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      1 /******************************************************************************
      2  *
      3  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      4  *
      5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
      8  *
      9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10  *
     11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15  * limitations under the License.
     16  *
     17  *****************************************************************************
     18  * Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
     19 */
     21 /**
     22 *******************************************************************************
     23 * @file
     24 *  ih264e_utils.c
     25 *
     26 * @brief
     27 *  Contains miscellaneous utility functions used by the encoder
     28 *
     29 * @author
     30 *  ittiam
     31 *
     32 * @par List of Functions:
     33 *  - ih264e_get_min_level()
     34 *  - ih264e_get_lvl_idx()
     35 *  - ih264e_get_dpb_size()
     36 *  - ih264e_get_total_pic_buf_size()
     37 *  - ih264e_get_pic_mv_bank_size()
     38 *  - ih264e_pic_buf_mgr_add_bufs()
     39 *  - ih264e_mv_buf_mgr_add_bufs()
     40 *  - ih264e_init_quant_params()
     41 *  - ih264e_init_air_map()
     42 *  - ih264e_codec_init()
     43 *  - ih264e_pic_init()
     44 *
     45 * @remarks
     46 *  None
     47 *
     48 *******************************************************************************
     49 */
     51 /*****************************************************************************/
     52 /* File Includes                                                             */
     53 /*****************************************************************************/
     55 /* system include files */
     56 #include <stdio.h>
     57 #include <stddef.h>
     58 #include <stdlib.h>
     59 #include <string.h>
     60 #include <assert.h>
     62 /* user include files */
     63 #include "ih264_typedefs.h"
     64 #include "iv2.h"
     65 #include "ive2.h"
     66 #include "ih264e.h"
     67 #include "ithread.h"
     68 #include "ih264_defs.h"
     69 #include "ih264_size_defs.h"
     70 #include "ime_distortion_metrics.h"
     71 #include "ime_defs.h"
     72 #include "ime_structs.h"
     73 #include "ih264_error.h"
     74 #include "ih264_structs.h"
     75 #include "ih264_trans_quant_itrans_iquant.h"
     76 #include "ih264_inter_pred_filters.h"
     77 #include "ih264_mem_fns.h"
     78 #include "ih264_padding.h"
     79 #include "ih264_intra_pred_filters.h"
     80 #include "ih264_deblk_edge_filters.h"
     81 #include "ih264_cabac_tables.h"
     82 #include "ih264_macros.h"
     83 #include "ih264_common_tables.h"
     84 #include "ih264_debug.h"
     85 #include "ih264_trans_data.h"
     86 #include "ih264e_defs.h"
     87 #include "ih264e_globals.h"
     88 #include "ih264_buf_mgr.h"
     89 #include "ih264_dpb_mgr.h"
     90 #include "ih264e_error.h"
     91 #include "ih264e_bitstream.h"
     92 #include "irc_cntrl_param.h"
     93 #include "irc_frame_info_collector.h"
     94 #include "ih264e_rate_control.h"
     95 #include "ih264e_cabac_structs.h"
     96 #include "ih264e_structs.h"
     97 #include "ih264e_cabac.h"
     98 #include "ih264e_utils.h"
     99 #include "ih264e_config.h"
    100 #include "ih264e_statistics.h"
    101 #include "ih264e_trace.h"
    102 #include "ih264_list.h"
    103 #include "ih264e_encode_header.h"
    104 #include "ih264e_me.h"
    105 #include "ime.h"
    106 #include "ih264e_core_coding.h"
    107 #include "ih264e_rc_mem_interface.h"
    108 #include "ih264e_time_stamp.h"
    109 #include "ih264e_debug.h"
    110 #include "ih264e_process.h"
    111 #include "ih264e_master.h"
    112 #include "irc_rate_control_api.h"
    113 #include "ime_statistics.h"
    115 /*****************************************************************************/
    116 /* Function Definitions                                                      */
    117 /*****************************************************************************/
    119 /**
    120  *******************************************************************************
    121  *
    122  * @brief
    123  *  Queues the current buffer, gets back a another buffer for encoding with corrent
    124  *  picture type
    125  *
    126  * @par Description:
    127  *      This function performs 3 distinct but related functions.
    128  *      1) Maintains an input queue [Note the the term queue donot imply a
    129  *         first-in first-out logic here] that queues input and dequeues them so
    130  *         that input frames can be encoded at any predetermined encoding order
    131  *      2) Uses RC library to decide which frame must be encoded in current pass
    132  *         and which picture type it must be encoded to.
    133  *      3) Uses RC library to decide the QP at which current frame has to be
    134  *         encoded
    135  *      4) Determines if the current picture must be encoded or not based on
    136  *         PRE-ENC skip
    137  *
    138  *     Input queue is used for storing input buffers till they are used for
    139  *     encoding. This queue is maintained at ps_codec->as_inp_list. Whenever a
    140  *     valid input comes, it is added to the end of queue. This same input is
    141  *     added to RC queue using the identifier as ps_codec->i4_pic_cnt. Hence any
    142  *     pic from RC can be located in the input queue easily.
    143  *
    144  *     The dequeue operation does not start till we have ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_max_num_bframes
    145  *     frames in the queue. THis is done in order to ensure that once output starts
    146  *     we will have a constant stream of output with no gaps.
    147  *
    148  *     THe output frame order is governed by RC library. When ever we dequeue a
    149  *     buffer from RC library, it ensures that we will get them in encoding order
    150  *     With the output of RC library, we can use the picture id to dequeue the
    151  *     corresponding buffer from input queue and encode it.
    152  *
    153  *     Condition at the end of stream.
    154  *     -------------------------------
    155  *      At the last valid buffer from the app, we will get ps_ive_ip->u4_is_last
    156  *      to be set. This will the given to lib when appropriate input buffer is
    157  *      given to encoding.
    158  *
    159  *      Since we have to output is not in sync with input, we will have frames to
    160  *      encode even after we recive the last vaild input buffer. Hence we have to
    161  *      make sure that we donot queue any new buffers once we get the flag [It may
    162  *      mess up GOP ?]. This is acheived by setting ps_codec->i4_last_inp_buff_received
    163  *      to act as a permenent marker for last frame recived [This may not be needed,
    164  *      because in our current app, all buffers after the last are marked as last.
    165  *      But can we rely on that?] . Hence after this flgag is set no new buffers are
    166  *      queued.
    167  *
    168  * @param[in] ps_codec
    169  *   Pointer to codec descriptor
    170  *
    171  * @param[in] ps_ive_ip
    172  *   Current input buffer to the encoder
    173  *
    174  * @param[out] ps_inp
    175  *   Buffer to be encoded in the current pass
    176  *
    177  * @returns
    178  *   Flag indicating if we have a pre-enc skip or not
    179  *
    180  * @remarks
    181  * TODO (bpic)
    182  *  The check for null ans is last is redudent.
    183  *  Need to see if we can remove it
    184  *
    185  *******************************************************************************
    186  */
    187 WORD32 ih264e_input_queue_update(codec_t *ps_codec,
    188                                  ive_video_encode_ip_t *ps_ive_ip,
    189                                  inp_buf_t *ps_enc_buff)
    190 {
    192     inp_buf_t *ps_inp_buf;
    193     picture_type_e e_pictype;
    194     WORD32 i4_skip;
    195     UWORD32 ctxt_sel, u4_pic_id, u4_pic_disp_id;
    196     UWORD8 u1_frame_qp, i;
    197     UWORD32 max_frame_bits = 0x7FFFFFFF;
    199     /*  Mark that the last input frame has been received */
    200     if (ps_ive_ip->u4_is_last == 1)
    201     {
    202         ps_codec->i4_last_inp_buff_received = 1;
    203     }
    205     if (ps_ive_ip->s_inp_buf.apv_bufs[0] == NULL
    206                     && !ps_codec->i4_last_inp_buff_received)
    207     {
    208         ps_enc_buff->s_raw_buf.apv_bufs[0] = NULL;
    209         ps_enc_buff->u4_is_last = ps_ive_ip->u4_is_last;
    210         return 0;
    211     }
    213     /***************************************************************************
    214      * Check for pre enc skip
    215      *   When src and target frame rates donot match, we skip some frames to
    216      *   maintain the relation ship between them
    217      **************************************************************************/
    218     {
    219         WORD32 skip_src;
    221         skip_src = ih264e_update_rc_framerates(
    222                         ps_codec->s_rate_control.pps_rate_control_api,
    223                         ps_codec->s_rate_control.pps_pd_frm_rate,
    224                         ps_codec->s_rate_control.pps_time_stamp,
    225                         ps_codec->s_rate_control.pps_frame_time);
    227         if (skip_src)
    228         {
    229             ps_enc_buff->u4_is_last = ps_ive_ip->u4_is_last;
    230             return 1;
    231         }
    232     }
    234     /***************************************************************************
    235      *Queue the input to the queue
    236      **************************************************************************/
    237     ps_inp_buf = &(ps_codec->as_inp_list[ps_codec->i4_pic_cnt
    238                                          % MAX_NUM_INP_FRAMES]);
    240     /* copy input info. to internal structure */
    241     ps_inp_buf->s_raw_buf = ps_ive_ip->s_inp_buf;
    242     ps_inp_buf->u4_timestamp_low = ps_ive_ip->u4_timestamp_low;
    243     ps_inp_buf->u4_timestamp_high = ps_ive_ip->u4_timestamp_high;
    244     ps_inp_buf->u4_is_last = ps_ive_ip->u4_is_last;
    245     ps_inp_buf->pv_mb_info = ps_ive_ip->pv_mb_info;
    246     ps_inp_buf->u4_mb_info_type = ps_ive_ip->u4_mb_info_type;
    247     ps_inp_buf->pv_pic_info = ps_ive_ip->pv_pic_info;
    248     ps_inp_buf->u4_pic_info_type = ps_ive_ip->u4_pic_info_type;
    250     /***************************************************************************
    251      * Now we should add the picture to RC stack here
    252      **************************************************************************/
    253     /*
    254      * If an I frame has been requested, ask  RC to force it
    255      * For IDR requests, we have to ask RC to force I and set IDR by our selves
    256      * since RC Donot know about IDR. For forcing an IDR at dequeue stage we
    257      * should record that an IDR has been requested some where. Hence we will
    258      * store it in the u4_idr_inp_list at a position same as that of input frame
    259      */
    260     {
    261         WORD32 i4_force_idr, i4_force_i;
    263         i4_force_idr = (ps_codec->force_curr_frame_type == IV_IDR_FRAME);
    264         i4_force_idr |= !(ps_codec->i4_pic_cnt % ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_idr_frm_interval);
    266         i4_force_i = (ps_codec->force_curr_frame_type == IV_I_FRAME);
    268         ps_codec->i4_pending_idr_flag |= i4_force_idr;
    270         if ((ps_codec->i4_pic_cnt > 0) && (i4_force_idr || i4_force_i))
    271         {
    272             irc_force_I_frame(ps_codec->s_rate_control.pps_rate_control_api);
    273         }
    274         ps_codec->force_curr_frame_type = IV_NA_FRAME;
    275     }
    277     irc_add_picture_to_stack(ps_codec->s_rate_control.pps_rate_control_api,
    278                              ps_codec->i4_pic_cnt);
    281     /* Delay */
    282     if (ps_codec->i4_encode_api_call_cnt
    283                     < (WORD32)(ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_num_bframes))
    284     {
    285         ps_enc_buff->s_raw_buf.apv_bufs[0] = NULL;
    286         ps_enc_buff->u4_is_last = 0;
    287         return 0;
    288     }
    290     /***************************************************************************
    291      * Get a new pic to encode
    292      **************************************************************************/
    293     /* Query the picture_type */
    294     e_pictype = ih264e_rc_get_picture_details(
    295                     ps_codec->s_rate_control.pps_rate_control_api, (WORD32 *)(&u4_pic_id),
    296                     (WORD32 *)(&u4_pic_disp_id));
    298     switch (e_pictype)
    299     {
    300         case I_PIC:
    301             ps_codec->pic_type = PIC_I;
    302             break;
    303         case P_PIC:
    304             ps_codec->pic_type = PIC_P;
    305             break;
    306         case B_PIC:
    307             ps_codec->pic_type = PIC_B;
    308             break;
    309         default:
    310             ps_codec->pic_type = PIC_NA;
    311             ps_enc_buff->s_raw_buf.apv_bufs[0] = NULL;
    312             return 0;
    313     }
    315     /* Set IDR if it has been requested */
    316     if (ps_codec->pic_type == PIC_I)
    317     {
    318         ps_codec->pic_type = ps_codec->i4_pending_idr_flag ?
