1 // Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. 2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be 3 // found in the LICENSE file. 4 5 #ifndef BASE_MEMORY_WRITABLE_SHARED_MEMORY_REGION_H_ 6 #define BASE_MEMORY_WRITABLE_SHARED_MEMORY_REGION_H_ 7 8 #include "base/macros.h" 9 #include "base/memory/platform_shared_memory_region.h" 10 #include "base/memory/read_only_shared_memory_region.h" 11 #include "base/memory/shared_memory_mapping.h" 12 #include "base/memory/unsafe_shared_memory_region.h" 13 14 namespace base { 15 16 // Scoped move-only handle to a region of platform shared memory. The instance 17 // owns the platform handle it wraps. Mappings created by this region are 18 // writable. These mappings remain valid even after the region handle is moved 19 // or destroyed. 20 // 21 // This region can be locked to read-only access by converting it to a 22 // ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion. However, unlike ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion and 23 // UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion, ownership of this region (while writable) is unique 24 // and may only be transferred, not duplicated. 25 class BASE_EXPORT WritableSharedMemoryRegion { 26 public: 27 using MappingType = WritableSharedMemoryMapping; 28 // Creates a new WritableSharedMemoryRegion instance of a given 29 // size that can be used for mapping writable shared memory into the virtual 30 // address space. 31 static WritableSharedMemoryRegion Create(size_t size); 32 33 // Returns a WritableSharedMemoryRegion built from a platform handle that was 34 // taken from another WritableSharedMemoryRegion instance. Returns an invalid 35 // region iff the |handle| is invalid. CHECK-fails if the |handle| isn't 36 // writable. 37 // This should be used only by the code passing handles across process 38 // boundaries. 39 static WritableSharedMemoryRegion Deserialize( 40 subtle::PlatformSharedMemoryRegion handle); 41 42 // Extracts a platform handle from the region. Ownership is transferred to the 43 // returned region object. 44 // This should be used only for sending the handle from the current 45 // process to another. 46 static subtle::PlatformSharedMemoryRegion TakeHandleForSerialization( 47 WritableSharedMemoryRegion region); 48 49 // Makes the region read-only. No new writable mappings of the region can be 50 // created after this call. Returns an invalid region on failure. 51 static ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion ConvertToReadOnly( 52 WritableSharedMemoryRegion region); 53 54 // Makes the region unsafe. The region cannot be converted to read-only after 55 // this call. Returns an invalid region on failure. 56 static UnsafeSharedMemoryRegion ConvertToUnsafe( 57 WritableSharedMemoryRegion region); 58 59 // Default constructor initializes an invalid instance. 60 WritableSharedMemoryRegion(); 61 62 // Move operations are allowed. 63 WritableSharedMemoryRegion(WritableSharedMemoryRegion&&); 64 WritableSharedMemoryRegion& operator=(WritableSharedMemoryRegion&&); 65 66 // Destructor closes shared memory region if valid. 67 // All created mappings will remain valid. 68 ~WritableSharedMemoryRegion(); 69 70 // Maps the shared memory region into the caller's address space with write 71 // access. The mapped address is guaranteed to have an alignment of 72 // at least |subtle::PlatformSharedMemoryRegion::kMapMinimumAlignment|. 73 // Returns a valid WritableSharedMemoryMapping instance on success, invalid 74 // otherwise. 75 WritableSharedMemoryMapping Map() const; 76 77 // Same as above, but maps only |size| bytes of the shared memory block 78 // starting with the given |offset|. |offset| must be aligned to value of 79 // |SysInfo::VMAllocationGranularity()|. Returns an invalid mapping if 80 // requested bytes are out of the region limits. 81 WritableSharedMemoryMapping MapAt(off_t offset, size_t size) const; 82 83 // Whether underlying platform handles are valid. 84 bool IsValid() const; 85 86 // Returns the maximum mapping size that can be created from this region. 87 size_t GetSize() const { 88 DCHECK(IsValid()); 89 return handle_.GetSize(); 90 } 91 92 // Returns 128-bit GUID of the region. 93 const UnguessableToken& GetGUID() const { 94 DCHECK(IsValid()); 95 return handle_.GetGUID(); 96 } 97 98 private: 99 explicit WritableSharedMemoryRegion( 100 subtle::PlatformSharedMemoryRegion handle); 101 102 subtle::PlatformSharedMemoryRegion handle_; 103 104 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WritableSharedMemoryRegion); 105 }; 106 107 } // namespace base 108 109 #endif // BASE_MEMORY_WRITABLE_SHARED_MEMORY_REGION_H_ 110