 They currently are compiled from ICU4C <tt>.txt</tt> file data. You
    868 can view the contents of the ICU4C text resource files to understand
    869 the contents of the ICU4J resources.
    870 </p>
    871 <p>
    872 The files in <tt>icudata.jar</tt> get extracted to <tt>com/ibm/icu/impl/data</tt>
    873 in the build output directory by some build targets.
    874 </p>
    875 <h3 class="doc"><a name="resourcesICU4C">Building ICU4J Resources from ICU4C</a></h3>
    876 ICU4J data is built by ICU4C tools. Please see "icu4j-readme.txt" in icu4c/source/data for the procedures.
    877 <h5> Generating Data from CLDR </h5>
    878 <I> Note: This procedure assumes that all 3 sources are present</I>
    879 <ol>
    880     <li>Checkout or download CLDR version 'release-34'</li>
    881     <li>Checkout ICU with tag 'release-63-2'</li>
    882     <li>cd to icu4c/source/data directory</li>
    883     <li>Follow the instructions in icu4c/source/data/cldr-icu-readme.txt</li>
    884     <li>Rebuild ICU4C with the newly generated data.</li>
    885     <li>Run ICU4C tests to verify that the new data is good.</li>
    886     <li>Build ICU4J data from ICU4C data by following the procedures in icu4j/source/data/icu4j-readme.txt</li>
    887     <li>cd to icu4j dir</li>
    888     <li>Build and test icu4j</li>
    889 </ol>
    891 <h2 class="doc"><a name="timezone"></a>About ICU4J Time Zone</h2>
    892 <p>ICU4J library includes the latest time zone data, as of the release date.
    893 However, time zone data is frequently updated in response
    894 to changes made by local governments around the world.  If you need to update
    895 the time zone data, please refer the ICU user guide topic
    896 <a href="http://userguide.icu-project.org/datetime/timezone#TOC-Updating-the-Time-Zone-Data">Updating the Time Zone Data</a>.</p>
    897 <p>You can optionally configure ICU4J date and time
    898 service classes to use underlying JDK TimeZone implementation (see the ICU4J API reference
    899 <a href="http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4j/com/ibm/icu/util/TimeZone.html">TimeZone</a>
    900 for the details).  When this configuration is enabled, ICU's own time zone data
    901 won't be used and you have to get time zone data patches from the JRE vendor.</p>
    903 <h2 class="doc"><a name="WhereToFindMore"></a>Where to Find More
    904 Information</h2>
    905 <p><a href="http://www.icu-project.org/">http://www.icu-project.org/</a>
    906 is the home page of International Components for Unicode development project</p>
    908 <h2 class="doc"><a name="SubmittingComments"></a>Submitting Comments,
    909 Requesting Features and
    910 Reporting Bugs</h2>
    911 <p>Your comments are important to making ICU4J successful. We are
    912 committed to investigate any bug reports or suggestions,
    913 and will use your feedback to help plan future releases.</p>
    914 <p>To submit comments, request features and report bugs,
    915 please see <a href="http://www.icu-project.org/bugs.html">ICU bug database
    916 information</a> or contact us through the <a
    917  href="http://www.icu-project.org/contacts.html">ICU Support
    918 mailing list</a>.  While we are not able to respond individually to each comment, we do
    919 review all comments.</p>
    920 <br>
    921 <br>
    922 <h2>Thank you for your interest in ICU4J!</h2>
    923 <br>
    924 <hr align="center" size="2" width="100%">
    925 <p><I><font size="-1"> 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.<br>
    926 License & terms of use: <a href="http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License">http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License</a>
    927 </font></I></p>
    928 </body>
    929 </html>