    319                                     PIC_IDR : ps_codec->pic_type;
    320         ps_codec->i4_pending_idr_flag = 0;
    321     }
    323     /* Get current frame Qp */
    324     u1_frame_qp = (UWORD8)irc_get_frame_level_qp(
    325                     ps_codec->s_rate_control.pps_rate_control_api, e_pictype,
    326                     max_frame_bits);
    327     ps_codec->u4_frame_qp = gau1_mpeg2_to_h264_qmap[u1_frame_qp];
    329     /*
    330      * copy the pic id to poc because the display order is assumed to be same
    331      * as input order
    332      */
    333     ps_codec->i4_poc = u4_pic_id;
    335     /***************************************************************************
    336      * Now retrieve the correct picture from the queue
    337      **************************************************************************/
    339     /* Mark the skip flag   */
    340     i4_skip = 0;
    341     ctxt_sel = ps_codec->i4_encode_api_call_cnt % MAX_CTXT_SETS;
    342     ps_codec->s_rate_control.pre_encode_skip[ctxt_sel] = i4_skip;
    344     /* Get a buffer to encode */
    345     ps_inp_buf = &(ps_codec->as_inp_list[u4_pic_id % MAX_NUM_INP_FRAMES]);
    347     /* copy dequeued input to output */
    348     ps_enc_buff->s_raw_buf = ps_inp_buf->s_raw_buf;
    349     ps_enc_buff->u4_timestamp_low = ps_inp_buf->u4_timestamp_low;
    350     ps_enc_buff->u4_timestamp_high = ps_inp_buf->u4_timestamp_high;
    351     ps_enc_buff->u4_is_last = ps_inp_buf->u4_is_last;
    352     ps_enc_buff->pv_mb_info = ps_inp_buf->pv_mb_info;
    353     ps_enc_buff->u4_mb_info_type = ps_inp_buf->u4_mb_info_type;
    354     ps_enc_buff->pv_pic_info = ps_inp_buf->pv_pic_info;
    355     ps_enc_buff->u4_pic_info_type = ps_inp_buf->u4_pic_info_type;
    357     /* Special case for encoding trailing B frames
    358      *
    359      * In encoding streams with B frames it may happen that we have a B frame
    360      * at the end without a P/I frame after it. Hence when we are dequeing from
    361      * the RC, it will return the P frame [next in display order but before in
    362      * encoding order] first. Since the dequeue happens for an invalid frame we
    363      * will get a frame with null buff and set u4_is_last. Hence lib with return
    364      * last frame flag at this point and will stop encoding.
    365      *
    366      * Since for the last B frame, we does not have the forward ref frame
    367      * it makes sense to force it into P.
    368      *
    369      * To solve this, in case the current frame is P and if the last frame flag
    370      * is set, we need to see if there is and pending B frames. If there are any,
    371      * we should just encode that picture as the current P frame and set
    372      * that B frame as the last frame. Hence the encoder will terminate naturally
    373      * once that B-frame is encoded after all the in between frames.
    374      *
    375      * Since we cannot touch RC stack directly, the option of actually swapping
    376      * frames in RC is ruled out. We have to modify the as_inp_list to simulate
    377      * such a behavior by RC. We can do that by
    378      *  1) Search through as_inp_list to locate the largest u4_timestamp_low less
    379      *     than current u4_timestamp_low. This will give us the last B frame before
    380      *     the current P frame. Note that this will handle pre encode skip too since
    381      *     queue happens after pre enc skip.
    382      *  2) Swap the position in as_inp_list. Hence now the last B frame is
    383      *     encoded as P frame. And the new last B frame will have u4_is_last
    384      *     set so that encoder will end naturally once we reached that B frame
    385      *     or any subsequent frame. Also the current GOP will have 1 less B frame
    386      *     Since we are swapping, the poc will also be in-order.
    387      *  3) In case we have an IPP stream, the result of our search will be an
    388      *     I/P frame which is already encoded. Thus swap and encode will result
    389      *     in encoding of duplicate frames. Hence to avoid this we will only
    390      *     have this work around in case of u4_num_bframes > 0.
    391      *
    392      *     In case we have forced an I/IDR frame In between this P frame and
    393      *     the last B frame -> This cannot happen as the current P frame is
    394      *     supposed to have u4_is_last set. Thus forcing an I/ IDR after this
    395      *     is illogical.
    396      *
    397      *     In cae if we have forced an I such that the frame just before last frame
    398      *     in is I/P -> This case will never arise. Since we have a closed GOP now,
    399      *     once we force an I, the gop gets reset, hence there will be a B between
    400      *     I/P and I/P.
    401      */
    402     if (ps_enc_buff->u4_is_last && (ps_codec->pic_type == PIC_P)
    403                     && ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_num_bframes)
    404     {
    405         WORD32 cntr;
    406         WORD32 lst_bframe = -1;
    407         UWORD32 u4_timestamp_low = 0;
    408         UWORD32 u4_timestamp_high = 0;
    409         inp_buf_t *ps_swap_buff, *ps_inp_list;
    411         ps_inp_list = &ps_codec->as_inp_list[0];
    413         /* Now search the inp list for highest timestamp */
    414         for(cntr = 0; cntr < MAX_NUM_INP_FRAMES; cntr++)
    415         {
    416             if(ps_inp_list[cntr].s_raw_buf.apv_bufs[0] != NULL)
    417             {
    418                 if ((ps_inp_list[cntr].u4_timestamp_high  > u4_timestamp_high) ||
    419                     (ps_inp_list[cntr].u4_timestamp_high  == u4_timestamp_high &&
    420                      ps_inp_list[cntr].u4_timestamp_low  > u4_timestamp_low))
    421                 {
    422                     u4_timestamp_low = ps_inp_list[cntr].u4_timestamp_low;
    423                     u4_timestamp_high = ps_inp_list[cntr].u4_timestamp_high;
    424                     lst_bframe = cntr;
    425                 }
    426             }
    427         }
    429         if(lst_bframe != -1)
    430         {
    431             ps_swap_buff = &(ps_codec->as_inp_list[lst_bframe]);
    433             /* copy the last B buffer to output */
    434             *ps_enc_buff = *ps_swap_buff;
    436             /* Store the current buf into the queue in place of last B buf */
    437             *ps_swap_buff = *ps_inp_buf;
    438         }
    439     }
    441     if (ps_enc_buff->u4_is_last)
    442     {
    443         ps_codec->pic_type = PIC_NA;
    444     }
    446     /* The buffer in the queue is set to NULL to specify that encoding is done for that frame */
    447     for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    448     {
    449         ps_inp_buf->s_raw_buf.apv_bufs[i] = NULL;
    450     }
    452     /* Return the buffer status */
    453     return (0);
    454 }
    456 /**
    457 *******************************************************************************
    458 *
    459 * @brief
    460 *  Used to get minimum level index for a given picture size
    461 *
    462 * @par Description:
    463 *  Gets the minimum level index and then gets corresponding level.
    464 *  Also used to ignore invalid levels like 2.3, 3.3 etc
    465 *
    466 * @param[in] level
    467 *  Level of the stream
    468 *
    469 * @returns  Level index for a given level
    470 *
    471 * @remarks
    472 *
    473 *******************************************************************************
    474 */
    475 WORD32 ih264e_get_min_level(WORD32 wd, WORD32 ht)
    476 {
    477     WORD32 lvl_idx = MAX_LEVEL, i;
    478     WORD32 pic_size = wd * ht;
    479     WORD32 max = MAX(wd, ht);
    480     for (i = 0; i < MAX_LEVEL; i++)
    481     {
    482         if ((pic_size <= gai4_ih264_max_luma_pic_size[i]) &&
    483             (max <= gai4_ih264_max_wd_ht[i]))
    484         {
    485             lvl_idx = i;
    486             break;
    487         }
    488     }
    490     return gai4_ih264_levels[lvl_idx];
    491 }
    493 /**
    494 *******************************************************************************
    495 *
    496 * @brief
    497 *  Used to get level index for a given level
    498 *
    499 * @par Description:
    500 *  Converts from level_idc (which is multiplied by 30) to an index that can be
    501 *  used as a lookup. Also used to ignore invalid levels like 2.2 , 3.2 etc
    502 *
    503 * @param[in] level
    504 *  Level of the stream
    505 *
    506 * @returns  Level index for a given level
    507 *
    508 * @remarks
    509 *
    510 *******************************************************************************
    511 */
    512 WORD32 ih264e_get_lvl_idx(WORD32 level)
    513 {
    514     WORD32 lvl_idx = 0;
    516     if (level < IH264_LEVEL_11)
    517     {
    518         lvl_idx = 0;
    519     }
    520     else if (level < IH264_LEVEL_12)
    521     {
    522         lvl_idx = 1;
    523     }
    524     else if (level < IH264_LEVEL_13)
    525     {
    526         lvl_idx = 2;
    527     }
    528     else if (level < IH264_LEVEL_20)
    529     {
    530         lvl_idx = 3;
    531     }
    532     else if (level < IH264_LEVEL_21)
    533     {
    534         lvl_idx = 4;
    535     }
    536     else if (level < IH264_LEVEL_22)
    537     {
    538         lvl_idx = 5;
    539     }
    540     else if (level < IH264_LEVEL_30)
    541     {
    542         lvl_idx = 6;
    543     }
    544     else if (level < IH264_LEVEL_31)
    545     {
    546         lvl_idx = 7;
    547     }
    548     else if (level < IH264_LEVEL_32)
    549     {
    550         lvl_idx = 8;
    551     }
    552     else if (level < IH264_LEVEL_40)
    553     {
    554         lvl_idx = 9;
    555     }
    556     else if (level < IH264_LEVEL_41)
    557     {
    558         lvl_idx = 10;
    559     }
    560     else if (level < IH264_LEVEL_42)
    561     {
    562         lvl_idx = 11;
    563     }
    564     else if (level < IH264_LEVEL_50)
    565     {
    566         lvl_idx = 12;
    567     }
    568     else if (level < IH264_LEVEL_51)
    569     {
    570         lvl_idx = 13;
    571     }
    572     else
    573     {
    574         lvl_idx = 14;
    575     }
    577     return (lvl_idx);
    578 }
    580 /**
    581 *******************************************************************************
    582 *
    583 * @brief returns maximum number of pictures allowed in dpb for a given level
    584 *
    585 * @par Description:
    586 *  For given width, height and level, number of pictures allowed in decoder
    587 *  picture buffer is computed as per Annex A.3.1
    588 *
    589 * @param[in] level
    590 *  level of the bit-stream
    591 *
    592 * @param[in] pic_size
    593 *  width * height
    594 *
    595 * @returns  Number of buffers in DPB
    596 *
    597 * @remarks
    598 *  From annexure A.3.1 of H264 specification,
    599 *  max_dec_frame_buffering <= MaxDpbSize, where MaxDpbSize is equal to
    600 *  Min( 1024 * MaxDPB / ( PicWidthInMbs * FrameHeightInMbs * 384 ), 16 ) and
    601 *  MaxDPB is given in Table A-1 in units of 1024 bytes. However the MaxDPB size
    602 *  presented in the look up table gas_ih264_lvl_tbl is in units of 512
    603 *  bytes. Hence the expression is modified accordingly.
