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      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 #
      3 # Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
      4 #
      5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 #
      9 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 #
     11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 # limitations under the License.
     17 UNIT_TEST_DIR="jemalloc5_unittests"
     19 UNIT_TESTS=( \
     20   "a0" \
     21   "arena_reset" \
     22   "atomic" \
     23   "background_thread" \
     24   "background_thread_enable" \
     25   "base" \
     26   "bitmap" \
     27   "ckh" \
     28   "div" \
     29   "emitter" \
     30   "extent_quantize" \
     31   "fork" \
     32   "hash" \
     33   "hooks" \
     34   "junk" \
     35   "junk_alloc" \
     36   "junk_free" \
     37   "log" \
     38   "mallctl" \
     39   "malloc_io" \
     40   "math" \
     41   "mq" \
     42   "mtx" \
     43   "pack" \
     44   "pages" \
     45   "prng" \
     46   "prof_accum" \
     47   "prof_active" \
     48   "prof_gdump" \
     49   "prof_idump" \
     50   "prof_reset" \
     51   "prof_thread_name" \
     52   "ql" \
     53   "qr" \
     54   "rb" \
     55   "retained" \
     56   "rtree" \
     57   "SFMT" \
     58   "size_classes" \
     59   "slab" \
     60   "smoothstep" \
     61   "spin" \
     62   "stats" \
     63   "stats_print" \
     64   "ticker" \
     65   "nstime" \
     66   "tsd" \
     67   "witness" \
     68 )
     70 # These tests have bit-rotted and are not working properly.
     71 #  "decay" \
     72 #  "zero" \
     74 INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR="jemalloc5_integrationtests"
     77   "aligned_alloc" \
     78   "allocated" \
     79   "extent" \
     80   "mallocx" \
     81   "MALLOCX_ARENA" \
     82   "overflow" \
     83   "posix_memalign" \
     84   "rallocx" \
     85   "sdallocx" \
     86   "thread_arena" \
     87   "xallocx" \
     88   "basic" \
     89 )
     91 STRESS_TEST_DIR="jemalloc5_stresstests"
     93 STRESS_TESTS=( \
     94   "microbench" \
     95 )
     97 TEST_DIRECTORIES=( "nativetest" "nativetest64" )
     98 FAILING_TESTS=()
    100 function run_tests () {
    101   local test_type=$1
    102   shift
    103   local test_dir=$1
    104   shift
    105   local test_list=$*
    106   if [[ -d "${test_dir}" ]]; then
    107     for test in ${test_list[@]}; do
    108       echo "Running ${test_type} ${test}"
    109       ${test_dir}/$test
    110       local exit_val=$?
    111       # 0 means all tests passed.
    112       # 1 means all tests passed but some tests were skipped.
    113       # 2 means at least one failure.
    114       if [[ ${exit_val} -ne 0 ]] && [[ ${exit_val} -ne 1 ]]; then
    115         echo "*** $test failed: ${exit_val}"
    116         FAILING_TESTS+=("${test_dir}/${test}")
    117         EXIT_CODE=$((EXIT_CODE+1))
    118       fi
    119     done
    120   fi
    121 }
    123 if [[ "" == "$1" ]]; then
    124   directory="/data"
    125 else
    126   directory=$1;
    127 fi
    129 echo "Looking in $directory";
    131 EXIT_CODE=0
    132 for test_dir in ${TEST_DIRECTORIES[@]}; do
    133   test_dir="${directory}/${test_dir}"
    134   if [[ -d "${test_dir}" ]]; then
    135     run_tests "unit" "${test_dir}/${UNIT_TEST_DIR}" ${UNIT_TESTS[@]}
    136     run_tests "integration" "${test_dir}/${INTEGRATION_TEST_DIR}" ${INTEGRATION_TESTS[@]}
    137     run_tests "stress" "${test_dir}/${STRESS_TEST_DIR}" ${STRESS_TESTS[@]}
    138   fi
    139 done
    140 if [[ ${EXIT_CODE} -eq 0 ]]; then
    141   echo "All tests passed"
    142 else
    143   echo "List of failing tests:"
    144   for fail in ${FAILING_TESTS[@]}; do
    145     echo "  $fail"
    146   done
    147 fi
    148 exit ${EXIT_CODE}