    604 *
    605 *******************************************************************************
    606 */
    607 WORD32 ih264e_get_dpb_size(WORD32 level, WORD32 pic_size)
    608 {
    609     /* dpb size */
    610     WORD32 max_dpb_size_bytes = 0;
    612     /* dec frame buffering */
    613     WORD32 max_dpb_size_frames = 0;
    615     /* temp var */
    616     WORD32 i;
    618     /* determine max luma samples */
    619     for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    620         if (level == (WORD32)gas_ih264_lvl_tbl[i].u4_level_idc)
    621             max_dpb_size_bytes = gas_ih264_lvl_tbl[i].u4_max_dpb_size;
    623     /* from Annexure A.3.1 h264 specification */
    624     max_dpb_size_frames =
    625                     MIN( 1024 * max_dpb_size_bytes / ( pic_size * 3 ), MAX_DPB_SIZE );
    627     return max_dpb_size_frames;
    628 }
    630 /**
    631 *******************************************************************************
    632 *
    633 * @brief
    634 *  Used to get reference picture buffer size for a given level and
    635 *  and padding used
    636 *
    637 * @par Description:
    638 *  Used to get reference picture buffer size for a given level and padding used
    639 *  Each picture is padded on all four sides
    640 *
    641 * @param[in] pic_size
    642 *  Number of luma samples (Width * Height)
    643 *
    644 * @param[in] level
    645 *  Level
    646 *
    647 * @param[in] horz_pad
    648 *  Total padding used in horizontal direction
    649 *
    650 * @param[in] vert_pad
    651 *  Total padding used in vertical direction
    652 *
    653 * @returns  Total picture buffer size
    654 *
    655 * @remarks
    656 *
    657 *
    658 *******************************************************************************
    659 */
    660 WORD32 ih264e_get_total_pic_buf_size(WORD32 pic_size,
    661                                      WORD32 level,
    662                                      WORD32 horz_pad,
    663                                      WORD32 vert_pad,
    664                                      WORD32 num_ref_frames,
    665                                      WORD32 num_reorder_frames)
    666 {
    667     WORD32 size;
    668     WORD32 num_luma_samples;
    669     WORD32 lvl_idx;
    670     WORD32 max_wd, min_ht;
    671     WORD32 num_samples;
    672     WORD32 max_num_bufs;
    673     WORD32 pad = MAX(horz_pad, vert_pad);
    675     /*
    676      * If num_ref_frames and num_reorder_frmaes is specified
    677      * Use minimum value
    678      */
    679     max_num_bufs = (num_ref_frames + num_reorder_frames + MAX_CTXT_SETS);
    681     /* Get level index */
    682     lvl_idx = ih264e_get_lvl_idx(level);
    684     /* Maximum number of luma samples in a picture at given level */
    685     num_luma_samples = gai4_ih264_max_luma_pic_size[lvl_idx];
    686     num_luma_samples = MAX(num_luma_samples, pic_size);
    688     /* Account for chroma */
    689     num_samples = num_luma_samples * 3 / 2;
    691     /* Maximum width of luma samples in a picture at given level */
    692     max_wd = gai4_ih264_max_wd_ht[lvl_idx];
    694     /* Minimum height of luma samples in a picture at given level */
    695     min_ht = gai4_ih264_min_wd_ht[lvl_idx];
    697     /* Allocation is required for
    698      * (Wd + horz_pad) * (Ht + vert_pad) * (2 * max_dpb_size + 1)
    699      *
    700      * Above expanded as
    701      * ((Wd * Ht) + (horz_pad * vert_pad) + Wd * vert_pad + Ht * horz_pad) * (2 * max_dpb_size + 1)
    702      * (Wd * Ht) * (2 * max_dpb_size + 1) + ((horz_pad * vert_pad) + Wd * vert_pad + Ht * horz_pad) * (2 * max_dpb_size + 1)
    703      * Now  max_dpb_size increases with smaller Wd and Ht, but Wd * ht * max_dpb_size will still be lesser or equal to max_wd * max_ht * dpb_size
    704      *
    705      * In the above equation (Wd * Ht) * (2 * max_dpb_size + 1) is accounted by using num_samples * (2 * max_dpb_size + 1) below
    706      *
    707      * For the padded area use MAX(horz_pad, vert_pad) as pad
    708      * ((pad * pad) + pad * (Wd + Ht)) * (2 * max_dpb_size + 1) has to accounted from the above for padding
    709      *
    710      * Since Width and Height can change worst Wd + Ht is when One of the dimensions is max and other is min
    711      * So use max_wd and min_ht
    712      */
    714     /* Number of bytes in reference pictures */
    715     size = num_samples * max_num_bufs;
    717     /* Account for padding area */
    718     size += ((pad * pad) + pad * (max_wd + min_ht)) * 3 / 2 * max_num_bufs;
    720     return size;
    721 }
    723 /**
    724 *******************************************************************************
    725 *
    726 * @brief Returns MV bank buffer size for a given number of luma samples
    727 *
    728 * @par Description:
    729 *  For given number of luma samples  one MV bank size is computed.
    730 *  Each MV bank includes pu_map and enc_pu_t for all the min PUs(4x4) in a picture
    731 *
    732 * @param[in] num_luma_samples
    733 *  Max number of luma pixels in the frame
    734 *
    735 * @returns  Total MV Bank size
    736 *
    737 * @remarks
    738 *
    739 *******************************************************************************
    740 */
    741 WORD32 ih264e_get_pic_mv_bank_size(WORD32 num_luma_samples)
    742 {
    743     /* mv bank buffer size */
    744     WORD32 mv_bank_size = 0;
    746     /* number of sub mb partitions possible */
    747     WORD32 num_pu = num_luma_samples / (ENC_MIN_PU_SIZE * ENC_MIN_PU_SIZE);
    749     /* number of mbs */
    750     WORD32 num_mb = num_luma_samples / (MB_SIZE * MB_SIZE);
    752     /* Size for storing enc_pu_t start index each MB */
    753     /* One extra entry is needed to compute number of PUs in the last MB */
    754     mv_bank_size += num_mb * sizeof(WORD32);
    756     /* Size for pu_map */
    757     mv_bank_size += ALIGN4(num_pu);
    759     /* Size for storing enc_pu_t for each PU */
    760     mv_bank_size += ALIGN4(num_pu * sizeof(enc_pu_t));
    762     return mv_bank_size;
    763 }
    765 /**
    766 *******************************************************************************
    767 *
    768 * @brief
    769 *  Function to initialize ps_pic_buf structs add pic buffers to
    770 *  buffer manager in case of non-shared mode
    771 *
    772 * @par Description:
    773 *  Function to initialize ps_pic_buf structs add pic buffers to
    774 *  buffer manager in case of non-shared mode
    775 *  To be called once per stream or for every reset
    776 *
    777 * @param[in] ps_codec
    778 *  Pointer to codec context
    779 *
    780 * @returns  error status
    781 *
    782 * @remarks
    783 *
    784 *******************************************************************************
    785 */
    786 IH264E_ERROR_T ih264e_pic_buf_mgr_add_bufs(codec_t *ps_codec)
    787 {
    788     /* error status */
    789     IH264E_ERROR_T ret = IH264E_SUCCESS;
    791     /* max ref buffer cnt */
    792     WORD32 max_num_bufs = ps_codec->i4_ref_buf_cnt;
    794     /* total size for pic buffers */
    795     WORD32 pic_buf_size_allocated = ps_codec->i4_total_pic_buf_size
    796                     - BUF_MGR_MAX_CNT * sizeof(pic_buf_t);
    798     /* temp var */
    799     UWORD8 *pu1_buf = (UWORD8 *) ps_codec->ps_pic_buf;
    800     pic_buf_t *ps_pic_buf = (pic_buf_t *) ps_codec->ps_pic_buf;
    801     WORD32 i;
    803     pu1_buf += BUF_MGR_MAX_CNT * sizeof(pic_buf_t);
    805     /* In case of non-shared mode, add picture buffers to buffer manager
    806      * In case of shared mode, buffers are added in the run-time
    807      */
    808     {
    809         WORD32 buf_ret;
    811         WORD32 luma_samples = (ps_codec->i4_rec_strd)
    812                         * (ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_ht + PAD_HT);
    814         WORD32 chroma_samples = luma_samples >> 1;
    816         /* Try and add as many buffers as possible for the memory that is allocated */
    817         /* If the number of buffers that can be added is less than max_num_bufs
    818          * return with an error */
    819         for (i = 0; i < max_num_bufs; i++)
    820         {
    821             pic_buf_size_allocated -= (luma_samples + chroma_samples);
    823             if (pic_buf_size_allocated < 0)
    824             {
    825                 ps_codec->i4_error_code = IH264E_INSUFFICIENT_MEM_PICBUF;
    826                 return IH264E_INSUFFICIENT_MEM_PICBUF;
    827             }
    829             ps_pic_buf->pu1_luma = pu1_buf + ps_codec->i4_rec_strd * PAD_TOP
    830                             + PAD_LEFT;
    831             pu1_buf += luma_samples;
    833             ps_pic_buf->pu1_chroma = pu1_buf
    834                             + ps_codec->i4_rec_strd * (PAD_TOP / 2)+ PAD_LEFT;
    835             pu1_buf += chroma_samples;
    837             buf_ret = ih264_buf_mgr_add((buf_mgr_t *) ps_codec->pv_ref_buf_mgr,
    838                                         ps_pic_buf, i);
    840             if (0 != buf_ret)
    841             {
    842                 ps_codec->i4_error_code = IH264E_BUF_MGR_ERROR;
    843                 return IH264E_BUF_MGR_ERROR;
    844             }
    845             pu1_buf += (HPEL_PLANES_CNT - 1) * (chroma_samples + luma_samples);
    846             ps_pic_buf++;
    847         }
    848     }
    850     return ret;
    851 }
    853 /**
    854 *******************************************************************************
    855 *
    856 * @brief Function to add buffers to MV Bank buffer manager
    857 *
    858 * @par Description:
    859 *  Function to add buffers to MV Bank buffer manager.  To be called once per
    860 *  stream or for every reset
    861 *
    862 * @param[in] ps_codec
    863 *  Pointer to codec context
    864 *
    865 * @returns  error status
    866 *
    867 * @remarks
    868 *
    869 *******************************************************************************
    870 */
    871 IH264E_ERROR_T ih264e_mv_buf_mgr_add_bufs(codec_t *ps_codec)
    872 {
    873     /* error status */
    874     IH264E_ERROR_T error_status = IH264E_SUCCESS;
    875     IH264_ERROR_T ret;
    877     /* max dpb size in frames */
    878     WORD32 max_dpb_size = 0;
    880     /* mv bank size for the entire dpb */
    881     WORD32 mv_bank_size_allocated = 0;
    883     /* mv bank size per pic */
    884     WORD32 pic_mv_bank_size = 0;
    886     /* mv buffer ptr */
    887     mv_buf_t *ps_mv_buf = NULL;
    889     /* num of luma samples */
    890     WORD32 num_luma_samples = ALIGN16(ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_wd)
    891                             * ALIGN16(ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_ht);
    893     /* number of mb's & frame partitions */
    894     WORD32 num_pu, num_mb;
    896     /* temp var */
    897     UWORD8 *pu1_buf = NULL;
    898     WORD32 i;
    900     /* Compute the number of MB Bank buffers needed */
    901     max_dpb_size = ps_codec->i4_ref_buf_cnt;
    903     /* allocate memory for mv buffer array */
    904     ps_codec->ps_mv_buf = ps_codec->pv_mv_bank_buf_base;
    905     pu1_buf = ps_codec->pv_mv_bank_buf_base;
    906     pu1_buf += BUF_MGR_MAX_CNT * sizeof(mv_buf_t);
    908     /********************************************************************/
    909     /* allocate memory for individual elements of mv buffer ptr         */
    910     /********************************************************************/
    911     mv_bank_size_allocated = ps_codec->i4_total_mv_bank_size
    912                     - (BUF_MGR_MAX_CNT * sizeof(mv_buf_t));
    914     /* compute MV bank size per picture */
    915     pic_mv_bank_size = ih264e_get_pic_mv_bank_size(num_luma_samples);
    917     num_pu = num_luma_samples / (ENC_MIN_PU_SIZE * ENC_MIN_PU_SIZE);
    918     num_mb = num_luma_samples / (MB_SIZE * MB_SIZE);
    919     i = 0;
    920     ps_mv_buf = ps_codec->pv_mv_bank_buf_base;
    922     while (i < max_dpb_size)
    923     {
    924         mv_bank_size_allocated -= pic_mv_bank_size;
    926         if (mv_bank_size_allocated < 0)
    927         {
    928             ps_codec->i4_error_code = IH264E_INSUFFICIENT_MEM_MVBANK;
    930             error_status = IH264E_INSUFFICIENT_MEM_MVBANK;
    932             return error_status;
    933         }
    935         ps_mv_buf->pu4_mb_pu_cnt = (UWORD32 *) pu1_buf;
    936         pu1_buf += num_mb * sizeof(WORD32);
    938         ps_mv_buf->pu1_pic_pu_map = pu1_buf;
    939         pu1_buf += ALIGN4(num_pu);
    941         ps_mv_buf->ps_pic_pu = (enc_pu_t *) (pu1_buf);
    942         pu1_buf += ALIGN4(num_pu * sizeof(enc_pu_t));
    944         ret = ih264_buf_mgr_add((buf_mgr_t *) ps_codec->pv_mv_buf_mgr,
    945                                 ps_mv_buf, i);
    947         if (IH264_SUCCESS != ret)
    948         {
    949             ps_codec->i4_error_code = IH264E_BUF_MGR_ERROR;
    950             error_status = IH264E_BUF_MGR_ERROR;
    951             return error_status;
    952         }
    954         ps_mv_buf++;
    955         i++;
    956     }
    958     return error_status;
    959 }
    961 /**
    962 *******************************************************************************
    963 *
    964 * @brief Function to initialize quant params structure
    965 *
    966 * @par Description:
    967 *  The forward quantization modules depends on qp/6, qp mod 6, forward scale
    968 *  matrix, forward threshold matrix, weight list. The inverse quantization
    969 *  modules depends on qp/6, qp mod 6, inverse scale matrix, weight list.
    970 *  These params are initialized in this function.
    971 *
    972 * @param[in] ps_proc
    973 *  pointer to process context
    974 *
    975 * @param[in] qp
    976 *  quantization parameter
    977 *
    978 * @returns none
    979 *
    980 * @remarks
    981 *
    982 *******************************************************************************
    983 */
    984 void ih264e_init_quant_params(process_ctxt_t *ps_proc, int qp)
    985 {
    986     /* quant params */
    987     quant_params_t *ps_qp_params;
    989     /* ptr to forward quant threshold matrix */
    990     const UWORD16 *pu2_thres_mat = NULL;
    992     /* ptr to forward scale matrix */
    993     const UWORD16 *pu2_scale_mat = gu2_quant_scale_matrix_4x4;
    995     /* ptr to inverse scale matrix */
    996     const UWORD16 *pu2_iscale_mat = gau2_ih264_iquant_scale_matrix_4x4;
    998     /* temp var */
    999     UWORD32 u4_qp[3], u4_qp_div6, u4_qp_mod6;
   1000     COMPONENT_TYPE plane;
   1001     WORD32 i;
   1002     UWORD32 u4_satdq_t;
   1003     const UWORD16 *pu2_smat;
   1005     /********************************************************************/
   1006     /* init quant params for all planes Y, U and V                      */
   1007     /********************************************************************/
   1008     /* luma qp */
   1009     u4_qp[Y] = qp;
   1011     /* chroma qp
   1012      * TODO_LATER : just in case if the chroma planes use different qp's this
   1013      * needs to be corrected accordingly.
   1014      */
   1015     u4_qp[U] = gu1_qpc_fqpi[qp];
   1016     u4_qp[V] = gu1_qpc_fqpi[qp];
   1018     plane = Y;
   1019     while (plane <= V)
   1020     {
   1021         u4_qp_div6 = (u4_qp[plane] / 6);
   1022         u4_qp_mod6 = (u4_qp[plane] % 6);
   1024         ps_qp_params = ps_proc->ps_qp_params[plane];
   1026         /* mb qp */
   1027         ps_qp_params->u1_mb_qp = u4_qp[plane];
   1029         /* mb qp / 6 */
   1030         ps_qp_params->u1_qp_div = u4_qp_div6;
   1032         /* mb qp % 6 */
   1033         ps_qp_params->u1_qp_rem = u4_qp_mod6;
   1035         /* QP bits */
   1036         ps_qp_params->u1_qbits = QP_BITS_h264_4x4 + u4_qp_div6;
   1038         /* forward scale matrix */
   1039         ps_qp_params->pu2_scale_mat = pu2_scale_mat + (u4_qp_mod6 * 16);
   1041         /* threshold matrix & weight for quantization */
   1042         pu2_thres_mat = gu2_forward_quant_threshold_4x4 + (u4_qp_mod6 * 16);
   1043         for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
   1044         {
   1045             ps_qp_params->pu2_thres_mat[i] = pu2_thres_mat[i]
   1046                             >> (8 - u4_qp_div6);
   1047             ps_qp_params->pu2_weigh_mat[i] = 16;
   1048         }
   1050         /* qp dependent rounding constant */
   1051         ps_qp_params->u4_dead_zone =
   1052                         gu4_forward_quant_round_factor_4x4[u4_qp_div6];
   1054         /* slice dependent rounding constant */
   1055         if (ps_proc->i4_slice_type != ISLICE
   1056                         && ps_proc->i4_slice_type != SISLICE)
   1057         {
   1058             ps_qp_params->u4_dead_zone >>= 1;
   1059         }
   1061         /* SATQD threshold for zero block prediction */
   1062         if (ps_proc->ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_satqd)
   1063         {
   1064             pu2_smat = ps_qp_params->pu2_scale_mat;
   1066             u4_satdq_t = ((1 << (ps_qp_params->u1_qbits)) - ps_qp_params->u4_dead_zone);
   1068             ps_qp_params->pu2_sad_thrsh[0] = u4_satdq_t / MAX(pu2_smat[3], pu2_smat[11]);
   1069             ps_qp_params->pu2_sad_thrsh[1] = u4_satdq_t / MAX(pu2_smat[1], pu2_smat[9]);
   1070             ps_qp_params->pu2_sad_thrsh[2] = u4_satdq_t / pu2_smat[15];
   1071             ps_qp_params->pu2_sad_thrsh[3] = u4_satdq_t / pu2_smat[7];
   1072             ps_qp_params->pu2_sad_thrsh[4] = u4_satdq_t / MAX(pu2_smat[12], pu2_smat[14]);
   1073             ps_qp_params->pu2_sad_thrsh[5] = u4_satdq_t / MAX(pu2_smat[4], pu2_smat[6]);
   1074             ps_qp_params->pu2_sad_thrsh[6] = u4_satdq_t / pu2_smat[13];
   1075             ps_qp_params->pu2_sad_thrsh[7] = u4_satdq_t / pu2_smat[5];
   1076             ps_qp_params->pu2_sad_thrsh[8] = u4_satdq_t / MAX(MAX3(pu2_smat[0], pu2_smat[2], pu2_smat[8]), pu2_smat[10]);
   1077         }
   1079         /* inverse scale matrix */
   1080         ps_qp_params->pu2_iscale_mat = pu2_iscale_mat + (u4_qp_mod6 * 16);
   1082         plane += 1;
   1083     }
   1084     return ;
   1085 }
   1087 /**
   1088 *******************************************************************************
   1089 *
   1090 * @brief
   1091 *  Initialize AIR mb frame Map
   1092 *
   1093 * @par Description:
   1094 *  Initialize AIR mb frame map
   1095 *  MB frame map indicates which frame an Mb should be coded as intra according to AIR
   1096 *
   1097 * @param[in] ps_codec
   1098 *  Pointer to codec context
   1099 *
   1100 * @returns  error_status
   1101 *
   1102 * @remarks
   1103 *
   1104 *
   1105 *******************************************************************************
   1106 */
   1107 IH264E_ERROR_T ih264e_init_air_map(codec_t *ps_codec)
   1108 {
   1109     /* intra refresh map */
   1110     UWORD16 *pu2_intr_rfrsh_map = ps_codec->pu2_intr_rfrsh_map;
   1112     /* air mode */
   1113     IVE_AIR_MODE_T air_mode = ps_codec->s_cfg.e_air_mode;
   1115     /* refresh period */
   1116     UWORD32 air_period = ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_air_refresh_period;
   1118     /* mb cnt */
   1119     UWORD32 u4_mb_cnt = ps_codec->s_cfg.i4_wd_mbs * ps_codec->s_cfg.i4_ht_mbs;
   1121     /* temp var */
   1122     UWORD32 curr_mb, seed_rand = 1;
   1124     switch (air_mode)
   1125     {
   1126         case IVE_AIR_MODE_CYCLIC:
   1128             for (curr_mb = 0; curr_mb < u4_mb_cnt; curr_mb++)
   1129             {
   1130                 pu2_intr_rfrsh_map[curr_mb] = curr_mb % air_period;
   1131             }
   1132             break;
   1134         case IVE_AIR_MODE_RANDOM:
   1136             for (curr_mb = 0; curr_mb < u4_mb_cnt; curr_mb++)
   1137             {
   1138                 seed_rand = (seed_rand * 32719 + 3) % 32749;
   1139                 pu2_intr_rfrsh_map[curr_mb] = seed_rand % air_period;
   1140             }
   1141             break;
   1143         default:
   1145             break;
   1146     }
   1148     return IH264E_SUCCESS;
   1149 }
   1151 /**
   1152 *******************************************************************************
   1153 *
   1154 * @brief
   1155 *  Codec level initializations
   1156 *
   1157 * @par Description:
   1158 *  Initializes the codec with parameters that needs to be set before encoding
   1159 *  first frame
   1160 *
   1161 * @param[in] ps_codec
   1162 *  Pointer to codec context
   1163 *
   1164 * @param[in] ps_inp_buf
   1165 *  Pointer to input buffer context
   1166 *
   1167 * @returns  error_status
   1168 *
   1169 * @remarks
   1170 *
   1171 *
   1172 *******************************************************************************
   1173 */
   1174 IH264E_ERROR_T ih264e_codec_init(codec_t *ps_codec)
   1175 {
   1176     /********************************************************************
   1177      *                     INITIALIZE CODEC CONTEXT                     *
   1178      ********************************************************************/
   1179     /* encoder presets */
   1180     if (ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enc_speed_preset != IVE_CONFIG)
   1181     {
   1182         if (ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enc_speed_preset == IVE_SLOWEST)
   1183         {/* high quality */
   1184             /* enable diamond search */
   1185             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_me_speed_preset = DMND_SRCH;
   1186             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_fast_sad = 0;
   1188             /* disable intra 4x4 */
   1189             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_intra_4x4 = 1;
   1190             ps_codec->luma_energy_compaction[1] =
   1191                             ih264e_code_luma_intra_macroblock_4x4_rdopt_on;
   1193             /* sub pel off */
   1194             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_hpel = 1;
   1196             /* deblocking off */
   1197             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_disable_deblock_level = DISABLE_DEBLK_LEVEL_0;
   1199             /* disabled intra inter gating in Inter slices */
   1200             ps_codec->u4_inter_gate = 0;
   1201         }
   1202         else if (ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enc_speed_preset == IVE_NORMAL)
   1203         {/* normal */
   1204             /* enable diamond search */
   1205             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_me_speed_preset = DMND_SRCH;
   1206             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_fast_sad = 0;
   1208             /* disable intra 4x4 */
   1209             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_intra_4x4 = 1;
   1211             /* sub pel off */
   1212             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_hpel = 1;
   1214             /* deblocking off */
   1215             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_disable_deblock_level = DISABLE_DEBLK_LEVEL_0;
   1217             /* disabled intra inter gating in Inter slices */
   1218             ps_codec->u4_inter_gate = 0;
   1219         }
   1220         else if (ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enc_speed_preset == IVE_FAST)
   1221          {/* normal */
   1222              /* enable diamond search */
   1223              ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_me_speed_preset = DMND_SRCH;
   1224              ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_fast_sad = 0;
   1226              /* disable intra 4x4 */
   1227              ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_intra_4x4 = 0;
   1229              /* sub pel off */
   1230              ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_hpel = 1;
   1232              /* deblocking off */
   1233              ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_disable_deblock_level = DISABLE_DEBLK_LEVEL_0;
   1235              /* disabled intra inter gating in Inter slices */
   1236              ps_codec->u4_inter_gate = 1;
   1237          }
   1238         else if (ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enc_speed_preset == IVE_HIGH_SPEED)
   1239         {/* fast */
   1240             /* enable diamond search */
   1241             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_me_speed_preset = DMND_SRCH;
   1242             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_fast_sad = 0;
   1244             /* disable intra 4x4 */
   1245             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_intra_4x4 = 0;
   1247             /* sub pel off */
   1248             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_hpel = 0;
   1250             /* deblocking off */
   1251             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_disable_deblock_level = DISABLE_DEBLK_LEVEL_4;
   1253             /* disabled intra inter gating in Inter slices */
   1254             ps_codec->u4_inter_gate = 0;
   1255         }
   1256         else if (ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enc_speed_preset == IVE_FASTEST)
   1257         {/* fastest */
   1258             /* enable diamond search */
   1259             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_me_speed_preset = DMND_SRCH;
   1261             /* disable intra 4x4 */
   1262             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_intra_4x4 = 0;
   1264             /* sub pel off */
   1265             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_hpel = 0;
   1267             /* deblocking off */
   1268             ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_disable_deblock_level = DISABLE_DEBLK_LEVEL_4;
   1270             /* disabled intra inter gating in Inter slices */
   1271             ps_codec->u4_inter_gate = 1;
   1272         }
   1273     }
   1275     /*****************************************************************
   1276      * Initialize AIR inside codec
   1277      *****************************************************************/
   1278     if (IVE_AIR_MODE_NONE != ps_codec->s_cfg.e_air_mode)
   1279     {
   1280         ih264e_init_air_map(ps_codec);
   1282         ps_codec->i4_air_pic_cnt = -1;
   1283     }
   1285     /****************************************************/
   1286     /*           INITIALIZE RATE CONTROL                */
   1287     /****************************************************/
   1288     {
   1289         /* init qp */
   1290         UWORD8 au1_init_qp[MAX_PIC_TYPE];
   1292         /* min max qp */
   1293         UWORD8 au1_min_max_qp[2 * MAX_PIC_TYPE];
   1295         /* init i,p,b qp */
   1296         au1_init_qp[0] = gau1_h264_to_mpeg2_qmap[ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_i_qp];
   1297         au1_init_qp[1] = gau1_h264_to_mpeg2_qmap[ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_p_qp];
   1298         au1_init_qp[2] = gau1_h264_to_mpeg2_qmap[ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_b_qp];
   1300         /* init min max qp */
   1301         au1_min_max_qp[2 * I_PIC] =
   1302                         gau1_h264_to_mpeg2_qmap[ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_i_qp_min];
   1303         au1_min_max_qp[2 * I_PIC + 1] =
   1304                         gau1_h264_to_mpeg2_qmap[ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_i_qp_max];
   1306         au1_min_max_qp[2 * P_PIC] =
   1307                         gau1_h264_to_mpeg2_qmap[ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_p_qp_min];
   1308         au1_min_max_qp[2 * P_PIC + 1] =
   1309                         gau1_h264_to_mpeg2_qmap[ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_p_qp_max];
   1311         au1_min_max_qp[2 * B_PIC] =
   1312                         gau1_h264_to_mpeg2_qmap[ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_b_qp_min];
   1313         au1_min_max_qp[2 * B_PIC + 1] =
   1314                         gau1_h264_to_mpeg2_qmap[ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_b_qp_max];
   1316         /* get rc mode */
   1317         switch (ps_codec->s_cfg.e_rc_mode)
   1318         {
   1319             case IVE_RC_STORAGE:
   1320                 ps_codec->s_rate_control.e_rc_type = VBR_STORAGE;
   1321                 break;
   1322             case IVE_RC_CBR_NON_LOW_DELAY:
   1323                 ps_codec->s_rate_control.e_rc_type = CBR_NLDRC;
   1324                 break;
   1325             case IVE_RC_CBR_LOW_DELAY:
   1326                 ps_codec->s_rate_control.e_rc_type = CBR_LDRC;
   1327                 break;
   1328             case IVE_RC_NONE:
   1329                 ps_codec->s_rate_control.e_rc_type = CONST_QP;
   1330                 break;
   1331             default:
   1332                 break;
   1333         }
   1335         /* init rate control */
   1336         ih264e_rc_init(ps_codec->s_rate_control.pps_rate_control_api,
   1337                        ps_codec->s_rate_control.pps_frame_time,
   1338                        ps_codec->s_rate_control.pps_time_stamp,
   1339                        ps_codec->s_rate_control.pps_pd_frm_rate,
   1340                        ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_max_framerate,
   1341                        ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_src_frame_rate,
   1342                        ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_tgt_frame_rate,
   1343                        ps_codec->s_rate_control.e_rc_type,
   1344                        ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_target_bitrate,
   1345                        ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_max_bitrate,
   1346                        ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_vbv_buffer_delay,
   1347                        ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_i_frm_interval,
   1348                        ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_num_bframes + 1, au1_init_qp,
   1349                        ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_num_bframes + 2 , au1_min_max_qp,
   1350                        MAX(ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_max_level,
   1351                                (UWORD32)ih264e_get_min_level(ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_max_wd, ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_max_ht)));
   1352     }
   1354     /* recon stride */
   1355     ps_codec->i4_rec_strd = ALIGN16(ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_max_wd) + PAD_WD;
   1357     /* max ref and reorder cnt */
   1358     ps_codec->i4_ref_buf_cnt = ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_max_ref_cnt
   1359                     + ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_max_reorder_cnt;
   1360     ps_codec->i4_ref_buf_cnt += MAX_CTXT_SETS;
   1365     /* Init dependecy vars */
   1366     ps_codec->i4_last_inp_buff_received = 0;
   1368     /* At codec start no IDR is pending */
   1369     ps_codec->i4_pending_idr_flag = 0;
   1371     return IH264E_SUCCESS;
   1372 }
   1374 /**
   1375 *******************************************************************************
   1376 *
   1377 * @brief
   1378 *  Picture level initializations
   1379 *
   1380 * @par Description:
   1381 *  Before beginning to encode the frame, the current function initializes all
   1382 *  the ctxts (proc, entropy, me, ...) basing on the input configured params.
   1383 *  It locates space for storing recon in the encoder picture buffer set, fetches
   1384 *  reference frame from encoder picture buffer set. Calls RC pre-enc to get
   1385 *  qp and pic type for the current frame. Queues proc jobs so that
   1386 *  the other threads can begin encoding. In brief, this function sets up the
   1387 *  tone for the entire encoder.
   1388 *
   1389 * @param[in] ps_codec
   1390 *  Pointer to codec context
   1391 *
   1392 * @param[in] ps_inp_buf
   1393 *  Pointer to input buffer context
   1394 *
   1395 * @returns  error_status
   1396 *
   1397 * @remarks
   1398 *
   1399 *
   1400 *******************************************************************************
   1401 */
   1402 IH264E_ERROR_T ih264e_pic_init(codec_t *ps_codec, inp_buf_t *ps_inp_buf)
   1403 {
   1404     /* error status */
   1405     IH264E_ERROR_T error_status = IH264E_SUCCESS;
   1406     IH264_ERROR_T ret = IH264_SUCCESS;
   1408     /* mv buff bank */
   1409     mv_buf_t *ps_mv_buf = NULL;
   1410     WORD32 cur_mv_bank_buf_id;
   1412     /* recon buffer set */
   1413     pic_buf_t *ps_cur_pic;
   1414     WORD32 cur_pic_buf_id;
   1415     UWORD8 *pu1_cur_pic_luma, *pu1_cur_pic_chroma;
   1417     /* ref buffer set */
   1418     pic_buf_t *aps_ref_pic[MAX_REF_PIC_CNT] = {NULL, NULL};
   1419     mv_buf_t *aps_mv_buf[MAX_REF_PIC_CNT] = {NULL, NULL};
   1420     WORD32 ref_set_id;
   1422     /* pic time stamp */
   1423     UWORD32 u4_timestamp_high = ps_inp_buf->u4_timestamp_high;
   1424     UWORD32 u4_timestamp_low = ps_inp_buf->u4_timestamp_low;
   1426     /* indices to access curr/prev frame info */
   1427     WORD32 ctxt_sel = ps_codec->i4_encode_api_call_cnt % MAX_CTXT_SETS;
   1429     /* curr pic type */
   1430     PIC_TYPE_T *pic_type = &ps_codec->pic_type;
   1432     /* Diamond search Iteration Max Cnt */
   1433     UWORD32 u4_num_layers =
   1434                     (ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enc_speed_preset == IVE_FASTEST) ?
   1435                                     (NUM_LAYERS >> 2) : NUM_LAYERS;
   1437     /* enable fast sad */
   1438     UWORD32 u4_enable_fast_sad = ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_fast_sad;
   1440     /********************************************************************/
   1441     /*                     INITIALIZE CODEC CONTEXT                     */
   1442     /********************************************************************/
   1443     /* slice_type */
   1444     if ((PIC_I == *pic_type) || (PIC_IDR == *pic_type))
   1445     {
   1446         ps_codec->i4_slice_type = ISLICE;
   1447     }
   1448     else if (PIC_P == *pic_type)
   1449     {
   1450         ps_codec->i4_slice_type = PSLICE;
   1451     }
   1452     else if(PIC_B == *pic_type)
   1453     {
   1454         ps_codec->i4_slice_type = BSLICE;
   1455     }
   1458     /***************************************************************************
   1459      * Set up variables for sending frame number, poc and reference
   1460      *   a) Set up alt ref too
   1461      **************************************************************************/
   1463     /* Check and set if the current frame is reference or not */
   1464     ps_codec->u4_is_curr_frm_ref = 0;
   1466     /* This frame is reference if its not a B pic, pending approval from alt ref */
   1467     ps_codec->u4_is_curr_frm_ref = (*pic_type != PIC_B);
   1469     /* In case if its a P pic, we will decide according to alt ref also */
   1470     if (ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_alt_ref && (*pic_type == PIC_P)
   1471                     && (ps_codec->i4_pic_cnt
   1472                                     % (ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_alt_ref + 1)))
   1473     {
   1474         ps_codec->u4_is_curr_frm_ref = 0;
   1475     }
   1477     /*
   1478      * Override everything in case of IDR
   1479      * Note that in case of IDR, at this point ps_codec->u4_is_curr_frm_ref must
   1480      * be 1
   1481      */
   1483     /* is this an IDR pic */
   1484     ps_codec->u4_is_idr = 0;
   1486     if (PIC_IDR == *pic_type)
   1487     {
   1488         /* set idr flag */
   1489         ps_codec->u4_is_idr = 1;
   1491         /* reset frame num */
   1492         ps_codec->i4_frame_num = 0;
   1494         /* idr_pic_id */
   1495         ps_codec->i4_idr_pic_id++;
   1496     }
   1498     /***************************************************************************
   1499      * Set up Deblock
   1500      **************************************************************************/
   1502     /* set deblock disable flags based on disable deblock level */
   1503     ps_codec->i4_disable_deblk_pic = 1;
   1505     if (ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_disable_deblock_level == DISABLE_DEBLK_LEVEL_0)
   1506     {
   1507         /* enable deblocking */
   1508         ps_codec->i4_disable_deblk_pic = 0;
   1509     }
   1510     else if (ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_disable_deblock_level == DISABLE_DEBLK_LEVEL_2)
   1511     {
   1512         /* enable deblocking after a period of frames */
   1513         if (ps_codec->i4_disable_deblk_pic_cnt == DISABLE_DEBLOCK_INTERVAL
   1514                         || ps_codec->i4_slice_type == ISLICE)
   1515         {
   1516             ps_codec->i4_disable_deblk_pic = 0;
   1517         }
   1518     }
   1519     else if (ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_disable_deblock_level == DISABLE_DEBLK_LEVEL_3)
   1520     {
   1521         if (ps_codec->i4_slice_type == ISLICE)
   1522         {
   1523             ps_codec->i4_disable_deblk_pic = 0;
   1524         }
   1525     }
   1527     if (ps_codec->i4_disable_deblk_pic)
   1528     {
   1529         ps_codec->i4_disable_deblk_pic_cnt++;
   1530     }
   1531     else
   1532     {
   1533         ps_codec->i4_disable_deblk_pic_cnt = 0;
   1534     }
   1536     /* In slice mode - lets not deblk mb edges that lie along slice boundaries */
   1537     if (ps_codec->i4_disable_deblk_pic == 0)
   1538     {
   1539         if (ps_codec->s_cfg.e_slice_mode != IVE_SLICE_MODE_NONE)
   1540         {
   1541             ps_codec->i4_disable_deblk_pic = 2;
   1542         }
   1543     }
   1545     /* error status */
   1546     ps_codec->i4_error_code = IH264E_SUCCESS;
   1548     /* populate header */
   1549     if (ps_codec->i4_gen_header)
   1550     {
   1551         /* sps */
   1552         sps_t *ps_sps = NULL;
   1554         /* pps */
   1555         pps_t *ps_pps = NULL;
   1557         /*ps_codec->i4_pps_id ++;*/
   1558         ps_codec->i4_pps_id %= MAX_PPS_CNT;
   1560         /*ps_codec->i4_sps_id ++;*/
   1561         ps_codec->i4_sps_id %= MAX_SPS_CNT;
   1563         /* populate sps header */
   1564         ps_sps = ps_codec->ps_sps_base + ps_codec->i4_sps_id;
   1565         ih264e_populate_sps(ps_codec, ps_sps);
   1567         /* populate pps header */
   1568         ps_pps = ps_codec->ps_pps_base + ps_codec->i4_pps_id;
   1569         ih264e_populate_pps(ps_codec, ps_pps);
   1570     }
   1572     /***************************************************************************
   1573      *  Reference and MV bank Buffer Manager
   1574      *  Here we will
   1575      *      1) Find the correct ref pics for the current frame
   1576      *      2) Free the ref pic that is not going to be used anywhere
   1577      *      3) Find a free buff from the list and assign it as the recon of
   1578      *         current frame
   1579      *
   1580      *  1) Finding correct ref pic
   1581      *      All pics needed for future are arranged in a picture list called
   1582      *      ps_codec->as_ref_set. Each picture in this will have a pic buffer and
   1583      *      MV buffer that is marked appropriately as BUF_MGR_REF, BUF_MGR_IO or
   1584      *      BUF_MGR_CODEC. Also the pic_cnt and poc will also be present.
   1585      *      Hence to find the ref pic we will loop through the list and find
   1586      *      2 pictures with maximum i4_pic_cnt .
   1587      *
   1588      *      note that i4_pic_cnt == -1 is used to filter uninit ref pics.
   1589      *      Now since we only have max two ref pics, we will always find max 2
   1590      *      ref pics.
   1592      *
   1593      *  2) 3) Self explanatory
   1594      ***************************************************************************/
   1595     {
   1596         /* Search for buffs with maximum pic cnt */
   1598         WORD32 max_pic_cnt[] = { -1, -1 };
   1600         mv_buf_t *ps_mv_buf_to_free[] = { NULL, NULL };
   1602         /* temp var */
   1603         WORD32 i, buf_status;
   1605         for (i = 0; i < ps_codec->i4_ref_buf_cnt; i++)
   1606         {
   1607             if (ps_codec->as_ref_set[i].i4_pic_cnt == -1)
   1608                 continue;
   1610             buf_status = ih264_buf_mgr_get_status(
   1611                             ps_codec->pv_ref_buf_mgr,
   1612                             ps_codec->as_ref_set[i].ps_pic_buf->i4_buf_id);
   1614             /* Ideally we should look for buffer status of MV BUFF also. But since
   1615              * the correponding MV buffs also will be at the same state. It dosent
   1616              * matter as of now. But the check will make the logic better */
   1617             if ((max_pic_cnt[0] < ps_codec->as_ref_set[i].i4_pic_cnt)
   1618                             && (buf_status & BUF_MGR_REF))
   1619             {
   1620                 if (max_pic_cnt[1] < ps_codec->as_ref_set[i].i4_pic_cnt)
   1621                 {
   1622                     max_pic_cnt[0] = max_pic_cnt[1];
   1623                     aps_ref_pic[0] = aps_ref_pic[1];
   1624                     aps_mv_buf[0] = aps_mv_buf[1];
   1626                     ps_mv_buf_to_free[0] = ps_mv_buf_to_free[1];
   1628                     max_pic_cnt[1] = ps_codec->as_ref_set[i].i4_pic_cnt;
   1629                     aps_ref_pic[1] = ps_codec->as_ref_set[i].ps_pic_buf;
   1630                     aps_mv_buf[1] = ps_codec->as_ref_set[i].ps_mv_buf;
   1631                     ps_mv_buf_to_free[1] = ps_codec->as_ref_set[i].ps_mv_buf;
   1633                 }
   1634                 else
   1635                 {
   1636                     max_pic_cnt[0] = ps_codec->as_ref_set[i].i4_pic_cnt;
   1637                     aps_ref_pic[0] = ps_codec->as_ref_set[i].ps_pic_buf;
   1638                     aps_mv_buf[0] = ps_codec->as_ref_set[i].ps_mv_buf;
   1639                     ps_mv_buf_to_free[0] = ps_codec->as_ref_set[i].ps_mv_buf;
   1640                 }
   1641             }
   1642         }
   1644         /*
   1645          * Now if the current picture is I or P, we discard the back ref pic and
   1646          * assign forward ref as backward ref
   1647          */
   1648         if (*pic_type != PIC_B)
   1649         {
   1650             if (ps_mv_buf_to_free[0])
   1651             {
   1652                 /* release this frame from reference list */
   1653                 ih264_buf_mgr_release(ps_codec->pv_mv_buf_mgr,
   1654                                       ps_mv_buf_to_free[0]->i4_buf_id,
   1655                                       BUF_MGR_REF);
   1657                 ih264_buf_mgr_release(ps_codec->pv_ref_buf_mgr,
   1658                                       aps_ref_pic[0]->i4_buf_id, BUF_MGR_REF);
   1659             }
   1661             max_pic_cnt[0] = max_pic_cnt[1];
   1662             aps_ref_pic[0] = aps_ref_pic[1];
   1663             aps_mv_buf[0] = aps_mv_buf[1];
   1665             /* Dummy */
   1666             max_pic_cnt[1] = -1;
   1667         }
   1669         /*
   1670          * Mark all reference pic with unused buffers to be free
   1671          * We need this step since each one, ie ref, recon io etc only unset their
   1672          * respective flags. Hence we need to combine togather and mark the ref set
   1673          * accordingly
   1674          */
   1675         ref_set_id = -1;
   1676         for (i = 0; i < ps_codec->i4_ref_buf_cnt; i++)
   1677         {
   1678             if (ps_codec->as_ref_set[i].i4_pic_cnt == -1)
   1679             {
   1680                 ref_set_id = i;
   1681                 continue;
   1682             }
   1684             buf_status = ih264_buf_mgr_get_status(
   1685                             ps_codec->pv_ref_buf_mgr,
   1686                             ps_codec->as_ref_set[i].ps_pic_buf->i4_buf_id);
   1688             if ((buf_status & (BUF_MGR_REF | BUF_MGR_CODEC | BUF_MGR_IO)) == 0)
   1689             {
   1690                 ps_codec->as_ref_set[i].i4_pic_cnt = -1;
   1691                 ps_codec->as_ref_set[i].i4_poc = 32768;
   1693                 ref_set_id = i;
   1694             }
   1695         }
   1696         /* An asssert failure here means we donot have any free buffs */
   1697         ASSERT(ref_set_id >= 0);
   1698     }
   1700     {
   1701         /*****************************************************************/
   1702         /* Get free MV Bank to hold current picture's motion vector data */
   1703         /* If there are no free buffers then return with an error code.  */
   1704         /* If the buffer is to be freed by another thread, change the    */
   1705         /* following to call thread yield and wait for buffer to be freed*/
   1706         /*****************************************************************/
   1707         ps_mv_buf = (mv_buf_t *) ih264_buf_mgr_get_next_free(
   1708                         (buf_mgr_t *) ps_codec->pv_mv_buf_mgr,
   1709                         &cur_mv_bank_buf_id);
   1711         if (NULL == ps_mv_buf)
   1712         {
   1713             ps_codec->i4_error_code = IH264E_NO_FREE_MVBANK;
   1714             return IH264E_NO_FREE_MVBANK;
   1715         }
   1717         /* mark the buffer as needed for reference if the curr pic is available for ref */
   1718         if (ps_codec->u4_is_curr_frm_ref)
   1719         {
   1720             ih264_buf_mgr_set_status(ps_codec->pv_mv_buf_mgr,
   1721                                      cur_mv_bank_buf_id, BUF_MGR_REF);
   1722         }
   1724         /* Set current ABS poc to ps_mv_buf, so that while freeing a reference buffer
   1725          * corresponding mv buffer can be found by looping through ps_codec->ps_mv_buf array
   1726          * and getting a buffer id to free
   1727          */
   1728         ps_mv_buf->i4_abs_poc = ps_codec->i4_abs_pic_order_cnt;
   1729         ps_mv_buf->i4_buf_id = cur_mv_bank_buf_id;
   1730     }
   1732     {
   1733         /*****************************************************************/
   1734         /* Get free pic buf to hold current picture's recon data         */
   1735         /* If there are no free buffers then return with an error code.  */
   1736         /* If the buffer is to be freed by another thread, change the    */
   1737         /* following to call thread yield and wait for buffer to be freed*/
   1738         /*****************************************************************/
   1739         ps_cur_pic = (pic_buf_t *) ih264_buf_mgr_get_next_free(
   1740                         (buf_mgr_t *) ps_codec->pv_ref_buf_mgr,
   1741                         &cur_pic_buf_id);
   1743         if (NULL == ps_cur_pic)
   1744         {
   1745             ps_codec->i4_error_code = IH264E_NO_FREE_PICBUF;
   1746             return IH264E_NO_FREE_PICBUF;
   1747         }
   1749         /* mark the buffer as needed for reference if the curr pic is available for ref */
   1750         if (ps_codec->u4_is_curr_frm_ref)
   1751         {
   1752             ih264_buf_mgr_set_status(ps_codec->pv_ref_buf_mgr, cur_pic_buf_id,
   1753                                      BUF_MGR_REF);
   1754         }
   1756         /* Mark the current buffer as needed for IO if recon is enabled */
   1757         if (1 == ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_recon)
   1758         {
   1759             ih264_buf_mgr_set_status(ps_codec->pv_ref_buf_mgr, cur_pic_buf_id,
   1760                                      BUF_MGR_IO);
   1761         }
   1763         /* Associate input timestamp with current buffer */
   1764         ps_cur_pic->u4_timestamp_high = ps_inp_buf->u4_timestamp_high;
   1765         ps_cur_pic->u4_timestamp_low = ps_inp_buf->u4_timestamp_low;
   1767         ps_cur_pic->i4_abs_poc = ps_codec->i4_poc;
   1768         ps_cur_pic->i4_poc_lsb = ps_codec->i4_pic_order_cnt_lsb;
   1770         ps_cur_pic->i4_buf_id = cur_pic_buf_id;
   1772         pu1_cur_pic_luma = ps_cur_pic->pu1_luma;
   1773         pu1_cur_pic_chroma = ps_cur_pic->pu1_chroma;
   1774     }
   1776     /*
   1777      * Add the current picture to ref list independent of the fact that it is used
   1778      * as reference or not. This is because, now recon is not in sync with output
   1779      * hence we may need the current recon after some delay. By adding it to ref list
   1780      * we can retrieve the recon any time we want. The information that it is used
   1781      * for ref can still be found by checking the buffer status of pic buf.
   1782      */
   1783     {
   1784         ps_codec->as_ref_set[ref_set_id].i4_pic_cnt = ps_codec->i4_pic_cnt;
   1785         ps_codec->as_ref_set[ref_set_id].i4_poc = ps_codec->i4_poc;
   1786         ps_codec->as_ref_set[ref_set_id].ps_mv_buf = ps_mv_buf;
   1787         ps_codec->as_ref_set[ref_set_id].ps_pic_buf = ps_cur_pic;
   1788     }
   1790     /********************************************************************/
   1791     /*                     INITIALIZE PROCESS CONTEXT                   */
   1792     /********************************************************************/
   1793     {
   1794         /* temp var */
   1795         WORD32 i, j = 0;
   1797         /* curr proc ctxt */
   1798         process_ctxt_t *ps_proc = NULL;
   1800         j = ctxt_sel * MAX_PROCESS_THREADS;
   1802         /* begin init */
   1803         for (i = j; i < (j + MAX_PROCESS_THREADS); i++)
   1804         {
   1805             ps_proc = &ps_codec->as_process[i];
   1807             /* luma src buffer */
   1808             if (ps_codec->s_cfg.e_inp_color_fmt == IV_YUV_422ILE)
   1809             {
   1810                 ps_proc->pu1_src_buf_luma_base = ps_codec->pu1_y_csc_buf_base;
   1811             }
   1812             else
   1813             {
   1814                 ps_proc->pu1_src_buf_luma_base =
   1815                                 ps_inp_buf->s_raw_buf.apv_bufs[0];
   1816             }
   1818             /* chroma src buffer */
   1819             if (ps_codec->s_cfg.e_inp_color_fmt == IV_YUV_422ILE
   1820                             || ps_codec->s_cfg.e_inp_color_fmt == IV_YUV_420P)
   1821             {
   1822                 ps_proc->pu1_src_buf_chroma_base =
   1823                                 ps_codec->pu1_uv_csc_buf_base;
   1824             }
   1825             else
   1826             {
   1827                 ps_proc->pu1_src_buf_chroma_base =
   1828                                 ps_inp_buf->s_raw_buf.apv_bufs[1];
   1829             }
   1831             /* luma rec buffer */
   1832             ps_proc->pu1_rec_buf_luma_base = pu1_cur_pic_luma;
   1834             /* chroma rec buffer */
   1835             ps_proc->pu1_rec_buf_chroma_base = pu1_cur_pic_chroma;
   1837             /* rec stride */
   1838             ps_proc->i4_rec_strd = ps_codec->i4_rec_strd;
   1840             /* frame num */
   1841             ps_proc->i4_frame_num = ps_codec->i4_frame_num;
   1843             /* is idr */
   1844             ps_proc->u4_is_idr = ps_codec->u4_is_idr;
   1846             /* idr pic id */
   1847             ps_proc->u4_idr_pic_id = ps_codec->i4_idr_pic_id;
   1849             /* slice_type */
   1850             ps_proc->i4_slice_type = ps_codec->i4_slice_type;
   1852             /* Input width in mbs */
   1853             ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs = ps_codec->s_cfg.i4_wd_mbs;
   1855             /* Input height in mbs */
   1856             ps_proc->i4_ht_mbs = ps_codec->s_cfg.i4_ht_mbs;
   1858             /* Half x plane offset from pic buf */
   1859             ps_proc->u4_half_x_offset = 0;
   1861             /* Half y plane offset from half x plane */
   1862             ps_proc->u4_half_y_offset = 0;
   1864             /* Half x plane offset from half y plane */
   1865             ps_proc->u4_half_xy_offset = 0;
   1867             /* top row syntax elements */
   1868             ps_proc->ps_top_row_mb_syntax_ele =
   1869                             ps_proc->ps_top_row_mb_syntax_ele_base;
   1871             ps_proc->pu1_top_mb_intra_modes =
   1872                             ps_proc->pu1_top_mb_intra_modes_base;
   1874             ps_proc->ps_top_row_pu = ps_proc->ps_top_row_pu_base;
   1876             /* initialize quant params */
   1877             ps_proc->u4_frame_qp = ps_codec->u4_frame_qp;
   1878             ps_proc->u4_mb_qp = ps_codec->u4_frame_qp;
   1879             ih264e_init_quant_params(ps_proc, ps_proc->u4_frame_qp);
   1881             /* previous mb qp*/
   1882             ps_proc->u4_mb_qp_prev = ps_proc->u4_frame_qp;
   1884             /* Reset frame info */
   1885             memset(&ps_proc->s_frame_info, 0, sizeof(frame_info_t));
   1887             /* initialize proc, deblk and ME map */
   1888             if (i == j)
   1889             {
   1890                 /* row '-1' */
   1891                 memset(ps_proc->pu1_proc_map - ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs, 1, ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs);
   1892                 /* row 0 to ht in mbs */
   1893                 memset(ps_proc->pu1_proc_map, 0, ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs * ps_proc->i4_ht_mbs);
   1895                 /* row '-1' */
   1896                 memset(ps_proc->pu1_deblk_map - ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs, 1, ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs);
   1897                 /* row 0 to ht in mbs */
   1898                 memset(ps_proc->pu1_deblk_map, 0, ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs * ps_proc->i4_ht_mbs);
   1900                 /* row '-1' */
   1901                 memset(ps_proc->pu1_me_map - ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs, 1, ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs);
   1902                 /* row 0 to ht in mbs */
   1903                 memset(ps_proc->pu1_me_map, 0, ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs * ps_proc->i4_ht_mbs);
   1905                 /* at the start of air refresh period, reset intra coded map */
   1906                 if (IVE_AIR_MODE_NONE != ps_codec->s_cfg.e_air_mode)
   1907                 {
   1908                     ps_codec->i4_air_pic_cnt = (ps_codec->i4_air_pic_cnt + 1)
   1909                                     % ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_air_refresh_period;
   1911                     if (!ps_codec->i4_air_pic_cnt)
   1912                     {
   1913                         memset(ps_proc->pu1_is_intra_coded, 0, ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs * ps_proc->i4_ht_mbs);
   1914                     }
   1915                 }
   1916             }
   1918             /* deblock level */
   1919             ps_proc->u4_disable_deblock_level = ps_codec->i4_disable_deblk_pic;
   1921             /* slice index map */
   1922             /* no slice */
   1923             if (ps_codec->s_cfg.e_slice_mode == IVE_SLICE_MODE_NONE)
   1924             {
   1925                 memset(ps_proc->pu1_slice_idx, 0, ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs * ps_proc->i4_ht_mbs);
   1926             }
   1927             /* generate slices for every 'n' rows, 'n' is given through slice param */
   1928             else if (ps_codec->s_cfg.e_slice_mode == IVE_SLICE_MODE_BLOCKS)
   1929             {
   1930                 /* slice idx map */
   1931                 UWORD8 *pu1_slice_idx = ps_proc->pu1_slice_idx;
   1933                 /* temp var */
   1934                 WORD32 i4_mb_y = 0, slice_idx = 0, cnt;
   1936                 while (i4_mb_y < ps_proc->i4_ht_mbs)
   1937                 {
   1938                     if (i4_mb_y +(WORD32)ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_slice_param < ps_proc->i4_ht_mbs)
   1939                     {
   1940                         cnt = ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_slice_param * ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs;
   1941                         i4_mb_y += ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_slice_param;
   1942                     }
   1943                     else
   1944                     {
   1945                         cnt = (ps_proc->i4_ht_mbs - i4_mb_y) * ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs;
   1946                         i4_mb_y += (ps_proc->i4_ht_mbs - i4_mb_y);
   1947                     }
   1948                     memset(pu1_slice_idx, slice_idx, cnt);
   1949                     slice_idx++;
   1950                     pu1_slice_idx += cnt;
   1951                 }
   1952             }
   1954             /* Current MV Bank's buffer ID */
   1955             ps_proc->i4_cur_mv_bank_buf_id = cur_mv_bank_buf_id;
   1957             /* Pointer to current picture buffer structure */
   1958             ps_proc->ps_cur_pic = ps_cur_pic;
   1960             /* Pointer to current pictures mv buffers */
   1961             ps_proc->ps_cur_mv_buf = ps_mv_buf;
   1963             /*
   1964              * pointer to ref picture
   1965              * 0    : Temporal back reference
   1966              * 1    : Temporal forward reference
   1967              */
   1968             ps_proc->aps_ref_pic[PRED_L0] = aps_ref_pic[PRED_L0];
   1969             ps_proc->aps_ref_pic[PRED_L1] = aps_ref_pic[PRED_L1];
   1970             if (ps_codec->pic_type == PIC_B)
   1971             {
   1972                 ps_proc->aps_mv_buf[PRED_L0] = aps_mv_buf[PRED_L0];
   1973                 ps_proc->aps_mv_buf[PRED_L1] = aps_mv_buf[PRED_L1];
   1974             }
   1975             else
   1976             {
   1977                 /*
   1978                  * Else is dummy since for non B pic we does not need this
   1979                  * But an assignment here will help in not having a segfault
   1980                  * when we calcualte colpic in P slices
   1981                  */
   1982                 ps_proc->aps_mv_buf[PRED_L0] = ps_mv_buf;
   1983                 ps_proc->aps_mv_buf[PRED_L1] = ps_mv_buf;
   1984             }
   1986             if ((*pic_type != PIC_IDR) && (*pic_type != PIC_I))
   1987             {
   1988                 /* temporal back an forward  ref pointer luma and chroma */
   1989                 ps_proc->apu1_ref_buf_luma_base[PRED_L0] = aps_ref_pic[PRED_L0]->pu1_luma;
   1990                 ps_proc->apu1_ref_buf_chroma_base[PRED_L0] = aps_ref_pic[PRED_L0]->pu1_chroma;
   1992                 ps_proc->apu1_ref_buf_luma_base[PRED_L1] = aps_ref_pic[PRED_L1]->pu1_luma;
   1993                 ps_proc->apu1_ref_buf_chroma_base[PRED_L1] = aps_ref_pic[PRED_L1]->pu1_chroma;
   1994             }
   1996             /* Structure for current input buffer */
   1997             ps_proc->s_inp_buf = *ps_inp_buf;
   1999             /* Number of encode frame API calls made */
   2000             ps_proc->i4_encode_api_call_cnt = ps_codec->i4_encode_api_call_cnt;
   2002             /* Current Picture count */
   2003             ps_proc->i4_pic_cnt = ps_codec->i4_pic_cnt;
   2005             /* error status */
   2006             ps_proc->i4_error_code = 0;
   2008             /********************************************************************/
   2009             /*                     INITIALIZE ENTROPY CONTEXT                   */
   2010             /********************************************************************/
   2011             {
   2012                 entropy_ctxt_t *ps_entropy = &ps_proc->s_entropy;
   2014                 /* start of frame */
   2015                 ps_entropy->i4_sof = 0;
   2017                 /* end of frame */
   2018                 ps_entropy->i4_eof = 0;
   2020                 /* generate header */
   2021                 ps_entropy->i4_gen_header = ps_codec->i4_gen_header;
   2023                 /* sps ref_set_id */
   2024                 ps_entropy->u4_sps_id = ps_codec->i4_sps_id;
   2026                 /* sps base */
   2027                 ps_entropy->ps_sps_base = ps_codec->ps_sps_base;
   2029                 /* sps id */
   2030                 ps_entropy->u4_pps_id = ps_codec->i4_pps_id;
   2032                 /* sps base */
   2033                 ps_entropy->ps_pps_base = ps_codec->ps_pps_base;
   2035                 /* slice map */
   2036                 ps_entropy->pu1_slice_idx = ps_proc->pu1_slice_idx;
   2038                 /* slice hdr base */
   2039                 ps_entropy->ps_slice_hdr_base = ps_proc->ps_slice_hdr_base;
   2041                 /* Abs poc */
   2042                 ps_entropy->i4_abs_pic_order_cnt = ps_proc->ps_codec->i4_poc;
   2044                 /* initialize entropy map */
   2045                 if (i == j)
   2046                 {
   2047                     /* row '-1' */
   2048                     memset(ps_entropy->pu1_entropy_map - ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs, 1, ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs);
   2049                     /* row 0 to ht in mbs */
   2050                     memset(ps_entropy->pu1_entropy_map, 0, ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs * ps_proc->i4_ht_mbs);
   2052                     /* intialize cabac tables */
   2053                     ih264e_init_cabac_table(ps_entropy);
   2054                 }
   2056                 /* wd in mbs */
   2057                 ps_entropy->i4_wd_mbs = ps_proc->i4_wd_mbs;
   2059                 /* ht in mbs */
   2060                 ps_entropy->i4_ht_mbs = ps_proc->i4_ht_mbs;
   2062                 /* transform_8x8_mode_flag */
   2063                 ps_entropy->i1_transform_8x8_mode_flag = 0;
   2065                 /* entropy_coding_mode_flag */
   2066                 ps_entropy->u1_entropy_coding_mode_flag =
   2067                                 ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_entropy_coding_mode;
   2069                 /* error code */
   2070                 ps_entropy->i4_error_code = IH264E_SUCCESS;
   2072                 /* mb skip run */
   2073                 *(ps_proc->s_entropy.pi4_mb_skip_run) = 0;
   2075                 /* last frame to encode */
   2076                 ps_proc->s_entropy.u4_is_last = ps_inp_buf->u4_is_last;
   2078                 /* Current Picture count */
   2079                 ps_proc->s_entropy.i4_pic_cnt = ps_codec->i4_pic_cnt;
   2081                 /* time stamps */
   2082                 ps_entropy->u4_timestamp_low = u4_timestamp_low;
   2083                 ps_entropy->u4_timestamp_high = u4_timestamp_high;
   2085                 /* init frame statistics */
   2086                 ps_entropy->u4_header_bits[MB_TYPE_INTRA] = 0;
   2087                 ps_entropy->u4_header_bits[MB_TYPE_INTER] = 0;
   2088                 ps_entropy->u4_residue_bits[MB_TYPE_INTRA] = 0;
   2089                 ps_entropy->u4_residue_bits[MB_TYPE_INTER] = 0;
   2090             }
   2092             /********************************************************************/
   2093             /*                     INITIALIZE DEBLOCK CONTEXT                   */
   2094             /********************************************************************/
   2095             {
   2096                 /* deblk ctxt */
   2097                 deblk_ctxt_t *ps_deblk = &ps_proc->s_deblk_ctxt;
   2099                 /* slice idx map */
   2100                 ps_deblk->pu1_slice_idx = ps_proc->pu1_slice_idx;
   2101             }
   2103             /********************************************************************/
   2104             /*                     INITIALIZE ME CONTEXT                        */
   2105             /********************************************************************/
   2106             {
   2107                 /* me ctxt */
   2108                 me_ctxt_t *ps_me_ctxt = &ps_proc->s_me_ctxt;
   2110                 /* srch range x */
   2111                 ps_me_ctxt->ai2_srch_boundaries[0] =
   2112                                 ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_srch_rng_x;
   2114                 /* srch range y */
   2115                 ps_me_ctxt->ai2_srch_boundaries[1] =
   2116                                 ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_srch_rng_y;
   2118                 /* rec stride */
   2119                 ps_me_ctxt->i4_rec_strd = ps_codec->i4_rec_strd;
   2121                 /* Half x plane offset from pic buf */
   2122                 ps_me_ctxt->u4_half_x_offset = ps_proc->u4_half_x_offset;
   2124                 /* Half y plane offset from half x plane */
   2125                 ps_me_ctxt->u4_half_y_offset = ps_proc->u4_half_y_offset;
   2127                 /* Half x plane offset from half y plane */
   2128                 ps_me_ctxt->u4_half_xy_offset = ps_proc->u4_half_xy_offset;
   2130                 /* enable fast sad */
   2131                 ps_me_ctxt->u4_enable_fast_sad = u4_enable_fast_sad;
   2133                 /* half pel */
   2134                 ps_me_ctxt->u4_enable_hpel = ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_enable_hpel;
   2136                 /* Diamond search Iteration Max Cnt */
   2137                 ps_me_ctxt->u4_num_layers = u4_num_layers;
   2139                 /* me speed preset */
   2140                 ps_me_ctxt->u4_me_speed_preset =
   2141                                 ps_codec->s_cfg.u4_me_speed_preset;
   2143                 /* qp */
   2144                 ps_me_ctxt->u1_mb_qp = ps_codec->u4_frame_qp;
   2146                 if ((i == j) && (0 == ps_codec->i4_poc))
   2147                 {
   2148                     /* init mv bits tables */
   2149                     ih264e_init_mv_bits(ps_me_ctxt);
   2150                 }
   2151             }
   2153             ps_proc->ps_ngbr_avbl = &(ps_proc->s_ngbr_avbl);
   2155         }
   2157         /* reset encoder header */
   2158         ps_codec->i4_gen_header = 0;
   2159     }
   2161     /********************************************************************/
   2162     /*                       ADD JOBS TO THE QUEUE                      */
   2163     /********************************************************************/
   2164     {
   2165         /* job structures */
   2166         job_t s_job;
   2168         /* temp var */
   2169         WORD32 i;
   2171         /* job class */
   2172         s_job.i4_cmd = CMD_PROCESS;
   2174         /* number of mbs to be processed in the current job */
   2175         s_job.i2_mb_cnt = ps_codec->s_cfg.i4_wd_mbs;
   2177         /* job start index x */
   2178         s_job.i2_mb_x = 0;
   2180         /* proc base idx */
   2181         s_job.i2_proc_base_idx = ctxt_sel ? (MAX_PROCESS_CTXT / 2) : 0;
   2183         for (i = 0; i < (WORD32)ps_codec->s_cfg.i4_ht_mbs; i++)
   2184         {
   2185             /* job start index y */
   2186             s_job.i2_mb_y = i;
   2188             /* queue the job */
   2189             ret = ih264_list_queue(ps_codec->pv_proc_jobq, &s_job, 1);
   2190             if (ret != IH264_SUCCESS)
   2191             {
   2192                 ps_codec->i4_error_code = ret;
   2193                 return IH264E_FAIL;
   2194             }
   2195         }
   2197         /* Once all the jobs are queued, terminate the queue */
   2198         /* Since the threads are created and deleted in each call, terminating
   2199         here is not an issue */
   2200         ih264_list_terminate(ps_codec->pv_proc_jobq);
   2201     }
   2203     return error_status;
   2204 }